diff --git a/docs/concepts_application_discovery.md b/docs/concepts_application_discovery.md
index d1cc7e4389..8842be5a2e 100644
--- a/docs/concepts_application_discovery.md
+++ b/docs/concepts_application_discovery.md
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ A variant on the packet-capture technique described previously is to apply a fil
 Apply a capture-filter on the LAN-side `device-interface`, and set the filter to `udp port 53`. Because DNS transactions are small (two packets), and because they are infrequent, this filter can be left in place for a long time before the capture file is harvested.
-After running tests, retrieve the file from the system for post-processing. We have had success using the `dnsanon` tool to extract the contents of a PCAP file into a text file containing the DNS queries. The `dnsanon` tool can be found at https://ant.isi.edu/software/dnsanon/.
+After running tests, retrieve the file from the system for post-processing. We have had success using the `dnsanon` tool to extract the contents of a PCAP file into a text file containing the DNS queries. 
 The `dnsanon` tool is open source software and is not supported. Use at your own risk.
diff --git a/docs/wan_migration_to_mist.md b/docs/wan_migration_to_mist.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/wan_migration_to_mist.md
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+title: Migrating a Router to Mist
+sidebar_label: Migrating a Router to Mist
+This document explains the process of migrating a Conductor-managed router to a Mist-managed environment. 
+## Prerequisites
+- The conductor and router are running version 3.7.0 or newer of the [Mist WAN Assurance plugin](release_notes_wan_assurance_plugin_3.7.md). 
+- The router was previously onboarded and connected to the Mist cloud using the [ZTP Onboarding to a Conductor workflow](config_wan_assurance.md). 
+- For HA routers, each node should have a direct connection to the Mist cloud.
+- The router must be online and connected to the cloud for the migration process to be initiated.
+- The router is running a cloud-ready installation of SSR software, such as V6.0.0 or greater. 
+- The router configuration must be re-created on the Mist cloud.
+- The Mist cloud configuration should have the necessary components for establishing a successful cloud connection post migration.
+The migration operation will be service impacting.
+## Migrating a Standalone Router
+Use the following steps to perform the migration. 
+#### 1. Login 
+1. Login to the Conductor as `root`. 
+2. SSH to the router from the conductor.
+3. Use the `harware-bootstrapper migrator` to perform the migration process. The options for using the script are shown below:
+Usage: python -m hardware-bootstrapper migrator [OPTIONS]
+  migrate the device from conductor managed to mist managed
+  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
+  -l, --log-dir PATH   Log directory
+  --verify             Only verify if device is migratable
+  --dry-run            Perform a dry run. Log instead of making changes
+  -f, --force          Skip confirmation
+  --help               Show this message and exit.
+#### 2. Run the Compatibility Check
+This check verifies that the router is compatible for migration to Mist.
+[root@t133-dut2 centos]# /usr/libexec/hardwareBootstrapper128t migrator --verify
+Verifying 128T is up
+Validing reverse ssh
+Validing mist agent state
+only verify flag present. Exiting
+#### 3. Run the Migrator
+Once you initiate this command, expect a loss of connectivity to the router from the conductor. The migrator runs system checks, and then asks whether to proceed. 
+1. Run the command `/usr/libexec/hardwareBootstrapper128t migrator`
+2. The migrator runs system checks, and then asks whether to proceed. 
+3. Enter Y to proceed. 
+[root@t133-dut2 centos]# /usr/libexec/hardwareBootstrapper128t migrator
+Verifying 128T is up
+Validing reverse ssh
+Validing mist agent state
+WARNING: This tool could break connection to your conductor and/or MIST. Only run this command if you know what you are doing.
+Proceed? (y/n)
+Cleaning migration backup directory
+Backing up file: /etc/128technology/global.init to /etc/128T-hardware-bootstrapper/migration-backups
+Backing up file: /etc/128technology/local.init to /etc/128T-hardware-bootstrapper/migration-backups
+Backing up file: /etc/128T-hardware-bootstrapper/config.json to /etc/128T-hardware-bootstrapper/migration-backups
+Backing up file: /etc/udev/rules.d/128-persistent-net.rules to /etc/128T-hardware-bootstrapper/migration-backups
+invalid format returned for interfaces: 17
+unable to find device map. using default: {'ethernet': [{'type': 'WAN', 'name': 'ge-0-0', 'description': '', 'bcpNetwork': {'standaloneBranch': {'name': 'lan1'}}, 'pciAddress': '0000:00:03.0', 'vmbusId': None}, {'type': 'LAN', 'name': 'ge-0-1', 'description': '', 'bcpNetwork': {'standaloneBranch': {'name': 'lan2'}}, 'pciAddress': '0000:00:04.0', 'vmbusId': None}, {'type': 'HASync', 'name': 'ge-0-2', 'description': '', 'bcpNetwork': {'standaloneBranch': {'name': 'lan3'}}, 'pciAddress': '0000:00:05.0', 'vmbusId': None}, {'type': 'HAFabric', 'name': 'ge-0-3', 'description': '', 'bcpNetwork': {'standaloneBranch': {'name': 'lan4'}}, 'pciAddress': '0000:00:06.0', 'vmbusId': None}]}
+invalid format returned for interfaces: 17
+Writing linux udev rules
+Removing conductor address from global.init
+Stopping and disabling salt-minion service
+Populating Hardware Config
+Restarting 128T-mist-agent service
+#### 4. Unassign the Router from the Mist Site
+1. Log in to your Mist Org.
+2. Go to WAN Edges Inventory.
+![Show Device](/img/mist-migration-unassign1.png)
+3. Select your device.
+4. From the More dropdown, select Assign to Site.
+![Assign to Site](/img/mist-migration-unassign3.png)
+5. In the Assign WAN Edges dialog, use the Site dropdown to select Unassigned. This unassigns your router from your conductor managed site. 
+![Select Unassigned](/img/mist-migration-unassign4.png)
+6. Select the Organization, and choose WAN Edge Templates from the pull out menu. 
+![WAN Edge Templates](/img/mist-migration-unassign5.png)
+7. Select the `Standalone_SSR_Migration` template from the list.
+8. Click the Assign to Sites button.
+9. Select your site from the list of sites, and click apply.
+![Assign to Site](/img/mist-migration2.png)
+10. From the Organization menu, select Inventory.
+11. Choose your site.
+12. Assign the device for migration back to your site and select `Manage configuration with Mist`.
+![Manage with Mist](/img/mist-migration-unassign6.png)
+#### 5. Installation
+The device starts installing the necessary cloud components to become a Mist-managed device. The SSR restarts several times during the process. 
+You are not able to remote SSH into the device from the conductor until the migration is complete. 
+If the SSR is currently running a package-based 6.x install, it will not be converted to image-based until the next upgrade.
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index 6e9657053c..e14137e333 100644
--- a/sidebars.js
+++ b/sidebars.js
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ module.exports = {
+      "wan_migration_to_mist",
     "Administration": [
diff --git a/static/img/mist-migration-unassign1.png b/static/img/mist-migration-unassign1.png
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index 0000000000..7844669e24
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mist-migration-unassign3.png differ
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index 0000000000..788acad6f9
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index 0000000000..10081e728f
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mist-migration-unassign5.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d4fc49b6a
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index 0000000000..90c3e66b78
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mist-migration2.png differ