diff --git a/plugins/scaleway/api_key.go b/plugins/scaleway/api_key.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ac6d54fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scaleway/api_key.go
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+package scaleway
+import (
+	"context"
+	"os"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/importer"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/provision"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema/credname"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema/fieldname"
+func APIKey() schema.CredentialType {
+	return schema.CredentialType{
+		Name:          credname.APIKey,
+		DocsURL:       sdk.URL("https://www.scaleway.com/en/docs/identity-and-access-management/iam/how-to/create-api-keys"),
+		ManagementURL: sdk.URL("https://console.scaleway.com/iam/api-keys"),
+		Fields: []schema.CredentialField{
+			{
+				Name:                fieldname.AccessKeyID,
+				MarkdownDescription: "The ID of the API Key used to authenticate to Scaleway.",
+				Secret:              false,
+				Composition: &schema.ValueComposition{
+					Length: 20,
+					Prefix: "SCW",
+					Charset: schema.Charset{
+						Uppercase: true,
+						Digits:    true,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			{
+				Name:                fieldname.SecretAccessKey,
+				MarkdownDescription: "The secret access key used to authenticate to Scaleway.",
+				Secret:              true,
+				Composition: &schema.ValueComposition{
+					Length: 36,
+					Charset: schema.Charset{
+						Lowercase: true,
+						Digits:    true,
+						Specific:  []rune{'-'},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			{
+				Name:                fieldname.DefaultOrganization,
+				MarkdownDescription: "The default organization ID to use for this access key.",
+				Secret:              false,
+				Composition: &schema.ValueComposition{
+					Length: 36,
+					Charset: schema.Charset{
+						Lowercase: true,
+						Digits:    true,
+						Specific:  []rune{'-'},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			{
+				Name:                fieldname.DefaultRegion,
+				MarkdownDescription: "The default region to use for this access key.",
+				Optional:            true,
+			},
+			{
+				Name:                fieldname.DefaultZone,
+				MarkdownDescription: "The default zone to use for this access key.",
+				Optional:            true,
+			},
+		},
+		DefaultProvisioner: provision.EnvVars(defaultEnvVarMapping),
+		Importer: importer.TryAll(
+			importer.TryEnvVarPair(defaultEnvVarMapping),
+			TryScalewayConfigFile(),
+		)}
+var defaultEnvVarMapping = map[string]sdk.FieldName{
+	"SCW_ACCESS_KEY":              fieldname.AccessKeyID,
+	"SCW_SECRET_KEY":              fieldname.SecretAccessKey,
+	"SCW_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ID": fieldname.DefaultOrganization,
+	"SCW_DEFAULT_REGION":          fieldname.DefaultRegion,
+	"SCW_DEFAULT_ZONE":            fieldname.DefaultZone,
+func TryScalewayConfigFile() sdk.Importer {
+	file := os.Getenv("SCW_CONFIG_PATH")
+	if file == "" {
+		file = "~/.config/scw/config.yaml"
+	}
+	return importer.TryFile(file, func(ctx context.Context, contents importer.FileContents, in sdk.ImportInput, out *sdk.ImportAttempt) {
+		var config Config
+		if err := contents.ToYAML(&config); err != nil {
+			out.AddError(err)
+			return
+		}
+		for profileName, profile := range config.Profiles {
+			profileFields := make(map[sdk.FieldName]string)
+			profileFields[fieldname.AccessKeyID] = profile.AccessKey
+			profileFields[fieldname.SecretAccessKey] = profile.SecretKey
+			if profile.DefaultOrganizationID != "" {
+				profileFields[fieldname.DefaultOrganization] = profile.DefaultOrganizationID
+			}
+			if profile.DefaultRegion != "" {
+				profileFields[fieldname.DefaultRegion] = profile.DefaultRegion
+			}
+			if profile.DefaultZone != "" {
+				profileFields[fieldname.DefaultZone] = profile.DefaultZone
+			}
+			out.AddCandidate(sdk.ImportCandidate{
+				Fields:   profileFields,
+				NameHint: importer.SanitizeNameHint(profileName),
+			})
+		}
+	})
+type Config struct {
+	Profiles              map[string]Profile `yaml:"profiles"`
+type Profile struct {
+	AccessKey             string `yaml:"access_key"`
+	SecretKey             string `yaml:"secret_key"`
+	DefaultOrganizationID string `yaml:"default_organization_id"`
+	DefaultRegion         string `yaml:"default_region"`
+	DefaultZone           string `yaml:"default_zone"`
diff --git a/plugins/scaleway/api_key_test.go b/plugins/scaleway/api_key_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..616121eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scaleway/api_key_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package scaleway
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/plugintest"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema/fieldname"
+func TestAPIKeyImporter(t *testing.T) {
+	plugintest.TestImporter(t, APIKey().Importer, map[string]plugintest.ImportCase{
+		"Environment variables": {
+			Environment: map[string]string{
+				"SCW_SECRET_KEY":              "d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example",
+				"SCW_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ID": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example",
+				"SCW_DEFAULT_REGION":          "fr-par",
+				"SCW_DEFAULT_ZONE":            "fr-par-1",
+			},
+			ExpectedCandidates: []sdk.ImportCandidate{
+				{
+					Fields: map[sdk.FieldName]string{
+						fieldname.AccessKeyID:         "SCWSYXTFI97NSEXAMPLE",
+						fieldname.SecretAccessKey:     "d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example",
+						fieldname.DefaultOrganization: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example",
+						fieldname.DefaultRegion:       "fr-par",
+						fieldname.DefaultZone:         "fr-par-1",
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		"SCW default config file location": {
+			Files: map[string]string{
+				"~/.config/scw/config.yaml": plugintest.LoadFixture(t, "simple.yaml"),
+			},
+			ExpectedCandidates: []sdk.ImportCandidate{
+				{
+					Fields: map[sdk.FieldName]string{
+						fieldname.AccessKeyID:         "SCWSYXTFI97NSEXAMPLE",
+						fieldname.SecretAccessKey:     "d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example",
+						fieldname.DefaultOrganization: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example",
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		"SCW config file with optional settings": {
+			Files: map[string]string{
+				"~/.config/scw/config.yaml": plugintest.LoadFixture(t, "optional.yaml"),
+			},
+			ExpectedCandidates: []sdk.ImportCandidate{
+				{
+					Fields: map[sdk.FieldName]string{
+						fieldname.AccessKeyID:         "SCWSYXTFI97NSEXAMPLE",
+						fieldname.SecretAccessKey:     "d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example",
+						fieldname.DefaultOrganization: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example",
+						fieldname.DefaultRegion:       "fr-par",
+						fieldname.DefaultZone:         "fr-par-1",
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+func TestAPIKeyProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
+	plugintest.TestProvisioner(t, APIKey().DefaultProvisioner, map[string]plugintest.ProvisionCase{
+		"default": {
+			ItemFields: map[sdk.FieldName]string{
+				fieldname.AccessKeyID:         "SCWSYXTFI97NSEXAMPLE",
+				fieldname.SecretAccessKey:     "d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example",
+				fieldname.DefaultOrganization: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example",
+				fieldname.DefaultRegion:       "fr-par",
+				fieldname.DefaultZone:         "fr-par-1",
+			},
+			ExpectedOutput: sdk.ProvisionOutput{
+				Environment: map[string]string{
+					"SCW_ACCESS_KEY":              "SCWSYXTFI97NSEXAMPLE",
+					"SCW_SECRET_KEY":              "d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example",
+					"SCW_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ID": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example",
+					"SCW_DEFAULT_REGION":          "fr-par",
+					"SCW_DEFAULT_ZONE":            "fr-par-1",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	})
diff --git a/plugins/scaleway/plugin.go b/plugins/scaleway/plugin.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23f3b4d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scaleway/plugin.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package scaleway
+import (
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema"
+func New() schema.Plugin {
+	return schema.Plugin{
+		Name: "scaleway",
+		Platform: schema.PlatformInfo{
+			Name:     "Scaleway",
+			Homepage: sdk.URL("https://scaleway.com"),
+		},
+		Credentials: []schema.CredentialType{
+			APIKey(),
+		},
+		Executables: []schema.Executable{
+			ScalewayCLI(),
+		},
+	}
diff --git a/plugins/scaleway/scw.go b/plugins/scaleway/scw.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c94ae86aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scaleway/scw.go
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package scaleway
+import (
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/needsauth"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema"
+	"github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk/schema/credname"
+func ScalewayCLI() schema.Executable {
+	return schema.Executable{
+		Name:    "Scaleway CLI",
+		Runs:    []string{"scw"},
+		DocsURL: sdk.URL("https://www.scaleway.com/en/cli"),
+		NeedsAuth: needsauth.IfAll(
+			needsauth.NotForHelpOrVersion(),
+			needsauth.NotWithoutArgs(),
+			needsauth.NotWhenContainsArgs("-c"),
+			needsauth.NotWhenContainsArgs("--config"),
+		),
+		Uses: []schema.CredentialUsage{
+			{
+				Name: credname.APIKey,
+			},
+		},
+	}
diff --git a/plugins/scaleway/test-fixtures/optional.yaml b/plugins/scaleway/test-fixtures/optional.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73b4e51c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scaleway/test-fixtures/optional.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+secret_key: d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example
+default_organization_id: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example
+default_region: fr-par
+default_zone: fr-par-1
diff --git a/plugins/scaleway/test-fixtures/simple.yaml b/plugins/scaleway/test-fixtures/simple.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce0b02001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scaleway/test-fixtures/simple.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+secret_key: d9b67b48-873c-8ece-8270-e1e15example
+default_organization_id: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-55555example
diff --git a/sdk/schema/fieldname/names.go b/sdk/schema/fieldname/names.go
index d8cebacf3..39f4b50ad 100644
--- a/sdk/schema/fieldname/names.go
+++ b/sdk/schema/fieldname/names.go
@@ -4,56 +4,59 @@ import "github.com/1Password/shell-plugins/sdk"
 // Credential field names.
 const (
-	APIHost         = sdk.FieldName("API Host")
-	APIKey          = sdk.FieldName("API Key")
-	APIKeyID        = sdk.FieldName("API Key ID")
-	APISecret       = sdk.FieldName("API Secret")
-	AccessKeyID     = sdk.FieldName("Access Key ID")
-	AccessToken     = sdk.FieldName("Access Token")
-	Account         = sdk.FieldName("Account")
-	AccountID       = sdk.FieldName("Account ID")
-	AccountSID      = sdk.FieldName("Account SID")
-	Address         = sdk.FieldName("Address")
-	AppKey          = sdk.FieldName("App Key")
-	AppSecret       = sdk.FieldName("App Secret")
-	AppToken        = sdk.FieldName("App Token")
-	AuthToken       = sdk.FieldName("Auth Token")
-	Authtoken       = sdk.FieldName("Authtoken")
-	Cert            = sdk.FieldName("Cert")
-	Certificate     = sdk.FieldName("Certificate")
-	ClientSecret    = sdk.FieldName("Client Secret")
-	ClientToken     = sdk.FieldName("Client Token")
-	Credential      = sdk.FieldName("Credential")
-	Credentials     = sdk.FieldName("Credentials")
-	Database        = sdk.FieldName("Database")
-	DefaultRegion   = sdk.FieldName("Default Region")
-	Email           = sdk.FieldName("Email")
-	Endpoint        = sdk.FieldName("Endpoint")
-	Host            = sdk.FieldName("Host")
-	HostAddress     = sdk.FieldName("Host Address")
-	Key             = sdk.FieldName("Key")
-	MFASerial       = sdk.FieldName("MFA Serial")
-	Mode            = sdk.FieldName("Mode")
-	Namespace       = sdk.FieldName("Namespace")
-	OneTimePassword = sdk.FieldName("One-Time Password")
-	OrgID           = sdk.FieldName("Org ID")
-	OrgURL          = sdk.FieldName("Org URL")
-	Organization    = sdk.FieldName("Organization")
-	Password        = sdk.FieldName("Password")
-	Port            = sdk.FieldName("Port")
-	PublicKey       = sdk.FieldName("Public Key")
-	PrivateKey      = sdk.FieldName("Private Key")
-	ProjectID       = sdk.FieldName("Project ID")
-	Project         = sdk.FieldName("Project")
-	Region          = sdk.FieldName("Region")
-	Secret          = sdk.FieldName("Secret")
-	SecretAccessKey = sdk.FieldName("Secret Access Key")
-	Subdomain       = sdk.FieldName("Subdomain")
-	Token           = sdk.FieldName("Token")
-	URL             = sdk.FieldName("URL")
-	User            = sdk.FieldName("User")
-	Username        = sdk.FieldName("Username")
-	Website         = sdk.FieldName("Website")
+	APIHost             = sdk.FieldName("API Host")
+	APIKey              = sdk.FieldName("API Key")
+	APIKeyID            = sdk.FieldName("API Key ID")
+	APISecret           = sdk.FieldName("API Secret")
+	AccessKeyID         = sdk.FieldName("Access Key ID")
+	AccessToken         = sdk.FieldName("Access Token")
+	Account             = sdk.FieldName("Account")
+	AccountID           = sdk.FieldName("Account ID")
+	AccountSID          = sdk.FieldName("Account SID")
+	Address             = sdk.FieldName("Address")
+	AppKey              = sdk.FieldName("App Key")
+	AppSecret           = sdk.FieldName("App Secret")
+	AppToken            = sdk.FieldName("App Token")
+	AuthToken           = sdk.FieldName("Auth Token")
+	Authtoken           = sdk.FieldName("Authtoken")
+	Cert                = sdk.FieldName("Cert")
+	Certificate         = sdk.FieldName("Certificate")
+	ClientSecret        = sdk.FieldName("Client Secret")
+	ClientToken         = sdk.FieldName("Client Token")
+	Credential          = sdk.FieldName("Credential")
+	Credentials         = sdk.FieldName("Credentials")
+	Database            = sdk.FieldName("Database")
+	DefaultRegion       = sdk.FieldName("Default Region")
+	DefaultOrganization = sdk.FieldName("Default Organization")
+	DefaultZone         = sdk.FieldName("Default Zone")
+	Email               = sdk.FieldName("Email")
+	Endpoint            = sdk.FieldName("Endpoint")
+	Host                = sdk.FieldName("Host")
+	HostAddress         = sdk.FieldName("Host Address")
+	Key                 = sdk.FieldName("Key")
+	MFASerial           = sdk.FieldName("MFA Serial")
+	Mode                = sdk.FieldName("Mode")
+	Namespace           = sdk.FieldName("Namespace")
+	OneTimePassword     = sdk.FieldName("One-Time Password")
+	OrgURL              = sdk.FieldName("Org URL")
+	Organization        = sdk.FieldName("Organization")
+	Password            = sdk.FieldName("Password")
+	Port                = sdk.FieldName("Port")
+	PublicKey           = sdk.FieldName("Public Key")
+	PrivateKey          = sdk.FieldName("Private Key")
+	Region              = sdk.FieldName("Region")
+	Secret              = sdk.FieldName("Secret")
+	SecretAccessKey     = sdk.FieldName("Secret Access Key")
+	Subdomain           = sdk.FieldName("Subdomain")
+	Token               = sdk.FieldName("Token")
+	URL                 = sdk.FieldName("URL")
+	User                = sdk.FieldName("User")
+	Username            = sdk.FieldName("Username")
+	Website             = sdk.FieldName("Website")
 func ListAll() []sdk.FieldName {
@@ -81,6 +84,8 @@ func ListAll() []sdk.FieldName {
+		DefaultOrganization,
+		DefaultZone,
@@ -107,4 +112,5 @@ func ListAll() []sdk.FieldName {