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1Strategy AWS RDS starter templates

This set of templates are a complete set of CloudFormation templates to build out a AWS RDS instances in a secure manner by provisioning an SSM parameter and encrypting it with an KMS key. A password is randomly generated and placed in the encrypted SSM parameter and also applied to the RDS instance as the master password.

Please see the diagram for a visual representation of the resources provisioned.

AWS RDS Starter Solutions

Since AWS RDS suppports for provisioning various engine types, three solutions were created to support the specific demands of each engine type. Therefore, Aurora, SQL Sever, and Open Source (mysql, mariadb, and postgresql) databases have their own folder. The solutions are extremely similiar but do require different parameters depending on the database engine chosen.

AWS RDS Starter Template Parameters

To deploy this AWS RDS template, you'll need to provide several parameters depending on which database engine chosen.

Parameter Description Example Required for Aurora Required for SQL Server Required for Open Source Databases
AllocatedStorage The allocated storage size, specified in gigabytes (GB) 20 No Yes Yes
AllowMajorVersionUpgrade If you update the EngineVersion property to a version that's different from the DB instance's current major version, set this property to true. False Yes Yes Yes
AutoMinorVersionUpgrade Indicates that minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window. The default value is true. True Yes Yes Yes
BackupRetentionPeriod The number of days during which automatic DB snapshots are retained. 7 Yes Yes Yes
DBInstanceClass The name of the compute and memory capacity classes of the DB instance. db.t2.medium Yes Yes Yes
DBName The name of the database inside the instance. mysqldb Yes No Yes
DBClusterIdentifier Name of the database cluster. auroracluster Yes No No
Engine The name of the database engine to be used for this instance. mysql Yes Yes Yes
DBSubnetGroupName A DB subnet group to associate with the DB instance. default-vpc-85fe97e3 Yes Yes Yes
VPCSecurityGroups Specifies if the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment. sg-dfca07a2, sg-a7c805da Yes Yes Yes
MasterUsername The master user name for the DB instance. mysql-master Yes Yes Yes
MultiAZ Specifies if the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment. True No Yes* Yes
SSMParameterName Parameter name under which to store the master password for the RDS instace. RDSMasterPassword Yes Yes Yes
IAMRoleName Name of the IAM Role that should be used when creating the IAM Role that Lambda functions will be assuming. RDS-Starter-Template-LambdaExecutionRole Yes Yes Yes
IAMManagedPolicyName Name of the IAM policy that will be created that allows users to decrypt SSM RDS Master password parameter. GrantUsageKMSKey Yes Yes Yes
RDSInstanceTemplateURL RDS Instance Nested Stack Template URL Yes Yes Yes

*SQL Server Express and Web Editions are not eligible for Multi-AZ. In this case, the parameter is ignored.

Each database engine has diverse limitations, such as the ability to deploy Multi-AZ, storage requirements, and instance class requirements. The solutions was designed accomodate majority of these requirements and limitation. However, I would strongly suggest referencing the RDS API reference to fully understand all limitations of each database engine.

To make it easier to specify these parameters on the command line, you can use the example Parameters files included in the parameters/ directory in each of the solutions.

How to Deploy

NOTE: The following shows how to deploy open-source RDS instance but the process to provision Aurora and or SQL Server is the same.


  1. If you'd like to deploy this stack via the command line, you'll need the AWS CLI.
  2. Create or identify an S3 bucket that can be utilized to store cloudformation artifacts.

Package Solution

You will need to first package the cloudfomration template since it is using serverless-application-model (SAM). An already provisioned S3 bucket has to be specified in order to have a place to store CloudFormation artifacts. More details here:

aws cloudformation package --template-file ./opensource-rds-starter-template.yml --s3-bucket  pavelyarema-s3bucket --output-template-file ./packaged-opensource-rds-starter-template.yml

Once packaged, the rest of the commands should be referencing the newly generated "packaged" CloudFormation template.

Validate/Lint Stack

aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://packaged-opensource-rds-starter-template.yml

Deploy Stack

You will need to verify you have the appropriate parameters file for the AWS Region and account/environment you want to deploy to. See ./parameters/<region>/<acct>.parameters. For example parameters/us-west-2/dev.parameters.

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged-opensource-rds-starter-template.yml --stack-name sam --parameter-overrides $(cat ./parameters/us-west-2/dev.parameters)  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Update Stack

To update the stack, repackage the cloudformation template and the run the "aws cloudformation deploy" command again.

aws cloudformation package --template-file ./opensource-rds-starter-template.yml --s3-bucket  pavelyarema-s3bucket --output-template-file ./packaged-opensource-rds-starter-template.yml

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged-opensource-rds-starter-template.yml --stack-name sam --parameter-overrides $(cat ./parameters/us-west-2/dev.parameters)  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Template Outputs/Exports

AWS CloudFormation supports exporting Resource names and properties. You can import these Cross-Stack References in other templates.

In each solutions, the RDS instance template (executed as a nested stack from the rds-starter-template) exports the following values for use in other CloudFormaton templates. Each export (except in the SQL Server solution) is prefixed with the Stack Name, Engine, and DBName. In the SQL Server solution, the exports are prefixed with only Stack Name and Engine. For example, if you name the stack "rdsmysql", running "mysql" engine and specify the DBName to be "mysqldb" when you launch it, the RDS instance endpoint will be exported as "rdsmysql-mysql-mysqldb-endpoint". If you name the stack "sqlserver", running "sqlserver-ex", the RDS endpoint will be "sqlserver-sqlserver-ex-endpoint".

Open-Source Databases Export Values:

Export Description Example
DBEndpoint The connection endpoint for the database.
DBInstanceIdentifier RDS Instance ID ss1c00eft3fv646
DBPort The port number on which the database accepts connections. 3306

Aurora Export Values

Export Description Example
DBEndpoint The connection endpoint for the database.
DBInstanceIdentifier RDS Instance ID ss1c00eft3fv646
DBPort The port number on which the database accepts connections. 3306
RREndpoint The connection endpoint for the read-replica database. ""
RRInstanceIdentifier Read-replica RDS Instance ID ""
RRPort The port number on which the read-replica database accepts connections. ""

SQL Server Export Values:

SQL Server Express and Web Editions

Export Description Example
DBInstanceIdentifierLowerEditions The connection endpoint for the database.
DBEndpointLowerEditions RDS Instance ID ss1c00eft3fv646
DBPortLowerEditions The port number on which the database accepts connections. 1433

SQL Server Enteprise and Standard Editions

Export Description Example
DBInstanceIdentifierHigherEditions The connection endpoint for the database.
DBEndpointHigherEditions RDS Instance ID ss1c00eft3fv646
DBPortHigherEditions The port number on which the database accepts connections. 1433


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


CloudFormation template to create a RDS instances securely







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