Ein Gelehrter in seinem Laboratorium ist nicht nur ein Techniker; er steht auch vor den Naturgesetzen wie ein Kind vor der Märchenwelt. - Marie Curie
This program constructs a gnuplot program call from individual voltage measurements, which has been optimized for inclusion in documents. The plot thus represents a snapshot of a digital oscilloscope screen and
the program calculates the optimal axis scaling in t-y mode and the default configuration file for gnuplot can easily be extended to perform measurement interpolation, signal analysis, or anything else.
Currently two channels are supported in one graphic.
The project can be built by using make
You need a working gnuplot installation with version >=5.0
You need raw data from your oscilloscope in the following form:
Voltage value in volts
Voltage value in volts
Voltage value in volts
The header contains the channel and the time resolution in seconds as e-notation in the form: #CHX, time resolution.
The raw data should be stored as ASCII text and the basic gnuplot config file is in /src
This program by Michael Krause is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3.
Please note that gnuplot is an independent software that is not from the gpOskar author. gnuplot has its own licensing terms.
Jeremy Heighway for mentoring English grammar and spelling.