diff --git a/system/modules/admin/install/migrations/20240218223900-InboxRemoveTable.php b/system/modules/admin/install/migrations/20240218223900-InboxRemoveTable.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b196444cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/modules/admin/install/migrations/20240218223900-InboxRemoveTable.php
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ $this->dropTable('inbox_message');
+ //Clear out the related user roles
+ $this->w->db->delete('user_role')->where('role', 'inbox_sender')->execute();
+ $this->w->db->delete('user_role')->where('role', 'inbox_reader')->execute();
+ }
+ public function down(): void
+ {
+ }
+ public function description() {
+ return 'Remove inbox table and roles';
+ }
diff --git a/system/modules/admin/models/NotificationService.php b/system/modules/admin/models/NotificationService.php
index 31a9ec66d..c6fecb542 100644
--- a/system/modules/admin/models/NotificationService.php
+++ b/system/modules/admin/models/NotificationService.php
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class NotificationService extends DbService
const TYPE_EMAIL = 'email';
- const TYPE_INBOX = 'inbox';
* Sends a notification to a user
@@ -36,12 +35,6 @@ public function send(string $subject, string $module, string $template_name, Use
$output = TemplateService::getInstance($this->w)->render($template, $template_data);
switch ($method) {
- case NotificationService::TYPE_INBOX:
- if (Config::get('inbox.active') === true) {
- InboxService::getInstance($this->w)->addMessage($subject, $output, $recipient_user->id, null, null, false);
- }
- break;
case NotificationService::TYPE_EMAIL:
@@ -126,8 +119,7 @@ public function getUserPreferences(User $user)
public function getAvailableNotificationMethods()
return [
- NotificationService::TYPE_EMAIL,
- NotificationService::TYPE_INBOX
+ NotificationService::TYPE_EMAIL
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/allread.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/allread.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f66d7a955..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/allread.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- $w->msg("All messages marked as read.","/inbox/index");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/archive.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/archive.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b92b4f2e3..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/archive.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- $type = $p['type'];
- $check = explode(",",$p['arr']);
- if ($check[0] == "on"){
- unset($check[0]);
- }
- foreach($check as $message){
- $mess_obj = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($message);
- $mess_obj->is_archived = 1;
- $mess_obj->dt_archived = time();
- $mess_obj->is_new= 0;
- $mess_obj->update();
- }
- $w->msg("Message(s) Archived","/inbox/". ($type == "new" ? "" : $type));
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/delete.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/delete.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 61e4a2b1c..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/delete.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-pathMatch("type", "arr");
- $check = explode(",", $p['arr']);
- if ($check[0] == "on") {
- unset($check[0]);
- }
- foreach ($check as $message) {
- $mess_obj = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($message);
- $mess_obj->is_deleted = 1;
- $mess_obj->is_new=0;
- // $mess_obj->dt_archived = time();
- $mess_obj->update();
- }
- $w->msg("Message(s) Deleted", "/inbox/" . ($p['type'] == "new" ? "" : $p['type']));
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/deleteforever.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/deleteforever.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c64256f1e..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/deleteforever.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- $check = explode(",", $p['arr']);
- if ($check[0] == "on") {
- unset($check[0]);
- }
- foreach ($check as $message) {
- $mess_obj = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($message);
- $mess_obj->del_forever = 1;
- // $mess_obj->dt_archived = time();
- $mess_obj->update();
- }
- $w->msg("Message(s) Deleted", "/inbox/trash");
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/index.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/index.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ae984a02..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-navigation($w,"New Messages");
- // Get current page number
- $p = $w->pathMatch('num');
- $num = !empty($p['num']) ? $p['num'] : 1;
- // Get count of messages and the messages for current page
- $new_total = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getNewMessageCount();
- $new = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessages($num-1,40,AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id,1);
- // Make new message table
- $header = array("", "Subject", "Date", "Sender");
- $data = array();
- foreach ($new as $q => $in) {
- $data[] = array(
- "",
- Html::a(WEBROOT."/inbox/view/new/".$in->id,"".$in->subject.""),
- $in->getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i"),
- ($in->sender_id ? $in->getSender()->getFullName() : "")
- );
- }
- $w->ctx('new_table', Html::table($data,null,"tablesorter",$header));
- $w->ctx('pgnum',$num);
- $w->ctx("newtotal",$new_total);
- $w->ctx("new",$new);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/read.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/read.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 23cee6006..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/read.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-navigation($w,"Read Messages");
- $p = $w->pathMatch('num');
- $num = $p['num'];
- $num ? $num : $num = 1;
- $read = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessages($num-1,40,AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id,0);
- $read_total = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getReadMessageCount(AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id);
- $table_header = array("","Subject","Date","Sender");
- $table_data = array();
- foreach ($read as $q => $in) {
- $table_data[] = array(
- "",
- Html::a(WEBROOT."/inbox/view/read/".$in->id,$in->subject),
- $in->getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i"),
- ($in->sender_id ? $in->getSender()->getFullName() : "")
- );
- }
- $w->ctx("read_table", Html::table($table_data, null, "tablesorter", $table_header));
- $w->ctx('pgnum',$num);
- $w->ctx("readtotal",$read_total);
- $w->ctx("read",$read);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/send.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/send.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 0629c684a..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/send.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-navigation($w, "Create Message");
-function send_POST(Web &$w)
- $p = $w->pathMatch('id');
- if (Request::int("receiver_id") > 0) {
- if ($p['id']) {
- // For reply function
- $mess = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($p['id']);
- InboxService::getInstance($w)->addMessage(Request::string("subject"), Request::string("message"), Request::int("receiver_id"), null, $p['id']);
- $mess->has_parent = 1;
- $mess->update();
- } else {
- // To generate test data cause im lazy
- $receiver_id = Request::int("receiver_id");
- $subject = Request::string("subject");
- $message = Request::string("message");
- if ($receiver_id && $subject) {
- InboxService::getInstance($w)->addMessage($subject, $message, $receiver_id);
- }
- }
- $w->msg("Message Sent.", "/inbox/index");
- } else {
- $w->error("You must enter a message recipient.", "/inbox/send/" . $p['id']);
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/showarchive.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/showarchive.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f85b03448..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/showarchive.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-navigation($w, "Archive");
- $p = $w->pathMatch('num');
- $num = $p['num'] ? $p['num'] : 1;
- $new_arch = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessages($num - 1, 40, AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id, 1, 1);
- $arch = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessages($num - 1, 40, AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id, 0, 1);
- $arch_count = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getArchCount(AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id);
- $table_header = array("", "Subject", "Date", "Sender");
- $table_data = array();
- if (!empty($new_arch)) {
- foreach ($new_arch as $q) {
- $table_data[] = array(
- "",
- Html::a(WEBROOT . "/inbox/view/new/" . $q->id, "" . $q->subject . ""),
- "" . $q->getDate("dt_created", "d/m/Y H:i") . "",
- "" . ($q->sender_id ? $q->getSender()->getFullName() : "") . ""
- );
- }
- }
- if (!empty($arch)) {
- foreach ($arch as $q) {
- $table_data[] = array(
- "",
- Html::a(WEBROOT . "/inbox/view/read/" . $q->id, $q->subject),
- "" . $q->getDate("dt_created", "d/m/Y H:i") . "",
- "" . ($q->sender_id ? $q->getSender()->getFullName() : "") . ""
- );
- }
- }
- $w->ctx("arch_table", Html::table($table_data, null, "tablesorter", $table_header));
- $w->ctx('pgnum', $num);
- $w->ctx("readtotal", $arch_count);
-// $w->ctx("new_arch", $new_arch);
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/trash.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/trash.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 0715d6f0d..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/trash.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-navigation($w, 'Bin');
- $p = $w->pathMatch('num');
- $num = $p['num'] ? $p['num'] : 1;
- $read_del = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessages($num - 1, 40, AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id, 0, 0, 1);
- //$new_del = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessages(0,100,AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id,1,0,1);
- $del_count = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getDelMessageCount();
- $table_header = array("", "Subject", "Date", "Sender");
- $table_data = array();
- if (!empty($read_del)) {
- foreach ($read_del as $q) {
- $table_data[] = array(
- "",
- Html::a(WEBROOT . "/inbox/view/" . $q->id, $q->subject),
- $q->getDate("dt_created", "d/m/Y H:i"),
- ($q->sender_id ? $q->getSender()->getFullName() : "")
- );
- }
- }
- $w->ctx("del_table", Html::table($table_data, null, "tablesorter", $table_header));
- $w->ctx('del_count', $del_count);
- $w->ctx('pgnum', $num);
- $w->ctx('readdel', $read_del);
- //$w->ctx('newdel',$new_del);
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/actions/view.php b/system/modules/inbox/actions/view.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e3d272054..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/actions/view.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-navigation($w,"Message View");
- $p = $w->pathMatch("type","id");
- $msg = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($p['id']);
- if (!$msg) {
- $w->error("No such message.");
- }
- if ($msg->user_id != AuthService::getInstance($w)->user()->id) {
- $w->error("No access.");
- }
- $msg->is_new = 0;
- $msg->dt_read = time();
- $msg->update();
- $w->ctx("message",$msg);
- $w->ctx("type",$p['type']);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/config.php b/system/modules/inbox/config.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9222aad7b..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/config.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- false,
- 'path' => 'system/modules',
- 'topmenu' => true,
- 'hooks' => ['admin', 'inbox'],
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/help/inbox_toc.help b/system/modules/inbox/help/inbox_toc.help
deleted file mode 100755
index ef89c9b35..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/help/inbox_toc.help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-[[title|Inbox Overview]]
-Flow has an internal messaging system, similar to email. You can send messages to other users in Flow, however these messages
-do not go out to an email address, but stay internal to Flow (so they get delivered a lot faster!).
-Your [[help|inbox/index|inbox]] is the core of this messaging system. It shows you all messages that you have received, new ones and 'read' ones.
-You can [[help|inbox/send|create messages]] and send them to other users.
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/help/index.help b/system/modules/inbox/help/index.help
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f7f6ce65..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/help/index.help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Your inbox lists all messages from other users of Flow or system notifications.
-A system notification will be sent from other parts in the system where you are
-subscribed to receive such notifications, eg. if you are an Operations Admin you will
-be notified in the case of important changes to any jobs that are assigned to your
-The inbox shows all new messages, but only the last 10 read messages. To mark all messages
-as 'read' click [[button|Mark all read]].
-You can also [[help|inbox/send|send messages]] to other people in Flow by clicking [[button|Create Message]].
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/help/send.help b/system/modules/inbox/help/send.help
deleted file mode 100755
index d9290bbba..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/help/send.help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-[[title|Sending a message]]
-To send a message to another user in Flow, please select the receiver name by typing the first few characters into the
-[[formfield|To]] field which will show you a list of names from which can then choose one.
-Please always type a subject line and then your message.
-Clicking [[button|send]] will send your message to the [[help|inbox/index|inbox]] of the user you have selected.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/help/test_extra.help b/system/modules/inbox/help/test_extra.help
deleted file mode 100755
index c0bd685ab..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/help/test_extra.help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[[title|This is a test]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/inbox.hooks.php b/system/modules/inbox/inbox.hooks.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 5b68554ad..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/inbox.hooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-addMessage("An account has changed", $message, $account->creator_id);
-// }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/inbox.roles.php b/system/modules/inbox/inbox.roles.php
deleted file mode 100755
index d7d3167e0..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/inbox.roles.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "index") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "view") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "allread") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "archive") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "delete") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "deleteforever") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "showarchive") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "trash") ||
- $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, "read");
-function role_inbox_sender_allowed(Web $w, $path) {
- return $w->checkUrl($path, "inbox", null, '*'); //preg_match("/inbox(-.*)?\//",$path);
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/install/migrations/20151113122946-InboxInitialMigration.php b/system/modules/inbox/install/migrations/20151113122946-InboxInitialMigration.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da31a900..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/install/migrations/20151113122946-InboxInitialMigration.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- ->setType('biginteger')
- ->setIdentity(true);
- /**
- */
- if (!$this->hasTable('inbox')) {
- $this->table('inbox', [
- 'id' => false,
- 'primary_key' => 'id'
- ])->addColumn($column)
- ->addColumn('user_id', 'biginteger')
- ->addColumn('sender_id', 'biginteger', ['null' => true])
- ->addColumn('subject', 'string', ['limit' => 255,'null' => true])
- ->addColumn('message_id', 'biginteger', ['null' => true])
- ->addColumn('dt_read', 'datetime', ['null' => true])
- ->addColumn('is_new', 'boolean', ['default' => 1])
- ->addColumn('dt_archived', 'datetime', ['null' => true])
- ->addColumn('is_archived', 'boolean', ['default' => 1])
- ->addColumn('parent_message_id', 'biginteger', ['null' => true])
- ->addColumn('has_parent', 'boolean', ['default' => 0])
- ->addColumn('del_forever', 'boolean', ['default' => 0])
- ->addCmfiveParameters(['creator_id', 'modifier_id', 'dt_modified'])
- ->create();
- }
- /**
- */
- if (!$this->hasTable('inbox_message')) {
- $this->table('inbox_message', [
- 'id' => false,
- 'primary_key' => 'id'
- ])->addColumn($column)
- ->addColumn('message', 'text', ['null' => true])
- ->addColumn('digest', 'string', ['limit' => 255,'null' => true])
- ->create();
- }
- }
- public function down() {
- $this->hasTable('inbox') ? $this->dropTable('inbox') : null;
- $this->hasTable('inbox_messages') ? $this->dropTable('inbox_message') : null;
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/models/Inbox.php b/system/modules/inbox/models/Inbox.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 17768024f..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/models/Inbox.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-message_id !== null && !$this->_message) {
- $msg = $this->getObject("Inbox_message", $this->message_id);
- if ($msg) {
- $this->_message = $msg->message;
- }
- }
- return $this->_message;
- }
- function getSender() {
- if (null !== $this->sender_id) {
- return AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->getUser($this->sender_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- function getParentMessage() {
- if (!$this->parent_message_id == 0) {
- $message = $this->getMessage($this->parent_message_id);
- $message_arr[$this->parent_message_id] = $message;
- $message->getParentMessage();
- }
- return $message;
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/models/InboxService.php b/system/modules/inbox/models/InboxService.php
deleted file mode 100755
index bea5272df..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/models/InboxService.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- if (!$user_id) {
- $user_id = $logged_in ? AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id : null;
- }
- if (!$sender_id) {
- $sender_id = $logged_in ? AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id : null;
- }
- if (!is_a($message, "DbObject")) {
- $mso = new Inbox_message($this->w);
- $mso->message = $message;
- $mso->insert();
- } else {
- $mso = $message;
- }
- $msg = new Inbox($this->w);
- $msg->user_id = $user_id;
- $msg->parent_message_id = $parent_id;
- $msg->subject = $subject;
- if ($sender_id) {
- $msg->sender_id = $sender_id;
- }
- $msg->message_id = $mso->id;
- $msg->dt_created = time();
- $msg->is_new = 1;
- $msg->is_archived = 0;
- $msg->insert();
- }
- function sendMail($to, $cc, $bcc, $from, $replyto, $subject, $message) {
- LogService::getInstance($this->w)->info("Inbox service is asserting retired mail system");
- $mailconf = Config::get('inbox.phpmailer');//$this->w->moduleConf("inbox", "phpmailer");
- if ($mailconf) {
- require_once('PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php');
- $mail = new PHPMailer();
- $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
- $mail->Host = $mailconf['Host']; // SMTP server
- $mail->SMTPDebug = 1; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
- // 1 = errors and messages
- // 2 = messages only
- $mail->SMTPAuth = $mailconf['SMTPAuth']; // enable SMTP authentication
- $mail->SMTPSecure = $mailconf['SMTPSecure']; // sets the prefix to the servier
- $mail->Host = $mailconf['Host']; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server
- $mail->Port = $mailconf['Port']; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
- $mail->Username = $mailconf['Username']; // GMAIL username
- $mail->Password = $mailconf['Password']; // GMAIL password
- if ($from) {
- $mail->SetFrom($from);
- } else {
- $mail->SetFrom($mailconf['Username']);
- }
- if ($replyto) {
- $mail->AddReplyTo($replyto);
- }
- if ($subject) {
- $mail->Subject = $subject;
- }
- if ($message) {
- $mail->AltBody = $message; // optional, comment out and test
- $mail->MsgHTML($message);
- }
- // add TO address(es)
- if ($to != null && is_array($to)) {
- foreach ($to as $a) {
- $mail->AddAddress($a);
- }
- } elseif ($to) {
- $mail->AddAddress($to);
- }
- // add CC address(es)
- if ($cc != null && is_array($cc)) {
- foreach ($cc as $a) {
- $mail->AddCC($a);
- }
- } elseif ($cc) {
- $mail->AddCC($cc);
- }
- // add BCC address(es)
- if ($bcc != null && is_array($bcc)) {
- foreach ($bcc as $a) {
- $mail->AddBCC($a);
- }
- } elseif ($bcc) {
- $mail->AddBCC($bcc);
- }
- try {
- if (!$mail->Send()) {
- $this->w->error("Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo, "/main/index");
- return false;
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->w->error("Mailer Error: " . $e, "/main/index");
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- function inboxCountMarker() {
- $user_id = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id;
- $count_messages = $this->_db->get("inbox")->where("user_id", $user_id)->where("is_new", 1)->where("is_deleted", 0)->count();
- return ($count_messages > 0) ? "" . $count_messages . "" : "";
- }
- function getMessages($page, $page_size, $user_id, $is_new, $is_arch = 0, $is_del = 0, $has_parent = 0) {
- $offset = $page * $page_size;
- $rows = $this->_db->get("inbox")->where("user_id", $user_id)
- ->where("is_new", $is_new)->where("is_deleted", $is_del)
- ->where("has_parent", $has_parent)->where("del_forever", 0);
- if ($is_arch !== 0 and $is_del !== 1) {
- $rows->where("is_archived", $is_arch);
- }
- $rows->orderBy("dt_created")->limit($offset, $page_size);
- return $this->fillObjects("Inbox", $rows->fetchAll());
- }
- function getDelMessageCount() {
- $user_id = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id;
- return $this->_db->get('inbox')->where("is_deleted", 1)->where("user_id", $user_id)
- ->where("del_forever", 0)->count();
- }
- function getNewMessageCount() {
- // Get logged in user
- $user_id = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->User()->id;
- if (empty($user_id)) {
- return 0;
- }
- // Get number of messages PROPERLY
- $count = $this->_db->get('inbox')->where('is_deleted', 0)->where('is_new', 1)
- ->where('is_archived', 0)->where("user_id", $user_id)
- ->where("del_forever", 0)->count();
- return $count;
- }
- function getReadMessageCount() {
- // Get logged in user
- $user_id = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->User()->id;
- if (empty($user_id)) {
- return 0;
- }
- // Get number of messages PROPERLY
- $count = $this->_db->get('inbox')->where('is_deleted', 0)->where('is_new', 0)
- ->where('is_archived', 0)->where("user_id", $user_id)
- ->where("del_forever", 0)->count();
- return $count;
- }
- function getArchCount() {
- $user_id = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id;
- $new_count = $this->_db->get('inbox')->where("is_deleted", 0)->where("is_new", 1)
- ->where("is_archived", 1)->where("user_id", $user_id)
- ->where("del_forever", 0)->count();
- $arch_count = $this->_db->get('inbox')->where("is_deleted", 0)->where("is_new", 0)
- ->where("is_archived", 1)->where("user_id", $user_id)
- ->where("del_forever", 0)->count();
- return ($new_count + $arch_count);
- }
- function getMessage($id) {
- return $this->getObject("Inbox", $id);
- }
- function notifyRoleUsers($role, $subject, $message, $sender_id = null) {
- $users = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->getUsersForRole($role);
- // no notification for current user:
- $logged_uid = AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id;
- while (!is_null($key = key($users))) {
- if ($users[$key]->id == $logged_uid)
- unset($users[$key]);
- next($users);
- }
- // notify the rest:
- if ($users) {
- $mso = new Inbox_message($this->w);
- $mso->message = $message;
- $mso->insert();
- foreach ($users as $u) {
- $this->addMessage($subject, $mso, $u->id, $sender_id);
- }
- }
- }
- function markAllMessagesRead() {
- return $this->_db->update("inbox", array("is_new" => 0, "dt_read" => formatDate(time(), "Y-m-d H:i:s")))
- ->where("user_id", AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->user()->id)->where("is_new", 1)->execute();
- }
- public function navigation(Web $w, $title = null, $nav = null) {
- if ($title) {
- $w->ctx("title", $title);
- }
- $nav = $nav ? $nav : array();
- if (AuthService::getInstance($w)->loggedIn()) {
- $w->menuLink("inbox", "New Messages", $nav);
- $w->menuLink("inbox/read", "Read Messages", $nav);
- $w->menuLink("inbox/showarchive", "Archive", $nav);
- $w->menuLink("inbox/trash", "Bin", $nav);
- }
- $w->ctx("navigation", $nav);
- return $nav;
- }
- function menuLink() {
- return AuthService::getInstance($this->w)->allowed("/inbox",
- Html::a($this->w->localUrl("/inbox"), "Inbox" . $this->inboxCountMarker(), "Inbox", "current active")
- );
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/models/Inbox_message.php b/system/modules/inbox/models/Inbox_message.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 681dfa8a5..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/models/Inbox_message.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-digest = sha1($this->message ?? '');
- parent::insert();
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/models/Sms.php b/system/modules/inbox/models/Sms.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 4031a6b06..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/models/Sms.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- // always store a fresh line item
- $this->dt_created = null;
- $this->creator_id = null;
- $this->id = null;
- $this->insert();
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/sql/inbox.db.php b/system/modules/inbox/sql/inbox.db.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 7701d00bc..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/sql/inbox.db.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/index.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/index.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 5424aecc7..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/index.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-user()->allowed("/inbox/send")) {
- echo Html::b($webroot."/inbox/send","Create Message",null,'createmessagebutton');
-$button = new \Html\button();
-if (!empty($new)) {
- echo $button->id('archivebutton')->text("Archive")->onclick("sendArch()")->__toString(); // print "";
- echo $button->id('deletebutton')->text("Delete")->onclick("deleteMessage()")->__toString(); // print "";
- echo Html::b($w->localUrl("/inbox/allread"),"Mark all read","Are you sure to mark all messages as read?",'markallreadbutton');
-if (!empty($new)) {
- // Print table
- echo $new_table;
- $last_page = ceil($newtotal/40);
- $minPage = ($pgnum*1)-5;
- ($minPage <= 0) ? $minPage = 1 : '';
- $maxPage = ($pgnum*1)+5;
- ($maxPage > $last_page) ? $maxPage = $last_page : '';
- if ($last_page > 1){
- print "
- if($pgnum > 1){
- print "Prev |  ";
- }
- for($i=$minPage;$i<=$maxPage;$i++){
- if ($pgnum == $i){
- print "*".$i."* |  ";
- } else {
- print "".$i." |  ";
- }
- }
- if ($pgnum < $last_page && $last_page !== 1){
- print "Next |  ";
- }
- print "
- }
-} else {
- $url = $webroot."/inbox/read";
- print "
No new messages, click here to go to your read messages.";
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/portal.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/portal.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 841f3016d..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/portal.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- if ($new) {
- $newqlines = array(array("Subject","Date","Sender"));
- $total_new_count = 0;
- foreach ($new as $q => $in) {
- $line = array();
- $line[]=Html::a(WEBROOT."/inbox/view/new/".$in->id,"".$in->subject."");;
- $line[]="".$in->getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i")."";
- $line[]="".($in->sender_id ? $in->getSender()->getFullName() : "")."";
- $newqlines[]=$line;
- }
- $inbox = Html::table($newqlines,null,"tablesorter",false);
- }
- else {
- $url = $webroot."/inbox/read";
- $inbox = "No new messages";
- }
- return $inbox;
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/read.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/read.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b2df4f54e..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/read.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-user()->allowed("/inbox/send")) {
- echo Html::b($webroot."/inbox/send","Create Message",null,'createmessagebutton');
-$button = new \Html\button();
-if (!empty($read)) {
- echo $button->id('archivebutton')->text("Archive")->onclick("sendArch()")->__toString(); // print "";
- echo $button->id('deletebutton')->text("Delete")->onclick("deleteMessage()")->__toString(); // print "";
-if ($read) {
- echo $read_table;
- $last_page = ceil($readtotal/40);
- $minPage = ($pgnum*1)-5;
- ($minPage <= 0) ? $minPage = 1 : '';
- //print $minPage . "\n";
- $maxPage = ($pgnum*1)+5;
- ($maxPage > $last_page) ? $maxPage = $last_page : '';
- //print $maxPage . "\n";
- //exit();
- if ($last_page > 1){
- print "";
- if($pgnum > 1){
- print "Prev |  ";
- }
- for($i=$minPage;$i<=$maxPage;$i++){
- if ($pgnum == $i){
- print "*".$i."* |  ";
- } else {
- print "".$i." |  ";
- }
- }
- if ($pgnum < $last_page && $last_page !== 1){
- print "Next |  ";
- }
- print "
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/send.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/send.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 26f7ccdc8..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/send.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-$messageid = $p['id'];
-if ($messageid){
- $message = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($messageid);
- $parent_id = $message->parent_message_id;
- //print $parent_id;
- if ($parent_id){
- print "";
- print "
Previous Messages
- $counter = 1;
- print "
Message sent by: " . AuthService::getInstance($w)->getUser($message->sender_id)->getFullname() . " on: " . $message->getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i") . "
- print $message->getMessage();
- print "
- while (!$parent_id == 0 || !$parent_id == null){
- if ($counter % 2 != 0){
- $bgcolor = "#ddd";
- } else {
- $bgcolor = "white";
- }
- $parent_message = InboxService::getInstance($w)->getMessage($parent_id);
- print "
Message sent by: " . AuthService::getInstance($w)->getUser($parent_message->sender_id)->getFullname() . " on: " . $parent_message->getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i") . "
- print $parent_message->getMessage();
- print "
- $parent_id = $parent_message->parent_message_id ? $parent_message->parent_message_id : null;
- $counter++;
- }
- print "
- }
- // print_r($message);
- $lines = array(
- array("","section"),
- array("To","autocomplete","receiver_id",$message->sender_id,AuthService::getInstance($w)->getUsers()),
- array("Subject","text","subject",'Re:'.$message->subject),
- array("","section"),
- array("","textarea","message",null,120,10),
- );
- print Html::form($lines,WEBROOT."/inbox/send/".$messageid,"POST","Send");
- if (isset($message_arr)){
- foreach($message_arr as $mes){
- print_r($mes);
- }
- }
-} else {
- $lines = array(
- array("Send a Message","section"),
- array("To","autocomplete","receiver_id",null,AuthService::getInstance($w)->getUsers()),
- array("Subject","text","subject"),
- array("","textarea","message",null,120,10),
- );
- print Html::form($lines,WEBROOT."/inbox/send","POST","Send");
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/showarchive.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/showarchive.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index a9ee36bad..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/showarchive.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-id('deletebutton')->text("Delete")->onclick("deleteMessage()")->__toString(); // print "";
-if (!empty($arch_table)) {
- echo $arch_table;
-} else {
- echo "
There are no archived messages";
-$last_page = ceil($readtotal / 40);
-$minPage = ($pgnum * 1) - 5;
-($minPage <= 0) ? $minPage = 1 : '';
-//print $minPage . "\n";
-$maxPage = ($pgnum * 1) + 5;
-($maxPage > $last_page) ? $maxPage = $last_page : '';
-//print $maxPage . "\n";
-if ($last_page > 1) {
- print "";
- if ($pgnum > 1) {
- print "Prev |  ";
- }
- for ($i = $minPage; $i <= $maxPage; $i++) {
- if ($pgnum == $i) {
- print "*" . $i . "* |  ";
- } else {
- print "" . $i . " |  ";
- }
- }
- if ($pgnum < $last_page && $last_page !== 1) {
- print "Next |  ";
- }
- print "
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/trash.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/trash.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 2e1684a4b..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/trash.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-id('deleteforevorbutton')->text("Delete Forever")->onclick("deleteMessage()")->__toString(); // print "";
- echo $del_table;
-} else {
- echo "
No deleted messages.";
-$last_page = ceil($del_count / 40);
-$minPage = ($pgnum * 1) - 5;
-($minPage <= 0) ? $minPage = 1 : '';
-//print $minPage . "\n";
-$maxPage = ($pgnum * 1) + 5;
-($maxPage > $last_page) ? $maxPage = $last_page : '';
-//print $maxPage . "\n";
-if ($last_page > 1) {
- print "";
- if ($pgnum > 1) {
- print "Prev |  ";
- }
- for ($i = $minPage; $i <= $maxPage; $i++) {
- if ($pgnum == $i) {
- print "*" . $i . "* |  ";
- } else {
- print "" . $i . " |  ";
- }
- }
- if ($pgnum < $last_page && $last_page !== 1) {
- print "Next |  ";
- }
- print "
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/templates/view.tpl.php b/system/modules/inbox/templates/view.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b966a81a2..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/templates/view.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-user()->allowed("/inbox/send")) {
- echo $w->menuButton("inbox/send/"."$message->id","Reply",$empty,'replybutton');
- }
- $empty=[];
- echo $w->menuButton("inbox/archive/".$type."/".$message->id,"Archive",$empty,'archivebutton');
- $empty=[];
- echo $w->menuButton("inbox/delete/".$type."/".$message->id,"Delete",$empty,'deletebutton');
From: sender_id ? $message->getSender()->getFullName() : "Unknown"; ?>
- Subject: subject; ?>
- Date Sent: getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i"); ?>
-getMessage(); ?>
-if ($parent_id) : ?>
Previous Messages
- getMessage($parent_id); ?>
Message sent by: getUser($parent_message->sender_id)->getFullname(); ?> on: " . $parent_message->getDate("dt_created","d/m/Y H:i") . "
- getMessage(); ?>
- parent_message_id ? $parent_message->parent_message_id : null;
- $counter++;
- } ?>
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/tests/acceptance/InboxModuleCest.php b/system/modules/inbox/tests/acceptance/InboxModuleCest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 74391be32..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/tests/acceptance/InboxModuleCest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- $myFirstName = $I->getAdminFirstName();
- $myLastName = $I->getAdminLastName();
- $myFullName = $myFirstName." ".$myLastName;
- // test validation for missing to address
- $I->clickCmfiveNavbar($I,'Inbox','Inbox');
- $I->click('#createmessagebutton');
- $I->see('Send a message');
- $I->click('.savebutton');
- $I->acceptPopup();
- // test access restrictions
- $I->createUser($I,'inboxreader','password','inboxreader','jones','fred@jones.com', ['user','inbox_reader']);
- $I->logout($I);
- $I->login($I,'inboxreader','password');
- $I->clickCmfiveNavbar($I,'Inbox','Inbox');
- $I->dontSee('#createmessagebutton');
- $I->logout($I);
- $I->loginAsAdmin($I);
- // send myself some messages
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'test message','content of test message');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'another test message','content of another test message');
- $row=$I->findMessage($I,'another test message');
- $context='.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$row.')';
- // view message and check that it moves to the Read list
- $I->click($context." a");
- $I->see('content of another test message');
- // is message now in read list
- $row=$I->findMessage($I,'another test message',"Read Messages");
- // archive message and check that it moves to the Archive list
- $I->checkOption('.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$row.') input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->click('#archivebutton');
- $row=$I->findMessage($I,'another test message',"Archive");
- // delete message and check that it moves to the Bin list
- $context='.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$row.')';
- $I->checkOption($context.' input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->click('#deletebutton');
- $row=$I->findMessage($I,'another test message',"Bin");
- // really delete message and check that it is removed
- $context='.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$row.')';
- $I->checkOption($context.' input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->click('#deleteforevorbutton');
- $I->assertTrue($I->countVisibleMessages($I,'Bin') == 0);
- // create a user fred, login and send a message to admin
- $I->createUser($I,'fred','password','fred','jones','fred@jones.com', ['user','inbox_reader','inbox_sender']);
- // system notifications
- // $I->findMessage($I,'An account has changed','Inbox');
- $I->logout($I);
- $I->login($I,'fred','password');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'test message from fred','content of test message');
- $I->logout($I);
- $I->loginAsAdmin($I);
- // does admin see the message
- $row= $I->findMessage($I,'test message from fred');
- // view message and replytest message from fred
- $I->click('.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$row.') a');
- $I->click('#replybutton');
- // see prefilled reply user
- $user=$I->grabValueFrom('input[id="acp_receiver_id"]');
- $subject=$I->grabValueFrom('input[id="subject"]');
- $I->assertEquals(trim($user),"fred jones");
- // Re: in subject
- $I->assertEquals(trim($subject),"Re:test message from fred");
- $I->fillForm($I,[
- 'rte:message'=>'thanks fred'
- ]);
- $I->click('.savebutton');
- $I->logout($I);
- $I->login($I,'fred','password');
- $I->findMessage($I,'Re:test message from fred','Inbox');
- $I->logout($I);
- $I->loginAsAdmin($I);
- // now test multiple archive delete pathway
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'tm1','tm1');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'tm2','tm2');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'tm3','tm3');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'tm4','tm4');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'tm5','tm5');
- $I->inboxCreateMessage($I,$myFullName,'tm6','tm6');
- // multi archive
- $tm1=$I->findMessage($I,'tm1','Inbox');
- $tm3=$I->findMessage($I,'tm3','Inbox');
- $I->checkOption('.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$tm1.') input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->checkOption('.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$tm3.') input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->click('#archivebutton');
- $I->findMessage($I,'tm1','Archive');
- $I->findMessage($I,'tm3','Archive');
- // multi delete
- $tm2=$I->findMessage($I,'tm2','Inbox');
- $tm4=$I->findMessage($I,'tm4','Inbox');
- $I->checkOption('.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$tm2.') input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->checkOption('.tablesorter tbody tr:nth-child('.$tm4.') input[type="checkbox"]');
- $I->click('#deletebutton');
- $I->findMessage($I,'tm2','Bin');
- $I->findMessage($I,'tm4','Bin');
- // mark all read
- $I->clickCmfiveNavbar($I,'Inbox','Inbox');
- $I->skipConfirmation($I);
- $I->click('#markallreadbutton');
- //$I->acceptPopup();
- $I->findMessage($I,'tm5','Read Messages');
- $I->findMessage($I,'tm6','Read Messages');
- }
diff --git a/system/modules/inbox/tests/acceptance/helpers/CmfiveInboxModule.php b/system/modules/inbox/tests/acceptance/helpers/CmfiveInboxModule.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 358d771a6..000000000
--- a/system/modules/inbox/tests/acceptance/helpers/CmfiveInboxModule.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- $I->click('#createmessagebutton');
- $I->see('Send a message');
- $I->fillForm([
- 'autocomplete:receiver_id'=>$to,
- 'subject'=>$subject,
- 'rte:message'=>$message
- ]);
- $I->click('Send');
- $I->see('Message Sent');
- }
- /**
- * Count the number of messages in the inbox
- */
- public function countVisibleMessages($I,$listType='Inbox') { // $listType can be New Messages(same as Inbox), Read Messages, Archive, Bin
- $I->clickCmfiveNavbar($I,'Inbox',$listType);
- return count($I->grabMultiple('.tablesorter tbody tr'));
- }
- /**
- * Search for a message with matching title
- *
- * @return boolean(false) || integer(row number)
- */
- public function findMessage($I,$title,$listType='Inbox') { // $listType can be New Messages(Inbox), Read Messages, Archive, Bin
- $I->clickCmfiveNavbar($I,'Inbox',$listType);
- $row = $I->findTableRowMatching(2,$title);
- if ($row===false) {
- $I->fail('Cannot see message matching - '.$title,' in '.$listType);
- }
- return $row;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/modules/main/tests/unit/MainModuleUnit.php b/system/modules/main/tests/unit/MainModuleUnit.php
index 2b9f325f9..6f701d864 100644
--- a/system/modules/main/tests/unit/MainModuleUnit.php
+++ b/system/modules/main/tests/unit/MainModuleUnit.php
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ public function testSingleton()
$favourite1 = FavoriteService::getInstance($w);
$file1 = FileService::getInstance($w);
$form1 = FormService::getInstance($w);
- // $inbox1 = InboxService::getInstance($w);
$main1 = MainService::getInstance($w);
$report1 = ReportService::getInstance($w);
$search1 = SearchService::getInstance($w);
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ public function testSingleton()
// $this->assertNotNull($inbox1->_db);
- // $inbox2 = InboxService::getInstance($w);
// $inbox1->_db = null;
// $this->assertNull($inbox2->_db);