diff --git a/internal/config/config.yaml b/.alert-menta.user.yaml
similarity index 66%
rename from internal/config/config.yaml
rename to .alert-menta.user.yaml
index 9571dd2..c03cb38 100644
--- a/internal/config/config.yaml
+++ b/.alert-menta.user.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
-    mode: True
     log_level: debug
-  owner: "pacificbelt30"
-  repo: "alert-menta"
   provider: "openai" # "openai" or "vertexai"
@@ -19,11 +14,11 @@ ai:
     - describe:
-        description: "Describe the GitHub Issues"
-        system_prompt: "The following is the GitHub Issue and comments on it. Please summarize the conversation and suggest what issues need to be resolved.\n"
-    - improve:
-        description: "Improve the GitHub Issues"
-        system_prompt: "The following is the GitHub Issue and comments on it. Please identify the issues that need to be resolved based on the contents of the Issue and provide three suggestions for improvement."
+        description: "Generate a detailed description of the Issue."
+        system_prompt: "The following is the GitHub Issue and comments on it. Please Generate a detailed description.\n"
+    - suggest:
+        description: "Provide suggestions for improvement based on the contents of the Issue."
+        system_prompt: "The following is the GitHub Issue and comments on it. Please identify the issues that need to be resolved based on the contents of the Issue and provide three suggestions for improvement.\n"
     - ask:
-        description: "Ask a question about the GitHub Issue"
-        system_prompt: "The following is the GitHub Issue and comments on it. Based on the content provide a detailed response to the following question:\n"
\ No newline at end of file
+        description: "Answer free-text questions."
+        system_prompt: "The following is the GitHub Issue and comments on it. Based on the content provide a detailed response to the following question:\n"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/alert-menta.yaml b/.github/workflows/alert-menta.yaml
index 338fc18..d42452b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/alert-menta.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/alert-menta.yaml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-name: Reacts to specific labels
-run-name: ${{ github.actor }} is testing out GitHub Actions 🚀
+name: "Alert-Menta: Reacts to specific commands"
+run-name: LLM responds to issues against the repository.🚀
-  issues:
-    types: [labeled] # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#issues
+  issue_comment:
+    types: [created]
-  Issue_Reaction:
-    if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, '/describe') || contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, '/improve') # https://docs.github.com/ja/webhooks/webhook-events-and-payloads#issues
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 # https://docs.github.com/ja/actions/using-jobs/choosing-the-runner-for-a-job
+  Alert-Menta:
+    if: startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/describe') || startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/suggest') || startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/ask')
+    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
       issues: write
       contents: read
@@ -20,31 +20,37 @@ jobs:
         run: |
           curl -sLJO -H 'Accept: application/octet-stream' \
           "https://${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}@api.github.com/repos/3-shake/alert-menta/releases/assets/$( \
-          curl -sL "https://${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}@api.github.com/repos/3-shake/alert-menta/releases/tags/v0.0.1" \
+          curl -sL "https://${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}@api.github.com/repos/3-shake/alert-menta/releases/tags/v0.0.3" \
           | jq '.assets[] | select(.name | contains("Linux_x86")) | .id')"
           tar -zxvf alert-menta_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
-      - name: Set Command describe
-        id: describe
-        if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, '/describe')
-        run: |
-          echo "COMMAND=describe" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-      - name: Set Command improve
-        id: improve
-        if: steps.describe.conclusion == 'skipped' || contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, '/improve')
+      - name: Set Command
+        id: set_command
         run: |
-          echo "COMMAND=improve" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          COMMENT_BODY="${{ github.event.comment.body }}"
+          if [[ "$COMMENT_BODY" == /ask* ]]; then
+            COMMAND=ask
+            INTENT=${COMMENT_BODY:5}
+            echo "INTENT=$INTENT" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          elif [[ "$COMMENT_BODY" == /describe* ]]; then
+            COMMAND=describe
+          elif [[ "$COMMENT_BODY" == /suggest* ]]; then
+            COMMAND=suggest
+          fi
+          echo "COMMAND=$COMMAND" >> $GITHUB_ENV
       - name: Get user defined config file
         id: user_config
         if: hashFiles('.alert-menta.user.yaml') != ''
         run: |
-          echo "CONFIG_FILE=.alert-menta.user.yaml" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-      - name: Get default config file
-        if: steps.user_config.conclusion == 'skipped' && hashFiles('./internal/config/config.yaml') != ''
-        run: |
-          echo "CONFIG_FILE=./internal/config/config.yaml" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          curl -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}" -L -o .alert-menta.user.yaml "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}/main/.alert-menta.user.yaml" && echo "CONFIG_FILE=./.alert-menta.user.yaml" >> $GITHUB_ENV
       - name: Add Comment
         run: |
-          ./alert-menta -owner ${{ github.repository_owner }} -issue ${{ github.event.issue.number }} -repo ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }} -github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} -api-key ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }} -command $COMMAND -config $CONFIG_FILE
+          if [[ "$COMMAND" == "ask" ]]; then
+            ./alert-menta -owner ${{ github.repository_owner }} -issue ${{ github.event.issue.number }} -repo ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }} -github-token ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }} -api-key ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }} -command $COMMAND -config $CONFIG_FILE -intent $INTENT
+          else
+            ./alert-menta -owner ${{ github.repository_owner }} -issue ${{ github.event.issue.number }} -repo ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }} -github-token ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }} -api-key ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }} -command $COMMAND -config $CONFIG_FILE
+          fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmd/main.go b/cmd/main.go
index f38a589..d51dea6 100644
--- a/cmd/main.go
+++ b/cmd/main.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
+	"strings"
@@ -18,18 +19,14 @@ func main() {
 		owner       = flag.String("owner", "", "Repository owner")
 		issueNumber = flag.Int("issue", 0, "Issue number")
 		intent      = flag.String("intent", "", "Question or intent for the 'ask' command")
-		command     = flag.String("command", "", `Command to be executed by AI
-	describe: Generate a detailed description of the Issue.
-	analyze: Perform a root cause analysis based on the contents of the Issue.
-	suggest: Provide suggestions for improvement based on the contents of the Issue.
-	ask: Answer free-text questions.`)
-		configFile = flag.String("config", "./internal/config/config.yaml", "Configuration file")
-		gh_token   = flag.String("github-token", "", "GitHub token")
-		oai_key    = flag.String("api-key", "", "OpenAI api key")
+		command     = flag.String("command", "", "Commands to be executed by AI.Commands defined in the configuration file are available.")
+		configFile  = flag.String("config", "", "Configuration file")
+		gh_token    = flag.String("github-token", "", "GitHub token")
+		oai_key     = flag.String("api-key", "", "OpenAI api key")
-	if *repo == "" || *owner == "" || *issueNumber == 0 || *gh_token == "" || *oai_key == "" || *command == "" {
+	if *repo == "" || *owner == "" || *issueNumber == 0 || *gh_token == "" || *oai_key == "" || *command == "" || *configFile == "" {
@@ -40,12 +37,21 @@ func main() {
-	// Get configuration
+	// Load configuration
 	cfg, err := utils.NewConfig(*configFile)
 	if err != nil {
 		logger.Fatalf("Error creating comment: %s", err)
+	// Validate command
+	if _, ok := cfg.Ai.Commands[*command]; !ok {
+		allowedCommands := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.Ai.Commands))
+		for cmd := range cfg.Ai.Commands {
+			allowedCommands = append(allowedCommands, cmd)
+		}
+		logger.Fatalf("Invalid command: %s. Allowed commands are %s.", *command, strings.Join(allowedCommands, ", "))
+	}
 	// Create a GitHub Issues instance. From now on, you can control GitHub from this instance.
 	issue := github.NewIssue(*owner, *repo, *issueNumber, *gh_token)
 	if issue == nil {
@@ -70,8 +76,8 @@ func main() {
 	// Get comments under the Issue and add them to the user prompt except for comments by Actions.
 	images := []ai.Image{}
-	comments, _ := issue.GetComments()
-	if err != nil || comments == nil {
+	comments, err := issue.GetComments()
+	if err != nil {
 		logger.Fatalf("Error getting comments: %v", err)
 	for _, v := range comments {
@@ -102,7 +108,6 @@ func main() {
 	var system_prompt string
 	if *command == "ask" {
 		if *intent == "" {
-			log.SetOutput(os.Stdout)
 			logger.Println("Error: intent is required for 'ask' command")