diff --git a/docs/DEV-README.html b/docs/DEV-README.html index 53cf188..4d18536 100644 --- a/docs/DEV-README.html +++ b/docs/DEV-README.html @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@R CMD build sos4R; R CMD check --as-cran sos4R_<version number>.tar.gz
should have no errors, warnings, or notesrevdepcheck::revdep_check()
for checking reverse dependenciesrevdepcheck::revdep_check()
for checking reverse dependencies
and devtools::check_win_devel()
for testing Windows using CRAN infrastructurevignettes/sos4R-vignette-01-quickstart.Rmd
getObservation(sos = mySOS, offering = off.1,
@@ -416,9 +416,9 @@
#> [.sosRequest_1.0.0] ... done.
#> [.sosRequest_1.0.0] RESPONSE:
#> {xml_document}
-#> <ObservationCollection id="oc_1555162551773" schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/om/1.0.0/om.xsd http://www.opengis.net/sampling/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/sampling/1.0.0/sampling.xsd http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/sos/1.0.0/sosAll.xsd http://www.opengis.net/gml http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.1/base/gml.xsd http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1 http://schemas.opengis.net/sweCommon/1.0.1/swe.xsd" xmlns:om="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:sa="http://www.opengis.net/sampling/1.0" xmlns:swe="http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1">
+#> <ObservationCollection id="oc_1565356053149" schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/om/1.0.0/om.xsd http://www.opengis.net/sampling/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/sampling/1.0.0/sampling.xsd http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/sos/1.0.0/sosAll.xsd http://www.opengis.net/gml http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.1/base/gml.xsd http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1 http://schemas.opengis.net/sweCommon/1.0.1/swe.xsd" xmlns:om="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:sa="http://www.opengis.net/sampling/1.0" xmlns:swe="http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1">
#> [1] <gml:boundedBy>\n <gml:Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326 ...
-#> [2] <om:member>\n <om:Observation gml:id="o_1555162551773">\n <om:sa ...
+#> [2] <om:member>\n <om:Observation gml:id="o_1565356053149">\n <om:sa ...
#> [sos4R] Received response (object size: 784 bytes), parsing ...
#> [.getObservation_1.0.0] Got XML document as response.
#> [.getObservation_1.0.0] Parsing with function function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
#> return(.om)
#> }
-#> <bytecode: 0x4a6c148>
+#> <bytecode: 0x55709bbcac60>
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> [parseOM] Matched name for parser is om:ObservationCollection
#> [parseObservationCollection] with 1 element(s).
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
#> [parseOM] Matched name for parser is om:member
#> [parseObservationProperty] Parsing child of member: om:Observation
#> [parseOM] Matched name for parser is om:Observation
-#> [parseObservation] o_1555162551773
+#> [parseObservation] o_1565356053149
#> [parsePhenomenonProperty] with reference AthmosphericPressure
#> [parseTime] Entering
#> [parseTime] Found time period
@@ -478,14 +478,14 @@
#> .t <- as.POSIXct(x = strptime(x = x, format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos)))
#> return(.t)
#> }
-#> <bytecode: 0x518eb68>
+#> <bytecode: 0x55709c25d230>
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> [parseValues] Using converter function:
#> function(x, sos) {
#> .t <- as.POSIXct(x = strptime(x = x, format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos)))
#> return(.t)
#> }
-#> <bytecode: 0x518eb68>
+#> <bytecode: 0x55709c25d230>
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> [parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for phenomenonTime -- value range 2018-01-01 00:30:00, 2018-01-03 00:00:00
#> [parseValues] Added column name: phenomenonTime
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
#> function(x, sos) {
#> return(as.double(x = x))
#> }
-#> <bytecode: 0x53a02d8>
+#> <bytecode: 0x55709c365a80>
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> [parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for AthmosphericPressure -- value range 989, 1003
#> [parseValues] Added column name: AthmosphericPressure
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
#> [parseTime] Done: GmlTimePosition [ time: 2018-01-01 01:00:00 ]
#> [parseOM] Done parsing
#> [parseOM] Done parsing
-#> [parseObservationCollection] Done. Processed 1 elements: ws2500_AthmosphericPressure_sf_C3C3285BCF1770CA697771FA167679B0895680C2
+#> [parseObservationCollection] Done. Processed 1 elements: ws2500_AthmosphericPressure_sf_C9037B369701DDFB4E61AED09643EAB11249B5D8
#> [parseOM] Done parsing
#> [.getObservationById_1.0.0] Got OmObservationCollection ... calculating length with sosResult()[.getObservationById_1.0.0] result: list(phenomenonTime = c(1514763000, 1514763900, 1514764800, 1514766600, 1514767500, 1514768400, 1514770200, 1514771100, 1514772000, 1514773800, 1514774700, 1514775600, 1514777400, 1514778300, 1514779200, 1514781000, 1514781900, 1514783700, 1514784600, 1514785500, 1514786400, 1514788200, 1514789100, 1514790000, 1514791800, 1514792700, 1514793600, 1514795400, 1514796300, 1514797200, 1514799000, 1514799900, 1514800800, 1514802600, 1514803500, 1514804400, 1514806200, 1514807100, 1514808000, 1514809800,
#> 1514810700, 1514811600, 1514813400, 1514814300, 1514815200, 1514817000, 1514817900, 1514818800, 1514820600, 1514821500, 1514822400, 1514824200, 1514825100, 1514826000, 1514827800, 1514828700, 1514829600, 1514831400, 1514832300, 1514833200, 1514835000, 1514835900, 1514836800, 1514838600, 1514839500, 1514840400, 1514842200, 1514843100, 1514844000, 1514845800, 1514846700, 1514847600, 1514849400, 1514850300, 1514851200, 1514853000, 1514853900, 1514854800, 1514856600, 1514857500, 1514858400, 1514860200,
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
# background map:
library("maps"); library("mapdata"); library("maptools")
#> Loading required package: sp
-#> Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
-crs <- sosGetCRS(mySOS)[[1]]
-worldHigh <- pruneMap(
- map(database = "worldHires",
- region = c("Germany", "Austria", "Netherlands"),
- plot = FALSE))
-worldHigh.lines <- map2SpatialLines(worldHigh, proj4string = crs)
-# the plot:
-plot(worldHigh.lines, col = "grey50")
-plot(mySOS, add = TRUE, lwd = 3)
-title(main = paste("Offerings by '", sosTitle(mySOS), "'", sep = ""),
- sub = toString(names(sosOfferings(mySOS))))
Data Values can be extracted from observations, measurements and observation collections with the function sosResult()
. The function returns an object of class data.frame
. In the case of collections, it automatically binds the data frames (you can turn this off by adding bind = FALSE
as a parameter).
-#> o_1555162558924.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_AirTemperature_sf_B6EC41A0E69F7A2AA24F2307944A6CAB5833E952"
-#> o_1555162558928.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_RainfallAccumulated_sf_ECE82997AE34E24608C5F65A0AF685998AB3E589"
-#> o_1555162558929.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_Humidity_sf_E9852B02E184F6FFC8983743045D6A2DFF4DE520"
-#> o_1555162558930.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_AthmosphericPressure_sf_485D30222B1DA73909079C17A8C28BDF69AAA997"
-#> o_1555162558931.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_WindDirection_sf_B0E0F269253A30B1F22E9B0B5F6FFA0EE2AF8299"
-#> o_1555162558932.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_Windchill_sf_B0E0F269253A30B1F22E9B0B5F6FFA0EE2AF82991"
-#> o_1555162558933.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_Dewpoint_sf_37D74410B385F30771C191630CA14E0B0C732E58"
-#> o_1555162558934.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_Luminance_sf_71DF230CC564A88481B0304D9CCA7E82A3A6DDD9"
-#> o_1555162558935.proc_obsProp_foiID
-#> "ws2500_WindSpeed_sf_E9A612A92201ECA557D702B16B6F74CCF925AB89"
myObservationData.result.2 <- sosResult(myObservationData[[1]])
#> phenomenonTime AirTemperature
@@ -1476,24 +1479,24 @@
#> [1] "degC"
Spatial Information can be stored in an observation in several ways: (i) as a usual data attribute which is directly contained in the result data.frame
, (ii) within a feature collection in the observation. In the latter case the utility functions sosCoordinates()
and sosFeatureIds()
can be used to extract the coordinates respectively the identifiers from OmObservationCollection
or OmObservation
classes. A variety of feature types gml:Point or sa:SamplingPoint are supported by sosCoordinates()
-#> o_1555162558924
-#> "sf_B6EC41A0E69F7A2AA24F2307944A6CAB5833E952"
-#> o_1555162558928
-#> "sf_ECE82997AE34E24608C5F65A0AF685998AB3E589"
-#> o_1555162558929
-#> "sf_E9852B02E184F6FFC8983743045D6A2DFF4DE520"
-#> o_1555162558930
-#> "sf_485D30222B1DA73909079C17A8C28BDF69AAA997"
-#> o_1555162558931
-#> "sf_B0E0F269253A30B1F22E9B0B5F6FFA0EE2AF8299"
-#> o_1555162558932
-#> "sf_B0E0F269253A30B1F22E9B0B5F6FFA0EE2AF82991"
-#> o_1555162558933
-#> "sf_37D74410B385F30771C191630CA14E0B0C732E58"
-#> o_1555162558934
-#> "sf_71DF230CC564A88481B0304D9CCA7E82A3A6DDD9"
-#> o_1555162558935
-#> "sf_E9A612A92201ECA557D702B16B6F74CCF925AB89"
An observation collection also contains a bounding box of the contained observations, which can be extracted with the function sosBoundedBy()
. The optional attribute bbox
can be used to obtain a bounding box matrix as used by package sp
Another example workflow, using a KVP
-based connection.
sept15.period <- sosCreateTimePeriod(sos = mySOS,
begin = as.POSIXct("2015-09-01 00:00"),
@@ -1775,7 +1778,7 @@
## Warning in .valParser(values = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweValuesName, : No converter for the unit of measurement test_unit_1 with the definition http://www.52north.org/test/observableProperty/1 ! Trying a default, but you can add one when creating a SOS using SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions().
## [sos4R] Finished getObservation to http://sensorweb.demo.52north.org/52n-sos-webapp/sos/pox
## --> received 1 observation(s) having 12 result values [ 12 ].
@@ -465,19 +465,19 @@ Then retrieve the data with the correct type.
## phenomenonTime
-## o_1555162614958.1 2012-11-19 13:00:00
-## o_1555162614958.2 2012-11-19 13:01:00
-## o_1555162614958.3 2012-11-19 13:02:00
-## o_1555162614958.4 2012-11-19 13:03:00
-## o_1555162614958.5 2012-11-19 13:04:00
-## o_1555162614958.6 2012-11-19 13:05:00
+## o_1565356095936.1 2012-11-19 13:00:00
+## o_1565356095936.2 2012-11-19 13:01:00
+## o_1565356095936.3 2012-11-19 13:02:00
+## o_1565356095936.4 2012-11-19 13:03:00
+## o_1565356095936.5 2012-11-19 13:04:00
+## o_1565356095936.6 2012-11-19 13:05:00
## http://www.52north.org/test/observableProperty/1
-## o_1555162614958.1 1.0
-## o_1555162614958.2 1.1
-## o_1555162614958.3 1.2
-## o_1555162614958.4 1.3
-## o_1555162614958.5 1.4
-## o_1555162614958.6 1.5
+## o_1565356095936.1 1.0
+## o_1565356095936.2 1.1
+## o_1565356095936.3 1.2
+## o_1565356095936.4 1.3
+## o_1565356095936.5 1.4
+## o_1565356095936.6 1.5
The metadata of the observed property is also accessible.
## $class
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
diff --git a/docs/authors.html b/docs/authors.html
index 93c6931..dedbf3d 100644
--- a/docs/authors.html
+++ b/docs/authors.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Citation
Nüst D, Stasch C, Pebesma EJ (2011).
“Connecting R to the Sensor Web.”
In Geertman S, Reinhardt W, Toppen F (eds.), Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World, series Proceedings of AGILE, 227 - 246.
-doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-19789-5_12.
+doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-19789-5_12.
author = {Daniel Nüst and Christoph Stasch and Edzer J. Pebesma},
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Authors
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
index 0ce9581..558519f 100644
--- a/docs/index.html
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
-Client for accessing observations and sensor metadata from OGC Sensor Observation Services () • sos4R
+Client for OGC Sensor Observation Services • sos4R
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Developers
diff --git a/docs/news/index.html b/docs/news/index.html
index 27256a4..12b6a17 100644
--- a/docs/news/index.html
+++ b/docs/news/index.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -127,9 +127,17 @@ Changelog
Source: NEWS.md
+sos4R 0.3.1 Unreleased
+- Bugfix release: don’t set classes for
(requires version 1.2.2
, see #148)
diff --git a/docs/pkgdown.yml b/docs/pkgdown.yml
index cf98791..d3b9695 100644
--- a/docs/pkgdown.yml
+++ b/docs/pkgdown.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
pandoc: 2.3.1
-pkgdown_sha: 7e788c41d20ab28d4bf97556e18382391d359c9f
+pkgdown: 1.3.0
+pkgdown_sha: ~
sos4R-vignette-01-quickstart: sos4R-vignette-01-quickstart.html
sos4R-vignette-02-ogc-sos: sos4R-vignette-02-ogc-sos.html
diff --git a/docs/reference/Constants.html b/docs/reference/Constants.html
index d3f34e3..6315369 100644
--- a/docs/reference/Constants.html
+++ b/docs/reference/Constants.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Contents
diff --git a/docs/reference/Defaults.html b/docs/reference/Defaults.html
index d1cba8f..dd2f0d1 100644
--- a/docs/reference/Defaults.html
+++ b/docs/reference/Defaults.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -218,42 +218,37 @@ Examp
# }
# functions to disable all parsing
SosDisabledParsers()#> $GetCapabilities
-#> function (obj, sos)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@version == sos100_version) {
-#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities100(obj, sos)
-#> }
-#> else if (sos@version == sos200_version) {
-#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities200(obj, sos)
-#> }
+#> function(obj, sos) {
+#> if (sos@version == sos100_version){
+#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities100(obj, sos)
+#> }
+#> else if (sos@version == sos200_version){
+#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities200(obj, sos)
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $DescribeSensor
-#> function (obj)
-#> {
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj) {
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservation
-#> function (obj)
-#> {
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj) {
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservationById
-#> function (obj)
-#> {
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj) {
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`ows:ExceptionReport`
-#> function (obj)
-#> {
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj) {
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
@@ -262,893 +257,953 @@ Examp
SosParsingFunctions("ExceptionReport" = myER)
#> $ExceptionReport
-#> function (xml)
-#> {
-#> return("EXCEPTION!!!11")
+#> function(xml) {
+#> return("EXCEPTION!!!11")
#> }
-#> <environment: 0xa70fa50>
+#> <environment: 0x564ebe6e8000>
#> $GetCapabilities
-#> function (obj, sos)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@version == sos100_version) {
-#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities100(obj, sos)
-#> }
-#> else if (sos@version == sos200_version) {
-#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities200(obj, sos)
-#> }
+#> function(obj, sos) {
+#> if (sos@version == sos100_version){
+#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities100(obj, sos)
+#> }
+#> else if (sos@version == sos200_version){
+#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities200(obj, sos)
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $DescribeSensor
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Starting... \n")
-#> .id <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "uniqueID", verbose = verbose)
-#> .shortName <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "shortName", verbose = verbose)
-#> .descrNode <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj, xpath = .smlXPathDescription,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .description <- xml2::xml_text(x = .descrNode)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Got ID", .id, "and shortName", .shortName,
-#> "and description", .description, "\n")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing boundedBy from", .smlXPathObservedBBox,
-#> "\n")
-#> .observedBBox <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj, xpath = .smlXPathObservedBBox,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!is.na(.observedBBox)) {
-#> .referenceFrame <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .observedBBox,
-#> attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .llVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
-#> search = paste0(sweUpperCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .uuVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
-#> search = paste0(sweLowerCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .bb <- matrix(c(.llVector[["x"]][["value"]], .llVector[["y"]][["value"]],
-#> .uuVector[["x"]][["value"]], .uuVector[["y"]][["value"]]),
-#> ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("coords.lon", "coords.lat"),
-#> c("min", "max")))
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.bb)
-#> attributes(.bb) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Parsed bounding box: ", toString(.bb),
-#> "\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .bb <- matrix()
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] No boundedBy element found, bbox is ",
-#> .bb, "\n")
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Starting... \n")
+#> .id <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "uniqueID", verbose = verbose)
+#> .shortName <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "shortName", verbose = verbose)
+#> .descrNode <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = .smlXPathDescription,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .description <- xml2::xml_text(x = .descrNode)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Got ID", .id,
+#> "and shortName", .shortName,
+#> "and description", .description, "\n")
+#> # bounded by
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing boundedBy from", .smlXPathObservedBBox, "\n")
+#> .observedBBox <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = .smlXPathObservedBBox,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!is.na(.observedBBox)) {
+#> .referenceFrame <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .observedBBox, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .llVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
+#> search = paste0(sweUpperCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> .uuVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
+#> search = paste0(sweLowerCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> .bb <- matrix(c(.llVector[["x"]][["value"]],
+#> .llVector[["y"]][["value"]],
+#> .uuVector[["x"]][["value"]],
+#> .uuVector[["y"]][["value"]]),
+#> ncol = 2,
+#> dimnames = list(c("coords.lon", "coords.lat"),
+#> c("min", "max")))
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.bb)
+#> attributes(.bb) <- c(.oldAttrs,
+#> list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame))
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Parsed bounding box: ", toString(.bb), "\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .bb <- matrix()
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] No boundedBy element found, bbox is ", .bb, "\n")
+#> }
+#> # coordinates
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing coordinates from", .smlXPathPosition, "\n")
+#> .xmlPosition <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = .smlXPathPosition,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!is.na(.xmlPosition)) {
+#> .position <- parseSwePosition(.xmlPosition,
+#> sos = sos,
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> .referenceFrame = attributes(.position)[["referenceFrame"]]
+#> .uom <- lapply(.position, "[[", "uomCode")
+#> names(.uom) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
+#> .name <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
+#> names(.name) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
+#> .values <- lapply(.position, "[[", "value")
+#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
+#> if (any(is.na(names(.values)))) {
+#> warning("[parseSensorML] No axisID given, cannot name data.frame with them, trying 'name'.")
+#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing coordinates from", .smlXPathPosition,
-#> "\n")
-#> .xmlPosition <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj, xpath = .smlXPathPosition,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!is.na(.xmlPosition)) {
-#> .position <- parseSwePosition(.xmlPosition, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> .referenceFrame = attributes(.position)[["referenceFrame"]]
-#> .uom <- lapply(.position, "[[", "uomCode")
-#> names(.uom) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
-#> .name <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
-#> names(.name) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
-#> .values <- lapply(.position, "[[", "value")
-#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
-#> if (any(is.na(names(.values)))) {
-#> warning("[parseSensorML] No axisID given, cannot name data.frame with them, trying 'name'.")
-#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
-#> }
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] names: ", names(.values), "\n")
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] values: ", toString(.values),
-#> "\n")
-#> }
-#> .coords <- data.frame(.values)
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.coords)
-#> attributes(.coords) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs), list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame,
-#> uom = .uom, name = .name))
-#> if (!is.na(.id))
-#> row.names(.coords) <- .id
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] row names: ", row.names(.coords),
-#> "\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .coords <- data.frame()
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseSensorML] names: ", names(.values), "\n")
+#> cat("[parseSensorML] values: ", toString(.values), "\n")
#> }
-#> .sml = SensorML(xml = obj, coords = .coords, id = .id, name = .shortName,
-#> description = .description, boundedBy = .bb)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Done: ", toString(.sml), "\n")
-#> return(.sml)
+#> .coords <- data.frame(.values)
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.coords)
+#> attributes(.coords) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs),
+#> list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame,
+#> uom = .uom, name = .name))
+#> if (!is.na(.id))
+#> row.names(.coords) <- .id
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] row names: ", row.names(.coords),
+#> "\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .coords <- data.frame()
+#> }
+#> # create instance
+#> .sml = SensorML(xml = obj,
+#> coords = .coords,
+#> id = .id,
+#> name = .shortName,
+#> description = .description,
+#> boundedBy = .bb)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Done: ", toString(.sml), "\n")
+#> return(.sml)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservation
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservationResponse
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
-#> cat("[parseGetObservationResponse] entering... \n")
-#> print(obj)
-#> }
-#> .observationsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = "sos20:observationData",
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
-#> featureCache <- list()
-#> .observations <- sapply(.observationsXML, parseObservation_2.0,
-#> sos = sos, featureCache = featureCache)
-#> return(.observations)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
+#> cat("[parseGetObservationResponse] entering... \n")
+#> print(obj)
+#> }
+#> .observationsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
+#> xpath = "sos20:observationData",
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
+#> featureCache <- list()
+#> .observations <- sapply(.observationsXML,
+#> parseObservation_2.0,
+#> sos = sos,
+#> featureCache = featureCache)
+#> return(.observations)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetFeatureOfInterestResponse
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
-#> cat("[parseGetFeatureOfInterestResponse] entering... \n")
-#> print(obj)
-#> }
-#> .featureXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = "sos20:featureMember",
-#> SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
-#> .foi = sapply(.featureXML, .parseFeatureMember, sos = sos)
-#> return(.foi)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
+#> cat("[parseGetFeatureOfInterestResponse] entering... \n")
+#> print(obj)
+#> }
+#> .featureXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
+#> xpath = "sos20:featureMember",
+#> SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
+#> .foi = sapply(.featureXML, .parseFeatureMember, sos = sos)
+#> return(.foi)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservationById
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`ows:ExceptionReport`
-#> function (obj, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport] Starting ...\n")
-#> .docRoot <- xml2::xml_root(x = obj)
-#> .version <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "version")
-#> .lang <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "lang", default = NA_character_)
-#> .exceptionsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = .docRoot, xpath = paste0("//",
-#> owsExceptionName), ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .exceptions = sapply(.exceptionsXML, parseOwsException)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport]", length(.exceptions),
-#> "exceptions.")
-#> .report <- OwsExceptionReport(version = .version, lang = .lang,
-#> exceptions = .exceptions)
-#> return(.report)
+#> function(obj, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport] Starting ...\n")
+#> .docRoot <- xml2::xml_root(x = obj)
+#> .version <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "version")
+#> .lang <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "lang", default = NA_character_)
+#> .exceptionsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = .docRoot,
+#> xpath = paste0("//", owsExceptionName),
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .exceptions = sapply(.exceptionsXML, parseOwsException)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport]", length(.exceptions), "exceptions.")
+#> .report <- OwsExceptionReport(version = .version, lang = .lang, exceptions = .exceptions)
+#> return(.report)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetDataAvailabilityResponse
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse]")
-#> if (sos@version != sos200_version) {
-#> stop(paste0("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] SOS version 2.0 required! Received '",
-#> sos@version, "'"))
-#> }
-#> .gdaMembers <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sosGDAMemberName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] with", length(.gdaMembers),
-#> "element(s).\n")
-#> phenTimeCache <- list()
-#> .parsedGDAMembers <- lapply(.gdaMembers, .parseGDAMember,
-#> sos, phenTimeCache, verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] Done. Processed",
-#> length(.parsedGDAMembers), "elements")
-#> return(.parsedGDAMembers)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse]")
+#> if (sos@version != sos200_version) {
+#> stop(paste0("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] SOS version 2.0 required! Received '",
+#> sos@version, "'"))
+#> }
+#> .gdaMembers <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sosGDAMemberName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] with", length(.gdaMembers), "element(s).\n")
+#> phenTimeCache <- list()
+#> .parsedGDAMembers <- lapply(.gdaMembers, .parseGDAMember, sos, phenTimeCache, verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] Done. Processed", length(.parsedGDAMembers),
+#> "elements")
+#> return(.parsedGDAMembers)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:Measurement`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseMeasurement]\n")
-#> .samplingTimeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omSamplingTimeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = .samplingTimeXml, format = sosTimeFormat(sos),
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omProcedureName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href")
-#> .observedProperty <- SwePhenomenonProperty(href = xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> attr = "href"))
-#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .result <- parseMeasure(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))
-#> .measurement <- OmMeasurement(samplingTime = .samplingTime,
-#> procedure = .procedure, observedProperty = .observedProperty,
-#> featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest, result = .result)
-#> return(.measurement)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseMeasurement]\n")
+#> .samplingTimeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = omSamplingTimeName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = .samplingTimeXml,
+#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos),
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> # 52N SOS only returns om:Measurements (!) with procedure ids and observed
+#> # properties in xlink:href
+#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omProcedureName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href")
+#> .observedProperty <- SwePhenomenonProperty(
+#> href = xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href"))
+#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos,
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> # must be GmlMeasure
+#> .result <- parseMeasure(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))
+#> # TODO optionals elements for OmMeasurement
+#> #.metadata
+#> #.resultTime
+#> #.resultQuality
+#> #.parameter
+#> .measurement <- OmMeasurement(samplingTime = .samplingTime,
+#> procedure = .procedure, observedProperty = .observedProperty,
+#> featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest, result = .result)
+#> return(.measurement)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:member`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (xml2::xml_length(x = obj) >= 1) {
-#> .child <- xml2::xml_child(obj)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationProperty] Parsing child of member:",
-#> xml2::xml_name(x = .child, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> "\n")
-#> .mResult <- parseOM(.child, sos, verbose)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> # a member can only have one child element
+#> if (xml2::xml_length(x = obj) >= 1) {
+#> .child <- xml2::xml_child(obj)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationProperty] Parsing child of member:",
+#> xml2::xml_name(x = .child, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), "\n")
+#> .mResult <- parseOM(.child, sos, verbose)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> # no child, try href attribute
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationProperty] Member has no direct child!\n")
+#> .href <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href", default = NA_character_)
+#> if (!is.na(.href)) {
+#> warning("Only reference was returned:", .href)
+#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty(href = .href)
#> }
#> else {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationProperty] Member has no direct child!\n")
-#> .href <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href", default = NA_character_)
-#> if (!is.na(.href)) {
-#> warning("Only reference was returned:", .href)
-#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty(href = .href)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning("No observation found!")
-#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty()
-#> }
+#> warning("No observation found!")
+#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty()
#> }
-#> return(.mResult)
+#> }
+#> return(.mResult)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:Observation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservation]", .id, "\n")
-#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omProcedureName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href",
-#> default = NA_character_)
-#> .observedProperty <- parsePhenomenonProperty(xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omSamplingTimeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
-#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omSamplingTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning("om:samplingTime is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
-#> .samplingTime <- NULL
-#> }
-#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
-#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning("om:featureOfInterest is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
-#> .featureOfInterest <- NULL
-#> }
-#> .resultParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[omResultName]]
-#> .result <- .resultParsingFunction(xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omResultName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos,
-#> verbose)
-#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultTimeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
-#> .resultTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omResultTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .resultTime <- NULL
-#> }
-#> .obs <- OmObservation(samplingTime = .samplingTime, procedure = .procedure,
-#> observedProperty = .observedProperty, featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest,
-#> result = .result)
-#> return(.obs)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservation]", .id, "\n")
+#> # 52N SOS only returns om:Observation with procedure ids xlink:href
+#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = omProcedureName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> attr = "href",
+#> default = NA_character_)
+#> .observedProperty <- parsePhenomenonProperty(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omSamplingTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
+#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = omSamplingTimeName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
+#> } else {
+#> warning("om:samplingTime is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
+#> .samplingTime <- NULL
+#> }
+#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
+#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> } else {
+#> warning("om:featureOfInterest is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
+#> .featureOfInterest <- NULL
+#> }
+#> # result parser is exchangeable
+#> .resultParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[omResultName]]
+#> .result <- .resultParsingFunction(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos, verbose)
+#> # optional elements
+#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
+#> .resultTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .resultTime <- NULL
+#> }
+#> # TODO optionals elements for OmObservation
+#> #.metadata
+#> #.resultQuality
+#> #.parameter
+#> #.metadata
+#> .obs <- OmObservation(samplingTime = .samplingTime,
+#> procedure = .procedure,
+#> observedProperty = .observedProperty,
+#> featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest,
+#> result = .result)
+#> return(.obs)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:ObservationCollection`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .members <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = omMemberName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] with ", length(.members),
-#> "element(s).\n")
-#> .env <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = paste0(gmlBoundedByName,
-#> "/", gmlEnvelopeName))
-#> if (!is.na(.env)) {
-#> .boundedBy <- list(srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env,
-#> attr = "srsName", ns = SosAllNamespaces()), lowerCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env,
-#> search = gmlLowerCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())),
-#> upperCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env,
-#> search = gmlUpperCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Parsed envelope:",
-#> toString(.boundedBy), "\n")
-#> if (sosSwitchCoordinates(sos)) {
-#> warning("Switching coordinates in envelope of ObservationCollection!")
-#> .origLC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["lowerCorner"]],
-#> split = " ")
-#> .lC <- paste(.origLC[[1]][[2]], .origLC[[1]][[1]])
-#> .origUC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["upperCorner"]],
-#> split = " ")
-#> .uC <- paste(.origUC[[1]][[2]], .origUC[[1]][[1]])
-#> .boundedBy <- list(srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env,
-#> attr = "srsName"), lowerCorner = .lC, upperCorner = .uC)
-#> }
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Empty envelope!\n")
-#> .boundedBy <- list()
-#> }
-#> .resultList <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = parseOM, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> names(.resultList) <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = function(member) {
-#> children <- xml2::xml_children(member)
-#> idOrName <- xml2::xml_attr(children, attr = "id", default = xml2::xml_name(children))
-#> if (length(idOrName) < 1) {
-#> xml2::xml_name(member)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> idOrName
-#> }
-#> })
-#> if (is.list(.resultList)) {
-#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = .resultList,
-#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = list(.resultList),
-#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
-#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Done. Processed", length(.obsColl),
-#> "elements:", names(.obsColl), "\n")
-#> return(.obsColl)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .members <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = omMemberName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationCollection] with ", length(.members), "element(s).\n")
+#> .env <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = paste0(gmlBoundedByName, "/", gmlEnvelopeName))
+#> if (!is.na(.env)) {
+#> .boundedBy <- list(
+#> srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env, attr = "srsName", ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> lowerCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env, search = gmlLowerCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())),
+#> upperCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env, search = gmlUpperCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())))
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationCollection] Parsed envelope:", toString(.boundedBy), "\n")
+#> if (sosSwitchCoordinates(sos)) {
+#> warning("Switching coordinates in envelope of ObservationCollection!")
+#> .origLC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["lowerCorner"]], split = " ")
+#> .lC <- paste(.origLC[[1]][[2]], .origLC[[1]][[1]])
+#> .origUC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["upperCorner"]], split = " ")
+#> .uC <- paste(.origUC[[1]][[2]], .origUC[[1]][[1]])
+#> .boundedBy <- list(srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env, attr = "srsName"),
+#> lowerCorner = .lC, upperCorner = .uC)
+#> }
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationCollection] Empty envelope!\n")
+#> .boundedBy <- list()
+#> }
+#> .resultList <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = parseOM, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> names(.resultList) <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = function(member) {
+#> children <- xml2::xml_children(member)
+#> idOrName <- xml2::xml_attr(children, attr = "id", default = xml2::xml_name(children))
+#> if (length(idOrName) < 1) {
+#> xml2::xml_name(member)
+#> } else {
+#> idOrName
+#> }
+#> })
+#> if (is.list(.resultList)) {
+#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = .resultList,
+#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = list(.resultList),
+#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
+#> }
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Done. Processed", length(.obsColl),
+#> "elements:", names(.obsColl), "\n")
+#> return(.obsColl)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:result`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult] Starting ...\n")
-#> .result <- NULL
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult] Starting ...\n")
+#> .result <- NULL
+#> .children <- xml2::xml_children(x = obj)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult]", length(.children), " non-text nodes, names:", xml2::xml_name(.children), "\n")
+#> # Check if remaining element is there
+#> if (length(.children) == 0) {
#> .children <- xml2::xml_children(x = obj)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult]", length(.children), " non-text nodes, names:",
-#> xml2::xml_name(.children), "\n")
-#> if (length(.children) == 0) {
-#> .children <- xml2::xml_children(x = obj)
-#> stop("Continue implementation here: OM-methods-parsing.R")
-#> cat("[parseResult] No non-text nodes in result, returning NULL.\n")
-#> .typeAttributValue <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = om20ResultTypeAttributeName,
-#> default = NA_character_)
-#> .typeWithQualifiedname <- strsplit(.typeAttributValue,
-#> ":")
-#> .type <- NA_character_
-#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname) > 0) {
-#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname[[1]]) > 1) {
-#> .type <- .typeWithQualifiedname[[1]][2]
-#> }
-#> }
-#> if (!is.na(.type)) {
-#> if (.type == om20ResultMeasureTypeName) {
-#> return(xml2::xml_text(x = obj))
-#> }
-#> }
-#> return(NULL)
-#> }
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (.name == sweDataArrayName) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult] Parsing result with swe:DataArray.\n")
-#> .dataArrayParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweDataArrayName]]
-#> .result <- .dataArrayParsingFunction(.children[[1]],
-#> sos, verbose)
-#> }
-#> else if (.name == xmlTextNodeName) {
-#> .result <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(x = .children))
-#> if (is.na(.result)) {
-#> .result <- xml2::xml_text(x = .children, trim = TRUE)
-#> }
+#> stop("Continue implementation here: OM-methods-parsing.R")
+#> cat("[parseResult] No non-text nodes in result, returning NULL.\n")
+#> #in O&M 2.0 there can be (literal) results of type MeasurementType
+#> .typeAttributValue <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = om20ResultTypeAttributeName, default = NA_character_)
+#> .typeWithQualifiedname <- strsplit(.typeAttributValue, ":")
+#> .type <- NA_character_
+#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname) > 0) {
+#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname[[1]]) > 1) {
+#> .type <- .typeWithQualifiedname[[1]][2]
+#> }
#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseResult] Parsing of given result is NOT supported:",
-#> xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> "-- only", sweDataArrayName, " or text nodes containing strings or numbers can be parsed."))
+#> if (!is.na(.type)) {
+#> if (.type == om20ResultMeasureTypeName) {
+#> return(xml2::xml_text(x = obj))
+#> }
#> }
-#> if (is.null(.result)) {
-#> stop("[parseResult] result is null! Given result:\n")
-#> print(obj)
+#> return(NULL)
+#> }
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (.name == sweDataArrayName) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult] Parsing result with swe:DataArray.\n")
+#> # data array parser is exchangeable
+#> .dataArrayParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweDataArrayName]]
+#> .result <- .dataArrayParsingFunction(.children[[1]], sos, verbose)
+#> }
+#> else if (.name == xmlTextNodeName) {
+#> .result <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(x = .children))
+#> if (is.na(.result)) {
+#> .result <- xml2::xml_text(x = .children, trim = TRUE)
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult] Done\n")
-#> return(.result)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseResult] Parsing of given result is NOT supported:",
+#> xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> "-- only", sweDataArrayName,
+#> " or text nodes containing strings or numbers can be parsed."))
+#> }
+#> if (is.null(.result)) {
+#> stop("[parseResult] result is null! Given result:\n")
+#> print(obj)
+#> }
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult] Done\n")
+#> return(.result)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:DataArray`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .elementCount <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
-#> xpath = "./swe:elementCount/swe:Count/swe:value", ns = SosAllNamespaces()))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Parsing DataArray with", .elementCount,
-#> "elements.\n")
-#> .elementTypeParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweElementTypeName]]
-#> .elementTypeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweElementTypeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .fields <- .elementTypeParser(obj = .elementTypeXml, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed field descriptions:", toString(.fields),
-#> "\n")
-#> .encParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweEncodingName]]
-#> .encodingXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweEncodingName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .encoding <- .encParser(obj = .encodingXml, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed encoding description:",
-#> toString(.encoding), "\n")
-#> .valParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweValuesName]]
-#> .values <- .valParser(values = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweValuesName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), fields = .fields, encoding = .encoding,
-#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> return(.values)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .elementCount <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = "./swe:elementCount/swe:Count/swe:value",
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> )
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsing DataArray with", .elementCount, "elements.\n")
+#> .elementTypeParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweElementTypeName]]
+#> .elementTypeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweElementTypeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .fields <- .elementTypeParser(obj = .elementTypeXml,
+#> sos = sos,
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed field descriptions:", toString(.fields), "\n")
+#> .encParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweEncodingName]]
+#> .encodingXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = sweEncodingName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .encoding <- .encParser(obj = .encodingXml, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed encoding description:", toString(.encoding), "\n")
+#> .valParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweValuesName]]
+#> .values <- .valParser(values = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = sweValuesName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> fields = .fields,
+#> encoding = .encoding,
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> return(.values)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:elementType`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> elementTypeHref <- stringr::str_remove_all(xml2::xml_attr(x = obj,
-#> attr = "href"), "#")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseElementType] Got child", xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_children(obj)),
-#> "and id", elementTypeHref, "for object", xml2::xml_name(obj),
-#> "\n")
-#> if (is.na(elementTypeHref)) {
-#> elementType <- obj
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> root <- xml2::xml_root(obj)
-#> elementType <- xml2::xml_parent(xml2::xml_find_first(x = root,
-#> xpath = paste0("//*[@gml:id='", elementTypeHref,
-#> "']")))
-#> if (is.na(elementType)) {
-#> stop("Got ", sweElementTypeName, " with a reference (href) but cannot find definition - cannot parse!",
-#> toString(obj))
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Found elementType via reference",
-#> elementTypeHref, "\n")
-#> }
-#> }
-#> simpleDataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweSimpleDataRecordName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> dataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweDataRecordName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord) || !is.na(dataRecord)) {
-#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord))
-#> dr <- simpleDataRecord
-#> else dr <- dataRecord
-#> fields <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = dr, xpath = sweFieldName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseElementType] Got data record with", length(fields),
-#> "fields. \n")
-#> parsedFields <- lapply(fields, parseField, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> names <- sapply(parsedFields, "[", "name")
-#> names(parsedFields) <- names
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseElementType] Names of parsed fields:",
-#> names(fields), "\n")
-#> return(parsedFields)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:elementType, only children of type",
-#> sweSimpleDataRecordName, "and", sweDataRecordName,
-#> "are supported!"))
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> elementTypeHref <- stringr::str_remove_all(xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href"), "#")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Got child", xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_children(obj)),
+#> "and id", elementTypeHref, "for object", xml2::xml_name(obj), "\n")
+#> if (is.na(elementTypeHref)) {
+#> elementType <- obj
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> root <- xml2::xml_root(obj)
+#> elementType <- xml2::xml_parent(
+#> xml2::xml_find_first(x = root, xpath = paste0("//*[@gml:id='", elementTypeHref, "']"))
+#> )
+#> if (is.na(elementType)) {
+#> stop("Got ", sweElementTypeName," with a reference (href) but cannot find definition - cannot parse!",
+#> toString(obj))
+#> } else {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Found elementType via reference", elementTypeHref, "\n")
#> }
+#> }
+#> simpleDataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweSimpleDataRecordName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> dataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweDataRecordName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord) || !is.na(dataRecord)) {
+#> # pick the existing one
+#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord)) dr <- simpleDataRecord
+#> else dr <- dataRecord
+#> fields <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = dr,
+#> xpath = sweFieldName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Got data record with", length(fields), "fields. \n")
+#> # extract the fields, naming with attribute 'name'
+#> parsedFields <- lapply(fields, parseField, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> names <- sapply(parsedFields, "[", "name")
+#> names(parsedFields) <- names
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Names of parsed fields:", names(fields), "\n")
+#> return(parsedFields)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:elementType, only children of type",
+#> sweSimpleDataRecordName, "and", sweDataRecordName,
+#> "are supported!"))
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:encoding`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .textBlock <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextBlockName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .textEncoding <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextEncodingName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!(is.na(.textBlock))) {
-#> .tb <- parseTextBlock(.textBlock)
-#> return(.tb)
-#> }
-#> else if (!(is.na(.textEncoding))) {
-#> .tb <- parseTextEncoding(.textEncoding)
-#> return(.tb)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:encoding, only", sweTextBlockName,
-#> "and", sweTextEncodingName, "are supported!"))
-#> }
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .textBlock <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextBlockName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .textEncoding <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextEncodingName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!(is.na(.textBlock))) {
+#> .tb <- parseTextBlock(.textBlock)
+#> return(.tb)
+#> }
+#> else if (!(is.na(.textEncoding))) {
+#> .tb <- parseTextEncoding(.textEncoding)
+#> return(.tb)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:encoding, only", sweTextBlockName, "and", sweTextEncodingName,
+#> "are supported!"))
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:values`
-#> function (values, fields, encoding, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing swe:values using", toString(encoding),
-#> "and", length(fields), "fields:", toString(names(fields)),
-#> "\n")
-#> if (!(inherits(encoding, "SweTextBlock") || inherits(encoding,
-#> "SweTextEncoding"))) {
-#> stop("Handling for given encoding not implemented!")
+#> function(values, fields, encoding, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Parsing swe:values using", toString(encoding), "and",
+#> length(fields), "fields:", toString(names(fields)), "\n")
+#> if (!(inherits(encoding, "SweTextBlock") || inherits(encoding, "SweTextEncoding"))) {
+#> stop("Handling for given encoding not implemented!")
+#> }
+#> .converters <- sosDataFieldConverters(sos)
+#> .blockLines <- strsplit(x = xml2::xml_text(x = values),
+#> split = encoding@blockSeparator)
+#> .tokenLines <- sapply(.blockLines, strsplit,
+#> split = encoding@tokenSeparator)
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing values from lines: ", toString(.tokenLines), "\n")
+#> # data frame of correct length to be able to use cbind for first column
+#> .tempId = "tempID"
+#> .data <- data.frame(seq(1,length(.tokenLines)))
+#> names(.data) <- .tempId
+#> # do following for all fields
+#> .fieldCount <- length(fields)
+#> for (.currentFieldIdx in seq(1,.fieldCount)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Processing field index", .currentFieldIdx , "of", .fieldCount,"\n")
+#> # create list for each variable
+#> .currentValues <- sapply(.tokenLines, "[[", .currentFieldIdx)
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Current values: ", toString(.currentValues), "\n")
+#> .currentField <- fields[[.currentFieldIdx]]
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing field", paste(.currentField), "\n")
+#> # convert values to the correct types
+#> .fieldDefinition <- .currentField[["definition"]]
+#> .method <- .converters[[.fieldDefinition]]
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter:\n")
+#> print(.method)
#> }
-#> .converters <- sosDataFieldConverters(sos)
-#> .blockLines <- strsplit(x = xml2::xml_text(x = values), split = encoding@blockSeparator)
-#> .tokenLines <- sapply(.blockLines, strsplit, split = encoding@tokenSeparator)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing values from lines: ", toString(.tokenLines),
-#> "\n")
-#> .tempId = "tempID"
-#> .data <- data.frame(seq(1, length(.tokenLines)))
-#> names(.data) <- .tempId
-#> .fieldCount <- length(fields)
-#> for (.currentFieldIdx in seq(1, .fieldCount)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Processing field index", .currentFieldIdx,
-#> "of", .fieldCount, "\n")
-#> .currentValues <- sapply(.tokenLines, "[[", .currentFieldIdx)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Current values: ", toString(.currentValues),
-#> "\n")
-#> .currentField <- fields[[.currentFieldIdx]]
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing field", paste(.currentField),
-#> "\n")
-#> .fieldDefinition <- .currentField[["definition"]]
-#> .method <- .converters[[.fieldDefinition]]
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter:\n")
-#> print(.method)
-#> }
+#> if (is.null(.method)) {
+#> # could still be a unit of measurement given, use as
+#> if (!is.na(.currentField["uom"])) {
+#> .method <- .converters[[.currentField[["uom"]]]]
#> if (is.null(.method)) {
-#> if (!is.na(.currentField["uom"])) {
-#> .method <- .converters[[.currentField[["uom"]]]]
-#> if (is.null(.method)) {
-#> warning(paste("No converter for the unit of measurement ",
-#> .currentField[["uom"]], " with the definition ",
-#> .currentField[["definition"]], "! Trying a default, but you can add one when creating a SOS using",
-#> "SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions().\n"))
-#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
-#> }
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("No converter found for the given field",
-#> toString(.currentField), "using fallBack converter."))
-#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
-#> }
+#> # fallback option
+#> warning(paste("No converter for the unit of measurement ",
+#> .currentField[["uom"]],
+#> " with the definition ",
+#> .currentField[["definition"]],
+#> "! Trying a default, but you can add one when creating a SOS using",
+#> "SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions().\n"))
+#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
#> }
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter function:\n")
-#> show(.method)
-#> }
-#> .currentValues <- .method(x = .currentValues, sos = sos)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for",
-#> .currentField[["name"]], "-- value range", toString(range(.currentValues)),
-#> "\n")
-#> .newData <- data.frame(.currentValues)
-#> .newDataName <- .currentField[["name"]]
-#> names(.newData) <- .cleanupColumnName(.newDataName)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Added column name:", names(.newData),
-#> "\n")
-#> .data <- cbind(.data, .newData)
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] The new bound data frame (one variable the a temp id):\n")
-#> str(.data)
-#> }
-#> .addAttrs <- as.list(.currentField)
-#> names(.addAttrs) <- .sosParseFieldReadable[names(.currentField)]
-#> .lastColumn <- dim(.data)[[2]]
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.data[, .lastColumn])
-#> attributes(.data[, .lastColumn]) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs),
-#> .addAttrs)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Added attributes to new data:",
-#> toString(.addAttrs), "[ names: ", toString(names(.addAttrs)),
-#> "]", "\n[parseValues] Old attributes list is",
-#> toString(.oldAttrs), "\n[parseValues] New attributes list is",
-#> toString(attributes(.data[, .lastColumn])), "\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("No converter found for the given field", toString(.currentField),
+#> "using fallBack converter."))
+#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
+#> }
+#> }
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter function:\n")
+#> show(.method)
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Removing temporary first column\n")
-#> .data <- .data[, !colnames(.data) %in% .tempId]
+#> # do the conversion
+#> .currentValues <- .method(x = .currentValues, sos = sos)
+#> # bind new and existing data:
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for",
+#> .currentField[["name"]],
+#> "-- value range", toString(range(.currentValues)), "\n")
+#> .newData <- data.frame(.currentValues)
+#> # create the names of the new data:
+#> .newDataName <- .currentField[["name"]]
+#> names(.newData) <- .cleanupColumnName(.newDataName)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Added column name:", names(.newData), "\n")
+#> # bind existing and new data column
+#> .data <- cbind(.data, .newData)
#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] returning final data frame:\n")
-#> str(.data)
+#> cat("[parseValues] The new bound data frame (one variable the a temp id):\n")
+#> str(.data)
#> }
-#> return(.data)
+#> # add field information as attributes to the new column using human
+#> # readable names
+#> .addAttrs <- as.list(.currentField)
+#> names(.addAttrs) <- .sosParseFieldReadable[names(.currentField)]
+#> .lastColumn <- dim(.data)[[2]]
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.data[,.lastColumn])
+#> attributes(.data[,.lastColumn]) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs), .addAttrs)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Added attributes to new data:",
+#> toString(.addAttrs),
+#> "[ names: ", toString(names(.addAttrs)), "]",
+#> "\n[parseValues] Old attributes list is",
+#> toString(.oldAttrs),
+#> "\n[parseValues] New attributes list is",
+#> toString(attributes(.data[,.lastColumn])),
+#> "\n")
+#> }
+#> # remove id column
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Removing temporary first column\n")
+#> .data <- .data[,!colnames(.data) %in% .tempId]
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseValues] returning final data frame:\n")
+#> str(.data)
+#> }
+#> return(.data)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:Position`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .rF <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSwePosition] with referenceFrame", .rF, "\n")
-#> .location <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweLocationName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweLocationName]]
-#> .pos <- .parser(.location, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.pos)
-#> attributes(.pos) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .rF))
-#> return(.pos)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .rF <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSwePosition] with referenceFrame", .rF, "\n")
+#> .location <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweLocationName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweLocationName]]
+#> .pos <- .parser(.location, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.pos)
+#> attributes(.pos) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .rF))
+#> return(.pos)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:location`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .vector <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweVectorName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweLocation] with id", .id, "\n")
-#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweVectorName]]
-#> location <- .parser(.vector, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> return(location)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .vector <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweVectorName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweLocation] with id", .id, "\n")
+#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweVectorName]]
+#> location <- .parser(.vector, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> return(location)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:Vector`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .children <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sweCoordinateName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweCoordinateName]]
-#> .vector <- lapply(X = .children, FUN = .parser, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> names(.vector) <- sapply(.vector, function(current) {
-#> return(current$axisID)
-#> })
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweVector] parsed vector with coordinates: ",
-#> toString(names(.vector)), "\n")
-#> return(.vector)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .children <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
+#> xpath = sweCoordinateName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweCoordinateName]]
+#> .vector <- lapply(X = .children, FUN = .parser, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> names(.vector) <- sapply(.vector, function(current) {return(current$axisID)})
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweVector] parsed vector with coordinates: ", toString(names(.vector)), "\n")
+#> return(.vector)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:coordinate`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "name")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] with name", .name, "\n")
-#> .quantity <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweQuantityName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .axisID <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .quantity, attr = "axisID")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] axisID: ", .axisID, "\n")
-#> .uomNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweUomName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .uomCode <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .uomNode, attr = "code", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] uomCode: ", .uomCode, "\n")
-#> .valueNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweValueName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .value <- as.double(xml2::xml_text(x = .valueNode))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] value: ", .value, "\n")
-#> return(list(name = .name, axisID = .axisID, uomCode = .uomCode,
-#> value = .value))
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "name")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] with name", .name, "\n")
+#> .quantity <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweQuantityName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .axisID <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .quantity, attr = "axisID")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] axisID: ", .axisID, "\n")
+#> .uomNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweUomName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .uomCode <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .uomNode, attr = "code", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] uomCode: ", .uomCode, "\n")
+#> .valueNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweValueName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .value <- as.double(xml2::xml_text(x = .valueNode))
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] value: ", .value, "\n")
+#> return(list(name = .name,
+#> axisID = .axisID,
+#> uomCode = .uomCode,
+#> value = .value))
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:GeometryObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:GeometryObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:GeometryObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:CategoryObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:CategoryObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:CategoryObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:CountObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:CountObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:CountObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:TruthObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:TruthObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:TruthObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:TemporalObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:TemporalObservatio is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:TemporalObservatio is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:ComplexObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:ComplexObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:ComplexObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`text/csv`
-#> function (obj, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Parsing CSV...\n")
-#> if (inherits(x = obj, what = "data.frame")) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Already a data.frame, returning object\n")
-#> return(obj)
-#> }
-#> .lines <- strsplit(x = obj, split = "\n")[[1]]
-#> .data <- do.call(what = "strsplit", args = list(.lines, split = ","))
-#> .names <- .data[[1]]
-#> .newNames <- c()
-#> for (.n in .names) {
-#> .newNames <- c(.newNames, gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement = "",
-#> x = .n))
-#> }
-#> .names <- .newNames
-#> .rows <- length(.data)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Got", .rows, "lines of data.\n")
-#> .df <- NULL
-#> for (.r in seq(2, .rows)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Processing row in CSV:", .data[[.r]],
-#> "\n")
-#> .row.df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][1])
-#> names(.row.df) <- .names[[1]]
-#> for (i in seq(2, length(.names))) {
-#> .df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][i])
-#> names(.df) <- .names[[i]]
-#> .row.df <- cbind(.row.df, .df)
-#> }
-#> if (is.null(.df))
-#> .df <- .row.df
-#> else .df <- do.call(rbind, list(.df, .row.df))
+#> function(obj, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Parsing CSV...\n")
+#> if (inherits(x = obj, what = "data.frame")) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Already a data.frame, returning object\n")
+#> return(obj)
+#> }
+#> .lines <- strsplit(x = obj, split = "\n")[[1]]
+#> .data <- do.call(what = "strsplit", args = list(.lines, split = ","))
+#> # clean up names (double quotes)
+#> .names <- .data[[1]]
+#> .newNames <- c()
+#> for (.n in .names) {
+#> .newNames <- c(.newNames,
+#> gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement = "", x = .n))
+#> }
+#> .names <- .newNames
+#> .rows <- length(.data)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Got", .rows, "lines of data.\n")
+#> .df <- NULL
+#> for (.r in seq(2,.rows)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Processing row in CSV:", .data[[.r]], "\n")
+#> # initialize first column of the data frame so it can be bound in loop
+#> .row.df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][1])
+#> names(.row.df) <- .names[[1]]
+#> for (i in seq(2,length(.names))) {
+#> .df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][i])
+#> names(.df) <- .names[[i]]
+#> .row.df <- cbind(.row.df, .df)
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Done.\n")
-#> return(.df)
+#> if (is.null(.df))
+#> .df <- .row.df
+#> else
+#> .df <- do.call(rbind, list(.df, .row.df))
+#> }
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Done.\n")
+#> return(.df)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`text/xml;subtype="om/1.0.0"`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $kml
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`text/xml`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
@@ -1156,892 +1211,952 @@ Examp
# be included manually!
SosParsingFunctions("ExceptionReport" = myER,
include = c("GetObservation", "DescribeSensor", "ExceptionReport"))
#> $GetObservation
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $DescribeSensor
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Starting... \n")
-#> .id <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "uniqueID", verbose = verbose)
-#> .shortName <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "shortName", verbose = verbose)
-#> .descrNode <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj, xpath = .smlXPathDescription,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .description <- xml2::xml_text(x = .descrNode)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Got ID", .id, "and shortName", .shortName,
-#> "and description", .description, "\n")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing boundedBy from", .smlXPathObservedBBox,
-#> "\n")
-#> .observedBBox <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj, xpath = .smlXPathObservedBBox,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!is.na(.observedBBox)) {
-#> .referenceFrame <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .observedBBox,
-#> attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .llVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
-#> search = paste0(sweUpperCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .uuVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
-#> search = paste0(sweLowerCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .bb <- matrix(c(.llVector[["x"]][["value"]], .llVector[["y"]][["value"]],
-#> .uuVector[["x"]][["value"]], .uuVector[["y"]][["value"]]),
-#> ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("coords.lon", "coords.lat"),
-#> c("min", "max")))
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.bb)
-#> attributes(.bb) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Parsed bounding box: ", toString(.bb),
-#> "\n")
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Starting... \n")
+#> .id <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "uniqueID", verbose = verbose)
+#> .shortName <- .smlIdentifier(obj, "shortName", verbose = verbose)
+#> .descrNode <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = .smlXPathDescription,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .description <- xml2::xml_text(x = .descrNode)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Got ID", .id,
+#> "and shortName", .shortName,
+#> "and description", .description, "\n")
+#> # bounded by
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing boundedBy from", .smlXPathObservedBBox, "\n")
+#> .observedBBox <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = .smlXPathObservedBBox,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!is.na(.observedBBox)) {
+#> .referenceFrame <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .observedBBox, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .llVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
+#> search = paste0(sweUpperCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> .uuVector <- parseSweVector(xml2::xml_child(x = .observedBBox,
+#> search = paste0(sweLowerCornerName, "/", sweVectorName),
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> .bb <- matrix(c(.llVector[["x"]][["value"]],
+#> .llVector[["y"]][["value"]],
+#> .uuVector[["x"]][["value"]],
+#> .uuVector[["y"]][["value"]]),
+#> ncol = 2,
+#> dimnames = list(c("coords.lon", "coords.lat"),
+#> c("min", "max")))
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.bb)
+#> attributes(.bb) <- c(.oldAttrs,
+#> list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame))
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Parsed bounding box: ", toString(.bb), "\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .bb <- matrix()
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] No boundedBy element found, bbox is ", .bb, "\n")
+#> }
+#> # coordinates
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing coordinates from", .smlXPathPosition, "\n")
+#> .xmlPosition <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = .smlXPathPosition,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!is.na(.xmlPosition)) {
+#> .position <- parseSwePosition(.xmlPosition,
+#> sos = sos,
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> .referenceFrame = attributes(.position)[["referenceFrame"]]
+#> .uom <- lapply(.position, "[[", "uomCode")
+#> names(.uom) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
+#> .name <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
+#> names(.name) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
+#> .values <- lapply(.position, "[[", "value")
+#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
+#> if (any(is.na(names(.values)))) {
+#> warning("[parseSensorML] No axisID given, cannot name data.frame with them, trying 'name'.")
+#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
#> }
-#> else {
-#> .bb <- matrix()
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] No boundedBy element found, bbox is ",
-#> .bb, "\n")
-#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Parsing coordinates from", .smlXPathPosition,
-#> "\n")
-#> .xmlPosition <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj, xpath = .smlXPathPosition,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!is.na(.xmlPosition)) {
-#> .position <- parseSwePosition(.xmlPosition, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> .referenceFrame = attributes(.position)[["referenceFrame"]]
-#> .uom <- lapply(.position, "[[", "uomCode")
-#> names(.uom) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
-#> .name <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
-#> names(.name) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
-#> .values <- lapply(.position, "[[", "value")
-#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "axisID")
-#> if (any(is.na(names(.values)))) {
-#> warning("[parseSensorML] No axisID given, cannot name data.frame with them, trying 'name'.")
-#> names(.values) <- lapply(.position, "[[", "name")
-#> }
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] names: ", names(.values), "\n")
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] values: ", toString(.values),
-#> "\n")
-#> }
-#> .coords <- data.frame(.values)
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.coords)
-#> attributes(.coords) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs), list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame,
-#> uom = .uom, name = .name))
-#> if (!is.na(.id))
-#> row.names(.coords) <- .id
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] row names: ", row.names(.coords),
-#> "\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .coords <- data.frame()
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseSensorML] names: ", names(.values), "\n")
+#> cat("[parseSensorML] values: ", toString(.values), "\n")
#> }
-#> .sml = SensorML(xml = obj, coords = .coords, id = .id, name = .shortName,
-#> description = .description, boundedBy = .bb)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSensorML] Done: ", toString(.sml), "\n")
-#> return(.sml)
+#> .coords <- data.frame(.values)
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.coords)
+#> attributes(.coords) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs),
+#> list(referenceFrame = .referenceFrame,
+#> uom = .uom, name = .name))
+#> if (!is.na(.id))
+#> row.names(.coords) <- .id
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] row names: ", row.names(.coords),
+#> "\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .coords <- data.frame()
+#> }
+#> # create instance
+#> .sml = SensorML(xml = obj,
+#> coords = .coords,
+#> id = .id,
+#> name = .shortName,
+#> description = .description,
+#> boundedBy = .bb)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSensorML] Done: ", toString(.sml), "\n")
+#> return(.sml)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $ExceptionReport
-#> function (xml)
-#> {
-#> return("EXCEPTION!!!11")
+#> function(xml) {
+#> return("EXCEPTION!!!11")
#> }
-#> <environment: 0xa70fa50>
+#> <environment: 0x564ebe6e8000>
#> #> $GetCapabilities
-#> function (obj, sos)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@version == sos100_version) {
-#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities100(obj, sos)
-#> }
-#> else if (sos@version == sos200_version) {
-#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities200(obj, sos)
-#> }
+#> function(obj, sos) {
+#> if (sos@version == sos100_version){
+#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities100(obj, sos)
+#> }
+#> else if (sos@version == sos200_version){
+#> .caps <- parseSosCapabilities200(obj, sos)
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservationResponse
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
-#> cat("[parseGetObservationResponse] entering... \n")
-#> print(obj)
-#> }
-#> .observationsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = "sos20:observationData",
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
-#> featureCache <- list()
-#> .observations <- sapply(.observationsXML, parseObservation_2.0,
-#> sos = sos, featureCache = featureCache)
-#> return(.observations)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
+#> cat("[parseGetObservationResponse] entering... \n")
+#> print(obj)
+#> }
+#> .observationsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
+#> xpath = "sos20:observationData",
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
+#> featureCache <- list()
+#> .observations <- sapply(.observationsXML,
+#> parseObservation_2.0,
+#> sos = sos,
+#> featureCache = featureCache)
+#> return(.observations)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetFeatureOfInterestResponse
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
-#> cat("[parseGetFeatureOfInterestResponse] entering... \n")
-#> print(obj)
-#> }
-#> .featureXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = "sos20:featureMember",
-#> SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
-#> .foi = sapply(.featureXML, .parseFeatureMember, sos = sos)
-#> return(.foi)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (sos@verboseOutput) {
+#> cat("[parseGetFeatureOfInterestResponse] entering... \n")
+#> print(obj)
+#> }
+#> .featureXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
+#> xpath = "sos20:featureMember",
+#> SosAllNamespaces(version = sos200_version))
+#> .foi = sapply(.featureXML, .parseFeatureMember, sos = sos)
+#> return(.foi)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetObservationById
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`ows:ExceptionReport`
-#> function (obj, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport] Starting ...\n")
-#> .docRoot <- xml2::xml_root(x = obj)
-#> .version <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "version")
-#> .lang <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "lang", default = NA_character_)
-#> .exceptionsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = .docRoot, xpath = paste0("//",
-#> owsExceptionName), ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .exceptions = sapply(.exceptionsXML, parseOwsException)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport]", length(.exceptions),
-#> "exceptions.")
-#> .report <- OwsExceptionReport(version = .version, lang = .lang,
-#> exceptions = .exceptions)
-#> return(.report)
+#> function(obj, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport] Starting ...\n")
+#> .docRoot <- xml2::xml_root(x = obj)
+#> .version <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "version")
+#> .lang <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .docRoot, attr = "lang", default = NA_character_)
+#> .exceptionsXML <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = .docRoot,
+#> xpath = paste0("//", owsExceptionName),
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .exceptions = sapply(.exceptionsXML, parseOwsException)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOwsExceptionReport]", length(.exceptions), "exceptions.")
+#> .report <- OwsExceptionReport(version = .version, lang = .lang, exceptions = .exceptions)
+#> return(.report)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $GetDataAvailabilityResponse
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse]")
-#> if (sos@version != sos200_version) {
-#> stop(paste0("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] SOS version 2.0 required! Received '",
-#> sos@version, "'"))
-#> }
-#> .gdaMembers <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sosGDAMemberName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] with", length(.gdaMembers),
-#> "element(s).\n")
-#> phenTimeCache <- list()
-#> .parsedGDAMembers <- lapply(.gdaMembers, .parseGDAMember,
-#> sos, phenTimeCache, verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] Done. Processed",
-#> length(.parsedGDAMembers), "elements")
-#> return(.parsedGDAMembers)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse]")
+#> if (sos@version != sos200_version) {
+#> stop(paste0("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] SOS version 2.0 required! Received '",
+#> sos@version, "'"))
+#> }
+#> .gdaMembers <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sosGDAMemberName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] with", length(.gdaMembers), "element(s).\n")
+#> phenTimeCache <- list()
+#> .parsedGDAMembers <- lapply(.gdaMembers, .parseGDAMember, sos, phenTimeCache, verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] Done. Processed", length(.parsedGDAMembers),
+#> "elements")
+#> return(.parsedGDAMembers)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:Measurement`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseMeasurement]\n")
-#> .samplingTimeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omSamplingTimeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = .samplingTimeXml, format = sosTimeFormat(sos),
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omProcedureName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href")
-#> .observedProperty <- SwePhenomenonProperty(href = xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> attr = "href"))
-#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .result <- parseMeasure(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))
-#> .measurement <- OmMeasurement(samplingTime = .samplingTime,
-#> procedure = .procedure, observedProperty = .observedProperty,
-#> featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest, result = .result)
-#> return(.measurement)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseMeasurement]\n")
+#> .samplingTimeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = omSamplingTimeName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = .samplingTimeXml,
+#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos),
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> # 52N SOS only returns om:Measurements (!) with procedure ids and observed
+#> # properties in xlink:href
+#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omProcedureName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href")
+#> .observedProperty <- SwePhenomenonProperty(
+#> href = xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href"))
+#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos = sos,
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> # must be GmlMeasure
+#> .result <- parseMeasure(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))
+#> # TODO optionals elements for OmMeasurement
+#> #.metadata
+#> #.resultTime
+#> #.resultQuality
+#> #.parameter
+#> .measurement <- OmMeasurement(samplingTime = .samplingTime,
+#> procedure = .procedure, observedProperty = .observedProperty,
+#> featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest, result = .result)
+#> return(.measurement)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:member`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (xml2::xml_length(x = obj) >= 1) {
-#> .child <- xml2::xml_child(obj)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationProperty] Parsing child of member:",
-#> xml2::xml_name(x = .child, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> "\n")
-#> .mResult <- parseOM(.child, sos, verbose)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> # a member can only have one child element
+#> if (xml2::xml_length(x = obj) >= 1) {
+#> .child <- xml2::xml_child(obj)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationProperty] Parsing child of member:",
+#> xml2::xml_name(x = .child, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), "\n")
+#> .mResult <- parseOM(.child, sos, verbose)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> # no child, try href attribute
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationProperty] Member has no direct child!\n")
+#> .href <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href", default = NA_character_)
+#> if (!is.na(.href)) {
+#> warning("Only reference was returned:", .href)
+#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty(href = .href)
#> }
#> else {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationProperty] Member has no direct child!\n")
-#> .href <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href", default = NA_character_)
-#> if (!is.na(.href)) {
-#> warning("Only reference was returned:", .href)
-#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty(href = .href)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning("No observation found!")
-#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty()
-#> }
+#> warning("No observation found!")
+#> .mResult <- OmObservationProperty()
#> }
-#> return(.mResult)
+#> }
+#> return(.mResult)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:Observation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservation]", .id, "\n")
-#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omProcedureName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), attr = "href",
-#> default = NA_character_)
-#> .observedProperty <- parsePhenomenonProperty(xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omSamplingTimeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
-#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omSamplingTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning("om:samplingTime is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
-#> .samplingTime <- NULL
-#> }
-#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
-#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning("om:featureOfInterest is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
-#> .featureOfInterest <- NULL
-#> }
-#> .resultParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[omResultName]]
-#> .result <- .resultParsingFunction(xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omResultName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos,
-#> verbose)
-#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultTimeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
-#> .resultTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
-#> search = omResultTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .resultTime <- NULL
-#> }
-#> .obs <- OmObservation(samplingTime = .samplingTime, procedure = .procedure,
-#> observedProperty = .observedProperty, featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest,
-#> result = .result)
-#> return(.obs)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservation]", .id, "\n")
+#> # 52N SOS only returns om:Observation with procedure ids xlink:href
+#> .procedure <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = omProcedureName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> attr = "href",
+#> default = NA_character_)
+#> .observedProperty <- parsePhenomenonProperty(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omObservedPropertyName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omSamplingTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
+#> .samplingTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = omSamplingTimeName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
+#> } else {
+#> warning("om:samplingTime is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
+#> .samplingTime <- NULL
+#> }
+#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
+#> .featureOfInterest <- parseFOI(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omFeatureOfInterestName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> } else {
+#> warning("om:featureOfInterest is mandatory in om:Observation, but is missing!")
+#> .featureOfInterest <- NULL
+#> }
+#> # result parser is exchangeable
+#> .resultParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[omResultName]]
+#> .result <- .resultParsingFunction(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()), sos, verbose)
+#> # optional elements
+#> if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()))) {
+#> .resultTime <- parseTime(obj = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = omResultTimeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> format = sosTimeFormat(sos = sos), verbose = verbose)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .resultTime <- NULL
+#> }
+#> # TODO optionals elements for OmObservation
+#> #.metadata
+#> #.resultQuality
+#> #.parameter
+#> #.metadata
+#> .obs <- OmObservation(samplingTime = .samplingTime,
+#> procedure = .procedure,
+#> observedProperty = .observedProperty,
+#> featureOfInterest = .featureOfInterest,
+#> result = .result)
+#> return(.obs)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:ObservationCollection`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .members <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = omMemberName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] with ", length(.members),
-#> "element(s).\n")
-#> .env <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = paste0(gmlBoundedByName,
-#> "/", gmlEnvelopeName))
-#> if (!is.na(.env)) {
-#> .boundedBy <- list(srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env,
-#> attr = "srsName", ns = SosAllNamespaces()), lowerCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env,
-#> search = gmlLowerCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())),
-#> upperCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env,
-#> search = gmlUpperCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Parsed envelope:",
-#> toString(.boundedBy), "\n")
-#> if (sosSwitchCoordinates(sos)) {
-#> warning("Switching coordinates in envelope of ObservationCollection!")
-#> .origLC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["lowerCorner"]],
-#> split = " ")
-#> .lC <- paste(.origLC[[1]][[2]], .origLC[[1]][[1]])
-#> .origUC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["upperCorner"]],
-#> split = " ")
-#> .uC <- paste(.origUC[[1]][[2]], .origUC[[1]][[1]])
-#> .boundedBy <- list(srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env,
-#> attr = "srsName"), lowerCorner = .lC, upperCorner = .uC)
-#> }
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Empty envelope!\n")
-#> .boundedBy <- list()
-#> }
-#> .resultList <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = parseOM, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> names(.resultList) <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = function(member) {
-#> children <- xml2::xml_children(member)
-#> idOrName <- xml2::xml_attr(children, attr = "id", default = xml2::xml_name(children))
-#> if (length(idOrName) < 1) {
-#> xml2::xml_name(member)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> idOrName
-#> }
-#> })
-#> if (is.list(.resultList)) {
-#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = .resultList,
-#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = list(.resultList),
-#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
-#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Done. Processed", length(.obsColl),
-#> "elements:", names(.obsColl), "\n")
-#> return(.obsColl)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .members <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = omMemberName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationCollection] with ", length(.members), "element(s).\n")
+#> .env <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = paste0(gmlBoundedByName, "/", gmlEnvelopeName))
+#> if (!is.na(.env)) {
+#> .boundedBy <- list(
+#> srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env, attr = "srsName", ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> lowerCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env, search = gmlLowerCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())),
+#> upperCorner = xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = .env, search = gmlUpperCornerName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())))
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationCollection] Parsed envelope:", toString(.boundedBy), "\n")
+#> if (sosSwitchCoordinates(sos)) {
+#> warning("Switching coordinates in envelope of ObservationCollection!")
+#> .origLC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["lowerCorner"]], split = " ")
+#> .lC <- paste(.origLC[[1]][[2]], .origLC[[1]][[1]])
+#> .origUC <- strsplit(x = .boundedBy[["upperCorner"]], split = " ")
+#> .uC <- paste(.origUC[[1]][[2]], .origUC[[1]][[1]])
+#> .boundedBy <- list(srsName = xml2::xml_attr(x = .env, attr = "srsName"),
+#> lowerCorner = .lC, upperCorner = .uC)
+#> }
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseObservationCollection] Empty envelope!\n")
+#> .boundedBy <- list()
+#> }
+#> .resultList <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = parseOM, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> names(.resultList) <- lapply(X = .members, FUN = function(member) {
+#> children <- xml2::xml_children(member)
+#> idOrName <- xml2::xml_attr(children, attr = "id", default = xml2::xml_name(children))
+#> if (length(idOrName) < 1) {
+#> xml2::xml_name(member)
+#> } else {
+#> idOrName
+#> }
+#> })
+#> if (is.list(.resultList)) {
+#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = .resultList,
+#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> .obsColl <- OmObservationCollection(members = list(.resultList),
+#> boundedBy = .boundedBy)
+#> }
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseObservationCollection] Done. Processed", length(.obsColl),
+#> "elements:", names(.obsColl), "\n")
+#> return(.obsColl)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:result`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult] Starting ...\n")
-#> .result <- NULL
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult] Starting ...\n")
+#> .result <- NULL
+#> .children <- xml2::xml_children(x = obj)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult]", length(.children), " non-text nodes, names:", xml2::xml_name(.children), "\n")
+#> # Check if remaining element is there
+#> if (length(.children) == 0) {
#> .children <- xml2::xml_children(x = obj)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult]", length(.children), " non-text nodes, names:",
-#> xml2::xml_name(.children), "\n")
-#> if (length(.children) == 0) {
-#> .children <- xml2::xml_children(x = obj)
-#> stop("Continue implementation here: OM-methods-parsing.R")
-#> cat("[parseResult] No non-text nodes in result, returning NULL.\n")
-#> .typeAttributValue <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = om20ResultTypeAttributeName,
-#> default = NA_character_)
-#> .typeWithQualifiedname <- strsplit(.typeAttributValue,
-#> ":")
-#> .type <- NA_character_
-#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname) > 0) {
-#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname[[1]]) > 1) {
-#> .type <- .typeWithQualifiedname[[1]][2]
-#> }
-#> }
-#> if (!is.na(.type)) {
-#> if (.type == om20ResultMeasureTypeName) {
-#> return(xml2::xml_text(x = obj))
-#> }
-#> }
-#> return(NULL)
-#> }
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (.name == sweDataArrayName) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult] Parsing result with swe:DataArray.\n")
-#> .dataArrayParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweDataArrayName]]
-#> .result <- .dataArrayParsingFunction(.children[[1]],
-#> sos, verbose)
-#> }
-#> else if (.name == xmlTextNodeName) {
-#> .result <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(x = .children))
-#> if (is.na(.result)) {
-#> .result <- xml2::xml_text(x = .children, trim = TRUE)
-#> }
+#> stop("Continue implementation here: OM-methods-parsing.R")
+#> cat("[parseResult] No non-text nodes in result, returning NULL.\n")
+#> #in O&M 2.0 there can be (literal) results of type MeasurementType
+#> .typeAttributValue <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = om20ResultTypeAttributeName, default = NA_character_)
+#> .typeWithQualifiedname <- strsplit(.typeAttributValue, ":")
+#> .type <- NA_character_
+#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname) > 0) {
+#> if (length(.typeWithQualifiedname[[1]]) > 1) {
+#> .type <- .typeWithQualifiedname[[1]][2]
+#> }
#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseResult] Parsing of given result is NOT supported:",
-#> xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
-#> "-- only", sweDataArrayName, " or text nodes containing strings or numbers can be parsed."))
+#> if (!is.na(.type)) {
+#> if (.type == om20ResultMeasureTypeName) {
+#> return(xml2::xml_text(x = obj))
+#> }
#> }
-#> if (is.null(.result)) {
-#> stop("[parseResult] result is null! Given result:\n")
-#> print(obj)
+#> return(NULL)
+#> }
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (.name == sweDataArrayName) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult] Parsing result with swe:DataArray.\n")
+#> # data array parser is exchangeable
+#> .dataArrayParsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweDataArrayName]]
+#> .result <- .dataArrayParsingFunction(.children[[1]], sos, verbose)
+#> }
+#> else if (.name == xmlTextNodeName) {
+#> .result <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(x = .children))
+#> if (is.na(.result)) {
+#> .result <- xml2::xml_text(x = .children, trim = TRUE)
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseResult] Done\n")
-#> return(.result)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseResult] Parsing of given result is NOT supported:",
+#> xml2::xml_name(x = .children[[1]], ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> "-- only", sweDataArrayName,
+#> " or text nodes containing strings or numbers can be parsed."))
+#> }
+#> if (is.null(.result)) {
+#> stop("[parseResult] result is null! Given result:\n")
+#> print(obj)
+#> }
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseResult] Done\n")
+#> return(.result)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:DataArray`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .elementCount <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
-#> xpath = "./swe:elementCount/swe:Count/swe:value", ns = SosAllNamespaces()))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Parsing DataArray with", .elementCount,
-#> "elements.\n")
-#> .elementTypeParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweElementTypeName]]
-#> .elementTypeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweElementTypeName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .fields <- .elementTypeParser(obj = .elementTypeXml, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed field descriptions:", toString(.fields),
-#> "\n")
-#> .encParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweEncodingName]]
-#> .encodingXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweEncodingName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .encoding <- .encParser(obj = .encodingXml, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed encoding description:",
-#> toString(.encoding), "\n")
-#> .valParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweValuesName]]
-#> .values <- .valParser(values = xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweValuesName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()), fields = .fields, encoding = .encoding,
-#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> return(.values)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .elementCount <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
+#> xpath = "./swe:elementCount/swe:Count/swe:value",
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> )
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsing DataArray with", .elementCount, "elements.\n")
+#> .elementTypeParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweElementTypeName]]
+#> .elementTypeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweElementTypeName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .fields <- .elementTypeParser(obj = .elementTypeXml,
+#> sos = sos,
+#> verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed field descriptions:", toString(.fields), "\n")
+#> .encParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweEncodingName]]
+#> .encodingXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = sweEncodingName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .encoding <- .encParser(obj = .encodingXml, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed encoding description:", toString(.encoding), "\n")
+#> .valParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweValuesName]]
+#> .values <- .valParser(values = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
+#> search = sweValuesName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces()),
+#> fields = .fields,
+#> encoding = .encoding,
+#> sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> return(.values)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:elementType`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> elementTypeHref <- stringr::str_remove_all(xml2::xml_attr(x = obj,
-#> attr = "href"), "#")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseElementType] Got child", xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_children(obj)),
-#> "and id", elementTypeHref, "for object", xml2::xml_name(obj),
-#> "\n")
-#> if (is.na(elementTypeHref)) {
-#> elementType <- obj
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> root <- xml2::xml_root(obj)
-#> elementType <- xml2::xml_parent(xml2::xml_find_first(x = root,
-#> xpath = paste0("//*[@gml:id='", elementTypeHref,
-#> "']")))
-#> if (is.na(elementType)) {
-#> stop("Got ", sweElementTypeName, " with a reference (href) but cannot find definition - cannot parse!",
-#> toString(obj))
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseDataArray] Found elementType via reference",
-#> elementTypeHref, "\n")
-#> }
-#> }
-#> simpleDataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweSimpleDataRecordName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> dataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweDataRecordName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord) || !is.na(dataRecord)) {
-#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord))
-#> dr <- simpleDataRecord
-#> else dr <- dataRecord
-#> fields <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = dr, xpath = sweFieldName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseElementType] Got data record with", length(fields),
-#> "fields. \n")
-#> parsedFields <- lapply(fields, parseField, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> names <- sapply(parsedFields, "[", "name")
-#> names(parsedFields) <- names
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseElementType] Names of parsed fields:",
-#> names(fields), "\n")
-#> return(parsedFields)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:elementType, only children of type",
-#> sweSimpleDataRecordName, "and", sweDataRecordName,
-#> "are supported!"))
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> elementTypeHref <- stringr::str_remove_all(xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href"), "#")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Got child", xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_children(obj)),
+#> "and id", elementTypeHref, "for object", xml2::xml_name(obj), "\n")
+#> if (is.na(elementTypeHref)) {
+#> elementType <- obj
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> root <- xml2::xml_root(obj)
+#> elementType <- xml2::xml_parent(
+#> xml2::xml_find_first(x = root, xpath = paste0("//*[@gml:id='", elementTypeHref, "']"))
+#> )
+#> if (is.na(elementType)) {
+#> stop("Got ", sweElementTypeName," with a reference (href) but cannot find definition - cannot parse!",
+#> toString(obj))
+#> } else {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Found elementType via reference", elementTypeHref, "\n")
#> }
+#> }
+#> simpleDataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweSimpleDataRecordName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> dataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweDataRecordName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord) || !is.na(dataRecord)) {
+#> # pick the existing one
+#> if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord)) dr <- simpleDataRecord
+#> else dr <- dataRecord
+#> fields <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = dr,
+#> xpath = sweFieldName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Got data record with", length(fields), "fields. \n")
+#> # extract the fields, naming with attribute 'name'
+#> parsedFields <- lapply(fields, parseField, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> names <- sapply(parsedFields, "[", "name")
+#> names(parsedFields) <- names
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Names of parsed fields:", names(fields), "\n")
+#> return(parsedFields)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:elementType, only children of type",
+#> sweSimpleDataRecordName, "and", sweDataRecordName,
+#> "are supported!"))
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:encoding`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .textBlock <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextBlockName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .textEncoding <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextEncodingName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (!(is.na(.textBlock))) {
-#> .tb <- parseTextBlock(.textBlock)
-#> return(.tb)
-#> }
-#> else if (!(is.na(.textEncoding))) {
-#> .tb <- parseTextEncoding(.textEncoding)
-#> return(.tb)
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:encoding, only", sweTextBlockName,
-#> "and", sweTextEncodingName, "are supported!"))
-#> }
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .textBlock <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextBlockName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .textEncoding <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextEncodingName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (!(is.na(.textBlock))) {
+#> .tb <- parseTextBlock(.textBlock)
+#> return(.tb)
+#> }
+#> else if (!(is.na(.textEncoding))) {
+#> .tb <- parseTextEncoding(.textEncoding)
+#> return(.tb)
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:encoding, only", sweTextBlockName, "and", sweTextEncodingName,
+#> "are supported!"))
+#> }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:values`
-#> function (values, fields, encoding, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing swe:values using", toString(encoding),
-#> "and", length(fields), "fields:", toString(names(fields)),
-#> "\n")
-#> if (!(inherits(encoding, "SweTextBlock") || inherits(encoding,
-#> "SweTextEncoding"))) {
-#> stop("Handling for given encoding not implemented!")
+#> function(values, fields, encoding, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Parsing swe:values using", toString(encoding), "and",
+#> length(fields), "fields:", toString(names(fields)), "\n")
+#> if (!(inherits(encoding, "SweTextBlock") || inherits(encoding, "SweTextEncoding"))) {
+#> stop("Handling for given encoding not implemented!")
+#> }
+#> .converters <- sosDataFieldConverters(sos)
+#> .blockLines <- strsplit(x = xml2::xml_text(x = values),
+#> split = encoding@blockSeparator)
+#> .tokenLines <- sapply(.blockLines, strsplit,
+#> split = encoding@tokenSeparator)
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing values from lines: ", toString(.tokenLines), "\n")
+#> # data frame of correct length to be able to use cbind for first column
+#> .tempId = "tempID"
+#> .data <- data.frame(seq(1,length(.tokenLines)))
+#> names(.data) <- .tempId
+#> # do following for all fields
+#> .fieldCount <- length(fields)
+#> for (.currentFieldIdx in seq(1,.fieldCount)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Processing field index", .currentFieldIdx , "of", .fieldCount,"\n")
+#> # create list for each variable
+#> .currentValues <- sapply(.tokenLines, "[[", .currentFieldIdx)
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Current values: ", toString(.currentValues), "\n")
+#> .currentField <- fields[[.currentFieldIdx]]
+#> if (verbose)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing field", paste(.currentField), "\n")
+#> # convert values to the correct types
+#> .fieldDefinition <- .currentField[["definition"]]
+#> .method <- .converters[[.fieldDefinition]]
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter:\n")
+#> print(.method)
#> }
-#> .converters <- sosDataFieldConverters(sos)
-#> .blockLines <- strsplit(x = xml2::xml_text(x = values), split = encoding@blockSeparator)
-#> .tokenLines <- sapply(.blockLines, strsplit, split = encoding@tokenSeparator)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing values from lines: ", toString(.tokenLines),
-#> "\n")
-#> .tempId = "tempID"
-#> .data <- data.frame(seq(1, length(.tokenLines)))
-#> names(.data) <- .tempId
-#> .fieldCount <- length(fields)
-#> for (.currentFieldIdx in seq(1, .fieldCount)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Processing field index", .currentFieldIdx,
-#> "of", .fieldCount, "\n")
-#> .currentValues <- sapply(.tokenLines, "[[", .currentFieldIdx)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Current values: ", toString(.currentValues),
-#> "\n")
-#> .currentField <- fields[[.currentFieldIdx]]
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Parsing field", paste(.currentField),
-#> "\n")
-#> .fieldDefinition <- .currentField[["definition"]]
-#> .method <- .converters[[.fieldDefinition]]
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter:\n")
-#> print(.method)
-#> }
+#> if (is.null(.method)) {
+#> # could still be a unit of measurement given, use as
+#> if (!is.na(.currentField["uom"])) {
+#> .method <- .converters[[.currentField[["uom"]]]]
#> if (is.null(.method)) {
-#> if (!is.na(.currentField["uom"])) {
-#> .method <- .converters[[.currentField[["uom"]]]]
-#> if (is.null(.method)) {
-#> warning(paste("No converter for the unit of measurement ",
-#> .currentField[["uom"]], " with the definition ",
-#> .currentField[["definition"]], "! Trying a default, but you can add one when creating a SOS using",
-#> "SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions().\n"))
-#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
-#> }
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("No converter found for the given field",
-#> toString(.currentField), "using fallBack converter."))
-#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
-#> }
+#> # fallback option
+#> warning(paste("No converter for the unit of measurement ",
+#> .currentField[["uom"]],
+#> " with the definition ",
+#> .currentField[["definition"]],
+#> "! Trying a default, but you can add one when creating a SOS using",
+#> "SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions().\n"))
+#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
#> }
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter function:\n")
-#> show(.method)
-#> }
-#> .currentValues <- .method(x = .currentValues, sos = sos)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for",
-#> .currentField[["name"]], "-- value range", toString(range(.currentValues)),
-#> "\n")
-#> .newData <- data.frame(.currentValues)
-#> .newDataName <- .currentField[["name"]]
-#> names(.newData) <- .cleanupColumnName(.newDataName)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Added column name:", names(.newData),
-#> "\n")
-#> .data <- cbind(.data, .newData)
-#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] The new bound data frame (one variable the a temp id):\n")
-#> str(.data)
-#> }
-#> .addAttrs <- as.list(.currentField)
-#> names(.addAttrs) <- .sosParseFieldReadable[names(.currentField)]
-#> .lastColumn <- dim(.data)[[2]]
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.data[, .lastColumn])
-#> attributes(.data[, .lastColumn]) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs),
-#> .addAttrs)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Added attributes to new data:",
-#> toString(.addAttrs), "[ names: ", toString(names(.addAttrs)),
-#> "]", "\n[parseValues] Old attributes list is",
-#> toString(.oldAttrs), "\n[parseValues] New attributes list is",
-#> toString(attributes(.data[, .lastColumn])), "\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("No converter found for the given field", toString(.currentField),
+#> "using fallBack converter."))
+#> .method <- .converters[["fallBack"]]
+#> }
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseValues] Removing temporary first column\n")
-#> .data <- .data[, !colnames(.data) %in% .tempId]
#> if (verbose) {
-#> cat("[parseValues] returning final data frame:\n")
-#> str(.data)
+#> cat("[parseValues] Using converter function:\n")
+#> show(.method)
#> }
-#> return(.data)
+#> # do the conversion
+#> .currentValues <- .method(x = .currentValues, sos = sos)
+#> # bind new and existing data:
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for",
+#> .currentField[["name"]],
+#> "-- value range", toString(range(.currentValues)), "\n")
+#> .newData <- data.frame(.currentValues)
+#> # create the names of the new data:
+#> .newDataName <- .currentField[["name"]]
+#> names(.newData) <- .cleanupColumnName(.newDataName)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Added column name:", names(.newData), "\n")
+#> # bind existing and new data column
+#> .data <- cbind(.data, .newData)
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseValues] The new bound data frame (one variable the a temp id):\n")
+#> str(.data)
+#> }
+#> # add field information as attributes to the new column using human
+#> # readable names
+#> .addAttrs <- as.list(.currentField)
+#> names(.addAttrs) <- .sosParseFieldReadable[names(.currentField)]
+#> .lastColumn <- dim(.data)[[2]]
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.data[,.lastColumn])
+#> attributes(.data[,.lastColumn]) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs), .addAttrs)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Added attributes to new data:",
+#> toString(.addAttrs),
+#> "[ names: ", toString(names(.addAttrs)), "]",
+#> "\n[parseValues] Old attributes list is",
+#> toString(.oldAttrs),
+#> "\n[parseValues] New attributes list is",
+#> toString(attributes(.data[,.lastColumn])),
+#> "\n")
+#> }
+#> # remove id column
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Removing temporary first column\n")
+#> .data <- .data[,!colnames(.data) %in% .tempId]
+#> if (verbose) {
+#> cat("[parseValues] returning final data frame:\n")
+#> str(.data)
+#> }
+#> return(.data)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:Position`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .rF <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSwePosition] with referenceFrame", .rF, "\n")
-#> .location <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweLocationName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweLocationName]]
-#> .pos <- .parser(.location, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.pos)
-#> attributes(.pos) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .rF))
-#> return(.pos)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .rF <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSwePosition] with referenceFrame", .rF, "\n")
+#> .location <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweLocationName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweLocationName]]
+#> .pos <- .parser(.location, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> .oldAttrs <- attributes(.pos)
+#> attributes(.pos) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .rF))
+#> return(.pos)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:location`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .vector <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweVectorName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweLocation] with id", .id, "\n")
-#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweVectorName]]
-#> location <- .parser(.vector, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> return(location)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .vector <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweVectorName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweLocation] with id", .id, "\n")
+#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweVectorName]]
+#> location <- .parser(.vector, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> return(location)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:Vector`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .children <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sweCoordinateName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweCoordinateName]]
-#> .vector <- lapply(X = .children, FUN = .parser, sos = sos,
-#> verbose = verbose)
-#> names(.vector) <- sapply(.vector, function(current) {
-#> return(current$axisID)
-#> })
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweVector] parsed vector with coordinates: ",
-#> toString(names(.vector)), "\n")
-#> return(.vector)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .children <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
+#> xpath = sweCoordinateName,
+#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweCoordinateName]]
+#> .vector <- lapply(X = .children, FUN = .parser, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> names(.vector) <- sapply(.vector, function(current) {return(current$axisID)})
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweVector] parsed vector with coordinates: ", toString(names(.vector)), "\n")
+#> return(.vector)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`swe:coordinate`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "name")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] with name", .name, "\n")
-#> .quantity <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweQuantityName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .axisID <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .quantity, attr = "axisID")
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] axisID: ", .axisID, "\n")
-#> .uomNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweUomName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .uomCode <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .uomNode, attr = "code", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] uomCode: ", .uomCode, "\n")
-#> .valueNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweValueName,
-#> ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .value <- as.double(xml2::xml_text(x = .valueNode))
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseSweCoordinate] value: ", .value, "\n")
-#> return(list(name = .name, axisID = .axisID, uomCode = .uomCode,
-#> value = .value))
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "name")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] with name", .name, "\n")
+#> .quantity <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweQuantityName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .axisID <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .quantity, attr = "axisID")
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] axisID: ", .axisID, "\n")
+#> .uomNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweUomName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .uomCode <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .uomNode, attr = "code", ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] uomCode: ", .uomCode, "\n")
+#> .valueNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweValueName, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .value <- as.double(xml2::xml_text(x = .valueNode))
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] value: ", .value, "\n")
+#> return(list(name = .name,
+#> axisID = .axisID,
+#> uomCode = .uomCode,
+#> value = .value))
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:GeometryObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:GeometryObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:GeometryObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:CategoryObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:CategoryObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:CategoryObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:CountObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:CountObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:CountObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:TruthObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:TruthObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:TruthObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:TemporalObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:TemporalObservatio is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:TemporalObservatio is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`om:ComplexObservation`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> warning("Parsing of om:ComplexObservation is not implemented!")
-#> return(NA)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> warning("Parsing of om:ComplexObservation is not implemented!")
+#> return(NA)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`text/csv`
-#> function (obj, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Parsing CSV...\n")
-#> if (inherits(x = obj, what = "data.frame")) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Already a data.frame, returning object\n")
-#> return(obj)
-#> }
-#> .lines <- strsplit(x = obj, split = "\n")[[1]]
-#> .data <- do.call(what = "strsplit", args = list(.lines, split = ","))
-#> .names <- .data[[1]]
-#> .newNames <- c()
-#> for (.n in .names) {
-#> .newNames <- c(.newNames, gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement = "",
-#> x = .n))
-#> }
-#> .names <- .newNames
-#> .rows <- length(.data)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Got", .rows, "lines of data.\n")
-#> .df <- NULL
-#> for (.r in seq(2, .rows)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Processing row in CSV:", .data[[.r]],
-#> "\n")
-#> .row.df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][1])
-#> names(.row.df) <- .names[[1]]
-#> for (i in seq(2, length(.names))) {
-#> .df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][i])
-#> names(.df) <- .names[[i]]
-#> .row.df <- cbind(.row.df, .df)
-#> }
-#> if (is.null(.df))
-#> .df <- .row.df
-#> else .df <- do.call(rbind, list(.df, .row.df))
+#> function(obj, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Parsing CSV...\n")
+#> if (inherits(x = obj, what = "data.frame")) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Already a data.frame, returning object\n")
+#> return(obj)
+#> }
+#> .lines <- strsplit(x = obj, split = "\n")[[1]]
+#> .data <- do.call(what = "strsplit", args = list(.lines, split = ","))
+#> # clean up names (double quotes)
+#> .names <- .data[[1]]
+#> .newNames <- c()
+#> for (.n in .names) {
+#> .newNames <- c(.newNames,
+#> gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement = "", x = .n))
+#> }
+#> .names <- .newNames
+#> .rows <- length(.data)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Got", .rows, "lines of data.\n")
+#> .df <- NULL
+#> for (.r in seq(2,.rows)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Processing row in CSV:", .data[[.r]], "\n")
+#> # initialize first column of the data frame so it can be bound in loop
+#> .row.df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][1])
+#> names(.row.df) <- .names[[1]]
+#> for (i in seq(2,length(.names))) {
+#> .df <- as.data.frame(.data[[.r]][i])
+#> names(.df) <- .names[[i]]
+#> .row.df <- cbind(.row.df, .df)
#> }
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseCSV] Done.\n")
-#> return(.df)
+#> if (is.null(.df))
+#> .df <- .row.df
+#> else
+#> .df <- do.call(rbind, list(.df, .row.df))
+#> }
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseCSV] Done.\n")
+#> return(.df)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`text/xml;subtype="om/1.0.0"`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $kml
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
-#> return(obj)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseKML] Processing KML... returning raw object!\n")
+#> return(obj)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
#> $`text/xml`
-#> function (obj, sos, verbose = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> .om <- NULL
-#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
-#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
-#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name,
-#> "\n")
-#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
-#> if (verbose)
-#> cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
-#> }
-#> else {
-#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element",
-#> .name))
-#> }
-#> return(.om)
+#> function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
+#> .om <- NULL
+#> # switch submethods based on name (needs prefix)
+#> .name <- xml2::xml_name(x = obj, ns = SosAllNamespaces())
+#> .parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[.name]]
+#> if (!is.null(.parsingFunction)) {
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Matched name for parser is", .name, "\n")
+#> .om <- .parsingFunction(obj = obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
+#> if (verbose) cat("[parseOM] Done parsing\n")
+#> }
+#> else {
+#> warning(paste("[parseOM] No parsing function for given element", .name))
+#> }
+#> return(.om)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:sos4R>
@@ -2153,7 +2268,7 @@ Contents
diff --git a/docs/reference/DescribeSensor.html b/docs/reference/DescribeSensor.html
index 2990089..32401da 100644
--- a/docs/reference/DescribeSensor.html
+++ b/docs/reference/DescribeSensor.html
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Author
diff --git a/docs/reference/Foi.html b/docs/reference/Foi.html
index 7571cfe..1f596fc 100644
--- a/docs/reference/Foi.html
+++ b/docs/reference/Foi.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Contents
diff --git a/docs/reference/GML.html b/docs/reference/GML.html
index 36fd908..f9fc3c4 100644
--- a/docs/reference/GML.html
+++ b/docs/reference/GML.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -697,8 +697,8 @@ Examp
aWeekAgo <- GmlTimeInstantProperty(time = GmlTimeInstant(time = timePos))
timePos <- GmlTimePosition(time = Sys.time())
now <- GmlTimeInstantProperty(time = GmlTimeInstant(time = timePos))
-GmlTimePeriod(begin = aWeekAgo, end = now)#> GmlTimePeriod: [ Object of class GmlTimeInstantProperty; href: NA; time: GmlTimePosition [ time: 2019-04-06 15:35:41 ]
-#> --> Object of class GmlTimeInstantProperty; href: NA; time: GmlTimePosition [ time: 2019-04-13 15:35:41 ] ]
+GmlTimePeriod(begin = aWeekAgo, end = now)#> GmlTimePeriod: [ Object of class GmlTimeInstantProperty; href: NA; time: GmlTimePosition [ time: 2019-08-02 15:07:23 ]
+#> --> Object of class GmlTimeInstantProperty; href: NA; time: GmlTimePosition [ time: 2019-08-09 15:07:23 ] ]
diff --git a/docs/reference/GetDataAvailability.html b/docs/reference/GetDataAvailability.html
index ae1ac46..85fbf69 100644
--- a/docs/reference/GetDataAvailability.html
+++ b/docs/reference/GetDataAvailability.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ # parsing a XML string to an exception report object -er.doc <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("<ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:ows=\"http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1\"", +er.doc <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("<ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:ows=\"http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1\"", " xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" version=\"1.0.0\"", " xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/1.1.0/owsExceptionReport.xsd\">", "<ows:Exception exceptionCode=\"VersionNegotiationFailed\" locator=\"AcceptVersions\">", @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@diff --git a/docs/reference/sos4R-package.html b/docs/reference/sos4R-package.html index 0764b08..3337802 100644 --- a/docs/reference/sos4R-package.html +++ b/docs/reference/sos4R-package.html @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ @@ -145,8 +145,8 @@Author
sos4R Type: Package - Version: - 0.3.0 + Date: 2019-03-30 + 0.3.1 Date: 2019-07-09 License: GPL-2 @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ LazyLoad: yes Author
diff --git a/docs/reference/sosConvert.html b/docs/reference/sosConvert.html index b91236e..e424e48 100644 --- a/docs/reference/sosConvert.html +++ b/docs/reference/sosConvert.html @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@Author
diff --git a/docs/reference/sosCreate.html b/docs/reference/sosCreate.html index 29563e9..48a7d66 100644 --- a/docs/reference/sosCreate.html +++ b/docs/reference/sosCreate.html @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@Author
diff --git a/docs/reference/sosObservableProperties-methods.html b/docs/reference/sosObservableProperties-methods.html index ebf5428..dc0864f 100644 --- a/docs/reference/sosObservableProperties-methods.html +++ b/docs/reference/sosObservableProperties-methods.html @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@Contents
diff --git a/docs/reference/sosRequest-methods.html b/docs/reference/sosRequest-methods.html index 35207b0..cbd3db7 100644 --- a/docs/reference/sosRequest-methods.html +++ b/docs/reference/sosRequest-methods.html @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@Contents
diff --git a/docs/reference/xml.html b/docs/reference/xml.html index b62dc3c..891acf1 100644 --- a/docs/reference/xml.html +++ b/docs/reference/xml.html @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@Author