From 153f82c8cfe0e0641308d3e3b92a7c30539e50d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bastien Teinturier <>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 15:45:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor integration tests (#1494)
We don't need one node per force-close scenario, we can use different
channels to the same node which makes the spec simpler.
Force-close tests now have better isolation: they create the channel at
the beginning of the test, and the test ends with that channel closed.
Common parts have been refactored as well, which will make it easier to
add more tests for anchor outputs without duplicating too much code.
These tests have been heavily enriched and refactored; they previously
relied on many unwritten assumptions about event ordering that appeared
as soon as I tried updating them (e.g. to use push_msat to ensure both
sides had an output in the commit tx).
.../payment/receive/ForwardHandler.scala | 4 +-
.../payment/receive/PaymentHandler.scala | 17 +-
.../src/test/resources/logback-test.xml | 6 +-
.../eclair/integration/IntegrationSpec.scala | 680 +++++++++---------
4 files changed, 368 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-)
diff --git a/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/ForwardHandler.scala b/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/ForwardHandler.scala
index fc132572be..54d444aa06 100644
--- a/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/ForwardHandler.scala
+++ b/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/ForwardHandler.scala
@@ -24,5 +24,7 @@ import akka.event.DiagnosticLoggingAdapter
* Simple handler that forwards all messages to an actor
class ForwardHandler(actor: ActorRef) extends ReceiveHandler {
- override def handle(implicit ctx: ActorContext, log: DiagnosticLoggingAdapter): Receive = { case msg => actor forward msg}
+ override def handle(implicit ctx: ActorContext, log: DiagnosticLoggingAdapter): Receive = {
+ case msg => actor forward msg
+ }
diff --git a/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/PaymentHandler.scala b/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/PaymentHandler.scala
index a8784d26ab..f045a3a904 100644
--- a/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/PaymentHandler.scala
+++ b/eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/payment/receive/PaymentHandler.scala
@@ -36,13 +36,28 @@ class PaymentHandler(nodeParams: NodeParams, register: ActorRef) extends Actor w
override def receive: Receive = normal(defaultHandler.handle(context, log))
- def normal(handle: Receive): Receive = handle orElse {
+ private def addReceiveHandler(handle: Receive): Receive = {
case handler: ReceiveHandler =>"registering handler of type=${handler.getClass.getSimpleName}")
// NB: the last handler that was added will be the first called
context become normal(handler.handle(context, log) orElse handle)
+ /**
+ * This is a bit subtle because we want handlers to be as generic as possible, but we also want to catch a particular
+ * type of message (the [[ReceiveHandler]]s themselves) to update the list of handlers.
+ *
+ * That's why we *prepend* new handlers, but after a first special handler (addReceiveHandler):
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * paymentHandler ! handler1
+ * paymentHandler ! handler2
+ * paymentHandler ! handler3
+ * // the current handler is now addReceiveHandler :: handler3 :: handler2 :: handler1
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def normal(handle: Receive): Receive = addReceiveHandler(handle) orElse handle
override def mdc(currentMessage: Any): MDC = Logs.mdc(category_opt = Some(Logs.LogCategory.PAYMENT))
diff --git a/eclair-core/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml b/eclair-core/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
index 13ccdfb929..d8d59e0d2e 100644
--- a/eclair-core/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
+++ b/eclair-core/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclair-core/src/test/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/integration/IntegrationSpec.scala b/eclair-core/src/test/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/integration/IntegrationSpec.scala
index b9595899c2..f4e6335880 100644
--- a/eclair-core/src/test/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/integration/IntegrationSpec.scala
+++ b/eclair-core/src/test/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/integration/IntegrationSpec.scala
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import
import java.util.{Properties, UUID}
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
+import akka.pattern.pipe
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestProbe}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
@@ -31,13 +32,12 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.BitcoindService.BitcoinReq
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.ExtendedBitcoinClient
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{Watch, WatchConfirmed}
import{BroadcastChannelUpdate, PeriodicRefresh}
import{Forward, ForwardShortId}
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.TransportHandler
import fr.acinq.eclair.db._
-import{Disconnect, PeerRoutingMessage}
import{Peer, PeerConnection}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentRequest.ExtraHop
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment._
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.{Scripts, Transactions}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiryDelta, Kit, LongToBtcAmount, MilliSatoshi, Setup, ShortChannelId, TestKitBaseClass, randomBytes32}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
-import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, Formats}
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JString, JValue}
+import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, Formats}
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
def instantiateEclairNode(name: String, config: Config): Unit = {
val datadir = new File(INTEGRATION_TMP_DIR, s"datadir-eclair-$name")
- implicit val system = ActorSystem(s"system-$name", config)
+ implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(s"system-$name", config)
val setup = new Setup(datadir)
val kit = Await.result(setup.bootstrap, 10 seconds)
nodes = nodes + (name -> kit)
@@ -178,20 +178,12 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
instantiateEclairNode("C", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "C", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 132, "eclair.server.port" -> 29732, "eclair.api.port" -> 28082, "eclair.trampoline-payments-enable" -> true).asJava).withFallback(withAnchorOutputs).withFallback(withWumbo).withFallback(commonConfig))
instantiateEclairNode("D", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "D", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 133, "eclair.server.port" -> 29733, "eclair.api.port" -> 28083, "eclair.trampoline-payments-enable" -> true).asJava).withFallback(commonFeatures).withFallback(commonConfig))
instantiateEclairNode("E", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "E", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 134, "eclair.server.port" -> 29734, "eclair.api.port" -> 28084).asJava).withFallback(withAnchorOutputs).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("F1", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F1", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 135, "eclair.server.port" -> 29735, "eclair.api.port" -> 28085).asJava).withFallback(withWumbo).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("F2", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F2", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 136, "eclair.server.port" -> 29736, "eclair.api.port" -> 28086).asJava).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("F3", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F3", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 137, "eclair.server.port" -> 29737, "eclair.api.port" -> 28087, "eclair.trampoline-payments-enable" -> true).asJava).withFallback(commonFeatures).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("F4", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F4", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 138, "eclair.server.port" -> 29738, "eclair.api.port" -> 28088).asJava).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("F5", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F5", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 139, "eclair.server.port" -> 29739, "eclair.api.port" -> 28089).asJava).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("F6", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F6", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 140, "eclair.server.port" -> 29740, "eclair.api.port" -> 28090).asJava).withFallback(withAnchorOutputs).withFallback(commonConfig))
- instantiateEclairNode("G", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "G", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 141, "eclair.server.port" -> 29741, "eclair.api.port" -> 28091, "eclair.fee-base-msat" -> 1010, "eclair.fee-proportional-millionths" -> 102, "eclair.trampoline-payments-enable" -> true).asJava).withFallback(commonConfig))
- // by default C has a normal payment handler, but this can be overridden in tests
- val paymentHandlerC = nodes("C").system.actorOf(PaymentHandler.props(nodes("C").nodeParams, nodes("C").register))
- nodes("C").paymentHandler ! paymentHandlerC
+ instantiateEclairNode("F1", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F1", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 135, "eclair.server.port" -> 29735, "eclair.api.port" -> 28085, "eclair.trampoline-payments-enable" -> true).asJava).withFallback(withWumbo).withFallback(commonConfig))
+ instantiateEclairNode("F2", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "F2", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 136, "eclair.server.port" -> 29736, "eclair.api.port" -> 28086).asJava).withFallback(withAnchorOutputs).withFallback(commonConfig))
+ instantiateEclairNode("G", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("eclair.node-alias" -> "G", "eclair.expiry-delta-blocks" -> 137, "eclair.server.port" -> 29737, "eclair.api.port" -> 28087, "eclair.fee-base-msat" -> 1010, "eclair.fee-proportional-millionths" -> 102, "eclair.trampoline-payments-enable" -> true).asJava).withFallback(commonConfig))
- def connect(node1: Kit, node2: Kit, fundingSatoshis: Satoshi, pushMsat: MilliSatoshi) = {
+ def connect(node1: Kit, node2: Kit, fundingSatoshis: Satoshi, pushMsat: MilliSatoshi): ChannelCommandResponse.ChannelOpened = {
val sender = TestProbe()
val address = node2.nodeParams.publicAddresses.head
sender.send(node1.switchboard, Peer.Connect(
@@ -213,8 +205,8 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
// ,--G--,
// / \
// A---B ------- C ==== D
- // \ / \
- // '--E--' F{1,2,3,4,5,6}
+ // \ /
+ // '--E--'
val sender = TestProbe()
val eventListener = TestProbe()
@@ -226,16 +218,10 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
connect(nodes("C"), nodes("D"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
connect(nodes("B"), nodes("E"), 10000000 sat, 0 msat)
connect(nodes("E"), nodes("C"), 10000000 sat, 0 msat)
- connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F1"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
- connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F2"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
- connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F3"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
- connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F4"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
- connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F5"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
- connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F6"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
connect(nodes("B"), nodes("G"), 16000000 sat, 0 msat)
connect(nodes("G"), nodes("C"), 16000000 sat, 0 msat)
- val numberOfChannels = 14
+ val numberOfChannels = 8
val channelEndpointsCount = 2 * numberOfChannels
// we make sure all channels have set up their WatchConfirmed for the funding tx
@@ -284,8 +270,8 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
// A requires private channels, as a consequence:
// - only A and B know about channel A-B (and there is no channel_announcement)
// - A is not announced (no node_announcement)
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(key => List("A", "B").contains(key)).toMap, 11, 13, 28)
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(key => !List("A", "B").contains(key)).toMap, 11, 13, 26)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(key => List("A", "B").contains(key)).toMap, 5, 7, 16)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(key => List("C", "D", "E", "G").contains(key)).toMap, 5, 7, 14)
test("wait for channels balance") {
@@ -299,29 +285,20 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
publicChannels.foreach(pc => assert( => m.balance1 > 0.msat || m.balance2 > 0.msat) === Some(true), pc))
- test("open a wumbo channel and wait for longer than the default min_depth") {
+ test("open a wumbo channel C <-> F1 and wait for longer than the default min_depth") {
// we open a 5BTC channel and check that we scale `min_depth` up to 13 confirmations
val funder = nodes("C")
val fundee = nodes("F1")
- val sender = TestProbe()
- sender.send(funder.switchboard, Peer.OpenChannel(
- remoteNodeId = fundee.nodeParams.nodeId,
- fundingSatoshis = 5.btc,
- pushMsat = 0.msat,
- fundingTxFeeratePerKw_opt = None,
- channelFlags = None,
- timeout_opt = None))
- val tempChannelId = sender.expectMsgType[ChannelOpened](10 seconds).channelId
+ val tempChannelId = connect(funder, fundee, 5 btc, 100000000000L msat).channelId
+ val sender = TestProbe()
// mine the funding tx
generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2)
// get the channelId
sender.send(fundee.register, Symbol("channels"))
val Some((_, fundeeChannel)) = sender.expectMsgType[Map[ByteVector32, ActorRef]].find(_._1 == tempChannelId)
sender.send(fundeeChannel, CMD_GETSTATEDATA)
val channelId = sender.expectMsgType[HasCommitments].channelId
sender.send(funder.register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
sender.expectMsgType[State] == WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED
@@ -376,7 +353,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
fundeeState == NORMAL && funderState == NORMAL
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 11, 14, 30)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 6, 8, 18)
test("send an HTLC A->D") {
@@ -682,11 +659,11 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
assert(math.abs((canSend - canSend2).toLong) < 50000000)
- test("send a trampoline payment B->F3 with retry (via trampoline G)") {
+ test("send a trampoline payment B->F1 with retry (via trampoline G)") {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val sender = TestProbe()
val amount = 4000000000L.msat
- sender.send(nodes("F3").paymentHandler, ReceivePayment(Some(amount), "like trampoline much?"))
+ sender.send(nodes("F1").paymentHandler, ReceivePayment(Some(amount), "like trampoline much?"))
val pr = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentRequest](15 seconds)
@@ -699,13 +676,13 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
val paymentSent = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent](30 seconds)
assert( === paymentId, paymentSent)
assert(paymentSent.paymentHash === pr.paymentHash, paymentSent)
- assert(paymentSent.recipientNodeId === nodes("F3").nodeParams.nodeId, paymentSent)
+ assert(paymentSent.recipientNodeId === nodes("F1").nodeParams.nodeId, paymentSent)
assert(paymentSent.recipientAmount === amount, paymentSent)
assert(paymentSent.feesPaid === 1000000.msat, paymentSent)
assert(paymentSent.nonTrampolineFees === 0.msat, paymentSent)
- awaitCond(nodes("F3").nodeParams.db.payments.getIncomingPayment(pr.paymentHash).exists(_.status.isInstanceOf[IncomingPaymentStatus.Received]))
- val Some(IncomingPayment(_, _, _, _, IncomingPaymentStatus.Received(receivedAmount, _))) = nodes("F3").nodeParams.db.payments.getIncomingPayment(pr.paymentHash)
+ awaitCond(nodes("F1").nodeParams.db.payments.getIncomingPayment(pr.paymentHash).exists(_.status.isInstanceOf[IncomingPaymentStatus.Received]))
+ val Some(IncomingPayment(_, _, _, _, IncomingPaymentStatus.Received(receivedAmount, _))) = nodes("F1").nodeParams.db.payments.getIncomingPayment(pr.paymentHash)
assert(receivedAmount === amount)
@@ -718,8 +695,8 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
val outgoingSuccess = nodes("B").nodeParams.db.payments.listOutgoingPayments(paymentId).filter(p => p.status.isInstanceOf[OutgoingPaymentStatus.Succeeded])
outgoingSuccess.collect { case p@OutgoingPayment(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, recipientNodeId, _, _, OutgoingPaymentStatus.Succeeded(_, _, route, _)) =>
- assert(recipientNodeId === nodes("F3").nodeParams.nodeId, p)
- assert(route.lastOption === Some(HopSummary(nodes("G").nodeParams.nodeId, nodes("F3").nodeParams.nodeId)), p)
+ assert(recipientNodeId === nodes("F1").nodeParams.nodeId, p)
+ assert(route.lastOption === Some(HopSummary(nodes("G").nodeParams.nodeId, nodes("F1").nodeParams.nodeId)), p)
assert( === amount + 1000000.msat, outgoingSuccess)
@@ -768,7 +745,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
assert(sent.head.copy(parts = === paymentSent.copy(parts = = None)).sortBy(_.timestamp)), sent)
- test("send a trampoline payment F3->A (via trampoline C, non-trampoline recipient)") {
+ test("send a trampoline payment F1->A (via trampoline C, non-trampoline recipient)") {
// The A -> B channel is not announced.
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val sender = TestProbe()
@@ -783,7 +760,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
val payment = SendTrampolinePaymentRequest(amount, pr, nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId, Seq((1000000 msat, CltvExpiryDelta(432))))
- sender.send(nodes("F3").paymentInitiator, payment)
+ sender.send(nodes("F1").paymentInitiator, payment)
val paymentId = sender.expectMsgType[UUID](30 seconds)
val paymentSent = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent](30 seconds)
assert( === paymentId, paymentSent)
@@ -803,7 +780,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
assert(relayed.amountIn - relayed.amountOut > 0.msat, relayed)
assert(relayed.amountIn - relayed.amountOut < 1000000.msat, relayed)
- val outgoingSuccess = nodes("F3").nodeParams.db.payments.listOutgoingPayments(paymentId).filter(p => p.status.isInstanceOf[OutgoingPaymentStatus.Succeeded])
+ val outgoingSuccess = nodes("F1").nodeParams.db.payments.listOutgoingPayments(paymentId).filter(p => p.status.isInstanceOf[OutgoingPaymentStatus.Succeeded])
outgoingSuccess.collect { case p@OutgoingPayment(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, recipientNodeId, _, _, OutgoingPaymentStatus.Succeeded(_, _, route, _)) =>
assert(recipientNodeId === nodes("A").nodeParams.nodeId, p)
assert(route.lastOption === Some(HopSummary(nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId, nodes("A").nodeParams.nodeId)), p)
@@ -863,38 +840,79 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
assert(outgoingPayments.forall(p => p.status.isInstanceOf[OutgoingPaymentStatus.Failed]), outgoingPayments)
- test("send payments and close the channel C -> F6 with option_anchor_outputs/option_static_remotekey") {
- // initially all the balance is on C side and F6 doesn't have an output
+ test("close channel C <-> F1") {
val sender = TestProbe()
- sender.send(nodes("F6").register, Symbol("channelsTo"))
- // retrieve the channelId of C <--> F6
+ sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Symbol("channelsTo"))
+ val channels = sender.expectMsgType[Map[ByteVector32, PublicKey]]
+ assert(channels.size === 1)
+ assert(channels.head._2 === nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId)
+ val channelId = channels.head._1
+ sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ val commitmentsC = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments
+ val finalPubKeyScriptC = commitmentsC.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey
+ val fundingOutpoint = commitmentsC.commitInput.outPoint
+ sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ val finalPubKeyScriptF = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey
+ sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_CLOSE(Some(finalPubKeyScriptF))))
+ sender.expectMsg(ChannelCommandResponse.Ok)
+ // we then wait for C and F to negotiate the closing fee
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSING
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2)
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSED
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ val bitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
+ bitcoinClient.lookForSpendingTx(None, fundingOutpoint.txid, fundingOutpoint.index.toInt).pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ val closingTx = sender.expectMsgType[Transaction]
+ assert( === Set(finalPubKeyScriptC, finalPubKeyScriptF))
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
+ }
+ test("open channel C <-> F2, send payments and close (option_anchor_outputs, option_static_remotekey)") {
+ connect(nodes("C"), nodes("F2"), 5000000 sat, 0 msat)
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 6)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 6, 8, 18)
+ // initially all the balance is on C side and F2 doesn't have an output
+ val sender = TestProbe()
+ sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Symbol("channelsTo"))
+ // retrieve the channelId of C <--> F2
val Some(channelId) = sender.expectMsgType[Map[ByteVector32, PublicKey]].find(_._2 == nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId).map(_._1)
- sender.send(nodes("F6").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val initialStateDataF6 = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL]
- val initialCommitmentIndex = initialStateDataF6.commitments.localCommit.index
+ sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ val initialStateDataF2 = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL]
+ val initialCommitmentIndex = initialStateDataF2.commitments.localCommit.index
// the 'to remote' address is a simple script spending to the remote payment basepoint with a 1-block CSV delay
- val toRemoteAddress = Script.pay2wsh(Scripts.toRemoteDelayed(initialStateDataF6.commitments.remoteParams.paymentBasepoint))
+ val toRemoteAddress = Script.pay2wsh(Scripts.toRemoteDelayed(initialStateDataF2.commitments.remoteParams.paymentBasepoint))
- // toRemote output of C as seen by F6
- val Some(toRemoteOutC) = initialStateDataF6.commitments.localCommit.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx.txOut.find(_.publicKeyScript == Script.write(toRemoteAddress))
+ // toRemote output of C as seen by F2
+ val Some(toRemoteOutC) = initialStateDataF2.commitments.localCommit.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx.txOut.find(_.publicKeyScript == Script.write(toRemoteAddress))
// let's make a payment to advance the commit index
val amountMsat = 4200000.msat
- sender.send(nodes("F6").paymentHandler, ReceivePayment(Some(amountMsat), "1 coffee"))
+ sender.send(nodes("F2").paymentHandler, ReceivePayment(Some(amountMsat), "1 coffee"))
val pr = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentRequest]
// then we make the actual payment
- sender.send(nodes("C").paymentInitiator, SendPaymentRequest(amountMsat, pr.paymentHash, nodes("F6").nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 1, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta))
+ sender.send(nodes("C").paymentInitiator, SendPaymentRequest(amountMsat, pr.paymentHash, nodes("F2").nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 1, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta))
val paymentId = sender.expectMsgType[UUID](5 seconds)
val ps = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent](5 seconds)
assert( == paymentId)
- sender.send(nodes("F6").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val stateDataF6 = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL]
- val commitmentIndex = stateDataF6.commitments.localCommit.index
- val commitTx = stateDataF6.commitments.localCommit.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx
+ sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ val stateDataF2 = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL]
+ val commitmentIndex = stateDataF2.commitments.localCommit.index
+ val commitTx = stateDataF2.commitments.localCommit.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx
val Some(toRemoteOutCNew) = commitTx.txOut.find(_.publicKeyScript == Script.write(toRemoteAddress))
// there is a new commitment index in the channel state
@@ -905,7 +923,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
assert(toRemoteOutCNew.amount < toRemoteOutC.amount)
// now let's force close the channel and check the toRemote is what we had at the beginning
- sender.send(nodes("F6").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
+ sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
// we then wait for C to detect the unilateral close and go to CLOSING state
@@ -913,11 +931,12 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSING
}, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getrawtransaction", commitTx.txid.toHex))
- val JString(rawTx) = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
+ val bitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
+ bitcoinClient.getTransaction(commitTx.txid).pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ val tx = sender.expectMsgType[Transaction](10 seconds)
// the unilateral close contains the static toRemote output
- assert( == toRemoteOutC.publicKeyScript))
+ assert(tx.txOut.exists(_.publicKeyScript == toRemoteOutC.publicKeyScript))
// bury the unilateral close in a block, since there are no outputs to claim the channel can go to CLOSED state
generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2)
@@ -925,12 +944,13 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSED
}, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
* We currently use p2pkh script Helpers.getFinalScriptPubKey
- def scriptPubKeyToAddress(scriptPubKey: ByteVector) = Script.parse(scriptPubKey) match {
+ def scriptPubKeyToAddress(scriptPubKey: ByteVector): String = Script.parse(scriptPubKey) match {
case OP_DUP :: OP_HASH160 :: OP_PUSHDATA(pubKeyHash, _) :: OP_EQUALVERIFY :: OP_CHECKSIG :: Nil =>
Base58Check.encode(Base58.Prefix.PubkeyAddressTestnet, pubKeyHash)
case OP_HASH160 :: OP_PUSHDATA(scriptHash, _) :: OP_EQUAL :: Nil =>
@@ -940,8 +960,54 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
case _ => ???
- test("propagate a fulfill upstream when a downstream htlc is redeemed on-chain (local commit)") {
+ def listReceivedByAddress(address: String, sender: TestProbe = TestProbe()): Seq[ByteVector32] = {
+ sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
+ val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
+ res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(address)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString]).map(ByteVector32.fromValidHex)
+ }
+ def getBlockCount: Long = {
+ // we make sure that all nodes have the same value
+ awaitCond( == 1, max = 1 minute, interval = 1 second)
+ // and we return it (NB: it could be a different value at this point)
+ nodes.values.head.nodeParams.currentBlockHeight
+ }
+ /** Wait for the given transaction to be either in the mempool or confirmed. */
+ def waitForTxBroadcastOrConfirmed(txid: ByteVector32, bitcoinClient: ExtendedBitcoinClient, sender: TestProbe): Unit = {
+ awaitCond({
+ bitcoinClient.getMempool().pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ val inMempool = sender.expectMsgType[Seq[Transaction]].exists(_.txid == txid)
+ bitcoinClient.getTxConfirmations(txid).pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ val confirmed = sender.expectMsgType[Option[Int]].nonEmpty
+ inMempool || confirmed
+ }, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ }
+ /** Disconnect node C from a given F node. */
+ def disconnectCF(nodeF: String, channelId: ByteVector32, sender: TestProbe = TestProbe()): Unit = {
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).switchboard, Symbol("peers"))
+ val peers = sender.expectMsgType[Iterable[ActorRef]]
+ // F's only node is C
+ peers.head ! Peer.Disconnect(nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId)
+ // we then wait for F to be in disconnected state
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == OFFLINE
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ }
+ case class ForceCloseFixture(sender: TestProbe, paymentSender: TestProbe, stateListener: TestProbe, paymentId: UUID, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, preimage: ByteVector32, minerAddress: String, finalAddressC: String, finalAddressF: String)
+ /** Prepare a C <-> F channel for a force-close test by adding an HTLC that will be hodl-ed at F. */
+ def prepareForceCloseCF(nodeF: String, commitmentFormat: Transactions.CommitmentFormat): ForceCloseFixture = {
val sender = TestProbe()
+ sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getnewaddress"))
+ val JString(minerAddress) = sender.expectMsgType[JValue]
+ // we create and announce a channel between C and F; we use push_msat to ensure both nodes have an output in the commit tx
+ connect(nodes("C"), nodes(nodeF), 5000000 sat, 500000000 msat)
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 6, Some(minerAddress))
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 6, 8, 18)
// we subscribe to C's channel state transitions
val stateListener = TestProbe()
nodes("C").system.eventStream.subscribe(stateListener.ref, classOf[ChannelStateChanged])
@@ -950,304 +1016,252 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
awaitCond(getBlockCount == currentBlockCount, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
// we use this to control when to fulfill htlcs
val htlcReceiver = TestProbe()
- nodes("F1").paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(htlcReceiver.ref)
+ nodes(nodeF).paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(htlcReceiver.ref)
val preimage = randomBytes32
val paymentHash = Crypto.sha256(preimage)
// A sends a payment to F
- val paymentReq = SendPaymentRequest(100000000 msat, paymentHash, nodes("F1").nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 3, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
+ val paymentReq = SendPaymentRequest(100000000 msat, paymentHash, nodes(nodeF).nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 1, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
val paymentSender = TestProbe()
paymentSender.send(nodes("A").paymentInitiator, paymentReq)
- paymentSender.expectMsgType[UUID](30 seconds)
+ val paymentId = paymentSender.expectMsgType[UUID](30 seconds)
// F gets the htlc
val htlc = htlcReceiver.expectMsgType[IncomingPacket.FinalPacket].add
// now that we have the channel id, we retrieve channels default final addresses
sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val finalAddressC = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val finalAddressF = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- // we also retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val previouslyReceivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
+ val dataC = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL]
+ assert(dataC.commitments.commitmentFormat === commitmentFormat)
+ val finalAddressC = scriptPubKeyToAddress(dataC.commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ val dataF = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL]
+ assert(dataF.commitments.commitmentFormat === commitmentFormat)
+ val finalAddressF = scriptPubKeyToAddress(dataF.commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
+ ForceCloseFixture(sender, paymentSender, stateListener, paymentId, htlc, preimage, minerAddress, finalAddressC, finalAddressF)
+ }
+ def testDownstreamFulfillLocalCommit(nodeF: String, commitmentFormat: Transactions.CommitmentFormat): Unit = {
+ val forceCloseFixture = prepareForceCloseCF(nodeF, commitmentFormat)
+ import forceCloseFixture._
+ // we retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
+ val previouslyReceivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
// we then kill the connection between C and F
- sender.send(nodes("F1").switchboard, Symbol("peers"))
- val peers = sender.expectMsgType[Iterable[ActorRef]]
- // F's only node is C
- peers.head ! Peer.Disconnect(nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId)
- // we then wait for F to be in disconnected state
- awaitCond({
- sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
- sender.expectMsgType[State] == OFFLINE
- }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we then have C unilateral close the channel (which will make F redeem the htlc onchain)
+ disconnectCF(nodeF, htlc.channelId, sender)
+ // we then have C unilaterally close the channel (which will make F redeem the htlc onchain)
sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
// we then wait for F to detect the unilateral close and go to CLOSING state
- sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSING
}, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ // we generate a few blocks to get the commit tx confirmed
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 3, Some(minerAddress))
// we then fulfill the htlc, which will make F redeem it on-chain
- sender.send(nodes("F1").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(, preimage)))
- // at this point F should have 1 recv transactions: the redeemed htlc
- awaitCond({
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressF)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString]).size == 1
- }, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(, preimage)))
// we don't need to generate blocks to confirm the htlc-success; C should extract the preimage as soon as it enters
// the mempool and fulfill the payment upstream.
paymentSender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent](30 seconds)
- // we then generate enough blocks so that C gets its main delayed output
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145)
- // and C will have its main output
+ // we then generate enough blocks so that nodes get their main delayed output
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145, Some(minerAddress))
+ // F should have 2 recv transactions: the redeemed htlc and its main output
+ // C should have 1 recv transaction: its main output
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val receivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 1
+ val receivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ val receivedByF = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressF)
+ receivedByF.size == 2 && (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 1
}, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we generate blocks to make tx confirm
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2)
- // and we wait for C'channel to close
+ // we generate blocks to make txs confirm
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(minerAddress))
+ // and we wait for the channel to close
awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSED, max = 30 seconds)
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 10, 12, 26)
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSED
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
- def getBlockCount: Long = {
- // we make sure that all nodes have the same value
- awaitCond( == 1, max = 1 minute, interval = 1 second)
- // and we return it (NB: it could be a different value at this point
- nodes.values.head.nodeParams.currentBlockHeight
+ test("propagate a fulfill upstream when a downstream htlc is redeemed on-chain (local commit)") {
+ testDownstreamFulfillLocalCommit("F1", Transactions.DefaultCommitmentFormat)
- test("propagate a fulfill upstream when a downstream htlc is redeemed on-chain (remote commit)") {
- val sender = TestProbe()
- // we subscribe to C's channel state transitions
- val stateListener = TestProbe()
- nodes("C").system.eventStream.subscribe(stateListener.ref, classOf[ChannelStateChanged])
- // first we make sure we are in sync with current blockchain height
- val currentBlockCount = getBlockCount
- awaitCond(getBlockCount == currentBlockCount, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we use this to control when to fulfill htlcs
- val htlcReceiver = TestProbe()
- nodes("F2").paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(htlcReceiver.ref)
- val preimage = randomBytes32
- val paymentHash = Crypto.sha256(preimage)
- // A sends a payment to F
- val paymentReq = SendPaymentRequest(100000000 msat, paymentHash, nodes("F2").nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 3, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
- val paymentSender = TestProbe()
- paymentSender.send(nodes("A").paymentInitiator, paymentReq)
- paymentSender.expectMsgType[UUID](30 seconds)
- // F gets the htlc
- val htlc = htlcReceiver.expectMsgType[IncomingPacket.FinalPacket].add
- // now that we have the channel id, we retrieve channels default final addresses
- sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val finalAddressC = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val finalAddressF = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- // we also retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val previouslyReceivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
+ def testDownstreamFulfillRemoteCommit(nodeF: String, commitmentFormat: Transactions.CommitmentFormat): Unit = {
+ val forceCloseFixture = prepareForceCloseCF(nodeF, commitmentFormat)
+ import forceCloseFixture._
+ // we retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
+ val previouslyReceivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
// we then kill the connection between C and F
- sender.send(nodes("F2").switchboard, Symbol("peers"))
- val peers = sender.expectMsgType[Iterable[ActorRef]]
- // F's only node is C
- peers.head ! Disconnect(nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId)
- // we then wait for F to be in disconnected state
- awaitCond({
- sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
- sender.expectMsgType[State] == OFFLINE
- }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // then we have F unilateral close the channel
- sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
+ disconnectCF(nodeF, htlc.channelId, sender)
+ // then we have F unilaterally close the channel
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
+ awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSING, max = 30 seconds)
+ // we generate a few blocks to get the commit tx confirmed
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 3, Some(minerAddress))
// we then fulfill the htlc (it won't be sent to C, and will be used to pull funds on-chain)
- sender.send(nodes("F2").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(, preimage)))
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(, preimage)))
// we don't need to generate blocks to confirm the htlc-success; C should extract the preimage as soon as it enters
// the mempool and fulfill the payment upstream.
paymentSender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent](30 seconds)
- // at this point F should have 1 recv transactions: the redeemed htlc
// we then generate enough blocks so that F gets its htlc-success delayed output
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getnewaddress"))
- val JString(address) = sender.expectMsgType[JValue]
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145, Some(address))
- // at this point F should have 1 recv transactions: the redeemed htlc
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145, Some(minerAddress))
+ // F should have 2 recv transactions: the redeemed htlc and its main output
+ // C should have 1 recv transaction: its main output
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressF)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString]).size == 1
+ val receivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ val receivedByF = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressF, sender)
+ receivedByF.size == 2 && (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 1
}, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // and C will have its main output
- awaitCond({
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val receivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 1
- }, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we generate blocks to make tx confirm
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(address))
- // and we wait for C'channel to close
+ // we generate blocks to make txs confirm
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(minerAddress))
+ // and we wait for the channel to close
awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSED, max = 30 seconds)
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 9, 11, 24)
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSED
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
- test("propagate a failure upstream when a downstream htlc times out (local commit)") {
- val sender = TestProbe()
- // we subscribe to C's channel state transitions
- val stateListener = TestProbe()
- nodes("C").system.eventStream.subscribe(stateListener.ref, classOf[ChannelStateChanged])
- // first we make sure we are in sync with current blockchain height
- val currentBlockCount = getBlockCount
- awaitCond(getBlockCount == currentBlockCount, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we use this to control when to fulfill htlcs
- val htlcReceiver = TestProbe()
- nodes("F3").paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(htlcReceiver.ref)
- val preimage: ByteVector = randomBytes32
- val paymentHash = Crypto.sha256(preimage)
- // A sends a payment to F
- val paymentReq = SendPaymentRequest(100000000 msat, paymentHash, nodes("F3").nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 3, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
- val paymentSender = TestProbe()
- paymentSender.send(nodes("A").paymentInitiator, paymentReq)
- val paymentId = paymentSender.expectMsgType[UUID]
- // F gets the htlc
- val htlc = htlcReceiver.expectMsgType[IncomingPacket.FinalPacket].add
- // now that we have the channel id, we retrieve channels default final addresses
+ test("propagate a fulfill upstream when a downstream htlc is redeemed on-chain (remote commit)") {
+ testDownstreamFulfillRemoteCommit("F1", Transactions.DefaultCommitmentFormat)
+ }
+ def testDownstreamTimeoutLocalCommit(nodeF: String, commitmentFormat: Transactions.CommitmentFormat): Unit = {
+ val forceCloseFixture = prepareForceCloseCF(nodeF, commitmentFormat)
+ import forceCloseFixture._
+ // we retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
+ val previouslyReceivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ // we generate enough blocks to reach the htlc timeout
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, (htlc.cltvExpiry.toLong - getBlockCount).toInt, Some(minerAddress))
+ awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSING, max = 30 seconds)
sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val finalAddressC = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- // we also retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val previouslyReceivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- // we then generate enough blocks to make the htlc timeout
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getnewaddress"))
- val JString(address) = sender.expectMsgType[JValue]
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 11, Some(address))
+ val Some(localCommit) = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_CLOSING].localCommitPublished
+ // we wait until the commit tx has been broadcast
+ val bitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
+ waitForTxBroadcastOrConfirmed(localCommit.commitTx.txid, bitcoinClient, sender)
+ // we generate a few blocks to get the commit tx confirmed
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 3, Some(minerAddress))
+ // we wait until the htlc-timeout has been broadcast
+ waitForTxBroadcastOrConfirmed(localCommit.htlcTimeoutTxs.head.txid, bitcoinClient, sender)
// we generate more blocks for the htlc-timeout to reach enough confirmations
- awaitCond({
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 1, Some(address))
- paymentSender.msgAvailable
- }, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 3, Some(minerAddress))
// this will fail the htlc
val failed = paymentSender.expectMsgType[PaymentFailed](30 seconds)
assert( == paymentId)
- assert(failed.paymentHash === paymentHash)
- assert(failed.failures.size > 1)
+ assert(failed.paymentHash === htlc.paymentHash)
+ assert(failed.failures.nonEmpty)
assert(failed.failures.head.asInstanceOf[RemoteFailure].e === DecryptedFailurePacket(nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId, PermanentChannelFailure))
// we then generate enough blocks to confirm all delayed transactions
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 150, Some(address))
- // at this point C should have 2 recv transactions: its main output and the htlc timeout
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145, Some(minerAddress))
+ // C should have 2 recv transactions: its main output and the htlc timeout
+ // F should have 1 recv transaction: its main output
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val receivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 2
+ val receivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ val receivedByF = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressF, sender)
+ receivedByF.size == 1 && (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 2
}, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we generate blocks to make tx confirm
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(address))
- // and we wait for C'channel to close
+ // we generate blocks to make txs confirm
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(minerAddress))
+ // and we wait for the channel to close
awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSED, max = 30 seconds)
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 8, 10, 22)
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSED
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
- test("propagate a failure upstream when a downstream htlc times out (remote commit)") {
- val sender = TestProbe()
- // we subscribe to C's channel state transitions
- val stateListener = TestProbe()
- nodes("C").system.eventStream.subscribe(stateListener.ref, classOf[ChannelStateChanged])
- // first we make sure we are in sync with current blockchain height
- val currentBlockCount = getBlockCount
- awaitCond(getBlockCount == currentBlockCount, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we use this to control when to fulfill htlcs
- val htlcReceiver = TestProbe()
- nodes("F4").paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(htlcReceiver.ref)
- val preimage: ByteVector = randomBytes32
- val paymentHash = Crypto.sha256(preimage)
- // A sends a payment to F
- val paymentReq = SendPaymentRequest(100000000 msat, paymentHash, nodes("F4").nodeParams.nodeId, maxAttempts = 3, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
- val paymentSender = TestProbe()
- paymentSender.send(nodes("A").paymentInitiator, paymentReq)
- val paymentId = paymentSender.expectMsgType[UUID](30 seconds)
+ test("propagate a failure upstream when a downstream htlc times out (local commit)") {
+ testDownstreamTimeoutLocalCommit("F1", Transactions.DefaultCommitmentFormat)
+ }
- // F gets the htlc
- val htlc = htlcReceiver.expectMsgType[IncomingPacket.FinalPacket].add
- // now that we have the channel id, we retrieve channels default final addresses
- sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
- val finalAddressC = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- // we also retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val previouslyReceivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- // then we ask F to unilaterally close the channel
- sender.send(nodes("F4").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
+ def testDownstreamTimeoutRemoteCommit(nodeF: String, commitmentFormat: Transactions.CommitmentFormat): Unit = {
+ val forceCloseFixture = prepareForceCloseCF(nodeF, commitmentFormat)
+ import forceCloseFixture._
+ // we retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
+ val previouslyReceivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ // we ask F to unilaterally close the channel
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
- // we then generate enough blocks to make the htlc timeout
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getnewaddress"))
- val JString(address) = sender.expectMsgType[JValue]
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 11, Some(address))
- // we generate more blocks for the claim-htlc-timeout to reach enough confirmations
+ // we wait for C to detect the unilateral close
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 1, Some(address))
- paymentSender.msgAvailable
+ sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ sender.expectMsgType[Data] match {
+ case d: DATA_CLOSING if d.remoteCommitPublished.nonEmpty => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
}, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ val Some(remoteCommit) = sender.expectMsgType[DATA_CLOSING].remoteCommitPublished
+ // we generate enough blocks to make the htlc timeout
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, (htlc.cltvExpiry.toLong - getBlockCount).toInt, Some(minerAddress))
+ // we wait until the claim-htlc-timeout has been broadcast
+ val bitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
+ waitForTxBroadcastOrConfirmed(remoteCommit.claimHtlcTimeoutTxs.head.txid, bitcoinClient, sender)
+ // and we generate blocks for the claim-htlc-timeout to reach enough confirmations
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 3, Some(minerAddress))
// this will fail the htlc
val failed = paymentSender.expectMsgType[PaymentFailed](30 seconds)
assert( == paymentId)
- assert(failed.paymentHash === paymentHash)
- assert(failed.failures.size > 1)
+ assert(failed.paymentHash === htlc.paymentHash)
+ assert(failed.failures.nonEmpty)
assert(failed.failures.head.asInstanceOf[RemoteFailure].e === DecryptedFailurePacket(nodes("C").nodeParams.nodeId, PermanentChannelFailure))
// we then generate enough blocks to confirm all delayed transactions
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145, Some(address))
- // at this point C should have 2 recv transactions: its main output and the htlc timeout
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 145, Some(minerAddress))
+ // C should have 2 recv transactions: its main output and the htlc timeout
+ // F should have 1 recv transaction: its main output
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val receivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 2
+ val receivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ val receivedByF = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressF, sender)
+ receivedByF.size == 1 && (receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 2
}, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
// we generate blocks to make tx confirm
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(address))
- // and we wait for C'channel to close
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2, Some(minerAddress))
+ // and we wait for the channel to close
awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSED, max = 30 seconds)
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 7, 9, 20)
+ awaitCond({
+ sender.send(nodes(nodeF).register, Forward(htlc.channelId, CMD_GETSTATE))
+ sender.expectMsgType[State] == CLOSED
+ }, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
- test("punish a node that has published a revoked commit tx") {
+ test("propagate a failure upstream when a downstream htlc times out (remote commit)") {
+ testDownstreamTimeoutRemoteCommit("F1", Transactions.DefaultCommitmentFormat)
+ }
+ case class RevokedCommitFixture(sender: TestProbe, stateListenerC: TestProbe, revokedCommitTx: Transaction, htlcSuccess: Seq[Transaction], htlcTimeout: Seq[Transaction], finalAddressC: String)
+ def testRevokedCommit(nodeF: String, commitmentFormat: Transactions.CommitmentFormat): RevokedCommitFixture = {
val sender = TestProbe()
+ // we create and announce a channel between C and F; we use push_msat to ensure F has a balance
+ connect(nodes("C"), nodes(nodeF), 5000000 sat, 300000000 msat)
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 6)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 6, 8, 18)
// we subscribe to C's channel state transitions
- val stateListener = TestProbe()
- nodes("C").system.eventStream.subscribe(stateListener.ref, classOf[ChannelStateChanged])
+ val stateListenerC = TestProbe()
+ nodes("C").system.eventStream.subscribe(stateListenerC.ref, classOf[ChannelStateChanged])
// we use this to get commitments
val sigListener = TestProbe()
- nodes("F5").system.eventStream.subscribe(sigListener.ref, classOf[ChannelSignatureReceived])
+ nodes(nodeF).system.eventStream.subscribe(sigListener.ref, classOf[ChannelSignatureReceived])
// we use this to control when to fulfill htlcs
val forwardHandlerC = TestProbe()
nodes("C").paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(forwardHandlerC.ref)
val forwardHandlerF = TestProbe()
- nodes("F5").paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(forwardHandlerF.ref)
+ nodes(nodeF).paymentHandler ! new ForwardHandler(forwardHandlerF.ref)
// this is the actual payment handler that we will forward requests to
val paymentHandlerC = nodes("C").system.actorOf(PaymentHandler.props(nodes("C").nodeParams, nodes("C").register))
- val paymentHandlerF = nodes("F5").system.actorOf(PaymentHandler.props(nodes("F5").nodeParams, nodes("F5").register))
- // first we make sure we are in sync with current blockchain height
+ val paymentHandlerF = nodes(nodeF).system.actorOf(PaymentHandler.props(nodes(nodeF).nodeParams, nodes(nodeF).register))
+ // first we make sure nodes are in sync with current blockchain height
val currentBlockCount = getBlockCount
awaitCond(getBlockCount == currentBlockCount, max = 20 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // first we send 3 mBTC to F so that it has a balance
- val amountMsat = 300000000.msat
- sender.send(paymentHandlerF, ReceivePayment(Some(amountMsat), "1 coffee"))
- val pr = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentRequest]
- val sendReq = SendPaymentRequest(300000000 msat, pr.paymentHash, pr.nodeId, maxAttempts = 3, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
- sender.send(nodes("A").paymentInitiator, sendReq)
- val paymentId = sender.expectMsgType[UUID]
- // we forward the htlc to the payment handler
- forwardHandlerF.expectMsgType[IncomingPacket.FinalPacket]
- forwardHandlerF.forward(paymentHandlerF)
- sigListener.expectMsgType[ChannelSignatureReceived]
- sigListener.expectMsgType[ChannelSignatureReceived]
- sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent].id === paymentId
// we now send a few htlcs C->F and F->C in order to obtain a commitments with multiple htlcs
- def send(amountMsat: MilliSatoshi, paymentHandler: ActorRef, paymentInitiator: ActorRef) = {
+ def send(amountMsat: MilliSatoshi, paymentHandler: ActorRef, paymentInitiator: ActorRef): UUID = {
sender.send(paymentHandler, ReceivePayment(Some(amountMsat), "1 coffee"))
val pr = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentRequest]
val sendReq = SendPaymentRequest(amountMsat, pr.paymentHash, pr.nodeId, maxAttempts = 1, fallbackFinalExpiryDelta = finalCltvExpiryDelta, routeParams = integrationTestRouteParams)
@@ -1256,23 +1270,24 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
val buffer = TestProbe()
- send(100000000 msat, paymentHandlerF, nodes("C").paymentInitiator) // will be left pending
+ send(100000000 msat, paymentHandlerF, nodes("C").paymentInitiator)
- send(110000000 msat, paymentHandlerF, nodes("C").paymentInitiator) // will be left pending
+ send(110000000 msat, paymentHandlerF, nodes("C").paymentInitiator)
- send(120000000 msat, paymentHandlerC, nodes("F5").paymentInitiator)
+ send(120000000 msat, paymentHandlerC, nodes(nodeF).paymentInitiator)
- send(130000000 msat, paymentHandlerC, nodes("F5").paymentInitiator)
+ send(130000000 msat, paymentHandlerC, nodes(nodeF).paymentInitiator)
val commitmentsF = sigListener.expectMsgType[ChannelSignatureReceived].commitments
sigListener.expectNoMsg(1 second)
+ assert(commitmentsF.commitmentFormat === commitmentFormat)
// in this commitment, both parties should have a main output, and there are four pending htlcs
val localCommitF = commitmentsF.localCommit.publishableTxs
assert(localCommitF.commitTx.tx.txOut.size === 6)
@@ -1288,56 +1303,57 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
- sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent].paymentPreimage
+ val preimage2 = sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent].paymentPreimage
- sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent].paymentPreimage
+ sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent]
- sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent].paymentPreimage
- // this also allows us to get the channel id
- val channelId = commitmentsF.channelId
- // we also retrieve C's default final address
- sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
+ sender.expectMsgType[PaymentSent]
+ // we then generate blocks to make htlcs timeout (nothing will happen in the channel because all of them have already been fulfilled)
+ generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 40)
+ // we retrieve C's default final address
+ sender.send(nodes("C").register, Forward(commitmentsF.channelId, CMD_GETSTATEDATA))
val finalAddressC = scriptPubKeyToAddress(sender.expectMsgType[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey)
- // and we retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val previouslyReceivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
- // F will publish the commitment above, which is now revoked
+ // we prepare the revoked transactions F will publish
val revokedCommitTx = localCommitF.commitTx.tx
- val htlcSuccess = Transactions.addSigs(htlcSuccessTxs.head.txinfo.asInstanceOf[Transactions.HtlcSuccessTx], htlcSuccessTxs.head.localSig, htlcSuccessTxs.head.remoteSig, preimage1, commitmentsF.commitmentFormat).tx
- val htlcTimeout = Transactions.addSigs(htlcTimeoutTxs.head.txinfo.asInstanceOf[Transactions.HtlcTimeoutTx], htlcTimeoutTxs.head.localSig, htlcTimeoutTxs.head.remoteSig, commitmentsF.commitmentFormat).tx
- Transaction.correctlySpends(htlcSuccess, Seq(revokedCommitTx), ScriptFlags.STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS)
- Transaction.correctlySpends(htlcTimeout, Seq(revokedCommitTx), ScriptFlags.STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS)
- // we then generate blocks to make the htlc timeout (nothing will happen in the channel because all of them have already been fulfilled)
- generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 40)
- // then we publish F's revoked transactions
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("sendrawtransaction", revokedCommitTx.toString()))
- sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10000 seconds)
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("sendrawtransaction", htlcSuccess.toString()))
- sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10000 seconds)
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("sendrawtransaction", htlcTimeout.toString()))
- sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10000 seconds)
- // at this point C should have 3 recv transactions: its previous main output, and F's main and htlc output (taken as punishment)
+ val htlcSuccess =, preimage2)).map { case (htlcTxAndSigs, preimage) => Transactions.addSigs(htlcTxAndSigs.txinfo.asInstanceOf[Transactions.HtlcSuccessTx], htlcTxAndSigs.localSig, htlcTxAndSigs.remoteSig, preimage, commitmentsF.commitmentFormat).tx }
+ val htlcTimeout = => Transactions.addSigs(htlcTxAndSigs.txinfo.asInstanceOf[Transactions.HtlcTimeoutTx], htlcTxAndSigs.localSig, htlcTxAndSigs.remoteSig, commitmentsF.commitmentFormat).tx)
+ htlcSuccess.foreach(tx => Transaction.correctlySpends(tx, Seq(revokedCommitTx), ScriptFlags.STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS))
+ htlcTimeout.foreach(tx => Transaction.correctlySpends(tx, Seq(revokedCommitTx), ScriptFlags.STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS))
+ RevokedCommitFixture(sender, stateListenerC, revokedCommitTx, htlcSuccess, htlcTimeout, finalAddressC)
+ }
+ test("punish a node that has published a revoked commit tx") {
+ val revokedCommitFixture = testRevokedCommit("F1", Transactions.DefaultCommitmentFormat)
+ import revokedCommitFixture._
+ val bitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
+ // we retrieve transactions already received so that we don't take them into account when evaluating the outcome of this test
+ val previouslyReceivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
+ // F publishes the revoked commitment, one HTLC-success, one HTLC-timeout and leaves the other HTLC outputs unclaimed
+ bitcoinClient.publishTransaction(revokedCommitTx).pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ sender.expectMsg(revokedCommitTx.txid)
+ bitcoinClient.publishTransaction(htlcSuccess.head).pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ sender.expectMsg(htlcSuccess.head.txid)
+ bitcoinClient.publishTransaction(htlcTimeout.head).pipeTo(sender.ref)
+ sender.expectMsg(htlcTimeout.head.txid)
+ // at this point C should have 6 recv transactions: its previous main output, F's main output and all htlc outputs (taken as punishment)
- sender.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("listreceivedbyaddress", 0))
- val res = sender.expectMsgType[JValue](10 seconds)
- val receivedByC = res.filter(_ \ "address" == JString(finalAddressC)).flatMap(_ \ "txids" \\ classOf[JString])
+ val receivedByC = listReceivedByAddress(finalAddressC, sender)
(receivedByC diff previouslyReceivedByC).size == 6
}, max = 30 seconds, interval = 1 second)
- // we generate blocks to make tx confirm
+ // we generate blocks to make txs confirm
generateBlocks(bitcoincli, 2)
- // and we wait for C'channel to close
- awaitCond(stateListener.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSED, max = 30 seconds)
- // this will remove the channel
- awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 6, 8, 18)
+ // and we wait for C's channel to close
+ awaitCond(stateListenerC.expectMsgType[ChannelStateChanged].currentState == CLOSED, max = 30 seconds)
+ awaitAnnouncements(nodes.filterKeys(_ == "A").toMap, 5, 7, 16)
test("generate and validate lots of channels") {
- implicit val extendedClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
+ implicit val bitcoinClient: ExtendedBitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoinrpcclient)
// we simulate fake channels by publishing a funding tx and sending announcement messages to a node at random"generating fake channels")
val sender = TestProbe()
@@ -1364,7 +1380,7 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS
sender.send(nodes("D").router, Symbol("channels"))
- sender.expectMsgType[Iterable[ChannelAnnouncement]](5 seconds).size == channels.size + 8 // 8 remaining channels because D->F{1-6} have disappeared
+ sender.expectMsgType[Iterable[ChannelAnnouncement]](5 seconds).size == channels.size + 7 // 7 original channels (A -> B is private)
}, max = 120 seconds, interval = 1 second)
@@ -1381,10 +1397,6 @@ class IntegrationSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with BitcoindService with AnyFunS"E -> ${nodes("E").nodeParams.nodeId}")"F1 -> ${nodes("F1").nodeParams.nodeId}")"F2 -> ${nodes("F2").nodeParams.nodeId}")
-"F3 -> ${nodes("F3").nodeParams.nodeId}")
-"F4 -> ${nodes("F4").nodeParams.nodeId}")
-"F5 -> ${nodes("F5").nodeParams.nodeId}")
-"F6 -> ${nodes("F6").nodeParams.nodeId}")"G -> ${nodes("G").nodeParams.nodeId}")
val channels1 = sender.expectMsgType[Relayer.OutgoingChannels]