1.4 (11/7/2017)
- Project renamed to Trojan.Win32.Lockdown
- Now blocks cmd.exe
- Shutdown 2017 no longer has dependencies
- Shutdown 2017 runs builder and lockdown internally.
- Minor bug fixes
There are two downloads. One with the malware and one without. Run the malware at your own risk. If you damage your computer, it's your fault. LockedOut.exe is an example build. The password is "test". The web version is also available if you choose to build a locker through there.
AXHR ScreenLock (CLEAN).zip
AXHR ScreenLock (MALWARE).zip
VirusTotal: 82cd5a75f4272dec203fd711cfa0092687154663448c427665bc219e5434b71a