Return true if the number passed is odd, hopefully...
Install with npm
$ npm install --save @samuelmarina/is-odd
var isOdd = require('@samuelmarina/is-odd');
isOdd(1); //true
isOdd(2); //false
isOdd(3); //true
// And so on... just for a little while
This is a 100% serious project, and it is made to help the community. I figured it out that people also would like to know when a number is odd, and with the npm package @samuelmarina/is-even it was not completely clear, so I decided to create this one as well. Remember, all this hard work is because I care about the community
PLEASE, MAKE A PULL REQUEST SO WE CAN FINISH THIS PROJECT ASAP. Also, give it a star, for the sake of God.
Samuel Mariña AKA Samuel Miller
Copyright © 2021, Samuel Mariña. Released under the ISC License.