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IP Core System

Skyus edited this page May 6, 2017 · 5 revisions

Warning: The IP core feature is still early in development. This is a basic guide to the feature.

IP Cores are a feature of Cloud V: Namely, they are modules that users have elected to export for use by other Cloud V users.

Exporting an IP Core

Publish as IP Core Button

From the Repository Page, you an export a repository's top module as an IP core by clicking the publish as IP core button. This will allow you to pick a name for your IP core and define inputs and outputs.

Importing an IP Core

In the Workspace, right clicking a folder and picking IP core will allow you to pick from a list of IP cores.

Future Work

Ultimately, Cloud V aims to have the IP core feature streamlined for creative professional, meaning users should be able to set prices and licenses for their IP cores. However, as the feature is still early in development, exporting as an IP core is fairly basic.

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