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UX Considerations

BanjoFox edited this page Nov 7, 2017 · 5 revisions

Content Authors/Poster

  • Individual Users
  • Groups
  • Pages (same as groups?)
  • Event Organizers

Content Types

These are the types of content that can be authored/posted/shared

  • Status Updates
  • Notes
  • Media Types
    • Images
    • Video
  • Polls
  • Links/URLs
    • Commentary
  • Events
    • Notifications
    • Updates

Essential UI Features

Support for Open Graph meta tags -- Each content types should have a unique display method

Mutual friend request (Optional, Opt-in) -- This allows users to automatically friend/follow individuals that follow them

Friends-Only -- Limit "Friends-Only" content visibility to individuals which the content author has accepted as a friend (follows)

Privacy Options

Basic privacy controls need to be easy to find, with a very clear path to access advanced settings. Suggested default options listed in (parenthesess)

  • User Account Searchable (opt-in)
  • User selectable "Default Privacy" for all posts
  • Trusted Messaging -- Allow users to exchange keys for encrypted messaging (Signal, SSB, LibSodium?)

Content Actions/Reactions

  • Comments/reactions should be visually distingushable from originating content
  • Include a wide range of single-click reactions (like, love, dislike, etc...)
  • Sharing with context/Quote Tweeting Issue #16

Timeline Considerations

  • Default feed is sorted in chronological order (newest first)
  • "See First" functionality
    • Allow users to flag content authors (friends, groups, pages, etc.) which will appear before other content.