Run the following command to build the docker for tensorcircuit at parent path:
sudo docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t tensorcircuit
Since v0.10 we introduce new docker env based on ubuntu20.04+cuda11.7+py3.10 (+ pip installed tensorcircuit package), build the new docker use
sudo docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile_v2 -t tensorcircuit
One can also pull the official image from DockerHub as
sudo docker pull tensorcircuit/tensorcircuit
Run the docker container by the following command:
sudo docker run -it --network host --gpus all tensorcircuit
# if one also wants to mount local source code, also add args `-v "$(pwd)":/root`
# using tensorcircuit/tensorcircuit:latest to run the prebuild docker image from dockerhub
if you want to test only on CPU.