This compiler was originally written by LukeSmithxyz in his Larbs Setup(More about it)
I have done some tweaks to it according to my requirements.
This script runs scripts based on the extension of the file being compiled
Feel free to drop in issues.
Which ever thing you use for compiling
- .tex (Latex)
- .mom, .ms (groff)
- .rmd (RMarkDown)
- .md (MarkDown)(using pandoc)
- .py (Python)
- .c (C)
- .html (HTML)(opens in default browser)
- .ts (typescript)
- .js (javascript - node)
- .cpp (C++)
- .go (go)
- .rs (rust)
- .sent (sent)
into the directory where you wanna keep this.
$ curl > compiler
The above command will download the contents of the compiler into the file naems compiler
You can use the above script in the following way
$ compiler file.tex
This will compile the .tex file into a .pdf file with the same name(file.pdf
) in the same directory.
You can also use it directly from vim by adding
map <leader>c :w! \| !compiler <c-r>%<CR>
into you .vimrc
This will set <leader> c
as the key which you can use to compile your document from within vim.
If you don't know what your leader key is, it's usually \ . But to be sure check the line
let mapleader =" "
in your .vimrc
There will be something betweent the quotes which will be your leader key.
If you are using vim check out my vimrc repo it include the compiler file and many more features.