Useful Resources gathered from the Devslopes Discord - channel Useful Resources
- A list of animations with gifs representing the animations
- Create your own polygons with IBDesignable and IBInspectables
- Powerful Animation framework for iOS, TVOS and OSX
- More animations for ios
- Loading, caching, processing and preheating images
- Side menu animation
- An easy way to add drop down menu to your app
- Animations for your textfield
- A cool animation that simulates a filling effect
- A repo for Material Design
- Circle menu animation
- Customize your Alerts with this repo
- Another repo for customizing your Alerts
- Freaking awesome folding cell
- Really cool animated tab bar animation
- Customized picker views
- A cool framework for creating a picker view of images
- MengTo's (author of Designcode) spring animation
- Cool animation of a colourful hex shape
- A star rating control fro iOS and tvOS
Apps for designing your prototypes:
Apps Web - color:
Web Apps - Make your urls tiny:
Other Apps:
App used to organize your daily tasks (Used to keep track of the development of your app)
- Server side swift article
- Q and A done by Mark Price on Quora
- Using Google places autocomplete api with google map sdk
- Differenced between sketch and photoshop
- How to get started with closures
- Explanation of Rest
- Explanation of Protocol Oriented programming
- Intro to Grand Central Dispatch
- How to build a fitness app using Health kit to track walking distance
- Apple’s recipe for making successful apps
- Animations that every mobile app should have
- Design tricks for mobile app design
- Proper way of writing a singleton
- Using card design for better user experience
- Article on type alias and associated type
- Here is a write up on documentation in Swift
- A great read on wean, strong and unowned references
- MVVM simplified
- Advanced and practical use of Enums in Swift
- How to use css in your apps
- Awesome article on generics - briefly explaining generics
- Building slack bots in swift
- Beginners guide to creating a REST API
- Importance of Code Reviews
- Art assets for Game developers
- Free game art from open game art
- Free stock photos from pexels
- Free stock user photos from randomuser
- Free icons, stock photos and illustrations from pixabay
- Check this out you can make your own 8 bit sounds
- Free stock user photos from uifaces
- Nice free stock photography repo
- Free logo designs for your apps
- Icons, app designs, mockups etc
- Scaling your images on different devices
- Adding constraints programatically
- Guide to Auto layout from Wenderlich
- UI/UX + coding your designs in swift
- UI/UX free e-books
- How to create cool animations in your apps
- Swift programming by Nerd Ranch
- An open source book on Git
- Book on core image
- An e-book on Framer (design)
- TDD iOS Development with Swift
- Everything you need to find a job as a UX designer
- Apple Education: App development with Swift
- A git repo with 30 days worth of swift projects with one project each day
- 100 days of swift. 40 projects from beginning to more complicated
- 15 days of Animation with swift
- (Java) A course that covers Algorithms and data structures, part 1 covers basic data types, sorting and searching algorithms
- (Java) A continuation of the first part of algorithms and data structures, part 2 covers applications and scientific analysis of Java implementations
- Learn how to type faster “Become a typing hero” - Peter
- Need more resources to learn swift, this is a great course
- A course that gives you a nano degree, you can earn a nano degree where they guarantee you a job or your money back
- Standford’s iOS 9 course on iTunes U
- How to Start a startup
- Course on ethical Hacking
- A virtual event for developers. A liveStream event
- Swift Algorithm club, where you will find popular algorithms and data structures in swift
- Solving complex math challenges through programming
- Challenge yourself and make your coding better with these programming challenges
- Sub-reddit for Swift, a lot of cool projects and articles are posted here
- iOS Dev weekly
- Quality coding
- NSHipster
Design Guide:
iOS Guide:
How to use Map kit for creating simple to advanced map views
Server Guides:
Perfect Server Tutorials and get started with Server-Side Swift here
Hosting Websites:
- Entypo - A list of vectors
- Webalys - 4000 material design Icons
- Invision -168 Custom Icons
- Sketch App source
- Hardcore iOS - 119 Free HD Polygon Backgrounds!
- Premium swift icons
- Icon store - free icons
- App sumo - 2300+ clean looking icons
- Icon54 2100 icons
- Vsouza - A list of awesome iOS frameworks, libraries, tutorials, plugins, components and more
- Uraimo - A list of awesome Swift playgrounds
- Index of things related to Sketch
- 40 Design and Prototyping resource for Mobile, Photoshop and Sketch
- Uplabs - list of iOS app designs
- UImovement - UI design inspirations
- Sindresorhus - A grand list of lists
- Resource for learning iOS design and Xcode
- List of tools, frameworks and websites
- A list of UI design patterns
- 200 Android and iOS mockups for Sketch
- Sketch mockups, icons, etc
- A list of iOS guides by code path
- List of free resources to help build your UI
- Swift toolbox is a community-supported catalog of iOS and OSX libraries written in the Swift Programming Language
- Playing with stack views in playground
- Furniture demo app for iOS
- A simple Cordova plugin written in Swift
- A ruby on rails inspired framework for swift that runs on linux and OSX
- Connect apps and devices with ifttt
- Website which shows you popular tools for your needs
- Reference sheet for Design patterns
- Swift - Cheat sheet
- Using multiple cloud services with one library
- Organize your code snippets with this app
- Design and prototype customized UI with IBAnimatable
- Sketch plugin for creating designs with auto layout constraints
- 10 productivity plugins for Sketch
- Allows you to easily copy styles from one layer to another
- Git sketch plugin
- It lets you discover/install plugins and color schemes for Xcode
- Sketch plugin that allows creates circular graphics
- Alcatraz package manager for Xcode to Install plugins
- Allows usage of SwiftLint from the edit menu for enforcing code style and conventions.
- Allows entry of code snippets using trigger strings.
- Allows easy sharing of color palettes between code and interface builder.
- Automatically delete the current project's DerivedData directories
- Adds clickable links to the Xcode debugger that automatically jump to to the corresponding section of code that generated a log message.
- A plugin that allows you to highlight and then execute a section of code within the Xcode code editor.
- An Xcode plugin that allows for basic refactoring of Swift code enabling renaming of variables, and enums.
- Enables Generation of descriptive Objective-C dependency charts.
- Allows for visual tweaking of CAMediaTimingFunction within the Xcode code editor.
- A plugin enabling collaborative code editing using Bonjour.
- Automatically selects all targets when a new file is added to Xcode.
- Allows you to run and stop projects on multiple physical iOS devices.
- An Xcode plugin for automatic on-device testing allowing you to record and playback macros that run on device.
- A configurable Xcode plugin that generates missing image assets based on missing sizes.
- A configurable plugin allowing you to automatically hide the debugger and utilities panels when unneeded.
- A plugin adding many hot-keyed commands for easier selection, duplication, and deletion of code.
- A plugin that enhances the debug console with output filtering that can work in real time and supports regular expressions.
- A plugin for easy visualization of modified and changed code based on the projects Git repo.
- A plugin allowing you to quickly turn a string into a localizable string bringing up a popup where you can specify the localized string’s key on hotkey press.
- A plugin allowing you to bring up a popup for quickly creating import statements from anywhere within your code.
- A plugin allowing you to easily identify unused imports within your code bringing them up as warnings on compilation.
- A plugin allowing you to easily browse your application’s memory in a nice UIWebView based interface with filtering and searching capabilities.
- A plugin adding many nice features such as allowing you to extract method declarations from your implementation to paste in the header file, highlight based on regex, paste lines while preserving code formatting and more.
- A plugin allowing you to display full content in the Xcode issue navigator
- A plugin that automatically hides the debugger when you start typing within the code editor.
- Allows you to quickly search through Xcode projects using keywords allowing you to quickly search and navigate through an Xcode project.
- A plugin that allows you to format code using the Clang Format tool allowing you to chose from a number of preset configurations or your own.
- A plugin that provides an interface allowing you to jump through todo’s, within your code labeled by your comments.
- A plugin that allows you enabling display of images and hyperlinks within your code using a special markup syntax.
- A plugin for aligning your code automatically in user definable ways with a number of sample alignments such as align to first eqals included.
- An Xcode plugin allowing you to quickly jump to the corresponding location for a line or block of code on Github or Bitbucket.
- A plugin for working with Cocoapods providing easy downloading and updating of CocoaPods, podfile editing with code completion, and CocoaPods output in the console.
- Creates a minimap of your code adjusting the color of the currently visible area of the editor so you can quickly see where you are within your code.
- Allows you to inject code in real-time to an app running in the simulator or device so that you can tweak your code without recompiling.
- Adds many Vim key bindings to Xcode.
- Enables easy use of the Uncrustify code beautification tool.
- Provides a neat interface directly within Xcode to make working with NSLocalizedString easier.
- Provides auto completion for UIImage imageNamed: within your code by scanning through image files within your workspace.
- Provides a call out bubble in which you can work with an un-escaped version of a string.
- Allows you to color code messages in the debugging console so you can make errors stand out and easily separate different messages from differing parts of your code.
- Allows you to visualize your auto-resizing masks within code.
- Set of swift extensions
- A list of Swift extensions
- A colouring utility that allows for easy gradients and picking colors based on their hex numbers
- iOS 9 UI template for Sketch
- 200 device and mockups for sketch
- 80 printable wire frames
- Things to do before writing your iOS app
- Device sketch sheets
- 200+ iPhone 6 mockup design templates