diff --git a/addon/components/ember-thead/component.js b/addon/components/ember-thead/component.js
index 5f1541d20..006b86bba 100644
--- a/addon/components/ember-thead/component.js
+++ b/addon/components/ember-thead/component.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { notEmpty, or } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { closest } from '../../-private/utils/element';
import { sortMultiple, compareValues } from '../../-private/utils/sort';
+import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop';
import ColumnTree, { RESIZE_MODE, FILL_MODE, WIDTH_CONSTRAINT } from '../../-private/column-tree';
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ export default Component.extend({
this.addObserver('reorderFunction', this._updateApi);
this.addObserver('sorts', this._updateColumnTree);
- this.addObserver('columns', this._updateColumnTree);
+ this.addObserver('columns.[]', this._onColumnsChange);
this.addObserver('fillMode', this._updateColumnTree);
this.addObserver('resizeMode', this._updateColumnTree);
this.addObserver('widthConstraint', this._updateColumnTree);
@@ -225,6 +226,14 @@ export default Component.extend({
this.columnTree.set('enableReorder', this.get('enableReorder'));
+ _onColumnsChange() {
+ if (this.get('columns.length') === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._updateColumnTree();
+ scheduleOnce('actions', this, this.fillupHandler);
+ },
didInsertElement() {
@@ -232,10 +241,7 @@ export default Component.extend({
- this._tableResizeSensor = new ResizeSensor(
- this._container,
- bind(this.fillupHandler.bind(this))
- );
+ this._tableResizeSensor = new ResizeSensor(this._container, bind(this, this.fillupHandler));
willDestroyElement() {
diff --git a/tests/integration/components/headers/ember-thead-test.js b/tests/integration/components/headers/ember-thead-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29bb79c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/components/headers/ember-thead-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
+import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
+import { click } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers';
+import TablePage from 'ember-table/test-support/pages/ember-table';
+import { A } from '@ember/array';
+import RSVP from 'rsvp';
+// This is a "waiter"-style helper to use to ensure that
+// the interior of the ember-table has finished all of its
+// layout-related logic has finished. If we don't use this to
+// wait after `render`, the column widths will not have been
+// set yet and the tests in this module are moot.
+async function rafFinished() {
+ return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => {
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
+ });
+function tableData() {
+ return {
+ rows: [
+ { A: 'A', B: 'B', C: 'C', D: 'D', E: 'E' },
+ { A: 'A', B: 'B', C: 'C', D: 'D', E: 'E' },
+ { A: 'A', B: 'B', C: 'C', D: 'D', E: 'E' },
+ ],
+ columns: [
+ { name: 'A', valuePath: 'A', width: 180 },
+ { name: 'B', valuePath: 'B', width: 180 },
+ { name: 'C', valuePath: 'C', width: 180 },
+ { name: 'D', valuePath: 'D', width: 180 },
+ ],
+ newColumn: { name: 'E', valuePath: 'E', width: 180 },
+ };
+function sumHeaderWidths(table) {
+ return table.headers.map(h => h.width).reduce((sum, w) => sum + w, 0);
+async function renderTable(context) {
+ await context.render(hbs`
+ {{#ember-table data-test-ember-table=true as |t|}}
+ {{#ember-thead
+ api=t
+ widthConstraint='eq-container'
+ columns=columns as |h|}}
+ {{#ember-tr api=h as |r|}}
+ {{ember-th api=r}}
+ {{/ember-tr}}
+ {{/ember-thead}}
+ {{#ember-tbody api=t rows=rows as |b|}}
+ {{#ember-tr api=b as |r|}}
+ {{#ember-td api=r as |cellValue|}}
+ {{cellValue}}
+ {{/ember-td}}
+ {{/ember-tr}}
+ {{/ember-tbody}}
+ {{/ember-table}}
+ `);
+ await rafFinished();
+async function testColumnRemovals(assert, table) {
+ let originalWidth = table.width;
+ let originalContainerWidth = table.containerWidth;
+ let currentColumnCount = table.headers.length;
+ assert.equal(currentColumnCount, 4, 'precond - 4 columns');
+ assert.equal(sumHeaderWidths(table), originalWidth, 'precond - headers sum to table width');
+ assert.equal(
+ originalWidth,
+ originalContainerWidth,
+ 'precond - table is as wide as its container'
+ );
+ while (currentColumnCount > 1) {
+ await click('button#remove-column');
+ assert.equal(
+ table.headers.length,
+ currentColumnCount - 1,
+ `column count changes from ${currentColumnCount} -> ${currentColumnCount - 1}`
+ );
+ currentColumnCount -= 1;
+ assert.equal(
+ table.width,
+ originalWidth,
+ `table width is same after removal of column #${currentColumnCount}.`
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ table.containerWidth,
+ originalContainerWidth,
+ `new table container is same size as original container after removal of column #${currentColumnCount}.`
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ sumHeaderWidths(table),
+ originalWidth,
+ `headers sum to table width after removal of column #${currentColumnCount}`
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ table.width,
+ table.containerWidth,
+ `new table width is as wide as its container after removal of column #${currentColumnCount}.`
+ );
+ }
+async function testColumnAddition(assert, table) {
+ let originalWidth = table.width;
+ let originalContainerWidth = table.containerWidth;
+ let currentColumnCount = table.headers.length;
+ assert.equal(currentColumnCount, 4, 'precond - 4 columns');
+ assert.equal(sumHeaderWidths(table), originalWidth, 'precond - headers sum to table width');
+ assert.equal(
+ originalWidth,
+ originalContainerWidth,
+ 'precond - table is as wide as its container'
+ );
+ await click('#add-column');
+ assert.equal(table.headers.length, 5, 'column is added');
+ assert.equal(sumHeaderWidths(table), originalWidth, 'headers sum to table width after adding');
+ assert.equal(table.width, originalWidth, 'table width is unchanged');
+ assert.equal(table.containerWidth, originalContainerWidth, 'table container width is unchanged');
+// In Ember-1.12, the `this` context has a `context` property itself that is used to `get` or `set`.
+// This function provides Ember-1.12 compatibility for `this.get`
+function compatGet(context, propName) {
+ return context.get ? context.get(propName) : context.context.get(propName);
+// This function provides Ember-1.12 compatibility for `this.set`
+function compatSet(context, propName, value) {
+ return context.set ? context.set(propName, value) : context.context.set(propName, value);
+moduleForComponent('ember-thead', '[Unit] ember-thead', { integration: true });
+test('table resizes when columns are removed', async function(assert) {
+ let data = tableData();
+ this.set('rows', data.rows);
+ this.set('columns', data.columns);
+ this.on('removeColumn', function() {
+ compatSet(this, 'columns', compatGet(this, 'columns').slice(0, -1));
+ });
+ await renderTable(this);
+ await testColumnRemovals(assert, new TablePage());
+test('table resizes when columns are removed via mutation', async function(assert) {
+ let data = tableData();
+ this.set('rows', data.rows);
+ this.set('columns', A(data.columns));
+ this.on('removeColumn', function() {
+ compatGet(this, 'columns').popObject();
+ });
+ await renderTable(this);
+ await testColumnRemovals(assert, new TablePage());
+test('table resizes when columns are added', async function(assert) {
+ let data = tableData();
+ this.set('rows', data.rows);
+ this.set('columns', data.columns);
+ this.on('addColumn', function() {
+ compatSet(this, 'columns', [...data.columns, data.newColumn]);
+ });
+ await renderTable(this);
+ await testColumnAddition(assert, new TablePage());
+test('table resizes when columns are added via mutation', async function(assert) {
+ let data = tableData();
+ this.set('rows', data.rows);
+ this.set('columns', A(data.columns));
+ this.on('addColumn', function() {
+ compatGet(this, 'columns').pushObject(data.newColumn);
+ });
+ await renderTable(this);
+ await testColumnAddition(assert, new TablePage());