Create an SmppClient instance SmppClient client = new SmppClient(); Then provide connection details by populating the SmppClient.Properties property SmppConnectionProperties properties = client.Properties; properties.SystemID = "mysystemid"; properties.Password = "mypassword"; properties.Port = 2034; //IP port to use properties.Host = ""; //SMSC host name or IP Address properties.SystemType = "mysystemtype"; properties.DefaultServiceType = "mydefaultservicetype"; //Resume a lost connection after 30 seconds client.AutoReconnectDelay = 3000; //Send Enquire Link PDU every 15 seconds client.KeepAliveInterval = 15000; //Start smpp client client.Start(); Additionally, you can handle the SmppClient.ConnectionStateChanged event to receive notifications when connection status changes client.ConnectionStateChanged += client_ConnectionStateChanged; private void client_ConnectionStateChanged(object sender, ConnectionStateChangedEventArgs e) { switch (e.CurrentState) { case SmppConnectionState.Closed: //Connection to the remote server is lost //Do something here e.ReconnectInteval = 60000; //Try to reconnect after 1 min break; case SmppConnectionState.Connected: //A successful connection has been established break; case SmppConnectionState.Connecting: //A connection attemp is still on progress break; } }