Token gated platform for content creators and other users to chat with each others.
Content creators can create normal posts or videos posts on Lens.
The Graph is used to do all the queries and mutations for Lens Protocol.
Everything is encrypted using Lit Protocol.
Unlock protocol is used to create membership and only susbcribers can access the contents.
Thus, content creators can share exclusive contents to their subscribers.’s w3ui and w3up is used to upload videos and Livepeer playback tool is used to play the videos.
Users can opt-in to notifications channel or can use chat support to contact creators.
Token Gated live streams can be created using Livepeer.
There is a chatroom for all the users to chat using XMTP which supports video chats too ( uses’s & Livepeer playback )
User can also use ENS domain while adding other's to their conversations list to chat and if they own an ENS domain then it will be rendered too.
Tableland is used as a decentralized sql database.
Contract is deployed on polygon mumbai. And contract is verified.
Tech stack used |
Livepeer |
Lens Protocol |
The Graph |
Lit Protocol |
Web3 Storage |
Push Protocol |
Polygon |
Unlock Protocol |
Tableland |
Mantine UI |
Deployed website at Vercel: Livopedia
To run frontend :
cd client/my-app
yarn run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
To deploy smart contracts to localhost :
cd smart_contracts/
yarn hardhat deploy --network localhost
Token gated livestreams can be created using Livepeer and livepeer playback tools are used to play all the video posts and chats .
Player to play video stored in IPFS
All the text posts and videos posts are created on Lens. Creators will have a lens profile.
All the queries and mutations for Lens Protocol are done using The Graph.
useLens hook where The Graph is used
Everything is encrypted using lit actions ( using Lit js sdk ). Only the owner of the membership NFT contract or the user who is subscribed to the membership can decrypt the contents.
All videos are uploaded using’s w3ui and w3up.
One on one normal and video chats can be done using XMTP.
User can opt in to notification channel and can use chat support to contact creators using Push Protocol
ENS domain name and avator will be resolved. User can use ENS name to add conversations in xmtp chats and if there's an avator then it will be rendered too.
All the smart contracts are deployed on polygon mumbai.
Unlock Protocol is used to create membership for content creators. So everything is token gated.
register lock function in smart contract
Tableland is used as a decentralized sql database so content is smart contract is indexed using tableland.
Mantine ui is heavily used in front end for styling.