A tool for graphing relationships between entities in a terraform plan.
Currently supported:
- Directory-based submodules (versioned by SEMVER git tags)
- Providers (versioned by SEMVER in the terraform registry API)
Terraform-vercheck parses a terraform plan in a given directory and builds a directed graph of the submodules and providers.
It recursively evaluates git-based submodules and can output a GraphViz DOT file representing the graph.
It will have an exit code of 0 if everything is up to date with the latest version that vercheck can find.
The quickest way to get going:
docker run ahraza/terraform-vercheck:latest -h
The only things you need are:
- Docker
- An SSH key to access GitHub with (this identity needs to be able to clone repositories)
To actually run it against a terraform plan:
docker run \
-v ${TF_PLAN_DIR}:/plan/ \
-v ${SSH_DIR}:/root/.ssh/ \
-v ${OUTPUT_DIR}:/out/ \
ahraza/terraform-vercheck:latest \
-key /root/.ssh/${SSH_FILE_NAME} -directory /plan/ \
-graph /out/graph.dot -log /out/vercheck.log
You can also build it from source and use it as a binary.
- Golang: https://golang.org/doc/install (try Brew on OSX)
- GNU Make
To test, run make test
To build, run make build
. This will create a binary in the build/
To create a docker image, run make docker-build
To push the docker image run make docker-push
Run bumpversion
to update the version tag in the Makefile. Then run make docker-push