Quickly and easily validate the stringified NBT format (SNBT) used in Minecraft commands. Available on the web at https://www.soltoder.com/NBTLint/
Also available as a JavaScript library.
<script src="nbt-lint.js"></script>
var tag1;
try {
tag1 = nbtlint.parse(input.value);
} catch (e) {
output.value = e.message;
var tag2 = new nbtlint.TagCompound({
Score: new nbtlint.TagInteger(1500),
Pos: new nbtlint.TagList(nbtlint.TagDouble, [
new nbtlint.TagDouble(15.5),
new nbtlint.TagDouble(123),
new nbtlint.TagDouble(-491.77),
SelectedItem: new nbtlint.TagCompound({
id: new nbtlint.TagString("minecraft:diamond_sword"),
console.log(nbtlint.stringify(tag2, "\t"));
// {
// Score: 1500,
// Pos: [15.5d, 123d, -491.77d],
// SelectedItem: {
// id: "minecraft:diamond_sword"
// }
// }