A Matching-to-Sample software based in Python language
PyMTS is a Python Matching-to-Sample program. It is an executable file that can be used in any Windows computer by just downloading and clicking on it. We provide a manual for programming experiments in Portuguese and English language. If you have any issue or doubt regarding the software, please get in contact with us.
In the 'output' folder is the executable file and the instructions. Please read the instructions before using the software.
Carvalho, F. C., Regaço, A., & de Rose, J. C. (2023). PyMTS (Version #"add the version number here") [Computer Software]. Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
In this version we added the possibility of saving the CSV file with comma or semicolon. We also changed how to separate de comparison stimuli in the CSV block files (now its using a colon ":").
We changed the first screen presented, so now you can choose which block you want the procedure to start without needing to change the 'configData.json' file. We also changed how we are presenting the information in the 'configData.json' file (if you think its harder than it was before, please contact us).