This is an simple exporter made for Duplicati backup.
On your Duplicati backup interface or cli, you can configure in advanced options parameters for "send-http"
, with this configuration, Duplicati will send an post request to this exporter; so then exporter will gather metrics receved and expose a /metrics for prometheus
# Cli configuration example
For this demo is needed to be installed docker in your machine. How demo is setting up duplicati prometheus exporter app, prometheus and grafana, besides that, there is a configuration container that configure grafana datasource and dashboard, after that, this container send an example post to duplicati example exporter, you can see the configuration on docker compose file.
- In repository root, run:
docker compose up --force-recreate --build --always-recreate-deps
- After ~15 seconds the address
should be ready. Go to Grafana in your localhost
~This dashboard can change while i'm developing and improving.
scrape_interval: 60s
evaluation_interval: 30s
- job_name: duplicati_backup
honor_labels: true
- targets: ['duplicati-prometheus-exporter:5000'] # you can change to set your exporter instance
Docker is the better way to execute this application. If you prefer, you can build your own container image based on my Dockerfile to change anythong you want and store your container artifact where you need; but you also can use my docker image that is on my dockerhub
- Running docker image
docker run -p 5000:5000 aleixolucas/duplicati-prometheus-exporter
- After container run successfully you can access (Change localhost ip if necessary).
For this you have to install python3.9 or higher. You can change service port by setting a environment variable DUPLICATI_EXPORTER_PORT=PORT
, default is 5000.
- In repository root, create an python venv
python -m venv .venv
- Then activate this venv
source .venv/bin/activate # Linux
C:\ .venv\Scripts\activate.bat # Window
- Install python packages required
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Finally
python duplicat-prometheus-exporter
Debug can be done by using LOG_LEVEL environment variable, supported values:
Hello everyone, i'm developing from scratch and I have no much experience with prometheus library, feel free to send any issues or open any pull requests to improve the source code. Any help is welcome (: