diff --git a/locales/en-GB/main.json b/locales/en-GB/main.json
index 7d70cbb2d3..af8d011cd2 100644
--- a/locales/en-GB/main.json
+++ b/locales/en-GB/main.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"admins_error_must_specify_time": "You must specify a time after the command. E.g.: /{command} 7d
"admins_list": "Admins in the chat {chat_title}:\n{admins_list}",
"admins_no_admin_error": "You must be an administrator to use this command.",
- "admins_no_permission_error": "I'm sorry but you don't have the required permissions to run this command. Missing permissions: {permissions}",
+ "admins_no_permission_error": "I'm sorry, but you don't have the required permissions to run this command. Missing permissions: {permissions}",
"admins_reason_string": "Reason: {reason_text}",
"antichannelpin_disabled": "Anti channel pin for this chat is now disabled.",
"antichannelpin_enabled": "Anti channel pin for this chat is now enabled.",
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
"cleanservice_invalid_arg": "Invalid argument. Use /cleanservice off/on
"cleanservice_status_disabled": "Delete service messages is currently disabled in this chat.",
"cleanservice_status_enabled": "Delete service messages is currently enabled in this chat.",
- "cmd_admins_description": "Shows a list with the chat administrators.",
- "cmd_antichannelpin_description": "Automatically unpins messages coming from chat's linked channel.",
- "cmd_ban_description": "Bans a user from chat.",
+ "cmd_admins_description": "Shows a list of the chat administrators.",
+ "cmd_antichannelpin_description": "Automatically unpins messages coming from the chat's linked channel.",
+ "cmd_ban_description": "Bans a user from the chat.",
"cmd_cat_description": "Sends a random cat photo.",
"cmd_cleanservice_description": "Cleans service messages (E.g.: When a user joins the chat) from the chat.",
"cmd_coub_description": "Sends a random Coub (short video) from search results.",
@@ -37,22 +37,22 @@
"cmd_filters_description": "Shows the current filters for this chat.",
"cmd_gif_description": "Sends a random GIF from search results.",
"cmd_git_description": "Gets information from a GitHub profile.",
- "cmd_html_description": "Formats the provided text with the HTML syntax.",
+ "cmd_html_description": "Formats the provided text with HTML syntax.",
"cmd_id_description": "Gets information about the chat.",
"cmd_info_description": "Gets information about a user.",
- "cmd_ip_description": "Gets IP info of a domain or IP address.",
- "cmd_jsondump_description": "Gets a dump of the current message in json.",
- "cmd_kick_description": "Kicks a user from chat.",
- "cmd_mark_description": "Formats the provided text with the Markdown syntax.",
+ "cmd_ip_description": "Gets IP information of a domain name or IP address.",
+ "cmd_jsondump_description": "Gets a dump of the current message in JSON.",
+ "cmd_kick_description": "Kicks a user from the chat.",
+ "cmd_mark_description": "Formats the provided text with Markdown syntax.",
"cmd_mute_description": "Mutes a user in the chat.",
"cmd_note_description": "Creates a note for this chat.",
"cmd_notes_description": "Shows saved notes for this chat.",
- "cmd_parsebutton_description": "Helps you to parse button.",
+ "cmd_parsebutton_description": "Helps you to parse a button.",
"cmd_paste_description": "Pastes the replied text/document to nekobin.com.",
"cmd_pin_description": "Pins the replied message in chat. loud
can be used to enable notification.",
"cmd_ping_description": "Shows the bot delay to send a message.",
"cmd_print_description": "Takes a screenshot of the specified website.",
- "cmd_private_not_allowed": "This command can't be used in a private chat. If you need any help, please use the /help
+ "cmd_private_not_allowed": "This command cannot be used in a private chat. If you need any help, please use the /help
"cmd_purge_description": "Purges the history up to the replied message.",
"cmd_pypi_description": "Searches for a package in the Python Package Index (PyPI).",
"cmd_reddit_description": "Views the latest posts from the specified Subreddit",
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@
"cmd_unmute_description": "Unmutes a user in the chat.",
"cmd_unpin_description": "Unpins the replied message in chat.",
"cmd_unpinall_description": "Unpins all messages in chat.",
- "cmd_urldecode_description": "Encodes the provided text with URL-safe encoding.",
- "cmd_urlencode_description": "Decodes the provided text from URL-safe encoding.",
+ "cmd_urldecode_description": "Decodes the provided text from URL-safe encoding.",
+ "cmd_urlencode_description": "Encodes the provided text with URL-safe encoding.",
"cmd_warn_description": "Warns a user.",
- "cmd_warns_description": "Gets the warns of the user.",
+ "cmd_warns_description": "Gets the warnings of the user.",
"cmd_weather_description": "Gets weather information for the given location or city.",
"cmd_welcome_description": "Toggles the welcome message on or off.",
"cmd_welcomeformat_description": "Helps you format the welcome message.",
@@ -93,23 +93,23 @@
"details": "{location}:\n\nTemperature: {temperature} °C
\nTemperature feels like: {feels_like} °C
\nAir humidity: {air_humidity}%
\nWind speed: {wind_speed} km/h
\n\n- {overview}",
"dice_result": "🎲 The dice stopped at the number: {number}",
"dog_woof": "Woof!",
- "donate_info": "If you like the project and want it to continue free and alive, please show your support donating by clicking the link below. Any value is appreciated. Thanks!\n\nhttps://amanoteam.com/donate",
- "filters_add_empty": "Please specify a content for filter.",
+ "donate_info": "If you like the project and want it to continue free and alive, please show your support by donating by clicking the link below. Any amount is appreciated. Thanks!\n\nhttps://amanoteam.com/donate",
+ "filters_add_empty": "Please specify content for the filter.",
"filters_add_success": "Added filter {trigger}.",
"filters_list": "Filters in this chat:\n\n",
- "filters_list_empty": "Currently there are no filters in this chat.",
- "filters_no_filter_with_name": "There is no filter with name {trigger}.",
+ "filters_list_empty": "Currently, there are no filters in this chat.",
+ "filters_no_filter_with_name": "There is no filter with the name {trigger}.",
"filters_remove_success": "Removed {trigger} from filters.",
"general_back_btn": "« Go back",
"general_no_results": "No results found.",
"getsticker_animated_not_supported": "Animated stickers are not supported.",
- "getsticker_not_sticker": "That's not a sticker.",
+ "getsticker_not_sticker": "That is not a sticker.",
"getsticker_sticker_info": "Emoji: {emoji}\nSticker ID: {id}
"gif_usage": "Usage: /gif search term
— Sends a random GIF from search results.",
"git_no_username": "Please specify a username.",
"git_user_info": "Name: {name}
\nUsername: {username}
\nLocation: {location}
\nType: {type}
\nBio: {bio}
"git_user_not_found": "User not found.",
- "html_send_inline": "Click here to send the text in html format.",
+ "html_send_inline": "Click here to send the text in HTML format.",
"html_usage": "Usage: /html <b>text</b> in <i>html</i>
— Formats the provided text with the HTML syntax.",
"id_info_group": "User information:\nName: {first_name} {last_name}
\nUsername: {username}\nID: {user_id}
\nDatacenter: {user_dc}
\nLanguage: {lang}
\n\nChat information:\nChat name: {chat_title}
\nChat username: {chat_username}\nChat ID: {chat_id}
\nChat datacenter: {chat_dc}
\nChat type: {chat_type}
\nMessages: {message_id}
"id_info_private": "Information:\nName: {first_name} {last_name}
\nUsername: {username}\nID: {user_id}
\nDatacenter: {user_dc}
\nLanguage: {lang}
\nChat type: {chat_type}
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@
"info_userlink": "\nUser link: {link}",
"info_username": "\nUsername: @{username}",
"inline_cmd_faces_description": "Shows a list of text faces.",
- "inline_cmd_html_description": "Formats the provided text as html.",
+ "inline_cmd_html_description": "Formats the provided text as HTML.",
"inline_cmd_info_description": "Gets information about the provided user.",
- "inline_cmd_ip_description": "Gets IP info of a domain or IP address.",
+ "inline_cmd_ip_description": "Gets IP info of a domain name or IP address.",
"inline_cmd_markdown_description": "Formats the provided text as markdown.",
"inline_cmd_run_description": "Runs code in the specified programming language.",
"inline_cmd_tr_description": "Translates the text into the given language (defaults to user's default language).",
@@ -136,17 +136,17 @@
"inline_cmds_no_results": "No command named '{query}'.",
"inline_cmds_run_command_button": "🔨 Run '{query}'",
"inline_details": "{overview}, temperature: {temperature} °C, temperature feels like: {feels_like} °C, air humidity: {air_humidity}%, wind speed: {wind_speed} km/h",
- "ip_err_bogon_ip": "The provided IP address {ip}
is a bogon IP address, meaning it's either not in use or is reserved for special use.",
- "ip_err_no_ip": "You must specify the url, E.g.: /ip example.com
+ "ip_err_bogon_ip": "The provided IP address {ip}
is a bogon IP address, meaning it is either not in use or is reserved for special use.",
+ "ip_err_no_ip": "You must specify a domain name or IP address, e.g.: /ip example.com
"ip_err_no_ips": "No IP addresses found for {domain}.",
"ip_info_inline": "Click here to see the IP info of {domain}.",
"ip_inline_err_bogon_ip": "Invalid IP address {ip} (bogon IP address).",
- "ip_no_url": "You must specify the url.",
- "ip_no_url_example": "You must specify the url, e.g.: @{bot_username} ip example.com
+ "ip_no_url": "You must specify a domain name or IP address.",
+ "ip_no_url_example": "You must specify a domain name or IP address, e.g.: @{bot_username} ip example.com
"ip_select_ip": "The domain {domain} has multiple IP addresses, please select one:",
- "kang_cant_create_sticker_pack_string": "Oops, looks like I don't have enough permissions to create sticker pack for you!\nPlease start the bot first.",
+ "kang_cant_create_sticker_pack_string": "Oops, looks like I do not have enough permissions to create a sticker pack for you!\nPlease start the bot first.",
"kang_create_new_pack_string": "Creating a new sticker pack…",
- "kang_err_sticker_no_file_name": "Error: This sticker doesn't a have filename!
+ "kang_err_sticker_no_file_name": "Error: This sticker does not have a filename!
"kang_invalid_media_string": "Error: Invalid media",
"kang_kanging_sticker_msg": "Kanging sticker…
"kang_sticker_kanged_string": "Sticker successfully added to pack\nEmoji: {sticker_emoji}",
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@
"mute_cannot_mute_admins": "I can't mute admins.",
"mute_success": "{user} has been muted by {admin}.",
"no_location": "Please specify a location or city.",
- "notes_add_empty": "Please specify a content for note.",
+ "notes_add_empty": "Please specify content for the note.",
"notes_add_success": "Added note {trigger}.",
"notes_list": "Notes in this chat:\n\n",
"notes_list_empty": "Currently there are no notes in this chat.",
"notes_no_note_with_name": "There is no note with the name {trigger}.",
"notes_remove_success": "Removed {trigger} from notes.",
- "parsebtn_err": "You must specify a url and the text of the button, E.g.: /parsebutton https://google.com text
+ "parsebtn_err": "You must specify a URL and the text of the button, E.g.: /parsebutton https://google.com text
"pastes_reply_to_document_or_text": "Please reply to a text or document to paste its content.",
"print_taking_screenshot": "Taking screenshot…",
"print_usage": "Usage: /print https://example.com
— Take a screenshot of the specified website.",
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@
"start_add_to_chat_btn": "➕ Add to a chat",
"start_chat": "🤖 Start a chat",
"start_commands_btn": "📚 Commands",
- "start_group": "Hello! I'm EduuRobot. To discover my functions start a conversation with me.",
+ "start_group": "Hello! I'm EduuRobot. To discover my functions, start a conversation with me.",
"start_info_page": "• EduuRobot\n\nVersion number: {version_number} ({commit_hash})\n\nSource Code\nDevelopers: Amano Team\n\nPartnerships:\n » HPXList - by usernein\n\n©2024 - AmanoTeam™",
"start_infos_btn": "ℹ️ About",
"start_language_btn": "🌐 Language",
"start_private": "Hello! I'm EduuRobot. To discover more about my functions, click on the buttons below.",
- "stickerid_string": "The id of this sticker is: {stickerid}
+ "stickerid_string": "The ID of this sticker is: {stickerid}
"sudos_forbidden_command": "Forbidden command.",
"sudos_restarting": "Restarting…",
"sudos_speedtest": "Speedtest\n\n🌐 Host: {host}
\n\n🏓 Ping: {ping} ms
\n⬇️ Download: {download} Mbps
\n⬆️ Upload: {upload} Mbps
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"tr_inline_send": "tr from {srclangformat} to {tolangformat}",
"tr_translating": "Translating…",
"tr_translation": "Language: {from_lang} -> {to_lang}\nTranslation: {translation}
- "tr_usage": "Usage: /tr <language> text for translation
(Can be also used in reply to a message).",
+ "tr_usage": "Usage: /tr <language> text for translation
(Can also be used in reply to a message).",
"unban_success": "{user} has been unbanned by {admin}.",
"unmute_success": "{user} has been unmuted by {admin}.",
"user_info_inline_couldnt_find_user": "User not found.",
@@ -230,11 +230,11 @@
"warn_cant_admin": "I can't warn admins.",
"warn_kicked": "The user {target_user} has been kicked because they have been warned {warn_count} times.",
"warn_limit_changed": "Warnings limit successfully changed to {warn_limit}.",
- "warn_limit_help": "You must specify the number of warnings, E.g.: /setwarnslimit 5
+ "warn_limit_help": "You must specify the number of warnings, e.g.: /setwarnslimit 5
"warn_limit_invalid": "The provided number is not valid.",
"warn_muted": "The user {target_user} has been muted because they have been warned {warn_count} times.",
"warn_reason_text": "Warning reason: {reason_text}",
- "warn_reset": "{target_user} warnings have been successfully removed.",
+ "warn_reset": "{target_user}'s warnings have been successfully removed.",
"warn_warned": "The user {target_user} has {warn_count} out of {warn_limit} warnings.",
"warns_action_set_invlaid": "Invalid argument. Use /setwarnsaction ban/mute/kick
"warns_action_set_string": "The warning action has been set to {action}.",
@@ -242,13 +242,13 @@
"weather_language": "en-GB",
"weather_usage": "Usage: /weather location or city
— Get information about the weather in location or city.",
"welcome_default": "Hey {first_name}, welcome to {chat_title}!",
- "welcome_format_help_msg": "The message can be formatted in html format or with Telegram's builtin text formatter. You can use the /html command to verify that your html is correct.\n\nYou can use these arguments for the welcome message:\n - {id}
to show the user ID in the welcome message.\n - {username}
to show the user's username in the welcome message. if the user has no username the bot shows a mention.\n - {first_name}
to show the user's name in the welcome message.\n - {full_name}
or {name}
to show the user's full name in the welcome message.\n - {mention}
to mention the user in the welcome message.\n - {chat_title}
or {title}
to show the chat title in the welcome message.\n - {count}
to show the chat members count in the welcome message.\n\nTo add buttons you can use [button text](buttonurl:button link)
. To add more buttons on the same line, you can add :same after the link, like this: [button text](buttonurl:button link:same)
+ "welcome_format_help_msg": "The message can be formatted in HTML format or with Telegram's built-in text formatter. You can use the /html command to verify that your HTML is correct.\n\nYou can use these arguments for the welcome message:\n - {id}
to show the user ID in the welcome message.\n - {username}
to show the user's username in the welcome message. If the user has no username, the bot shows a mention.\n - {first_name}
to show the user's name in the welcome message.\n - {full_name}
or {name}
to show the user's full name in the welcome message.\n - {mention}
to mention the user in the welcome message.\n - {chat_title}
or {title}
to show the chat title in the welcome message.\n - {count}
to show the chat member count in the welcome message.\n\nTo add buttons, you can use [button text](buttonurl link)
. To add more buttons on the same line, you can add :same after the link, like this: [button text](buttonurl:button link:same)
"welcome_mode_disable": "The welcome message for {chat_title} is now disabled.",
"welcome_mode_enable": "The welcome message for {chat_title} is now enabled.",
"welcome_mode_invalid": "Invalid argument. Use /welcome off/on
"welcome_reset": "The welcome message for {chat_title} has been set back to the bot's default welcome message.",
"welcome_set_empty": "You must specify the welcome message, e.g.: /setwelcome your welcome message
. For help with formatting, click here.",
- "welcome_set_error": "There was an error and the welcome message could not be set. Error: {error}",
+ "welcome_set_error": "There was an error, and the welcome message could not be set. Error: {error}",
"welcome_set_success": "The welcome message for {chat_title} has been set successfully.",
"ytdl_audio_button": "💿 Audio",
"ytdl_button_denied": "This button is not for you.",