menu item for bumping beat count up/down by 1 with accelerators
menu item for bumping tempo up/down by 1 with accelerators
menu item for bumping tempo up/down by 10 with accelerators
Change font
Disable beats
- Consider renaming Beat Count
- Let user add accents to beats
- Let user change volume
- Support more elaborate rhythm specification in the future like 4/4, 8/8, 7/4, or 7/8
- Make updates from 6 beat count to 64 beat count happen faster after first time (by caching/hiding canvases instead of disposing them)
- Update display name in packaged app from Glimmer to something else (like GMetronome, GlimmerMetro, Glimmetronome, Glmetro, or something better)
- Limiting number of bars played as a form of practice session (e.g. practice 100 bars everyday)
- Save presets of rhythms/tempos (remember to go back to 21 with certain up/down settings for different beats)
- Clicktracks: Support the concept of bars/measures and enable building different metronome rhtyhms/tempos in different bars to build clicktracks for songs.
- Set lists: multiple click tracks in a set list
- Backup to/Restore from files
- Fix issue with a metronome running more than 1 hour experiencing visual slowdown glitches while audio is perfectly on time