diff --git a/docs/api_reference/api_reference.py b/docs/api_reference/api_reference.py
index 2e233d9..09e2270 100644
--- a/docs/api_reference/api_reference.py
+++ b/docs/api_reference/api_reference.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from fasthtml.common import *
from monsterui.all import *
-from nbdev.showdoc import *
+# from nbdev.showdoc import *
from utils import create_flippable_card, fn2code_string
from enum import EnumType
from collections.abc import Callable
@@ -12,17 +12,60 @@
These are automatically added to the docs sidebar so you don't have to do anything other than add the function using create_doc_section.
+from inspect import signature, getdoc, getsourcefile, getsourcelines
# Utilities
+def get_github_url(func):
+ "Create GitHub URL for function, assuming AnswerDotAI/MonsterUI repo"
+ file = getsourcefile(func).split('MonsterUI/')[-1]
+ line = getsourcelines(func)[-1]
+ return f"https://github.com/AnswerDotAI/MonsterUI/blob/main/{file}#L{line}"
+from fastcore.docments import docments, docstring, get_name
+def show_doc(func) -> str:
+ "Convert a Google-style docstring to markdown"
+ params = docments(func, args_kwargs=True)
+ funcname = get_name(func)
+ doc = docstring(func)
+ par, ret = None, None
+ if params:
+ par = Div(Strong('Params'),
+ Ul(*[Li(render_md(f"`{name}` {desc if desc else ''}",class_map_mods={'p':'leading-relaxed'}), cls='') for name, desc in params.items() if name != 'return'], cls='uk-list-disc space-y-2 mb-6 ml-6'))
+ if 'return' in params and params['return']: ret = render_md(f"**Returns:** {params['return']}")
+ return Div(
+ # DivFullySpaced(H3(func.__name__, cls='uk-h3 text-2xl font-semibold mt-8 mb-4'),A("Source", href=get_github_url(func), cls='text-primary hover:text-primary-focus underline')),
+ DivFullySpaced(render_md(f"### {func.__name__}"),A("Source", href=get_github_url(func), cls='text-primary hover:text-primary-focus underline')),
+ Div(Pre(Code(f"{funcname}{signature(func)}",
+ cls='hljs language-python px-1 block overflow-x-auto'),
+ cls='bg-base-200 rounded-lg p-4 mb-6')),
+ Div(Blockquote(render_md(doc), cls='pl-4 border-l-4 border-primary mb-6'), par, ret, cls='ml-10'))
def enum_to_html_table(enum_class):
- headers = ["Option", "Value"]
- rows = [[name, value.value] for name, value in enum_class.__members__.items()]
+ "Creates a compact multi-column table display for enum documentation"
+ items = list(enum_class.__members__.items())
+ n_cols = min(4, max(2, round((len(items) ** 0.5))))
+ # Create header/cell pairs with borders
+ def make_pair(opt, val, i):
+ border = 'border-l border-base-300 pl-4' if i > 0 else ''
+ return [Th('Option', cls=border), Th('Value')] if opt == 'header' else [Td(opt, cls=border), Td(val)]
+ # Build rows with padding for incomplete final row
+ rows = []
+ for i in range(0, len(items), n_cols):
+ cells = []
+ for j in range(n_cols):
+ name, val = items[i + j] if i + j < len(items) else ('', '')
+ cells.extend(make_pair(name, val.value if val else '', j))
+ rows.append(Tr(*cells))
return Div(
- Hr(cls='uk-divider-icon my-4'),
- H3(enum_class.__name__,cls='my-4'),
- P(I(enum_class.__doc__)),
- TableFromLists(headers, rows, cls=(TableT.hover, 'uk-table-small')),)
+ Hr(cls='uk-divider-icon my-2'),
+ DivFullySpaced(H3(enum_class.__name__, cls='my-2'), P(I(enum_class.__doc__), cls='text-sm')),
+ Table(
+ Thead(Tr(*make_pair('header', '', 0) * n_cols)),
+ Tbody(*rows),
+ cls=(TableT.hover, 'uk-table-small uk-table-justify uk-table-middle')))
def render_content(c):
"Renders content by type"
@@ -33,8 +76,9 @@ def render_content(c):
extra_cls = c[2] if len(tuple(c)) == 3 else None
return create_flippable_card(c[0], c[1], extra_cls)
elif isinstance(c, Callable): # Callables are rendered as documentation via show_doc
- _html = show_doc(c, renderer=BasicHtmlRenderer)._repr_html_()
- return NotStr(apply_classes(_html, class_map_mods={"table":'uk-table uk-table-hover uk-table-small'}))
+ return show_doc(c)
+ # _html = show_doc(c, renderer=BasicHtmlRenderer)._repr_html_()
+ # return NotStr(apply_classes(_html, class_map_mods={"table":'uk-table uk-table-hover uk-table-small'}))
else: return c
def create_doc_section(*content, title):
@@ -66,7 +110,6 @@ def ex_links():
- A,
title="Buttons & Links")
@@ -172,7 +215,7 @@ def ex_other():
H1, H2, H3, H4, Titled,
- P, PParagraph, PLarge, PLead, PSmall, PMuted,
+ PParagraph, PLarge, PLead, PSmall, PMuted,
CodeSpan, Blockquote,
title="Text Style")
@@ -312,7 +355,7 @@ def team_member(name, role, location="Remote"):
- "The remainder of these are only needed if you're doing something really special. They are used in the `Card` function to generate the boilerplate for you.",
+ P("The remainder of these are only needed if you're doing something really special. They are used in the `Card` function to generate the boilerplate for you.", cls='my-6'),
@@ -408,6 +451,14 @@ def ex_form():
+ LabelInput,
+ LabelCheckboxX,
+ LabelSwitch,
+ LabelRange,
+ LabelTextArea,
+ LabelRadio,
+ LabelSelect,
+ LabelUkSelect,
@@ -682,9 +733,8 @@ def ex_tabs2():
P("A tabs can use any method of navigation (htmx, or href). However, often these are use in conjunction with switchers do to this client side", cls=TextFont.muted_sm),
H1("API Docs"),
- Nav,
- NavT,
+ NavT,
@@ -772,10 +822,7 @@ def body_render(k, v):
- Td,
- Tfoot,
- Thead,
- Tr,
+ Td,
# Icons
diff --git a/docs/main.py b/docs/main.py
index 43d4b8d..c972ce1 100644
--- a/docs/main.py
+++ b/docs/main.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def _create_page(content, # The content to display (without the layout/sidebar)
def with_layout(sidebar_section, content):
"Puts the sidebar and content into a layout"
- return Title(f"MonsterUI {sidebar_section.removeprefix('docs_')}"), Div(cls="flex flex-col md:flex-row w-full")(
+ return Title(f"MonsterUI"), Div(cls="flex flex-col md:flex-row w-full")(
Button(UkIcon("menu",50,50,cls='mt-4'), cls="md:hidden mb-4", uk_toggle="target: #mobile-sidebar"),
Div(sidebar(sidebar_section), id='mobile-sidebar', hidden=True),
Div(cls="md:flex w-full")(
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
index 900e8d0..e2b9a68 100644
--- a/docs/requirements.txt
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ fastcore
diff --git a/docs/utils.py b/docs/utils.py
index d5d62b1..2405ebe 100644
--- a/docs/utils.py
+++ b/docs/utils.py
@@ -14,38 +14,46 @@ def get_last_statement(code): return ast.unparse(ast.parse(code).body[-1])
from pathlib import Path
-hjs = (Style('html.dark .hljs-copy-button {background-color: #e0e0e0; color: #2d2b57;}'),
- Link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release/build/styles/atom-one-dark.css', disabled=True),
- Link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release/build/styles/atom-one-light.css', disabled=True),
- Script(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release/build/highlight.min.js'),
- Script(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/arronhunt/highlightjs-copy/dist/highlightjs-copy.min.js'),
- Link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/arronhunt/highlightjs-copy/dist/highlightjs-copy.min.css'),
- Style('.hljs-copy-button {background-color: #2d2b57;}'),
- Script(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release/build/languages/python.min.js'),
- Script("hljs.addPlugin(new CopyButtonPlugin());\r\nhljs.configure({'cssSelector': 'pre code'});\r\nhtmx.onLoad(hljs.highlightAll);", type='module'),
- Script('''htmx.on("htmx:beforeHistorySave", () => {document.querySelectorAll("uk-icon").forEach((elt) => {elt.innerHTML = '';});});'''),
- Script('''hljs.configure({
- ignoreUnescapedHTML: true
- });'''),
- Script('''const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
- mutations.forEach(mutation => {
- if (mutation.target.tagName === 'HTML' && mutation.attributeName === 'class') {
- const isDark = mutation.target.classList.contains('dark');
- document.querySelector('link[href*="atom-one-dark.css"]').disabled = !isDark;
- document.querySelector('link[href*="atom-one-light.css"]').disabled = isDark;
- }
- });
- });
+hjs = (
+ # Core highlight.js and copy plugin
+ Script(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.9.0/build/highlight.min.js'),
+ Script(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.9.0/build/languages/python.min.js'),
+ Script(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/arronhunt/highlightjs-copy/dist/highlightjs-copy.min.js'),
+ # Themes and styles
+ Link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.9.0/build/styles/atom-one-dark.css', id='hljs-dark'),
+ Link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.9.0/build/styles/atom-one-light.css', id='hljs-light'),
+ Link(rel='stylesheet', href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/arronhunt/highlightjs-copy/dist/highlightjs-copy.min.css'),
+ # Initialization script
+ Script('''
+ // Initialize highlight.js with copy plugin
+ hljs.addPlugin(new CopyButtonPlugin());
+ hljs.configure({
+ cssSelector: 'pre code',
+ languages: ['python'],
+ ignoreUnescapedHTML: true
+ });
- observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
+ // Theme switching logic
+ function updateTheme() {
+ const isDark = document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark');
+ document.getElementById('hljs-dark').disabled = !isDark;
+ document.getElementById('hljs-light').disabled = isDark;
+ }
- // Initial setup
- const isDark = document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark');
- document.querySelector('link[href*="atom-one-dark.css"]').disabled = !isDark;
- document.querySelector('link[href*="atom-one-light.css"]').disabled = isDark;
- '''))
+ // Watch for theme changes
+ new MutationObserver(mutations =>
+ mutations.forEach(m => m.target.tagName === 'HTML' &&
+ m.attributeName === 'class' && updateTheme())
+ ).observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
+ // Initial setup
+ updateTheme();
+ htmx.onLoad(hljs.highlightAll);
+ ''', type='module')
def create_flippable_card(content, source_code, extra_cls=None):
"Creates a card that flips between content and source code"
_id = 'f'+str(unqid())
@@ -57,24 +65,11 @@ def create_flippable_card(content, source_code, extra_cls=None):
DivFullySpaced(UkIcon('corner-down-right', 20, 20, 3),"See Output"),
uk_toggle=f"target: #{_id}", id=_id, cls=ButtonT.primary, hidden=True),
Div(content, id=_id),
- Div(Pre(Code(source_code, cls="hljs language-python")), id=_id, hidden=True, cls="mockup-code"),
+ Div(Pre(Code(source_code, cls="hljs language-python")), id=_id, hidden=True),
return Div(_card, cls=extra_cls) if extra_cls else _card
-def fn2code_string(fn: Callable) -> tuple: return fn(), extract_function_body(fn)
-def extract_function_body(func):
- source = inspect.getsource(func)
- return source
- body_start = source.index(':') + 1
- body = source[body_start:]
- lines = body.split('\n')
- # Remove empty lines at the start
- while lines and not lines[0].strip():
- lines.pop(0)
- # Remove first 4 spaces from each line
- body = '\n'.join(line[4:] if line.startswith(' ') else line for line in lines)
- return body.replace('return ', '', 1)
+def fn2code_string(fn: Callable) -> tuple: return fn(), inspect.getsource(fn)
def render_nb(path):
diff --git a/monsterui/_modidx.py b/monsterui/_modidx.py
index daedb37..c04f7b4 100644
--- a/monsterui/_modidx.py
+++ b/monsterui/_modidx.py
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@
'monsterui.franken.H2': ('franken.html#h2', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.H3': ('franken.html#h3', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.H4': ('franken.html#h4', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
- 'monsterui.franken.HTMXModalCloseButton': ('franken.html#htmxmodalclosebutton', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.Input': ('franken.html#input', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.Label': ('franken.html#label', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.LabelCheckboxX': ('franken.html#labelcheckboxx', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@
'monsterui.franken.ListT': ('franken.html#listt', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.ListT._generate_next_value_': ( 'franken.html#listt._generate_next_value_',
- 'monsterui.franken.Main': ('franken.html#main', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.Modal': ('franken.html#modal', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.ModalBody': ('franken.html#modalbody', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.ModalCloseButton': ('franken.html#modalclosebutton', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
@@ -182,9 +180,7 @@
'monsterui.franken.TextT._generate_next_value_': ( 'franken.html#textt._generate_next_value_',
'monsterui.franken.Th': ('franken.html#th', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
- 'monsterui.franken.Thead': ('franken.html#thead', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.Titled': ('franken.html#titled', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
- 'monsterui.franken.Tr': ('franken.html#tr', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.UkFormSection': ('franken.html#ukformsection', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.UkIcon': ('franken.html#ukicon', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
'monsterui.franken.UkIconLink': ('franken.html#ukiconlink', 'monsterui/franken.py'),
diff --git a/monsterui/franken.py b/monsterui/franken.py
index 7de0ba0..f5d6cb0 100644
--- a/monsterui/franken.py
+++ b/monsterui/franken.py
@@ -2,20 +2,19 @@
# %% auto 0
__all__ = ['franken_class_map', 'TextT', 'TextFont', 'PParagraph', 'PLarge', 'PLead', 'PSmall', 'PMuted', 'CodeSpan',
- 'Blockquote', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'ButtonT', 'Button', 'Main', 'ContainerT', 'Container', 'Titled',
- 'DividerT', 'Divider', 'DividerSplit', 'DividerLine', 'Article', 'ArticleTitle', 'ArticleMeta', 'SectionT',
- 'Section', 'Form', 'Fieldset', 'Legend', 'Input', 'Select', 'Radio', 'CheckboxX', 'Range', 'TextArea',
- 'Switch', 'FormLabel', 'LabelT', 'Label', 'UkFormSection', 'GenericLabelInput', 'LabelInput', 'LabelRadio',
- 'LabelCheckboxX', 'LabelRange', 'LabelTextArea', 'LabelSwitch', 'LabelSelect', 'Options', 'UkSelect',
+ 'Blockquote', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'ButtonT', 'Button', 'ContainerT', 'Container', 'Titled', 'DividerT',
+ 'Divider', 'DividerSplit', 'DividerLine', 'Article', 'ArticleTitle', 'ArticleMeta', 'SectionT', 'Section',
+ 'Form', 'Fieldset', 'Legend', 'Input', 'Select', 'Radio', 'CheckboxX', 'Range', 'TextArea', 'Switch',
+ 'FormLabel', 'LabelT', 'Label', 'UkFormSection', 'GenericLabelInput', 'LabelInput', 'LabelRange',
+ 'LabelTextArea', 'LabelSwitch', 'LabelRadio', 'LabelCheckboxX', 'LabelSelect', 'Options', 'UkSelect',
'LabelUkSelect', 'AT', 'ListT', 'UkList', 'ModalContainer', 'ModalDialog', 'ModalHeader', 'ModalBody',
- 'ModalFooter', 'ModalTitle', 'ModalCloseButton', 'HTMXModalCloseButton', 'Modal', 'PaddingT', 'PositionT',
- 'Placeholder', 'Progress', 'UkIcon', 'UkIconLink', 'DiceBearAvatar', 'FlexT', 'Grid', 'DivFullySpaced',
- 'DivCentered', 'DivLAligned', 'DivRAligned', 'DivVStacked', 'DivHStacked', 'NavT', 'NavContainer',
- 'NavParentLi', 'NavDividerLi', 'NavHeaderLi', 'NavSubtitle', 'NavCloseLi', 'NavBarContainer', 'NavBarLSide',
- 'NavBarRSide', 'NavBarCenter', 'NavBarNav', 'NavBarSubtitle', 'NavBarNavContainer', 'NavBarParentIcon',
- 'DropDownNavContainer', 'TabContainer', 'CardT', 'CardTitle', 'CardHeader', 'CardBody', 'CardFooter',
- 'CardContainer', 'Card', 'TableT', 'Table', 'Td', 'Th', 'Tr', 'Thead', 'Tbody', 'TableFromLists',
- 'TableFromDicts', 'apply_classes', 'render_md']
+ 'ModalFooter', 'ModalTitle', 'ModalCloseButton', 'Modal', 'PaddingT', 'PositionT', 'Placeholder', 'Progress',
+ 'UkIcon', 'UkIconLink', 'DiceBearAvatar', 'FlexT', 'Grid', 'DivFullySpaced', 'DivCentered', 'DivLAligned',
+ 'DivRAligned', 'DivVStacked', 'DivHStacked', 'NavT', 'NavContainer', 'NavParentLi', 'NavDividerLi',
+ 'NavHeaderLi', 'NavSubtitle', 'NavCloseLi', 'NavBarContainer', 'NavBarLSide', 'NavBarRSide', 'NavBarCenter',
+ 'NavBarNav', 'NavBarSubtitle', 'NavBarNavContainer', 'NavBarParentIcon', 'DropDownNavContainer',
+ 'TabContainer', 'CardT', 'CardTitle', 'CardHeader', 'CardBody', 'CardFooter', 'CardContainer', 'Card',
+ 'TableT', 'Table', 'Td', 'Th', 'Tbody', 'TableFromLists', 'TableFromDicts', 'apply_classes', 'render_md']
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
import fasthtml.common as fh
@@ -69,50 +68,83 @@ def __str__(self): return self.value
bold_sm = stringify((TextT.bold, TextT.small))
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def PParagraph(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
- "P Tag with uk-paragraph style applied"
- return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-paragraph',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def PLarge(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
- "P Tag with uk-text-large style applied"
- return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-large', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def PLead(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
- "P Tag with uk-text-lead style applied"
- return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-lead', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def PSmall(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
- "P Tag with uk-text-small style applied"
- return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-small', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def PMuted(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
- "P Tag with uk-text-muted style applied"
- return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-muted', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def CodeSpan(*args, **kwargs):
+def PParagraph(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)
+ cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for P tag
+ ): # P(..., cls='uk-paragraph')
+ "P Tag with paragraph style applied"
+ return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-paragraph', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def PLarge(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)
+ cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for P tag
+ ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-large')
+ "P Tag with large style applied"
+ return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-large', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def PLead(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)
+ cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for P tag
+ ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-lead')
+ "P Tag with lead style applied"
+ return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-lead', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def PSmall(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)
+ cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for P tag
+ ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-small')
+ "P Tag with small style applied"
+ return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-small', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def PMuted(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)
+ cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for P tag
+ ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-muted')
+ "P Tag with muted style applied"
+ return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-muted', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def CodeSpan(*c, # Contents of CodeSpan tag (inline text code snippets)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to CodeSpan styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for CodeSpan tag
+ ): # Code(..., cls='uk-codespan')
"A CodeSpan with Styling"
- return fh.Code(*args, cls=('uk-codespan"'), **kwargs)
+ return fh.Code(*c, cls=('uk-codespan', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Blockquote(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:
- "A Blockquote with Styling"
+def Blockquote(*c:FT|str, # Contents of Blockquote tag (often text)
+ cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to Blockquote styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Blockquote tag
+ ): # Blockquote(..., cls='uk-blockquote')
+ "Blockquote with Styling"
return fh.Blockquote(*c, cls=('uk-blockquote',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def H1(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:
- "A H1 with Styling"
+def H1(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H1 tag (often text)
+ cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H1 styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for H1 tag
+ ): # H1(..., cls='uk-h1')
+ "H1 with styling and appropriate size"
return fh.H1(*c, cls=('uk-h1',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def H2(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:
- "A H2 with Styling"
+def H2(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H2 tag (often text)
+ cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H2 styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for H2 tag
+ ): # H2(..., cls='uk-h2')
+ "H2 with styling and appropriate size"
return fh.H2(*c, cls=('uk-h2',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def H3(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:
- "A H3 with Styling"
+def H3(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H3 tag (often text)
+ cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H3 styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for H3 tag
+ ): # H3(..., cls='uk-h3')
+ "H3 with styling and appropriate size"
return fh.H3(*c, cls=('uk-h3',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def H4(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:
- "A H4 with Styling"
+def H4(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H4 tag (often text)
+ cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H4 styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for H4 tag
+ ): # H4(..., cls='uk-h4')
+ "H4 with styling and appropriate size"
return fh.H4(*c, cls=('uk-h4',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
@@ -128,19 +160,15 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('bu
ghost = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Button(*c: Union[str, FT],
- cls: Union[str, Enum]=ButtonT.default,
- submit=True,
- **kwargs
- ) -> FT:
- "A Button with Styling (defaults to `submit` for form submission)"
- if 'type' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['type'] = 'submit' if submit else 'button'
+def Button(*c: Union[str, FT], # Contents of `Button` tag (often text)
+ cls: Union[str, Enum]=ButtonT.default, # Classes in addition to `Button` styling (use `ButtonT` for built in styles)
+ submit=True, # Whether the button should submit a form
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Button` tag
+ ) -> FT: # Button(..., cls='uk-button')
+ "Button with Styling (defaults to `submit` for form submission)"
+ if 'type' not in kwargs: kwargs['type'] = 'submit' if submit else 'button'
return fh.Button(*c, cls=('uk-button', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Main(*args, **kwargs): return fh.Main(*args, **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
class ContainerT(VEnum):
'Max width container sizes from https://franken-ui.dev/docs/container'
@@ -152,29 +180,39 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('co
expand = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Container(*c, cls=('mt-5', ContainerT.xlarge), **kwargs):
- "A Div to be used as a container that often wraps large sections or a page of content"
+def Container(*c, # Contents of Container tag (often other FT Components)
+ cls=('mt-5', ContainerT.xlarge), # Classes in addition to Container styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Container (`Div` tag)
+ ): # Container(..., cls='uk-container')
+ "Div to be used as a container that often wraps large sections or a page of content"
return Div(*c, cls=('uk-container',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Titled(title:str="FastHTML app", *args, cls='uk-container-xlarge', **kwargs)->FT:
+def Titled(title:str="FastHTML app", # Title of the page
+ *c, # Contents of the page (often other tags)
+ cls=ContainerT.xlarge, # Classes in addition to Container styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Container (`Div` tag)
+ )->FT: # Title, Main(Container(H1(title), content))
"Creates a standard page structure for titled page. Main(Container(title, content))"
- return fh.Title(title), fh.Main(Container(H1(title), *args, cls=cls, **kwargs))
+ return fh.Title(title), fh.Main(Container(H1(title), *c, cls=cls, **kwargs))
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
class DividerT(VEnum):
- " Divider Styles from https://franken-ui.dev/docs/divider"
+ "Divider Styles from https://franken-ui.dev/docs/divider"
def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('divider', name)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Divider(*args, cls=('my-4', DividerT.icon), **kwargs):
+def Divider(*c, # contents of Divider tag (often nothing)
+ cls=('my-4', DividerT.icon), # Classes in addition to Divider styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Divider tag
+ ): # Hr(..., cls='uk-divider-icon') or Div(..., cls='uk-divider-vertical')
"Divider with default styling and margin"
cls = stringify(cls)
container = Div if 'uk-divider-vertical' in cls else Hr
- return container(*args, cls=cls, **kwargs)
+ return container(*c, cls=cls, **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
def DividerSplit(*c, cls=(), line_cls=(), text_cls=()):
@@ -188,32 +226,24 @@ def DividerSplit(*c, cls=(), line_cls=(), text_cls=()):
def DividerLine(lwidth=2, y_space=4): return Hr(cls=f"my-{y_space} h-[{lwidth}px] w-full bg-secondary")
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-# def Alert(*args, cls=(), **kwargs):
-# "A styled alert component that can contain a AlertTitle, AlertDescription and AlertCloseButton"
-# return Div(*args, cls=('uk-alert', stringify(cls)), uk_alert=True, **kwargs)
-# def AlertCloseButton(*args, cls=(), **kwargs):
-# "A button component for closing an Alert"
-# return A(*args, cls=('uk-alert-close', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# def AlertTitle(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
-# "A title component for use within an Alert"
-# return Div(*args, cls=('uk-alert-title', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# def AlertDescription(*args, cls='', **kwargs):
-# "A description component for use within an Alert"
-# return Div(*args, cls=('uk-alert-description', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Article(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Article(*c, # contents of Article tag (often other tags)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Article styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Article tag
+ ): # Article(..., cls='uk-article')
"A styled article container for blog posts or similar content"
return fh.Article(*c, cls=('uk-article',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ArticleTitle(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ArticleTitle(*c, # contents of ArticleTitle tag (often other tags)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to ArticleTitle styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for ArticleTitle tag
+ ): # H1(..., cls='uk-article-title')
"A title component for use within an Article"
return H1(*c, cls=('uk-article-title',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ArticleMeta(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ArticleMeta(*c, # contents of ArticleMeta tag (often other tags)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to ArticleMeta styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for ArticleMeta tag
+ ): # P(..., cls='uk-article-meta')
"A metadata component for use within an Article showing things like date, author etc"
return P(*c, cls=('uk-article-meta',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
@@ -232,48 +262,86 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('se
remove_vertical = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Section(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Section(*c, # contents of Section tag (often other tags)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Section styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Section tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-section')
+ "Section with styling and margins"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-section',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Form(*c, cls='space-y-3', **kwargs):
+def Form(*c, # contents of Form tag (often Buttons, FormLabels, and LabelInputs)
+ cls='space-y-3', # Classes in addition to Form styling (default is 'space-y-3' to prevent scrunched up form elements)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Form tag
+ ): # Form(..., cls='space-y-3')
"A Form with default spacing between form elements"
return fh.Form(*c, cls=stringify(cls), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Fieldset(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Fieldset(*c, # contents of Fieldset tag (often other tags)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Fieldset styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Fieldset tag
+ ): # Fieldset(..., cls='uk-fieldset')
"A Fieldset with default styling"
return fh.Fieldset(*c, cls=('uk-fieldset',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def Legend(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Legend(*c, # contents of Legend tag (often other tags)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Legend styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Legend tag
+ ): # Legend(..., cls='uk-legend')
"A Legend with default styling"
return fh.Legend(*c, cls=('uk-legend',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Input(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Input(*c, # contents of Input tag (often nothing)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Input styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Input tag
+ ): # Input(..., cls='uk-input')
"An Input with default styling"
return fh.Input(*c, cls=('uk-input',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def Select(*option, cls=(), **kwargs):
- "A Select with default styling"
+def Select(*option, # options for the select dropdown
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Select styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Select tag
+ ): # Select(..., cls='uk-select')
+ "A Select with default styling, though often `UkSelect` is a better choice"
return fh.Select(*option, cls=('uk-select',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def Radio(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Radio(*c, # contents of Radio tag (often nothing)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Radio styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Radio tag
+ ): # Input(..., cls='uk-radio', type='radio')
"A Radio with default styling"
return fh.Input(*c, cls=('uk-radio',stringify(cls)), type='radio', **kwargs)
-def CheckboxX(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def CheckboxX(*c, # contents of CheckboxX tag (often nothing)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to CheckboxX styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for CheckboxX tag
+ ): # Input(..., cls='uk-checkbox', type='checkbox')
"A Checkbox with default styling"
return fh.Input(*c, cls=('uk-checkbox',stringify(cls)), type='checkbox', **kwargs)
-def Range(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Range(*c, # contents of Range tag (often nothing)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Range styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Range tag
+ ): # Input(..., cls='uk-range', type='range')
"A Range with default styling"
return fh.Input(*c, cls=('uk-range',stringify(cls)), type='range', **kwargs)
-def TextArea(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def TextArea(*c, # contents of TextArea tag (often text)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to TextArea styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for TextArea tag
+ ): # TextArea(..., cls='uk-textarea')
"A Textarea with default styling"
return fh.Textarea(*c, cls=('uk-textarea',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def Switch(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Switch(*c, # contents of Switch tag (often nothing)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Switch styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Switch tag
+ ): # Input(..., cls='uk-toggle-switch uk-toggle-switch-primary min-w-9', type='checkbox')
"A Switch with default styling"
return fh.Input(*c, cls=('uk-toggle-switch uk-toggle-switch-primary min-w-9',stringify(cls)), type='checkbox', **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def FormLabel(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def FormLabel(*c, # contents of FormLabel tag (often text)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to FormLabel styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for FormLabel tag
+ ): # Label(..., cls='uk-form-label')
"A Label with default styling"
return fh.Label(*c, cls=('uk-form-label',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
@@ -285,7 +353,10 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('la
danger = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Label(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Label(*c, # contents of Label tag (often text)
+ cls=(), # Classes in addition to Label styling
+ **kwargs # Additional args for Label tag
+ ): # Label(..., cls='uk-label')
"FrankenUI labels, which look like pills"
return fh.Label(*c, cls=('uk-label',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
@@ -299,38 +370,81 @@ def UkFormSection(title, description, *c, button_txt='Update', outer_margin=6, i
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
def GenericLabelInput(
- label:str|FT,
- lbl_cls='',
- input_cls='',
- container=Div,
- cls='',
- id='',
- input_fn=noop,
- **kwargs
- ):
- "`Div(Label,Input)` component with Uk styling injected appropriately. Generally you should higher level API, such as `UkTextArea` which is created for you in this library"
+ label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for FormLabel
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for user input (Input, Select, etc)
+ container=Div, # Container to wrap label and input in (default is Div)
+ cls='', # Classes on container (default is '')
+ id='', # id for label and input (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ input_fn=noop, # User input FT component
+ **kwargs # Additional args for user input
+ ):
+ "`Div(Label,Input)` component with Uk styling injected appropriately. Generally you should higher level API, such as `LabelInput` which is created for you in this library"
if isinstance(label, str) or label.tag != 'label':
label = FormLabel(cls=stringify(lbl_cls), fr=id)(label)
inp = input_fn(id=id, cls=stringify(input_cls), **kwargs)
if container: return container(label, inp, cls=stringify(cls))
return label, inp
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def LabelInput(label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `Input`
+ cls='space-y-2', # Classes on container (default is `'space-y-2'` to prevent scrunched up form elements)
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `Input` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Input`
+ ): # Div(cls='space-y-2')(`FormLabel`, `Input`)
+ "A `FormLabel` and `Input` pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
+ return GenericLabelInput(label=label, lbl_cls=lbl_cls, input_cls=input_cls,
+ container=Div, cls=cls, id=id, input_fn=Input, **kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def LabelRange(label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `Range`
+ cls='space-y-2', # Classes on container (default is `'space-y-2'` to prevent scrunched up form elements)
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `Range` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Range`
+ ): # Div(cls='space-y-2')(`FormLabel`, `Range`)
+ "A `FormLabel` and `Range` pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
+ return GenericLabelInput(label=label, lbl_cls=lbl_cls, input_cls=input_cls,
+ container=Div, cls=cls, id=id, input_fn=Range, **kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def LabelTextArea(label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ value='', # Value for the textarea
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `TextArea`
+ cls='space-y-2', # Classes on container (default is `'space-y-2'` to prevent scrunched up form elements)
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `TextArea` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `TextArea`
+ ): # Div(cls='space-y-2')(`FormLabel`, `TextArea`)
+ def text_area_with_value(**kw): return TextArea(value, **kw)
+ return GenericLabelInput(label=label, lbl_cls=lbl_cls, input_cls=input_cls,
+ container=Div, cls=cls, id=id, input_fn=text_area_with_value, **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
@delegates(GenericLabelInput, but=['input_fn','cls'])
-def LabelInput(*args, cls='space-y-2', **kwargs):
- "A Label and Input pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
- return GenericLabelInput(*args, cls=stringify(cls),input_fn=Input, **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def LabelRadio(label:str|FT,
- lbl_cls='',
- input_cls='',
- container=Div,
- cls='flex items-center space-x-2',
- id='',
- **kwargs
- ):
- "A Label and Radio pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
+def LabelSwitch(label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `Switch`
+ cls='space-x-2', # Classes on container (default is `'space-x-2'` to prevent scrunched up form elements)
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `Switch` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Switch`
+ ): # Div(cls='space-y-2')(`FormLabel`, `Switch`)
+ return GenericLabelInput(label=label, lbl_cls=lbl_cls, input_cls=input_cls,
+ container=Div, cls=cls, id=id, input_fn=Switch, **kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def LabelRadio(label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `Radio`
+ container=Div, # Container to wrap label and input in (default is Div)
+ cls='flex items-center space-x-2', # Classes on container (default is 'flex items-center space-x-2')
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `Radio` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Radio`
+ ): # Div(cls='flex items-center space-x-2')(`FormLabel`, `Radio`)
+ "A FormLabel and Radio pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
if isinstance(label, str) or label.tag != 'label':
label = FormLabel(cls=stringify(lbl_cls), fr=id)(label)
inp = Radio(id=id, cls=stringify(input_cls), **kwargs)
@@ -338,15 +452,15 @@ def LabelRadio(label:str|FT,
return inp, label
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def LabelCheckboxX(label:str|FT,
- lbl_cls='',
- input_cls='',
- container=Div,
- cls='flex items-center space-x-2',
- **kwargs
- ):
- "`Div(Label,Input)` component with Uk styling injected appropriately. Generally you should higher level API, such as `UkTextArea` which is created for you in this library"
+def LabelCheckboxX(label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `CheckboxX`
+ container=Div, # Container to wrap label and input in (default is Div)
+ cls='flex items-center space-x-2', # Classes on container (default is 'flex items-center space-x-2')
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `CheckboxX` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `CheckboxX`
+ ): # Div(cls='flex items-center space-x-2')(`FormLabel`, `CheckboxX`)
+ "A FormLabel and CheckboxX pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
id = kwargs.pop('id', fh.unqid())
if isinstance(label, str) or label.tag != 'label':
label = FormLabel(cls=stringify(lbl_cls), fr=id)(label)
@@ -355,39 +469,16 @@ def LabelCheckboxX(label:str|FT,
return inp, label
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-# @delegates(GenericLabelInput, but=['input_fn','cls'])
-# def LabelCheckboxX(*args, cls='space-x-2', **kwargs): return GenericLabelInput(*args, cls=stringify(cls), input_fn=CheckboxX, **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-@delegates(GenericLabelInput, but=['input_fn','cls'])
-def LabelRange(*args, cls='space-y-2', **kwargs):
- "Creates a labeled range input with nice default spacing and links/names them based on id"
- return GenericLabelInput(*args, cls=stringify(cls), input_fn=Range, **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-@delegates(GenericLabelInput, but=['input_fn','cls'])
-def LabelTextArea(*args, cls='space-y-2', value='', **kwargs):
- "Creates a labeled textarea with nice default spacing and links/names them based on id"
- def text_area_with_value(**kw): return TextArea(value, **kw)
- return GenericLabelInput(*args, cls=stringify(cls), input_fn=text_area_with_value, **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-@delegates(GenericLabelInput, but=['input_fn','cls'])
-def LabelSwitch(*args, cls='space-x-2', **kwargs):
- "Creates a labeled switch with nice default spacing and links/names them based on id"
- return GenericLabelInput(*args, cls=stringify(cls), input_fn=Switch, **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def LabelSelect(*option,
- label:str|FT,
- lbl_cls='',
- input_cls='',
- container=Div,
- cls='space-y-2',
- id='',
- **kwargs
+def LabelSelect(*option, # Options for the select dropdown (can use `Options` helper function to create)
+ label:str|FT, # FormLabel content (often text)
+ lbl_cls='', # Additional classes for `FormLabel`
+ input_cls='', # Additional classes for `Select`
+ container=Div, # Container to wrap label and input in (default is Div)
+ cls='space-y-2', # Classes on container (default is 'space-y-2')
+ id='', # id for `FormLabel` and `Select` (`id`, `name` and `for` attributes are set to this value)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Select`
- "Creates a Labeled Select - Generally you should use LabelUkSelect for a more full features and styled select"
+ "A FormLabel and Select pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id (usually UkLabelSelect is a better choice)"
if isinstance(label, str) or label.tag != 'label':
label = FormLabel(lbl_cls=stringify(lbl_cls), fr=id)(label)
inp = Select(*option, id=id, cls=stringify(input_cls), **kwargs)
@@ -428,7 +519,7 @@ def LabelUkSelect(*option, # Options for the select dropdown (can use
placeholder="", # Placeholder text for the select input
searchable=False, # Whether the select should be searchable
**kwargs): # Additional arguments passed to Uk_select
- "Creates a select dropdown with uk styling and a label and provides option for adding a search box"
+ "A FormLabel and Select pair that provides default spacing and links/names them based on id"
lbl_cls, inp_cls, cls = map(stringify, (lbl_cls, inp_cls, cls))
if label:
lbl = FormLabel(cls=f'{lbl_cls}', fr=id)(label)
@@ -461,59 +552,75 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('li
striped = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def UkList(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def UkList(*li, # `Li` tags to put in the list
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the list
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Ul` tag
+ ): # Ul(..., cls='uk-list')
"Creates a list with styling"
- return fh.Ul(*c, cls=('uk-list',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+ return fh.Ul(*li, cls=('uk-list',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def ModalContainer(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ModalContainer(*c, # Components to put in the modal (often `ModalDialog`)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalContainer`
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-modal uk-modal-container')
"Creates a modal container that components go in"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-modal uk-modal-container',stringify(cls)), uk_modal=True, **kwargs)
-def ModalDialog(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ModalDialog(*c, # Components to put in the `ModalDialog` (often `ModalBody`, `ModalHeader`, etc)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalDialog`
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-modal-dialog')
"Creates a modal dialog"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-modal-dialog', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ModalHeader(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ModalHeader(*c, # Components to put in the `ModalHeader`
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalHeader`
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-modal-header')
"Creates a modal header"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-modal-header', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ModalBody(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ModalBody(*c, # Components to put in the `ModalBody` (often forms, sign in buttons, images, etc.)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalBody`
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-modal-body')
"Creates a modal body"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-modal-body', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ModalFooter(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ModalFooter(*c, # Components to put in the `ModalFooter` (often buttons)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalFooter`
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-modal-footer')
"Creates a modal footer"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-modal-footer', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ModalTitle(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def ModalTitle(*c, # Components to put in the `ModalTitle` (often text)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalTitle`
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `H2` tag
+ ): # H2(..., cls='uk-modal-title')
"Creates a modal title"
- return fh.H2(*c, cls=('uk-modal-title', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def ModalCloseButton(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+ return fh.H2(*c, cls=('uk-modal-title', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def ModalCloseButton(*c, # Components to put in the button (often text and/or an icon)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the button
+ htmx=False, # Whether to use HTMX to close the modal (must add hx_get to a route that closes the modal)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Button` tag
+ ): # Button(..., cls='uk-modal-close') + `hx_target` and `hx_swap` if htmx is True
"Creates a button that closes a modal with js"
- return Button(*c, cls=('uk-modal-close', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def HTMXModalCloseButton(*c, cls=(), target=None, **kwargs):
- "Creates a button that closes a modal using HTMX"
- return Button(
- *c,
- cls=('uk-modal-close', stringify(cls)),
- hx_target='closest .uk-modal',
- hx_swap='delete',
- type='button',
- **kwargs
- )
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Modal(*c,
- header=None, # Components that go in the header
- footer=None, # Components that go in the footer
- cls=(), # class for outermost container
- dialog_cls=(), # classes for the dialog
- header_cls='p-6', # classes for the header
- body_cls='space-y-6', # classes for the body
- footer_cls=(), # classes for the footer
+ if htmx:
+ kwargs['hx_target'] = 'closest .uk-modal'
+ kwargs['hx_swap'] = 'delete'
+ return Button(*c, cls=('uk-modal-close', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def Modal(*c, # Components to put in the `ModalBody` (often forms, sign in buttons, images, etc.)
+ header=None, # Components that go in the `ModalHeader` (often a `ModalTitle`)
+ footer=None, # Components that go in the `ModalFooter` (often a `ModalCloseButton`)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the outermost `ModalContainer`
+ dialog_cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalDialog`
+ header_cls='p-6', # Additional classes on the `ModalHeader`
+ body_cls='space-y-6', # Additional classes on the `ModalBody`
+ footer_cls=(), # Additional classes on the `ModalFooter`
id='', # id for the outermost container
- open=False,
- **kwargs # classes for the outermost container
- ): # Modal
- "Create a Modal using the appropriate Modal classes to put the boilerplate in the appropriate places for you"
+ open=False, # Whether the modal is open (typically used for HTMX controlled modals)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the outermost `Div` tag
+ ): # Fully styled modal FT Component
+ "Creates a modal with the appropriate classes to put the boilerplate in the appropriate places for you"
if open:
cls = stringify((cls, 'uk-open'))
kwargs['style'] = stringify((kwargs.get('style',''), 'display: block;'))
@@ -563,35 +670,52 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('po
center_vertical = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Placeholder(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def Placeholder(*c, # Components to put in the placeholder
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the placeholder
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Div(..., cls='uk-placeholder')
+ "Creates a placeholder"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-placeholder',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Progress(*c, cls=(), value="", max="", **kwargs):
+def Progress(*c, # Components to put in the progress bar (often nothing)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the progress bar
+ value="", # Value of the progress bar
+ max="100", # Max value of the progress bar (defaults to 100 for percentage)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Progress` tag
+ ): # Progress(..., cls='uk-progress')
+ "Creates a progress bar"
return fh.Progress(*c, value=value, max=max, cls=('uk-progress',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def UkIcon(icon,height=None,width=None,stroke_width=None,cls=(), **kwargs):
+def UkIcon(icon:str, # Icon name from [lucide icons](https://lucide.dev/icons/)
+ height:int=None,
+ width:int=None,
+ stroke_width:int=None, # Thickness of lines
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the `Uk_icon` tag
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Uk_icon` tag
+ ): # a lucide icon of the specified size
"Creates an icon using lucide icons"
return Uk_icon(icon=icon, height=height, width=width, stroke_width=stroke_width, cls=cls, **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def UkIconLink(icon,
- height=None,
- width=None,
- stroke_width=None,
- cls=(),
- button=False,
- **kwargs):
+def UkIconLink(icon:str, # Icon name from [lucide icons](https://lucide.dev/icons/)
+ height:int=None,
+ width:int=None,
+ stroke_width:int=None, # Thickness of lines
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the icon
+ button:bool=False, # Whether to use a button (defaults to a link)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `A` or `Button` tag
+ ): # a lucide icon button or link of the specified size
"Creates an icon link using lucide icons"
fn = fh.Button if button else fh.A
return fn(cls=(f"uk-icon-{'button' if button else 'link'}", stringify(cls)), **kwargs)(
UkIcon(icon=icon, height=height, width=width, stroke_width=stroke_width))
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def DiceBearAvatar(seed_name, # Seed name (ie 'Isaac Flath')
- h=20, # Height
- w=20, # Width
+def DiceBearAvatar(seed_name:str, # Seed name (ie 'Isaac Flath')
+ h:int=20, # Height
+ w:int=20, # Width
): # Span with Avatar
"Creates an Avatar using https://dicebear.com/"
url = 'https://api.dicebear.com/8.x/lorelei/svg?seed='
@@ -615,12 +739,22 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('fl
nowrap, wrap, wrap_reverse = auto(), auto(), auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Grid(*div, cols_min=1, cols_max=None, cols_sm=None, cols_md=None, cols_lg=None, cols_xl=None, cols=None, cls='gap-4', **kwargs):
+def Grid(*div, # `Div` components to put in the grid
+ cols_min:int=1, # Minimum number of columns at any screen size
+ cols_max:int=4, # Maximum number of columns allowed at any screen size
+ cols_sm:int=None, # Number of columns on small screens
+ cols_md:int=None, # Number of columns on medium screens
+ cols_lg:int=None, # Number of columns on large screens
+ cols_xl:int=None, # Number of columns on extra large screens
+ cols:int=None, # Number of columns on all screens
+ cls='gap-4', # Additional classes on the grid (tip: `gap` provides spacing for grids)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for `Div` tag
+ ): # Responsive grid component
"Creates a responsive grid layout with smart defaults based on content"
if cols: cols_min = cols_sm = cols_md = cols_lg = cols_xl = cols
n = len(div)
- cols_max = min(n, cols_max or 4)
+ cols_max = min(n, cols_max)
cols_sm = cols_sm or min(n, cols_min, cols_max)
cols_md = cols_md or min(n, cols_min+1, cols_max)
cols_lg = cols_lg or min(n, cols_min+2, cols_max)
@@ -629,7 +763,7 @@ def Grid(*div, cols_min=1, cols_max=None, cols_sm=None, cols_md=None, cols_lg=No
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
def DivFullySpaced(*c, # Components
- cls='uk-width-1-1',# Classes for outer div
+ cls='uk-width-1-1',# Classes for outer div (`uk-width-1-1` makes it use all available width)
**kwargs # Additional args for outer div
): # Div with spaced components via flex classes
"Creates a flex div with it's components having as much space between them as possible"
@@ -638,15 +772,16 @@ def DivFullySpaced(*c, # Components
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
def DivCentered(*c, # Components
- cls='space-y-4', # Classes for outer div
+ cls='space--4', # Classes for outer div (`space-y-4` provides spacing between components)
+ vstack=True, # Whether to stack the components vertically
**kwargs # Additional args for outer div
): # Div with components centered in it
"Creates a flex div with it's components centered in it"
- return Div(cls=(FlexT.block,FlexT.column,FlexT.middle,FlexT.center,cls),**kwargs)(*c)
+ return Div(cls=(FlexT.block,(FlexT.column if vstack else FlexT.row),FlexT.middle,FlexT.center,cls),**kwargs)(*c)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def DivLAligned(*c, # Components
+def DivLAligned(*c, # Components
cls='space-x-4', # Classes for outer div
**kwargs # Additional args for outer div
): # Div with components aligned to the left
@@ -655,7 +790,7 @@ def DivLAligned(*c, # Components
return Div(cls=(FlexT.block,FlexT.left,FlexT.middle,cls), **kwargs)(*c)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def DivRAligned(*c, # Components
+def DivRAligned(*c, # Components
cls='space-x-4', # Classes for outer div
**kwargs # Additional args for outer div
): # Div with components aligned to the right
@@ -664,13 +799,19 @@ def DivRAligned(*c, # Components
return Div(cls=(FlexT.block,FlexT.right,FlexT.middle,cls), **kwargs)(*c)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def DivVStacked(*c, cls='space-y-4', **kwargs):
+def DivVStacked(*c, # Components
+ cls='space-y-4', # Additional classes on the div (tip: `space-y-4` provides spacing between components)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Div with components stacked vertically
"Creates a flex div with it's components stacked vertically"
return Div(cls=(FlexT.block,FlexT.column,FlexT.middle,cls), **kwargs)(*c)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def DivHStacked(*c, cls='space-x-4', **kwargs):
+def DivHStacked(*c, # Components
+ cls='space-x-4', # Additional classes on the div (`space-x-4` provides spacing between components)
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Div with components stacked horizontally
"Creates a flex div with it's components stacked horizontally"
return Div(cls=(FlexT.block,FlexT.row,FlexT.middle,cls), **kwargs)(*c)
@@ -683,66 +824,124 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('na
secondary = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def NavContainer(*li,
- cls=NavT.primary,
- parent=True,
- uk_nav=False, #True for default collapsible behavior, see https://franken-ui.dev/docs/nav#component-options for more advanced options
- **kwargs):
- "Creates a navigation container. A Nav is a list (NavBar is something different)"
+def NavContainer(*li, # List items are navigation elements (Special `Li` such as `NavParentLi`, `NavDividerLi`, `NavHeaderLi`, `NavSubtitle`, `NavCloseLi` can also be used)
+ cls=NavT.primary, # Additional classes on the nav
+ parent=True, # Whether this nav is a *parent* or *sub* nav
+ uk_nav=False, #True for default collapsible behavior, see [frankenui docs](https://franken-ui.dev/docs/nav#component-options) for more advanced options
+ **kwargs # Additional args
+ ): # FT Component that is a list of `Li` styled for a sidebar navigation menu
+ "Creates a navigation container (useful for creating a sidebar navigation). A Nav is a list (NavBar is something different)"
return fh.Ul(*li, uk_nav=uk_nav, cls=(f"uk-nav{'' if parent else '-sub'}", stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def NavParentLi(*nav_container, cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Li(*nav_container, cls=('uk-parent', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
-def NavDividerLi(*c,cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Li(*c, cls=('uk-nav-divider', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
-def NavHeaderLi(*c,cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Li(*c, cls=('uk-nav-header', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
-def NavSubtitle(*c,cls=TextFont.muted_sm, **kwargs): return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-nav-subtitle', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
-def NavCloseLi(*c,cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Li(*c, cls=('uk-drop-close', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def NavBarContainer(*c,
- cls=(),
- container_cls=ContainerT.expand,
- uk_navbar=True,
- **kwargs):
+def NavParentLi(*nav_container, # `NavContainer` container for a nested nav with `parent=False`)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the li
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the li
+ ): # Navigation list item
+ "Creates a navigation list item with a parent nav for nesting"
+ return fh.Li(*nav_container, cls=('uk-parent', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
+def NavDividerLi(*c, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the li
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the li
+ ): # Navigation list item with a divider
+ "Creates a navigation list item with a divider"
+ return fh.Li(*c, cls=('uk-nav-divider', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
+def NavHeaderLi(*c, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the li
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the li
+ ): # Navigation list item with a header
+ "Creates a navigation list item with a header"
+ return fh.Li(*c, cls=('uk-nav-header', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
+def NavSubtitle(*c, # Components
+ cls=TextFont.muted_sm, # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Navigation subtitle
+ "Creates a navigation subtitle"
+ return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-nav-subtitle', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
+def NavCloseLi(*c, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the li
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the li
+ ): # Navigation list item with a close button
+ "Creates a navigation list item with a close button"
+ return fh.Li(*c, cls=('uk-drop-close', stringify(cls)),**kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def NavBarContainer(*navbarside, # Components (typically `NavBarLSide` or `NavBarRSide` or `NavBarCenter`)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the container
+ container_cls=ContainerT.expand, # Additional classes on the container
+ uk_navbar=True, # Whether to use a navbar
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the container
+ ): # NavBar container
"Create a NavBarContainer to put NavBar sides in"
- return fh.Div(Container(Div(*c, uk_navbar=uk_navbar),cls=stringify(container_cls)), cls=('',stringify(cls)), **kwargs) #uk-navbar-container
-def NavBarLSide(*c, cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-navbar-left', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def NavBarRSide(*c, cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-navbar-right', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def NavBarCenter(*c, cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-navbar-center',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def NavBarNav(*li, cls=(), **kwargs):
- "A Nav that is part of a NavBar"
+ return fh.Div(Container(Div(*navbarside, uk_navbar=uk_navbar),cls=stringify(container_cls)), cls=('',stringify(cls)), **kwargs) #uk-navbar-container
+def NavBarLSide(*c, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # NavBar left side
+ "Creates a NavBar left side"
+ return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-navbar-left', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def NavBarRSide(*c, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # NavBar right side
+ "Creates a NavBar right side"
+ return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-navbar-right', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+def NavBarCenter(*c, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # NavBar center
+ "Creates a NavBar center"
+ return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-navbar-center',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
+# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+def NavBarNav(*li, # Components
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the nav
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the nav
+ ): # Nav that is part of a NavBar
+ "A Nav that is part of a NavBar that could go in a `NavBarLSide`, `NavBarRSide`, or `NavBarCenter`"
return fh.Nav(*li, cls=('uk-navbar-nav', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def NavBarSubtitle(title, subtitle, cls=(), subtitle_cls=TextFont.muted_sm, **kwargs):
+def NavBarSubtitle(title, # Title
+ subtitle, # Subtitle
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ subtitle_cls=TextFont.muted_sm, # Additional classes on the subtitle
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # NavBar subtitle
+ "Creates a NavBar subtitle"
return fh.Div(title,fh.Div(subtitle, cls=('uk-navbar-subtitle', stringify(subtitle_cls))), cls=stringify(cls), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def NavBarNavContainer(*li,
- cls=NavT.primary,
- parent=True,
- uk_nav=False, #True for default collapsible behavior, see https://franken-ui.dev/docs/nav#component-options for more advanced options
- **kwargs):
+def NavBarNavContainer(*li, # Components
+ cls=NavT.primary, # Additional classes on the nav
+ parent=True, # Whether to use a parent nav
+ uk_nav=False, #True for default collapsible behavior, see https://franken-ui.dev/docs/nav#component-options for more advanced options
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the nav
+ ): # NavBar nav container
return Div(cls="uk-navbar-dropdown")(NavContainer(*li, cls=('uk-navbar-dropdown-nav',stringify(cls)), uk_nav=uk_nav, parent=parent, **kwargs))
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
def NavBarParentIcon(): return Span(uk_navbar_parent_icon=True)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def DropDownNavContainer(*li,
- cls=NavT.primary,
- parent=True,
+def DropDownNavContainer(*li, # Components
+ cls=NavT.primary, # Additional classes on the nav
+ parent=True, # Whether to use a parent nav
uk_nav=False, #True for default collapsible behavior, see https://franken-ui.dev/docs/nav#component-options for more advanced options
- uk_dropdown=True,
- **kwargs):
+ uk_dropdown=True, # Whether to use a dropdown
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the nav
+ ): # DropDown nav container
"A Nav that is part of a DropDown"
return Div(cls = 'uk-drop uk-dropdown',uk_dropdown=uk_dropdown)(NavContainer(*li, cls=('uk-dropdown-nav',stringify(cls)), uk_nav=uk_nav, parent=parent, **kwargs))
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def TabContainer(*li,cls='', alt=False, **kwargs):
- "A Tab that is part of a TabContainer"
+def TabContainer(*li, # Components
+ cls='', # Additional classes on the `Ul`
+ alt=False, # Whether to use an alternative tab style
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the `Ul`
+ ): # Tab container
+ "A TabContainer where children will be different tabs"
cls = stringify(cls)
return Ul(cls=(f"uk-tab{'-alt' if alt else ''}",stringify(cls)),**kwargs)(*li)
@@ -756,31 +955,51 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('ca
danger = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def CardTitle(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def CardTitle(*c, # Components (often a string)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ):
+ "Creates a card title"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-card-title',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def CardHeader(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def CardHeader(*c, # Components that goes in the header (often a `ModalTitle` and description)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Container for the header of a card
+ "Creates a card header"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-card-header',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def CardBody(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def CardBody(*c, # Components that go in the body (Main content of the card such as a form, and image, a signin form, etc.)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Container for the body of a card
+ "Creates a card body"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-card-body',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def CardFooter(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):
+def CardFooter(*c, # Components that go in the footer (often a `ModalCloseButton`)
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Container for the footer of a card
+ "Creates a card footer"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-card-footer',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
-def CardContainer(*c, cls=CardT.default, **kwargs):
+def CardContainer(*c, # Components (typically `CardHeader`, `CardBody`, `CardFooter`)
+ cls=CardT.default, # Additional classes on the div
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the div
+ ): # Container for a card
+ "Creates a card container"
return fh.Div(*c, cls=('uk-card',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Card(*c, # Components that go in the body
- header=None, # Components that go in the header
- footer=None, # Components that go in the footer
+def Card(*c, # Components that go in the body (Main content of the card such as a form, and image, a signin form, etc.)
+ header=None, # A component that goes in the header (often a `ModalTitle` and description)
+ footer=None, # A component that goes in the footer (often a `ModalCloseButton`)
body_cls='space-y-6', # classes for the body
header_cls=(), # classes for the header
footer_cls=(), # classes for the footer
cls=(), #class for outermost component
- **kwargs # classes that for the card itself
- ):
+ **kwargs # additional arguments for the `CardContainer`
+ ): # Card component
"Creates a Card with a header, body, and footer"
header_cls, footer_cls, body_cls, cls = map(stringify, (header_cls, footer_cls, body_cls, cls))
res = []
@@ -802,33 +1021,47 @@ def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('ta
responsive = auto()
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def Table(*args, cls=(TableT.middle, TableT.divider, TableT.hover, TableT.small), **kwargs):
+def Table(*c, # Components (typically `Thead`, `Tbody`, `Tfoot`)
+ cls=(TableT.middle, TableT.divider, TableT.hover, TableT.small), # Additional classes on the table
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the table
+ ): # Table component
"Creates a table"
- return fh.Table(cls=('uk-table', stringify(cls)), *args, **kwargs)
+ return fh.Table(cls=('uk-table', stringify(cls)), *c, **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def _TableCell(Component, *args, cls=(), shrink=False, expand=False, small=False, **kwargs):
+def _TableCell(Component,
+ *c, # Components that go in the cell
+ cls=(), # Additional classes on the cell container
+ shrink=False, # Whether to shrink the cell
+ expand=False, # Whether to expand the cell
+ small=False, # Whether to use a small table
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the cell
+ ): # Table cell
"Creates a table cell"
cls = stringify(cls)
if shrink: cls += ' uk-table-shrink'
if expand: cls += ' uk-table-expand'
if small: cls += ' uk-table-small'
- return Component(*args,cls=cls, **kwargs)
+ return Component(*c,cls=cls, **kwargs)
@delegates(_TableCell, but=['Component'])
-def Td(*args,**kwargs): return _TableCell(fh.Td, *args, **kwargs)
+def Td(*c,**kwargs): return _TableCell(fh.Td, *c, **kwargs)
@delegates(_TableCell, but=['Component'])
-def Th(*args,**kwargs): return _TableCell(fh.Th, *args, **kwargs)
+def Th(*c,**kwargs): return _TableCell(fh.Th, *c, **kwargs)
-def Tr(*cells, cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Tr(*cells, cls=stringify(cls), **kwargs)
-def Thead(*rows, cls=(), **kwargs): return fh.Thead(*rows, cls=stringify(cls), **kwargs)
def Tbody(*rows, cls=(), sortable=False, **kwargs): return fh.Tbody(*rows, cls=stringify(cls), uk_sortable=sortable, **kwargs)
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def TableFromLists(header_data, body_data, footer_data=None,
- header_cell_render=Th,body_cell_render=Td, footer_cell_render=Td,
- cls=(TableT.middle, TableT.divider, TableT.hover, TableT.small),
- sortable=False, **kwargs):
+def TableFromLists(header_data:Sequence, # List of header data
+ body_data:Sequence[Sequence], # List of lists of body data
+ footer_data=None, # List of footer data
+ header_cell_render=Th, # Function(content) -> FT that renders header cells
+ body_cell_render=Td, # Function(key, content) -> FT that renders body cells
+ footer_cell_render=Td, # Function(key, content) -> FT that renders footer cells
+ cls=(TableT.middle, TableT.divider, TableT.hover, TableT.small), # Additional classes on the table
+ sortable=False, # Whether to use sortable table
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the table
+ ): # Table from lists
"Creates a Table from a list of header data and a list of lists of body data"
return Table(
Thead(Tr(*map(header_cell_render, header_data))),
@@ -838,11 +1071,16 @@ def TableFromLists(header_data, body_data, footer_data=None,
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def TableFromDicts(header_data:Sequence, body_data:Sequence[dict], footer_data=None,
- header_cell_render=Th, body_cell_render=lambda k,v : Td(v), footer_cell_render=lambda k,v : Td(v),
- cls=(TableT.middle, TableT.divider, TableT.hover, TableT.small),
- sortable=False,
- **kwargs):
+def TableFromDicts(header_data:Sequence, # List of header data
+ body_data:Sequence[dict], # List of dicts of body data
+ footer_data=None, # List of footer data
+ header_cell_render=Th, # Function(content) -> FT that renders header cells
+ body_cell_render=lambda k,v : Td(v), # Function(key, content) -> FT that renders body cells
+ footer_cell_render=lambda k,v : Td(v), # Function(key, content) -> FT that renders footer cells
+ cls=(TableT.middle, TableT.divider, TableT.hover, TableT.small), # Additional classes on the table
+ sortable=False, # Whether to use sortable table
+ **kwargs # Additional args for the table
+ ): # Styled Table
"Creates a Table from a list of header data and a list of dicts of body data"
return Table(
Thead(Tr(*[header_cell_render(h) for h in header_data])),
@@ -869,8 +1107,9 @@ def TableFromDicts(header_data:Sequence, body_data:Sequence[dict], footer_data=N
'li': 'leading-relaxed',
# Code and quotes
- 'pre': 'bg-base-200 rounded-lg p-4 mb-6 overflow-x-auto',
+ 'pre': 'bg-base-200 rounded-lg p-4 mb-6',
'code': 'uk-codespan px-1',
+ 'pre code': 'uk-codespan px-1 block overflow-x-auto',
'blockquote': 'uk-blockquote pl-4 border-l-4 border-primary italic mb-6',
# Tables
@@ -884,9 +1123,10 @@ def TableFromDicts(header_data:Sequence, body_data:Sequence[dict], footer_data=N
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def apply_classes(html_str:str,
- class_map=None,
- class_map_mods=None):
+def apply_classes(html_str:str, # Html string
+ class_map=None, # Class map
+ class_map_mods=None # Class map that will modify the class map map (useful for small changes to a base class map)
+ ): # Html string with classes applied
"Apply classes to html string"
if not html_str: return html_str
@@ -895,8 +1135,10 @@ def apply_classes(html_str:str,
if class_map_mods: class_map = {**class_map, **class_map_mods}
html_str = html.fromstring(html_str)
- for tag, classes in class_map.items():
- for element in html_str.xpath(f'//{tag}'):
+ for selector, classes in class_map.items():
+ # Handle descendant selectors (e.g., 'pre code')
+ xpath = '//' + '/descendant::'.join(selector.split())
+ for element in html_str.xpath(xpath):
existing_class = element.get('class', '')
new_class = f"{existing_class} {classes}".strip()
element.set('class', new_class)
@@ -907,7 +1149,10 @@ def apply_classes(html_str:str,
return html_str
# %% ../nbs/02_franken.ipynb
-def render_md(md_content:str, class_map=None, class_map_mods=None):
+def render_md(md_content:str, # Markdown content
+ class_map=None, # Class map
+ class_map_mods=None # Additional class map
+ ): # Rendered markdown
"Renders markdown using mistletoe and lxml"
if md_content=='': return md_content
# Check for required dependencies
diff --git a/nbs/02_franken.ipynb b/nbs/02_franken.ipynb
index a051e87..6ed3234 100644
--- a/nbs/02_franken.ipynb
+++ b/nbs/02_franken.ipynb
@@ -117,26 +117,41 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
- "id": "ff8e03e2",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "#| export\n",
- "def PParagraph(*args, cls='', **kwargs): \n",
- " \"P Tag with uk-paragraph style applied\"\n",
- " return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-paragraph',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "def PLarge(*args, cls='', **kwargs):\n",
- " \"P Tag with uk-text-large style applied\"\n",
- " return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-large', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "def PLead(*args, cls='', **kwargs):\n",
- " \"P Tag with uk-text-lead style applied\"\n",
- " return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-lead', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "def PSmall(*args, cls='', **kwargs):\n",
- " \"P Tag with uk-text-small style applied\"\n",
- " return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-small', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "def PMuted(*args, cls='', **kwargs):\n",
- " \"P Tag with uk-text-muted style applied\"\n",
- " return fh.P(*args, cls=('uk-text-muted', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
+ "id": "312480d0",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#| export\n",
+ "def PParagraph(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for P tag\n",
+ " ): # P(..., cls='uk-paragraph')\n",
+ " \"P Tag with paragraph style applied\"\n",
+ " return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-paragraph', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
+ "def PLarge(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for P tag\n",
+ " ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-large')\n",
+ " \"P Tag with large style applied\"\n",
+ " return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-large', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
+ "def PLead(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for P tag\n",
+ " ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-lead')\n",
+ " \"P Tag with lead style applied\"\n",
+ " return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-lead', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
+ "def PSmall(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for P tag\n",
+ " ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-small')\n",
+ " \"P Tag with small style applied\"\n",
+ " return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-small', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
+ "def PMuted(*c, # Contents of P tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls='', # Classes in addition to paragraph styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for P tag\n",
+ " ): # P(..., cls='uk-text-muted')\n",
+ " \"P Tag with muted style applied\"\n",
+ " return fh.P(*c, cls=('uk-text-muted', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -147,9 +162,12 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def CodeSpan(*args, **kwargs):\n",
+ "def CodeSpan(*c, # Contents of CodeSpan tag (inline text code snippets)\n",
+ " cls=(), # Classes in addition to CodeSpan styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for CodeSpan tag\n",
+ " ): # Code(..., cls='uk-codespan')\n",
" \"A CodeSpan with Styling\"\n",
- " return fh.Code(*args, cls=('uk-codespan\"'), **kwargs)"
+ " return fh.Code(*c, cls=('uk-codespan', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -160,8 +178,11 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def Blockquote(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:\n",
- " \"A Blockquote with Styling\"\n",
+ "def Blockquote(*c:FT|str, # Contents of Blockquote tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to Blockquote styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for Blockquote tag\n",
+ " ): # Blockquote(..., cls='uk-blockquote')\n",
+ " \"Blockquote with Styling\"\n",
" return fh.Blockquote(*c, cls=('uk-blockquote',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -173,8 +194,11 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def H1(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT: \n",
- " \"A H1 with Styling\"\n",
+ "def H1(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H1 tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H1 styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for H1 tag\n",
+ " ): # H1(..., cls='uk-h1')\n",
+ " \"H1 with styling and appropriate size\"\n",
" return fh.H1(*c, cls=('uk-h1',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -186,8 +210,11 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def H2(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT: \n",
- " \"A H2 with Styling\"\n",
+ "def H2(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H2 tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H2 styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for H2 tag\n",
+ " ): # H2(..., cls='uk-h2')\n",
+ " \"H2 with styling and appropriate size\"\n",
" return fh.H2(*c, cls=('uk-h2',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -199,8 +226,11 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def H3(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT: \n",
- " \"A H3 with Styling\"\n",
+ "def H3(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H3 tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H3 styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for H3 tag\n",
+ " ): # H3(..., cls='uk-h3')\n",
+ " \"H3 with styling and appropriate size\"\n",
" return fh.H3(*c, cls=('uk-h3',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -212,8 +242,11 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def H4(*c:FT|str, cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), **kwargs)->FT:\n",
- " \"A H4 with Styling\"\n",
+ "def H4(*c:FT|str, # Contents of H4 tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls:Enum|str|tuple=(), # Classes in addition to H4 styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for H4 tag\n",
+ " ): # H4(..., cls='uk-h4')\n",
+ " \"H4 with styling and appropriate size\"\n",
" return fh.H4(*c, cls=('uk-h4',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -253,14 +286,13 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def Button(*c: Union[str, FT],\n",
- " cls: Union[str, Enum]=ButtonT.default,\n",
- " submit=True,\n",
- " **kwargs\n",
- " ) -> FT:\n",
- " \"A Button with Styling (defaults to `submit` for form submission)\"\n",
- " if 'type' not in kwargs:\n",
- " kwargs['type'] = 'submit' if submit else 'button'\n",
+ "def Button(*c: Union[str, FT], # Contents of `Button` tag (often text)\n",
+ " cls: Union[str, Enum]=ButtonT.default, # Classes in addition to `Button` styling (use `ButtonT` for built in styles)\n",
+ " submit=True, # Whether the button should submit a form\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for `Button` tag\n",
+ " ) -> FT: # Button(..., cls='uk-button')\n",
+ " \"Button with Styling (defaults to `submit` for form submission)\"\n",
+ " if 'type' not in kwargs: kwargs['type'] = 'submit' if submit else 'button'\n",
" return fh.Button(*c, cls=('uk-button', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -272,17 +304,6 @@
"## Headings"
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "29968ad4",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "#| export\n",
- "def Main(*args, **kwargs): return fh.Main(*args, **kwargs)"
- ]
- },
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
@@ -309,8 +330,11 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def Container(*c, cls=('mt-5', ContainerT.xlarge), **kwargs): \n",
- " \"A Div to be used as a container that often wraps large sections or a page of content\"\n",
+ "def Container(*c, # Contents of Container tag (often other FT Components)\n",
+ " cls=('mt-5', ContainerT.xlarge), # Classes in addition to Container styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for Container (`Div` tag)\n",
+ " ): # Container(..., cls='uk-container')\n",
+ " \"Div to be used as a container that often wraps large sections or a page of content\"\n",
" return Div(*c, cls=('uk-container',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -322,9 +346,13 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def Titled(title:str=\"FastHTML app\", *args, cls='uk-container-xlarge', **kwargs)->FT:\n",
+ "def Titled(title:str=\"FastHTML app\", # Title of the page\n",
+ " *c, # Contents of the page (often other tags)\n",
+ " cls=ContainerT.xlarge, # Classes in addition to Container styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for Container (`Div` tag)\n",
+ " )->FT: # Title, Main(Container(H1(title), content))\n",
" \"Creates a standard page structure for titled page. Main(Container(title, content))\"\n",
- " return fh.Title(title), fh.Main(Container(H1(title), *args, cls=cls, **kwargs))"
+ " return fh.Title(title), fh.Main(Container(H1(title), *c, cls=cls, **kwargs))"
@@ -344,7 +372,7 @@
"source": [
"#| export\n",
"class DividerT(VEnum):\n",
- " \" Divider Styles from https://franken-ui.dev/docs/divider\"\n",
+ " \"Divider Styles from https://franken-ui.dev/docs/divider\"\n",
" def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): return str2ukcls('divider', name)\n",
" icon=auto()\n",
" small=auto()\n",
@@ -359,11 +387,14 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def Divider(*args, cls=('my-4', DividerT.icon), **kwargs):\n",
+ "def Divider(*c, # contents of Divider tag (often nothing)\n",
+ " cls=('my-4', DividerT.icon), # Classes in addition to Divider styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for Divider tag\n",
+ " ): # Hr(..., cls='uk-divider-icon') or Div(..., cls='uk-divider-vertical')\n",
" \"Divider with default styling and margin\"\n",
" cls = stringify(cls)\n",
" container = Div if 'uk-divider-vertical' in cls else Hr\n",
- " return container(*args, cls=cls, **kwargs)"
+ " return container(*c, cls=cls, **kwargs)"
@@ -401,31 +432,6 @@
"## Articles & Containers & Sections"
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "b7c048a8",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "#| export\n",
- "# def Alert(*args, cls=(), **kwargs): \n",
- "# \"A styled alert component that can contain a AlertTitle, AlertDescription and AlertCloseButton\"\n",
- "# return Div(*args, cls=('uk-alert', stringify(cls)), uk_alert=True, **kwargs)\n",
- "\n",
- "# def AlertCloseButton(*args, cls=(), **kwargs): \n",
- "# \"A button component for closing an Alert\"\n",
- "# return A(*args, cls=('uk-alert-close', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "\n",
- "# def AlertTitle(*args, cls='', **kwargs): \n",
- "# \"A title component for use within an Alert\"\n",
- "# return Div(*args, cls=('uk-alert-title', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "\n",
- "# def AlertDescription(*args, cls='', **kwargs): \n",
- "# \"A description component for use within an Alert\"\n",
- "# return Div(*args, cls=('uk-alert-description', stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
- ]
- },
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
@@ -434,15 +440,24 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#| export\n",
- "def Article(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):\n",
+ "def Article(*c, # contents of Article tag (often other tags)\n",
+ " cls=(), # Classes in addition to Article styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for Article tag\n",
+ " ): # Article(..., cls='uk-article')\n",
" \"A styled article container for blog posts or similar content\"\n",
" return fh.Article(*c, cls=('uk-article',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "def ArticleTitle(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):\n",
+ "def ArticleTitle(*c, # contents of ArticleTitle tag (often other tags)\n",
+ " cls=(), # Classes in addition to ArticleTitle styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for ArticleTitle tag\n",
+ " ): # H1(..., cls='uk-article-title')\n",
" \"A title component for use within an Article\"\n",
" return H1(*c, cls=('uk-article-title',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)\n",
- "def ArticleMeta(*c, cls=(), **kwargs):\n",
+ "def ArticleMeta(*c, # contents of ArticleMeta tag (often other tags)\n",
+ " cls=(), # Classes in addition to ArticleMeta styling\n",
+ " **kwargs # Additional args for ArticleMeta tag\n",
+ " ): # P(..., cls='uk-article-meta')\n",
" \"A metadata component for use within an Article showing things like date, author etc\"\n",
" return P(*c, cls=('uk-article-meta',stringify(cls)), **kwargs)"
@@ -452,60 +467,9 @@
"execution_count": null,
"id": "b2b0abaa",
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "text/markdown": [
- "```html\n",
- "Article Title
- " \n",
- "
Look here:
\\na = \"aa\"\\n
\\nLook here:
\\na = \"aa\"\\n