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File metadata and controls

100 lines (79 loc) · 3.88 KB


All notable data structure changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This includes both schema and data workflow changes.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Updated .NET version from 6.0 to 8.0


  • New data table added, DonorImportFailures, to capture info on individual donor updates that failed to be applied to the donor store.
    • Id - unique PK
    • Columns holding data captured from the donor update:
      • ExternalDonorCode
      • DonorType
      • EthnicityCode
      • RegistryCode
    • UpdateFile - name of source import file
    • UpdateProperty - donor update property that failed validation, if relevant
    • FailureReason - reason why update was not applied
    • FailureTime - datetime stamp of failure
  • Added new column to DonorImportHistory table.
    • FailedDonorCount - number of donors were not updated


  • New data table added, PublishableDonorUpdates. Donor updates are written to the table during donor import; thereafter they are read and published by the new Donor Updates function.
    • Id - unique PK
    • SearchableDonorUpdate - Donor update message to be published.
    • DonorId - Internal, Atlas-assigned donor ID.
    • CreatedOn - DateTime UTC that record was added to the table.
    • IsPublished - Flag denoting whether an update has been published yet or not.
    • PublishedOn - DateTime UTC when an update was published, if IsPublished is true.

<= 1.5.0

Prior to v1.5 of Atlas, no Changelog was actively updated. A snapshot of the schema at this time has been documented here, and all future changes should be documented against the appropriate version.


Master store of donor details imported to Atlas

  • AtlasId = unique PK identifier for the donor, assigned by Atlas and used to refer to donors internally. Numeric
  • ExternalDonorCode - unique identifier for donors provided by the consumer. String - can be numeric but does not need to be.
  • DonorType Adult vs Cord donor type enum, stored as backing int.
    • Adult = 0
    • Cord = 1
  • EthnicityCode = String representation of donor ethnicity
  • RegistryCode = String representation of donor source registry
  • HLA, in string format at supported loci
    • A_1
    • A_2
    • B_1
    • B_2
    • C_1
    • C_2
    • DPB1_1
    • DPB1_2
    • DQB1_1
    • DQB1_2
    • DRB1_1
    • DRB1_2
  • Hash - hash of all tracked donor details, to efficiently identify updated records
  • UpdateFile - which file this donor was last updated by
  • LastUpdated - when was this donor last updated


Contains records of all processed donor import files

  • Id - unique PK of the file import record
  • ServiceBusMessageId - Id of the service bus message that triggered the import. Not useful in practice.
  • Filename - File name of the imported file
  • UploadTime - The time a file was uploaded to blob storage
  • FileState - enum, string representation. Allowed values:
    • Started
    • Completed
    • FailedPermanent
    • FailedUnexpectedly
    • Stalled
  • LastUpdated - last update to this row
  • ImportBegin - when processing of this file began
  • ImportEnd - when processing of this file ended
  • FailureCount - how many times has an attempted import of this file failed processing. (Files can fail and be retried if transient errors e.g. connectivity issues prevent a full import)
  • ImportedDonorsCount - how many donors have been imported from the file. Allows partial processing of a file on retry after a transient error.


A record of "last imported" data on a per donor basis.

Used to enforce that donor updates are not applied out of sequence.

  • ExternalDonorCode - external donor identifier
  • LastUpdateFileUploadTime - last time this donor was updated