diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-C500B_RM-ECOW-V1.3.1.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-C500B_RM-ECOW-V1.3.1.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd0dd8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-C500B_RM-ECOW-V1.3.1.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+([back to README][README])
+## YardForce Classic 500B, RM-ECOW-V1.3.1 MODs
+![Classic 500](images/IMG_Overview.jpg)
+### Buttons (*mandatory*)
+With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
+But we need them routed to the MCU.
+Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_500B.jpg)
+Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
+1. R33 to the NonPlaced R34 position (Button-Home)
+2. R37 to (NP) R42 (Button-Play)
+You might also simply bridge R34 and R42, but for me it was simpler to move them
(back to top)
+### Rain Sensor (*optional*)
+If you also like to use the Stock-Rain-Sensor cabling, you need to solder a separate cable from FB2 to the non-placed R79.
+See the white cable on the following images:
+[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview_500B.jpg)
+[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2_500B.jpg)
+[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg)
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Hall Sensors (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your Stock-Hall-Sensor cabling (2 \* stop-button & 2 \* wheel-lift):
+![Optional Hall Cables](images/IMG_Stock-Cables_500B.jpg)
+Then you need to solder one more R- bridge as well as 3 more separate cables.
+Take into **attention** that you need to make all 4 steps:
+1. Move R52 to (non-placed) R57 (see green arrow on image), or simple bridge R57 (i.e. with 32kg solder)
+2. Solder a cable-bridge from Q4/R61 to U5/Pin3 (see left green cable)
+3. Solder a cable-bridge from the bottom end of R76 to U5/Pin2 (see middle green cable)
+4. Solder a cable-bridge from Q6/R83 to U5/Pin10 (see right green cable)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall_500B.jpg)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3_500B.jpg)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg)
+I only made it with colored cables for a more clear documentation.
+If you've repair-wire like [this](https://de.farnell.com/roadrunner/rrp-a-105/draht-0-15mm-sortiert-pk-4/dp/5017233), it might look better, like this:
+![Hardware Changes Hall nice](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-nice.jpg)
+(back to top)
+([back to README][README])
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-C500_RM-ECOW-V1.3.0.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-C500_RM-ECOW-V1.3.0.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..006ad56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-C500_RM-ECOW-V1.3.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+([back to README][README])
+## YardForce Classic 500, RM-ECOW-V1.3.0 MODs
+![Classic 500](images/IMG_Overview.jpg)
+### Buttons (*mandatory*)
+With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
+But we need them routed to the MCU.
+Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes.jpg)
+(The yellow cable (to R5/C2) should not harm you. This is the NRST signal which is only required if you bug the code (like me) during development)
+Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
+1. R33 to the NonPlaced R34 position (Button-Home)
+2. R37 to (NP) R42 (Button-Play)
+You might also simply bridge R34 and R42, but for me it was simpler to move them
+(back to top)
+### Rain Sensor (*optional*)
+If you also like to use the Stock-Rain-Sensor cabling, you need to solder a separate cable from FB2 to the non-placed R79.
+See the yellow cable on the following images:
+[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview.jpg)
+[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2.jpg)
+[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1.jpg)
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Hall Sensors (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your Stock-Hall-Sensor cabling (2 \* stop-button & 2 \* wheel-lift):
+![Optional Hall Cables](images/IMG_Stock-Cables_500B.jpg)
+Then you need to solder one more R- bridge as well as 3 more separate cables.
+Take into **attention** that you need to make all 4 steps:
+1. Move R52 to (non-placed) R57 (see green arrow on image), or simple bridge R57 (i.e. with 32kg solder)
+2. Solder a cable-bridge from Q4/R61 to U5/Pin3 (see left green cable)
+3. Solder a cable-bridge from the bottom end of R76 to U5/Pin2 (see white cable)
+4. Solder a cable-bridge from Q6/R83 to U5/Pin10 (see right green cable)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall.jpg)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3.jpg)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail4.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail4.jpg)
+I only made it with colored cables for a more clear documentation.
+If you've repair-wire like [this](https://de.farnell.com/roadrunner/rrp-a-105/draht-0-15mm-sortiert-pk-4/dp/5017233), it might look better, like this:
+![Hardware Changes Hall nice](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-nice.jpg)
+(back to top)
+([back to README][README])
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-EC3-V1.1.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-EC3-V1.1.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660b538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-EC3-V1.1.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+([back to README][README])
+## YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type 18 Buttons, 3 LEDs, 256*64 Pixel LC-Display, RM-EC3-V1.1 MODs
+![YardForce NX100i](images/IMG_Overview_RM-EC3-V11.jpg)
+### Buttons (*mandatory*)
+With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP5).
+But we need them routed to the MCU.
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory1.jpg)
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory2.jpg)
+Solder two cables:
+1. S8/D9 front-side, to back-side R35-upper-pin (Play button)
+2. S10/D7 front-side, to back-side R27-upper-pin (Home button)
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Stop Switches (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your two Stock-Stop-Switch cables, and you should, because you need the four OM- Hall-Plugs for the remaining hall-sensors:
+[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop1.jpg)
+[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop2.jpg)
+Solder another two cables:
+1. JP5-Pin14 front-side, to back-side U7-Pin1
+2. JP5-Pin6 front-side, to back-side U7-Pin2
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Hall Switches (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your original "4-leg cable for the 4 hall sensors", then you need to solder 4 more cables:
+[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall1.jpg)
+[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall2.jpg)
+Solder four cables:
+1. JP5-Pin15 front-side, to back-side R17-lower-pin
+2. JP5-Pin16 front-side, to back-side R18-upper-pin
+3. JP5-Pin12 front-side, to back-side R13-right-pin
+4. JP5-Pin10 front-side, to back-side R21-right-pin
+> **Warning**
+> As you might know, the hall sensors are driven by 5V, whereas the MCU is running at 3.3V.
+> All used GPIO ports of this modification, are so called "5V tolerant" ports.
+> But there might happen electrical cases like: VREG delay or short on 3.3V line, which could kill the "5V tolerant" pin of your MCU.
+> To be on the save side for such odd things happen, I highly advice to remove the 5V pull-up resistor on your Hall-PCB, or move it aside like shown on this picture:
+[![Optional Remove Hall Pull-Up Resistor](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg)
+(back to top)
+([back to README][README])
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.0.0.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.0.0.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caace8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.0.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+([back to README][README])
+## YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type 10 Buttons, 12 LEDs, RM-ECOW-V1.0.0 MODs
+ ![YardForce NX80i](images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg)
+### Buttons (*mandatory*)
+With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
+But we need them routed to the MCU.
+Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg)
+Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
+1. R39 to the NonPlaced R41 position (Button-Home)
+2. R38 to (NP) R40 (Button-Play)
+You might also simply bridge R40 and R41, but for me it was simpler to move them
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Hall Switches (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your original "4-leg cable for the 4 hall sensors", then you need to solder 4 more cables:
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall.jpg)
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification 2](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall2.jpg)
+Solder four cables:
+1. JP2-Pin10 to U2-Pin6 (LIFTX to PF6)
+2. JP2-Pin12 to U2-Pin7 (LBUMP to PA12)
+3. JP2-Pin15 to U2-Pin8 (RBUMP to PA11)
+4. JP2-Pin16 to U2-Pin17 (LIFT to PA8)
+> **Warning**
+> As you probably know, the hall sensors are driven by 5V, whereas the MCU is running at 3.3V.
+> All used GPIO ports of this modification, are so called "5V tolerant" ports.
+> **But** there might happen electrical cases like: VREG delay or short on 3.3V line, which could kill the "5V tolerant" pin of your MCU.
+> To be on the save side for such odd cases, I highly recommend to remove the 5V pull-up resistor from your Hall-PCB, or move it aside like shown on this picture:
+[![Optional Remove Hall Pull-Up Resistor](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg)
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Stop Switches (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your two Stock-Stop-Switch cables, and you should, as you need the four OM- Hall-Plugs for the remaining hall-sensors:
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_MOD-Stop_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_MOD-Stop_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg)
+Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
+1. R42 to the NonPlaced R44 position (JP5 Stop)
+2. R43 to (NP) R45 (JP6 Stop)
+You might also simply bridge R44 and R45, but for me it was simpler to move them
+([back to README][README])
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.1.0.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.1.0.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea51508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.1.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+([back to README][README])
+## YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type 9 Buttons, 11 LEDs, RM-ECOW-V1.1.0 MODs
+![YardForce SA650](images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V110.jpg)
+### Buttons (*mandatory*)
+With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2).
+But we need them routed to the MCU.
+Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Buttons.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Buttons.jpg)
+Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
+1. R39 to the NonPlaced R42 position (Button-Home)
+2. R34 to (NP) R37 (Button-Play)
+You might also simply bridge R42 and R37, but for me it was simpler to move them.
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Hall Switches (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your original "4-leg cable for the 4 hall sensors", then you need to solder 4 more cables:
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Hall.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Hall.jpg)
+Solder four cables:
+1. JP1-Pin39 to U6-Pin8 (RBUMP to PC9)
+2. JP1-Pin40 to U6-Pin2 (LIFT to PA8)
+3. JP1-Pin36 to U6-Pin15 (LBUMP to PC8)
+4. JP1-Pin34 to R8-left-pin (LIFTX to PA9)
+> **Warning**
+> As you probably know, the hall sensors are driven by 5V, whereas the MCU is running at 3.3V.
+> All used GPIO ports of this modification, are so called "5V tolerant" ports.
+> **But** there might happen electrical cases like: VREG delay or short on 3.3V line, which could kill the "5V tolerant" pin of your MCU.
+> To be on the save side for such odd cases, I highly recommend to remove the 5V pull-up resistor from your Hall-PCB, or move it aside like shown on this picture:
+[![Optional Remove Hall Pull-Up Resistor](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg)
+(back to top)
+### Emergency Stop Switches (*optional*)
+If you also like to use your 2 stock Stop-Switch cables, you need to bridge or move 2 further resistors:
+[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Stop.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Stop.jpg)
+Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
+1. R61 to the NonPlaced R63 position (JP8 Stop)
+2. R46 to (NP) R56 (JP6 PC8-Stop)
+You might also simply bridge R63 and R56, but for me it was simpler to move them.
+(back to top)
+([back to README][README])
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASC_PRO_HS49067.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASC_PRO_HS49067.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015fa22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README-MOD-YF-SASC_PRO_HS49067.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+([back to README][README])
+## YardForce SA/SC-PRO-Type 6 Buttons, 240*160 Dot-Matrix-Display, HS49067 MODs
+### Buttons (*mandatory*)
+With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
+But we need them routed to the MCU.
+Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
+[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_SAxPRO.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_SAxPRO.jpg)
+1. Bridge R14 (Button-Start/Play)
+2. Bridge R15 (Button-Home)
+(back to top)
+([back to README][README])
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README.md b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README.md
index 76694a6..a48f7f8 100644
--- a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README.md
+++ b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/README.md
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
[![MIT License][license-shield]][license-url]
@@ -46,45 +46,6 @@
- Table of Contents
- -
- About The Project
- -
- Getting Started
- - Prerequisites
- - Hardware Modifications by Model
- - YardForce Classic 500, RM-ECOW-V1.3.0
- - YardForce Classic 500B, RM-ECOW-V1.3.1
- - YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type (10 Buttons, 12 LEDs), RM-ECOW-V1.0.0
- - YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type (9 Buttons, 11 LEDs), RM-ECOW-V1.1.0
- - YardForce NX100i (18 Buttons, 3 LEDs, 256*64 Pixel LC-Display), SA/SC/NX-Type, RM-EC3-V1.1
- - YardForce SA/SC-PRO-Type Rev6 (6 Buttons, 240*160 Dot-Matrix-Display), HS49067, WYPCB319B
- - Flash Firmware
- - Usage
- - Final work
- - Version History
- - Contributing
- - License
- - Acknowledgments
## About The Project
For those, who still have their stock *YardForce (Rev6)* Cover-UI available and want to get it running together with [OpenMower](https://github.com/ClemensElflein/OpenMower), I ported OM's CoverUI FW functionality to a couple of them (see [Tested/working with](#testedworking-with)).
@@ -92,7 +53,6 @@ For those, who still have their stock *YardForce (Rev6)* Cover-UI available and
(back to top)
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
@@ -103,288 +63,16 @@ For those, who still have their stock *YardForce (Rev6)* Cover-UI available and
### Hardware Modifications by Model
+Every CoverUI model require some hardware modifications.
- YardForce Classic 500, RM-ECOW-V1.3.0
+Please check here, what modifications are required for your CoverUI model:
- ![Classic 500](images/IMG_Overview.jpg)
-### Hardware Modifications: Buttons (*mandatory*)
-With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
-But we need them routed to the MCU.
-Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes.jpg)
-(The yellow cable (to R5/C2) should not harm you. This is the NRST signal which is only required if you bug the code (like me) during development)
-Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
-1. R33 to the NonPlaced R34 position (Button-Home)
-2. R37 to (NP) R42 (Button-Play)
-You might also simply bridge R34 and R42, but for me it was simpler to move them
-### Hardware Modification: Rain Sensor (*optional*)
-If you also like to use the Stock-Rain-Sensor cabling, you need to solder a separate cable from FB2 to the non-placed R79.
-See the yellow cable on the following images:
-[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview.jpg)
-[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2.jpg)
-[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1.jpg)
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Hall Sensors (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your Stock-Hall-Sensor cabling (2 \* stop-button & 2 \* wheel-lift):
-![Optional Hall Cables](images/IMG_Stock-Cables_500B.jpg)
-Then you need to solder one more R- bridge as well as 3 more separate cables.
-Take into **attention** that you need to make all 4 steps:
-1. Move R52 to (non-placed) R57 (see green arrow on image), or simple bridge R57 (i.e. with 32kg solder)
-2. Solder a cable-bridge from Q4/R61 to U5/Pin3 (see left green cable)
-3. Solder a cable-bridge from the bottom end of R76 to U5/Pin2 (see white cable)
-4. Solder a cable-bridge from Q6/R83 to U5/Pin10 (see right green cable)
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall.jpg)
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3.jpg)
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail4.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail4.jpg)
-I only made it with colored cables for a more clear documentation.
-If you've repair-wire like [this](https://de.farnell.com/roadrunner/rrp-a-105/draht-0-15mm-sortiert-pk-4/dp/5017233), it might look better, like this:
-![Hardware Changes Hall nice](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-nice.jpg)
- YardForce Classic 500B, RM-ECOW-V1.3.1
- ![Classic 500](images/IMG_Overview.jpg)
-### Hardware Modifications: Buttons (*mandatory*)
-With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
-But we need them routed to the MCU.
-Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_500B.jpg)
-Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
-1. R33 to the NonPlaced R34 position (Button-Home)
-2. R37 to (NP) R42 (Button-Play)
-You might also simply bridge R34 and R42, but for me it was simpler to move them
-### Hardware Modification: Rain Sensor (*optional*)
-If you also like to use the Stock-Rain-Sensor cabling, you need to solder a separate cable from FB2 to the non-placed R79.
-See the white cable on the following images:
-[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview_500B.jpg)
-[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail2_500B.jpg)
-[![Optional Rain Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg)
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Hall Sensors (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your Stock-Hall-Sensor cabling (2 \* stop-button & 2 \* wheel-lift):
-![Optional Hall Cables](images/IMG_Stock-Cables_500B.jpg)
-Then you need to solder one more R- bridge as well as 3 more separate cables.
-Take into **attention** that you need to make all 4 steps:
-1. Move R52 to (non-placed) R57 (see green arrow on image), or simple bridge R57 (i.e. with 32kg solder)
-2. Solder a cable-bridge from Q4/R61 to U5/Pin3 (see left green cable)
-3. Solder a cable-bridge from the bottom end of R76 to U5/Pin2 (see middle green cable)
-4. Solder a cable-bridge from Q6/R83 to U5/Pin10 (see right green cable)
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-overview-hall_500B.jpg)
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-detail3_500B.jpg)
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-rain1_500B.jpg)
-I only made it with colored cables for a more clear documentation.
-If you've repair-wire like [this](https://de.farnell.com/roadrunner/rrp-a-105/draht-0-15mm-sortiert-pk-4/dp/5017233), it might look better, like this:
-![Hardware Changes Hall nice](images/IMG_Stock-Cables-nice.jpg)
- YardForce NX80i (10 Buttons, 12 LEDs), SA/SC/NX-Type, RM-ECOW-V1.0.0
- ![YardForce NX80i](images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg)
-### Hardware Modifications: Buttons (*mandatory*)
-With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
-But we need them routed to the MCU.
-Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg)
-Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
-1. R39 to the NonPlaced R41 position (Button-Home)
-2. R38 to (NP) R40 (Button-Play)
-You might also simply bridge R40 and R41, but for me it was simpler to move them
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Stop Switches (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your two Stock-Stop-Switch cables, and you should, as you need the four OM- Hall-Plugs for the remaining hall-sensors:
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_MOD-Stop_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_MOD-Stop_RM-ECOW-V100.jpg)
-Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
-1. R42 to the NonPlaced R44 position (JP5 Stop)
-2. R43 to (NP) R45 (JP6 Stop)
-You might also simply bridge R44 and R45, but for me it was simpler to move them
- YardForce SA650 (9 Buttons, 11 LEDs), SA/SC/NX-Type, RM-ECOW-V1.1.0
- ![YardForce SA650](images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V110.jpg)
-### Hardware Modifications: Buttons (*mandatory*)
-With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2).
-But we need them routed to the MCU.
-Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Buttons.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Buttons.jpg)
-Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
-1. R39 to the NonPlaced R42 position (Button-Home)
-2. R34 to (NP) R37 (Button-Play)
-You might also simply bridge R42 and R37, but for me it was simpler to move them.
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Hall Switches (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your original "4-leg cable for the 4 hall sensors", then you need to solder 4 more cables:
-[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Hall.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall1.jpg)
-Solder four cables:
-1. JP1-Pin39 to U6-Pin8 (RBUMP to PC9)
-2. JP1-Pin40 to U6-Pin2 (LIFT to PA8)
-3. JP1-Pin36 to U6-Pin15 (LBUMP to PC8)
-4. JP1-Pin34 to R8-left-pin (LIFTX to PA9)
-> **Warning**
-> As you probably know, the hall sensors are driven by 5V, whereas the MCU is running at 3.3V.
-> All used GPIO ports of this modification, are so called "5V tolerant" ports.
-> **But** there might happen electrical cases like: VREG delay or short on 3.3V line, which could kill the "5V tolerant" pin of your MCU.
-> To be on the save side for such odd cases, I highly recommend to remove the 5V pull-up resistor from your Hall-PCB, or move it aside like shown on this picture:
-[![Optional Remove Hall Pull-Up Resistor](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg)
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Stop Switches (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your 2 stock Stop-Switch cables, you need to bridge or move 2 further resistors:
-[![Optional Hall Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Stop.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V110_Stop.jpg)
-Move the 0 Ohm (bridge) resistors:
-1. R61 to the NonPlaced R63 position (JP8 Stop)
-2. R46 to (NP) R56 (JP6 PC8-Stop)
-You might also simply bridge R63 and R56, but for me it was simpler to move them.
- YardForce NX100i (18 Buttons, 3 LEDs, 256*64 Pixel LC-Display), SA/SC/NX-Type, RM-EC3-V1.1
- ![YardForce NX100i](images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V1.1.jpg)
-### Hardware Modifications: Buttons (*mandatory*)
-With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP5).
-But we need them routed to the MCU.
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory1.jpg)
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Mandatory2.jpg)
-Solder two cables:
-1. S8/D9 front-side, to back-side R35-upper-pin (Play button)
-2. S10/D7 front-side, to back-side R27-upper-pin (Home button)
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Stop Switches (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your two Stock-Stop-Switch cables, and you should, because you need the four OM- Hall-Plugs for the remaining hall-sensors:
-[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop1.jpg)
-[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Stop2.jpg)
-Solder another two cables:
-1. JP5-Pin14 front-side, to back-side U7-Pin1
-2. JP5-Pin6 front-side, to back-side U7-Pin2
-### Hardware Modification: Emergency Hall Switches (*optional*)
-If you also like to use your original "4-leg cable for the 4 hall sensors", then you need to solder 4 more cables:
-[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall1.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall1.jpg)
-[![Optional Stop Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall2.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-EC3-V11_Hall2.jpg)
-Solder four cables:
-1. JP5-Pin15 front-side, to back-side R17-lower-pin
-2. JP5-Pin16 front-side, to back-side R18-upper-pin
-3. JP5-Pin12 front-side, to back-side R13-right-pin
-4. JP5-Pin10 front-side, to back-side R21-right-pin
-> **Warning**
-> As you might know, the hall sensors are driven by 5V, whereas the MCU is running at 3.3V.
-> All used GPIO ports of this modification, are so called "5V tolerant" ports.
-> But there might happen electrical cases like: VREG delay or short on 3.3V line, which could kill the "5V tolerant" pin of your MCU.
-> To be on the save side for such odd things happen, I highly advice to remove the 5V pull-up resistor on your Hall-PCB, or move it aside like shown on this picture:
-[![Optional Remove Hall Pull-Up Resistor](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Change_Hall-PullUp.jpg)
- YardForce SA/SC-PRO-Type Rev6 (6 Buttons, 240*160 Dot-Matrix-Display), HS49067, WYPCB319B
- ![Classic 500](images/IMG_Overview_SAxPRO.jpg)
-### Hardware Modifications: Buttons (*mandatory*)
-With the stock component placement, Button-Home and Button-Play get routed to the main (black) 16 pin connector (JP2/J6).
-But we need them routed to the MCU.
-Luckily the PCB is already prepared for this.
-[![Mandatory Hardware Modification](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_SAxPRO.jpg "Open in browser")](images/IMG_PCB_Changes_SAxPRO.jpg)
-1. Bridge R14 (Button-Start/Play)
-2. Bridge R15 (Button-Home)
+- [YardForce Classic 500, RM-ECOW-V1.3.0](README-MOD-YF-C500_RM-ECOW-V1.3.0.md)
+- [YardForce Classic 500**B**, RM-ECOW-V1.3.1](README-MOD-YF-C500B_RM-ECOW-V1.3.1.md)
+- [YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type 10 Buttons, 12 LEDs, RM-ECOW-V1.0.0](README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.0.0.md)
+- [YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type 9 Buttons, 11 LEDs, RM-ECOW-V1.1.0](README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-ECOW-V1.1.0.md)
+- [YardForce SA/SC/NX-Type 18 Buttons, 3 LEDs, 256*64 Pixel LC-Display, RM-EC3-V1.1](README-MOD-YF-SASCNX_RM-EC3-V1.1.md)
+- [YardForce SA/SC-PRO-Type 6 Buttons, 240*160 Dot-Matrix-Display, HS49067](README-MOD-YF-SASC_PRO_HS49067.md)
## Flash Firmware
@@ -523,11 +211,12 @@ check section [usage](#usage) about the [LED](#meaning-of-the-leds) and [Button]
| Version [^4] | Changes | Date |
| ------- | ------- | ---- |
-| 2.05 | - YardForce RM-ECOW-V1.1.0 support
- Backside alive LED is now software driven (hwtimer independent)
- Fix emergency-clear LED-countdown for RM-ECOW-V1.0.0| 06/30/2024
-| 2.04 | - YardForce RM-ECOW-V1.0.0 support
- Dropped separate versioning
- Fully refactored | 11/14/2023
-| 1.00 | - YardForce SAxPRO (Rev6) Dot-Matrix-Display support | 09/27/2023
-| 1.00 | - Stock-Cable support for rain & hall sensors
- Classic 500B support | 05/13/2023
-| NA | First OM's CoverUI port for YardForce Classic 500 | 05/01/2023
+| 2.06 | - Add MOD_HALL support to YardForce RM-ECOW-V1.0.0 | 2024-09-29
+| 2.05 | - YardForce RM-ECOW-V1.1.0 support
- Backside alive LED is now software driven (hwtimer independent)
- Fix emergency-clear LED-countdown for RM-ECOW-V1.0.0| 2024-06-30
+| 2.04 | - YardForce RM-ECOW-V1.0.0 support
- Dropped separate versioning
- Fully refactored | 2023-11-14
+| 1.00 | - YardForce SAxPRO (Rev6) Dot-Matrix-Display support | 2023-09-27
+| 1.00 | - Stock-Cable support for rain & hall sensors
- Classic 500B support | 2023-05-13
+| NA | First OM's CoverUI port for YardForce Classic 500 | 2023-05-01
[^4]: Press magic button combo 'Display CoverUI- firmware version' (see [Button Usage](#button-usage)) to get your installed FW version displayed
@@ -563,7 +252,6 @@ Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE.txt` for more information.
* [OpenMower](https://github.com/ClemensElflein/OpenMower)
* [Mowgli](https://github.com/cloudn1ne/Mowgli)
* [PlatformIO](https://platformio.org/)
-* [Maximilian Gerhardt](https://community.platformio.org/u/maxgerhardt)
(back to top)
@@ -581,7 +269,4 @@ Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE.txt` for more information.
[issues-url]: https://github.com/ClemensElflein/CoverUI/issues
[license-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/ClemensElflein/CoverUI.svg?style=for-the-badge
[license-url]: https://github.com/ClemensElflein/CoverUI/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
-[PlatformIO-url]: https://platformio.org/
-[ST-Link]: images/IMG_ST-Link-V2-Clone.jpg "ST-Link (V2) Clone"
[OpenOCD-url]: https://openocd.org/pages/about.html
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V1.1.jpg b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_Overview_RM-EC3-V11.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_Overview_RM-ECOW-V1.1.jpg
rename to Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_Overview_RM-EC3-V11.jpg
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall.jpg b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198b317
Binary files /dev/null and b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall.jpg differ
diff --git a/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall2.jpg b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c16643
Binary files /dev/null and b/Firmware/CoverUI/YardForce/images/IMG_PCB_Changes_RM-ECOW-V100_Hall2.jpg differ