RELEASE BETA 0.95 RELIC1 (23 december 2017) for CK2 v2.8.x
The return of the cathedral system.
- redesign of the cathedrals system, now fully IA-friendly, with plenty of immersion elements during construction
- enriched system of holy relics
- integration and extension of the mini-mod "ascent to sainthood" by blackninja9939
- a new society (non playable) which brings together the artists of the cathedrals
Development. - new system for the economic development of demesnes
A new type of event. - The mod proposes a new layout of the event window and put it in use by the way
- game rule "Opus Francigenum" for the activation of the era of cathedrals
- new icons for learning modifiers
- new buildings for your capital: a personal library (2 levels)
- new decisions related to the library (buy books, study books)
- new events on the theme of poaching
- the mountainous regions may feature a pass
- many revisions of texts and translations
- new tooltips and descriptions to help the gameplay
- the trade routes are now materialized on the map with 3D models
- all the rest I forget
- lots of balancing
- debug mode
See Paradox Interactive forum for more info
Voir les forums Strategium pour plus d'information en français (French only)