Thank you very much for considering helping us in developing the ArticyImporter for Unreal plugin. All help is appreciated, from giving feedback and reporting bugs to actively contributing new features and releasing them for all users.
Our main way of communication is via our forum. Post your questions and your feedback there. If you have a problem related to our articy:draft software please use our support at
If you found a bug or a problem:
- Make sure the bug is not already posted by searching all the issues.
- If no entry was found you should open a new issue. Please include a title and try to provide as much information as possible. Giving a smaller example in a new project with as little steps as possible to reproduce the issue increases the chances of fixing the bug tremendously.
Features and bug fixes takes time to develop and the best way to help us is by stepping in and providing those features and fixes yourself. To do that you just need to get the sources from here on github, your best bet is to fork the repository. When you are happy with your changes you should send a pull requests so we can review and test your changes.