Telegram bot meant to support development community, in general, and the Go community, in particular.
This task is achieved by providing two commands:
will be focused on returning a single repository of interest, for a better search, more user friendly than opening up a new tab on the browser and typing the name of the repository.
relies on regular expressions to accomplish the task mentioned above. The command goes like this:
/search <repository> lang:<lang> author:<author>
/search dblab author:danvergara lang:go
As you can see, the name of the repository should be the first parameter and the other ones are optional. There's no specific order for optional parameters, this command is smart enough to figure out the values, if present.
will be responsible of returning today's trending repositories on GitHub. The search can be improved and segmented by providing the name of a programming language of interest, but it's optional. The command with no argument will return raw search on the Trending page.
/trend <language>
/trend python