From 7e0be594488d44642937fec4adbf3aacd85fcdf6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "asana-publish-client-libraries[bot]"
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 22:40:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Updated Python SDK: v5.0.5

---              | 374 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 asana/    |   4 +-
 asana/ |   2 +-               |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1541c54..e923dd3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # asana [![GitHub release][release-image]]() [![PyPi Version][pypi-image]][pypi-url]
 - API version: 1.0
-- Package version: 5.0.4
+- Package version: 5.0.5
 ## Requirements.
@@ -178,189 +178,189 @@ All URIs are relative to **
 Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
 ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-*AttachmentsApi* | [**create_attachment_for_object**]( | **POST** /attachments | Upload an attachment
-*AttachmentsApi* | [**delete_attachment**]( | **DELETE** /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Delete an attachment
-*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachment**]( | **GET** /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Get an attachment
-*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachments_for_object**]( | **GET** /attachments | Get attachments from an object
-*AuditLogAPIApi* | [**get_audit_log_events**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/audit_log_events | Get audit log events
-*BatchAPIApi* | [**create_batch_request**]( | **POST** /batch | Submit parallel requests
-*CustomFieldSettingsApi* | [**get_custom_field_settings_for_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a portfolio&#x27;s custom fields
-*CustomFieldSettingsApi* | [**get_custom_field_settings_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a project&#x27;s custom fields
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**create_custom_field**]( | **POST** /custom_fields | Create a custom field
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**create_enum_option_for_custom_field**]( | **POST** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options | Create an enum option
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**delete_custom_field**]( | **DELETE** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Delete a custom field
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_field**]( | **GET** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Get a custom field
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_fields_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/custom_fields | Get a workspace&#x27;s custom fields
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**insert_enum_option_for_custom_field**]( | **POST** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options/insert | Reorder a custom field&#x27;s enum
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**update_custom_field**]( | **PUT** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Update a custom field
-*CustomFieldsApi* | [**update_enum_option**]( | **PUT** /enum_options/{enum_option_gid} | Update an enum option
-*EventsApi* | [**get_events**]( | **GET** /events | Get events on a resource
-*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**add_supporting_relationship**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/addSupportingRelationship | Add a supporting goal relationship
-*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**get_goal_relationship**]( | **GET** /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} | Get a goal relationship
-*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**get_goal_relationships**]( | **GET** /goal_relationships | Get goal relationships
-*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**remove_supporting_relationship**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/removeSupportingRelationship | Removes a supporting goal relationship
-*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**update_goal_relationship**]( | **PUT** /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} | Update a goal relationship
-*GoalsApi* | [**add_followers**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/addFollowers | Add a collaborator to a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**create_goal**]( | **POST** /goals | Create a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**create_goal_metric**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetric | Create a goal metric
-*GoalsApi* | [**delete_goal**]( | **DELETE** /goals/{goal_gid} | Delete a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**get_goal**]( | **GET** /goals/{goal_gid} | Get a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**get_goals**]( | **GET** /goals | Get goals
-*GoalsApi* | [**get_parent_goals_for_goal**]( | **GET** /goals/{goal_gid}/parentGoals | Get parent goals from a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**remove_followers**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove a collaborator from a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**update_goal**]( | **PUT** /goals/{goal_gid} | Update a goal
-*GoalsApi* | [**update_goal_metric**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetricCurrentValue | Update a goal metric
-*JobsApi* | [**get_job**]( | **GET** /jobs/{job_gid} | Get a job by id
-*MembershipsApi* | [**create_membership**]( | **POST** /memberships | Create a membership
-*MembershipsApi* | [**delete_membership**]( | **DELETE** /memberships/{membership_gid} | Delete a membership
-*MembershipsApi* | [**get_membership**]( | **GET** /memberships/{membership_gid} | Get a membership
-*MembershipsApi* | [**get_memberships**]( | **GET** /memberships | Get multiple memberships
-*OrganizationExportsApi* | [**create_organization_export**]( | **POST** /organization_exports | Create an organization export request
-*OrganizationExportsApi* | [**get_organization_export**]( | **GET** /organization_exports/{organization_export_gid} | Get details on an org export request
-*PortfolioMembershipsApi* | [**get_portfolio_membership**]( | **GET** /portfolio_memberships/{portfolio_membership_gid} | Get a portfolio membership
-*PortfolioMembershipsApi* | [**get_portfolio_memberships**]( | **GET** /portfolio_memberships | Get multiple portfolio memberships
-*PortfolioMembershipsApi* | [**get_portfolio_memberships_for_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/portfolio_memberships | Get memberships from a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**add_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**add_item_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addItem | Add a portfolio item
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**add_members_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**create_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios | Create a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**delete_portfolio**]( | **DELETE** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Delete a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**get_items_for_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/items | Get portfolio items
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**get_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Get a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**get_portfolios**]( | **GET** /portfolios | Get multiple portfolios
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**remove_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**remove_item_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeItem | Remove a portfolio item
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**remove_members_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a portfolio
-*PortfoliosApi* | [**update_portfolio**]( | **PUT** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Update a portfolio
-*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**create_project_brief**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/project_briefs | Create a project brief
-*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**delete_project_brief**]( | **DELETE** /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Delete a project brief
-*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**get_project_brief**]( | **GET** /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Get a project brief
-*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**update_project_brief**]( | **PUT** /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Update a project brief
-*ProjectMembershipsApi* | [**get_project_membership**]( | **GET** /project_memberships/{project_membership_gid} | Get a project membership
-*ProjectMembershipsApi* | [**get_project_memberships_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/project_memberships | Get memberships from a project
-*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**create_project_status_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Create a project status
-*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**delete_project_status**]( | **DELETE** /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Delete a project status
-*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**get_project_status**]( | **GET** /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Get a project status
-*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**get_project_statuses_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Get statuses from a project
-*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**delete_project_template**]( | **DELETE** /project_templates/{project_template_gid} | Delete a project template
-*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**get_project_template**]( | **GET** /project_templates/{project_template_gid} | Get a project template
-*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**get_project_templates**]( | **GET** /project_templates | Get multiple project templates
-*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**get_project_templates_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/project_templates | Get a team&#x27;s project templates
-*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**instantiate_project**]( | **POST** /project_templates/{project_template_gid}/instantiateProject | Instantiate a project from a project template
-*ProjectsApi* | [**add_custom_field_setting_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**add_followers_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**add_members_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project**]( | **POST** /projects | Create a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project_for_team**]( | **POST** /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Create a project in a team
-*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Create a project in a workspace
-*ProjectsApi* | [**delete_project**]( | **DELETE** /projects/{project_gid} | Delete a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**duplicate_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**get_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid} | Get a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects**]( | **GET** /projects | Get multiple projects
-*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/projects | Get projects a task is in
-*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Get a team&#x27;s projects
-*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Get all projects in a workspace
-*ProjectsApi* | [**get_task_counts_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/task_counts | Get task count of a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**project_save_as_template**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/saveAsTemplate | Create a project template from a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**remove_custom_field_setting_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**remove_followers_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**remove_members_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a project
-*ProjectsApi* | [**update_project**]( | **PUT** /projects/{project_gid} | Update a project
-*RulesApi* | [**trigger_rule**]( | **POST** /rule_triggers/{rule_trigger_gid}/run | Trigger a rule
-*SectionsApi* | [**add_task_for_section**]( | **POST** /sections/{section_gid}/addTask | Add task to section
-*SectionsApi* | [**create_section_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Create a section in a project
-*SectionsApi* | [**delete_section**]( | **DELETE** /sections/{section_gid} | Delete a section
-*SectionsApi* | [**get_section**]( | **GET** /sections/{section_gid} | Get a section
-*SectionsApi* | [**get_sections_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Get sections in a project
-*SectionsApi* | [**insert_section_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/sections/insert | Move or Insert sections
-*SectionsApi* | [**update_section**]( | **PUT** /sections/{section_gid} | Update a section
-*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**create_status_for_object**]( | **POST** /status_updates | Create a status update
-*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**delete_status**]( | **DELETE** /status_updates/{status_update_gid} | Delete a status update
-*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**get_status**]( | **GET** /status_updates/{status_update_gid} | Get a status update
-*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**get_statuses_for_object**]( | **GET** /status_updates | Get status updates from an object
-*StoriesApi* | [**create_story_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Create a story on a task
-*StoriesApi* | [**delete_story**]( | **DELETE** /stories/{story_gid} | Delete a story
-*StoriesApi* | [**get_stories_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Get stories from a task
-*StoriesApi* | [**get_story**]( | **GET** /stories/{story_gid} | Get a story
-*StoriesApi* | [**update_story**]( | **PUT** /stories/{story_gid} | Update a story
-*TagsApi* | [**create_tag**]( | **POST** /tags | Create a tag
-*TagsApi* | [**create_tag_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Create a tag in a workspace
-*TagsApi* | [**delete_tag**]( | **DELETE** /tags/{tag_gid} | Delete a tag
-*TagsApi* | [**get_tag**]( | **GET** /tags/{tag_gid} | Get a tag
-*TagsApi* | [**get_tags**]( | **GET** /tags | Get multiple tags
-*TagsApi* | [**get_tags_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/tags | Get a task&#x27;s tags
-*TagsApi* | [**get_tags_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Get tags in a workspace
-*TagsApi* | [**update_tag**]( | **PUT** /tags/{tag_gid} | Update a tag
-*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**delete_task_template**]( | **DELETE** /task_templates/{task_template_gid} | Delete a task template
-*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**get_task_template**]( | **GET** /task_templates/{task_template_gid} | Get a task template
-*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**get_task_templates**]( | **GET** /task_templates | Get multiple task templates
-*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**instantiate_task**]( | **POST** /task_templates/{task_template_gid}/instantiateTask | Instantiate a task from a task template
-*TasksApi* | [**add_dependencies_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependencies | Set dependencies for a task
-*TasksApi* | [**add_dependents_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependents | Set dependents for a task
-*TasksApi* | [**add_followers_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a task
-*TasksApi* | [**add_project_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addProject | Add a project to a task
-*TasksApi* | [**add_tag_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addTag | Add a tag to a task
-*TasksApi* | [**create_subtask_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Create a subtask
-*TasksApi* | [**create_task**]( | **POST** /tasks | Create a task
-*TasksApi* | [**delete_task**]( | **DELETE** /tasks/{task_gid} | Delete a task
-*TasksApi* | [**duplicate_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a task
-*TasksApi* | [**get_dependencies_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/dependencies | Get dependencies from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**get_dependents_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/dependents | Get dependents from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**get_subtasks_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Get subtasks from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**get_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid} | Get a task
-*TasksApi* | [**get_task_for_custom_id**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/custom_id/{custom_id} | Get a task for a given custom ID
-*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks**]( | **GET** /tasks | Get multiple tasks
-*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a project
-*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_section**]( | **GET** /sections/{section_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a section
-*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_tag**]( | **GET** /tags/{tag_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a tag
-*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_user_task_list**]( | **GET** /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a user task list
-*TasksApi* | [**remove_dependencies_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependencies | Unlink dependencies from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**remove_dependents_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependents | Unlink dependents from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**remove_follower_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**remove_project_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeProject | Remove a project from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**remove_tag_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeTag | Remove a tag from a task
-*TasksApi* | [**search_tasks_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search | Search tasks in a workspace
-*TasksApi* | [**set_parent_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/setParent | Set the parent of a task
-*TasksApi* | [**update_task**]( | **PUT** /tasks/{task_gid} | Update a task
-*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_membership**]( | **GET** /team_memberships/{team_membership_gid} | Get a team membership
-*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_memberships**]( | **GET** /team_memberships | Get team memberships
-*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_memberships_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a team
-*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_memberships_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a user
-*TeamsApi* | [**add_user_for_team**]( | **POST** /teams/{team_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a team
-*TeamsApi* | [**create_team**]( | **POST** /teams | Create a team
-*TeamsApi* | [**get_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid} | Get a team
-*TeamsApi* | [**get_teams_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/teams | Get teams for a user
-*TeamsApi* | [**get_teams_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/teams | Get teams in a workspace
-*TeamsApi* | [**remove_user_for_team**]( | **POST** /teams/{team_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a team
-*TeamsApi* | [**update_team**]( | **PUT** /teams/{team_gid} | Update a team
-*TimePeriodsApi* | [**get_time_period**]( | **GET** /time_periods/{time_period_gid} | Get a time period
-*TimePeriodsApi* | [**get_time_periods**]( | **GET** /time_periods | Get time periods
-*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**create_time_tracking_entry**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries | Create a time tracking entry
-*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**delete_time_tracking_entry**]( | **DELETE** /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Delete a time tracking entry
-*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**get_time_tracking_entries_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries | Get time tracking entries for a task
-*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**get_time_tracking_entry**]( | **GET** /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Get a time tracking entry
-*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**update_time_tracking_entry**]( | **PUT** /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Update a time tracking entry
-*TypeaheadApi* | [**typeahead_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/typeahead | Get objects via typeahead
-*UserTaskListsApi* | [**get_user_task_list**]( | **GET** /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid} | Get a user task list
-*UserTaskListsApi* | [**get_user_task_list_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/user_task_list | Get a user&#x27;s task list
-*UsersApi* | [**get_favorites_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/favorites | Get a user&#x27;s favorites
-*UsersApi* | [**get_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid} | Get a user
-*UsersApi* | [**get_users**]( | **GET** /users | Get multiple users
-*UsersApi* | [**get_users_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/users | Get users in a team
-*UsersApi* | [**get_users_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/users | Get users in a workspace or organization
-*WebhooksApi* | [**create_webhook**]( | **POST** /webhooks | Establish a webhook
-*WebhooksApi* | [**delete_webhook**]( | **DELETE** /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Delete a webhook
-*WebhooksApi* | [**get_webhook**]( | **GET** /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Get a webhook
-*WebhooksApi* | [**get_webhooks**]( | **GET** /webhooks | Get multiple webhooks
-*WebhooksApi* | [**update_webhook**]( | **PUT** /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Update a webhook
-*WorkspaceMembershipsApi* | [**get_workspace_membership**]( | **GET** /workspace_memberships/{workspace_membership_gid} | Get a workspace membership
-*WorkspaceMembershipsApi* | [**get_workspace_memberships_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get workspace memberships for a user
-*WorkspaceMembershipsApi* | [**get_workspace_memberships_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get the workspace memberships for a workspace
-*WorkspacesApi* | [**add_user_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a workspace or organization
-*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Get a workspace
-*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspaces**]( | **GET** /workspaces | Get multiple workspaces
-*WorkspacesApi* | [**remove_user_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a workspace or organization
-*WorkspacesApi* | [**update_workspace**]( | **PUT** /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Update a workspace
+*AttachmentsApi* | [**create_attachment_for_object**]( | **POST** /attachments | Upload an attachment
+*AttachmentsApi* | [**delete_attachment**]( | **DELETE** /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Delete an attachment
+*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachment**]( | **GET** /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Get an attachment
+*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachments_for_object**]( | **GET** /attachments | Get attachments from an object
+*AuditLogAPIApi* | [**get_audit_log_events**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/audit_log_events | Get audit log events
+*BatchAPIApi* | [**create_batch_request**]( | **POST** /batch | Submit parallel requests
+*CustomFieldSettingsApi* | [**get_custom_field_settings_for_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a portfolio&#x27;s custom fields
+*CustomFieldSettingsApi* | [**get_custom_field_settings_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a project&#x27;s custom fields
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**create_custom_field**]( | **POST** /custom_fields | Create a custom field
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**create_enum_option_for_custom_field**]( | **POST** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options | Create an enum option
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**delete_custom_field**]( | **DELETE** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Delete a custom field
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_field**]( | **GET** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Get a custom field
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_fields_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/custom_fields | Get a workspace&#x27;s custom fields
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**insert_enum_option_for_custom_field**]( | **POST** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options/insert | Reorder a custom field&#x27;s enum
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**update_custom_field**]( | **PUT** /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Update a custom field
+*CustomFieldsApi* | [**update_enum_option**]( | **PUT** /enum_options/{enum_option_gid} | Update an enum option
+*EventsApi* | [**get_events**]( | **GET** /events | Get events on a resource
+*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**add_supporting_relationship**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/addSupportingRelationship | Add a supporting goal relationship
+*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**get_goal_relationship**]( | **GET** /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} | Get a goal relationship
+*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**get_goal_relationships**]( | **GET** /goal_relationships | Get goal relationships
+*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**remove_supporting_relationship**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/removeSupportingRelationship | Removes a supporting goal relationship
+*GoalRelationshipsApi* | [**update_goal_relationship**]( | **PUT** /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} | Update a goal relationship
+*GoalsApi* | [**add_followers**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/addFollowers | Add a collaborator to a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**create_goal**]( | **POST** /goals | Create a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**create_goal_metric**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetric | Create a goal metric
+*GoalsApi* | [**delete_goal**]( | **DELETE** /goals/{goal_gid} | Delete a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**get_goal**]( | **GET** /goals/{goal_gid} | Get a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**get_goals**]( | **GET** /goals | Get goals
+*GoalsApi* | [**get_parent_goals_for_goal**]( | **GET** /goals/{goal_gid}/parentGoals | Get parent goals from a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**remove_followers**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove a collaborator from a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**update_goal**]( | **PUT** /goals/{goal_gid} | Update a goal
+*GoalsApi* | [**update_goal_metric**]( | **POST** /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetricCurrentValue | Update a goal metric
+*JobsApi* | [**get_job**]( | **GET** /jobs/{job_gid} | Get a job by id
+*MembershipsApi* | [**create_membership**]( | **POST** /memberships | Create a membership
+*MembershipsApi* | [**delete_membership**]( | **DELETE** /memberships/{membership_gid} | Delete a membership
+*MembershipsApi* | [**get_membership**]( | **GET** /memberships/{membership_gid} | Get a membership
+*MembershipsApi* | [**get_memberships**]( | **GET** /memberships | Get multiple memberships
+*OrganizationExportsApi* | [**create_organization_export**]( | **POST** /organization_exports | Create an organization export request
+*OrganizationExportsApi* | [**get_organization_export**]( | **GET** /organization_exports/{organization_export_gid} | Get details on an org export request
+*PortfolioMembershipsApi* | [**get_portfolio_membership**]( | **GET** /portfolio_memberships/{portfolio_membership_gid} | Get a portfolio membership
+*PortfolioMembershipsApi* | [**get_portfolio_memberships**]( | **GET** /portfolio_memberships | Get multiple portfolio memberships
+*PortfolioMembershipsApi* | [**get_portfolio_memberships_for_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/portfolio_memberships | Get memberships from a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**add_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**add_item_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addItem | Add a portfolio item
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**add_members_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**create_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios | Create a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**delete_portfolio**]( | **DELETE** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Delete a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**get_items_for_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/items | Get portfolio items
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**get_portfolio**]( | **GET** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Get a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**get_portfolios**]( | **GET** /portfolios | Get multiple portfolios
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**remove_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**remove_item_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeItem | Remove a portfolio item
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**remove_members_for_portfolio**]( | **POST** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a portfolio
+*PortfoliosApi* | [**update_portfolio**]( | **PUT** /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Update a portfolio
+*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**create_project_brief**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/project_briefs | Create a project brief
+*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**delete_project_brief**]( | **DELETE** /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Delete a project brief
+*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**get_project_brief**]( | **GET** /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Get a project brief
+*ProjectBriefsApi* | [**update_project_brief**]( | **PUT** /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Update a project brief
+*ProjectMembershipsApi* | [**get_project_membership**]( | **GET** /project_memberships/{project_membership_gid} | Get a project membership
+*ProjectMembershipsApi* | [**get_project_memberships_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/project_memberships | Get memberships from a project
+*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**create_project_status_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Create a project status
+*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**delete_project_status**]( | **DELETE** /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Delete a project status
+*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**get_project_status**]( | **GET** /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Get a project status
+*ProjectStatusesApi* | [**get_project_statuses_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Get statuses from a project
+*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**delete_project_template**]( | **DELETE** /project_templates/{project_template_gid} | Delete a project template
+*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**get_project_template**]( | **GET** /project_templates/{project_template_gid} | Get a project template
+*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**get_project_templates**]( | **GET** /project_templates | Get multiple project templates
+*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**get_project_templates_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/project_templates | Get a team&#x27;s project templates
+*ProjectTemplatesApi* | [**instantiate_project**]( | **POST** /project_templates/{project_template_gid}/instantiateProject | Instantiate a project from a project template
+*ProjectsApi* | [**add_custom_field_setting_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**add_followers_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**add_members_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project**]( | **POST** /projects | Create a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project_for_team**]( | **POST** /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Create a project in a team
+*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Create a project in a workspace
+*ProjectsApi* | [**delete_project**]( | **DELETE** /projects/{project_gid} | Delete a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**duplicate_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**get_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid} | Get a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects**]( | **GET** /projects | Get multiple projects
+*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/projects | Get projects a task is in
+*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Get a team&#x27;s projects
+*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Get all projects in a workspace
+*ProjectsApi* | [**get_task_counts_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/task_counts | Get task count of a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**project_save_as_template**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/saveAsTemplate | Create a project template from a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**remove_custom_field_setting_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**remove_followers_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**remove_members_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a project
+*ProjectsApi* | [**update_project**]( | **PUT** /projects/{project_gid} | Update a project
+*RulesApi* | [**trigger_rule**]( | **POST** /rule_triggers/{rule_trigger_gid}/run | Trigger a rule
+*SectionsApi* | [**add_task_for_section**]( | **POST** /sections/{section_gid}/addTask | Add task to section
+*SectionsApi* | [**create_section_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Create a section in a project
+*SectionsApi* | [**delete_section**]( | **DELETE** /sections/{section_gid} | Delete a section
+*SectionsApi* | [**get_section**]( | **GET** /sections/{section_gid} | Get a section
+*SectionsApi* | [**get_sections_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Get sections in a project
+*SectionsApi* | [**insert_section_for_project**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_gid}/sections/insert | Move or Insert sections
+*SectionsApi* | [**update_section**]( | **PUT** /sections/{section_gid} | Update a section
+*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**create_status_for_object**]( | **POST** /status_updates | Create a status update
+*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**delete_status**]( | **DELETE** /status_updates/{status_update_gid} | Delete a status update
+*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**get_status**]( | **GET** /status_updates/{status_update_gid} | Get a status update
+*StatusUpdatesApi* | [**get_statuses_for_object**]( | **GET** /status_updates | Get status updates from an object
+*StoriesApi* | [**create_story_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Create a story on a task
+*StoriesApi* | [**delete_story**]( | **DELETE** /stories/{story_gid} | Delete a story
+*StoriesApi* | [**get_stories_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Get stories from a task
+*StoriesApi* | [**get_story**]( | **GET** /stories/{story_gid} | Get a story
+*StoriesApi* | [**update_story**]( | **PUT** /stories/{story_gid} | Update a story
+*TagsApi* | [**create_tag**]( | **POST** /tags | Create a tag
+*TagsApi* | [**create_tag_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Create a tag in a workspace
+*TagsApi* | [**delete_tag**]( | **DELETE** /tags/{tag_gid} | Delete a tag
+*TagsApi* | [**get_tag**]( | **GET** /tags/{tag_gid} | Get a tag
+*TagsApi* | [**get_tags**]( | **GET** /tags | Get multiple tags
+*TagsApi* | [**get_tags_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/tags | Get a task&#x27;s tags
+*TagsApi* | [**get_tags_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Get tags in a workspace
+*TagsApi* | [**update_tag**]( | **PUT** /tags/{tag_gid} | Update a tag
+*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**delete_task_template**]( | **DELETE** /task_templates/{task_template_gid} | Delete a task template
+*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**get_task_template**]( | **GET** /task_templates/{task_template_gid} | Get a task template
+*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**get_task_templates**]( | **GET** /task_templates | Get multiple task templates
+*TaskTemplatesApi* | [**instantiate_task**]( | **POST** /task_templates/{task_template_gid}/instantiateTask | Instantiate a task from a task template
+*TasksApi* | [**add_dependencies_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependencies | Set dependencies for a task
+*TasksApi* | [**add_dependents_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependents | Set dependents for a task
+*TasksApi* | [**add_followers_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a task
+*TasksApi* | [**add_project_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addProject | Add a project to a task
+*TasksApi* | [**add_tag_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/addTag | Add a tag to a task
+*TasksApi* | [**create_subtask_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Create a subtask
+*TasksApi* | [**create_task**]( | **POST** /tasks | Create a task
+*TasksApi* | [**delete_task**]( | **DELETE** /tasks/{task_gid} | Delete a task
+*TasksApi* | [**duplicate_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a task
+*TasksApi* | [**get_dependencies_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/dependencies | Get dependencies from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**get_dependents_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/dependents | Get dependents from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**get_subtasks_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Get subtasks from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**get_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid} | Get a task
+*TasksApi* | [**get_task_for_custom_id**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/custom_id/{custom_id} | Get a task for a given custom ID
+*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks**]( | **GET** /tasks | Get multiple tasks
+*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a project
+*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_section**]( | **GET** /sections/{section_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a section
+*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_tag**]( | **GET** /tags/{tag_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a tag
+*TasksApi* | [**get_tasks_for_user_task_list**]( | **GET** /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a user task list
+*TasksApi* | [**remove_dependencies_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependencies | Unlink dependencies from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**remove_dependents_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependents | Unlink dependents from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**remove_follower_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**remove_project_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeProject | Remove a project from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**remove_tag_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/removeTag | Remove a tag from a task
+*TasksApi* | [**search_tasks_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search | Search tasks in a workspace
+*TasksApi* | [**set_parent_for_task**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/setParent | Set the parent of a task
+*TasksApi* | [**update_task**]( | **PUT** /tasks/{task_gid} | Update a task
+*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_membership**]( | **GET** /team_memberships/{team_membership_gid} | Get a team membership
+*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_memberships**]( | **GET** /team_memberships | Get team memberships
+*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_memberships_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a team
+*TeamMembershipsApi* | [**get_team_memberships_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a user
+*TeamsApi* | [**add_user_for_team**]( | **POST** /teams/{team_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a team
+*TeamsApi* | [**create_team**]( | **POST** /teams | Create a team
+*TeamsApi* | [**get_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid} | Get a team
+*TeamsApi* | [**get_teams_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/teams | Get teams for a user
+*TeamsApi* | [**get_teams_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/teams | Get teams in a workspace
+*TeamsApi* | [**remove_user_for_team**]( | **POST** /teams/{team_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a team
+*TeamsApi* | [**update_team**]( | **PUT** /teams/{team_gid} | Update a team
+*TimePeriodsApi* | [**get_time_period**]( | **GET** /time_periods/{time_period_gid} | Get a time period
+*TimePeriodsApi* | [**get_time_periods**]( | **GET** /time_periods | Get time periods
+*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**create_time_tracking_entry**]( | **POST** /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries | Create a time tracking entry
+*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**delete_time_tracking_entry**]( | **DELETE** /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Delete a time tracking entry
+*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**get_time_tracking_entries_for_task**]( | **GET** /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries | Get time tracking entries for a task
+*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**get_time_tracking_entry**]( | **GET** /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Get a time tracking entry
+*TimeTrackingEntriesApi* | [**update_time_tracking_entry**]( | **PUT** /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Update a time tracking entry
+*TypeaheadApi* | [**typeahead_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/typeahead | Get objects via typeahead
+*UserTaskListsApi* | [**get_user_task_list**]( | **GET** /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid} | Get a user task list
+*UserTaskListsApi* | [**get_user_task_list_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/user_task_list | Get a user&#x27;s task list
+*UsersApi* | [**get_favorites_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/favorites | Get a user&#x27;s favorites
+*UsersApi* | [**get_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid} | Get a user
+*UsersApi* | [**get_users**]( | **GET** /users | Get multiple users
+*UsersApi* | [**get_users_for_team**]( | **GET** /teams/{team_gid}/users | Get users in a team
+*UsersApi* | [**get_users_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/users | Get users in a workspace or organization
+*WebhooksApi* | [**create_webhook**]( | **POST** /webhooks | Establish a webhook
+*WebhooksApi* | [**delete_webhook**]( | **DELETE** /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Delete a webhook
+*WebhooksApi* | [**get_webhook**]( | **GET** /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Get a webhook
+*WebhooksApi* | [**get_webhooks**]( | **GET** /webhooks | Get multiple webhooks
+*WebhooksApi* | [**update_webhook**]( | **PUT** /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Update a webhook
+*WorkspaceMembershipsApi* | [**get_workspace_membership**]( | **GET** /workspace_memberships/{workspace_membership_gid} | Get a workspace membership
+*WorkspaceMembershipsApi* | [**get_workspace_memberships_for_user**]( | **GET** /users/{user_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get workspace memberships for a user
+*WorkspaceMembershipsApi* | [**get_workspace_memberships_for_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get the workspace memberships for a workspace
+*WorkspacesApi* | [**add_user_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a workspace or organization
+*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspace**]( | **GET** /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Get a workspace
+*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspaces**]( | **GET** /workspaces | Get multiple workspaces
+*WorkspacesApi* | [**remove_user_for_workspace**]( | **POST** /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a workspace or organization
+*WorkspacesApi* | [**update_workspace**]( | **PUT** /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Update a workspace
 ## Accessing repsonse data
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ for thread in threads:
 The pagination feature is enabled by default. This means two things:
-1: Endpoints that return a single response (EX: [get_task]( ([Get a task](, [get_project]( ([Get a project](, etc...)
+1: Endpoints that return a single response (EX: [get_task]( ([Get a task](, [get_project]( ([Get a project](, etc...)
 will return a response with the `"data"` key abstracted from the response.
 Instead of returning:
@@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ It returns:
-2: Endpoints that return an array of resources (EX: [get_tasks]( ([Get multiple tasks](, [get_projects]( ([Get multiple projects](, etc...)
-will return a generator object ([PageIterator.items]( that you can use to iterate through each result.
+2: Endpoints that return an array of resources (EX: [get_tasks]( ([Get multiple tasks](, [get_projects]( ([Get multiple projects](, etc...)
+will return a generator object ([PageIterator.items]( that you can use to iterate through each result.
 Example usage 1:
diff --git a/asana/ b/asana/
index a7b6b56..ec99aea 100644
--- a/asana/
+++ b/asana/
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ def __init__(self, configuration=None, header_name=None, header_value=None,
             self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
         self.cookie = cookie
         # Set default User-Agent.
-        self.user_agent = 'Swagger-Codegen/5.0.4/python'
+        self.user_agent = 'Swagger-Codegen/5.0.5/python'
         # Add custom header
         self.default_headers['X-Asana-Client-Lib'] = urlencode(
                 'language': 'Python',
-                'version': '5.0.4',
+                'version': '5.0.5',
                 'language_version': platform.python_version(),
                 'os': platform.system(),
                 'os_version': platform.release()
diff --git a/asana/ b/asana/
index e2066bb..ee406e6 100644
--- a/asana/
+++ b/asana/
@@ -256,5 +256,5 @@ def to_debug_report(self):
                "OS: {env}\n"\
                "Python Version: {pyversion}\n"\
                "Version of the API: 1.0\n"\
-               "SDK Package Version: 5.0.4".\
+               "SDK Package Version: 5.0.5".\
                format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version)
diff --git a/ b/
index fa0e73f..1879c8f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages  # noqa: H301
 NAME = "asana"
-VERSION = "5.0.4"
+VERSION = "5.0.5"
 with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) as readme:
 # To install the library, run the following