diff --git a/scrape.js b/scrape.js
index 1bfbcad2..becd1d6f 100644
--- a/scrape.js
+++ b/scrape.js
// --------------- Includes ------------------
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
+const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
+const { URLSearchParams } = require('url');
// Initialize with the string
@@ -946,74 +948,70 @@ async function scrape_assignments(session_id, apache_token) {
// Returns list of black/silver day pairs of class names and room numbers
async function scrape_schedule(username, password) {
- let session = await scrape_login();
- let page = await submit_login(username, password, session.apache_token, session.session_id);
+ const session = await scrape_login();
+ const page = await submit_login(username, password, session.apache_token, session.session_id);
if (page.fail) {
- return {"login_fail": true};
+ return { "login_fail": true };
- let schedule_page = (await fetch_body(
- "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleContextList.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.list",
- {
- "credentials": "include",
- "headers": {
- "Connection": "keep-alive",
- "User-Agent": HEADERS["User-Agent"],
- "Accept": HEADERS["Accept"],
- "Accept-Language": HEADERS["Accept-Language"],
- "Referer": "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleMatrix.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.matrix&termOid=&schoolOid=null&k8Mode=null&viewDate=2/5/2019&userEvent=0",
- "Accept-Encoding": HEADERS["Accept-Encoding"],
- "Cookie": `JSESSIONID=${session.session_id}`
+ const initial_page = await (await fetch(
+ "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleContextList.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.list", {
+ headers: {
+ "Cookie": `JSESSIONID=${session.session_id}`,
+ },
+ })).text();
+ // This is a term OID that is specific to the schedule view (not the same
+ // as the OIDs in the output of get_quarter_oids)
+ const [, term_oid] = new RegExp(
+ String.raw``
+ ).exec(initial_page);
+ const schedule_page = await (await fetch(
+ "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleMatrix.do?" +
+ new URLSearchParams({
+ "navkey": "myInfo.sch.matrix",
+ "termOid": term_oid,
+ }), {
+ headers: {
+ "Cookie": `JSESSIONID=${session.session_id}`,
- "referrer": "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleMatrix.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.matrix&termOid=&schoolOid=null&k8Mode=null&viewDate=2/5/2019&userEvent=0",
- "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
- "body": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "mode": "cors"
- }
- ));
+ })).text();
+ const { window: { document } } = new JSDOM(schedule_page);
+ const rows = document.querySelectorAll(
+ "table[cellspacing='1'] > tbody > tr:not([class])"
+ );
- if (schedule_page.includes("Matrix view")) {
- schedule_page = (await fetch_body(
- "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleMatrix.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.matrix&termOid=&schoolOid=null&k8Mode=null&viewDate=&userEvent=0",
- {
- "credentials": "include",
- "headers": {
- "Connection": "keep-alive",
- "Pragma": "no-cache",
- "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
- "User-Agent": HEADERS["User-Agent"],
- "Accept": HEADERS["Accept"],
- "Accept-Language": HEADERS["Accept-Language"],
- "Referer": "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleContextList.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.list&forceRedirect=false",
- "Accept-Encoding": HEADERS["Accept-Encoding"],
- "Cookie": `deploymentId=x2sis; JSESSIONID=${session.session_id}`
- },
- "referrer": "https://aspen.cpsd.us/aspen/studentScheduleContextList.do?navkey=myInfo.sch.list&forceRedirect=false",
- "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
- "body": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "mode": "cors"
- }
- ));
- }
+ // Get a matrix of the cells in the first three columns of the table, then
+ // transpose it to get a list of periods, a list of silver day classes
+ // (from Monday), and a list of black day classes (from Tuesday).
- let $ = cheerio.load(schedule_page);
- let data = { black:[], silver:[] };
- $('td[style="width: 125px"]').each(function(i, elem) {
- const parts = $(this).html().trim().split('
').slice(0, 4);
- const period = $(this).parentsUntil('td').prev().find('th').html().trim();
- const block = {id: parts[0], name: parts[1], teacher: parts[2], room: parts[3], aspenPeriod: period};
- if (i % 2 == 0) {
- data.black[i/2] = block;
- } else {
- data.silver[Math.floor(i/2)] = block;
- }
- });
+ const transpose = matrix =>
+ matrix[0].map((col, i) => matrix.map(row => row[i]));
+ // Transpose algorithm: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46805290
- log("schedule", data);
- return data;
+ const [periods, silver_html, black_html] = transpose([...rows].map(row =>
+ [1, 2, 3].map(n =>
+ row.querySelector(`td:nth-child(${n})`)
+ ?.querySelector("td, th")?.innerHTML.trim() ?? ""
+ )
+ ));
+ const isScheduleItem = x => x !== undefined;
+ const [black, silver] = [black_html, silver_html].map(arr =>
+ arr.map((x, i) => {
+ if (x) {
+ const lines = x.split("
+ // Decode HTML entities (https://stackoverflow.com/a/7394787)
+ const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
+ const [id, name, teacher, room] = lines.map(line => {
+ textarea.innerHTML = line;
+ return textarea.value;
+ });
+ const aspenPeriod = periods[i];
+ return { id, name, teacher, room, aspenPeriod };
+ }
+ }).filter(isScheduleItem)
+ );
+ return { black, silver };
// Returns body of fetch