diff --git a/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByItem.cs b/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByItem.cs
index 1d0887dd3e..0853ac2e47 100644
--- a/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByItem.cs
+++ b/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByItem.cs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public CosmosElement Item
if (!this.cosmosObject.TryGetValue(ItemName, out CosmosElement cosmosElement))
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"Underlying object does not have an 'item' field.");
+ cosmosElement = null;
return cosmosElement;
diff --git a/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByQuery/OrderByConsumeComparer.cs b/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByQuery/OrderByConsumeComparer.cs
index 831ef8a35a..9fb5b7d129 100644
--- a/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByQuery/OrderByConsumeComparer.cs
+++ b/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/src/Query/Core/OrderByQuery/OrderByConsumeComparer.cs
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Query.ParallelQuery
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Globalization;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.CosmosElements;
- using RMResources = Documents.RMResources;
/// For cross partition order by queries we serve documents from the partition
@@ -17,12 +14,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Query.ParallelQuery
internal sealed class OrderByConsumeComparer : IComparer
- ///
- /// This flag used to determine whether we should support mixed type order by.
- /// For testing purposes we might turn it on to test mixed type order by on index v2.
- ///
- public static bool AllowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag = false;
/// The sort orders for the query (1 for each order by in the query).
/// Until composite indexing is released this will just be an array of length 1.
@@ -132,11 +123,6 @@ public int CompareOrderByItems(IList items1, IList ite
this.sortOrders.Count == items1.Count,
"SortOrders must match size of order-by items.");
- if (!AllowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag)
- {
- this.CheckTypeMatching(items1, items2);
- }
for (int i = 0; i < this.sortOrders.Count; ++i)
int cmp = ItemComparer.Instance.Compare(
@@ -151,39 +137,5 @@ public int CompareOrderByItems(IList items1, IList ite
return 0;
- ///
- /// With index V1 collections we have the check the types of the items since it is impossible to support mixed typed order by for V1 collections.
- /// The reason for this is, since V1 does not order types.
- /// The only constraint is that all the numbers will be sorted with respect to each other and same for the strings, but strings and numbers might get interleaved.
- /// Take the following example:
- /// Partition 1: "A", 1, "B", 2
- /// Partition 2: 42, "Z", 0x5F3759DF
- /// Step 1: Compare "A" to 42 and WLOG 42 comes first
- /// Step 2: Compare "A" to "Z" and "A" comes first
- /// Step 3: Compare "Z" to 1 and WLOG 1 comes first
- /// Whoops: We have 42, "A", 1 and 1 should come before 42.
- ///
- /// The items relevant to the sort for the first partition.
- /// The items relevant to the sort for the second partition.
- private void CheckTypeMatching(IList items1, IList items2)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < items1.Count; ++i)
- {
- CosmosElementType itemType1 = items1[i].Item.Type;
- CosmosElementType itemType2 = items2[i].Item.Type;
- if (itemType1 != itemType2)
- {
- throw new NotSupportedException(
- string.Format(
- CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
- RMResources.UnsupportedCrossPartitionOrderByQueryOnMixedTypes,
- itemType1,
- itemType2,
- items1[i]));
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/tests/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.EmulatorTests/CrossPartitionQueryTests.cs b/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/tests/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.EmulatorTests/CrossPartitionQueryTests.cs
index 2432bf0f4f..9e818220d4 100644
--- a/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/tests/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.EmulatorTests/CrossPartitionQueryTests.cs
+++ b/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/tests/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.EmulatorTests/CrossPartitionQueryTests.cs
@@ -2750,23 +2750,6 @@ public async Task TestMixedTypeOrderBy()
- // Just have range indexes
- Cosmos.IndexingPolicy indexV1Policy = new Cosmos.IndexingPolicy()
- {
- IncludedPaths = new Collection()
- {
- new Cosmos.IncludedPath()
- {
- Path = "/*",
- Indexes = new Collection()
- {
- Cosmos.Index.Range(Cosmos.DataType.String, -1),
- Cosmos.Index.Range(Cosmos.DataType.Number, -1),
- }
- }
- }
- };
// Add a composite index to force an index v2 container to be made.
Cosmos.IndexingPolicy indexV2Policy = new Cosmos.IndexingPolicy()
@@ -2775,6 +2758,10 @@ public async Task TestMixedTypeOrderBy()
new Cosmos.IncludedPath()
Path = "/*",
+ },
+ new Cosmos.IncludedPath()
+ {
+ Path = $"/{nameof(MixedTypedDocument.MixedTypeField)}/?",
@@ -2795,92 +2782,30 @@ public async Task TestMixedTypeOrderBy()
- string indexV2Api = HttpConstants.Versions.v2018_09_17;
- string indexV1Api = HttpConstants.Versions.v2017_11_15;
- async Task runWithAllowMixedTypeOrderByFlag(bool allowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag, OrderByTypes[] orderByTypes, Action expectedExcpetionHandler)
- {
- bool allowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlagOriginalValue = OrderByConsumeComparer.AllowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag;
- string apiVersion = allowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag ? indexV2Api : indexV1Api;
- Cosmos.IndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = allowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag ? indexV2Policy : indexV1Policy;
- try
- {
- OrderByConsumeComparer.AllowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag = allowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag;
- await this.RunWithApiVersion(
- apiVersion,
- async () =>
- {
- await this.CreateIngestQueryDelete>>(
- ConnectionModes.Direct,
- CollectionTypes.SinglePartition | CollectionTypes.MultiPartition,
- documents,
- this.TestMixedTypeOrderByHelper,
- new Tuple>(orderByTypes, expectedExcpetionHandler),
- "/id",
- indexingPolicy);
- });
- }
- finally
- {
- OrderByConsumeComparer.AllowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlag = allowMixedTypeOrderByTestFlagOriginalValue;
- }
- }
- bool dontAllowMixedTypes = false;
- bool doAllowMixedTypes = true;
OrderByTypes primitives = OrderByTypes.Bool | OrderByTypes.Null | OrderByTypes.Number | OrderByTypes.String;
OrderByTypes nonPrimitives = OrderByTypes.Array | OrderByTypes.Object;
OrderByTypes all = primitives | nonPrimitives | OrderByTypes.Undefined;
- // Don't allow mixed types but single type order by should still work
- await runWithAllowMixedTypeOrderByFlag(
- dontAllowMixedTypes,
- new OrderByTypes[]
- {
- OrderByTypes.Array,
- OrderByTypes.Bool,
- OrderByTypes.Null,
- OrderByTypes.Number,
- OrderByTypes.Object,
- OrderByTypes.String,
- OrderByTypes.Undefined,
- }, null);
- // If you don't allow mixed types but you run a mixed type query then you should get an exception or the results are just wrong.
- await runWithAllowMixedTypeOrderByFlag(
- dontAllowMixedTypes,
- new OrderByTypes[]
- {
- all,
- primitives,
- },
- (exception) =>
- {
- Assert.IsTrue(
- // Either we get the weird client exception for having mixed types
- exception.Message.Contains("Cannot execute cross partition order-by queries on mix types.")
- // Or the results are just messed up since the pages in isolation were not mixed typed.
- || exception.GetType() == typeof(AssertFailedException));
- });
- // Mixed type orderby should work for all scenarios,
- // since for now the non primitives are accepted to not be served from the index.
- await runWithAllowMixedTypeOrderByFlag(
- doAllowMixedTypes,
- new OrderByTypes[]
- {
- OrderByTypes.Array,
- OrderByTypes.Bool,
- OrderByTypes.Null,
- OrderByTypes.Number,
- OrderByTypes.Object,
- OrderByTypes.String,
- OrderByTypes.Undefined,
- primitives,
- nonPrimitives,
- all,
- }, null);
+ await this.CreateIngestQueryDelete(
+ ConnectionModes.Direct,
+ CollectionTypes.SinglePartition | CollectionTypes.MultiPartition,
+ documents,
+ this.TestMixedTypeOrderByHelper,
+ new OrderByTypes[]
+ {
+ OrderByTypes.Array,
+ OrderByTypes.Bool,
+ OrderByTypes.Null,
+ OrderByTypes.Number,
+ OrderByTypes.Object,
+ OrderByTypes.String,
+ OrderByTypes.Undefined,
+ primitives,
+ nonPrimitives,
+ all,
+ },
+ "/id",
+ indexV2Policy);
private sealed class MixedTypedDocument
@@ -2926,24 +2851,15 @@ private static CosmosElement GenerateRandomJsonValue(Random random)
- private sealed class MockOrderByComparer : IComparer