diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationResetTests.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationResetTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05a7c5b2100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationResetTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Common;
+using Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Console;
+using Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Store;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using Xunit;
+namespace Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests.IntegrationTests
+ // Reset Test Scenarios involving https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration
+ // Setup:
+ // The files live under https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration/tree/main/pull/scenarios.
+ // Each file contains nothing but a single version digit, which is used for verification purposes.
+ // Most of the scenarios involve restoring from a SHA, updating, adding, and/or deleting files locally
+ // and then performing a Reset and verifying that the only the files in the original SHA are there and
+ // they've been restored to what they were in the original SHA.
+ public class GitStoreIntegrationResetTests
+ {
+ private GitStore _defaultStore;
+ private ConsoleWrapperTester _consoleWrapperTester;
+ // Right now, this is necessary for testing purposes but the real server won't have
+ // this issue.
+ public GitStoreIntegrationResetTests()
+ {
+ var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
+ DebugLogger.ConfigureLogger(loggerFactory);
+ _consoleWrapperTester = new ConsoleWrapperTester();
+ _defaultStore = new GitStore(_consoleWrapperTester);
+ }
+ // Scenario 1 - Changes to existing files only are detected and overridden with Reset response Y
+ // 1. Restore from SHA fc54d000d0427c4a68bc8962d40f957f59e14577
+ // 2. Expect: 3 files with versions they were checked in with
+ // 3. Update one or more files, incrementing their version
+ // 4. Expect: files updated should be at version 2
+ // 5. Reset with Y
+ // 6. Expect: each file should be at it's initial version, the version that was in the original SHA
+ [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because the integration branch permissions need to be set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
+ [InlineData(
+ @"{
+ ""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
+ ""AssetsRepoPrefixPath"": ""pull/scenarios"",
+ ""AssetsRepoId"": """",
+ ""AssetsRepoBranch"": ""main"",
+ ""SHA"": ""fc54d000d0427c4a68bc8962d40f957f59e14577""
+ }")]
+ public async Task Scenario1(string inputJson)
+ {
+ var folderStructure = new string[]
+ {
+ GitStoretests.AssetsJson
+ };
+ var testFolder = TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder(inputJson, folderStructure);
+ try
+ {
+ var jsonFileLocation = Path.Join(testFolder, GitStoretests.AssetsJson);
+ var parsedConfiguration = await _defaultStore.ParseConfigurationFile(jsonFileLocation);
+ await _defaultStore.Restore(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Calling Path.GetFullPath of the Path.Combine will ensure any directory separators are normalized for
+ // the OS the test is running on. The reason being is that AssetsRepoPrefixPath, if there's a separator,
+ // will be a forward one as expected by git but on Windows this won't result in a usable path.
+ string localFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoLocation, parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoPrefixPath));
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 1));
+ // Increment file versions to cause a change on disk
+ TestHelpers.IncrementFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt");
+ TestHelpers.IncrementFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt");
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ // Reset the cloned assets, reponse for overwrite = Y
+ _consoleWrapperTester.SetReadLineResponse("Y");
+ await _defaultStore.Reset(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Verify all files have been set back to their original versions
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 1));
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ DirectoryHelper.DeleteGitDirectory(testFolder);
+ }
+ }
+ // Scenario 2 - Changes to existing files only are detected and retained with Reset response N
+ // 1. Restore from SHA fc54d000d0427c4a68bc8962d40f957f59e14577
+ // 2. Expect: 3 files with versions they were checked in with
+ // 3. Update one or more files, incrementing their version
+ // 4. Expect: files updated should be at version 2
+ // 5. Reset with N
+ // 6. Expect: file versions should be what they were in step 4
+ [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because the integration branch permissions need to be set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
+ [InlineData(
+ @"{
+ ""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
+ ""AssetsRepoPrefixPath"": ""pull/scenarios"",
+ ""AssetsRepoId"": """",
+ ""AssetsRepoBranch"": ""main"",
+ ""SHA"": ""fc54d000d0427c4a68bc8962d40f957f59e14577""
+ }")]
+ public async Task Scenario2(string inputJson)
+ {
+ var folderStructure = new string[]
+ {
+ GitStoretests.AssetsJson
+ };
+ var testFolder = TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder(inputJson, folderStructure);
+ try
+ {
+ var jsonFileLocation = Path.Join(testFolder, GitStoretests.AssetsJson);
+ var parsedConfiguration = await _defaultStore.ParseConfigurationFile(jsonFileLocation);
+ await _defaultStore.Restore(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Calling Path.GetFullPath of the Path.Combine will ensure any directory separators are normalized for
+ // the OS the test is running on. The reason being is that AssetsRepoPrefixPath, if there's a separator,
+ // will be a forward one as expected by git but on Windows this won't result in a usable path.
+ string localFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoLocation, parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoPrefixPath));
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 1));
+ // Increment file versions to cause a change on disk
+ TestHelpers.IncrementFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt");
+ TestHelpers.IncrementFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt");
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ // Reset the cloned assets, reponse for overwrite = N
+ _consoleWrapperTester.SetReadLineResponse("N");
+ await _defaultStore.Reset(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Verify all files have been set back to their original versions
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ DirectoryHelper.DeleteGitDirectory(testFolder);
+ }
+ }
+ // Scenario 3 - Restore from SHA, add and remove files, Reset response Y
+ // 1. Restore from SHA 9e81fbb7d08c2df4cbdbfaffe79cde5d72f560d1
+ // 2. Expect: 4 files with versions they were checked in with
+ // 3. Update add/remove files
+ // 4. Expect: Untouched files are the same versions as step 2, added files are version 1, removed files are gone
+ // 5. Reset with Y
+ // 6. Expect: each file should be at it's initial version, the version that was in the original SHA
+ [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because the integration branch permissions need to be set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
+ [InlineData(
+ @"{
+ ""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
+ ""AssetsRepoPrefixPath"": ""pull/scenarios"",
+ ""AssetsRepoId"": """",
+ ""AssetsRepoBranch"": ""main"",
+ ""SHA"": ""9e81fbb7d08c2df4cbdbfaffe79cde5d72f560d1""
+ }")]
+ public async Task Scenario3(string inputJson)
+ {
+ var folderStructure = new string[]
+ {
+ GitStoretests.AssetsJson
+ };
+ var testFolder = TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder(inputJson, folderStructure);
+ try
+ {
+ var jsonFileLocation = Path.Join(testFolder, GitStoretests.AssetsJson);
+ var parsedConfiguration = await _defaultStore.ParseConfigurationFile(jsonFileLocation);
+ await _defaultStore.Restore(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Calling Path.GetFullPath of the Path.Combine will ensure any directory separators are normalized for
+ // the OS the test is running on. The reason being is that AssetsRepoPrefixPath, if there's a separator,
+ // will be a forward one as expected by git but on Windows this won't result in a usable path.
+ string localFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoLocation, parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoPrefixPath));
+ // Verify files from SHA
+ Assert.Equal(4, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file4.txt", 1));
+ // Delete a couple of files
+ File.Delete(Path.Combine(localFilePath, "file2.txt"));
+ File.Delete(Path.Combine(localFilePath, "file4.txt"));
+ // Add a file
+ TestHelpers.CreateFileWithInitialVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt");
+ // Verify the set of files after the additions/deletions
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ // Reset the cloned assets, reponse for overwrite = Y
+ _consoleWrapperTester.SetReadLineResponse("Y");
+ await _defaultStore.Reset(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Verify the only files there are ones from the SHA
+ Assert.Equal(4, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file4.txt", 1));
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ DirectoryHelper.DeleteGitDirectory(testFolder);
+ }
+ }
+ // Scenario 4 - Restore from SHA, add and remove files, Reset response N
+ // 1. Restore from SHA 9e81fbb7d08c2df4cbdbfaffe79cde5d72f560d1
+ // 2. Expect: 4 files with versions they were checked in with
+ // 3. Update add/remove files
+ // 4. Expect: Untouched files are the same versions as step 2, added files are version 1, removed files are gone
+ // 5. Reset with N
+ // 6. Expect: same files and same versions as step 4
+ [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because the integration branch permissions need to be set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
+ [InlineData(
+ @"{
+ ""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
+ ""AssetsRepoPrefixPath"": ""pull/scenarios"",
+ ""AssetsRepoId"": """",
+ ""AssetsRepoBranch"": ""main"",
+ ""SHA"": ""9e81fbb7d08c2df4cbdbfaffe79cde5d72f560d1""
+ }")]
+ public async Task Scenario4(string inputJson)
+ {
+ var folderStructure = new string[]
+ {
+ GitStoretests.AssetsJson
+ };
+ var testFolder = TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder(inputJson, folderStructure);
+ try
+ {
+ var jsonFileLocation = Path.Join(testFolder, GitStoretests.AssetsJson);
+ var parsedConfiguration = await _defaultStore.ParseConfigurationFile(jsonFileLocation);
+ await _defaultStore.Restore(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Calling Path.GetFullPath of the Path.Combine will ensure any directory separators are normalized for
+ // the OS the test is running on. The reason being is that AssetsRepoPrefixPath, if there's a separator,
+ // will be a forward one as expected by git but on Windows this won't result in a usable path.
+ string localFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoLocation, parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoPrefixPath));
+ // Verify files from SHA
+ Assert.Equal(4, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file4.txt", 1));
+ // Delete a couple of files
+ File.Delete(Path.Combine(localFilePath, "file2.txt"));
+ File.Delete(Path.Combine(localFilePath, "file4.txt"));
+ // Add a file
+ TestHelpers.CreateFileWithInitialVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt");
+ // Verify the set of files after the additions/deletions
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ // Reset the cloned assets, reponse for overwrite = N
+ _consoleWrapperTester.SetReadLineResponse("N");
+ await _defaultStore.Reset(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Verify the only files were not restored from the SHA
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ DirectoryHelper.DeleteGitDirectory(testFolder);
+ }
+ }
+ // Scenario 5 - Restore from SHA, add and remove files, Reset response N, then Reset response Y
+ // 1. Restore from SHA 9e81fbb7d08c2df4cbdbfaffe79cde5d72f560d1
+ // 2. Expect: 3 files with versions they were checked in with
+ // 3. Update add/remove files
+ // 4. Expect: Untouched files are the same versions as step 2, added files are version 1, removed files are gone
+ // 5. Reset with N
+ // 6. Expect: same files and same versions as step 4
+ // 7. Reset with Y
+ // 8. Expect: same files and same versions as step 2
+ [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because the integration branch permissions need to be set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
+ [InlineData(
+ @"{
+ ""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
+ ""AssetsRepoPrefixPath"": ""pull/scenarios"",
+ ""AssetsRepoId"": """",
+ ""AssetsRepoBranch"": ""main"",
+ ""SHA"": ""bb2223a3aa0472ff481f8e1850e7647dc39fbfdd""
+ }")]
+ public async Task Scenario5(string inputJson)
+ {
+ var folderStructure = new string[]
+ {
+ GitStoretests.AssetsJson
+ };
+ var testFolder = TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder(inputJson, folderStructure);
+ try
+ {
+ var jsonFileLocation = Path.Join(testFolder, GitStoretests.AssetsJson);
+ var parsedConfiguration = await _defaultStore.ParseConfigurationFile(jsonFileLocation);
+ await _defaultStore.Restore(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Calling Path.GetFullPath of the Path.Combine will ensure any directory separators are normalized for
+ // the OS the test is running on. The reason being is that AssetsRepoPrefixPath, if there's a separator,
+ // will be a forward one as expected by git but on Windows this won't result in a usable path.
+ string localFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoLocation, parsedConfiguration.AssetsRepoPrefixPath));
+ // Verify files from SHA
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file4.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ // Delete a file
+ File.Delete(Path.Combine(localFilePath, "file4.txt"));
+ // Add a couple of files
+ TestHelpers.CreateFileWithInitialVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt");
+ TestHelpers.CreateFileWithInitialVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt");
+ // Verify the set of files after the additions/deletions
+ Assert.Equal(4, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ // Reset the cloned assets, reponse for overwrite = N
+ _consoleWrapperTester.SetReadLineResponse("N");
+ await _defaultStore.Reset(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Verify the files were not restored from the SHA
+ Assert.Equal(4, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file1.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file3.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ // Reset the cloned assets, reponse for overwrite = Y
+ _consoleWrapperTester.SetReadLineResponse("Y");
+ await _defaultStore.Reset(jsonFileLocation);
+ // Verify files are from the SHA
+ Assert.Equal(3, System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFilePath).Count());
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file2.txt", 2));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file4.txt", 1));
+ Assert.True(TestHelpers.VerifyFileVersion(localFilePath, "file5.txt", 1));
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ DirectoryHelper.DeleteGitDirectory(testFolder);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationRestoreTests.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationRestoreTests.cs
index b4abe7caecd..db719ed4e24 100644
--- a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationRestoreTests.cs
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/IntegrationTests/GitStoreIntegrationRestoreTests.cs
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
namespace Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests.IntegrationTests
- // Pull Test Scenarios involving https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration
+ // Restore Test Scenarios involving https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration
// Setup:
// The files live under https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration/tree/main/pull/scenarios.
// Each file contains nothing but a single version digit, which is used for verification purposes.
- // There are 3 pull test scenarios and each uses a different SHA. The scenarios are detailed down
+ // There are restore test scenarios and each uses a different SHA. The scenarios are detailed down
// below with their test functions.
public class GitStoreIntegrationRestoreTests
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ public GitStoreIntegrationRestoreTests()
// Added file2.txt
// Added file3.txt
// Expect: each file should be version 1
- [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because we the integration branch permissions set for the test suite to run.")]
+ [Theory(Skip = "Skipping because the integration branch permissions need to be set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ public async Task Scenario1(string inputJson)
// file3 version 2
// file4 version 1
[Theory(Skip = "Skipping because we the integration branch permissions set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
@@ -144,6 +146,7 @@ public async Task Scenario2(string inputJson)
// file4 version 1
// file5 version 1
[Theory(Skip = "Skipping because we the integration branch permissions set for the test suite to run.")]
+ //[Theory]
""AssetsRepo"": ""Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration"",
diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/TestHelpers.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/TestHelpers.cs
index d91b12ea2b5..2350dcb6e03 100644
--- a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/TestHelpers.cs
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Tests/TestHelpers.cs
@@ -231,9 +231,8 @@ public static bool VerifyFileVersion(string testFolder, string fileName, int exp
/// Verify the version, inside the file, for a given file inside of a test folder.
/// The temporary test folder created by TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder
- /// The fileName whose version needs verification
- /// The expected version in the file
- public static bool IncrementFileVersion(string testFolder, string fileName)
+ /// The file whose version needs to be incremented
+ public static void IncrementFileVersion(string testFolder, string fileName)
string fullFileName = Path.Combine(testFolder, fileName);
string stringVersion = "";
@@ -254,8 +253,24 @@ public static bool IncrementFileVersion(string testFolder, string fileName)
File.WriteAllText(fullFileName, (++intVersion).ToString());
+ }
- return false;
+ ///
+ /// Create a new file with an initial version of 1
+ ///
+ /// The temporary test folder created by TestHelpers.DescribeTestFolder
+ /// The file to be created
+ public static void CreateFileWithInitialVersion(string testFolder, string fileName)
+ {
+ string fullFileName = Path.Combine(testFolder, fileName);
+ if (File.Exists(fullFileName))
+ {
+ string errorString = String.Format("FileName {0} already exists", fullFileName);
+ throw new ArgumentException(errorString);
+ }
+ File.WriteAllText(fullFileName, "1");
diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/ConsoleWrapper.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/ConsoleWrapper.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec1a9283348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/ConsoleWrapper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using System;
+namespace Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Console
+ ///
+ /// Implementation of IConsoleWrapper that's simply a passthrough to the Console functions.
+ ///
+ public class ConsoleWrapper : IConsoleWrapper
+ {
+ public void Write(string message)
+ {
+ System.Console.Write(message);
+ }
+ public void WriteLine(string message)
+ {
+ System.Console.WriteLine(message);
+ }
+ public string ReadLine()
+ {
+ return System.Console.ReadLine();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/ConsoleWrapperTester.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/ConsoleWrapperTester.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c032419ff5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/ConsoleWrapperTester.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+using System;
+namespace Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Console
+ ///
+ /// Implementation of IConsoleWrapper that will be used to test commands, like Reset, that require user input.
+ ///
+ public class ConsoleWrapperTester : IConsoleWrapper
+ {
+ private string _readLineResponse;
+ public ConsoleWrapperTester() { }
+ ///
+ /// Overloaded constructor takes in a string that'll be returned as the ReadLine response.
+ ///
+ /// string that'll be returned as the ReadLine response
+ public ConsoleWrapperTester(string readLineResponse)
+ {
+ _readLineResponse = readLineResponse;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Set the ReadLine response.
+ ///
+ /// string that'll be returned as the ReadLine response
+ public void SetReadLineResponse(string readLineResponse)
+ {
+ _readLineResponse = readLineResponse;
+ }
+ public void Write(string message)
+ {
+ System.Console.Write(message);
+ }
+ public void WriteLine(string message)
+ {
+ System.Console.WriteLine(message);
+ }
+ public string ReadLine()
+ {
+ return _readLineResponse;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/IConsoleWrapper.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/IConsoleWrapper.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04bcd2cbced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Console/IConsoleWrapper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Console
+ ///
+ /// IConsoleWrapper is just an interface around Console functions. This is necessary for testing
+ /// functions, like Reset, which require user input that we need to be able to control.
+ ///
+ public interface IConsoleWrapper
+ {
+ void Write(string message);
+ void WriteLine(string message);
+ string ReadLine();
+ }
diff --git a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Startup.cs b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Startup.cs
index 5605690eebe..54bf983e336 100644
--- a/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Startup.cs
+++ b/tools/test-proxy/Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy/Startup.cs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core;
using Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Store;
+using Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy.Console;
namespace Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ public static void Main(bool insecure = false, string storageLocation = null, st
var semanticVersion = assembly.GetCustomAttribute().InformationalVersion;
var assemblyVersion = assembly.GetName().Version;
- Console.WriteLine($"{assemblyVersion.Major}.{assemblyVersion.Minor}.{assemblyVersion.Build}-dev.{semanticVersion}");
+ System.Console.WriteLine($"{assemblyVersion.Major}.{assemblyVersion.Minor}.{assemblyVersion.Build}-dev.{semanticVersion}");
@@ -123,12 +124,12 @@ public static void Main(bool insecure = false, string storageLocation = null, st
if (dump)
var config = app.Services?.GetService();
- Console.WriteLine("Dumping Resolved Configuration Values:");
+ System.Console.WriteLine("Dumping Resolved Configuration Values:");
if (config != null)
foreach (var c in config.AsEnumerable())
- Console.WriteLine(c.Key + " = " + c.Value);
+ System.Console.WriteLine(c.Key + " = " + c.Value);
@@ -238,21 +239,21 @@ private static Thread PrintStatus(Func