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Make Pear run optionally
Add SPAdes 3.10.1
Save reports in json (optional)
Get maximum reads length from fastQintegrity for downstream modules
Save excluded contigs (optional)
Save assembly mapping coverage before and after filtration
Assembly mapping Qa/QC based on coverage after filtration
Gene presence/abscence in trueCoverage relies also in gene identity
In trueCoverage remove bases with Phred score lower than 7
Add Yersinia enterocolitica trueCoverage files set and Streptococcus
agalactiae trueCoverage files set (the latter based on MLST genes)
Change subprocess timeout kill
Change programs version check
  • Loading branch information
miguelpmachado authored Mar 3, 2017
1 parent c228270 commit a394b8f
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Showing 447 changed files with 4,713,109 additions and 424 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# mpmachado_stuff - file with different mpmachado stuffs

# trueCoverage_rematch fasta file

# Python stuff

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198 changes: 133 additions & 65 deletions

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94 changes: 63 additions & 31 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,21 +17,22 @@ Dependencies

- *Java JDK* >= v1.8
- *Java JDK*
- *mlst* ( >= v2.4 (it is recommended
to use a mlst version with updated databases)
- *gzip* >= v1.6 (normally found in Linux OS)

(executables are provided, but user's own executables can be used with `--doNotUseProvidedSoftware` option)

- *Bowtie2* >= v2.2.9
- *Samtools* = v1.3.1
- *FastQC* = v0.11.5
- *Trimmomatic* = v0.36 (make sure the .jar file is executable and it is
in your PATH)
- *Pear* = v0.9.10
- *SPAdes* >= v3.9.0
- *Pilon* = v1.18
- *Bowtie2* >= v2.2.9
- *Samtools* = v1.3.1

Expand All @@ -41,25 +42,29 @@ Usage

usage: [-h] [--version]
-i /path/to/input/directory/
-s "Streptococcus agalactiae"
-g 2.1
[-o /output/directory/] [-j N] [--doNotUseProvidedSoftware]
[--jarMaxMemory 10]
[--skipEstimatedCoverage] [--skipFastQC] [--skipTrimmomatic]
[--skipSPAdes] [--skipPilon] [--skipAssemblyMapping]
-s "Streptococcus agalactiae" -g 2.1
(-i /path/to/input/directory/ | -f /path/to/input/file_1.fq.gz /path/to/input/file_2.fq.gz)
[-o /output/directory/] [-j N]
[--jarMaxMemory 10] [--doNotUseProvidedSoftware]
[--skipEstimatedCoverage] [--skipFastQC]
[--skipTrimmomatic] [--skipSPAdes] [--skipAssemblyMapping]
[--skipPilon] [--skipMLST] [--runPear]
[--skipTrueCoverage | --trueConfigFile species.config]
[--adapters adaptersFile.fasta | --doNotSearchAdapters]
[--estimatedMinimumCoverage N]
[--doNotTrimCrops | [[--trimCrop N] [--trimHeadCrop N]]]
[--trimSlidingWindow window:meanQuality] [--trimLeading N]
[--trimTrailing N] [--trimMinLength N] [--trimKeepFiles]
[--spadesNotUseCareful] [--spadesMinContigsLength N]
[--spadesMaxMemory N] [--spadesMinCoverageAssembly 10]
[--spadesMinKmerCovContigs N]
[--pearKeepFiles] [--pearMinOverlap N]
[--spadesUse_3_9] [--spadesNotUseCareful]
[--spadesMinContigsLength N] [--spadesMaxMemory N]
[--spadesMinCoverageAssembly 10] [--spadesMinKmerCovContigs N]
[--spadesKmers 55 77 [55 77 ...] | --spadesDefaultKmers]
[--pilonKeepFiles] [--assemblyMinCoverageContigs N]
[--assemblyMinCoverageContigs N]

INNUca - Reads Control and Assembly

Expand All @@ -68,15 +73,19 @@ Usage
--version Version information

Required options:
-i /path/to/input/directory/, --inputDirectory /path/to/input/directory/
Path to directory containing the fastq files. Can be
organized in separete directories by samples or all
together (default: None)
-s "Streptococcus agalactiae", --speciesExpected "Streptococcus agalactiae"
Expected species name (default: None)
-g 2.1, --genomeSizeExpectedMb 2.1
Expected genome size in Mb (default: None)

Required INPUT options (one of the following):
-i /path/to/input/directory/, --inputDirectory /path/to/input/directory/
Path to directory containing the fastq files. Can be
organized in separete directories by samples or all
together (default: None)
-f /path/to/input/file_1.fq.gz /path/to/input/file_2.fq.gz, --fastq /path/to/input/file_1.fq.gz /path/to/input/file_2.fq.gz
Path to Pair-End Fastq files (default: None)

General options:
-o /output/directory/, --outdir /output/directory/
Path for output directory (default: .)
Expand All @@ -89,6 +98,9 @@ Usage
Tells the software to not use FastQC, Trimmomatic,
SPAdes, Bowtie2, Samtools and Pilon that are provided
with (default: False)
Tells INNUca to keep all the intermediate assemblies
(default: False)
Tells the programme to not estimate coverage depth
based on number of sequenced nucleotides and expected
Expand All @@ -102,14 +114,15 @@ Usage
--skipSPAdes Tells the programme to not run SPAdes and consequently
Pilon correction, Assembly Mapping check and MLST
analysis (SPAdes contigs required) (default: False)
--skipPilon Tells the programme to not run Pilon correction and
consequently Assembly Mapping check (bam files
required) (default: False)
Tells the programme to not run Assembly Mapping check
(default: False)
--skipPilon Tells the programme to not run Pilon correction and
consequently Assembly Mapping check (bam files
required) (default: False)
--skipMLST Tells the programme to not run MLST analysis (default:
--runPear Tells the programme to run Pear (default: False)

Adapters options (one of the following):
--adapters adaptersFile.fasta
Expand All @@ -136,6 +149,10 @@ Usage
--skipTrueCoverage is specified. Do not use together
with --skipTrueCoverage option (default: None)

FastQC options:
--fastQCkeepFiles Tells to not remove the output of
FastQC (default: False)

Trimmomatic options:
--doNotTrimCrops Tells to not cut the beginning and end of
reads during Trimmomatic step (unless specified with
Expand All @@ -159,17 +176,26 @@ Usage
--trimKeepFiles Tells to not remove the output of
Trimmomatic (default: False)

Pear options:
--pearKeepFiles Tells to not remove the output of Pear
(default: False)
--pearMinOverlap Minimum nucleotide overlap between read pairs for Pear
assembly them into only one read (default: 2/3 of maximum
reads length or 33 whenever is was not possible to determine
it with FastQC)

SPAdes options:
--spadesUse_3_9 Tells to use SPAdes v3.9.0 instead of v.3.10.1
(default: False)
Tells SPAdes to only perform the assembly without the
--careful option (default: False)
--spadesMinContigsLength N
Filter SPAdes contigs for length greater or equal than
this value (default: maximum reads size or 200 bp)
(default: None)
--spadesMaxMemory N The maximum amount of RAM Gb for SPAdes to use
(default: 2 Gb per thread will be used up to the free
available memory) (default: None)
available memory)
--spadesMinCoverageAssembly 10
The minimum number of reads to consider an edge in the
de Bruijn graph during the assembly. Can also be auto
Expand All @@ -187,27 +213,33 @@ Usage
--spadesDefaultKmers Tells INNUca to use SPAdes default k-mers (default:

Pilon options:
--pilonKeepFiles Tells to not remove the output of Pilon
(default: False)

Assembly Mapping options:
--assemblyMinCoverageContigs N
Minimum contigs average coverage. After mapping reads
back to the contigs, only keep contigs with at least
this average coverage (default: 30)
this average coverage (default: 1/3 of the assembly
mean coverage or 10x when mean coverage is lower than

Assembly options:
--saveExcludedContigs Tells to save excluded contigs (default: False)

Pilon options:
--pilonKeepFiles Tells to not remove the output of Pilon
(default: False)

Combine INNUca reports
In order to combine **INNUca** reports (Estimate Coverage, True Coverage, SPAdes, Pilon, Assembly Mapping, MLST), use ** found in **INNUca** modules folder
In order to combine **INNUca** reports (Estimate Coverage, True Coverage, Pear, SPAdes, Assembly Mapping, Pilon, MLST), use ** found in **INNUca** modules folder

usage: python [-h] [--version] -i
[-o /path/to/output/directory/]

Combine INNUca reports (Coverage, SPAdes, Pilon, MLST)
Combine INNUca reports (Estimated Coverage, True Coverage, Pear, SPAdes, Assembly
Mapping, Pilon, MLST)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
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