This is a chess engine made in Rust. It was originally made for my Year 2 Computer Science A-level project.
To compile, make sure you have Rust installed. Then, run cargo run --release
from the root directory.
- Bitboard-based representation and move generation (with a redundant mailbox)
- Magic bitboards
- UCI compatibility
- Lazy SMP
- Aspiration windows
- Principle variation search
- A transposition table
- Null move pruning
- Staged movegen
- Move ordering:
- TT-move
- MVV + SEE captures
- Killer moves
- Counter moves
- Histories:
- Butterfly history
- Continuation history
- Correction history
- Late move pruning
- Futility pruning
- Extensions:
- Check extensions
- Late move reductions
- Quiescence
- Piece-square tables