# Godot .gitignore config # # Aims to encompass the most commonly found files that we don't want committed # to Git, such as compilation output, IDE specific files, etc. # # It doesn't cover *all* thirdparty IDE extensions under the sun so if you have # specific needs covered here, you can add them to: # .git/info/exclude # # Or contribute them to this file if they're common enough that a good number of # users would benefit from the shared rules. # # This file is organized by sections, with subsections ordered alphabetically. # - Build configuration # - Godot generated files # - General build output # - IDE and tool specific # - Visual Studio specific # - OS specific ########################### ### Build configuration ### ########################### /custom.py misc/hooks/pre-commit-custom-* ############################# ### Godot generated files ### ############################# # Buildsystem bin *.gen.* compile_commands.json platform/windows/godot_res.res # Ninja build files *.ninja .ninja/ run_ninja_env.bat # Generated by Godot binary .import/ /gdextension_interface.h extension_api.json logs/ # Generated by unit tests tests/data/*.translation tests/data/crypto/out* ############################ ### General build output ### ############################ # C/C++ generated *.a *.ax *.d *.dll *.lib *.lo *.o *.os *.ox *.Plo *.so # Binutils tmp linker output of the form "stXXXXXX" where "X" is alphanumeric st[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9] # Python development .venv venv # Python generated __pycache__/ *.pyc # Python modules .*_cache/ # Documentation doc/_build/ # Android .gradle/ local.properties *.iml .gradletasknamecache project.properties platform/android/java/*/.cxx/ platform/android/java/*/build/ platform/android/java/*/libs/ # iOS *.dSYM # Web platform *.bc platform/web/node_modules/ # Misc *.debug ############################# ### IDE and tool specific ### ############################# # Automake .deps/* .dirstamp # ccls .ccls-cache/ # clangd .clangd/ .cache/ # CLion cmake-build-debug # Code::Blocks *.cbp *.layout *.depend # CodeLite *.project *.workspace .codelite/ # Cppcheck *.cppcheck cppcheck-cppcheck-build-dir/ # Eclipse CDT .cproject .settings/ *.pydevproject *.launch # Emacs \#*\# .\#* # GCOV code coverage *.gcda *.gcno # Geany *.geany .geanyprj # Gprof gmon.out # Jetbrains IDEs .idea/ .fleet/ # Kate *.kate-swp .kateproject.build # Kdevelop *.kdev4 # Qt Creator *.config *.creator *.creator.* *.files *.includes *.cflags *.cxxflags # SCons .sconf_temp .sconsign*.dblite .scons_env.json .scons_node_count # Sourcetrail *.srctrl* # Tags # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/Tags.gitignore # Ignore tags created by etags, ctags, gtags (GNU global) and cscope TAGS !TAGS/ tags *.tags !tags/ gtags.files GTAGS GRTAGS GPATH cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out # Vim *.swo *.swp # Visual Studio Code .vscode/ *.code-workspace .history/ # Xcode xcuserdata/ *.xcscmblueprint *.xccheckout *.xcodeproj/* !misc/misc/dist/ios_xcode/godot_ios.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj ############################## ### Visual Studio specific ### ############################## # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore # Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and # files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. # Actual VS project files we don't use *.sln *.vcxproj* # User-specific files *.rsuser *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates # User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio) *.userprefs # Build results [Dd]ebug/ [Dd]ebugPublic/ [Rr]elease/ [Rr]eleases/ x64/ x86/ [Ww][Ii][Nn]32/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]64/ bld/ [Bb]in/ [Oo]bj/ [Ll]og/ [Ll]ogs/ # Do not ignore arch-specific folders anywhere under thirdparty libraries !thirdparty/**/x64/ !thirdparty/**/x86/ !thirdparty/**/arm/ !thirdparty/**/arm64/ # Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory .vs/ # Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files Generated\ Files/ # Files built by Visual Studio *_i.c *_p.c *_h.h *.ilk *.meta *.obj *.iobj *.pch *.pdb *.ipdb *.pgc *.pgd *.rsp *.sbr *.tlb *.tli *.tlh *.tmp *.tmp_proj *_wpftmp.csproj *.log *.tlog *.vspscc *.vssscc .builds *.pidb *.svclog *.scc # Visual C++ cache files ipch/ *.aps *.ncb *.opendb *.opensdf *.sdf *.cachefile *.VC.db *.VC.VC.opendb # Visual Studio profiler *.psess *.vsp *.vspx *.sap # Visual Studio Trace Files *.e2e # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in _ReSharper*/ *.[Rr]e[Ss]harper *.DotSettings.user # Visual Studio cache files # files ending in .cache can be ignored *.[Cc]ache # Others ClientBin/ enc_temp_folder/ ~$* *.dbmdl *.dbproj.schemaview *.jfm *.pfx *.publishsettings orleans.codegen.cs # Backup & report files from converting an old project file # to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, # because we have git ;-) _UpgradeReport_Files/ Backup*/ UpgradeLog*.XML UpgradeLog*.htm ServiceFabricBackup/ *.rptproj.bak # Hint file for IntelliSense cpp.hint ################### ### OS specific ### ################### # Linux *~ .directory # macOS .DS_Store __MACOSX Godot.app # Windows # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/Windows.gitignore [Tt]humbs.db [Tt]humbs.db:encryptable ehthumbs.db ehthumbs_vista.db *.stackdump [Dd]esktop.ini $RECYCLE.BIN/ *.cab *.msi *.msix *.msm *.msp *.lnk *.generated.props