diff --git a/data/yara/CAPE/DCRat.yar b/data/yara/CAPE/DCRat.yar
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ca7696d..00000000
--- a/data/yara/CAPE/DCRat.yar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-rule DCRat {
- meta:
- author = "ditekSHen"
- description = "DCRat payload"
- cape_type = "DCRat Payload"
- strings:
- // DCRat
- $dc1 = "DCRatBuild" ascii
- $dc2 = "DCStlr" ascii
- $x1 = "px\">
DCRat Keylogger" wide
- $x2 = "DCRat-Log#" wide
- $x3 = "DCRat.Code" wide
- $string1 = "CaptureBrowsers" fullword ascii
- $string2 = "DecryptBrowsers" fullword ascii
- $string3 = "Browsers.IE10" ascii
- $string4 = "Browsers.Chromium" ascii
- $string5 = "WshShell" ascii
- $string6 = "SysMngmts" fullword ascii
- $string7 = "LoggerData" fullword ascii
- // DCRat Plugins/Libraries
- $plugin = "DCRatPlugin" fullword ascii
- // AntiVM
- $av1 = "AntiVM" ascii wide
- $av2 = "vmware" fullword wide
- $av3 = "VirtualBox" fullword wide
- $av4 = "microsoft corporation" fullword wide
- $av5 = "VIRTUAL" fullword wide
- $av6 = "DetectVirtualMachine" fullword ascii
- $av7 = "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem" fullword wide
- // Plugin_AutoStealer, Plugin_AutoKeylogger
- $pl1 = "dcratAPI" fullword ascii
- $pl2 = "dsockapi" fullword ascii
- $pl3 = "file_get_contents" fullword ascii
- $pl4 = "classthis" fullword ascii
- $pl5 = "typemdt" fullword ascii
- $pl6 = "Plugin_AutoStealer" ascii wide
- $pl7 = "Plugin_AutoKeylogger" ascii wide
- // variant
- $v1 = "Plugin couldn't process this action!" wide
- $v2 = "Unknown command!" wide
- $v3 = "PLUGINCONFIGS" wide
- $v4 = "Saving log..." wide
- $v5 = "~Work.log" wide
- $v6 = "MicrophoneNum" fullword wide
- $v7 = "WebcamNum" fullword wide
- $v8 = "%SystemDrive% - Slow" wide
- $v9 = "%UsersFolder% - Fast" wide
- $v10 = "%AppData% - Very Fast" wide
- $v11 = /\[(Up|Down|Enter|ESC|CTRL|Shift|Win|Tab|CAPSLOCK: (ON|OFF))\]<\/span>/ wide
- $px1 = "[Browsers] Scanned elements: " wide
- $px2 = "[Browsers] Grabbing cookies" wide
- $px3 = "[Browsers] Grabbing passwords" wide
- $px4 = "[Browsers] Grabbing forms" wide
- $px5 = "[Browsers] Grabbing CC" wide
- $px6 = "[Browsers] Grabbing history" wide
- $px7 = "[StealerPlugin] Invoke: " wide
- $px8 = "[Other] Grabbing steam" wide
- $px9 = "[Other] Grabbing telegram" wide
- $px10 = "[Other] Grabbing discord tokens" wide
- $px11 = "[Other] Grabbing filezilla" wide
- $px12 = "[Other] Screenshots:" wide
- $px13 = "[Other] Clipboard" wide
- $px14 = "[Other] Saving system information" wide
- condition:
- uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($dc*) or all of ($string*) or 2 of ($x*) or 6 of ($v*) or 5 of ($px*)) or ($plugin and (4 of ($av*) or 5 of ($pl*)))
-rule dcrat_kingrat {
- meta:
- author = "jeFF0Falltrades"
- cape_type = "DCRat Payload"
- strings:
- $venom_1 = "VenomRAT" wide ascii nocase
- $venom_2 = "HVNC_REPLY_MESSAGE" wide ascii
- $str_aes_exc = "masterKey can not be null or empty" wide ascii
- $str_b64_amsi = "YW1zaS5kbGw=" wide ascii
- $str_b64_virtual_protect = "VmlydHVhbFByb3RlY3Q=" wide ascii
- $str_dcrat = "dcrat" wide ascii nocase
- $str_plugin = "save_Plugin" wide ascii
- $str_qwqdan = "qwqdan" wide ascii
- $byte_aes_key_base = { 7E [3] 04 73 [3] 06 80 }
- $patt_config = { 72 [3] 70 80 [3] 04 }
- $patt_verify_hash = { 7e [3] 04 6f [3] 0a 6f [3] 0a 74 [3] 01 }
- condition:
- (not any of ($venom*)) and 5 of them and #patt_config >= 10
diff --git a/data/yara/CAPE/QuasarRAT.yar b/data/yara/CAPE/QuasarRAT.yar
deleted file mode 100644
index 8877430d..00000000
--- a/data/yara/CAPE/QuasarRAT.yar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-rule QuasarRAT {
- meta:
- author = "ditekshen"
- description = "QuasarRAT payload"
- cape_type = "QuasarRAT Payload"
- strings:
- $s1 = "GetKeyloggerLogsResponse" fullword ascii
- $s2 = "GetKeyloggerLogs" fullword ascii
- $s3 = "/>Log created on" wide
- $s4 = "User: {0}{3}Pass: {1}{3}Host: {2}" wide
- $s5 = "Domain: {1}{0}Cookie Name: {2}{0}Value: {3}{0}Path: {4}{0}Expired: {5}{0}HttpOnly: {6}{0}Secure: {7}" wide
- $s6 = "grabber_" wide
- $s7 = "" ascii
- $s8 = "k__BackingField" fullword ascii
- $s9 = "" ascii
- $s10 = "add_OnHotKeysDown" ascii
- $mutex = "QSR_MUTEX_" ascii wide
- $ua1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0" fullword wide
- $us2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A" fullword wide
- condition:
- uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($mutex or (all of ($ua*) and 2 of them) or 6 of ($s*))
-rule quasarrat_kingrat {
- meta:
- author = "jeFF0Falltrades"
- cape_type = "QuasarRAT Payload"
- strings:
- $str_quasar = "Quasar." wide ascii
- $str_hidden = "set_Hidden" wide ascii
- $str_shell = "DoShellExecuteResponse" wide ascii
- $str_close = "echo DONT CLOSE THIS WINDOW!" wide ascii
- $str_pause = "ping -n 10 localhost > nul" wide ascii
- $str_aes_exc = "masterKey can not be null or empty" wide ascii
- $byte_aes_key_base = { 7E [3] 04 73 [3] 06 25 }
- $byte_aes_salt_base = { BF EB 1E 56 FB CD 97 3B B2 19 }
- $byte_special_folder = { 7e 73 [4] 28 [4] 80 }
- $patt_config = { 72 [3] 70 80 [3] 04 }
- $patt_verify_hash = { 7e [3] 04 6f [3] 0a 6f [3] 0a 74 [3] 01 }
- condition:
- 6 of them and #patt_config >= 10
diff --git a/data/yara/CAPE/XWorm.yar b/data/yara/CAPE/XWorm.yar
deleted file mode 100644
index 76e401a3..00000000
--- a/data/yara/CAPE/XWorm.yar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-rule XWorm {
- meta:
- author = "ditekSHen"
- description = "Detects XWorm"
- cape_type = "XWorm Payload"
- strings:
- $x1 = "XWorm " wide nocase
- $x2 = /XWorm\s(V|v)\d+\.\d+/ fullword wide
- $s1 = "RunBotKiller" fullword wide
- $s2 = "XKlog.txt" fullword wide
- $s3 = /(shell|reg)fuc/ fullword wide
- $s4 = "closeshell" fullword ascii
- $s5 = { 62 00 79 00 70 00 73 00 73 00 00 ?? 63 00 61 00 6c 00 6c 00 75 00 61 00 63 00 00 ?? 73 00 63 00 }
- $s6 = { 44 00 44 00 6f 00 73 00 54 00 00 ?? 43 00 69 00 6c 00 70 00 70 00 65 00 72 00 00 ?? 50 00 45 00 }
- $s7 = { 69 00 6e 00 6a 00 52 00 75 00 6e 00 00 ?? 73 00 74 00 61 00 72 00 74 00 75 00 73 00 62 }
- $s8 = { 48 6f 73 74 00 50 6f 72 74 00 75 70 6c 6f 61 64 65 72 00 6e 61 6d 65 65 65 00 4b 45 59 00 53 50 4c 00 4d 75 74 65 78 78 00 }
- $v2_1 = "PING!" fullword wide
- $v2_2 = "Urlhide" fullword wide
- $v2_3 = /PC(Restart|Shutdown)/ fullword wide
- $v2_4 = /(Start|Stop)(DDos|Report)/ fullword wide
- $v2_5 = /Offline(Get|Keylogger)/ wide
- $v2_6 = "injRun" fullword wide
- $v2_7 = "Xchat" fullword wide
- $v2_8 = "UACFunc" fullword ascii wide
- condition:
- uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and (3 of ($s*) or 3 of ($v2*))) or 6 of them)
-rule xworm_kingrat {
- meta:
- author = "jeFF0Falltrades"
- cape_type = "XWorm payload"
- strings:
- $str_xworm = "xworm" wide ascii nocase
- $str_xwormmm = "Xwormmm" wide ascii
- $str_xclient = "XClient" wide ascii
- $str_default_log = "\\Log.tmp" wide ascii
- $str_create_proc = "/create /f /RL HIGHEST /sc minute /mo 1 /t" wide ascii
- $str_ddos_start = "StartDDos" wide ascii
- $str_ddos_stop = "StopDDos" wide ascii
- $str_timeout = "timeout 3 > NUL" wide ascii
- $byte_md5_hash = { 7e [3] 04 28 [3] 06 6f }
- $patt_config = { 72 [3] 70 80 [3] 04 }
- condition:
- 5 of them and #patt_config >= 7
- }
diff --git a/data/yara/CAPE/Xenorat.yar b/data/yara/CAPE/Xenorat.yar
deleted file mode 100644
index 4208eb54..00000000
--- a/data/yara/CAPE/Xenorat.yar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-rule XenoRAT {
- meta:
- author = "jeFF0Falltrades"
- cape_type = "XenoRAT payload"
- strings:
- $str_xeno_rat_1 = "xeno rat" wide ascii nocase
- $str_xeno_rat_2 = "xeno_rat" wide ascii nocase
- $str_xeno_update_mgr = "XenoUpdateManager" wide ascii
- $str_nothingset = "nothingset" wide ascii
- $byte_enc_dec_pre = { 1f 10 8d [4] (0a | 0b) }
- $patt_config = { 72 [3] 70 80 [3] 04 }
- condition:
- 4 of them and #patt_config >= 5
- }