diff --git a/templates/aws/awsdeploy.yml b/templates/aws/awsdeploy.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d567d208 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/aws/awsdeploy.yml @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 +Description: AWS S3 storage template | PostgreSQL database storage template | Application Runner template + +Parameters: + UniqueSolutionPrefix: + Type: String + Description: Prefix used for resource names. Should be unique as this will also be used for bucket and database name. Should not contain uppercase letters + MinLength: '1' + MaxLength: '20' + ConstraintDescription: Should be less than 20 letters + AllowedPattern: '^[a-z]+$' + pgsqlAdminLogin: + Type: String + Description: PostgreSQL user + MinLength: '1' + MaxLength: '30' + pgsqlAdminPassword: + Type: String + NoEcho: 'true' + Description: PostgreSQL password + MinLength: '8' + MaxLength: '41' + awsAccess: + Type: String + Description: AWS Access Sectet + awsAccessSecretkey: + Type: String + Description: AWS Access Secret Key + openIdApiClientId: + Type: String + Description: The Open ID API client ID for the B2C tenant + Default: iot-portal-api + openIdClientId: + Type: String + Description: The Open ID client ID for the B2C tenant + Default: iot-portal + openIdAuthority: + Type: String + Description: The Open ID Authority + Default: https://cgigeiotdemoauth.azurewebsites.net/auth/realms/iot-portal + openIdMetadataURL: + Type: String + Description: The Open ID metadata Url from the Identity provider + Default: https://cgigeiotdemoauth.azurewebsites.net/auth/realms/iot-portal/.well-known/openid-configuration + openIdScopeName: + Type: String + Description: The Open ID Scope name + Default: iot_access + VPC: + Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id + Subnet1: + Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id + Subnet2: + Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id + Subnet3: + Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id + + +Resources: +#======== S3 Storage ========== + s3Bucket: + Type: AWS::S3::Bucket + Properties: + BucketName: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "bucket"] ] + PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: + BlockPublicAcls: false + IgnorePublicAcls: false + BlockPublicPolicy: false + RestrictPublicBuckets: false + OwnershipControls: + Rules: + - ObjectOwnership: BucketOwnerPreferred + AccessControl: AwsExecRead +#======== PostgreSQL database ========== + PostgreSQLDB: + Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance + DeletionPolicy: Retain # CloudFormation keeps the resource without deleting the resource or its contents when the resource is replaced + UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-updatereplacepolicy.html + Properties: + DBInstanceIdentifier: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "pgdbinstance"] ] + AllocatedStorage: '20' + DBInstanceClass: 'db.t2.micro' # A voir quel instance utilisé : https://instances.vantage.sh/rds/ + Engine: postgres + EngineVersion: 12 + LicenseModel: postgresql-license + MasterUsername: !Ref pgsqlAdminLogin + MasterUserPassword: !Ref pgsqlAdminPassword + DBName: !Join [ "_", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "cgigeiotdemo"] ] + VPCSecurityGroups: + - !Ref PgSQLSecurityGroup + DBSubnetGroupName: !Ref PgSQLSubnetGroup + PgSQLSecurityGroup: + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup + Properties: + GroupDescription: Enable access to the database instance + VpcId: !Ref VPC + SecurityGroupIngress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 5432 + ToPort: 5432 + CidrIp: + PgSQLSubnetGroup: + Type: AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup + Properties: + DBSubnetGroupName: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "pgSqlsubnetgroup"] ] + DBSubnetGroupDescription: Subnets available for the database + SubnetIds: # A voir le nombre de subnets qu'on veut dans le groupe + - !Ref Subnet1 + - !Ref Subnet2 + - !Ref Subnet3 + +#InstanceRoleArn + InstanceRole: + Type: AWS::IAM::Role + Properties: + RoleName: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "AWSAppRunner"] ] + AssumeRolePolicyDocument: + Version: '2012-10-17' + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Principal: + Service: + - apprunner.amazonaws.com + - tasks.apprunner.amazonaws.com + - build.apprunner.amazonaws.com + - cloudformation.amazonaws.com + Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' + Policies: + - PolicyName: SMPolicy + PolicyDocument: + Version: '2012-10-17' + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Action: + - 'secretsmanager:GetSecretValue' + Resource: !Join + - '' + - - !Sub 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:secret:' + - !Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix + - '-*' + - PolicyName: AmazonElasticContainerRegistryPublicReadOnly + PolicyDocument: + Version: '2012-10-17' + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Action: + - 'ecr-public:GetAuthorizationToken' + - 'sts:GetServiceBearerToken' + - 'ecr-public:BatchCheckLayerAvailability' + - 'ecr-public:GetRepositoryPolicy' + - 'ecr-public:DescribeRepositories' + - 'ecr-public:DescribeRegistries' + - 'ecr-public:DescribeImages' + - 'ecr-public:DescribeImageTags' + - 'ecr-public:GetRepositoryCatalogData' + - 'ecr-public:GetRegistryCatalogData' + Resource: '*' + - PolicyName: AWSAppRunnerFullAccess + PolicyDocument: + Version: '2012-10-17' + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Action: 'iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole' + Resource: 'arn:aws:iam::*:role/aws-service-role/apprunner.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAppRunner' + Condition: + StringLike: + iam:AWSServiceName: 'apprunner.amazonaws.com' + - Effect: Allow + Action: 'iam:PassRole' + Resource: '*' + Condition: + StringLike: + iam:PassedToService: 'apprunner.amazonaws.com' + - Sid: AppRunnerAdminAccess + Effect: Allow + Action: 'apprunner:*' + Resource: '*' + - PolicyName: AWSAppRunnerServicePolicyForECRAccess + PolicyDocument: + Version: '2012-10-17' + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Action: + - 'ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer' + - 'ecr:BatchGetImage' + - 'ecr:DescribeImages' + - 'ecr:GetAuthorizationToken' + - 'ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability' + Resource: '*' + +# AWS Secrets Manager + SMAWSKey: + Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret + DeletionPolicy: Retain # CloudFormation keeps the resource without deleting the resource or its contents when the resource is replaced + UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-updatereplacepolicy.html + Properties: + Name: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "SMAWSKey"] ] + SecretString: !Sub '${awsAccess}' + SMAWSSecretKey: + Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret + DeletionPolicy: Retain # CloudFormation keeps the resource without deleting the resource or its contents when the resource is replaced + UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-updatereplacepolicy.html + Properties: + Name: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "SMAWSSecretKey"] ] + SecretString: !Sub '${awsAccessSecretkey}' + SMPostgreConnection: + Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret + DeletionPolicy: Retain # CloudFormation keeps the resource without deleting the resource or its contents when the resource is replaced + UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-updatereplacepolicy.html + Properties: + Name: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "SMPostgreConnection"] ] + SecretString: !Join + - "" + - - 'Server=' + - !GetAtt PostgreSQLDB.Endpoint.Address + - !Sub ';Database=${UniqueSolutionPrefix}_cgigeiotdemo;Port=5432;User Id=${pgsqlAdminLogin};Password=${pgsqlAdminPassword};Pooling=true;Connection Lifetime=0;Command Timeout=0;' + SMAWSStorageConnection: + Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret + DeletionPolicy: Retain # CloudFormation keeps the resource without deleting the resource or its contents when the resource is replaced + UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-updatereplacepolicy.html + Properties: + Name: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "SMAWSStorageConnection"] ] + SecretString: !Join + - "" + - - !Sub 'https://s3.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/' + - !Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix + - '-bucket' + + +#============= App Runner - To Lunch the App ============== + AppRunnerService: + Type: AWS::AppRunner::Service + Properties: + ServiceName: !Join [ "-", [!Ref UniqueSolutionPrefix, "appRunner"] ] + InstanceConfiguration: + Cpu: 1 vCPU + Memory: 2 GB + InstanceRoleArn: !GetAtt InstanceRole.Arn + HealthCheckConfiguration: + Protocol: "HTTP" + Path: "/" + Interval: 20 + Timeout: 5 + HealthyThreshold: 2 + UnhealthyThreshold: 5 + SourceConfiguration: + AutoDeploymentsEnabled: false + AuthenticationConfiguration: + AccessRoleArn: !GetAtt InstanceRole.Arn + ImageRepository: + ImageConfiguration: + Port: 80 # This is The port that your application listens to in the container. It can be changed (To see) + RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets: + - Name: AWS__Access + Value: !Ref SMAWSKey + - Name: AWS__AccessSecret + Value: !Ref SMAWSSecretKey + - Name: PostgreSQL__ConnectionString + Value: !Ref SMPostgreConnection + - Name: AWS__S3Storage__ConnectionString + Value: !Ref SMAWSStorageConnection + RuntimeEnvironmentVariables: + - Name: OIDC__ApiClientId + Value: !Sub '${openIdApiClientId}' + - Name: OIDC__ClientId + Value: !Sub '${openIdClientId}' + - Name: OIDC__Authority + Value: !Sub '${openIdAuthority}' + - Name: OIDC__MetadataUrl + Value: !Sub '${openIdMetadataURL}' + - Name: OIDC__Scope + Value: !Sub '${openIdScopeName}' + - Name: CloudProvider + Value: AWS + - Name: PortalName + Value: IoT Portal DEMO - AWS + ImageIdentifier: !Sub '${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/iot-hub-portal:latest' + ImageRepositoryType: ECR \ No newline at end of file