diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs.F90
index 4acf7ac9f..5d66539b9 100644
--- a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs.F90
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs.F90
@@ -1,45 +1,52 @@
       program optargs
-      use optargs_subs, only: computeA, computeB, computeC, computeD
-      use optargs_subs, only: oa_error, oa_OK, oa_A, oa_B, oa_C, oa_D
+      use optargs_subs, only: dp
+      use optargs_subs, only: computeA, computeB, computeC, computeD, computeE
+      use optargs_subs, only: oa_error, oa_OK, oa_A, oa_B, oa_C, oa_D, oa_E
       use optargs_subs, only: oa_layer1, oa_count1
       implicit none
-      real*8  :: Ai1, Ao
-      real*8  :: B
-      real*8  :: Ci1, Co
-      real*8  :: Di1, Di2, Do
+      real(dp):: Ai1, Ao
+      real(dp):: B
+      real(dp):: Ci1, Co
+      real(dp):: Di1, Di2, Do
+      real(dp), allocatable :: Ei(:),Eo(:)
       integer :: ierr, ierrV
       integer :: n
       integer, parameter :: ntests = 100
       integer :: iresult
-      real*8  :: result, resultV
-      real*8, parameter :: errtol = 1.0e-12
+      real(dp):: result, resultV
+      real(dp), parameter :: dpic = -99._dp
+      real(dp), parameter :: errtol = 1.0e-12
       write(6,*) 'RunningUnitTest optargs'
       write(6,*) ' '
+      allocate(Ei(3),Eo(3))
       iresult = 0
       do n = 1,ntests
-        Ai1 = -99.; Ao  = -99.
-        B   = -99.
-        Ci1 = -99.; Co  = -99.
-        Di1 = -99.; Di2 = -99.; Do = -99.
+        Ai1 = dpic; Ao  = dpic
+        B   = dpic
+        Ci1 = dpic; Co  = dpic
+        Di1 = dpic; Di2 = dpic; Do = dpic
+        Ei  = dpic; Eo  = dpic
         ierr = oa_error
-        result = -888.
-        resultV = -999.
+        result = -888._dp
+        resultV = -999._dp
         computeA = .false.
         computeB = .false.
         computeC = .false.
         computeD = .false.
+        computeE = .false.
         select case (n)
@@ -56,8 +63,8 @@ program optargs
             call oa_count1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
-            ierrV = 9
-            call oa_count1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+            ierrV = 11
+            call oa_count1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = 3
@@ -66,6 +73,10 @@ program optargs
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = 5
             call oa_count1(Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,ierr=ierr,Ao=Ao,Di1=Di1)
+          case(5)
+            result = -777.; resultV = -777.
+            ierrV = 8
+            call oa_count1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,ierr=ierr)
           ! test optional order
@@ -80,6 +91,10 @@ program optargs
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = oa_OK
             call oa_layer1(Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,ierr=ierr,Ao=Ao,Di1=Di1)
+          case(14)
+            result = -777.; resultV = -777.
+            ierrV = oa_OK
+            call oa_layer1(Eo=Eo,Ei=Ei,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,ierr=ierr,Ao=Ao,Di1=Di1)
           ! test optional argument checking
@@ -87,15 +102,17 @@ program optargs
             computeB = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             computeD = .true.
+            computeE = .true.
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = oa_error
             ! B missing
-            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
             computeA = .true.
             computeB = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             computeD = .true.
+            computeE = .true.
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = oa_error
             ! all optional missing
@@ -105,61 +122,117 @@ program optargs
             computeB = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             computeD = .true.
+            computeE = .true.
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = oa_error
             ! some optional missing
-            call oa_layer1(Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,ierr=ierr,B=B,Ao=Ao,Di1=Di1)
+            call oa_layer1(Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr,B=B,Ao=Ao,Di1=Di1)
             computeA = .true.
             computeB = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             computeD = .true.
+            computeE = .true.
             result = -777.; resultV = -777.
             ierrV = oa_error
             ! one optional missing
-            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Do=Do,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
+          case(25)
+            computeA = .true.
+            computeB = .true.
+            computeC = .true.
+            computeD = .true.
+            computeE = .true.
+            result = -777.; resultV = -777.
+            ierrV = oa_error
+            ! Ei missing
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
-          ! test computations individually
+          ! test computations individually, all args
             computeA = .true.
             ierrV = oa_A
             Ai1 = 5.
             resultV = 4.
-            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
             result = Ao
             computeB = .true.
             ierrV = oa_B
             B = 15.
             resultV = 20.
-            call oa_layer1(ierr=ierr,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do)
+            call oa_layer1(ierr=ierr,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo)
             result = B
             computeC = .true.
             ierrV = oa_C
             Ci1 = 7.
             resultV = 14.
-            call oa_layer1(B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
+            call oa_layer1(B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo)
             result = Co
             computeD = .true.
             ierrV = oa_D
             Di1 = 19; Di2=11.
             resultV = 30.
-            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,B=B,ierr=ierr)
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,B=B,ierr=ierr)
             result = Do
+          case(35)
+            computeE = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_E
+            Ei = 25.
+            resultV = 81.
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,B=B,ierr=ierr)
+            result = sum(Eo)
-          ! test computations individually
+          ! test computations individually, min args
+            computeA = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_A
+            Ai1 = 5.
+            resultV = 4.
+            call oa_layer1(Ao=Ao,Co=Co,Ai1=Ai1,Ci1=Ci1,ierr=ierr)
+            result = Ao
+          case(42)
+            computeB = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_B
+            B = 15.
+            resultV = 20.
+            call oa_layer1(ierr=ierr,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,B=B)
+            result = B
+          case(43)
+            computeC = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_C
+            Ci1 = 7.
+            resultV = 14.
+            call oa_layer1(Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,ierr=ierr)
+            result = Co
+          case(44)
+            computeD = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_D
+            Di1 = 19; Di2=11.
+            resultV = 30.
+            call oa_layer1(Ci1=Ci1,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Co=Co,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
+            result = Do
+          case(45)
+            computeE = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_E
+            Ei = 25.
+            resultV = 81.
+            call oa_layer1(Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
+            result = sum(Eo)
+          ! test computations in groups, mix of passed arguments
+          case(51)
             computeA = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             ierrV = oa_A + oa_C
             Ai1 = 6.
             Ci1 = 8.
             resultV = 21.
-            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
+            call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
             result = Ao + Co
-          case(42)
+          case(52)
             computeB = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             ierrV = oa_B + oa_C
@@ -168,7 +241,7 @@ program optargs
             resultV = -11.
             call oa_layer1(ierr=ierr,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do)
             result = B + Co
-          case(43)
+          case(53)
             computeB = .true.
             computeD = .true.
             ierrV = oa_B + oa_D
@@ -177,7 +250,7 @@ program optargs
             resultV = 31.
             call oa_layer1(B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,ierr=ierr)
             result = B + Do
-          case(44)
+          case(54)
             computeC = .true.
             computeD = .true.
             ierrV = oa_C + oa_D
@@ -186,20 +259,22 @@ program optargs
             resultV = 27.
             call oa_layer1(Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,B=B,ierr=ierr)
             result = Co + Do
-          case(45)
+          case(55)
             computeA = .true.
             computeB = .true.
             computeC = .true.
             computeD = .true.
-            ierrV = oa_A + oa_B + oa_C + oa_D
+            computeE = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_A + oa_B + oa_C + oa_D + oa_E
             Ai1 = 7.
             B   = 9.
             Ci1 = 7.
             Di1 = 12; Di2=3.
-            resultV = 49.
-            call oa_layer1(Ao=Ao,B=B,Co=Co,Do=Do,Ai1=Ai1,Ci1=Ci1,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,ierr=ierr)
-            result = Ao + B + Co + Do
-          case(46)
+            Ei  = 5
+            resultV = 70.
+            call oa_layer1(Ao=Ao,B=B,Co=Co,Do=Do,Ai1=Ai1,Ci1=Ci1,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
+            result = Ao + B + Co + Do + sum(Eo)
+          case(56)
             computeA = .true.
             computeB = .true.
             computeD = .true.
@@ -210,6 +285,15 @@ program optargs
             resultV = 40.
             call oa_layer1(Ao=Ao,B=B,Co=Co,Do=Do,Ai1=Ai1,Ci1=Ci1,Di1=Di1,Di2=Di2,ierr=ierr)
             result = Ao + B + Do
+          case(57)
+            computeB = .true.
+            computeE = .true.
+            ierrV = oa_B + oa_E
+            B = 4.
+            Ei = 8.
+            resultV = 39.
+            call oa_layer1(B=B,Ci1=Ci1,Co=Co,Di1=Di1,Ai1=Ai1,Ao=Ao,Di2=Di2,Do=Do,Ei=Ei,Eo=Eo,ierr=ierr)
+            result = B + sum(Eo)
           case DEFAULT
             ierr = -1234
@@ -219,10 +303,10 @@ program optargs
         ! skip -1234
         if (ierr /= -1234) then
           if (ierr == ierrV .and. abs(result-resultV) < errtol ) then
-            write(6,101) 'PASS','optarg test',n,ierr,ierrV,result,resultV,Ao,B,Co,Do
+            write(6,101) 'PASS','optarg test',n,ierr,ierrV,result,resultV,Ao,B,Co,Do,sum(Eo)
 !            write(6,101) 'PASS','optarg test',n,ierr,ierrV,result,resultV
-            write(6,101) 'FAIL','optarg test',n,ierr,ierrV,result,resultV,Ao,B,Co,Do
+            write(6,101) 'FAIL','optarg test',n,ierr,ierrV,result,resultV,Ao,B,Co,Do,sum(Eo)
 !            write(6,101) 'FAIL','optarg test',n,ierr,ierrV,result,resultV
             iresult = 1
@@ -230,7 +314,7 @@ program optargs
- 101  format(1x,a,1x,a,1x,i2.2,2i6,3x,6g11.4)
+ 101  format(1x,a,1x,a,1x,i2.2,2i6,3x,8g11.4)
       write(6,*) ' '
       write(6,*) 'optargs COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY'
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs_subs.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs_subs.F90
index 7469d6800..4269ed23b 100644
--- a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs_subs.F90
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/optargs/optargs_subs.F90
@@ -4,17 +4,21 @@ module optargs_subs
       implicit none
+      integer, public, parameter :: dp = kind(1.d0)
       logical, public :: computeA = .false., &
                          computeB = .false., &
                          computeC = .false., &
-                         computeD = .false.
+                         computeD = .false., &
+                         computeE = .false.
       integer, public :: oa_error = -99, &
                          oa_OK    =   0, &
                          oa_A     =   1, &
                          oa_B     =   2, &
                          oa_C     =   4, &
-                         oa_D     =   8
+                         oa_D     =   8, &
+                         oa_E     =  16
       public :: oa_layer1, oa_count1
@@ -22,16 +26,18 @@ module optargs_subs
-      subroutine oa_count1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      subroutine oa_count1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
-      real*8 , intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
-      real*8 , intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
-      real*8 , intent(inout), optional :: B
-      real*8 , intent(in)              :: Ci1
-      real*8 , intent(out)             :: Co
-      integer, intent(inout)           :: ierr
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
+      real(dp), intent(inout), optional :: B
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ci1
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Co
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional, dimension(:) :: Ei
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional, dimension(:) :: Eo
+      integer , intent(inout)           :: ierr
-      call oa_count2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      call oa_count2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
 !      write(6,*) 'debug oa_count1 ',ierr
@@ -39,14 +45,16 @@ end subroutine oa_count1
-      subroutine oa_count2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      subroutine oa_count2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
-      real*8 , intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
-      real*8 , intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
-      real*8 , intent(inout), optional :: B
-      real*8 , intent(in)              :: Ci1
-      real*8 , intent(out)             :: Co
-      integer, intent(inout)           :: ierr
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
+      real(dp), intent(inout), optional :: B
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ci1
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Co
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional, dimension(:) :: Ei
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional, dimension(:) :: Eo
+      integer , intent(inout)           :: ierr
       ierr = 3 ! Ci1, Co, ierr have to be passed
       if (present(Ai1)) ierr = ierr + 1
@@ -55,6 +63,8 @@ subroutine oa_count2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
       if (present(Di1)) ierr = ierr + 1
       if (present(Di2)) ierr = ierr + 1
       if (present(Do) ) ierr = ierr + 1
+      if (present(Ei) ) ierr = ierr + 1
+      if (present(Eo) ) ierr = ierr + 1
 !      write(6,*) 'debug oa_count2 ',ierr
@@ -62,14 +72,16 @@ end subroutine oa_count2
-      subroutine oa_layer1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      subroutine oa_layer1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
-      real*8 , intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
-      real*8 , intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
-      real*8 , intent(inout), optional :: B
-      real*8 , intent(in)              :: Ci1
-      real*8 , intent(out)             :: Co
-      integer, intent(inout)           :: ierr
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
+      real(dp), intent(inout), optional :: B
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ci1
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Co
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional, dimension(:) :: Ei
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional, dimension(:) :: Eo
+      integer , intent(inout)           :: ierr
       ierr = oa_OK
       if (computeA) then
@@ -87,38 +99,55 @@ subroutine oa_layer1(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
             ierr = oa_error
+      if (computeE) then
+         if (.not.(present(Ei).and.present(Eo))) then
+            ierr = oa_error
+         endif
+      endif
       if (ierr == oa_OK) then
-         call oa_layer2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+         call oa_layer2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
       end subroutine oa_layer1
-      subroutine oa_layer2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      subroutine oa_layer2(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
+! Note: optional arrays must have an optional attribute, otherwise they seg fault
+! Scalars do not seem to have this problem
-      real*8 , intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
-      real*8 , intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
-      real*8 , intent(inout), optional :: B
-      real*8 , intent(in)              :: Ci1
-      real*8 , intent(out)             :: Co
-      integer, intent(inout)           :: ierr
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Ao, Do
+      real(dp), intent(inout)           :: B
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ci1
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Co
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional, dimension(:) :: Ei
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional, dimension(:) :: Eo
+      integer , intent(inout)           :: ierr
-      call oa_compute(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      call oa_compute(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
       end subroutine oa_layer2
-      subroutine oa_compute(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
+      subroutine oa_compute(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,Ei,Eo,ierr)
-      real*8 , intent(in)   , optional :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
-      real*8 , intent(out)  , optional :: Ao, Do
-      real*8 , intent(inout), optional :: B
-      real*8 , intent(in)              :: Ci1
-      real*8 , intent(out)             :: Co
-      integer, intent(inout)           :: ierr
+! Note: optional arrays must have an optional attribute, otherwise they seg fault
+! Scalars do not seem to have this problem
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ai1, Di1, Di2
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Ao, Do
+      real(dp), intent(inout)           :: B
+      real(dp), intent(in)              :: Ci1
+      real(dp), intent(out)             :: Co
+      real(dp), intent(in)   , optional, dimension(:) :: Ei
+      real(dp), intent(out)  , optional, dimension(:) :: Eo
+      integer , intent(inout)           :: ierr
+      integer :: n
       if (computeA) then
          Ao = Ai1 - 1.
@@ -140,6 +169,13 @@ subroutine oa_compute(Ai1,Ao,B,Ci1,Co,Di1,Di2,Do,ierr)
          ierr = ierr + oa_D
+      if (computeE) then
+         ierr = ierr + oa_E
+         do n = 1,size(Eo)
+           Eo(n) = Ei(n) + n
+         enddo
+      endif
       end subroutine oa_compute
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79dd06fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+! Copyright (c) 2022, Triad National Security, LLC
+! All rights reserved.
+! Copyright 2022. Triad National Security, LLC. This software was
+! produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los
+! Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad
+! National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S.
+! Government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this software.
+! THIS SOFTWARE. If software is modified to produce derivative works,
+! such modified software should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse
+! it with the version available from LANL.
+! The full license and distribution policy are available from
+! https://github.com/CICE-Consortium
+! Main driver routine for CICE.  Initializes and steps through the model.
+! This program should be compiled if CICE is run as a separate executable,
+!  but not if CICE subroutines are called from another program (e.g., CAM).
+! authors Elizabeth C. Hunke and William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+! 2006: Converted to free form source (F90) by Elizabeth Hunke
+! 2008: E. Hunke moved ESMF code to its own driver
+      program icemodel
+      use CICE_InitMod
+      use CICE_RunMod
+      use CICE_FinalMod
+      implicit none
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(icemodel)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initialize CICE
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call CICE_Initialize
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Run CICE
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call CICE_Run
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Finalize CICE
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call CICE_Finalize
+      end program icemodel
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_FinalMod.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_FinalMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02494bd9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_FinalMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+!  This module contains routines for the final exit of the CICE model,
+!  including final output and clean exit from any message passing
+!  environments and frameworks.
+!  authors: Philip W. Jones, LANL
+!  2006: Converted to free source form (F90) by Elizabeth Hunke
+!  2008: E. Hunke moved ESMF code to its own driver
+      module CICE_FinalMod
+      use ice_kinds_mod
+      use ice_communicate, only: my_task, master_task
+      use ice_exit, only: end_run, abort_ice
+      use ice_fileunits, only: nu_diag, release_all_fileunits
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_warnings_flush, icepack_warnings_aborted
+      implicit none
+      private
+      public :: CICE_Finalize
+      contains
+!  This routine shuts down CICE by exiting all relevent environments.
+      subroutine CICE_Finalize
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_stop, ice_timer_print_all, timer_total, &
+                            timer_stats
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(CICE_Finalize)'
+   !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! stop timers and print timer info
+   !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_total)        ! stop timing entire run
+      call ice_timer_print_all(stats=timer_stats) ! print timing information
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         write(nu_diag, *) " "
+         write(nu_diag, *) "CICE COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY "
+         write(nu_diag, *) "OPTICEP TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY "
+         write(nu_diag, *) " "
+      endif
+!echmod      if (nu_diag /= 6) close (nu_diag) ! diagnostic output
+      call release_all_fileunits
+   !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! quit MPI
+   !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call end_run       ! quit MPI
+      end subroutine CICE_Finalize
+      end module CICE_FinalMod
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_InitMod.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_InitMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0371c7f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_InitMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+!  This module contains the CICE initialization routine that sets model
+!  parameters and initializes the grid and CICE state variables.
+!  authors Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!          William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+!          Philip W. Jones, LANL
+! 2006: Converted to free form source (F90) by Elizabeth Hunke
+! 2008: E. Hunke moved ESMF code to its own driver
+      module CICE_InitMod
+      use ice_kinds_mod
+      use ice_exit, only: abort_ice
+      use ice_fileunits, only: init_fileunits, nu_diag
+      use ice_memusage, only: ice_memusage_init, ice_memusage_print
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_aggregate
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_itd, icepack_init_itd_hist
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_fsd_bounds, icepack_init_wave
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_snow
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_configure
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_warnings_flush, icepack_warnings_aborted
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_parameters, icepack_query_tracer_flags, &
+          icepack_query_tracer_indices, icepack_query_tracer_sizes
+      implicit none
+      private
+      public :: CICE_Initialize, cice_init
+      contains
+!  Initialize the basic state, grid and all necessary parameters for
+!  running the CICE model.  Return the initial state in routine
+!  export state.
+!  Note: This initialization driver is designed for standalone and
+!        CESM-coupled applications.  For other
+!        applications (e.g., standalone CAM), this driver would be
+!        replaced by a different driver that calls subroutine cice_init,
+!        where most of the work is done.
+      subroutine CICE_Initialize
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(CICE_Initialize)'
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! model initialization
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call cice_init
+      end subroutine CICE_Initialize
+!  Initialize CICE model.
+      subroutine cice_init
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: hin_max, c_hi_range, alloc_arrays_column
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: floe_rad_l, floe_rad_c, &
+          floe_binwidth, c_fsd_range
+      use ice_state, only: alloc_state
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: alloc_flux_bgc
+      use ice_calendar, only: dt, dt_dyn, write_ic, &
+          init_calendar, advance_timestep, calc_timesteps
+      use ice_communicate, only: init_communicate, my_task, master_task
+      use ice_diagnostics, only: init_diags
+      use ice_domain, only: init_domain_blocks
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nfsd
+      use ice_dyn_eap, only: init_eap
+      use ice_dyn_evp, only: init_evp
+      use ice_dyn_vp, only: init_vp
+      use ice_dyn_shared, only: kdyn
+      use ice_flux, only: init_coupler_flux, init_history_therm, &
+          init_history_dyn, init_flux_atm, init_flux_ocn, alloc_flux
+      use ice_forcing, only: init_forcing_ocn, init_forcing_atmo, &
+          get_forcing_atmo, get_forcing_ocn, get_wave_spec, init_snowtable
+      use ice_forcing_bgc, only: get_forcing_bgc, get_atm_bgc, &
+          faero_default, faero_optics, alloc_forcing_bgc, fiso_default
+      use ice_grid, only: init_grid1, init_grid2, alloc_grid
+      use ice_history, only: init_hist, accum_hist
+      use ice_restart_shared, only: restart, runtype
+      use ice_init, only: input_data, init_state
+      use ice_init_column, only: init_thermo_vertical, init_shortwave, init_zbgc, input_zbgc, count_tracers
+      use ice_kinds_mod
+      use ice_restoring, only: ice_HaloRestore_init
+      use ice_timers, only: timer_total, init_ice_timers, ice_timer_start
+      use ice_transport_driver, only: init_transport
+      logical(kind=log_kind) :: tr_aero, tr_zaero, skl_bgc, z_tracers, &
+         tr_iso, tr_fsd, wave_spec, tr_snow
+      character(len=char_len) :: snw_aging_table
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(cice_init)'
+      call init_communicate     ! initial setup for message passing
+      call init_fileunits       ! unit numbers
+      ! tcx debug, this will create a different logfile for each pe
+      ! if (my_task /= master_task) nu_diag = 100+my_task
+      call icepack_configure()  ! initialize icepack
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(trim(subname), &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      call input_data           ! namelist variables
+      call input_zbgc           ! vertical biogeochemistry namelist
+      call count_tracers        ! count tracers
+      ! Call this as early as possible, must be after memory_stats is read
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         call ice_memusage_init(nu_diag)
+         call ice_memusage_print(nu_diag,subname//':start')
+      endif
+      call init_domain_blocks   ! set up block decomposition
+      call init_grid1           ! domain distribution
+      call alloc_grid           ! allocate grid arrays
+      call alloc_arrays_column  ! allocate column arrays
+      call alloc_state          ! allocate state arrays
+      call alloc_flux_bgc       ! allocate flux_bgc arrays
+      call alloc_flux           ! allocate flux arrays
+      call init_ice_timers      ! initialize all timers
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_total)   ! start timing entire run
+      call init_grid2           ! grid variables
+      call init_zbgc            ! vertical biogeochemistry initialization
+      call init_calendar        ! initialize some calendar stuff
+      call init_hist (dt)       ! initialize output history file
+      if (kdyn == 1) then
+         call init_evp
+      else if (kdyn == 2) then
+         call init_eap          ! define eap dynamics parameters, variables
+      else if (kdyn == 3) then
+         call init_vp           ! define vp dynamics parameters, variables
+      endif
+      call init_coupler_flux    ! initialize fluxes exchanged with coupler
+      call init_thermo_vertical ! initialize vertical thermodynamics
+      call icepack_init_itd(ncat=ncat, hin_max=hin_max)  ! ice thickness distribution
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         call icepack_init_itd_hist(ncat=ncat, hin_max=hin_max, c_hi_range=c_hi_range) ! output
+      endif
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(trim(subname), &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      if (tr_fsd) call icepack_init_fsd_bounds (nfsd, & ! floe size distribution
+         floe_rad_l,    &  ! fsd size lower bound in m (radius)
+         floe_rad_c,    &  ! fsd size bin centre in m (radius)
+         floe_binwidth, &  ! fsd size bin width in m (radius)
+         c_fsd_range,   &  ! string for history output
+         write_diags=(my_task == master_task))  ! write diag on master only
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call init_forcing_ocn(dt) ! initialize sss and sst from data
+      call init_state           ! initialize the ice state
+      call init_transport       ! initialize horizontal transport
+      call ice_HaloRestore_init ! restored boundary conditions
+      call icepack_query_parameters(skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc, z_tracers_out=z_tracers, &
+          wave_spec_out=wave_spec, snw_aging_table_out=snw_aging_table)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(trim(subname), &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) call alloc_forcing_bgc ! allocate biogeochemistry arrays
+      call init_restart         ! initialize restart variables
+      call init_diags           ! initialize diagnostic output points
+      call init_history_therm   ! initialize thermo history variables
+      call init_history_dyn     ! initialize dynamic history variables
+      call calc_timesteps       ! update timestep counter if not using npt_unit="1"
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_aero_out=tr_aero, tr_zaero_out=tr_zaero)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_iso_out=tr_iso, tr_snow_out=tr_snow)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(trim(subname), &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      if (tr_aero .or. tr_zaero) call faero_optics !initialize aerosol optical
+                                                   !property tables
+      ! Initialize shortwave components using swdn from previous timestep
+      ! if restarting. These components will be scaled to current forcing
+      ! in prep_radiation.
+      if (trim(runtype) == 'continue' .or. restart) &
+         call init_shortwave    ! initialize radiative transfer
+      if (write_ic) call accum_hist(dt) ! write initial conditions
+! tcraig, use advance_timestep here
+!      istep  = istep  + 1    ! update time step counters
+!      istep1 = istep1 + 1
+!      time = time + dt       ! determine the time and date
+!      call calendar(time)    ! at the end of the first timestep
+      call advance_timestep()
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! coupler communication or forcing data initialization
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call init_forcing_atmo    ! initialize atmospheric forcing (standalone)
+      if (tr_fsd .and. wave_spec) call get_wave_spec ! wave spectrum in ice
+      call get_forcing_atmo     ! atmospheric forcing from data
+      call get_forcing_ocn(dt)  ! ocean forcing from data
+      ! snow aging lookup table initialization
+      if (tr_snow) then         ! advanced snow physics
+         call icepack_init_snow()
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+         if (snw_aging_table(1:4) /= 'test') then
+            call init_snowtable()
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! isotopes
+      if (tr_iso)     call fiso_default                 ! default values
+      ! aerosols
+      ! if (tr_aero)  call faero_data                   ! data file
+      ! if (tr_zaero) call fzaero_data                  ! data file (gx1)
+      if (tr_aero .or. tr_zaero)  call faero_default    ! default values
+      if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) call get_forcing_bgc  ! biogeochemistry
+      if (z_tracers) call get_atm_bgc                   ! biogeochemistry
+      if (runtype == 'initial' .and. .not. restart) &
+         call init_shortwave    ! initialize radiative transfer using current swdn
+      call init_flux_atm        ! initialize atmosphere fluxes sent to coupler
+      call init_flux_ocn        ! initialize ocean fluxes sent to coupler
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         call ice_memusage_print(nu_diag,subname//':end')
+      endif
+      end subroutine cice_init
+      subroutine init_restart
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: dhsn
+      use ice_blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block
+      use ice_calendar, only: calendar
+      use ice_constants, only: c0
+      use ice_domain, only: nblocks
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, n_iso, n_aero, nfsd, nslyr
+      use ice_dyn_eap, only: read_restart_eap
+      use ice_dyn_shared, only: kdyn
+      use ice_grid, only: tmask
+      use ice_init, only: ice_ic
+      use ice_init_column, only: init_age, init_FY, init_lvl, init_snowtracers, &
+          init_meltponds_lvl, init_meltponds_topo, &
+          init_isotope, init_aerosol, init_hbrine, init_bgc, init_fsd
+      use ice_restart_column, only: restart_age, read_restart_age, &
+          restart_FY, read_restart_FY, restart_lvl, read_restart_lvl, &
+          restart_pond_lvl, read_restart_pond_lvl, &
+          restart_pond_topo, read_restart_pond_topo, &
+          restart_snow, read_restart_snow, &
+          restart_fsd, read_restart_fsd, &
+          restart_iso, read_restart_iso, &
+          restart_aero, read_restart_aero, &
+          restart_hbrine, read_restart_hbrine, &
+          restart_zsal, restart_bgc
+      use ice_restart_driver, only: restartfile
+      use ice_restart_shared, only: runtype, restart
+      use ice_state ! almost everything
+      integer(kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j        , & ! horizontal indices
+         iblk            ! block index
+      logical(kind=log_kind) :: &
+          tr_iage, tr_FY, tr_lvl, tr_pond_lvl, &
+          tr_pond_topo, tr_snow, tr_fsd, tr_iso, tr_aero, tr_brine, &
+          skl_bgc, z_tracers, solve_zsal
+      integer(kind=int_kind) :: &
+          ntrcr
+      integer(kind=int_kind) :: &
+          nt_alvl, nt_vlvl, nt_apnd, nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd, &
+          nt_smice, nt_smliq, nt_rhos, nt_rsnw, &
+          nt_iage, nt_FY, nt_aero, nt_fsd, nt_isosno, nt_isoice
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(init_restart)'
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc, &
+           z_tracers_out=z_tracers, solve_zsal_out=solve_zsal)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_iage_out=tr_iage, tr_FY_out=tr_FY, &
+           tr_lvl_out=tr_lvl, tr_pond_lvl_out=tr_pond_lvl, &
+           tr_pond_topo_out=tr_pond_topo, tr_aero_out=tr_aero, tr_brine_out=tr_brine, &
+           tr_snow_out=tr_snow, tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd, tr_iso_out=tr_iso)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(nt_alvl_out=nt_alvl, nt_vlvl_out=nt_vlvl, &
+           nt_apnd_out=nt_apnd, nt_hpnd_out=nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd_out=nt_ipnd, &
+           nt_iage_out=nt_iage, nt_FY_out=nt_FY, nt_aero_out=nt_aero, nt_fsd_out=nt_fsd, &
+           nt_smice_out=nt_smice, nt_smliq_out=nt_smliq, &
+           nt_rhos_out=nt_rhos, nt_rsnw_out=nt_rsnw, &
+           nt_isosno_out=nt_isosno, nt_isoice_out=nt_isoice)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') then
+         ! start from core restart file
+         call restartfile()           ! given by pointer in ice_in
+         call calendar()              ! update time parameters
+         if (kdyn == 2) call read_restart_eap ! EAP
+      else if (restart) then          ! ice_ic = core restart file
+         call restartfile (ice_ic)    !  or 'default' or 'none'
+         !!! uncomment to create netcdf
+         ! call restartfile_v4 (ice_ic)  ! CICE v4.1 binary restart file
+         !!! uncomment if EAP restart data exists
+         ! if (kdyn == 2) call read_restart_eap
+      endif
+      ! tracers
+      ! ice age tracer
+      if (tr_iage) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') &
+              restart_age = .true.
+         if (restart_age) then
+            call read_restart_age
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_age(trcrn(:,:,nt_iage,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! first-year area tracer
+      if (tr_FY) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') restart_FY = .true.
+         if (restart_FY) then
+            call read_restart_FY
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_FY(trcrn(:,:,nt_FY,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! level ice tracer
+      if (tr_lvl) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') restart_lvl = .true.
+         if (restart_lvl) then
+            call read_restart_lvl
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_lvl(iblk,trcrn(:,:,nt_alvl,:,iblk), &
+                             trcrn(:,:,nt_vlvl,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! level-ice melt ponds
+      if (tr_pond_lvl) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') &
+              restart_pond_lvl = .true.
+         if (restart_pond_lvl) then
+            call read_restart_pond_lvl
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_meltponds_lvl(trcrn(:,:,nt_apnd,:,iblk), &
+                                       trcrn(:,:,nt_hpnd,:,iblk), &
+                                       trcrn(:,:,nt_ipnd,:,iblk), &
+                                       dhsn(:,:,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! topographic melt ponds
+      if (tr_pond_topo) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') &
+              restart_pond_topo = .true.
+         if (restart_pond_topo) then
+            call read_restart_pond_topo
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_meltponds_topo(trcrn(:,:,nt_apnd,:,iblk), &
+                                        trcrn(:,:,nt_hpnd,:,iblk), &
+                                        trcrn(:,:,nt_ipnd,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif ! .not. restart_pond
+      endif
+      ! snow redistribution/metamorphism
+      if (tr_snow) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') restart_snow = .true.
+         if (restart_snow) then
+            call read_restart_snow
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_snowtracers(trcrn(:,:,nt_smice:nt_smice+nslyr-1,:,iblk), &
+                                     trcrn(:,:,nt_smliq:nt_smliq+nslyr-1,:,iblk), &
+                                     trcrn(:,:,nt_rhos :nt_rhos +nslyr-1,:,iblk), &
+                                     trcrn(:,:,nt_rsnw :nt_rsnw +nslyr-1,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! floe size distribution
+      if (tr_fsd) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') restart_fsd = .true.
+         if (restart_fsd) then
+            call read_restart_fsd
+         else
+            call init_fsd(trcrn(:,:,nt_fsd:nt_fsd+nfsd-1,:,:))
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! isotopes
+      if (tr_iso) then
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') restart_iso = .true.
+         if (restart_iso) then
+            call read_restart_iso
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_isotope(trcrn(:,:,nt_isosno:nt_isosno+n_iso-1,:,iblk), &
+                                 trcrn(:,:,nt_isoice:nt_isoice+n_iso-1,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif
+      endif
+      if (tr_aero) then ! ice aerosol
+         if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') restart_aero = .true.
+         if (restart_aero) then
+            call read_restart_aero
+         else
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call init_aerosol(trcrn(:,:,nt_aero:nt_aero+4*n_aero-1,:,iblk))
+            enddo ! iblk
+         endif ! .not. restart_aero
+      endif
+      if (trim(runtype) == 'continue') then
+         if (tr_brine) &
+             restart_hbrine = .true.
+         if (solve_zsal) &
+             restart_zsal = .true.
+         if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) &
+             restart_bgc = .true.
+      endif
+      if (tr_brine .or. skl_bgc) then ! brine height tracer
+         call init_hbrine
+         if (tr_brine .and. restart_hbrine) call read_restart_hbrine
+      endif
+      if (solve_zsal .or. skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) then ! biogeochemistry
+         if (tr_fsd) then
+            write (nu_diag,*) 'FSD implementation incomplete for use with BGC'
+            call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+            if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+               file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+         endif
+         call init_bgc
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! aggregate tracers
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      do iblk = 1, nblocks
+      do j = 1, ny_block
+      do i = 1, nx_block
+         if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+            call icepack_aggregate(ncat  = ncat,                  &
+                                   aicen = aicen(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   trcrn = trcrn(i,j,:,:,iblk),   &
+                                   vicen = vicen(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   vsnon = vsnon(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   aice  = aice (i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   trcr  = trcr (i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   vice  = vice (i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   vsno  = vsno (i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   aice0 = aice0(i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   ntrcr = ntrcr,                 &
+                                   trcr_depend   = trcr_depend,   &
+                                   trcr_base     = trcr_base,     &
+                                   n_trcr_strata = n_trcr_strata, &
+                                   nt_strata     = nt_strata)
+         else
+            ! tcraig, reset all tracer values on land to zero
+            trcrn(i,j,:,:,iblk) = c0
+         endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      end subroutine init_restart
+      end module CICE_InitMod
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_RunMod.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_RunMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae7f7ab1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/CICE_RunMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+!  Main driver for time stepping of CICE.
+!  authors Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!          Philip W. Jones, LANL
+!          William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+! 2006 ECH: moved exit timeLoop to prevent execution of unnecessary timestep
+! 2006 ECH: Streamlined for efficiency
+! 2006 ECH: Converted to free source form (F90)
+! 2007 BPB: Modified Delta-Eddington shortwave interface
+! 2008 ECH: moved ESMF code to its own driver
+      module CICE_RunMod
+      use ice_kinds_mod
+      use ice_communicate, only: my_task, master_task
+      use ice_fileunits, only: nu_diag
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: oceanmixed_ice
+      use ice_constants, only: c0, c1
+      use ice_constants, only: field_loc_center, field_type_scalar
+      use ice_exit, only: abort_ice
+      use ice_memusage, only: ice_memusage_print
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_warnings_flush, icepack_warnings_aborted
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_iso, icepack_max_aero
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_parameters
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_tracer_flags, icepack_query_tracer_sizes
+      implicit none
+      private
+      public :: CICE_Run, ice_step
+      contains
+!  This is the main driver routine for advancing CICE forward in time.
+!  author Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!         Philip W. Jones, LANL
+!         William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+      subroutine CICE_Run
+      use ice_calendar, only: dt, stop_now, advance_timestep
+      use ice_forcing, only: get_forcing_atmo, get_forcing_ocn, &
+          get_wave_spec
+      use ice_forcing_bgc, only: get_forcing_bgc, get_atm_bgc, &
+          fiso_default, faero_default
+      use ice_flux, only: init_flux_atm, init_flux_ocn
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, &
+          timer_couple, timer_step
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+          tr_iso, tr_aero, tr_zaero, skl_bgc, z_tracers, wave_spec, tr_fsd
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(CICE_Run)'
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+   !  initialize error code and step timer
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_step)   ! start timing entire run
+      call icepack_query_parameters(skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc, &
+                                    z_tracers_out=z_tracers, &
+                                    wave_spec_out=wave_spec)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_iso_out=tr_iso, &
+                                      tr_aero_out=tr_aero, &
+                                      tr_zaero_out=tr_zaero, &
+                                      tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+#ifndef CICE_IN_NEMO
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! timestep loop
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      timeLoop: do
+         call ice_step
+! tcraig, use advance_timestep now
+!         istep  = istep  + 1    ! update time step counters
+!         istep1 = istep1 + 1
+!         time = time + dt       ! determine the time and date
+!         call calendar(time)    ! at the end of the timestep
+         call advance_timestep()     ! advance time
+#ifndef CICE_IN_NEMO
+         if (stop_now >= 1) exit timeLoop
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_couple)  ! atm/ocn coupling
+! for now, wave_spectrum is constant in time
+!         if (tr_fsd .and. wave_spec) call get_wave_spec ! wave spectrum in ice
+         call get_forcing_atmo     ! atmospheric forcing from data
+         call get_forcing_ocn(dt)  ! ocean forcing from data
+         ! isotopes
+         if (tr_iso)     call fiso_default                 ! default values
+         ! aerosols
+         ! if (tr_aero)  call faero_data                   ! data file
+         ! if (tr_zaero) call fzaero_data                  ! data file (gx1)
+         if (tr_aero .or. tr_zaero)  call faero_default    ! default values
+         if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) call get_forcing_bgc  ! biogeochemistry
+         if (z_tracers) call get_atm_bgc                   ! biogeochemistry
+         call init_flux_atm  ! Initialize atmosphere fluxes sent to coupler
+         call init_flux_ocn  ! initialize ocean fluxes sent to coupler
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_couple)    ! atm/ocn coupling
+#ifndef CICE_IN_NEMO
+      enddo timeLoop
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! end of timestep loop
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_step)   ! end timestepping loop timer
+      end subroutine CICE_Run
+!  Calls drivers for physics components, some initialization, and output
+!  author Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!         William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+      subroutine ice_step
+      use ice_boundary, only: ice_HaloUpdate
+      use ice_calendar, only: dt, dt_dyn, ndtd, diagfreq, write_restart, istep
+      use ice_diagnostics, only: init_mass_diags, runtime_diags, debug_model, debug_ice
+      use ice_diagnostics_bgc, only: hbrine_diags, zsal_diags, bgc_diags
+      use ice_domain, only: halo_info, nblocks
+      use ice_dyn_eap, only: write_restart_eap
+      use ice_dyn_shared, only: kdyn, kridge
+      use ice_flux, only: scale_factor, init_history_therm, &
+          daidtt, daidtd, dvidtt, dvidtd, dagedtt, dagedtd
+      use ice_history, only: accum_hist
+      use ice_history_bgc, only: init_history_bgc
+      use ice_restart, only: final_restart
+      use ice_restart_column, only: write_restart_age, write_restart_FY, &
+          write_restart_lvl, write_restart_pond_lvl, &
+          write_restart_pond_topo, write_restart_aero, write_restart_fsd, &
+          write_restart_iso, write_restart_bgc, write_restart_hbrine, &
+          write_restart_snow
+      use ice_restart_driver, only: dumpfile
+      use ice_restoring, only: restore_ice, ice_HaloRestore
+      use ice_step_mod, only: prep_radiation, step_therm1, step_therm2, &
+          update_state, step_dyn_horiz, step_dyn_ridge, step_radiation, &
+          biogeochemistry, step_prep, step_dyn_wave, step_snow
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, &
+          timer_diags, timer_column, timer_thermo, timer_bound, &
+          timer_hist, timer_readwrite
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         iblk        , & ! block index
+         k           , & ! dynamics supercycling index
+         ktherm          ! thermodynamics is off when ktherm = -1
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         offset          ! d(age)/dt time offset
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+          tr_iage, tr_FY, tr_lvl, tr_fsd, tr_snow, &
+          tr_pond_lvl, tr_pond_topo, tr_brine, tr_iso, tr_aero, &
+          calc_Tsfc, skl_bgc, solve_zsal, z_tracers, wave_spec
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(ice_step)'
+      character (len=char_len) :: plabeld
+      if (debug_model) then
+         plabeld = 'beginning time step'
+         do iblk = 1, nblocks
+            call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+         enddo
+      endif
+      call icepack_query_parameters(calc_Tsfc_out=calc_Tsfc, skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc, &
+           solve_zsal_out=solve_zsal, z_tracers_out=z_tracers, ktherm_out=ktherm, &
+           wave_spec_out=wave_spec)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_iage_out=tr_iage, tr_FY_out=tr_FY, &
+           tr_lvl_out=tr_lvl, tr_pond_lvl_out=tr_pond_lvl, &
+           tr_pond_topo_out=tr_pond_topo, tr_brine_out=tr_brine, tr_aero_out=tr_aero, &
+           tr_iso_out=tr_iso, tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd, tr_snow_out=tr_snow)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! restoring on grid boundaries
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (restore_ice) call ice_HaloRestore
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! initialize diagnostics and save initial state values
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_diags)  ! diagnostics/history
+         call init_mass_diags   ! diagnostics per timestep
+         call init_history_therm
+         call init_history_bgc
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_diags)   ! diagnostics/history
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_column)  ! column physics
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_thermo)  ! thermodynamics
+         call step_prep
+         if (ktherm >= 0) then
+            !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk) SCHEDULE(runtime)
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! scale radiation fields
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+               if (calc_Tsfc) call prep_radiation (iblk)
+               if (debug_model) then
+                  plabeld = 'post prep_radiation'
+                  call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+               endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! thermodynamics and biogeochemistry
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+               call step_therm1     (dt, iblk) ! vertical thermodynamics
+               if (debug_model) then
+                  plabeld = 'post step_therm1'
+                  call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+               endif
+               call biogeochemistry (dt, iblk) ! biogeochemistry
+               if (debug_model) then
+                  plabeld = 'post biogeochemistry'
+                  call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+               endif
+               call step_therm2     (dt, iblk) ! ice thickness distribution thermo
+               if (debug_model) then
+                  plabeld = 'post step_therm2'
+                  call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+               endif
+            enddo
+            !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
+         endif ! ktherm > 0
+         ! clean up, update tendency diagnostics
+         offset = dt
+         call update_state (dt, daidtt, dvidtt, dagedtt, offset)
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_thermo) ! thermodynamics
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_column) ! column physics
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! dynamics, transport, ridging
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         ! wave fracture of the floe size distribution
+         ! note this is called outside of the dynamics subcycling loop
+         if (tr_fsd .and. wave_spec) call step_dyn_wave(dt)
+         do k = 1, ndtd
+            ! momentum, stress, transport
+            call step_dyn_horiz (dt_dyn)
+            if (debug_model) then
+               plabeld = 'post step_dyn_horiz'
+               do iblk = 1, nblocks
+                  call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+               enddo ! iblk
+            endif
+            ! ridging
+            !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk) SCHEDULE(runtime)
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               if (kridge > 0) call step_dyn_ridge (dt_dyn, ndtd, iblk)
+            enddo
+            !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
+            if (debug_model) then
+               plabeld = 'post step_dyn_ridge'
+               do iblk = 1, nblocks
+                  call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+               enddo ! iblk
+            endif
+            ! clean up, update tendency diagnostics
+            offset = c0
+            call update_state (dt_dyn, daidtd, dvidtd, dagedtd, offset)
+         enddo
+         if (debug_model) then
+            plabeld = 'post dynamics'
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+            enddo
+         endif
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_column)  ! column physics
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_thermo)  ! thermodynamics
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! snow redistribution and metamorphosis
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (tr_snow) then         ! advanced snow physics
+            !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk) SCHEDULE(runtime)
+            do iblk = 1, nblocks
+               call step_snow (dt, iblk)
+            enddo
+            !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
+            call update_state (dt) ! clean up
+         endif
+         !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk) SCHEDULE(runtime)
+         do iblk = 1, nblocks
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! albedo, shortwave radiation
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+            if (ktherm >= 0) call step_radiation (dt, iblk)
+            if (debug_model) then
+               plabeld = 'post step_radiation'
+               call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+            endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! get ready for coupling and the next time step
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+            call coupling_prep (iblk)
+            if (debug_model) then
+               plabeld = 'post coupling_prep'
+               call debug_ice (iblk, plabeld)
+            endif
+         enddo ! iblk
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_bound)
+         call ice_HaloUpdate (scale_factor,     halo_info, &
+                              field_loc_center, field_type_scalar)
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_bound)
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_thermo) ! thermodynamics
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_column) ! column physics
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! write data
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_diags)  ! diagnostics
+         if (mod(istep,diagfreq) == 0) then
+            call runtime_diags(dt)          ! log file
+            if (solve_zsal) call zsal_diags
+            if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers)  call bgc_diags
+            if (tr_brine) call hbrine_diags
+            if (my_task == master_task) then
+               call ice_memusage_print(nu_diag,subname)
+            endif
+         endif
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_diags)   ! diagnostics
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_hist)   ! history
+         call accum_hist (dt)               ! history file
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_hist)    ! history
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_readwrite)  ! reading/writing
+         if (write_restart == 1) then
+            call dumpfile     ! core variables for restarting
+            if (tr_iage)      call write_restart_age
+            if (tr_FY)        call write_restart_FY
+            if (tr_lvl)       call write_restart_lvl
+            if (tr_pond_lvl)  call write_restart_pond_lvl
+            if (tr_pond_topo) call write_restart_pond_topo
+            if (tr_snow)      call write_restart_snow
+            if (tr_fsd)       call write_restart_fsd
+            if (tr_iso)       call write_restart_iso
+            if (tr_aero)      call write_restart_aero
+            if (solve_zsal .or. skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) &
+                              call write_restart_bgc
+            if (tr_brine)     call write_restart_hbrine
+            if (kdyn == 2)    call write_restart_eap
+            call final_restart
+         endif
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_readwrite)  ! reading/writing
+      end subroutine ice_step
+! Prepare for coupling
+! authors: Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine coupling_prep (iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: alvdfn, alidfn, alvdrn, alidrn, &
+          albicen, albsnon, albpndn, apeffn, fzsal_g, fzsal, snowfracn
+      use ice_blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block, get_block, block
+      use ice_domain, only: blocks_ice
+      use ice_calendar, only: dt, nstreams
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat
+      use ice_flux, only: alvdf, alidf, alvdr, alidr, albice, albsno, &
+          albpnd, albcnt, apeff_ai, fpond, fresh, l_mpond_fresh, &
+          alvdf_ai, alidf_ai, alvdr_ai, alidr_ai, fhocn_ai, &
+          fresh_ai, fsalt_ai, fsalt, &
+          fswthru_ai, fhocn, scale_factor, snowfrac, &
+          fswthru, fswthru_vdr, fswthru_vdf, fswthru_idr, fswthru_idf, &
+          swvdr, swidr, swvdf, swidf, Tf, Tair, Qa, strairxT, strairyT, &
+          fsens, flat, fswabs, flwout, evap, Tref, Qref, &
+          scale_fluxes, frzmlt_init, frzmlt
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: faero_ocn, fiso_ocn, Qref_iso, fiso_evap, &
+          fzsal_ai, fzsal_g_ai, flux_bio, flux_bio_ai
+      use ice_grid, only: tmask
+      use ice_state, only: aicen, aice
+#ifdef CICE_IN_NEMO
+      use ice_state, only: aice_init
+      use ice_flux, only: flatn_f, fsurfn_f
+      use ice_step_mod, only: ocean_mixed_layer
+      use ice_timers, only: timer_couple, ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk            ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         n           , & ! thickness category index
+         i,j         , & ! horizontal indices
+         k           , & ! tracer index
+         nbtrcr          !
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block         ! block information for current block
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         calc_Tsfc       !
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         cszn        , & ! counter for history averaging
+         puny        , & !
+         rhofresh    , & !
+         netsw           ! flag for shortwave radiation presence
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(coupling_prep)'
+         call icepack_query_parameters(puny_out=puny, rhofresh_out=rhofresh)
+         call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr)
+         call icepack_query_parameters(calc_Tsfc_out=calc_Tsfc)
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Save current value of frzmlt for diagnostics.
+      ! Update mixed layer with heat and radiation from ice.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+            frzmlt_init  (i,j,iblk) = frzmlt(i,j,iblk)
+         enddo
+         enddo
+         call ice_timer_start(timer_couple,iblk)   ! atm/ocn coupling
+         if (oceanmixed_ice) &
+         call ocean_mixed_layer (dt,iblk) ! ocean surface fluxes and sst
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Aggregate albedos
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+            alvdf(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alidf(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alvdr(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alidr(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            albice(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            albsno(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            albpnd(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            apeff_ai(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            snowfrac(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            ! for history averaging
+            cszn = c0
+            netsw = swvdr(i,j,iblk)+swidr(i,j,iblk)+swvdf(i,j,iblk)+swidf(i,j,iblk)
+            if (netsw > puny) cszn = c1
+            do n = 1, nstreams
+               albcnt(i,j,iblk,n) = albcnt(i,j,iblk,n) + cszn
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         enddo
+         this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+         ilo = this_block%ilo
+         ihi = this_block%ihi
+         jlo = this_block%jlo
+         jhi = this_block%jhi
+         do n = 1, ncat
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+            if (aicen(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) then
+            alvdf(i,j,iblk) = alvdf(i,j,iblk) &
+               + alvdfn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            alidf(i,j,iblk) = alidf(i,j,iblk) &
+               + alidfn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            alvdr(i,j,iblk) = alvdr(i,j,iblk) &
+               + alvdrn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            alidr(i,j,iblk) = alidr(i,j,iblk) &
+               + alidrn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            netsw = swvdr(i,j,iblk) + swidr(i,j,iblk) &
+                  + swvdf(i,j,iblk) + swidf(i,j,iblk)
+            if (netsw > puny) then ! sun above horizon
+            albice(i,j,iblk) = albice(i,j,iblk) &
+               + albicen(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            albsno(i,j,iblk) = albsno(i,j,iblk) &
+               + albsnon(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            albpnd(i,j,iblk) = albpnd(i,j,iblk) &
+               + albpndn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            endif
+            apeff_ai(i,j,iblk) = apeff_ai(i,j,iblk) &       ! for history
+               + apeffn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            snowfrac(i,j,iblk) = snowfrac(i,j,iblk) &       ! for history
+               + snowfracn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+            endif ! aicen > puny
+         enddo
+         enddo
+         enddo
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! reduce fresh by fpond for coupling
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+            if (l_mpond_fresh) then
+               fpond(i,j,iblk) = fpond(i,j,iblk) * rhofresh/dt
+               fresh(i,j,iblk) = fresh(i,j,iblk) - fpond(i,j,iblk)
+            endif
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Store grid box mean albedos and fluxes before scaling by aice
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+            alvdf_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alvdf  (i,j,iblk)
+            alidf_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alidf  (i,j,iblk)
+            alvdr_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alvdr  (i,j,iblk)
+            alidr_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alidr  (i,j,iblk)
+            fresh_ai  (i,j,iblk) = fresh  (i,j,iblk)
+            fsalt_ai  (i,j,iblk) = fsalt  (i,j,iblk)
+            fhocn_ai  (i,j,iblk) = fhocn  (i,j,iblk)
+            fswthru_ai(i,j,iblk) = fswthru(i,j,iblk)
+            fzsal_ai  (i,j,iblk) = fzsal  (i,j,iblk)
+            fzsal_g_ai(i,j,iblk) = fzsal_g(i,j,iblk)
+            if (nbtrcr > 0) then
+            do k = 1, nbtrcr
+              flux_bio_ai  (i,j,k,iblk) = flux_bio  (i,j,k,iblk)
+            enddo
+            endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Save net shortwave for scaling factor in scale_factor
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+            scale_factor(i,j,iblk) = &
+                       swvdr(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alvdr_ai(i,j,iblk)) &
+                     + swvdf(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alvdf_ai(i,j,iblk)) &
+                     + swidr(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alidr_ai(i,j,iblk)) &
+                     + swidf(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alidf_ai(i,j,iblk))
+         enddo
+         enddo
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Divide fluxes by ice area
+      !  - the CESM coupler assumes fluxes are per unit ice area
+      !  - also needed for global budget in diagnostics
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         call scale_fluxes (nx_block,            ny_block,           &
+                            tmask    (:,:,iblk), nbtrcr,             &
+                            icepack_max_aero,                        &
+                            aice     (:,:,iblk), Tf      (:,:,iblk), &
+                            Tair     (:,:,iblk), Qa      (:,:,iblk), &
+                            strairxT (:,:,iblk), strairyT(:,:,iblk), &
+                            fsens    (:,:,iblk), flat    (:,:,iblk), &
+                            fswabs   (:,:,iblk), flwout  (:,:,iblk), &
+                            evap     (:,:,iblk),                     &
+                            Tref     (:,:,iblk), Qref    (:,:,iblk), &
+                            fresh    (:,:,iblk), fsalt   (:,:,iblk), &
+                            fhocn    (:,:,iblk),                     &
+                            fswthru  (:,:,iblk),                     &
+                            fswthru_vdr (:,:,iblk),                  &
+                            fswthru_vdf (:,:,iblk),                  &
+                            fswthru_idr (:,:,iblk),                  &
+                            fswthru_idf (:,:,iblk),                  &
+                            faero_ocn(:,:,:,iblk),                   &
+                            alvdr    (:,:,iblk), alidr   (:,:,iblk), &
+                            alvdf    (:,:,iblk), alidf   (:,:,iblk), &
+                            fzsal    (:,:,iblk), fzsal_g (:,:,iblk), &
+                            flux_bio (:,:,1:nbtrcr,iblk),            &
+                            Qref_iso =Qref_iso (:,:,:,iblk),         &
+                            fiso_evap=fiso_evap(:,:,:,iblk),         &
+                            fiso_ocn =fiso_ocn (:,:,:,iblk))
+#ifdef CICE_IN_NEMO
+!echmod - comment this out for efficiency, if .not. calc_Tsfc
+         if (.not. calc_Tsfc) then
+       !---------------------------------------------------------------
+       ! If surface fluxes were provided, conserve these fluxes at ice
+       ! free points by passing to ocean.
+       !---------------------------------------------------------------
+            call sfcflux_to_ocn &
+                         (nx_block,              ny_block,             &
+                          tmask   (:,:,iblk),    aice_init(:,:,iblk),  &
+                          fsurfn_f (:,:,:,iblk), flatn_f(:,:,:,iblk),  &
+                          fresh    (:,:,iblk),   fhocn    (:,:,iblk))
+         endif
+         call ice_timer_stop(timer_couple,iblk)   ! atm/ocn coupling
+      end subroutine coupling_prep
+#ifdef CICE_IN_NEMO
+! If surface heat fluxes are provided to CICE instead of CICE calculating
+! them internally (i.e. .not. calc_Tsfc), then these heat fluxes can
+! be provided at points which do not have ice.  (This is could be due to
+! the heat fluxes being calculated on a lower resolution grid or the
+! heat fluxes not recalculated at every CICE timestep.)  At ice free points,
+! conserve energy and water by passing these fluxes to the ocean.
+! author: A. McLaren, Met Office
+      subroutine sfcflux_to_ocn(nx_block,   ny_block,     &
+                                tmask,      aice,         &
+                                fsurfn_f,   flatn_f,      &
+                                fresh,      fhocn)
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+          nx_block, ny_block  ! block dimensions
+      logical (kind=log_kind), dimension (nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
+          tmask       ! land/boundary mask, thickness (T-cell)
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in):: &
+          aice        ! initial ice concentration
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,ncat), intent(in) :: &
+          fsurfn_f, & ! net surface heat flux (provided as forcing)
+          flatn_f     ! latent heat flux (provided as forcing)
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(inout):: &
+          fresh        , & ! fresh water flux to ocean         (kg/m2/s)
+          fhocn            ! actual ocn/ice heat flx           (W/m**2)
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+          i, j, n    ! horizontal indices
+      real (kind=dbl_kind)    :: &
+          puny, &          !
+          Lsub, &          !
+          rLsub            ! 1/Lsub
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(sfcflux_to_ocn)'
+      call icepack_query_parameters(puny_out=puny, Lsub_out=Lsub)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      rLsub = c1 / Lsub
+      do n = 1, ncat
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+            if (tmask(i,j) .and. aice(i,j) <= puny) then
+               fhocn(i,j)      = fhocn(i,j)              &
+                            + fsurfn_f(i,j,n) + flatn_f(i,j,n)
+               fresh(i,j)      = fresh(i,j)              &
+                                 + flatn_f(i,j,n) * rLsub
+            endif
+         enddo   ! i
+         enddo   ! j
+      enddo      ! n
+      end subroutine sfcflux_to_ocn
+      end module CICE_RunMod
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/README b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5f1bdf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/README
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+This unittest tests Icepack optional arguments.  The idea is to have source code that is
+identical to the standard CICE source code except the significant optional arguments passed
+into Icepack are removed from the CICE calls.  Then to run a standard CICE case with optional 
+features (fsd, bgc, isotopes, etc) off in namelist.  That results should be bit-for-bit identical
+with an equivalent run from the standard source code.
+This unittest will need to be maintained manually.  As CICE code changes, the modified files
+in the unittest also need to be update manually.  Again, it should be as easy as copying the
+standard files into this directory and then commenting out the optional arguments.
+All files from cicecore/drivers/standalone/cice need to be copied to this directory.  As of
+today, that includes
+  CICE.F90
+  CICE_FinalMod.F90
+  CICE_InitMod.F90
+  CICE_RunMod.F90
+to CICE_FinalMod.F90
+Do not worry about the parameter/tracer query/init/write methods
+Interfaces to modify include
+  ice_init_column.F90  (icepack_step_radiation, icepack_init_zbgc)
+  ice_step_mod.F90     (icepack_step_therm1, icepack_step_therm2, icepack_prep_radiation, 
+                        icepack_step_radiation, icepack_step_ridge)
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/ice_init_column.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/ice_init_column.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82f3f4a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/ice_init_column.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,3135 @@
+! Initialization routines for the column package.
+! author: Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      module ice_init_column
+      use ice_kinds_mod
+      use ice_blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block
+      use ice_constants
+      use ice_communicate, only: my_task, master_task, ice_barrier
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, max_blocks
+      use ice_domain_size, only: nblyr, nilyr, nslyr
+      use ice_domain_size, only: n_aero, n_zaero, n_algae
+      use ice_domain_size, only: n_doc, n_dic, n_don
+      use ice_domain_size, only: n_fed, n_fep
+      use ice_fileunits, only: nu_diag
+      use ice_fileunits, only: nu_nml, nml_filename, get_fileunit, &
+                               release_fileunit, flush_fileunit
+      use ice_exit, only: abort_ice
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_don, icepack_max_doc, icepack_max_dic
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_algae, icepack_max_aero, icepack_max_fe
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_nbtrcr
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_warnings_flush, icepack_warnings_aborted
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_tracer_sizes, icepack_init_tracer_flags
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_tracer_indices
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_parameters
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_tracer_sizes, icepack_query_tracer_flags
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_tracer_indices, icepack_query_tracer_sizes
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_parameters
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_write_tracer_sizes, icepack_write_tracer_flags
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_write_tracer_indices, icepack_write_tracer_sizes
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_fsd, icepack_cleanup_fsd
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_zbgc
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_thermo
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_radiation, icepack_init_orbit
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_bgc, icepack_init_zsalinity
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_ocean_bio, icepack_load_ocean_bio_array
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_init_hbrine
+      implicit none
+      private
+      public :: init_thermo_vertical, init_shortwave, &
+                init_age, init_FY, init_lvl, init_fsd, &
+                init_meltponds_lvl, init_meltponds_topo, &
+                init_aerosol, init_bgc, init_hbrine, init_zbgc, input_zbgc, &
+                count_tracers, init_isotope, init_snowtracers
+      ! namelist parameters needed locally
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         tau_min            , tau_max            , &
+         nitratetype        , ammoniumtype       , silicatetype,  &
+         dmspptype          , dmspdtype          , humtype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_dic) :: &
+         dictype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         algaltype   ! tau_min for both retention and release
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_doc) :: &
+         doctype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_don) :: &
+         dontype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_fe) :: &
+         fedtype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_fe) :: &
+         feptype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         zaerotype
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+          grid_o, l_sk, grid_o_t, initbio_frac, &
+          frazil_scav, grid_oS, l_skS, &
+          phi_snow, &
+          ratio_Si2N_diatoms , ratio_Si2N_sp      , ratio_Si2N_phaeo   ,  &
+          ratio_S2N_diatoms  , ratio_S2N_sp       , ratio_S2N_phaeo    ,  &
+          ratio_Fe2C_diatoms , ratio_Fe2C_sp      , ratio_Fe2C_phaeo   ,  &
+          ratio_Fe2N_diatoms , ratio_Fe2N_sp      , ratio_Fe2N_phaeo   ,  &
+          ratio_Fe2DON       , ratio_Fe2DOC_s     , ratio_Fe2DOC_l     ,  &
+          fr_resp            , &
+          algal_vel          , R_dFe2dust         , dustFe_sol         ,  &
+          chlabs_diatoms     , chlabs_sp          , chlabs_phaeo       ,  &
+          alpha2max_low_diatoms,alpha2max_low_sp  , alpha2max_low_phaeo,  &
+          beta2max_diatoms   , beta2max_sp        , beta2max_phaeo     ,  &
+          mu_max_diatoms     , mu_max_sp          , mu_max_phaeo       ,  &
+          grow_Tdep_diatoms  , grow_Tdep_sp       , grow_Tdep_phaeo    ,  &
+          fr_graze_diatoms   , fr_graze_sp        , fr_graze_phaeo     ,  &
+          mort_pre_diatoms   , mort_pre_sp        , mort_pre_phaeo     ,  &
+          mort_Tdep_diatoms  , mort_Tdep_sp       , mort_Tdep_phaeo    ,  &
+          k_exude_diatoms    , k_exude_sp         , k_exude_phaeo      ,  &
+          K_Nit_diatoms      , K_Nit_sp           , K_Nit_phaeo        ,  &
+          K_Am_diatoms       , K_Am_sp            , K_Am_phaeo         ,  &
+          K_Sil_diatoms      , K_Sil_sp           , K_Sil_phaeo        ,  &
+          K_Fe_diatoms       , K_Fe_sp            , K_Fe_phaeo         ,  &
+          f_don_protein      , kn_bac_protein     , f_don_Am_protein   ,  &
+          f_doc_s            , f_doc_l            , f_exude_s          ,  &
+          f_exude_l          , k_bac_s            , k_bac_l            ,  &
+          T_max              , fsal               , op_dep_min         ,  &
+          fr_graze_s         , fr_graze_e         , fr_mort2min        ,  &
+          fr_dFe             , k_nitrif           , t_iron_conv        ,  &
+          max_loss           , max_dfe_doc1       , fr_resp_s          ,  &
+          y_sk_DMS           , t_sk_conv          , t_sk_ox            ,  &
+          algaltype_diatoms  , algaltype_sp       , algaltype_phaeo    ,  &
+          doctype_s          , doctype_l          , dontype_protein    ,  &
+          fedtype_1          , feptype_1          , zaerotype_bc1      ,  &
+          zaerotype_bc2      , zaerotype_dust1    , zaerotype_dust2    ,  &
+          zaerotype_dust3    , zaerotype_dust4    , ratio_C2N_diatoms  ,  &
+          ratio_C2N_sp       , ratio_C2N_phaeo    , ratio_chl2N_diatoms,  &
+          ratio_chl2N_sp     , ratio_chl2N_phaeo  , F_abs_chl_diatoms  ,  &
+          F_abs_chl_sp       , F_abs_chl_phaeo    , ratio_C2N_proteins
+      contains
+! Initialize the vertical profile of ice salinity and melting temperature.
+! authors: C. M. Bitz, UW
+!          William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+      subroutine init_thermo_vertical
+      use ice_flux, only: salinz, Tmltz
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j, iblk, &  ! horizontal indices
+         k              ! ice layer index
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nilyr+1) :: &
+         sprofile                         ! vertical salinity profile
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         depressT
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_thermo_vertical)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! initialize
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call icepack_query_parameters(depressT_out=depressT)
+      call icepack_init_thermo(nilyr=nilyr, sprofile=sprofile)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Prescibe vertical profile of salinity and melting temperature.
+      ! Note this profile is only used for BL99 thermodynamics.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,k)
+      do iblk = 1,max_blocks
+      do j = 1, ny_block
+      do i = 1, nx_block
+         do k = 1, nilyr+1
+            salinz(i,j,k,iblk) = sprofile(k)
+            Tmltz (i,j,k,iblk) = -salinz(i,j,k,iblk)*depressT
+         enddo ! k
+      enddo    ! i
+      enddo    ! j
+      enddo    ! iblk
+      end subroutine init_thermo_vertical
+!  Initialize shortwave
+      subroutine init_shortwave
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: fswpenln, Iswabsn, Sswabsn, albicen, &
+          albsnon, alvdrn, alidrn, alvdfn, alidfn, fswsfcn, &
+          fswthrun, fswthrun_vdr, fswthrun_vdf, fswthrun_idr, fswthrun_idf, &
+          fswintn, albpndn, apeffn, trcrn_sw, dhsn, ffracn, snowfracn, &
+          kaer_tab, waer_tab, gaer_tab, kaer_bc_tab, waer_bc_tab, gaer_bc_tab, bcenh, &
+          swgrid, igrid
+      use ice_blocks, only: block, get_block
+      use ice_calendar, only: dt, calendar_type, &
+          days_per_year, nextsw_cday, yday, msec
+      use ice_diagnostics, only: npnt, print_points, pmloc, piloc, pjloc
+      use ice_domain, only: nblocks, blocks_ice
+      use ice_flux, only: alvdf, alidf, alvdr, alidr, &
+                          alvdr_ai, alidr_ai, alvdf_ai, alidf_ai, &
+                          swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, scale_factor, snowfrac, &
+                          albice, albsno, albpnd, apeff_ai, coszen, fsnow
+      use ice_grid, only: tlat, tlon, tmask
+      use ice_restart_shared, only: restart, runtype
+      use ice_state, only: aicen, vicen, vsnon, trcrn
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j , k    , & ! horizontal indices
+         iblk        , & ! block index
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         n                  ! thickness category index
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         netsw           ! flag for shortwave radiation presence
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         l_print_point, & ! flag to print designated grid point diagnostics
+         debug,         & ! if true, print diagnostics
+         dEdd_algae,    & ! use prognostic chla in dEdd radiation
+         modal_aero,    & ! use modal aerosol optical treatment
+         snwgrain         ! use variable snow radius
+      character (char_len) :: shortwave
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ipoint
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(ncat) :: &
+         fbri                 ! brine height to ice thickness
+      real(kind= dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
+         ztrcr_sw,        & ! zaerosols (kg/m^3) and chla (mg/m^3)
+         rsnow              ! snow grain radius tracer (10^-6 m)
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: tr_brine, tr_zaero, tr_bgc_n
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: nt_alvl, nt_apnd, nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd, nt_aero, &
+         nt_fbri, nt_tsfc, ntrcr, nbtrcr, nbtrcr_sw, nt_rsnw
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         nt_bgc_N
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nt_zaero
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: puny
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_shortwave)'
+      call icepack_query_parameters(puny_out=puny)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(shortwave_out=shortwave)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(dEdd_algae_out=dEdd_algae)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(modal_aero_out=modal_aero)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(snwgrain_out=snwgrain)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr, nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr, nbtrcr_sw_out=nbtrcr_sw)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_brine_out=tr_brine, tr_zaero_out=tr_zaero, &
+         tr_bgc_n_out=tr_bgc_n)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(nt_alvl_out=nt_alvl, nt_apnd_out=nt_apnd, nt_hpnd_out=nt_hpnd, &
+         nt_ipnd_out=nt_ipnd, nt_aero_out=nt_aero, nt_fbri_out=nt_fbri, nt_tsfc_out=nt_tsfc, &
+         nt_bgc_N_out=nt_bgc_N, nt_zaero_out=nt_zaero, nt_rsnw_out=nt_rsnw)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      allocate(ztrcr_sw(nbtrcr_sw, ncat))
+      allocate(rsnow(nslyr,ncat))
+      do iblk=1,nblocks
+         ! Initialize
+         fswpenln(:,:,:,:,iblk) = c0
+         Iswabsn(:,:,:,:,iblk) = c0
+         Sswabsn(:,:,:,:,iblk) = c0
+         this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+         ilo = this_block%ilo
+         ihi = this_block%ihi
+         jlo = this_block%jlo
+         jhi = this_block%jhi
+         do j = 1, ny_block ! can be jlo, jhi
+         do i = 1, nx_block ! can be ilo, ihi
+            l_print_point = .false.
+            debug = .false.
+            if (debug .and. print_points) then
+               do ipoint = 1, npnt
+                  if (my_task == pmloc(ipoint) .and. &
+                       i == piloc(ipoint) .and. &
+                       j == pjloc(ipoint)) &
+                       l_print_point = .true.
+                       write (nu_diag, *) 'my_task = ',my_task
+               enddo ! n
+            endif
+            alvdf(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alidf(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alvdr(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alidr(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alvdr_ai(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alidr_ai(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alvdf_ai(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            alidf_ai(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            albice(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            albsno(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            albpnd(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            snowfrac(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            apeff_ai(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               alvdrn(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               alidrn(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               alvdfn(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               alidfn(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswsfcn(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswintn(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswthrun(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswthrun_vdr(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswthrun_vdf(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswthrun_idr(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+               fswthrun_idf(i,j,n,iblk) = c0
+            enddo   ! ncat
+         enddo
+         enddo
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+            if (trim(shortwave) == 'dEdd') then ! delta Eddington
+               ! initialize orbital parameters
+               ! These come from the driver in the coupled model.
+               call icepack_init_orbit()
+               call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+               if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(subname//' init_orbit', &
+                  file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+            endif
+            fbri(:) = c0
+            ztrcr_sw(:,:) = c0
+            rsnow   (:,:) = c0
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               if (tr_brine)  fbri(n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_fbri,n,iblk)
+               if (snwgrain) then
+                  do k = 1, nslyr
+                     rsnow(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_rsnw+k-1,n,iblk)
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            enddo
+            if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+               call icepack_step_radiation (dt=dt, ncat=ncat,                  &
+                          nblyr=nblyr, nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr,               &
+                          dEdd_algae=dEdd_algae,                               &
+                          swgrid=swgrid(:), igrid=igrid(:),                    &
+                          fbri=fbri(:),                                        &
+                          aicen=aicen(i,j,:,iblk),                             &
+                          vicen=vicen(i,j,:,iblk),                             &
+                          vsnon=vsnon(i,j,:,iblk),                             &
+                          Tsfcn=trcrn(i,j,nt_Tsfc,:,iblk),                     &
+                          alvln=trcrn(i,j,nt_alvl,:,iblk),                     &
+                          apndn=trcrn(i,j,nt_apnd,:,iblk),                     &
+                          hpndn=trcrn(i,j,nt_hpnd,:,iblk),                     &
+                          ipndn=trcrn(i,j,nt_ipnd,:,iblk),                     &
+                          aeron=trcrn(i,j,nt_aero:nt_aero+4*n_aero-1,:,iblk),  &
+                          bgcNn=trcrn(i,j,nt_bgc_N(1):nt_bgc_N(1)+n_algae*(nblyr+3)-1,:,iblk), &
+                          zaeron=trcrn(i,j,nt_zaero(1):nt_zaero(1)+n_zaero*(nblyr+3)-1,:,iblk), &
+                          trcrn_bgcsw=ztrcr_sw,                                &
+                          TLAT=TLAT(i,j,iblk), TLON=TLON(i,j,iblk),            &
+                          calendar_type=calendar_type,                         &
+                          days_per_year=days_per_year,                         &
+                          nextsw_cday=nextsw_cday, yday=yday,                  &
+                          sec=msec,                                             &
+                          kaer_tab=kaer_tab, kaer_bc_tab=kaer_bc_tab(:,:),     &
+                          waer_tab=waer_tab, waer_bc_tab=waer_bc_tab(:,:),     &
+                          gaer_tab=gaer_tab, gaer_bc_tab=gaer_bc_tab(:,:),     &
+                          bcenh=bcenh(:,:,:),                                  &
+                          modal_aero=modal_aero,                               &
+                          swvdr=swvdr(i,j,iblk),         swvdf=swvdf(i,j,iblk),&
+                          swidr=swidr(i,j,iblk),         swidf=swidf(i,j,iblk),&
+                          coszen=coszen(i,j,iblk),       fsnow=fsnow(i,j,iblk),&
+                          alvdrn=alvdrn(i,j,:,iblk),     alvdfn=alvdfn(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                          alidrn=alidrn(i,j,:,iblk),     alidfn=alidfn(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                          fswsfcn=fswsfcn(i,j,:,iblk),   fswintn=fswintn(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                          fswthrun=fswthrun(i,j,:,iblk),                       &
+!opt                          fswthrun_vdr=fswthrun_vdr(i,j,:,iblk),               &
+!opt                          fswthrun_vdf=fswthrun_vdf(i,j,:,iblk),               &
+!opt                          fswthrun_idr=fswthrun_idr(i,j,:,iblk),               &
+!opt                          fswthrun_idf=fswthrun_idf(i,j,:,iblk),               &
+                          fswpenln=fswpenln(i,j,:,:,iblk),                     &
+                          Sswabsn=Sswabsn(i,j,:,:,iblk), Iswabsn=Iswabsn(i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                          albicen=albicen(i,j,:,iblk),   albsnon=albsnon(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                          albpndn=albpndn(i,j,:,iblk),   apeffn=apeffn(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                          snowfracn=snowfracn(i,j,:,iblk),                     &
+                          dhsn=dhsn(i,j,:,iblk),         ffracn=ffracn(i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                          rsnow=rsnow(:,:), &
+                          l_print_point=l_print_point,                         &
+                          initonly = .true.)
+            endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Define aerosol tracer on shortwave grid
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+            if (dEdd_algae .and. (tr_zaero .or. tr_bgc_N)) then
+              do n = 1, ncat
+                 do k = 1, nbtrcr_sw
+                    trcrn_sw(i,j,k,n,iblk) = ztrcr_sw(k,n)
+                 enddo
+              enddo
+            endif
+         enddo ! i
+         enddo ! j
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Aggregate albedos
+      ! Match loop order in coupling_prep for same order of operations
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         do n = 1, ncat
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+               if (aicen(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) then
+                  alvdf(i,j,iblk) = alvdf(i,j,iblk) &
+                       + alvdfn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  alidf(i,j,iblk) = alidf(i,j,iblk) &
+                       + alidfn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  alvdr(i,j,iblk) = alvdr(i,j,iblk) &
+                       + alvdrn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  alidr(i,j,iblk) = alidr(i,j,iblk) &
+                       + alidrn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  netsw = swvdr(i,j,iblk) + swidr(i,j,iblk) &
+                        + swvdf(i,j,iblk) + swidf(i,j,iblk)
+                  if (netsw > puny) then ! sun above horizon
+                     albice(i,j,iblk) = albice(i,j,iblk) &
+                          + albicen(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                     albsno(i,j,iblk) = albsno(i,j,iblk) &
+                          + albsnon(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                     albpnd(i,j,iblk) = albpnd(i,j,iblk) &
+                          + albpndn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  endif
+                  apeff_ai(i,j,iblk) = apeff_ai(i,j,iblk) &
+                       + apeffn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  snowfrac(i,j,iblk) = snowfrac(i,j,iblk) &
+                       + snowfracn(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+               endif ! aicen > puny
+         enddo ! i
+         enddo ! j
+         enddo ! ncat
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Store grid box mean albedos and fluxes before scaling by aice
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+            alvdf_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alvdf  (i,j,iblk)
+            alidf_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alidf  (i,j,iblk)
+            alvdr_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alvdr  (i,j,iblk)
+            alidr_ai  (i,j,iblk) = alidr  (i,j,iblk)
+            ! for history averaging
+!echmod?            cszn = c0
+!echmod            if (coszen(i,j,iblk) > puny) cszn = c1
+!echmod            do n = 1, nstreams
+!echmod               albcnt(i,j,iblk,n) = albcnt(i,j,iblk,n) + cszn
+!echmod            enddo
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Save net shortwave for scaling factor in scale_factor
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+            if (runtype == 'initial' .and. .not. restart) then
+               scale_factor(i,j,iblk) = &
+                      swvdr(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alvdr_ai(i,j,iblk)) &
+                    + swvdf(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alvdf_ai(i,j,iblk)) &
+                    + swidr(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alidr_ai(i,j,iblk)) &
+                    + swidf(i,j,iblk)*(c1 - alidf_ai(i,j,iblk))
+            endif
+         enddo ! i
+         enddo ! j
+      enddo ! iblk
+      deallocate(ztrcr_sw)
+      deallocate(rsnow)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      end subroutine init_shortwave
+!  Initialize ice age tracer (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_age(iage)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: iage
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_age)'
+      iage(:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_age
+!  Initialize ice FY tracer (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_FY(firstyear)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: firstyear
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_FY)'
+      firstyear(:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_FY
+!  Initialize ice lvl tracers (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_lvl(iblk, alvl, vlvl)
+      use ice_constants, only: c0, c1
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: ffracn, dhsn
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in)  :: iblk
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         alvl , & ! level ice area fraction
+         vlvl     ! level ice volume
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_lvl)'
+      alvl(:,:,:) = c1 ! level ice area fraction
+      vlvl(:,:,:) = c1 ! level ice volume
+      ffracn(:,:,:,iblk) = c0
+      dhsn(:,:,:,iblk) = c0
+      end subroutine init_lvl
+!  Initialize melt ponds.
+      subroutine init_meltponds_lvl(apnd, hpnd, ipnd, dhsn)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         apnd , & ! melt pond area fraction
+         hpnd , & ! melt pond depth
+         ipnd , & ! melt pond refrozen lid thickness
+         dhsn     ! depth difference for snow on sea ice and pond ice
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_meltponds_lvl)'
+      apnd(:,:,:) = c0
+      hpnd(:,:,:) = c0
+      ipnd(:,:,:) = c0
+      dhsn(:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_meltponds_lvl
+!  Initialize melt ponds.
+      subroutine init_meltponds_topo(apnd, hpnd, ipnd)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         apnd , & ! melt pond area fraction
+         hpnd , & ! melt pond depth
+         ipnd     ! melt pond refrozen lid thickness
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_meltponds_topo)'
+      apnd(:,:,:) = c0
+      hpnd(:,:,:) = c0
+      ipnd(:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_meltponds_topo
+!  Initialize snow redistribution/metamorphosis tracers (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_snowtracers(smice, smliq, rhos_cmp, rsnw)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         smice, smliq, rhos_cmp, rsnw
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_snowtracers)'
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         rsnw_fall, & ! snow grain radius of new fallen snow  (10^-6 m)
+         rhos         ! snow density (kg/m^3)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(rsnw_fall_out=rsnw_fall, rhos_out=rhos)
+      rsnw    (:,:,:,:) = rsnw_fall
+      rhos_cmp(:,:,:,:) = rhos
+      smice   (:,:,:,:) = rhos
+      smliq   (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_snowtracers
+!  Initialize floe size distribution tracer (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_fsd(floesize)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: floe_rad_c, floe_binwidth, &
+         wavefreq, dwavefreq, wave_sig_ht, wave_spectrum, &
+         d_afsd_newi, d_afsd_latg, d_afsd_latm, d_afsd_wave, d_afsd_weld
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, max_blocks, nfsd
+      use ice_init, only: ice_ic
+      use ice_state, only: aicen
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         floesize            ! floe size distribution tracer
+      ! local variables
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nfsd) :: &
+         afsd                ! floe size distribution "profile"
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nfsd,ncat) :: &
+         afsdn               ! floe size distribution "profile"
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: puny
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j, iblk     , &  ! horizontal indices
+         n, k                ! category index
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: tr_fsd
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_fsd)'
+      call icepack_query_parameters(puny_out=puny)
+      wavefreq       (:)       = c0
+      dwavefreq      (:)       = c0
+      wave_sig_ht    (:,:,:)   = c0
+      wave_spectrum  (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      d_afsd_newi    (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      d_afsd_latg    (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      d_afsd_latm    (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      d_afsd_wave    (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      d_afsd_weld    (:,:,:,:) = c0
+      ! default: floes occupy the smallest size category in all thickness categories
+      afsdn(:,:) = c0
+      afsdn(1,:) = c1
+      floesize(:,:,:,:,:) = c0
+      floesize(:,:,1,:,:) = c1
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      if (tr_fsd) then
+         ! initialize floe size distribution the same in every column and category
+         call icepack_init_fsd(nfsd, ice_ic, &
+            floe_rad_c,    &  ! fsd size bin centre in m (radius)
+            floe_binwidth, &  ! fsd size bin width in m (radius)
+            afsd)             ! floe size distribution
+         do iblk = 1, max_blocks
+            do j = 1, ny_block
+            do i = 1, nx_block
+               do n = 1, ncat
+               do k = 1, nfsd
+                  if (aicen(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) afsdn(k,n) = afsd(k)
+               enddo    ! k
+               enddo    ! n
+               call icepack_cleanup_fsd (ncat, nfsd, afsdn) ! renormalize
+               do n = 1, ncat
+               do k = 1, nfsd
+                  floesize(i,j,k,n,iblk) = afsdn(k,n)
+               enddo    ! k
+               enddo    ! n
+            enddo       ! i
+            enddo       ! j
+         enddo          ! iblk
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      endif ! tr_fsd
+      end subroutine init_fsd
+!  Initialize isotope tracers (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_isotope(isosno, isoice)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         isosno, isoice
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_isotope)'
+      isosno(:,:,:,:) = c0
+      isoice(:,:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_isotope
+!  Initialize ice aerosol tracer (call prior to reading restart data)
+      subroutine init_aerosol(aero)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: &
+         aero ! aerosol tracers
+      character(len=*),parameter :: subname='(init_aerosol)'
+      aero(:,:,:,:) = c0
+      end subroutine init_aerosol
+!  Initialize vertical profile for biogeochemistry
+      subroutine init_bgc()
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: zfswin, trcrn_sw, &
+          ocean_bio_all, ice_bio_net, snow_bio_net, &
+          cgrid, igrid, bphi, iDi, bTiz, iki, &
+          Rayleigh_criteria, Rayleigh_real
+      use ice_blocks, only: block, get_block
+      use ice_domain, only: nblocks, blocks_ice
+      use ice_flux, only: sss
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: nit, amm, sil, dmsp, dms, algalN, &
+          doc, don, dic, fed, fep, zaeros, hum
+      use ice_forcing_bgc, only: init_bgc_data, get_forcing_bgc
+      use ice_restart_column, only: restart_zsal, &
+          read_restart_bgc, restart_bgc
+      use ice_state, only: trcrn
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j, iblk       , & ! horizontal indices
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi  , & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         k                , & ! vertical index
+         n                    ! category index
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         max_nbtrcr, max_algae, max_don, max_doc, max_dic, max_aero, max_fe
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         RayleighC    , &
+         solve_zsal
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), allocatable :: &
+         trcrn_bgc(:,:)
+      real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nilyr,ncat) :: &
+         sicen
+      real(kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         RayleighR
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nbtrcr, ntrcr, ntrcr_o, &
+         nt_sice, nt_bgc_S
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_bgc)'
+      ! Initialize
+      call icepack_query_parameters(solve_zsal_out=solve_zsal)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr, ntrcr_out=ntrcr, ntrcr_o_out=ntrcr_o)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(nt_sice_out=nt_sice, nt_bgc_S_out=nt_bgc_S)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(max_nbtrcr_out=max_nbtrcr,         &
+           max_algae_out=max_algae, max_don_out=max_don, max_doc_out=max_doc,   &
+           max_dic_out=max_dic, max_aero_out=max_aero, max_fe_out=max_fe)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      allocate(trcrn_bgc(ntrcr,ncat))
+      bphi(:,:,:,:,:) = c0   ! initial porosity for no ice
+      iDi (:,:,:,:,:) = c0   ! interface diffusivity
+      bTiz(:,:,:,:,:) = c0   ! initial bio grid ice temperature
+      iki (:,:,:,:,:) = c0   ! permeability
+      ocean_bio_all(:,:,:,:)   = c0
+      ice_bio_net  (:,:,:,:)   = c0 ! integrated ice tracer conc (mmol/m^2 or mg/m^2)
+      snow_bio_net (:,:,:,:)   = c0 ! integrated snow tracer conc (mmol/m^2 or mg/m^2)
+      zfswin       (:,:,:,:,:) = c0 ! shortwave flux on bio grid
+      trcrn_sw     (:,:,:,:,:) = c0 ! tracers active in the shortwave calculation
+      trcrn_bgc    (:,:)       = c0
+      RayleighR                = c0
+      RayleighC                = .false.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! zsalinity initialization
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (solve_zsal) then  ! default values
+         !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,k,n,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,this_block,trcrn_bgc)
+         do iblk = 1, nblocks
+            this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+            ilo = this_block%ilo
+            ihi = this_block%ihi
+            jlo = this_block%jlo
+            jhi = this_block%jhi
+            do j = jlo, jhi
+            do i = ilo, ihi
+               call icepack_init_zsalinity(nblyr=nblyr, ntrcr_o=ntrcr_o, &
+                            Rayleigh_criteria = RayleighC, &
+                            Rayleigh_real     = RayleighR, &
+                            trcrn_bgc         = trcrn_bgc, &
+                            nt_bgc_S          = nt_bgc_S,  &
+                            ncat              = ncat,      &
+                            sss               = sss(i,j,iblk))
+               if (.not. restart_zsal) then
+                  Rayleigh_real    (i,j,iblk) = RayleighR
+                  Rayleigh_criteria(i,j,iblk) = RayleighC
+                  do n = 1,ncat
+                     do k  = 1, nblyr
+                        trcrn    (i,j,nt_bgc_S+k-1,        n,iblk) = &
+                        trcrn_bgc(    nt_bgc_S+k-1-ntrcr_o,n)
+                     enddo
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            enddo      ! i
+            enddo      ! j
+         enddo         ! iblk
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      endif ! solve_zsal
+      if (.not. solve_zsal) restart_zsal = .false.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! biogeochemistry initialization
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (.not. restart_bgc) then
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initial Ocean Values if not coupled to the ocean bgc
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,n,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,this_block)
+         do iblk = 1, nblocks
+            this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+            ilo = this_block%ilo
+            ihi = this_block%ihi
+            jlo = this_block%jlo
+            jhi = this_block%jhi
+            do j = jlo, jhi
+            do i = ilo, ihi
+               call icepack_init_ocean_bio ( &
+                    amm=amm      (i,j,  iblk), dmsp=dmsp(i,j,  iblk), dms=dms(i,j,  iblk), &
+                    algalN=algalN(i,j,:,iblk), doc=doc  (i,j,:,iblk), dic=dic(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                    don=don      (i,j,:,iblk), fed=fed  (i,j,:,iblk), fep=fep(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                    hum=hum      (i,j,  iblk), nit=nit  (i,j,  iblk), sil=sil(i,j,  iblk), &
+                    zaeros=zaeros(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                    max_dic = icepack_max_dic, max_don  = icepack_max_don, &
+                    max_fe  = icepack_max_fe,  max_aero = icepack_max_aero)
+            enddo  ! i
+            enddo  ! j
+         enddo     ! iblk
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+         call init_bgc_data(fed(:,:,1,:),fep(:,:,1,:)) ! input dFe from file
+         call get_forcing_bgc                          ! defines nit and sil
+      endif     ! .not. restart
+      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,n,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,this_block)
+      do iblk = 1, nblocks
+         this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+         ilo = this_block%ilo
+         ihi = this_block%ihi
+         jlo = this_block%jlo
+         jhi = this_block%jhi
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+            call icepack_load_ocean_bio_array(max_nbtrcr=icepack_max_nbtrcr,     &
+                         max_algae=icepack_max_algae, max_don=icepack_max_don,   &
+                         max_doc=icepack_max_doc,     max_fe=icepack_max_fe,     &
+                         max_dic=icepack_max_dic,     max_aero=icepack_max_aero, &
+                         nit =nit (i,j,  iblk), amm=amm(i,j,  iblk), sil   =sil   (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         dmsp=dmsp(i,j,  iblk), dms=dms(i,j,  iblk), algalN=algalN(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         doc =doc (i,j,:,iblk), don=don(i,j,:,iblk), dic   =dic   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         fed =fed (i,j,:,iblk), fep=fep(i,j,:,iblk), zaeros=zaeros(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         hum=hum  (i,j,  iblk), ocean_bio_all=ocean_bio_all(i,j,:,iblk))
+         enddo  ! i
+         enddo  ! j
+      enddo     ! iblk
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      if (.not. restart_bgc) then
+         !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,k,n,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,this_block,sicen,trcrn_bgc)
+         do iblk = 1, nblocks
+            this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+            ilo = this_block%ilo
+            ihi = this_block%ihi
+            jlo = this_block%jlo
+            jhi = this_block%jhi
+            do j = jlo, jhi
+            do i = ilo, ihi
+                do n = 1, ncat
+                do k = 1, nilyr
+                   sicen(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_sice+k-1,n,iblk)
+                enddo
+                do k = ntrcr_o+1, ntrcr
+                   trcrn_bgc(k-ntrcr_o,n) = trcrn(i,j,k,n,iblk)
+                enddo
+                enddo
+            call icepack_init_bgc(ncat=ncat, nblyr=nblyr, nilyr=nilyr, ntrcr_o=ntrcr_o,  &
+                         cgrid=cgrid, igrid=igrid, ntrcr=ntrcr, nbtrcr=nbtrcr,           &
+                         sicen=sicen(:,:), trcrn=trcrn_bgc(:,:), sss=sss(i,j, iblk), &
+                         ocean_bio_all=ocean_bio_all(i,j,:,iblk))
+            enddo  ! i
+            enddo  ! j
+         enddo     ! iblk
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      endif ! .not. restart
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! read restart to complete BGC initialization
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (restart_zsal .or. restart_bgc) call read_restart_bgc
+      deallocate(trcrn_bgc)
+      end subroutine init_bgc
+!  Initialize brine height tracer
+      subroutine init_hbrine()
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: first_ice, bgrid, igrid, cgrid, &
+          icgrid, swgrid
+      use ice_state, only: trcrn
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: phi_snow
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: nt_fbri
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: tr_brine
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_hbrine)'
+      call icepack_query_parameters(phi_snow_out=phi_snow)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      call icepack_init_hbrine(bgrid=bgrid, igrid=igrid, cgrid=cgrid, icgrid=icgrid, &
+            swgrid=swgrid, nblyr=nblyr, nilyr=nilyr, phi_snow=phi_snow)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_init_parameters(phi_snow_in=phi_snow)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_brine_out=tr_brine)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(nt_fbri_out=nt_fbri)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__,line= __LINE__)
+      first_ice(:,:,:,:) = .true.
+      if (tr_brine) trcrn(:,:,nt_fbri,:,:) = c1
+      end subroutine init_hbrine
+! Namelist variables, set to default values; may be altered at run time
+! author Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!        Nicole Jeffery, LANL
+      subroutine input_zbgc
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: restore_bgc, optics_file, optics_file_fieldname
+      use ice_broadcast, only: broadcast_scalar
+      use ice_restart_column, only: restart_bgc, restart_zsal, &
+          restart_hbrine
+      use ice_restart_shared, only: restart
+      character (len=char_len) :: &
+         shortwave        ! from icepack
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         tr_brine, &
+         tr_bgc_Nit,    tr_bgc_Am,    tr_bgc_Sil,   &
+         tr_bgc_DMS,    tr_bgc_PON,   &
+         tr_bgc_N,      tr_bgc_C,     tr_bgc_chl,   &
+         tr_bgc_DON,    tr_bgc_Fe,    tr_zaero,     &
+         tr_bgc_hum,    tr_aero
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ktherm
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         solve_zsal, skl_bgc, z_tracers, scale_bgc, solve_zbgc, dEdd_algae, &
+         modal_aero
+      character (char_len) :: &
+         bgc_flux_type
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nml_error, & ! namelist i/o error flag
+         abort_flag
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(input_zbgc)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! namelist variables
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      namelist /zbgc_nml/  &
+        tr_brine, restart_hbrine, tr_zaero, modal_aero, skl_bgc, &
+        z_tracers, dEdd_algae, solve_zbgc, bgc_flux_type, &
+        restore_bgc, restart_bgc, scale_bgc, solve_zsal, restart_zsal, &
+        tr_bgc_Nit, tr_bgc_C, tr_bgc_chl, tr_bgc_Am, tr_bgc_Sil, &
+        tr_bgc_DMS, tr_bgc_PON, tr_bgc_hum, tr_bgc_DON, tr_bgc_Fe, &
+        grid_o, grid_o_t, l_sk, grid_oS, optics_file, optics_file_fieldname, &
+        l_skS, phi_snow,  initbio_frac, frazil_scav, &
+        ratio_Si2N_diatoms , ratio_Si2N_sp      , ratio_Si2N_phaeo   ,  &
+        ratio_S2N_diatoms  , ratio_S2N_sp       , ratio_S2N_phaeo    ,  &
+        ratio_Fe2C_diatoms , ratio_Fe2C_sp      , ratio_Fe2C_phaeo   ,  &
+        ratio_Fe2N_diatoms , ratio_Fe2N_sp      , ratio_Fe2N_phaeo   ,  &
+        ratio_Fe2DON       , ratio_Fe2DOC_s     , ratio_Fe2DOC_l     ,  &
+        fr_resp            , tau_min            , tau_max            ,  &
+        algal_vel          , R_dFe2dust         , dustFe_sol         ,  &
+        chlabs_diatoms     , chlabs_sp          , chlabs_phaeo       ,  &
+        alpha2max_low_diatoms,alpha2max_low_sp  , alpha2max_low_phaeo,  &
+        beta2max_diatoms   , beta2max_sp        , beta2max_phaeo     ,  &
+        mu_max_diatoms     , mu_max_sp          , mu_max_phaeo       ,  &
+        grow_Tdep_diatoms  , grow_Tdep_sp       , grow_Tdep_phaeo    ,  &
+        fr_graze_diatoms   , fr_graze_sp        , fr_graze_phaeo     ,  &
+        mort_pre_diatoms   , mort_pre_sp        , mort_pre_phaeo     ,  &
+        mort_Tdep_diatoms  , mort_Tdep_sp       , mort_Tdep_phaeo    ,  &
+        k_exude_diatoms    , k_exude_sp         , k_exude_phaeo      ,  &
+        K_Nit_diatoms      , K_Nit_sp           , K_Nit_phaeo        ,  &
+        K_Am_diatoms       , K_Am_sp            , K_Am_phaeo         ,  &
+        K_Sil_diatoms      , K_Sil_sp           , K_Sil_phaeo        ,  &
+        K_Fe_diatoms       , K_Fe_sp            , K_Fe_phaeo         ,  &
+        f_don_protein      , kn_bac_protein     , f_don_Am_protein   ,  &
+        f_doc_s            , f_doc_l            , f_exude_s          ,  &
+        f_exude_l          , k_bac_s            , k_bac_l            ,  &
+        T_max              , fsal               , op_dep_min         ,  &
+        fr_graze_s         , fr_graze_e         , fr_mort2min        ,  &
+        fr_dFe             , k_nitrif           , t_iron_conv        ,  &
+        max_loss           , max_dfe_doc1       , fr_resp_s          ,  &
+        y_sk_DMS           , t_sk_conv          , t_sk_ox            ,  &
+        algaltype_diatoms  , algaltype_sp       , algaltype_phaeo    ,  &
+        nitratetype        , ammoniumtype       , silicatetype       ,  &
+        dmspptype          , dmspdtype          , humtype            ,  &
+        doctype_s          , doctype_l          , dontype_protein    ,  &
+        fedtype_1          , feptype_1          , zaerotype_bc1      ,  &
+        zaerotype_bc2      , zaerotype_dust1    , zaerotype_dust2    ,  &
+        zaerotype_dust3    , zaerotype_dust4    , ratio_C2N_diatoms  ,  &
+        ratio_C2N_sp       , ratio_C2N_phaeo    , ratio_chl2N_diatoms,  &
+        ratio_chl2N_sp     , ratio_chl2N_phaeo  , F_abs_chl_diatoms  ,  &
+        F_abs_chl_sp       , F_abs_chl_phaeo    , ratio_C2N_proteins
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      abort_flag = 0
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_aero_out=tr_aero)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(ktherm_out=ktherm, shortwave_out=shortwave)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! default values
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      tr_brine        = .false.  ! brine height differs from ice height
+      tr_zaero        = .false.  ! z aerosol tracers
+      modal_aero      = .false.  ! use modal aerosol treatment of aerosols
+      optics_file     = 'unknown_optics_file' ! modal aerosol optics file
+      optics_file_fieldname = 'unknown_optics_fieldname' ! modal aerosol optics file fieldname
+      restore_bgc     = .false.  ! restore bgc if true
+      solve_zsal      = .false.  ! update salinity tracer profile from solve_S_dt
+      restart_bgc     = .false.  ! biogeochemistry restart
+      restart_zsal    = .false.  ! salinity restart
+      restart_hbrine  = .false.  ! hbrine restart
+      scale_bgc       = .false.  ! initial bgc tracers proportional to S
+      skl_bgc         = .false.  ! solve skeletal biochemistry
+      z_tracers       = .false.  ! solve vertically resolved tracers
+      dEdd_algae      = .false.  ! dynamic algae contributes to shortwave absorption
+                                 ! in delta-Eddington calculation
+      solve_zbgc      = .false.  ! turn on z layer biochemistry
+      tr_bgc_PON      = .false.  !---------------------------------------------
+      tr_bgc_Nit      = .false.  ! biogeochemistry (skl or zbgc)
+      tr_bgc_C        = .false.  ! if skl_bgc = .true. then skl
+      tr_bgc_chl      = .false.  ! if z_tracers = .true. then vertically resolved
+      tr_bgc_Sil      = .false.  ! if z_tracers + solve_zbgc = .true. then
+      tr_bgc_Am       = .false.  ! vertically resolved with reactions
+      tr_bgc_DMS      = .false.  !------------------------------------------------
+      tr_bgc_DON      = .false.  !
+      tr_bgc_hum      = .false.  !
+      tr_bgc_Fe       = .false.  !
+      tr_bgc_N        = .true.   !
+      ! brine height parameter
+      phi_snow        = p5       ! snow porosity
+      ! skl biology parameters
+      bgc_flux_type   = 'Jin2006'! type of ocean-ice poston velocity ('constant')
+      ! z biology parameters
+      grid_o          = c5           ! for bottom flux
+      grid_o_t        = c5           ! for top flux
+      l_sk            = 7.0_dbl_kind ! characteristic diffusive scale (m)
+      initbio_frac    = c1           ! fraction of ocean trcr concentration in bio trcrs
+      frazil_scav     = c1           ! increase in initial bio tracer from ocean scavenging
+      ratio_Si2N_diatoms = 1.8_dbl_kind    ! algal Si to N (mol/mol)
+      ratio_Si2N_sp      = c0              ! diatoms, small plankton, phaeocystis
+      ratio_Si2N_phaeo   = c0
+      ratio_S2N_diatoms  = 0.03_dbl_kind   ! algal S  to N (mol/mol)
+      ratio_S2N_sp       = 0.03_dbl_kind
+      ratio_S2N_phaeo    = 0.03_dbl_kind
+      ratio_Fe2C_diatoms = 0.0033_dbl_kind ! algal Fe to C  (umol/mol)
+      ratio_Fe2C_sp      = 0.0033_dbl_kind
+      ratio_Fe2C_phaeo   = p1
+      ratio_Fe2N_diatoms = 0.023_dbl_kind  ! algal Fe to N  (umol/mol)
+      ratio_Fe2N_sp      = 0.023_dbl_kind
+      ratio_Fe2N_phaeo   = 0.7_dbl_kind
+      ratio_Fe2DON       = 0.023_dbl_kind  ! Fe to N of DON (nmol/umol)
+      ratio_Fe2DOC_s     = p1              ! Fe to C of DOC (nmol/umol) saccharids
+      ratio_Fe2DOC_l     = 0.033_dbl_kind  ! Fe to C of DOC (nmol/umol) lipids
+      fr_resp            = 0.05_dbl_kind   ! frac of algal growth lost due to respiration
+      tau_min            = 5200.0_dbl_kind ! rapid mobile to stationary exchanges (s)
+      tau_max            = 1.73e5_dbl_kind ! long time mobile to stationary exchanges (s)
+      algal_vel          = 1.11e-8_dbl_kind! 0.5 cm/d(m/s) Lavoie 2005  1.5 cm/day
+      R_dFe2dust         = 0.035_dbl_kind  !  g/g (3.5% content) Tagliabue 2009
+      dustFe_sol         = 0.005_dbl_kind  ! solubility fraction
+      chlabs_diatoms     = 0.03_dbl_kind   ! chl absorption (1/m/(mg/m^3))
+      chlabs_sp          = 0.01_dbl_kind
+      chlabs_phaeo       = 0.05_dbl_kind
+      alpha2max_low_diatoms = 0.8_dbl_kind ! light limitation (1/(W/m^2))
+      alpha2max_low_sp      = 0.67_dbl_kind
+      alpha2max_low_phaeo   = 0.67_dbl_kind
+      beta2max_diatoms   = 0.018_dbl_kind  ! light inhibition (1/(W/m^2))
+      beta2max_sp        = 0.0025_dbl_kind
+      beta2max_phaeo     = 0.01_dbl_kind
+      mu_max_diatoms     = 1.2_dbl_kind    ! maximum growth rate (1/day)
+      mu_max_sp          = 0.851_dbl_kind
+      mu_max_phaeo       = 0.851_dbl_kind
+      grow_Tdep_diatoms  = 0.06_dbl_kind ! Temperature dependence of growth (1/C)
+      grow_Tdep_sp       = 0.06_dbl_kind
+      grow_Tdep_phaeo    = 0.06_dbl_kind
+      fr_graze_diatoms   = 0.01_dbl_kind ! Fraction grazed
+      fr_graze_sp        = p1
+      fr_graze_phaeo     = p1
+      mort_pre_diatoms   = 0.007_dbl_kind! Mortality (1/day)
+      mort_pre_sp        = 0.007_dbl_kind
+      mort_pre_phaeo     = 0.007_dbl_kind
+      mort_Tdep_diatoms  = 0.03_dbl_kind ! T dependence of mortality (1/C)
+      mort_Tdep_sp       = 0.03_dbl_kind
+      mort_Tdep_phaeo    = 0.03_dbl_kind
+      k_exude_diatoms    = c0            ! algal exudation (1/d)
+      k_exude_sp         = c0
+      k_exude_phaeo      = c0
+      K_Nit_diatoms      = c1            ! nitrate half saturation (mmol/m^3)
+      K_Nit_sp           = c1
+      K_Nit_phaeo        = c1
+      K_Am_diatoms       = 0.3_dbl_kind  ! ammonium half saturation (mmol/m^3)
+      K_Am_sp            = 0.3_dbl_kind
+      K_Am_phaeo         = 0.3_dbl_kind
+      K_Sil_diatoms      = 4.0_dbl_kind  ! silicate half saturation (mmol/m^3)
+      K_Sil_sp           = c0
+      K_Sil_phaeo        = c0
+      K_Fe_diatoms       = c1            ! iron half saturation (nM)
+      K_Fe_sp            = 0.2_dbl_kind
+      K_Fe_phaeo         = p1
+      f_don_protein      = 0.6_dbl_kind  ! fraction of spilled grazing to proteins
+      kn_bac_protein     = 0.03_dbl_kind ! Bacterial degredation of DON (1/d)
+      f_don_Am_protein   = 0.25_dbl_kind ! fraction of remineralized DON to ammonium
+      f_doc_s            = 0.4_dbl_kind  ! fraction of mortality to DOC
+      f_doc_l            = 0.4_dbl_kind
+      f_exude_s          = c1            ! fraction of exudation to DOC
+      f_exude_l          = c1
+      k_bac_s            = 0.03_dbl_kind ! Bacterial degredation of DOC (1/d)
+      k_bac_l            = 0.03_dbl_kind
+      T_max              = c0            ! maximum temperature (C)
+      fsal               = c1            ! Salinity limitation (ppt)
+      op_dep_min         = p1            ! Light attenuates for optical depths exceeding min
+      fr_graze_s         = p5            ! fraction of grazing spilled or slopped
+      fr_graze_e         = p5            ! fraction of assimilation excreted
+      fr_mort2min        = p5            ! fractionation of mortality to Am
+      fr_dFe             = 0.3_dbl_kind  ! fraction of remineralized nitrogen
+                                         ! (in units of algal iron)
+      k_nitrif           = c0            ! nitrification rate (1/day)
+      t_iron_conv        = 3065.0_dbl_kind ! desorption loss pFe to dFe (day)
+      max_loss           = 0.9_dbl_kind ! restrict uptake to % of remaining value
+      max_dfe_doc1       = 0.2_dbl_kind ! max ratio of dFe to saccharides in the ice
+                                         !(nM Fe/muM C)
+      fr_resp_s          = 0.75_dbl_kind ! DMSPd fraction of respiration loss as DMSPd
+      y_sk_DMS           = p5            ! fraction conversion given high yield
+      t_sk_conv          = 3.0_dbl_kind  ! Stefels conversion time (d)
+      t_sk_ox            = 10.0_dbl_kind ! DMS oxidation time (d)
+      algaltype_diatoms  = c0            ! ------------------
+      algaltype_sp       = p5            !
+      algaltype_phaeo    = p5            !
+      nitratetype        = -c1           ! mobility type between
+      ammoniumtype       = c1            ! stationary <-->  mobile
+      silicatetype       = -c1           !
+      dmspptype          = p5            !
+      dmspdtype          = -c1           !
+      humtype            = c1            !
+      doctype_s          = p5            !
+      doctype_l          = p5            !
+      dontype_protein    = p5            !
+      fedtype_1          = p5            !
+      feptype_1          = p5            !
+      zaerotype_bc1      = c1            !
+      zaerotype_bc2      = c1            !
+      zaerotype_dust1    = c1            !
+      zaerotype_dust2    = c1            !
+      zaerotype_dust3    = c1            !
+      zaerotype_dust4    = c1            !--------------------
+      ratio_C2N_diatoms  = 7.0_dbl_kind  ! algal C to N ratio (mol/mol)
+      ratio_C2N_sp       = 7.0_dbl_kind
+      ratio_C2N_phaeo    = 7.0_dbl_kind
+      ratio_chl2N_diatoms= 2.1_dbl_kind  ! algal chlorophyll to N ratio (mg/mmol)
+      ratio_chl2N_sp     = 1.1_dbl_kind
+      ratio_chl2N_phaeo  = 0.84_dbl_kind
+      F_abs_chl_diatoms  = 2.0_dbl_kind  ! scales absorbed radiation for dEdd
+      F_abs_chl_sp       = 4.0_dbl_kind
+      F_abs_chl_phaeo    = 5.0
+      ratio_C2N_proteins = 7.0_dbl_kind  ! ratio of C to N in proteins (mol/mol)
+      ! z salinity  parameters
+      grid_oS         = c5            ! for bottom flux
+      l_skS           = 7.0_dbl_kind  ! characteristic diffusive scale (m)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! read from input file
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         write(nu_diag,*) subname,' Reading zbgc_nml'
+         call get_fileunit(nu_nml)
+         open (nu_nml, file=trim(nml_filename), status='old',iostat=nml_error)
+         if (nml_error /= 0) then
+            call abort_ice(subname//'ERROR: zbgc_nml open file '// &
+               trim(nml_filename), &
+               file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+         endif
+         nml_error =  1
+         do while (nml_error > 0)
+            read(nu_nml, nml=zbgc_nml,iostat=nml_error)
+         end do
+         if (nml_error /= 0) then
+            call abort_ice(subname//'ERROR: zbgc_nml reading ', &
+               file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+         endif
+         close(nu_nml)
+         call release_fileunit(nu_nml)
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! broadcast
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call broadcast_scalar(solve_zsal,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(restart_zsal,       master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_brine,           master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(restart_hbrine,     master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(phi_snow,           master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(grid_oS,            master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(l_skS,              master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(solve_zbgc,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(skl_bgc,            master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(restart_bgc,        master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(bgc_flux_type,      master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(restore_bgc,        master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_N,           master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_C,           master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_chl,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_Nit,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_Am,          master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_Sil,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_hum,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_DMS,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_PON,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_DON,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_bgc_Fe,          master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(z_tracers,          master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tr_zaero,           master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(dEdd_algae,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(modal_aero,         master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(optics_file,        master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(optics_file_fieldname, master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(grid_o,             master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(grid_o_t,           master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(l_sk,               master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(scale_bgc,          master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(initbio_frac,       master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(frazil_scav,        master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Si2N_diatoms, master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Si2N_sp,      master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Si2N_phaeo,   master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_S2N_diatoms,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_S2N_sp,       master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_S2N_phaeo,    master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2C_diatoms, master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2C_sp,      master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2C_phaeo,   master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2N_diatoms, master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2N_sp,      master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2N_phaeo,   master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2DON   ,    master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2DOC_s ,    master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_Fe2DOC_l ,    master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_resp     ,       master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tau_min  ,          master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(tau_max  ,          master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(algal_vel  ,        master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(R_dFe2dust ,        master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(dustFe_sol      ,   master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(chlabs_diatoms ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(chlabs_sp      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(chlabs_phaeo     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(alpha2max_low_diatoms ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(alpha2max_low_sp      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(alpha2max_low_phaeo   ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(beta2max_diatoms ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(beta2max_sp      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(beta2max_phaeo   ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mu_max_diatoms   ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mu_max_sp        ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mu_max_phaeo     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(grow_Tdep_diatoms,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(grow_Tdep_sp     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(grow_Tdep_phaeo  ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_graze_diatoms ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_graze_sp      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_graze_phaeo   ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mort_pre_diatoms ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mort_pre_sp      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mort_pre_phaeo   ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mort_Tdep_diatoms,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mort_Tdep_sp     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(mort_Tdep_phaeo  ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(k_exude_diatoms  ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(k_exude_sp       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(k_exude_phaeo    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Nit_diatoms    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Nit_sp         ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Nit_phaeo      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Am_diatoms     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Am_sp          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Am_phaeo       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Sil_diatoms    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Sil_sp         ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Sil_phaeo      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Fe_diatoms     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Fe_sp          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(K_Fe_phaeo       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(f_don_protein    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(kn_bac_protein   ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(f_don_Am_protein ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(f_doc_s          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(f_doc_l          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(f_exude_s        ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(f_exude_l        ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(k_bac_s          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(k_bac_l          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(T_max            ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fsal             ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(op_dep_min       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_graze_s       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_graze_e       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_mort2min      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_dFe           ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(k_nitrif         ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(t_iron_conv      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(max_loss         ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(max_dfe_doc1     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fr_resp_s        ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(y_sk_DMS         ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(t_sk_conv        ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(t_sk_ox          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(algaltype_diatoms,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(algaltype_sp       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(algaltype_phaeo    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(nitratetype        ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ammoniumtype       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(silicatetype       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(dmspptype          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(dmspdtype          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(humtype            ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(doctype_s          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(doctype_l          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(dontype_protein    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(fedtype_1          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(feptype_1          ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(zaerotype_bc1      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(zaerotype_bc2      ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(zaerotype_dust1    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(zaerotype_dust2    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(zaerotype_dust3    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(zaerotype_dust4    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_C2N_diatoms  ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_C2N_sp       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_C2N_phaeo    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_chl2N_diatoms,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_chl2N_sp     ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_chl2N_phaeo  ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(F_abs_chl_diatoms  ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(F_abs_chl_sp       ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(F_abs_chl_phaeo    ,  master_task)
+      call broadcast_scalar(ratio_C2N_proteins ,  master_task)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! zsalinity and brine
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (.not.restart) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) &
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//' WARNING: restart = false, setting bgc restart flags to false'
+         restart_bgc =  .false.
+         restart_hbrine =  .false.
+         restart_zsal =  .false.
+      endif
+      if (solve_zsal)  then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: solve_zsal=T deprecated'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 101
+      endif
+      if (solve_zsal .and. nblyr < 1)  then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: solve_zsal=T but 0 zsalinity tracers'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 101
+      endif
+      if (solve_zsal .and. ((.not. tr_brine) .or. (ktherm /= 1))) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: solve_zsal needs tr_brine=T and ktherm=1'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 102
+      endif
+      if (tr_brine .and. nblyr < 1 ) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: tr_brine=T but no biology layers compiled'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 103
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! biogeochemistry
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (.not. tr_brine) then
+         if (solve_zbgc) then
+            if (my_task == master_task) then
+               write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: tr_brine = F and solve_zbgc = T'
+            endif
+            abort_flag = 104
+         endif
+         if (tr_zaero) then
+            if (my_task == master_task) then
+               write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: tr_brine = F and tr_zaero = T'
+            endif
+            abort_flag = 105
+         endif
+      endif
+      if ((skl_bgc .AND. solve_zbgc) .or. (skl_bgc .AND. z_tracers)) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: skl_bgc and solve_zbgc or z_tracers are both true'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 106
+      endif
+      if (skl_bgc .AND. tr_zaero) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: skl_bgc does not use vertical tracers'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 107
+      endif
+      if (dEdd_algae .AND. trim(shortwave) /= 'dEdd') then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: dEdd_algae = T but shortwave /= dEdd'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 108
+      endif
+      if (dEdd_algae .AND. (.NOT. tr_bgc_N) .AND. (.NOT. tr_zaero)) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: need tr_bgc_N or tr_zaero for dEdd_algae'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 109
+      endif
+      if (modal_aero .AND. (.NOT. tr_zaero) .AND. (.NOT. tr_aero)) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: modal_aero T with tr_zaero and tr_aero'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 110
+      endif
+      if (modal_aero .AND. trim(shortwave) /= 'dEdd') then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: modal_aero = T but shortwave /= dEdd'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 111
+      endif
+      if (n_algae > icepack_max_algae) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of algal types exceeds icepack_max_algae'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 112
+      endif
+      if (n_doc > icepack_max_doc) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of doc types exceeds icepack_max_doc'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 113
+      endif
+      if (n_dic > icepack_max_doc) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of dic types exceeds icepack_max_dic'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 114
+      endif
+      if (n_don > icepack_max_don) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of don types exceeds icepack_max_don'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 115
+      endif
+      if (n_fed  > icepack_max_fe ) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of dissolved fe types exceeds icepack_max_fe '
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 116
+      endif
+      if (n_fep  > icepack_max_fe ) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of particulate fe types exceeds icepack_max_fe '
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 117
+      endif
+      if (n_algae == 0 .and. skl_bgc) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: skl_bgc=T but 0 bgc or algal tracers compiled'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 118
+      endif
+      if (n_algae == 0 .and. solve_zbgc) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: solve_zbgc=T but 0 zbgc or algal tracers compiled'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 119
+      endif
+      if (solve_zbgc .and. .not. z_tracers) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: solve_zbgc=T but not z_tracers'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 120
+      endif
+      if (skl_bgc .or. solve_zbgc) then
+         if (.not. tr_bgc_N) then
+            if (my_task == master_task) then
+               write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: tr_bgc_N must be on for bgc'
+            endif
+            abort_flag = 121
+         endif
+         if (.not. tr_bgc_Nit) then
+            if (my_task == master_task) then
+               write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: tr_bgc_Nit must be on for bgc'
+            endif
+            abort_flag = 122
+         endif
+      else
+         ! tcraig, allow bgc to be turned off in this case?
+         tr_bgc_N         = .false.
+         tr_bgc_C         = .false.
+         tr_bgc_chl       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_Nit       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_Am        = .false.
+         tr_bgc_Sil       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_hum       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_DMS       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_PON       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_DON       = .false.
+         tr_bgc_Fe        = .false.
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! z layer aerosols
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (tr_zaero .and. .not. z_tracers) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: tr_zaero and not z_tracers'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 123
+      endif
+      if (n_zaero > icepack_max_aero) then
+         if (my_task == master_task) then
+            write(nu_diag,*) subname//'ERROR: number of z aerosols exceeds icepack_max_aero'
+         endif
+         abort_flag = 124
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! output
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_brine                  = ', tr_brine
+         if (tr_brine) then
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' restart_hbrine            = ', restart_hbrine
+         write(nu_diag,1005) ' phi_snow                  = ', phi_snow
+         endif
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' solve_zsal                = ', solve_zsal
+         if (solve_zsal) then
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' restart_zsal              = ', restart_zsal
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' grid_oS                   = ', grid_oS
+         write(nu_diag,1005) ' l_skS                     = ', l_skS
+         endif
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' skl_bgc                   = ', skl_bgc
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' restart_bgc               = ', restart_bgc
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_N                  = ', tr_bgc_N
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_C                  = ', tr_bgc_C
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_chl                = ', tr_bgc_chl
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_Nit                = ', tr_bgc_Nit
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_Am                 = ', tr_bgc_Am
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_Sil                = ', tr_bgc_Sil
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_hum                = ', tr_bgc_hum
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_DMS                = ', tr_bgc_DMS
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_PON                = ', tr_bgc_PON
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_DON                = ', tr_bgc_DON
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_bgc_Fe                 = ', tr_bgc_Fe
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_aero                    = ', n_aero
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_zaero                   = ', n_zaero
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_algae                   = ', n_algae
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_doc                     = ', n_doc
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_dic                     = ', n_dic
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_don                     = ', n_don
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_fed                     = ', n_fed
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' n_fep                     = ', n_fep
+        if (skl_bgc) then
+         write(nu_diag,1030) ' bgc_flux_type             = ', bgc_flux_type
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' restore_bgc               = ', restore_bgc
+        elseif (z_tracers) then
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' dEdd_algae                = ', dEdd_algae
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' modal_aero                = ', modal_aero
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' scale_bgc                 = ', scale_bgc
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' solve_zbgc                = ', solve_zbgc
+         write(nu_diag,1010) ' tr_zaero                  = ', tr_zaero
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' number of aerosols        = ', n_zaero
+         write(nu_diag,1031) ' optics_file               = ', trim(optics_file)
+         write(nu_diag,1031) ' optics_file_fieldname     = ', trim(optics_file_fieldname)
+         ! bio parameters
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' grid_o                    = ', grid_o
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' grid_o_t                  = ', grid_o_t
+         write(nu_diag,1005) ' l_sk                      = ', l_sk
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' initbio_frac              = ', initbio_frac
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' frazil_scav               = ', frazil_scav
+        endif  ! skl_bgc or solve_bgc
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! abort if abort flag is set
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (abort_flag /= 0) then
+        call flush_fileunit(nu_diag)
+      endif
+      call ice_barrier()
+      if (abort_flag /= 0) then
+         write(nu_diag,*) subname,' ERROR: abort_flag=',abort_flag
+         call abort_ice (subname//' ABORTING on input ERRORS', &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! set values in icepack
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call icepack_init_parameters( &
+          ktherm_in=ktherm, shortwave_in=shortwave, solve_zsal_in=solve_zsal, &
+          skl_bgc_in=skl_bgc, z_tracers_in=z_tracers, scale_bgc_in=scale_bgc, &
+          dEdd_algae_in=dEdd_algae, &
+          solve_zbgc_in=solve_zbgc, &
+          bgc_flux_type_in=bgc_flux_type, grid_o_in=grid_o, l_sk_in=l_sk, &
+          initbio_frac_in=initbio_frac, &
+          grid_oS_in=grid_oS, l_skS_in=l_skS, &
+          phi_snow_in=phi_snow, frazil_scav_in = frazil_scav, &
+          modal_aero_in=modal_aero)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_init_tracer_flags(tr_brine_in=tr_brine, &
+         tr_bgc_Nit_in=tr_bgc_Nit, tr_bgc_Am_in =tr_bgc_Am,  tr_bgc_Sil_in=tr_bgc_Sil,   &
+         tr_bgc_DMS_in=tr_bgc_DMS, tr_bgc_PON_in=tr_bgc_PON, &
+         tr_bgc_N_in  =tr_bgc_N,   tr_bgc_C_in  =tr_bgc_C,   tr_bgc_chl_in=tr_bgc_chl,   &
+         tr_bgc_DON_in=tr_bgc_DON, tr_bgc_Fe_in =tr_bgc_Fe,  tr_zaero_in  =tr_zaero,     &
+         tr_bgc_hum_in=tr_bgc_hum)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+ 1000    format (a30,2x,f9.2)  ! a30 to align formatted, unformatted statements
+ 1005    format (a30,2x,f9.6)  ! float
+ 1010    format (a30,2x,l6)    ! logical
+ 1020    format (a30,2x,i6)    ! integer
+ 1030    format (a30,   a8)    ! character
+ 1031    format (a30,   a )    ! character
+      end subroutine input_zbgc
+! Count and index tracers
+! author Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine count_tracers
+      use ice_domain_size, only: nilyr, nslyr, nblyr, nfsd, n_iso, &
+          n_aero, n_zaero, n_algae, n_doc, n_dic, n_don, n_fed, n_fep
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         k, mm    , & ! loop index
+         nk       , & ! layer index
+         nk_bgc       ! layer index
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: ntrcr
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: tr_iage, tr_FY, tr_lvl, tr_pond, tr_aero, tr_fsd
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: tr_snow
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: tr_iso, tr_pond_lvl, tr_pond_topo
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: nt_Tsfc, nt_sice, nt_qice, nt_qsno, nt_iage, nt_FY
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: nt_alvl, nt_vlvl, nt_apnd, nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd, nt_aero
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: nt_fsd, nt_isosno, nt_isoice
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: nt_smice, nt_smliq, nt_rhos, nt_rsnw
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nbtrcr,        nbtrcr_sw,     &
+         ntrcr_o,       nt_fbri,       &
+         nt_bgc_Nit,    nt_bgc_Am,     nt_bgc_Sil,   &
+         nt_bgc_DMS,    nt_bgc_PON,    nt_bgc_S,     &
+         nt_bgc_DMSPp,  nt_bgc_DMSPd,  &
+         nt_zbgc_frac,  nlt_chl_sw,    &
+         nlt_bgc_Nit,   nlt_bgc_Am,    nlt_bgc_Sil, &
+         nlt_bgc_DMS,   nlt_bgc_DMSPp, nlt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+         nlt_bgc_PON,   nt_bgc_hum,    nlt_bgc_hum
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nlt_zaero_sw       ! points to aerosol in trcrn_sw
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_N      , & ! algae
+         nlt_bgc_chl
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_doc) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_DOC        ! disolved organic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_don) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_DON        !
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_dic) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_DIC        ! disolved inorganic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_fe) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_Fed    , & !
+         nlt_bgc_Fep        !
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nlt_zaero          ! non-reacting layer aerosols
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         nt_bgc_N , & ! diatoms, phaeocystis, pico/small
+         nt_bgc_chl   ! diatoms, phaeocystis, pico/small
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_doc) :: &
+         nt_bgc_DOC      !  dissolved organic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_don) :: &
+         nt_bgc_DON         !  dissolved organic nitrogen
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_dic) :: &
+         nt_bgc_DIC         !  dissolved inorganic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_fe) :: &
+         nt_bgc_Fed,     & !  dissolved iron
+         nt_bgc_Fep        !  particulate iron
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nt_zaero       !  black carbon and other aerosols
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+          tr_brine, &
+          tr_bgc_Nit,    tr_bgc_Am,    tr_bgc_Sil,   &
+          tr_bgc_DMS,    tr_bgc_PON,   &
+          tr_bgc_N,      tr_bgc_C,     tr_bgc_chl,   &
+          tr_bgc_DON,    tr_bgc_Fe,    tr_zaero,     &
+          tr_bgc_hum
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+          solve_zsal, skl_bgc, z_tracers
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(count_tracers)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call icepack_query_parameters( &
+          solve_zsal_out=solve_zsal, &
+          skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc, z_tracers_out=z_tracers)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_iage_out=tr_iage, tr_FY_out=tr_FY, &
+         tr_lvl_out=tr_lvl, tr_aero_out=tr_aero, tr_pond_out=tr_pond, &
+         tr_pond_lvl_out=tr_pond_lvl, &
+         tr_pond_topo_out=tr_pond_topo, tr_brine_out=tr_brine, tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd, &
+         tr_snow_out=tr_snow, tr_iso_out=tr_iso, &
+         tr_bgc_Nit_out=tr_bgc_Nit, tr_bgc_Am_out =tr_bgc_Am,  tr_bgc_Sil_out=tr_bgc_Sil,   &
+         tr_bgc_DMS_out=tr_bgc_DMS, tr_bgc_PON_out=tr_bgc_PON, &
+         tr_bgc_N_out  =tr_bgc_N,   tr_bgc_C_out  =tr_bgc_C,   tr_bgc_chl_out=tr_bgc_chl,   &
+         tr_bgc_DON_out=tr_bgc_DON, tr_bgc_Fe_out =tr_bgc_Fe,  tr_zaero_out  =tr_zaero,     &
+         tr_bgc_hum_out=tr_bgc_hum)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      ntrcr = 0
+      ntrcr = ntrcr + 1             ! count tracers, starting with Tsfc = 1
+      nt_Tsfc = ntrcr               ! index tracers, starting with Tsfc = 1
+      nt_qice = ntrcr + 1
+      ntrcr = ntrcr + nilyr ! qice in nilyr layers
+      nt_qsno = ntrcr + 1
+      ntrcr = ntrcr + nslyr ! qsno in nslyr layers
+      nt_sice = ntrcr + 1
+      ntrcr = ntrcr + nilyr ! sice in nilyr layers
+      nt_iage = 0
+      if (tr_iage) then
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          nt_iage = ntrcr   ! chronological ice age
+      endif
+      nt_FY = 0
+      if (tr_FY) then
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          nt_FY = ntrcr     ! area of first year ice
+      endif
+      nt_alvl = 0
+      nt_vlvl = 0
+      if (tr_lvl) then
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          nt_alvl = ntrcr
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          nt_vlvl = ntrcr
+      endif
+      nt_apnd = 0
+      nt_hpnd = 0
+      nt_ipnd = 0
+      if (tr_pond) then            ! all explicit melt pond schemes
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          nt_apnd = ntrcr
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          nt_hpnd = ntrcr
+          if (tr_pond_lvl) then
+              ntrcr = ntrcr + 1    ! refrozen pond ice lid thickness
+              nt_ipnd = ntrcr      ! on level-ice ponds (if frzpnd='hlid')
+          endif
+          if (tr_pond_topo) then
+              ntrcr = ntrcr + 1    !
+              nt_ipnd = ntrcr      ! refrozen pond ice lid thickness
+          endif
+      endif
+      nt_smice = 0
+      nt_smliq = 0
+      nt_rhos = 0
+      nt_rsnw = 0
+      if (tr_snow) then
+         nt_smice = ntrcr + 1
+         ntrcr = ntrcr + nslyr     ! mass of ice in nslyr snow layers
+         nt_smliq = ntrcr + 1
+         ntrcr = ntrcr + nslyr     ! mass of liquid in nslyr snow layers
+         nt_rhos = ntrcr + 1
+         ntrcr = ntrcr + nslyr     ! snow density in nslyr layers
+         nt_rsnw = ntrcr + 1
+         ntrcr = ntrcr + nslyr     ! snow grain radius in nslyr layers
+      endif
+      nt_fsd = 0
+      if (tr_fsd) then
+          nt_fsd = ntrcr + 1       ! floe size distribution
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + nfsd
+      endif
+      nt_isosno = 0
+      nt_isoice = 0
+      if (tr_iso) then
+          nt_isosno = ntrcr + 1    ! isotopes in snow
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + n_iso
+          nt_isoice = ntrcr + 1    ! isotopes in ice
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + n_iso
+      endif
+      nt_aero = 0
+      if (tr_aero) then
+          nt_aero = ntrcr + 1
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 4*n_aero ! 4 dEdd layers, n_aero species
+      else
+!tcx, modify code so we don't have to reset n_aero here
+          n_aero = 0       !echmod - this is not getting set correctly (overwritten later?)
+      endif
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! initialize zbgc tracer indices
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      nbtrcr = 0
+      nbtrcr_sw = 0
+      nt_zbgc_frac = 0
+      ! vectors of size icepack_max_algae
+      nlt_bgc_N(:) = 0
+      nlt_bgc_chl(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_N(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_chl(:) = 0
+      ! vectors of size icepack_max_dic
+      nlt_bgc_DIC(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_DIC(:) = 0
+      ! vectors of size icepack_max_doc
+      nlt_bgc_DOC(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_DOC(:) = 0
+      ! vectors of size icepack_max_don
+      nlt_bgc_DON(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_DON(:) = 0
+      ! vectors of size icepack_max_fe
+      nlt_bgc_Fed(:) = 0
+      nlt_bgc_Fep(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_Fed(:) = 0
+      nt_bgc_Fep(:) = 0
+      ! vectors of size icepack_max_aero
+      nlt_zaero(:) = 0
+      nlt_zaero_sw(:) = 0
+      nt_zaero(:) = 0
+      nlt_bgc_Nit    = 0
+      nlt_bgc_Am     = 0
+      nlt_bgc_Sil    = 0
+      nlt_bgc_DMSPp  = 0
+      nlt_bgc_DMSPd  = 0
+      nlt_bgc_DMS    = 0
+      nlt_bgc_PON    = 0
+      nlt_bgc_hum    = 0
+!      nlt_bgc_C      = 0
+      nlt_chl_sw     = 0
+      nt_bgc_Nit    = 0
+      nt_bgc_Am     = 0
+      nt_bgc_Sil    = 0
+      nt_bgc_DMSPp  = 0
+      nt_bgc_DMSPd  = 0
+      nt_bgc_DMS    = 0
+      nt_bgc_PON    = 0
+      nt_bgc_hum    = 0
+!      nt_bgc_C      = 0
+      ntrcr_o = ntrcr
+      nt_fbri = 0
+      if (tr_brine) then
+          nt_fbri = ntrcr + 1   ! ice volume fraction with salt
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+      endif
+      nt_bgc_S = 0
+      if (solve_zsal) then       ! .true. only if tr_brine = .true.
+          nt_bgc_S = ntrcr + 1
+          ntrcr = ntrcr + nblyr
+      endif
+      if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) then
+         if (skl_bgc) then
+            nk = 1
+         elseif (z_tracers) then ! defined on nblyr+1 in ice
+                                 ! and 2 snow layers (snow surface + interior)
+            nk = nblyr + 1
+         endif ! skl_bgc or z_tracers
+         nk_bgc = nk                 ! number of bgc layers in ice
+         if (nk > 1) nk_bgc = nk + 2 ! number of bgc layers in ice and snow
+         !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         ! count tracers and assign tracer indices
+         !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (tr_bgc_N) then
+            do mm = 1, n_algae
+               nt_bgc_N(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_N(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif ! tr_bgc_N
+         if (tr_bgc_Nit) then
+            nt_bgc_Nit = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_Nit = nbtrcr
+         endif ! tr_bgc_Nit
+         if (tr_bgc_C) then
+          !
+          ! Algal C is not yet distinct from algal N
+          ! * Reqires exudation and/or changing C:N ratios
+          ! for implementation
+          !
+          !  do mm = 1,n_algae
+          !     nt_bgc_C(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+          !     do k = 1, nk_bgc
+          !        ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+          !     enddo
+          !     nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+          !     nlt_bgc_C(mm) = nbtrcr
+          !  enddo   ! mm
+            do mm = 1, n_doc
+               nt_bgc_DOC(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_DOC(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+            do mm = 1, n_dic
+               nt_bgc_DIC(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_DIC(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif      ! tr_bgc_C
+         if (tr_bgc_chl) then
+            do mm = 1, n_algae
+               nt_bgc_chl(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_chl(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif      ! tr_bgc_chl
+         if (tr_bgc_Am) then
+            nt_bgc_Am = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_Am = nbtrcr
+         endif
+         if (tr_bgc_Sil) then
+            nt_bgc_Sil = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_Sil = nbtrcr
+         endif
+         if (tr_bgc_DMS) then   ! all together
+            nt_bgc_DMSPp = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_DMSPp = nbtrcr
+            nt_bgc_DMSPd = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_DMSPd = nbtrcr
+            nt_bgc_DMS = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_DMS = nbtrcr
+         endif
+         if (tr_bgc_PON) then
+            nt_bgc_PON = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_PON = nbtrcr
+         endif
+         if (tr_bgc_DON) then
+            do mm = 1, n_don
+               nt_bgc_DON(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_DON(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif      ! tr_bgc_DON
+         if (tr_bgc_Fe) then
+            do mm = 1, n_fed
+               nt_bgc_Fed(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_Fed(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+            do mm = 1, n_fep
+               nt_bgc_Fep(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_bgc_Fep(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif      ! tr_bgc_Fe
+         if (tr_bgc_hum) then
+            nt_bgc_hum = ntrcr + 1
+            do k = 1, nk_bgc
+               ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+            enddo
+            nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+            nlt_bgc_hum = nbtrcr
+         endif
+      endif ! skl_bgc .or. z_tracers
+      if (z_tracers) then ! defined on nblyr+1 in ice
+                          ! and 2 snow layers (snow surface + interior)
+         ! z layer aerosols
+         if (tr_zaero) then
+            do mm = 1, n_zaero
+               nt_zaero(mm) = ntrcr + 1
+               do k = 1, nk_bgc
+                  ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+               enddo
+               nbtrcr = nbtrcr + 1
+               nlt_zaero(mm) = nbtrcr
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif      ! tr_zaero
+         if (nbtrcr > 0) then
+            nt_zbgc_frac = ntrcr + 1
+            ntrcr = ntrcr + nbtrcr
+         endif
+      endif ! z_tracers
+!tcx, +1 here is the unused tracer, want to get rid of it
+      ntrcr = ntrcr + 1
+!tcx, reset unused tracer index, eventually get rid of it.
+      if (nt_iage  <= 0) nt_iage  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_FY    <= 0) nt_FY    = ntrcr
+      if (nt_alvl  <= 0) nt_alvl  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_vlvl  <= 0) nt_vlvl  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_apnd  <= 0) nt_apnd  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_hpnd  <= 0) nt_hpnd  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_ipnd  <= 0) nt_ipnd  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_smice <= 0) nt_smice = ntrcr
+      if (nt_smliq <= 0) nt_smliq = ntrcr
+      if (nt_rhos  <= 0) nt_rhos  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_rsnw  <= 0) nt_rsnw  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_fsd   <= 0) nt_fsd   = ntrcr
+      if (nt_isosno<= 0) nt_isosno= ntrcr
+      if (nt_isoice<= 0) nt_isoice= ntrcr
+      if (nt_aero  <= 0) nt_aero  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_fbri  <= 0) nt_fbri  = ntrcr
+      if (nt_bgc_S <= 0) nt_bgc_S = ntrcr
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         write(nu_diag,*) ' '
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' ntrcr                     = ', ntrcr
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' nbtrcr                    = ', nbtrcr
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' nbtrcr_sw                 = ', nbtrcr_sw
+         write(nu_diag,*) ' '
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' nt_sice                   = ', nt_sice
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' nt_qice                   = ', nt_qice
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' nt_qsno                   = ', nt_qsno
+         write(nu_diag,*)' '
+ 1020    format (a30,2x,i6)     ! integer
+         call flush_fileunit(nu_diag)
+      endif                     ! my_task = master_task
+      call icepack_init_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_in=ntrcr, &
+         ntrcr_o_in=ntrcr_o, nbtrcr_in=nbtrcr, nbtrcr_sw_in=nbtrcr_sw)
+      call icepack_init_tracer_indices(nt_Tsfc_in=nt_Tsfc, nt_sice_in=nt_sice, &
+         nt_qice_in=nt_qice, nt_qsno_in=nt_qsno, nt_iage_in=nt_iage, nt_fy_in=nt_fy, &
+         nt_alvl_in=nt_alvl, nt_vlvl_in=nt_vlvl, nt_apnd_in=nt_apnd, nt_hpnd_in=nt_hpnd, &
+         nt_ipnd_in=nt_ipnd, nt_fsd_in=nt_fsd, nt_aero_in=nt_aero, &
+         nt_smice_in=nt_smice, nt_smliq_in=nt_smliq, nt_rhos_in=nt_rhos, nt_rsnw_in=nt_rsnw, &
+         nt_isosno_in=nt_isosno,     nt_isoice_in=nt_isoice,       nt_fbri_in=nt_fbri,      &
+         nt_bgc_Nit_in=nt_bgc_Nit,   nt_bgc_Am_in=nt_bgc_Am,       nt_bgc_Sil_in=nt_bgc_Sil,   &
+         nt_bgc_DMS_in=nt_bgc_DMS,   nt_bgc_PON_in=nt_bgc_PON,     nt_bgc_S_in=nt_bgc_S,     &
+         nt_bgc_N_in=nt_bgc_N,       nt_bgc_chl_in=nt_bgc_chl,   &
+         nt_bgc_DOC_in=nt_bgc_DOC,   nt_bgc_DON_in=nt_bgc_DON,     nt_bgc_DIC_in=nt_bgc_DIC,   &
+         nt_zaero_in=nt_zaero,       nt_bgc_DMSPp_in=nt_bgc_DMSPp, nt_bgc_DMSPd_in=nt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+         nt_bgc_Fed_in=nt_bgc_Fed,   nt_bgc_Fep_in=nt_bgc_Fep,     nt_zbgc_frac_in=nt_zbgc_frac, &
+         nlt_zaero_sw_in=nlt_zaero_sw,  nlt_chl_sw_in=nlt_chl_sw,  nlt_bgc_Sil_in=nlt_bgc_Sil, &
+         nlt_bgc_N_in=nlt_bgc_N,     nlt_bgc_Nit_in=nlt_bgc_Nit,   nlt_bgc_Am_in=nlt_bgc_Am, &
+         nlt_bgc_DMS_in=nlt_bgc_DMS, nlt_bgc_DMSPp_in=nlt_bgc_DMSPp, nlt_bgc_DMSPd_in=nlt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+         nlt_zaero_in=nlt_zaero,     nlt_bgc_chl_in=nlt_bgc_chl, &
+         nlt_bgc_DIC_in=nlt_bgc_DIC, nlt_bgc_DOC_in=nlt_bgc_DOC,   nlt_bgc_PON_in=nlt_bgc_PON, &
+         nlt_bgc_DON_in=nlt_bgc_DON, nlt_bgc_Fed_in=nlt_bgc_Fed,   nlt_bgc_Fep_in=nlt_bgc_Fep, &
+         nt_bgc_hum_in=nt_bgc_hum,   nlt_bgc_hum_in=nlt_bgc_hum)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname//' Icepack Abort2', &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+         call icepack_write_tracer_flags(nu_diag)
+         call icepack_write_tracer_sizes(nu_diag)
+         call icepack_write_tracer_indices(nu_diag)
+      endif
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname//' Icepack Abort3', &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      end subroutine count_tracers
+! Initialize vertical biogeochemistry
+! author Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!        Nicole Jeffery, LANL
+      subroutine init_zbgc
+      use ice_state, only: trcr_base, trcr_depend, n_trcr_strata, &
+          nt_strata
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: R_C2N, R_chl2N, R_C2N_DON, R_Si2N, trcrn_sw
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nbtrcr,        nbtrcr_sw,     nt_fbri,       &
+         nt_bgc_Nit,    nt_bgc_Am,     nt_bgc_Sil,    &
+         nt_bgc_DMS,    nt_bgc_PON,    nt_bgc_S,      &
+         nt_bgc_DMSPp,  nt_bgc_DMSPd,                 &
+         nt_zbgc_frac,  nlt_chl_sw,                   &
+         nlt_bgc_Nit,   nlt_bgc_Am,    nlt_bgc_Sil,   &
+         nlt_bgc_DMS,   nlt_bgc_DMSPp, nlt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+         nlt_bgc_PON,   nt_bgc_hum,    nlt_bgc_hum
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nlt_zaero_sw       ! points to aerosol in trcrn_sw
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_N      , & ! algae
+         nlt_bgc_chl
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_doc) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_DOC        ! disolved organic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_don) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_DON        !
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_dic) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_DIC        ! disolved inorganic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_fe) :: &
+         nlt_bgc_Fed    , & !
+         nlt_bgc_Fep        !
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nlt_zaero          ! non-reacting layer aerosols
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         nt_bgc_N , & ! diatoms, phaeocystis, pico/small
+         nt_bgc_chl   ! diatoms, phaeocystis, pico/small
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_doc) :: &
+         nt_bgc_DOC      !  dissolved organic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_don) :: &
+         nt_bgc_DON         !  dissolved organic nitrogen
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_dic) :: &
+         nt_bgc_DIC         !  dissolved inorganic carbon
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_fe) :: &
+         nt_bgc_Fed,     & !  dissolved iron
+         nt_bgc_Fep        !  particulate iron
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nt_zaero       !  black carbon and other aerosols
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_nbtrcr) :: &
+         bio_index_o         ! relates nlt_bgc_NO to ocean concentration index
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_nbtrcr) :: &
+         bio_index           ! relates bio indices, ie.  nlt_bgc_N to nt_bgc_N
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         tr_brine, &
+         tr_bgc_Nit,    tr_bgc_Am,    tr_bgc_Sil,   &
+         tr_bgc_DMS,    tr_bgc_PON,   &
+         tr_bgc_N,      tr_bgc_C,     tr_bgc_chl,   &
+         tr_bgc_DON,    tr_bgc_Fe,    tr_zaero,     &
+         tr_bgc_hum
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         initbio_frac, &
+         frazil_scav
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_nbtrcr) :: &
+         zbgc_frac_init,&! initializes mobile fraction
+         bgc_tracer_type ! described tracer in mobile or stationary phases
+                         ! < 0 is purely mobile (eg. nitrate)
+                         ! > 0 has timescales for transitions between
+                         ! phases based on whether the ice is melting or growing
+     real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_nbtrcr) :: &
+         zbgc_init_frac, &   ! fraction of ocean tracer  concentration in new ice
+         tau_ret,        &   ! retention timescale  (s), mobile to stationary phase
+         tau_rel             ! release timescale    (s), stationary to mobile phase
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         skl_bgc, z_tracers, dEdd_algae, solve_zsal
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         F_abs_chl          ! to scale absorption in Dedd
+       real (kind=dbl_kind),  dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         R_S2N      , & ! algal S to N (mole/mole)
+         ! Marchetti et al 2006, 3 umol Fe/mol C for iron limited Pseudo-nitzschia
+         R_Fe2C     , & ! algal Fe to carbon (umol/mmol)
+         R_Fe2N         ! algal Fe to N (umol/mmol)
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_don) :: &
+         R_Fe2DON       ! Fe to N of DON (nmol/umol)
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_doc) :: &
+         R_Fe2DOC       ! Fe to C of DOC (nmol/umol)
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         chlabs           , & ! chla absorption 1/m/(mg/m^3)
+         alpha2max_low    , & ! light limitation (1/(W/m^2))
+         beta2max         , & ! light inhibition (1/(W/m^2))
+         mu_max           , & ! maximum growth rate (1/d)
+         grow_Tdep        , & ! T dependence of growth (1/C)
+         fr_graze         , & ! fraction of algae grazed
+         mort_pre         , & ! mortality (1/day)
+         mort_Tdep        , & ! T dependence of mortality (1/C)
+         k_exude          , & ! algal carbon  exudation rate (1/d)
+         K_Nit            , & ! nitrate half saturation (mmol/m^3)
+         K_Am             , & ! ammonium half saturation (mmol/m^3)
+         K_Sil            , & ! silicon half saturation (mmol/m^3)
+         K_Fe                 ! iron half saturation  or micromol/m^3
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_DON) :: &
+         f_don            , & ! fraction of spilled grazing to DON
+         kn_bac           , & ! Bacterial degredation of DON (1/d)
+         f_don_Am             ! fraction of remineralized DON to Am
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(icepack_max_DOC) :: &
+         f_doc            , & ! fraction of mort_N that goes to each doc pool
+         f_exude          , & ! fraction of exuded carbon to each DOC pool
+         k_bac                ! Bacterial degredation of DOC (1/d)
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         k, mm    , & ! loop index
+         nk       , & ! layer index
+         ierr
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+        ntd      , & ! for tracer dependency calculation
+        nt_depend
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_zbgc)'
+      !------------------------------------------------------------
+      !        Tracers have mobile and stationary phases.
+      ! ice growth allows for retention, ice melt facilitates mobility
+      ! bgc_tracer_type defines the exchange timescales between these phases
+      ! -1 : entirely in the mobile phase, no exchange  (this is the default)
+      !  0 : retention time scale is tau_min, release time scale is tau_max
+      !  1 : retention time scale is tau_max, release time scale is tau_min
+      ! 0.5: retention time scale is tau_min, release time scale is tau_min
+      !  2 : retention time scale is tau_max, release time scale is tau_max
+      ! tau_min and tau_max are defined in icepack_intfc.f90
+      !------------------------------------------------------------
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! get values from icepack
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call icepack_query_parameters( &
+          solve_zsal_out=solve_zsal, &
+          skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc, z_tracers_out=z_tracers, &
+          dEdd_algae_out=dEdd_algae, &
+          grid_o_out=grid_o, l_sk_out=l_sk, &
+          initbio_frac_out=initbio_frac, &
+          grid_oS_out=grid_oS, l_skS_out=l_skS, &
+          phi_snow_out=phi_snow, frazil_scav_out = frazil_scav)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes( &
+          nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr, nbtrcr_sw_out=nbtrcr_sw)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags( &
+          tr_brine_out =tr_brine, &
+          tr_bgc_Nit_out=tr_bgc_Nit, tr_bgc_Am_out=tr_bgc_Am,  tr_bgc_Sil_out=tr_bgc_Sil,   &
+          tr_bgc_DMS_out=tr_bgc_DMS, tr_bgc_PON_out=tr_bgc_PON, &
+          tr_bgc_N_out =tr_bgc_N,   tr_bgc_C_out =tr_bgc_C,   tr_bgc_chl_out=tr_bgc_chl,   &
+          tr_bgc_DON_out=tr_bgc_DON, tr_bgc_Fe_out=tr_bgc_Fe,  tr_zaero_out =tr_zaero,     &
+          tr_bgc_hum_out=tr_bgc_hum)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices( &
+          nt_fbri_out=nt_fbri,         &
+          nt_bgc_Nit_out=nt_bgc_Nit,   nt_bgc_Am_out=nt_bgc_Am,       nt_bgc_Sil_out=nt_bgc_Sil,   &
+          nt_bgc_DMS_out=nt_bgc_DMS,   nt_bgc_PON_out=nt_bgc_PON,     nt_bgc_S_out=nt_bgc_S,     &
+          nt_bgc_N_out=nt_bgc_N,       nt_bgc_chl_out=nt_bgc_chl,   &
+          nt_bgc_DOC_out=nt_bgc_DOC,   nt_bgc_DON_out=nt_bgc_DON,     nt_bgc_DIC_out=nt_bgc_DIC,   &
+          nt_zaero_out=nt_zaero,       nt_bgc_DMSPp_out=nt_bgc_DMSPp, nt_bgc_DMSPd_out=nt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+          nt_bgc_Fed_out=nt_bgc_Fed,   nt_bgc_Fep_out=nt_bgc_Fep,     nt_zbgc_frac_out=nt_zbgc_frac, &
+          nlt_zaero_sw_out=nlt_zaero_sw,  nlt_chl_sw_out=nlt_chl_sw,  nlt_bgc_Sil_out=nlt_bgc_Sil, &
+          nlt_bgc_N_out=nlt_bgc_N,     nlt_bgc_Nit_out=nlt_bgc_Nit,   nlt_bgc_Am_out=nlt_bgc_Am, &
+          nlt_bgc_DMS_out=nlt_bgc_DMS, nlt_bgc_DMSPp_out=nlt_bgc_DMSPp, nlt_bgc_DMSPd_out=nlt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+          nlt_zaero_out=nlt_zaero,     nlt_bgc_chl_out=nlt_bgc_chl, &
+          nlt_bgc_DIC_out=nlt_bgc_DIC, nlt_bgc_DOC_out=nlt_bgc_DOC,   nlt_bgc_PON_out=nlt_bgc_PON, &
+          nlt_bgc_DON_out=nlt_bgc_DON, nlt_bgc_Fed_out=nlt_bgc_Fed,   nlt_bgc_Fep_out=nlt_bgc_Fep, &
+          nt_bgc_hum_out=nt_bgc_hum,   nlt_bgc_hum_out=nlt_bgc_hum)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Define array parameters
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      allocate(          &
+         R_C2N_DON(icepack_max_don), & ! carbon to nitrogen mole ratio of DON pool
+         R_C2N(icepack_max_algae),   & ! algal C to N (mole/mole)
+         R_chl2N(icepack_max_algae), & ! 3 algal chlorophyll to N (mg/mmol)
+         R_Si2N(icepack_max_algae),  & ! silica to nitrogen mole ratio for algal groups
+         stat=ierr)
+      if (ierr/=0) call abort_ice(subname//' Out of Memory')
+      R_Si2N(1) = ratio_Si2N_diatoms
+      R_Si2N(2) = ratio_Si2N_sp
+      R_Si2N(3) = ratio_Si2N_phaeo
+      R_S2N(1) = ratio_S2N_diatoms
+      R_S2N(2) = ratio_S2N_sp
+      R_S2N(3) = ratio_S2N_phaeo
+      R_Fe2C(1) = ratio_Fe2C_diatoms
+      R_Fe2C(2) = ratio_Fe2C_sp
+      R_Fe2C(3) = ratio_Fe2C_phaeo
+      R_Fe2N(1) = ratio_Fe2N_diatoms
+      R_Fe2N(2) = ratio_Fe2N_sp
+      R_Fe2N(3) = ratio_Fe2N_phaeo
+      R_C2N(1) = ratio_C2N_diatoms
+      R_C2N(2) = ratio_C2N_sp
+      R_C2N(3) = ratio_C2N_phaeo
+      R_chl2N(1) = ratio_chl2N_diatoms
+      R_chl2N(2) = ratio_chl2N_sp
+      R_chl2N(3) = ratio_chl2N_phaeo
+      F_abs_chl(1) = F_abs_chl_diatoms
+      F_abs_chl(2) = F_abs_chl_sp
+      F_abs_chl(3) = F_abs_chl_phaeo
+      R_Fe2DON(1) = ratio_Fe2DON
+      R_C2N_DON(1) = ratio_C2N_proteins
+      R_Fe2DOC(1) = ratio_Fe2DOC_s
+      R_Fe2DOC(2) = ratio_Fe2DOC_l
+      R_Fe2DOC(3) = c0
+      chlabs(1) = chlabs_diatoms
+      chlabs(2) = chlabs_sp
+      chlabs(3) = chlabs_phaeo
+      alpha2max_low(1) = alpha2max_low_diatoms
+      alpha2max_low(2) = alpha2max_low_sp
+      alpha2max_low(3) = alpha2max_low_phaeo
+      beta2max(1) = beta2max_diatoms
+      beta2max(2) = beta2max_sp
+      beta2max(3) = beta2max_phaeo
+      mu_max(1) = mu_max_diatoms
+      mu_max(2) = mu_max_sp
+      mu_max(3) = mu_max_phaeo
+      grow_Tdep(1) = grow_Tdep_diatoms
+      grow_Tdep(2) = grow_Tdep_sp
+      grow_Tdep(3) = grow_Tdep_phaeo
+      fr_graze(1) = fr_graze_diatoms
+      fr_graze(2) = fr_graze_sp
+      fr_graze(3) = fr_graze_phaeo
+      mort_pre(1) = mort_pre_diatoms
+      mort_pre(2) = mort_pre_sp
+      mort_pre(3) = mort_pre_phaeo
+      mort_Tdep(1) = mort_Tdep_diatoms
+      mort_Tdep(2) = mort_Tdep_sp
+      mort_Tdep(3) = mort_Tdep_phaeo
+      k_exude(1) = k_exude_diatoms
+      k_exude(2) = k_exude_sp
+      k_exude(3) = k_exude_phaeo
+      K_Nit(1) = K_Nit_diatoms
+      K_Nit(2) = K_Nit_sp
+      K_Nit(3) = K_Nit_phaeo
+      K_Am(1) = K_Am_diatoms
+      K_Am(2) = K_Am_sp
+      K_Am(3) = K_Am_phaeo
+      K_Sil(1) = K_Sil_diatoms
+      K_Sil(2) = K_Sil_sp
+      K_Sil(3) = K_Sil_phaeo
+      K_Fe(1) = K_Fe_diatoms
+      K_Fe(2) = K_Fe_sp
+      K_Fe(3) = K_Fe_phaeo
+      f_don(1) = f_don_protein
+      kn_bac(1) = kn_bac_protein
+      f_don_Am(1) = f_don_Am_protein
+      f_doc(1) = f_doc_s
+      f_doc(2) = f_doc_l
+      f_exude(1) = f_exude_s
+      f_exude(2) = f_exude_l
+      k_bac(1) = k_bac_s
+      k_bac(2) = k_bac_l
+      dictype(:) = -c1
+      algaltype(1) = algaltype_diatoms
+      algaltype(2) = algaltype_sp
+      algaltype(3) = algaltype_phaeo
+      doctype(1) = doctype_s
+      doctype(2) = doctype_l
+      dontype(1) = dontype_protein
+      fedtype(1) = fedtype_1
+      feptype(1) = feptype_1
+      zaerotype(1) = zaerotype_bc1
+      zaerotype(2) = zaerotype_bc2
+      zaerotype(3) = zaerotype_dust1
+      zaerotype(4) = zaerotype_dust2
+      zaerotype(5) = zaerotype_dust3
+      zaerotype(6) = zaerotype_dust4
+      call icepack_init_zbgc ( &
+!opt         R_S2N_in=R_S2N, R_Fe2C_in=R_Fe2C, R_Fe2N_in=R_Fe2N, R_C2N_in=R_C2N, &
+!opt         R_chl2N_in=R_chl2N, F_abs_chl_in=F_abs_chl, R_Fe2DON_in=R_Fe2DON, R_Fe2DOC_in=R_Fe2DOC, &
+!opt         mort_Tdep_in=mort_Tdep, k_exude_in=k_exude, &
+!opt         K_Nit_in=K_Nit, K_Am_in=K_Am, K_sil_in=K_Sil, K_Fe_in=K_Fe, &
+!opt         f_don_in=f_don, kn_bac_in=kn_bac, f_don_Am_in=f_don_Am, f_exude_in=f_exude, k_bac_in=k_bac, &
+!opt         fr_resp_in=fr_resp, algal_vel_in=algal_vel, R_dFe2dust_in=R_dFe2dust, &
+!opt         dustFe_sol_in=dustFe_sol, T_max_in=T_max, fr_mort2min_in=fr_mort2min, fr_dFe_in=fr_dFe, &
+!opt         op_dep_min_in=op_dep_min, fr_graze_s_in=fr_graze_s, fr_graze_e_in=fr_graze_e, &
+!opt         k_nitrif_in=k_nitrif, t_iron_conv_in=t_iron_conv, max_loss_in=max_loss, max_dfe_doc1_in=max_dfe_doc1, &
+!opt         fr_resp_s_in=fr_resp_s, y_sk_DMS_in=y_sk_DMS, t_sk_conv_in=t_sk_conv, t_sk_ox_in=t_sk_ox, &
+!opt         mu_max_in=mu_max, R_Si2N_in=R_Si2N, R_C2N_DON_in=R_C2N_DON, chlabs_in=chlabs, &
+!opt         alpha2max_low_in=alpha2max_low, beta2max_in=beta2max, grow_Tdep_in=grow_Tdep, &
+!opt         fr_graze_in=fr_graze, mort_pre_in=mort_pre, f_doc_in=f_doc,fsal_in=fsal, &
+             )
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+          file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! assign tracer dependencies
+      ! bgc_tracer_type: < 0  purely mobile , >= 0 stationary
+      !------------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (tr_brine) then
+          trcr_depend(nt_fbri)   = 1   ! volume-weighted
+          trcr_base  (nt_fbri,1) = c0  ! volume-weighted
+          trcr_base  (nt_fbri,2) = c1  ! volume-weighted
+          trcr_base  (nt_fbri,3) = c0  ! volume-weighted
+          n_trcr_strata(nt_fbri) = 0
+          nt_strata  (nt_fbri,1) = 0
+          nt_strata  (nt_fbri,2) = 0
+      endif
+      ntd = 0                    ! if nt_fbri /= 0 then use fbri dependency
+      if (nt_fbri == 0) ntd = -1 ! otherwise make tracers depend on ice volume
+      if (solve_zsal) then       ! .true. only if tr_brine = .true.
+          do k = 1,nblyr
+             trcr_depend(nt_bgc_S + k - 1) = 2 + nt_fbri + ntd
+             trcr_base  (nt_bgc_S,1) = c0  ! default: ice area
+             trcr_base  (nt_bgc_S,2) = c1
+             trcr_base  (nt_bgc_S,3) = c0
+             n_trcr_strata(nt_bgc_S) = 1
+             nt_strata(nt_bgc_S,1) = nt_fbri
+             nt_strata(nt_bgc_S,2) = 0
+          enddo
+      endif
+      bio_index(:)   = 0
+      bio_index_o(:) = 0
+      if (skl_bgc) then
+         nk = 1
+         nt_depend = 0
+      elseif (z_tracers) then ! defined on nblyr+1 in ice
+                              ! and 2 snow layers (snow surface + interior)
+         nk = nblyr + 1
+         nt_depend = 2 + nt_fbri + ntd
+      endif ! skl_bgc or z_tracers
+      if (skl_bgc .or. z_tracers) then
+      if (tr_bgc_N) then
+         do mm = 1, n_algae
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_N(mm),    nlt_bgc_N(mm), &
+                               algaltype(mm),   nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_N(mm)) = mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+      endif ! tr_bgc_N
+      if (tr_bgc_Nit) then
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_Nit,      nlt_bgc_Nit,   &
+                               nitratetype,     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_Nit) = icepack_max_algae + 1
+      endif ! tr_bgc_Nit
+      if (tr_bgc_C) then
+       !
+       ! Algal C is not yet distinct from algal N
+       ! * Reqires exudation and/or changing C:N ratios
+       ! for implementation
+       !
+       !  do mm = 1,n_algae
+       !     call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+       !                        nt_bgc_C(mm),    nlt_bgc_C(mm), &
+       !                        algaltype(mm),   nt_depend,     &
+       !                        bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+       !                        trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+       !                        nt_strata,       bio_index)
+       !     bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_C(mm)) = icepack_max_algae + 1 + mm
+       !  enddo   ! mm
+         do mm = 1, n_doc
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_DOC(mm),  nlt_bgc_DOC(mm), &
+                               doctype(mm),     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_DOC(mm)) = icepack_max_algae + 1 + mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+         do mm = 1, n_dic
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_DIC(mm),  nlt_bgc_DIC(mm), &
+                               dictype(mm),     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_DIC(mm)) = icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + 1 + mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+      endif      ! tr_bgc_C
+      if (tr_bgc_chl) then
+         do mm = 1, n_algae
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_chl(mm),  nlt_bgc_chl(mm), &
+                               algaltype(mm),   nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_chl(mm)) = icepack_max_algae + 1 + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+      endif      ! tr_bgc_chl
+      if (tr_bgc_Am) then
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_Am,       nlt_bgc_Am,    &
+                               ammoniumtype,    nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_Am) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 2
+      endif
+      if (tr_bgc_Sil) then
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_Sil,      nlt_bgc_Sil,   &
+                               silicatetype,    nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_Sil) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 3
+      endif
+      if (tr_bgc_DMS) then   ! all together
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_DMSPp,    nlt_bgc_DMSPp, &
+                               dmspptype,       nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_DMSPp) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 4
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_DMSPd,    nlt_bgc_DMSPd, &
+                               dmspdtype,       nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_DMSPd) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 5
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_DMS,      nlt_bgc_DMS,   &
+                               dmspdtype,       nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_DMS) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 6
+      endif
+      if (tr_bgc_PON) then
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_PON,      nlt_bgc_PON, &
+                               nitratetype,     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_PON) =  2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 7
+      endif
+      if (tr_bgc_DON) then
+         do mm = 1, n_don
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_DON(mm),  nlt_bgc_DON(mm), &
+                               dontype(mm),     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_DON(mm)) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic + 7 + mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+      endif      ! tr_bgc_DON
+      if (tr_bgc_Fe) then
+         do mm = 1, n_fed
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_Fed(mm),  nlt_bgc_Fed(mm), &
+                               fedtype(mm),     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_Fed(mm)) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic &
+                                         + icepack_max_don + 7 + mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+         do mm = 1, n_fep
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_Fep(mm),  nlt_bgc_Fep(mm), &
+                               feptype(mm),     nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_Fep(mm)) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic &
+                                         + icepack_max_don + icepack_max_fe + 7 + mm
+         enddo   ! mm
+      endif      ! tr_bgc_Fe
+      if (tr_bgc_hum) then
+            call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc_hum,      nlt_bgc_hum,   &
+                               humtype,         nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+            bio_index_o(nlt_bgc_hum) =   2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + 8 + icepack_max_dic &
+                                         + icepack_max_don + 2*icepack_max_fe + icepack_max_aero
+      endif
+      endif  ! skl_bgc or z_tracers
+      if (skl_bgc) then
+         if (dEdd_algae) then
+           nlt_chl_sw = 1
+           nbtrcr_sw = nilyr+nslyr+2  ! only the bottom layer will be nonzero
+         endif
+      elseif (z_tracers) then ! defined on nblyr+1 in ice
+                              ! and 2 snow layers (snow surface + interior)
+         if (tr_bgc_N) then
+            if (dEdd_algae) then
+               nlt_chl_sw = 1
+               nbtrcr_sw =  nilyr+nslyr+2
+            endif
+         endif ! tr_bgc_N
+      endif ! skl_bgc or z_tracers
+      if (z_tracers) then ! defined on nblyr+1 in ice
+                          ! and 2 snow layers (snow surface + interior)
+         nk = nblyr + 1
+         nt_depend = 2 + nt_fbri + ntd
+         ! z layer aerosols
+         if (tr_zaero) then
+            do mm = 1, n_zaero
+               if (dEdd_algae) then
+                  nlt_zaero_sw(mm) = nbtrcr_sw + 1
+                  nbtrcr_sw = nbtrcr_sw + nilyr + nslyr+2
+               endif
+               call init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                                  nt_zaero(mm),    nlt_zaero(mm), &
+                                  zaerotype(mm),   nt_depend,     &
+                                  bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                                  trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                                  nt_strata,       bio_index)
+               bio_index_o(nlt_zaero(mm)) = 2*icepack_max_algae + icepack_max_doc + icepack_max_dic &
+                                          + icepack_max_don + 2*icepack_max_fe + 7 + mm
+            enddo   ! mm
+         endif      ! tr_zaero
+         if (nbtrcr > 0) then
+            do k = 1,nbtrcr
+               zbgc_frac_init(k) = c1
+               trcr_depend(nt_zbgc_frac+k-1) =  2+nt_fbri
+               trcr_base(nt_zbgc_frac+ k - 1,1)  = c0
+               trcr_base(nt_zbgc_frac+ k - 1,2)  = c1
+               trcr_base(nt_zbgc_frac+ k - 1,3)  = c0
+               n_trcr_strata(nt_zbgc_frac+ k - 1)= 1
+               nt_strata(nt_zbgc_frac+ k - 1,1)  = nt_fbri
+               nt_strata(nt_zbgc_frac+ k - 1,2)  = 0
+               tau_ret(k) = c1
+               tau_rel(k) = c1
+               if (bgc_tracer_type(k) >=  c0 .and. bgc_tracer_type(k) < p5) then
+                  tau_ret(k) = tau_min
+                  tau_rel(k) = tau_max
+                  zbgc_frac_init(k) = c1
+               elseif (bgc_tracer_type(k) >= p5 .and. bgc_tracer_type(k) < c1) then
+                  tau_ret(k) = tau_min
+                  tau_rel(k) = tau_min
+                  zbgc_frac_init(k) = c1
+               elseif (bgc_tracer_type(k) >= c1 .and. bgc_tracer_type(k) < c2) then
+                  tau_ret(k) = tau_max
+                  tau_rel(k) = tau_min
+                  zbgc_frac_init(k) = c1
+               elseif (bgc_tracer_type(k) >= c2 ) then
+                  tau_ret(k) = tau_max
+                  tau_rel(k) = tau_max
+                  zbgc_frac_init(k) = c1
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif ! z_tracers
+      do k = 1, nbtrcr
+         zbgc_init_frac(k) = frazil_scav
+         if (bgc_tracer_type(k) < c0)  zbgc_init_frac(k) = initbio_frac
+      enddo
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! set values in icepack
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call icepack_init_zbgc( &
+!opt         zbgc_init_frac_in=zbgc_init_frac, tau_ret_in=tau_ret, tau_rel_in=tau_rel, &
+!opt         zbgc_frac_init_in=zbgc_frac_init, bgc_tracer_type_in=bgc_tracer_type, &
+             )
+      call icepack_init_tracer_indices( &
+         bio_index_o_in=bio_index_o, bio_index_in=bio_index)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! final consistency checks
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (nbtrcr > icepack_max_nbtrcr) then
+         write (nu_diag,*) subname,' '
+         write (nu_diag,*) subname,'nbtrcr > icepack_max_nbtrcr'
+         write (nu_diag,*) subname,'nbtrcr, icepack_max_nbtrcr:',nbtrcr, icepack_max_nbtrcr
+         call abort_ice (subname//'ERROR: nbtrcr > icepack_max_nbtrcr')
+      endif
+      if (.NOT. dEdd_algae) nbtrcr_sw = 1
+      ! tcraig, added 6/1/21, why is nbtrcr_sw set here?
+      call icepack_init_tracer_sizes(nbtrcr_sw_in=nbtrcr_sw)
+      allocate(trcrn_sw(nx_block,ny_block,nbtrcr_sw,ncat,max_blocks)) ! bgc tracers active in the delta-Eddington shortwave
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! spew
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (my_task == master_task) then
+      if (skl_bgc) then
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' number of bio tracers     = ', nbtrcr
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' number of Isw tracers     = ', nbtrcr_sw
+      elseif (z_tracers) then
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' number of ztracers        = ', nbtrcr
+         write(nu_diag,1020) ' number of Isw tracers     = ', nbtrcr_sw
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' initbio_frac              = ', initbio_frac
+         write(nu_diag,1000) ' frazil_scav               = ', frazil_scav
+      endif  ! skl_bgc or solve_bgc
+      endif  ! master_task
+ 1000    format (a30,2x,f9.2)  ! a30 to align formatted, unformatted statements
+ 1020    format (a30,2x,i6)    ! integer
+      end subroutine init_zbgc
+      subroutine init_bgc_trcr(nk,              nt_fbri,       &
+                               nt_bgc,          nlt_bgc,       &
+                               bgctype,         nt_depend,     &
+                               bgc_tracer_type, trcr_depend,   &
+                               trcr_base,       n_trcr_strata, &
+                               nt_strata,       bio_index)
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         nk           , & ! counter
+         nt_depend    , & ! tracer dependency index
+         nt_bgc       , & ! tracer index
+         nlt_bgc      , & ! bio tracer index
+         nt_fbri
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: &
+         trcr_depend  , & ! tracer dependencies
+         n_trcr_strata, & ! number of underlying tracer layers
+         bio_index        !
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
+         nt_strata        ! indices of underlying tracer layers
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
+         trcr_base        ! = 0 or 1 depending on tracer dependency
+                          ! argument 2:  (1) aice, (2) vice, (3) vsno
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         bgctype          ! bio tracer transport type (mobile vs stationary)
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: &
+         bgc_tracer_type  ! bio tracer transport type array
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         k         , & ! loop index
+         n_strata  , & ! temporary values
+         nt_strata1, & !
+         nt_strata2
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         trcr_base1, & ! temporary values
+         trcr_base2, &
+         trcr_base3
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(init_bgc_trcr)'
+      !--------
+      bgc_tracer_type(nlt_bgc) = bgctype
+      if (nk > 1) then ! include vertical bgc in snow
+         do k = nk, nk+1
+            trcr_depend  (nt_bgc + k  ) = 2 ! snow volume
+            trcr_base    (nt_bgc + k,1) = c0
+            trcr_base    (nt_bgc + k,2) = c0
+            trcr_base    (nt_bgc + k,3) = c1
+            n_trcr_strata(nt_bgc + k  ) = 0
+            nt_strata    (nt_bgc + k,1) = 0
+            nt_strata    (nt_bgc + k,2) = 0
+         enddo
+         trcr_base1 = c0
+         trcr_base2 = c1
+         trcr_base3 = c0
+         n_strata = 1
+         nt_strata1 = nt_fbri
+         nt_strata2 = 0
+      else  ! nk = 1
+         trcr_base1 = c1
+         trcr_base2 = c0
+         trcr_base3 = c0
+         n_strata = 0
+         nt_strata1 = 0
+         nt_strata2 = 0
+      endif ! nk
+      do k = 1, nk     ! in ice
+         trcr_depend  (nt_bgc + k - 1  ) = nt_depend
+         trcr_base    (nt_bgc + k - 1,1) = trcr_base1
+         trcr_base    (nt_bgc + k - 1,2) = trcr_base2
+         trcr_base    (nt_bgc + k - 1,3) = trcr_base3
+         n_trcr_strata(nt_bgc + k - 1  ) = n_strata
+         nt_strata    (nt_bgc + k - 1,1) = nt_strata1
+         nt_strata    (nt_bgc + k - 1,2) = nt_strata2
+      enddo
+      bio_index (nlt_bgc) = nt_bgc
+      end subroutine init_bgc_trcr
+      end module ice_init_column
diff --git a/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/ice_step_mod.F90 b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/ice_step_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac66255a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cicecore/drivers/unittest/opticep/ice_step_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1784 @@
+!  Contains CICE component driver routines common to all drivers.
+!  authors Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!          Philip W. Jones, LANL
+!          William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+! 2008 ECH: created module by moving subroutines from drivers/cice4/
+! 2014 ECH: created column package
+      module ice_step_mod
+      use ice_kinds_mod
+      use ice_blocks, only: block, get_block
+      use ice_blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block
+      use ice_constants, only: c0, c1, c1000, c4, p25
+      use ice_constants, only: field_loc_center, field_loc_NEcorner, &
+          field_loc_Nface, field_loc_Eface, &
+          field_type_scalar, field_type_vector
+      use ice_domain, only: halo_info, nblocks, blocks_ice
+      use ice_domain_size, only: max_blocks
+      use ice_exit, only: abort_ice
+      use ice_fileunits, only: nu_diag
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_warnings_flush, icepack_warnings_aborted
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_prep_radiation
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_therm1
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_therm2
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_aggregate
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_ridge
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_wavefracture
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_radiation
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_ocn_mixed_layer, icepack_atm_boundary
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_biogeochemistry, icepack_load_ocean_bio_array
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_algae, icepack_max_nbtrcr, icepack_max_don
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_doc, icepack_max_dic, icepack_max_aero
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_max_fe, icepack_max_iso
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_parameters
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_tracer_flags, icepack_query_tracer_sizes
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_query_tracer_indices
+      implicit none
+      private
+      public :: step_therm1, step_therm2, step_dyn_horiz, step_dyn_ridge, &
+                step_snow, prep_radiation, step_radiation, ocean_mixed_layer, &
+                update_state, biogeochemistry, step_dyn_wave, step_prep
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+         uvelT_icep, &      ! uvel for wind stress computation in icepack
+         vvelT_icep         ! vvel for wind stress computation in icepack
+      contains
+      subroutine save_init
+! saves initial values for aice, aicen, vicen, vsnon
+      use ice_state, only: aice, aicen, aice_init, aicen_init, &
+          vicen, vicen_init, vsnon, vsnon_init
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(save_init)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Save the ice area passed to the coupler (so that history fields
+      !  can be made consistent with coupler fields).
+      ! Save the initial ice area and volume in each category.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+          aice_init = aice
+         aicen_init = aicen
+         vicen_init = vicen
+         vsnon_init = vsnon
+      end subroutine save_init
+      subroutine step_prep
+! prep for step, called outside nblock loop
+      use ice_flux, only: uatm, vatm, uatmT, vatmT
+      use ice_grid, only: grid_atm_dynu, grid_atm_dynv, grid_average_X2Y
+      use ice_state, only: uvel, vvel
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         highfreq    ! highfreq flag
+      logical (kind=log_kind), save :: &
+         first_call = .true.   ! first call flag
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_prep)'
+      ! Save initial state
+      call save_init
+      ! Compute uatmT, vatmT
+      call grid_average_X2Y('S',uatm,grid_atm_dynu,uatmT,'T')
+      call grid_average_X2Y('S',vatm,grid_atm_dynv,vatmT,'T')
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute uvelT_icep, vvelT_icep
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (first_call) then
+         allocate(uvelT_icep(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks))
+         allocate(vvelT_icep(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks))
+         uvelT_icep = c0
+         vvelT_icep = c0
+      endif
+      call icepack_query_parameters(highfreq_out=highfreq)
+      if (highfreq) then
+         call grid_average_X2Y('A', uvel, 'U', uvelT_icep, 'T')
+         call grid_average_X2Y('A', vvel, 'U', vvelT_icep, 'T')
+      endif
+      first_call = .false.
+      end subroutine step_prep
+! Scales radiation fields computed on the previous time step.
+! authors: Elizabeth Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine prep_radiation (iblk)
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nilyr, nslyr
+      use ice_flux, only: scale_factor, swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, &
+          alvdr_ai, alvdf_ai, alidr_ai, alidf_ai, &
+          alvdr_init, alvdf_init, alidr_init, alidf_init
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: fswsfcn, fswintn, &
+           fswthrun, fswthrun_vdr, fswthrun_vdf, fswthrun_idr, fswthrun_idf, &
+           fswpenln, Sswabsn, Iswabsn
+      use ice_state, only: aice, aicen
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, timer_sw
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk    ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         i, j               ! horizontal indices
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(prep_radiation)'
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_sw,iblk)      ! shortwave
+      alvdr_init(:,:,iblk) = c0
+      alvdf_init(:,:,iblk) = c0
+      alidr_init(:,:,iblk) = c0
+      alidf_init(:,:,iblk) = c0
+         this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+         ilo = this_block%ilo
+         ihi = this_block%ihi
+         jlo = this_block%jlo
+         jhi = this_block%jhi
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute netsw scaling factor (new netsw / old netsw)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+            alvdr_init(i,j,iblk) = alvdr_ai(i,j,iblk)
+            alvdf_init(i,j,iblk) = alvdf_ai(i,j,iblk)
+            alidr_init(i,j,iblk) = alidr_ai(i,j,iblk)
+            alidf_init(i,j,iblk) = alidf_ai(i,j,iblk)
+            call icepack_prep_radiation (ncat=ncat, nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr,                 &
+                        scale_factor=scale_factor(i,j,iblk),                                  &
+                        aice     = aice    (i,j,    iblk), aicen    = aicen   (i,j,  :,iblk), &
+                        swvdr    = swvdr   (i,j,    iblk), swvdf    = swvdf   (i,j,    iblk), &
+                        swidr    = swidr   (i,j,    iblk), swidf    = swidf   (i,j,    iblk), &
+                        alvdr_ai = alvdr_ai(i,j,    iblk), alvdf_ai = alvdf_ai(i,j,    iblk), &
+                        alidr_ai = alidr_ai(i,j,    iblk), alidf_ai = alidf_ai(i,j,    iblk), &
+                        fswsfcn  = fswsfcn (i,j,  :,iblk), fswintn  = fswintn (i,j,  :,iblk), &
+                        fswthrun = fswthrun(i,j,  :,iblk), &
+!opt                        fswthrun_vdr = fswthrun_vdr(i,j,  :,iblk), &
+!opt                        fswthrun_vdf = fswthrun_vdf(i,j,  :,iblk), &
+!opt                        fswthrun_idr = fswthrun_idr(i,j,  :,iblk), &
+!opt                        fswthrun_idf = fswthrun_idf(i,j,  :,iblk), &
+                        fswpenln = fswpenln(i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                        Sswabsn  = Sswabsn (i,j,:,:,iblk), Iswabsn  = Iswabsn (i,j,:,:,iblk))
+         enddo               ! i
+         enddo               ! j
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_sw,iblk)     ! shortwave
+      end subroutine prep_radiation
+! Driver for updating ice and snow internal temperatures and
+! computing thermodynamic growth rates and coupler fluxes.
+! authors: William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+      subroutine step_therm1 (dt, iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: ffracn, dhsn, &
+          Cdn_ocn, Cdn_ocn_skin, Cdn_ocn_floe, Cdn_ocn_keel, Cdn_atm_ratio, &
+          Cdn_atm, Cdn_atm_skin, Cdn_atm_floe, Cdn_atm_rdg, Cdn_atm_pond, &
+          hfreebd, hdraft, hridge, distrdg, hkeel, dkeel, lfloe, dfloe, &
+          fswsfcn, fswintn, Sswabsn, Iswabsn, meltsliqn, meltsliq, &
+          fswthrun, fswthrun_vdr, fswthrun_vdf, fswthrun_idr, fswthrun_idf
+      use ice_calendar, only: yday
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nilyr, nslyr, n_iso, n_aero
+      use ice_flux, only: frzmlt, sst, Tf, strocnxT_iavg, strocnyT_iavg, rside, fbot, Tbot, Tsnice, &
+          meltsn, melttn, meltbn, congeln, snoicen, uatmT, vatmT, fside, wlat, &
+          wind, rhoa, potT, Qa, zlvl, zlvs, strax, stray, flatn, fsensn, fsurfn, fcondtopn, &
+          flw, fsnow, fpond, sss, mlt_onset, frz_onset, fcondbotn, fcondbot, fsloss, &
+          frain, Tair, strairxT, strairyT, fsurf, fcondtop, fsens, &
+          flat, fswabs, flwout, evap, evaps, evapi, Tref, Qref, Uref, fresh, fsalt, fhocn, &
+          fswthru, fswthru_vdr, fswthru_vdf, fswthru_idr, fswthru_idf, &
+          meltt, melts, meltb, congel, snoice, &
+          flatn_f, fsensn_f, fsurfn_f, fcondtopn_f, &
+          send_i2x_per_cat, fswthrun_ai, dsnow
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: dsnown, faero_atm, faero_ocn, fiso_atm, fiso_ocn, &
+          Qa_iso, Qref_iso, fiso_evap, HDO_ocn, H2_16O_ocn, H2_18O_ocn
+      use ice_grid, only: lmask_n, lmask_s, tmask
+      use ice_state, only: aice, aicen, aicen_init, vicen_init, &
+          vice, vicen, vsno, vsnon, trcrn, vsnon_init
+#ifdef CICE_IN_NEMO
+      use ice_state, only: aice_init
+      use ice_prescribed_mod, only: prescribed_ice
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         prescribed_ice     ! if .true., use prescribed ice instead of computed
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt                 ! time step (s)
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk               ! block index
+      ! local variables
+#ifdef CICE_IN_NEMO
+      real (kind=dbl_kind)    :: &
+         raice              ! reciprocal of ice concentration
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         i, j           , & ! horizontal indices
+         n              , & ! thickness category index
+         k, kk              ! indices for aerosols
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ntrcr, nt_apnd, nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd, nt_alvl, nt_vlvl, nt_Tsfc, &
+         nt_iage, nt_FY, nt_qice, nt_sice, nt_aero, nt_qsno, &
+         nt_isosno, nt_isoice, nt_rsnw, nt_smice, nt_smliq
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         tr_iage, tr_FY, tr_iso, tr_aero, tr_pond, &
+         tr_pond_lvl, tr_pond_topo, calc_Tsfc, highfreq, tr_snow
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         puny               ! a very small number
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(n_aero,2,ncat) :: &
+         aerosno,  aeroice  ! kg/m^2
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(n_iso,ncat) :: &
+         isosno,  isoice    ! kg/m^2
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nslyr,ncat) :: &
+         rsnwn, smicen, smliqn
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block         ! block information for current block
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_therm1)'
+      call icepack_query_parameters(puny_out=puny)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(calc_Tsfc_out=calc_Tsfc)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(highfreq_out=highfreq)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags( &
+         tr_iage_out=tr_iage, tr_FY_out=tr_FY, tr_iso_out=tr_iso, &
+         tr_aero_out=tr_aero, tr_pond_out=tr_pond, &
+         tr_pond_lvl_out=tr_pond_lvl, tr_pond_topo_out=tr_pond_topo, &
+         tr_snow_out=tr_snow)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices( &
+         nt_apnd_out=nt_apnd, nt_hpnd_out=nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd_out=nt_ipnd, &
+         nt_alvl_out=nt_alvl, nt_vlvl_out=nt_vlvl, nt_Tsfc_out=nt_Tsfc, &
+         nt_iage_out=nt_iage, nt_FY_out=nt_FY, &
+         nt_qice_out=nt_qice, nt_sice_out=nt_sice, &
+         nt_aero_out=nt_aero, nt_qsno_out=nt_qsno, &
+         nt_rsnw_out=nt_rsnw, nt_smice_out=nt_smice, nt_smliq_out=nt_smliq, &
+         nt_isosno_out=nt_isosno, nt_isoice_out=nt_isoice)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      prescribed_ice = .false.
+      rsnwn  (:,:)   = c0
+      smicen (:,:)   = c0
+      smliqn (:,:)   = c0
+      isoice (:,:)   = c0
+      aerosno(:,:,:) = c0
+      aeroice(:,:,:) = c0
+#ifdef CICE_IN_NEMO
+      do j = 1, ny_block
+      do i = 1, nx_block
+      !---------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Scale frain and fsnow by ice concentration as these fields
+      ! are supplied by NEMO multiplied by ice concentration
+      !---------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (aice_init(i,j,iblk) > puny) then
+            raice           = c1 / aice_init(i,j,iblk)
+            frain(i,j,iblk) = frain(i,j,iblk)*raice
+            fsnow(i,j,iblk) = fsnow(i,j,iblk)*raice
+         else
+            frain(i,j,iblk) = c0
+            fsnow(i,j,iblk) = c0
+         endif
+      enddo ! i
+      enddo ! j
+      this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+      ilo = this_block%ilo
+      ihi = this_block%ihi
+      jlo = this_block%jlo
+      jhi = this_block%jhi
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+         if (tr_snow) then
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               do k = 1, nslyr
+                  rsnwn (k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_rsnw +k-1,n,iblk)
+                  smicen(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_smice+k-1,n,iblk)
+                  smliqn(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_smliq+k-1,n,iblk)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif ! tr_snow
+         if (tr_iso) then ! trcrn(nt_iso*) has units kg/m^3
+            do n=1,ncat
+               do k=1,n_iso
+                  isosno(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_isosno+k-1,n,iblk) * vsnon_init(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  isoice(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_isoice+k-1,n,iblk) * vicen_init(i,j,n,iblk)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif ! tr_iso
+         if (tr_aero) then ! trcrn(nt_aero) has units kg/m^3
+            do n=1,ncat
+               do k=1,n_aero
+                  aerosno (k,:,n) = &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_aero+(k-1)*4  :nt_aero+(k-1)*4+1,n,iblk) &
+                                  * vsnon_init(i,j,n,iblk)
+                  aeroice (k,:,n) = &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_aero+(k-1)*4+2:nt_aero+(k-1)*4+3,n,iblk) &
+                                  * vicen_init(i,j,n,iblk)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif ! tr_aero
+         if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+         call icepack_step_therm1(dt=dt, ncat=ncat,            &
+                      nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr,                &
+                      aicen_init   = aicen_init  (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vicen_init   = vicen_init  (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vsnon_init   = vsnon_init  (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      aice         = aice        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      aicen        = aicen       (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vice         = vice        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      vicen        = vicen       (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vsno         = vsno        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      vsnon        = vsnon       (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      uvel         = uvelT_icep  (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      vvel         = vvelT_icep  (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Tsfc         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_Tsfc,:,iblk),                   &
+                      zqsn         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_qsno:nt_qsno+nslyr-1,:,iblk),   &
+                      zqin         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_qice:nt_qice+nilyr-1,:,iblk),   &
+                      zSin         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_sice:nt_sice+nilyr-1,:,iblk),   &
+                      alvl         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_alvl,:,iblk),                   &
+                      vlvl         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_vlvl,:,iblk),                   &
+                      apnd         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_apnd,:,iblk),                   &
+                      hpnd         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_hpnd,:,iblk),                   &
+                      ipnd         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_ipnd,:,iblk),                   &
+                      iage         = trcrn       (i,j,nt_iage,:,iblk),                   &
+                      FY           = trcrn       (i,j,nt_FY  ,:,iblk),                   &
+!opt                      rsnwn        = rsnwn       (:,:),        &
+!opt                      smicen       = smicen      (:,:),        &
+!opt                      smliqn       = smliqn      (:,:),        &
+                      aerosno      = aerosno     (:,:,:),      &
+                      aeroice      = aeroice     (:,:,:),      &
+!opt                      isosno       = isosno      (:,:),        &
+!opt                      isoice       = isoice      (:,:),        &
+                      uatm         = uatmT       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      vatm         = vatmT       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      wind         = wind        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      zlvl         = zlvl        (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      zlvs         = zlvs        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Qa           = Qa          (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      Qa_iso       = Qa_iso      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      rhoa         = rhoa        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Tair         = Tair        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Tref         = Tref        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Qref         = Qref        (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      Qref_iso     = Qref_iso    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      Uref         = Uref        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_atm_ratio= Cdn_atm_ratio(i,j, iblk), &
+                      Cdn_ocn      = Cdn_ocn     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_ocn_skin = Cdn_ocn_skin(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_ocn_floe = Cdn_ocn_floe(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_ocn_keel = Cdn_ocn_keel(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_atm      = Cdn_atm     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_atm_skin = Cdn_atm_skin(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_atm_floe = Cdn_atm_floe(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_atm_pond = Cdn_atm_pond(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Cdn_atm_rdg  = Cdn_atm_rdg (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      hfreebd      = hfreebd     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      hdraft       = hdraft      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      hridge       = hridge      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      distrdg      = distrdg     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      hkeel        = hkeel       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      dkeel        = dkeel       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      lfloe        = lfloe       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      dfloe        = dfloe       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      strax        = strax       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      stray        = stray       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      strairxT     = strairxT    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      strairyT     = strairyT    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      potT         = potT        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      sst          = sst         (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      sss          = sss         (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Tf           = Tf          (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      strocnxT    = strocnxT_iavg(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      strocnyT    = strocnyT_iavg(i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fbot         = fbot        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Tbot         = Tbot        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Tsnice       = Tsnice      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      frzmlt       = frzmlt      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      rside        = rside       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fside        = fside       (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      wlat         = wlat        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsnow        = fsnow       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      frain        = frain       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fpond        = fpond       (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      fsloss       = fsloss      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsurf        = fsurf       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsurfn       = fsurfn      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fcondtop     = fcondtop    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fcondtopn    = fcondtopn   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fcondbot     = fcondbot    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fcondbotn    = fcondbotn   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fswsfcn      = fswsfcn     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fswintn      = fswintn     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fswthrun     = fswthrun    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      fswthrun_vdr = fswthrun_vdr (i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      fswthrun_vdf = fswthrun_vdf (i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      fswthrun_idr = fswthrun_idr (i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      fswthrun_idf = fswthrun_idf (i,j,:,iblk),&
+                      fswabs       = fswabs      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      flwout       = flwout      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      Sswabsn      = Sswabsn     (i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                      Iswabsn      = Iswabsn     (i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                      flw          = flw         (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsens        = fsens       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsensn       = fsensn      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      flat         = flat        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      flatn        = flatn       (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      evap         = evap        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      evaps        = evaps       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      evapi        = evapi       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fresh        = fresh       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsalt        = fsalt       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fhocn        = fhocn       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fswthru      = fswthru     (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      fswthru_vdr  = fswthru_vdr (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      fswthru_vdf  = fswthru_vdf (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      fswthru_idr  = fswthru_idr (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      fswthru_idf  = fswthru_idf (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      flatn_f      = flatn_f     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fsensn_f     = fsensn_f    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fsurfn_f     = fsurfn_f    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fcondtopn_f  = fcondtopn_f (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      faero_atm    = faero_atm   (i,j,1:n_aero,iblk), &
+                      faero_ocn    = faero_ocn   (i,j,1:n_aero,iblk), &
+!opt                      fiso_atm     = fiso_atm    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      fiso_ocn     = fiso_ocn    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      fiso_evap    = fiso_evap   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      HDO_ocn      = HDO_ocn     (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      H2_16O_ocn   = H2_16O_ocn  (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      H2_18O_ocn   = H2_18O_ocn  (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      dhsn         = dhsn        (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      ffracn       = ffracn      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      meltt        = meltt       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      melttn       = melttn      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      meltb        = meltb       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      meltbn       = meltbn      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      melts        = melts       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      meltsn       = meltsn      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      congel       = congel      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      congeln      = congeln     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      snoice       = snoice      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      snoicen      = snoicen     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      dsnow        = dsnow       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      dsnown       = dsnown      (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      meltsliq     = meltsliq    (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      meltsliqn    = meltsliqn   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      lmask_n      = lmask_n     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      lmask_s      = lmask_s     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      mlt_onset    = mlt_onset   (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      frz_onset    = frz_onset   (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      yday=yday &
+!opt                      prescribed_ice=prescribed_ice, &
+                      )
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! handle per-category i2x fields, no merging
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (send_i2x_per_cat) then
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               ! TODO (mvertens, 2018-12-22): do we need to add the band separated quantities
+               ! for MOM6 here also?
+               fswthrun_ai(i,j,n,iblk) = fswthrun(i,j,n,iblk)*aicen_init(i,j,n,iblk)
+            enddo                  ! ncat
+         endif
+         endif
+         if (tr_snow) then
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               do k = 1, nslyr
+                  trcrn(i,j,nt_rsnw +k-1,n,iblk) = rsnwn (k,n)
+                  trcrn(i,j,nt_smice+k-1,n,iblk) = smicen(k,n)
+                  trcrn(i,j,nt_smliq+k-1,n,iblk) = smliqn(k,n)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif ! tr_snow
+         if (tr_iso) then
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               if (vicen(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) &
+                  isoice(:,n) = isoice(:,n)/vicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+               if (vsnon(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) &
+                  isosno(:,n) = isosno(:,n)/vsnon(i,j,n,iblk)
+               do k = 1, n_iso
+                  trcrn(i,j,nt_isosno+k-1,n,iblk) = isosno(k,n)
+                  trcrn(i,j,nt_isoice+k-1,n,iblk) = isoice(k,n)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif ! tr_iso
+         if (tr_aero) then
+            do n = 1, ncat
+               if (vicen(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) &
+                  aeroice(:,:,n) = aeroice(:,:,n)/vicen(i,j,n,iblk)
+               if (vsnon(i,j,n,iblk) > puny) &
+                  aerosno(:,:,n) = aerosno(:,:,n)/vsnon(i,j,n,iblk)
+               do k = 1, n_aero
+                  do kk = 1, 2
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_aero+(k-1)*4+kk-1,n,iblk)=aerosno(k,kk,n)
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_aero+(k-1)*4+kk+1,n,iblk)=aeroice(k,kk,n)
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif ! tr_aero
+      enddo ! i
+      enddo ! j
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      end subroutine step_therm1
+! Driver for thermodynamic changes not needed for coupling:
+! transport in thickness space, lateral growth and melting.
+! authors: William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+!          Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine step_therm2 (dt, iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: hin_max, fzsal, ocean_bio, wave_sig_ht, &
+          wave_spectrum, wavefreq, dwavefreq, &
+          first_ice, bgrid, cgrid, igrid, floe_rad_c, floe_binwidth, &
+          d_afsd_latg, d_afsd_newi, d_afsd_latm, d_afsd_weld
+      use ice_calendar, only: yday
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nilyr, nslyr, nblyr, nfsd
+      use ice_flux, only: fresh, frain, fpond, frzmlt, frazil, frz_onset, &
+          update_ocn_f, fsalt, Tf, sss, salinz, fhocn, rside, fside, wlat, &
+          meltl, frazil_diag
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: flux_bio, faero_ocn, &
+          fiso_ocn, HDO_ocn, H2_16O_ocn, H2_18O_ocn
+      use ice_grid, only: tmask
+      use ice_state, only: aice, aicen, aice0, trcr_depend, &
+          aicen_init, vicen_init, trcrn, vicen, vsnon, &
+          trcr_base, n_trcr_strata, nt_strata
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt      ! time step
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk    ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         i, j               ! horizontal indices
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ntrcr, nbtrcr, nltrcr
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         tr_fsd,          & ! floe size distribution tracers
+         z_tracers,       & ! vertical biogeochemistry
+         solve_zsal         ! zsalinity
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block         ! block information for current block
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_therm2)'
+      call icepack_query_parameters(z_tracers_out=z_tracers,solve_zsal_out=solve_zsal)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr, nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_fsd_out=tr_fsd)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      ! nltrcr is only used as a zbgc flag in icepack (number of zbgc tracers > 0)
+      if (z_tracers .or. solve_zsal) then
+         nltrcr = 1
+      else
+         nltrcr = 0
+      endif
+      this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+      ilo = this_block%ilo
+      ihi = this_block%ihi
+      jlo = this_block%jlo
+      jhi = this_block%jhi
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+         if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+         ! significant wave height for FSD
+         if (tr_fsd) &
+         wave_sig_ht(i,j,iblk) = c4*SQRT(SUM(wave_spectrum(i,j,:,iblk)*dwavefreq(:)))
+         call icepack_step_therm2(dt=dt, ncat=ncat, &
+                      nltrcr=nltrcr, nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr, nblyr=nblyr, &
+                      hin_max    = hin_max   (:),          &
+                      aicen      = aicen     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vicen      = vicen     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vsnon      = vsnon     (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      aicen_init = aicen_init(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      vicen_init = vicen_init(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      trcrn      = trcrn     (i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                      aice0      = aice0     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      aice       = aice      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      trcr_depend= trcr_depend(:),         &
+                      trcr_base  = trcr_base(:,:),         &
+                      n_trcr_strata = n_trcr_strata(:),    &
+                      nt_strata  = nt_strata(:,:),         &
+                      Tf         = Tf        (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      sss        = sss       (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      salinz     = salinz    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      rside      = rside     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      meltl      = meltl     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fside      = fside     (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      wlat       = wlat      (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      frzmlt     = frzmlt    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      frazil     = frazil    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      frain      = frain     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fpond      = fpond     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fresh      = fresh     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fsalt      = fsalt     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      fhocn      = fhocn     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      update_ocn_f = update_ocn_f,         &
+                      bgrid      = bgrid,                  &
+                      cgrid      = cgrid,                  &
+                      igrid      = igrid,                  &
+                      faero_ocn  = faero_ocn (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      first_ice  = first_ice (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                      fzsal      = fzsal     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                      flux_bio   = flux_bio  (i,j,1:nbtrcr,iblk), &
+                      ocean_bio  = ocean_bio (i,j,1:nbtrcr,iblk), &
+                      frazil_diag= frazil_diag(i,j,iblk)  &
+!opt                      frz_onset  = frz_onset (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      yday       = yday,                   &
+!opt                      fiso_ocn   = fiso_ocn  (i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                      HDO_ocn    = HDO_ocn   (i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      H2_16O_ocn = H2_16O_ocn(i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      H2_18O_ocn = H2_18O_ocn(i,j,  iblk), &
+!opt                      nfsd       = nfsd,                   &
+!opt                      wave_sig_ht= wave_sig_ht(i,j,iblk),  &
+!opt                      wave_spectrum = wave_spectrum(i,j,:,iblk),  &
+!opt                      wavefreq   = wavefreq(:),            &
+!opt                      dwavefreq  = dwavefreq(:),           &
+!opt                      d_afsd_latg= d_afsd_latg(i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      d_afsd_newi= d_afsd_newi(i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      d_afsd_latm= d_afsd_latm(i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      d_afsd_weld= d_afsd_weld(i,j,:,iblk),&
+!opt                      floe_rad_c = floe_rad_c(:),          &
+!opt                      floe_binwidth = floe_binwidth(:)     &
+                      )
+         endif ! tmask
+      enddo                     ! i
+      enddo                     ! j
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      end subroutine step_therm2
+! finalize thermo updates
+! authors: Elizabeth Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine update_state (dt, daidt, dvidt, dagedt, offset)
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat
+!     use ice_grid, only: tmask
+      use ice_state, only: aicen, trcrn, vicen, vsnon, &
+                           aice,  trcr,  vice,  vsno, aice0, trcr_depend, &
+                           bound_state, trcr_base, nt_strata, n_trcr_strata
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, timer_bound, timer_updstate
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt       ! time step
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout), optional :: &
+         daidt, & ! change in ice area per time step
+         dvidt, & ! change in ice volume per time step
+         dagedt   ! change in ice age per time step
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in), optional :: &
+         offset   ! d(age)/dt time offset = dt for thermo, 0 for dyn
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         iblk,  & ! block index
+         i,j,   & ! horizontal indices
+         ntrcr, & !
+         nt_iage  !
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         tr_iage  !
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(update_state)'
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_updstate)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_iage_out=tr_iage)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(nt_iage_out=nt_iage)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Ghost cell updates for state variables.
+      !-------------------------------------------------------------------
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_bound)
+      call bound_state (aicen,        &
+                        vicen, vsnon, &
+                        ntrcr, trcrn)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_bound)
+      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j) SCHEDULE(runtime)
+      do iblk = 1, nblocks
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Aggregate the updated state variables (includes ghost cells).
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+!        if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) &
+            call icepack_aggregate(ncat  = ncat,                  &
+                                   aicen = aicen(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   trcrn = trcrn(i,j,:,:,iblk),   &
+                                   vicen = vicen(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   vsnon = vsnon(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   aice  = aice (i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   trcr  = trcr (i,j,:,iblk),     &
+                                   vice  = vice (i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   vsno  = vsno (i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   aice0 = aice0(i,j,  iblk),     &
+                                   ntrcr = ntrcr,                 &
+                                   trcr_depend   = trcr_depend(:),   &
+                                   trcr_base     = trcr_base(:,:),   &
+                                   n_trcr_strata = n_trcr_strata(:), &
+                                   nt_strata     = nt_strata(:,:))
+         if (present(offset)) then
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute thermodynamic area and volume tendencies.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         daidt(i,j,iblk) = (aice(i,j,iblk) - daidt(i,j,iblk)) / dt
+         dvidt(i,j,iblk) = (vice(i,j,iblk) - dvidt(i,j,iblk)) / dt
+         if (tr_iage) then
+            if (offset > c0) then                 ! thermo
+               if (trcr(i,j,nt_iage,iblk) > c0) &
+               dagedt(i,j,iblk) = (trcr(i,j,nt_iage,iblk) &
+                                - dagedt(i,j,iblk) - offset) / dt
+            else                                  ! dynamics
+               dagedt(i,j,iblk) = (trcr(i,j,nt_iage,iblk) &
+                                - dagedt(i,j,iblk)) / dt
+            endif
+         endif ! tr_iage
+         endif ! present(offset)
+         enddo ! i
+         enddo ! j
+      enddo    ! iblk
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_updstate)
+      end subroutine update_state
+! Run one time step of wave-fracturing the floe size distribution
+! authors: Lettie Roach, NIWA
+!          Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine step_dyn_wave (dt)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: wave_spectrum, &
+          d_afsd_wave, floe_rad_l, floe_rad_c, wavefreq, dwavefreq
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nfsd, nfreq
+      use ice_state, only: trcrn, aicen, aice, vice
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, timer_column, &
+          timer_fsd
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt      ! time step
+      ! local variables
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         iblk,            & ! block index
+         i, j               ! horizontal indices
+      character (len=char_len) :: wave_spec_type
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_dyn_wave)'
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_column)
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_fsd)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(wave_spec_type_out=wave_spec_type)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,this_block)
+      do iblk = 1, nblocks
+         this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+         ilo = this_block%ilo
+         ihi = this_block%ihi
+         jlo = this_block%jlo
+         jhi = this_block%jhi
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+            d_afsd_wave(i,j,:,iblk) = c0
+            call icepack_step_wavefracture (wave_spec_type, &
+                                            dt, ncat, nfsd, nfreq,         &
+                                            aice           (i,j,    iblk), &
+                                            vice           (i,j,    iblk), &
+                                            aicen          (i,j,:,  iblk), &
+                                            floe_rad_l(:), floe_rad_c(:),  &
+                                            wave_spectrum  (i,j,:,  iblk), &
+                                            wavefreq(:),   dwavefreq(:),   &
+                                            trcrn          (i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                                            d_afsd_wave    (i,j,:,  iblk))
+         end do ! i
+         end do ! j
+      end do    ! iblk
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_fsd)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_column)
+      end subroutine step_dyn_wave
+! Run one time step of dynamics and horizontal transport.
+! NOTE: The evp and transport modules include boundary updates, so
+!       they cannot be done inside a single block loop.
+! authors: William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+!          Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine step_dyn_horiz (dt)
+      use ice_boundary, only: ice_HaloUpdate
+      use ice_dyn_evp, only: evp
+      use ice_dyn_eap, only: eap
+      use ice_dyn_vp, only: implicit_solver
+      use ice_dyn_shared, only: kdyn
+      use ice_flux, only: strocnxU, strocnyU, strocnxT_iavg, strocnyT_iavg
+      use ice_flux, only: init_history_dyn
+      use ice_grid, only: grid_average_X2Y
+      use ice_state, only: aiU
+      use ice_transport_driver, only: advection, transport_upwind, transport_remap
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt      ! dynamics time step
+      ! local variables
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         iblk,            & ! block index
+         i, j               ! horizontal indices
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension (nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks) :: &
+         work1, &     ! temporary
+         work2        ! temporary
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_dyn_horiz)'
+      call init_history_dyn     ! initialize dynamic history variables
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Ice dynamics (momentum equation)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (kdyn == 1) call evp (dt)
+      if (kdyn == 2) call eap (dt)
+      if (kdyn == 3) call implicit_solver (dt)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute strocnxT_iavg, strocnyT_iavg for thermo and coupling
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! strocn computed on U, N, E as needed. Map strocn U divided by aiU to T
+      ! conservation requires aiU be divided before averaging
+      work1 = c0
+      work2 = c0
+      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblk,i,j,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,this_block)
+      do iblk = 1, nblocks
+         this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk), iblk)
+         ilo = this_block%ilo
+         ihi = this_block%ihi
+         jlo = this_block%jlo
+         jhi = this_block%jhi
+         do j = jlo, jhi
+         do i = ilo, ihi
+            if (aiU(i,j,iblk) /= c0) then
+               work1(i,j,iblk) = strocnxU(i,j,iblk)/aiU(i,j,iblk)
+               work2(i,j,iblk) = strocnyU(i,j,iblk)/aiU(i,j,iblk)
+            endif
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      call ice_HaloUpdate (work1,              halo_info, &
+                           field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_vector)
+      call ice_HaloUpdate (work2,              halo_info, &
+                           field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_vector)
+      call grid_average_X2Y('F', work1, 'U', strocnxT_iavg, 'T')    ! shift
+      call grid_average_X2Y('F', work2, 'U', strocnyT_iavg, 'T')
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Horizontal ice transport
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      if (advection == 'upwind') then
+         call transport_upwind (dt)    ! upwind
+      elseif (advection == 'remap') then
+         call transport_remap (dt)     ! incremental remapping
+      endif
+      end subroutine step_dyn_horiz
+! Run one time step of ridging.
+! authors: William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+!          Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine step_dyn_ridge (dt, ndtd, iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: hin_max, fzsal, first_ice
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nilyr, nslyr, n_aero, nblyr
+      use ice_flux, only: &
+          rdg_conv, rdg_shear, dardg1dt, dardg2dt, &
+          dvirdgdt, opening, fpond, fresh, fhocn, &
+          aparticn, krdgn, aredistn, vredistn, dardg1ndt, dardg2ndt, &
+          dvirdgndt, araftn, vraftn, fsalt
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: flux_bio, faero_ocn, fiso_ocn
+      use ice_grid, only: tmask
+      use ice_state, only: trcrn, vsnon, aicen, vicen, &
+          aice, aice0, trcr_depend, n_trcr_strata, &
+          trcr_base, nt_strata
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, timer_column, &
+          timer_ridge
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt      ! time step
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         ndtd, & ! number of dynamics subcycles
+         iblk    ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         i, j,            & ! horizontal indices
+         ntrcr,           & !
+         nbtrcr             !
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_dyn_ridge)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Ridging
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_column,iblk)
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_ridge,iblk)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr, nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk), iblk)
+      ilo = this_block%ilo
+      ihi = this_block%ihi
+      jlo = this_block%jlo
+      jhi = this_block%jhi
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+!echmod: this changes the answers, continue using tmask for now
+!      call aggregate_area (ncat, aicen(i,j,:,iblk), atmp, atmp0)
+!      if (atmp > c0) then
+         if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+            call icepack_step_ridge (dt=dt, ndtd=ndtd,                 &
+                         nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr, nblyr=nblyr,        &
+                         ncat=ncat, n_aero=n_aero, hin_max=hin_max(:), &
+                         trcr_depend   = trcr_depend  (:),   &
+                         trcr_base     = trcr_base    (:,:), &
+                         n_trcr_strata = n_trcr_strata(:),   &
+                         nt_strata     = nt_strata    (:,:), &
+                         trcrn     = trcrn    (i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                         rdg_conv  = rdg_conv (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         rdg_shear = rdg_shear(i,j,  iblk), &
+                         aicen     = aicen    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         vicen     = vicen    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         vsnon     = vsnon    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         aice0     = aice0    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         dardg1dt  = dardg1dt (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         dardg2dt  = dardg2dt (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         dvirdgdt  = dvirdgdt (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         opening   = opening  (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         fpond     = fpond    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         fresh     = fresh    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         fhocn     = fhocn    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         faero_ocn = faero_ocn(i,j,:,iblk), &
+!opt                         fiso_ocn  = fiso_ocn (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         aparticn  = aparticn (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         krdgn     = krdgn    (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         aredistn  = aredistn (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         vredistn  = vredistn (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         dardg1ndt = dardg1ndt(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         dardg2ndt = dardg2ndt(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         dvirdgndt = dvirdgndt(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         araftn    = araftn   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         vraftn    = vraftn   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         aice      = aice     (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         fsalt     = fsalt    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         first_ice = first_ice(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                         fzsal     = fzsal    (i,j,  iblk), &
+                         flux_bio  = flux_bio (i,j,1:nbtrcr,iblk))
+         endif ! tmask
+      enddo ! i
+      enddo ! j
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_ridge,iblk)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_column,iblk)
+      end subroutine step_dyn_ridge
+! Updates snow tracers
+! authors: Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!          Nicole Jeffery, LANL
+      subroutine step_snow (dt, iblk)
+      use ice_calendar, only: nstreams
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, nslyr, nilyr
+      use ice_flux, only: snwcnt, wind, fresh, fhocn, fsloss, fsnow
+      use ice_state, only: trcrn, vsno, vsnon, vicen, aicen, aice
+      use icepack_intfc, only: icepack_step_snow
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt                 ! time step
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk               ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nt_smice, nt_smliq, nt_rsnw, &
+         nt_Tsfc, nt_qice, nt_sice, nt_qsno, &
+         nt_alvl, nt_vlvl, nt_rhos
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         i, j,            & ! horizontal indices
+         ns                 ! history streams index
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         puny
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: &
+         fhs                ! flag for presence of snow
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_snow)'
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block         ! block information for current block
+      this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+      ilo = this_block%ilo
+      ihi = this_block%ihi
+      jlo = this_block%jlo
+      jhi = this_block%jhi
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! query icepack values
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      call icepack_query_parameters(puny_out=puny)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices( &
+         nt_smice_out=nt_smice, nt_smliq_out=nt_smliq, &
+         nt_rsnw_out=nt_rsnw, nt_Tsfc_out=nt_Tsfc, &
+         nt_qice_out=nt_qice, nt_sice_out=nt_sice, nt_qsno_out=nt_qsno, &
+         nt_alvl_out=nt_alvl, nt_vlvl_out=nt_vlvl, nt_rhos_out=nt_rhos)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Snow redistribution and metamorphosis
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+         call icepack_step_snow (dt,     nilyr, &
+                     nslyr,              ncat,  &
+                     wind (i,j,  iblk),         &
+                     aice (i,j,  iblk),         &
+                     aicen(i,j,:,iblk),         &
+                     vicen(i,j,:,iblk),         &
+                     vsnon(i,j,:,iblk),         &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_Tsfc,:,iblk), &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_qice,:,iblk), & ! top layer only
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_sice,:,iblk), & ! top layer only
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_qsno:nt_qsno+nslyr-1,:,iblk),   &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_alvl,:,iblk), &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_vlvl,:,iblk), &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_smice:nt_smice+nslyr-1,:,iblk), &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_smliq:nt_smliq+nslyr-1,:,iblk), &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_rsnw:nt_rsnw+nslyr-1,:,iblk),   &
+                     trcrn(i,j,nt_rhos:nt_rhos+nslyr-1,:,iblk),   &
+                     fresh   (i,j,iblk),        &
+                     fhocn   (i,j,iblk),        &
+                     fsloss  (i,j,iblk),        &
+                     fsnow   (i,j,iblk))
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ! increment counter for history averaging
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+         fhs = c0
+         if (vsno(i,j,iblk) > puny) fhs = c1
+         do ns = 1, nstreams
+            snwcnt(i,j,iblk,ns) = snwcnt(i,j,iblk,ns) + fhs
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      end subroutine step_snow
+! Computes radiation fields
+! authors: William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+!          David Bailey, NCAR
+!          Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+      subroutine step_radiation (dt, iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: ffracn, dhsn, &
+          fswsfcn, fswintn, fswpenln, Sswabsn, Iswabsn, &
+          fswthrun, fswthrun_vdr, fswthrun_vdf, fswthrun_idr, fswthrun_idf, &
+          albicen, albsnon, albpndn, &
+          alvdrn, alidrn, alvdfn, alidfn, apeffn, trcrn_sw, snowfracn, &
+          kaer_tab, waer_tab, gaer_tab, kaer_bc_tab, waer_bc_tab, &
+          gaer_bc_tab, bcenh, swgrid, igrid
+      use ice_calendar, only: calendar_type, days_per_year, nextsw_cday, yday, msec
+      use ice_domain_size, only: ncat, n_aero, nilyr, nslyr, n_zaero, n_algae, nblyr
+      use ice_flux, only: swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, coszen, fsnow
+      use ice_grid, only: TLAT, TLON, tmask
+      use ice_state, only: aicen, vicen, vsnon, trcrn
+      use ice_timers, only: ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop, timer_sw
+      use ice_communicate, only: my_task
+      use ice_diagnostics, only: npnt, print_points, pmloc, piloc, pjloc
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt                 ! time step
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk               ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         i, j, n,   k,    & ! horizontal indices
+         ipoint             ! index for print diagnostic
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block         ! block information for current block
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nt_Tsfc, nt_alvl, nt_rsnw, &
+         nt_apnd, nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd, nt_aero, nlt_chl_sw, &
+         ntrcr, nbtrcr, nbtrcr_sw, nt_fbri
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_algae) :: &
+         nt_bgc_N
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nlt_zaero_sw, nt_zaero
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         tr_bgc_N, tr_zaero, tr_brine, dEdd_algae, modal_aero, snwgrain
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(ncat) :: &
+         fbri               ! brine height to ice thickness
+      real(kind= dbl_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
+         ztrcr_sw,        & ! zaerosols (kg/m^3) and chla (mg/m^3)
+         rsnow              ! snow grain radius tracer (10^-6 m)
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         debug, &           ! flag for printing debugging information
+         l_print_point      ! flag for printing debugging information
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(step_radiation)'
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_sw,iblk)      ! shortwave
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr, &
+         nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr, nbtrcr_sw_out=nbtrcr_sw)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags( &
+         tr_brine_out=tr_brine, tr_bgc_N_out=tr_bgc_N, tr_zaero_out=tr_zaero)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices( &
+         nt_Tsfc_out=nt_Tsfc, nt_alvl_out=nt_alvl, nt_rsnw_out=nt_rsnw, &
+         nt_apnd_out=nt_apnd, nt_hpnd_out=nt_hpnd, nt_ipnd_out=nt_ipnd, nt_aero_out=nt_aero, &
+         nlt_chl_sw_out=nlt_chl_sw, nlt_zaero_sw_out=nlt_zaero_sw, &
+         nt_fbri_out=nt_fbri, nt_zaero_out=nt_zaero, nt_bgc_N_out=nt_bgc_N)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(dEdd_algae_out=dEdd_algae, modal_aero_out=modal_aero, &
+         snwgrain_out=snwgrain)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      allocate(ztrcr_sw(nbtrcr_sw,ncat))
+      allocate(rsnow(nslyr,ncat))
+      this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+      ilo = this_block%ilo
+      ihi = this_block%ihi
+      jlo = this_block%jlo
+      jhi = this_block%jhi
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+         l_print_point = .false.
+         debug = .false.
+         if (debug .and. print_points) then
+            do ipoint = 1, npnt
+               if (my_task == pmloc(ipoint) .and. &
+                    i == piloc(ipoint) .and. &
+                    j == pjloc(ipoint)) &
+                    l_print_point = .true.
+                    write (nu_diag, *) 'my_task = ',my_task
+            enddo ! ipoint
+         endif
+         fbri      (:) = c0
+         ztrcr_sw(:,:) = c0
+         rsnow   (:,:) = c0
+         do n = 1, ncat
+            if (tr_brine) fbri(n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_fbri,n,iblk)
+            if (snwgrain) then
+               do k = 1, nslyr
+                  rsnow(k,n) = trcrn(i,j,nt_rsnw+k-1,n,iblk)
+               enddo
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+            call icepack_step_radiation (dt=dt,   ncat=ncat,                  &
+                         nblyr=nblyr, nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr,               &
+                         dEdd_algae=dEdd_algae,                               &
+                         swgrid=swgrid(:),        igrid=igrid(:),             &
+                         fbri=fbri(:),                                        &
+                         aicen=aicen(i,j,        :,iblk),                     &
+                         vicen=vicen(i,j,        :,iblk),                     &
+                         vsnon=vsnon(i,j,        :,iblk),                     &
+                         Tsfcn=trcrn(i,j,nt_Tsfc,:,iblk),                     &
+                         alvln=trcrn(i,j,nt_alvl,:,iblk),                     &
+                         apndn=trcrn(i,j,nt_apnd,:,iblk),                     &
+                         hpndn=trcrn(i,j,nt_hpnd,:,iblk),                     &
+                         ipndn=trcrn(i,j,nt_ipnd,:,iblk),                     &
+                         aeron=trcrn(i,j,nt_aero:nt_aero+4*n_aero-1,:,iblk),  &
+                         bgcNn=trcrn(i,j,nt_bgc_N(1):nt_bgc_N(1)+n_algae*(nblyr+3)-1,:,iblk), &
+                         zaeron=trcrn(i,j,nt_zaero(1):nt_zaero(1)+n_zaero*(nblyr+3)-1,:,iblk), &
+                         trcrn_bgcsw=ztrcr_sw,                                &
+                         TLAT=TLAT(i,j,iblk),     TLON=TLON(i,j,iblk),        &
+                         calendar_type=calendar_type,                         &
+                         days_per_year=days_per_year,                         &
+                         nextsw_cday=nextsw_cday, yday=yday,                  &
+                         sec=msec,                                             &
+                         kaer_tab=kaer_tab, kaer_bc_tab=kaer_bc_tab(:,:),     &
+                         waer_tab=waer_tab, waer_bc_tab=waer_bc_tab(:,:),     &
+                         gaer_tab=gaer_tab, gaer_bc_tab=gaer_bc_tab(:,:),     &
+                         bcenh=bcenh(:,:,:),                                  &
+                         modal_aero=modal_aero,                               &
+                         swvdr    =swvdr    (i,j    ,iblk), swvdf   =swvdf   (i,j    ,iblk), &
+                         swidr    =swidr    (i,j    ,iblk), swidf   =swidf   (i,j    ,iblk), &
+                         coszen   =coszen   (i,j    ,iblk), fsnow   =fsnow   (i,j    ,iblk), &
+                         alvdrn   =alvdrn   (i,j,:  ,iblk), alvdfn  =alvdfn  (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+                         alidrn   =alidrn   (i,j,:  ,iblk), alidfn  =alidfn  (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+                         fswsfcn  =fswsfcn  (i,j,:  ,iblk), fswintn =fswintn (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+                         fswthrun =fswthrun (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+!opt                         fswthrun_vdr =fswthrun_vdr (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+!opt                         fswthrun_vdf =fswthrun_vdf (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+!opt                         fswthrun_idr =fswthrun_idr (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+!opt                         fswthrun_idf =fswthrun_idf (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+                         fswpenln=fswpenln(i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                         Sswabsn  =Sswabsn  (i,j,:,:,iblk), Iswabsn =Iswabsn (i,j,:,:,iblk), &
+                         albicen  =albicen  (i,j,:  ,iblk), albsnon =albsnon (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+                         albpndn  =albpndn  (i,j,:  ,iblk), apeffn  =apeffn  (i,j,:  ,iblk), &
+                         snowfracn=snowfracn(i,j,:  ,iblk),                                  &
+                         dhsn     =dhsn     (i,j,:  ,iblk), ffracn  =ffracn(i,j,:,iblk),     &
+!opt                         rsnow    =rsnow        (:,:),  &
+                         l_print_point=l_print_point)
+         endif
+         if (dEdd_algae .and. (tr_zaero .or. tr_bgc_N)) then
+           do n = 1, ncat
+              do k = 1, nbtrcr_sw
+                 trcrn_sw(i,j,k,n,iblk) = ztrcr_sw(k,n)
+              enddo
+           enddo
+         endif
+      enddo ! i
+      enddo ! j
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      deallocate(ztrcr_sw)
+      deallocate(rsnow)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_sw,iblk)     ! shortwave
+      end subroutine step_radiation
+! Ocean mixed layer calculation (internal to sea ice model).
+! Allows heat storage in ocean for uncoupled runs.
+! authors:   John Weatherly, CRREL
+!            C.M. Bitz, UW
+!            Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
+!            Bruce P. Briegleb, NCAR
+!            William H. Lipscomb, LANL
+      subroutine ocean_mixed_layer (dt, iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: Cdn_atm, Cdn_atm_ratio
+      use ice_flux, only: sst, Tf, Qa, uatmT, vatmT, wind, potT, rhoa, zlvl, &
+           frzmlt, fhocn, fswthru, flw, flwout_ocn, fsens_ocn, flat_ocn, evap_ocn, &
+           alvdr_ocn, alidr_ocn, alvdf_ocn, alidf_ocn, swidf, swvdf, swidr, swvdr, &
+           qdp, hmix, strairx_ocn, strairy_ocn, Tref_ocn, Qref_ocn
+      use ice_grid, only: tmask
+      use ice_state, only: aice
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt      ! time step
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk    ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      real (kind=dbl_kind) :: albocn
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), parameter :: &
+         frzmlt_max = c1000   ! max magnitude of frzmlt (W/m^2)
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j           , & ! horizontal indices
+         ij                 ! combined ij index
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
+         delt  , & ! potential temperature difference   (K)
+         delq  , & ! specific humidity difference   (kg/kg)
+         shcoef, & ! transfer coefficient for sensible heat
+         lhcoef    ! transfer coefficient for latent heat
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         icells    ! number of ocean cells
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(nx_block*ny_block) :: &
+         indxi, indxj    ! compressed indices for ocean cells
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(ocn_mixed_layer)'
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         call icepack_query_parameters(albocn_out=albocn)
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Identify ocean cells.
+      ! Set fluxes to zero in land cells.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         icells = 0
+         indxi(:) = 0
+         indxj(:) = 0
+         do j = 1, ny_block
+         do i = 1, nx_block
+            if (tmask(i,j,iblk)) then
+               icells = icells + 1
+               indxi(icells) = i
+               indxj(icells) = j
+            else
+               sst       (i,j,iblk) = c0
+               frzmlt    (i,j,iblk) = c0
+               flwout_ocn(i,j,iblk) = c0
+               fsens_ocn (i,j,iblk) = c0
+               flat_ocn  (i,j,iblk) = c0
+               evap_ocn  (i,j,iblk) = c0
+            endif
+         enddo                  ! i
+         enddo                  ! j
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute boundary layer quantities
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         do ij = 1, icells
+            i = indxi(ij)
+            j = indxj(ij)
+            call icepack_atm_boundary(sfctype = 'ocn',    &
+                         Tsf     = sst        (i,j,iblk), &
+                         potT    = potT       (i,j,iblk), &
+                         uatm    = uatmT      (i,j,iblk), &
+                         vatm    = vatmT      (i,j,iblk), &
+                         wind    = wind       (i,j,iblk), &
+                         zlvl    = zlvl       (i,j,iblk), &
+                         Qa      = Qa         (i,j,iblk), &
+                         rhoa    = rhoa       (i,j,iblk), &
+                         strx    = strairx_ocn(i,j,iblk), &
+                         stry    = strairy_ocn(i,j,iblk), &
+                         Tref    = Tref_ocn   (i,j,iblk), &
+                         Qref    = Qref_ocn   (i,j,iblk), &
+                         delt    = delt       (i,j),      &
+                         delq    = delq       (i,j),      &
+                         lhcoef  = lhcoef     (i,j),      &
+                         shcoef  = shcoef     (i,j),      &
+                         Cdn_atm = Cdn_atm    (i,j,iblk), &
+                         Cdn_atm_ratio_n = Cdn_atm_ratio(i,j,iblk))
+         enddo ! ij
+         call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+         if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+            file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Ocean albedo
+      ! For now, assume albedo = albocn in each spectral band.
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+         alvdr_ocn(:,:,iblk) = albocn
+         alidr_ocn(:,:,iblk) = albocn
+         alvdf_ocn(:,:,iblk) = albocn
+         alidf_ocn(:,:,iblk) = albocn
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Compute ocean fluxes and update SST
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+      do ij = 1, icells
+         i = indxi(ij)
+         j = indxj(ij)
+         call icepack_ocn_mixed_layer(alvdr_ocn=alvdr_ocn(i,j,iblk), swvdr =swvdr (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      alidr_ocn=alidr_ocn(i,j,iblk), swidr =swidr (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      alvdf_ocn=alvdf_ocn(i,j,iblk), swvdf =swvdf (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      alidf_ocn=alidf_ocn(i,j,iblk), swidf =swidf (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      sst      =sst      (i,j,iblk), flwout_ocn=flwout_ocn(i,j,iblk), &
+                                      fsens_ocn=fsens_ocn(i,j,iblk), shcoef=shcoef(i,j), &
+                                      flat_ocn =flat_ocn (i,j,iblk), lhcoef=lhcoef(i,j), &
+                                      evap_ocn =evap_ocn (i,j,iblk), flw   =flw   (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      delt     =delt     (i,j),      delq  =delq  (i,j), &
+                                      aice     =aice     (i,j,iblk), fhocn =fhocn (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      fswthru  =fswthru  (i,j,iblk), hmix  =hmix  (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      Tf       =Tf       (i,j,iblk), qdp   =qdp   (i,j,iblk), &
+                                      frzmlt   =frzmlt   (i,j,iblk), dt    =dt)
+      enddo                    ! ij
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      end subroutine ocean_mixed_layer
+      subroutine biogeochemistry (dt, iblk)
+      use ice_arrays_column, only: upNO, upNH, iDi, iki, zfswin, &
+                           zsal_tot, darcy_V, grow_net,  &
+                           PP_net, hbri,dhbr_bot, dhbr_top, Zoo,&
+                           fbio_snoice, fbio_atmice, ocean_bio,  &
+                           first_ice, fswpenln, bphi, bTiz, ice_bio_net,  &
+                           snow_bio_net, fswthrun, Rayleigh_criteria, &
+                           ocean_bio_all, sice_rho, fzsal, fzsal_g, &
+                           bgrid, igrid, icgrid, cgrid
+      use ice_domain_size, only: nblyr, nilyr, nslyr, n_algae, n_zaero, ncat, &
+                                 n_doc, n_dic,  n_don, n_fed, n_fep
+      use ice_flux, only: meltbn, melttn, congeln, snoicen, &
+                          sst, sss, fsnow, meltsn
+      use ice_flux_bgc, only: hin_old, flux_bio, flux_bio_atm, faero_atm, &
+          nit, amm, sil, dmsp, dms, algalN, doc, don, dic, fed, fep, zaeros, hum
+      use ice_state, only: aicen_init, vicen_init, aicen, vicen, vsnon, &
+          trcrn, vsnon_init, aice0
+      use ice_timers, only: timer_bgc, ice_timer_start, ice_timer_stop
+      real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         dt      ! time step
+      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: &
+         iblk    ! block index
+      ! local variables
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         i, j           , & ! horizontal indices
+         ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi, & ! beginning and end of physical domain
+         mm              ! tracer index
+      type (block) :: &
+         this_block      ! block information for current block
+      integer (kind=int_kind) :: &
+         nbtrcr, ntrcr
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_aero) :: &
+         nlt_zaero
+      integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(icepack_max_nbtrcr) :: &
+         bio_index_o
+      logical (kind=log_kind) :: &
+         skl_bgc, tr_brine, tr_zaero
+      character(len=*), parameter :: subname='(biogeochemistry)'
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_brine_out=tr_brine)
+      call icepack_query_parameters(skl_bgc_out=skl_bgc)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_sizes(ntrcr_out=ntrcr, nbtrcr_out=nbtrcr)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_flags(tr_zaero_out=tr_zaero)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(nlt_zaero_out=nlt_zaero)
+      call icepack_query_tracer_indices(bio_index_o_out=bio_index_o)
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      if (tr_brine .or. skl_bgc) then
+      call ice_timer_start(timer_bgc,iblk) ! biogeochemistry
+      this_block = get_block(blocks_ice(iblk),iblk)
+      ilo = this_block%ilo
+      ihi = this_block%ihi
+      jlo = this_block%jlo
+      jhi = this_block%jhi
+      ! Define ocean concentrations for tracers used in simulation
+      do j = jlo, jhi
+      do i = ilo, ihi
+         call icepack_load_ocean_bio_array(max_nbtrcr = icepack_max_nbtrcr, &
+                max_algae = icepack_max_algae, max_don = icepack_max_don, &
+                max_doc   = icepack_max_doc,   max_dic = icepack_max_dic, &
+                max_aero  = icepack_max_aero,  max_fe  = icepack_max_fe,  &
+                nit = nit(i,j,  iblk), amm    = amm   (i,j,  iblk), &
+                sil = sil(i,j,  iblk), dmsp   = dmsp  (i,j,  iblk), &
+                dms = dms(i,j,  iblk), algalN = algalN(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                doc = doc(i,j,:,iblk), don    = don   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                dic = dic(i,j,:,iblk), fed    = fed   (i,j,:,iblk), &
+                fep = fep(i,j,:,iblk), zaeros = zaeros(i,j,:,iblk), &
+                hum = hum(i,j,  iblk),                              &
+                ocean_bio_all = ocean_bio_all(i,j,:,iblk))
+         do mm = 1,nbtrcr
+            ocean_bio(i,j,mm,iblk) = ocean_bio_all(i,j,bio_index_o(mm),iblk)
+         enddo  ! mm
+         if (tr_zaero) then
+            do mm = 1, n_zaero  ! update aerosols
+               flux_bio_atm(i,j,nlt_zaero(mm),iblk) = faero_atm(i,j,mm,iblk)
+            enddo  ! mm
+         endif
+         call icepack_biogeochemistry(dt=dt, ntrcr=ntrcr, nbtrcr=nbtrcr,&
+                              bgrid=bgrid, igrid=igrid, icgrid=icgrid, cgrid=cgrid,             &
+                              nblyr=nblyr, nilyr=nilyr, nslyr=nslyr, n_algae=n_algae, n_zaero=n_zaero,   &
+                              ncat=ncat, n_doc=n_doc, n_dic=n_dic, n_don=n_don, n_fed=n_fed, n_fep=n_fep, &
+                              upNO         = upNO        (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              upNH         = upNH        (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              iDi          = iDi         (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              iki          = iki         (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              zfswin       = zfswin      (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              zsal_tot     = zsal_tot    (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              darcy_V      = darcy_V     (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              grow_net     = grow_net    (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              PP_net       = PP_net      (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              hbri         = hbri        (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              dhbr_bot     = dhbr_bot    (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              dhbr_top     = dhbr_top    (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              Zoo          = Zoo         (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              fbio_snoice  = fbio_snoice (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              fbio_atmice  = fbio_atmice (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              ocean_bio    = ocean_bio   (i,j,1:nbtrcr, iblk), &
+                              first_ice    = first_ice   (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              fswpenln     = fswpenln    (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              bphi         = bphi        (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              bTiz         = bTiz        (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              ice_bio_net  = ice_bio_net (i,j,1:nbtrcr, iblk), &
+                              snow_bio_net = snow_bio_net(i,j,1:nbtrcr, iblk), &
+                              fswthrun     = fswthrun    (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              sice_rho     = sice_rho    (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              fzsal        = fzsal       (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              fzsal_g      = fzsal_g     (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              meltbn       = meltbn      (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              melttn       = melttn      (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              congeln      = congeln     (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              snoicen      = snoicen     (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              sst          = sst         (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              sss          = sss         (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              fsnow        = fsnow       (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              meltsn       = meltsn      (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              hin_old      = hin_old     (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              flux_bio     = flux_bio    (i,j,1:nbtrcr, iblk), &
+                              flux_bio_atm = flux_bio_atm(i,j,1:nbtrcr, iblk), &
+                              aicen_init   = aicen_init  (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              vicen_init   = vicen_init  (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              aicen        = aicen       (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              vicen        = vicen       (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              vsnon        = vsnon       (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              aice0        = aice0       (i,j,          iblk), &
+                              trcrn        = trcrn       (i,j,:,:,      iblk), &
+                              vsnon_init   = vsnon_init  (i,j,:,        iblk), &
+                              Rayleigh_criteria = Rayleigh_criteria(i,j,iblk), &
+                              skl_bgc      = skl_bgc)
+      enddo               ! i
+      enddo               ! j
+      call icepack_warnings_flush(nu_diag)
+      if (icepack_warnings_aborted()) call abort_ice(error_message=subname, &
+         file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+      call ice_timer_stop(timer_bgc,iblk) ! biogeochemistry
+      endif  ! tr_brine .or. skl_bgc
+      end subroutine biogeochemistry
+      end module ice_step_mod
diff --git a/configuration/scripts/Makefile b/configuration/scripts/Makefile
index 872f426ad..d109472b0 100644
--- a/configuration/scripts/Makefile
+++ b/configuration/scripts/Makefile
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ AR    := ar
-.PHONY: all cice libcice targets target db_files db_flags clean realclean helloworld calchk sumchk bcstchk gridavgchk halochk optargs
+.PHONY: all cice libcice targets target db_files db_flags clean realclean helloworld calchk sumchk bcstchk gridavgchk halochk optargs opticep
 all: $(EXEC)
 cice: $(EXEC)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ targets:
 	@echo " "
 	@echo "Supported Makefile Targets are: cice, libcice, makdep, depends, clean, realclean"
 	@echo "                   Diagnostics: targets, db_files, db_flags"
-	@echo "                   Unit Tests : helloworld, calchk, sumchk, bcstchk, gridavgchk, halochk, optargs"
+	@echo "                   Unit Tests : helloworld, calchk, sumchk, bcstchk, gridavgchk, halochk, optargs, opticep"
 target: targets
@@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ gridavgchk: $(EXEC)
 halochk: $(EXEC)
+opticep: $(EXEC)
 # this builds just a subset of source code specified explicitly and requires a separate target
 HWOBJS := helloworld.o
diff --git a/configuration/scripts/options/set_env.opticep b/configuration/scripts/options/set_env.opticep
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81339ea42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/scripts/options/set_env.opticep
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+setenv ICE_DRVOPT     unittest/opticep
+setenv ICE_TARGET     opticep
diff --git a/configuration/scripts/tests/baseline.script b/configuration/scripts/tests/baseline.script
index 2700fe71f..a24236c9e 100644
--- a/configuration/scripts/tests/baseline.script
+++ b/configuration/scripts/tests/baseline.script
@@ -33,8 +33,13 @@ if (${ICE_BASECOM} != ${ICE_SPVAL}) then
     echo "base_file: ${base_file}"
     echo "test_file: ${test_file}"
-    ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file} notcicefile
-    set bfbstatus = $status
+    if (${ICE_TARGET} == "opticep") then
+       ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file} modcicefile
+       set bfbstatus = $status
+    else
+       ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file} notcicefile
+       set bfbstatus = $status
+    endif
   else if (${ICE_BFBTYPE} =~ qcchk*) then
     set test_dir = ${ICE_RUNDIR}
@@ -160,8 +165,13 @@ if (${ICE_BFBCOMP} != ${ICE_SPVAL}) then
     echo "base_file: ${base_file}"
     echo "test_file: ${test_file}"
-    ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file}
-    set bfbstatus = $status
+    if (${ICE_TARGET} == "opticep") then
+       ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file} modcicefile
+       set bfbstatus = $status
+    else
+       ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file}
+       set bfbstatus = $status
+    endif
   else if (${ICE_BFBTYPE} == "logrest") then
     set test_file = `ls -1t ${ICE_RUNDIR}/cice.runlog* | head -1`
@@ -172,8 +182,13 @@ if (${ICE_BFBCOMP} != ${ICE_SPVAL}) then
     echo "base_file: ${base_file}"
     echo "test_file: ${test_file}"
-    ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file}
-    set bfbstatusl = $status
+    if (${ICE_TARGET} == "opticep") then
+       ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file} modcicefile
+       set bfbstatus = $status
+    else
+       ${ICE_CASEDIR}/casescripts/comparelog.csh ${base_file} ${test_file}
+       set bfbstatusl = $status
+    endif
     set test_dir = ${ICE_RUNDIR}/restart
     set base_dir = ${ICE_RUNDIR}/../${ICE_BFBCOMP}.${ICE_TESTID}/restart
diff --git a/configuration/scripts/tests/comparelog.csh b/configuration/scripts/tests/comparelog.csh
index 576289cd7..6659906b8 100755
--- a/configuration/scripts/tests/comparelog.csh
+++ b/configuration/scripts/tests/comparelog.csh
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 set filearg = 0
 set cicefile = 0
 set notcicefile = "notcicefile"
+set modcicefile = "modcicefile"
 if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
   set cicefile = 1
   set filearg = 1
@@ -23,12 +24,18 @@ if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
   set test_data = $argv[2]
   if ("$argv[1]" == "${notcicefile}") set filearg = 0
   if ("$argv[2]" == "${notcicefile}") set filearg = 0
+  if ("$argv[1]" == "${modcicefile}") set filearg = 0
+  if ("$argv[2]" == "${modcicefile}") set filearg = 0
 else if ( $#argv == 3 ) then
   set cicefile = 0
   set filearg = 1
   set base_data = $argv[1]
   set test_data = $argv[2]
-  if ("$argv[3]" != "${notcicefile}") set filearg = 0
+  if ("$argv[3]" == "${modcicefile}") then
+     set cicefile = 2
+  else if ("$argv[3]" != "${notcicefile}") then
+     set filearg = 0
+  endif
 if (${filearg} == 0) then
@@ -57,6 +64,9 @@ if (${filearg} == 1) then
       if (${cicefile} == 1) then
         cat ${base_data} | grep -A 99999999 "total ice area  (km^2)" | grep -e istep1: -e = | grep -iv "min, max, sum" | grep -iv "init_vert" | grep -iv "ridge_ice"  >&! ${base_out}
         cat ${test_data} | grep -A 99999999 "total ice area  (km^2)" | grep -e istep1: -e = | grep -iv "min, max, sum" | grep -iv "init_vert" | grep -iv "ridge_ice"  >&! ${test_out}
+      else if (${cicefile} == 2) then
+        cat ${base_data} | grep -A 99999999 "total ice area  (km^2)" | grep -e "total " -e "arwt " -e "max " -e "kinetic"  >&! ${base_out}
+        cat ${test_data} | grep -A 99999999 "total ice area  (km^2)" | grep -e "total " -e "arwt " -e "max " -e "kinetic"  >&! ${test_out}
         sed -n '/RunningUnitTest/,$p' ${base_data} >! ${base_out}
         sed -n '/RunningUnitTest/,$p' ${test_data} >! ${test_out}
diff --git a/configuration/scripts/tests/unittest_suite.ts b/configuration/scripts/tests/unittest_suite.ts
index e64bea2f7..840fc822e 100644
--- a/configuration/scripts/tests/unittest_suite.ts
+++ b/configuration/scripts/tests/unittest_suite.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Test         Grid    PEs          Sets         BFB-compare
+smoke          gx3     8x2           diag1,run5day
+smoke          gx3     4x2x25x29x4   debug,run2day,dslenderX2
 unittest       gx3     1x1           helloworld
-unittest       gx3     1x1           optargs
 unittest       gx3     1x1           calchk,short
 unittest       gx3     4x1x25x29x4   sumchk
 unittest       gx3     1x1x25x29x16  sumchk
@@ -28,3 +29,7 @@ unittest       tx1     4x2           halochk,dwblockall
 unittest       tx1     4x2           halochk,dwblockall,tripolet
 unittest       tx1     4x2x65x45x10  halochk,dwblockall
 unittest       tx1     4x2x57x43x12  halochk,dwblockall,tripolet
+unittest       gx3     1x1           optargs
+unittest       gx3     1x1           opticep
+unittest       gx3     4x2x25x29x4   debug,run2day,dslenderX2,opticep,cmplog  smoke_gx3_4x2x25x29x4_debug_dslenderX2_run2day
+unittest       gx3     8x2           diag1,run5day,opticep,cmplog             smoke_gx3_8x2_diag1_run5day
diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide/ug_testing.rst b/doc/source/user_guide/ug_testing.rst
index f04bdf19a..e382eba17 100644
--- a/doc/source/user_guide/ug_testing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/ug_testing.rst
@@ -742,6 +742,8 @@ The following are brief descriptions of some of the current unit tests,
    in the Makefile
  - **optargs** is a unit test that tests passing optional arguments down a calling tree and verifying
    that the optional attribute is preserved correctly.
+ - **opticep** is a cice test that turns off the icepack optional arguments passed into icepack.  This
+   can only be run with a subset of CICE/Icepack cases to verify the optional arguments are working correctly.
  - **sumchk** is a unit test that exercises the methods in ice_global_reductions.F90.  This test requires
    that a CICE grid and decomposition be initialized, so CICE_InitMod.F90 is leveraged to initialize
    the model prior to running a suite of unit validation tests to verify correctness.
diff --git a/icepack b/icepack
index d024340f1..4728746ea 160000
--- a/icepack
+++ b/icepack
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d024340f19676bc5f6c0effe0c5dbfb763a5882a
+Subproject commit 4728746ea2926bf10acc5de354b3eae16d418af5