I am expecting you to have sshed into a EV3 robot with the EV3dev OS and cloned / downloaded the project.
- cd into the cpp directory inside of the dualshock_controller folder
- run the build script with ./build.sh
from dualshock_controller import DualshockInterface, Event
def main():
# The path you see is where the device stream file is in the file system for the dualshock controller
# You can use Evtest command or ls the /dev/input folder to see what can be put below
controller = DualshockInterface("/dev/input/event4")
while True:
# controller.get_btn_cross() returns a ctypes event object with the properties:
# timestamp, timestamp decimal, type, code, value
# You should usually only care about the value property but i choose to return the whole event.
# I should also mention if no event has been registered the return value will be None.
btn_cross = controller.get_btn_cross()
ps_btn = controller.get_btn_ps()
r1_axis = controller.get_axis_right_stick_x()
if r1_axis is not None:
print("Right stick x value: ", r1_axis.value)
if ps_btn is None:
elif btn_cross.value == 1:
print("Cross Pressed")
elif btn_cross.value == 0:
print("Cross Released")
if ps_btn is None:
elif ps_btn.value == 1:
# Reccomended to always stop the listener in the end of execution or else you will have a loose thread.
if __name__ == "__main__":