An Algorithmic homework ilustrating Graph Algos like BFS / DFS, Dijkstra's, Topological Sort, etc.
Obviously, it's noticeable that the problem supports applying the BFS/Backtracking algorithm. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to implement the Backtracking part. I would have liked to achieve the following:
- Separate BKT from BFS
- BFS for all robots as source
- BFS for all dirty areas as source
- BFS for each robot and each stain (8 BFS's)
- BKT to generate all possibilities in which stains are taken
- BKT to determine the number of cells for each robot Given that only BFS was implemented, the complexity is O(N+M).
- There were no problems that required difficult debugging, BFS is well-known.
It's easily noticeable that this problem can be solved with Dijkstra's algorithm. I use a boolean vector to store barbarian cells. A slightly modified version of Dijkstra's algorithm is used because A vector of costs is formed from each attacker (barbarian) to the source (which is 1), also, the distance to the node that Sorting is used to determine the minimum cost/distance. If the minimum is not the first element in the cost vector, an attempt is made to check the other elements after it. There's a chance to add all fortifications if the first element after the minimum is large.
-> There were problems with the time limit, initially I wrote a very complicated and inefficient function implementing Dijkstra's algorithm. -> Obviously, I read various documents (graph algorithms) and solutions to similar problems (codeforces, infoarena). -> Debugging was acceptable as the solution was written in C++, not in Java. The complexity is O(MlogN + N + KB).
It's noticeable that the problem can be solved using BFS + cases to correctly calculate the minimum time. It should be mentioned that I spent the most time on this problem due to TLE and WA errors (last tests). A Cell structure is formed to model a cell, there is a 'current_direction' field to simplify things. Obviously, all neighbors from a certain direction are added as they have the same cost (no rotation is performed). A get_cost function was used to write less, it calculates the correct cost at a certain moment in time. BFS was implemented using a Priority Queue (Cell must implement Comparable for this). Execution stops when the end is reached (point (xf,yf)). The complexity is O(Max(M,N)*(M+N)) (worst case, that parenthesis O(M+N) represents the complexity of BFS).
-> Problems with time limit, initially I didn't use optimal elements. -> A lot of documentation was needed (geeks, stack), I also asked 2 female colleagues and a male colleague for some inspiration (I have inefficient ideas at the beginning, they recommended Lee's algorithm). -> Debugging was no longer trivial, I had to rewrite the source in C++ to compare results.
It's noticeable that the problem is solved with a topological sort applied to a graph constructed based on the input matrix. Processing begins when reading input data, if there are 2 different elements on the same column, the edge that forms in the graph is added. I also used a verify vector to simplify the proposed algorithm. At the end, topological sorting is used on the obtained graph. The complexity of the algorithm is the complexity of topological sorting (O(M+N)).
- Geeks
- StackOverflow
- Codeforces
- Infoarena