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A mod for Cities: Skylines that gives you more control over road and rail traffic in your city
Steam Workshop • Discord Guild • Installation Guide • User Guide • Issue Tracker • Report a Bug
-> ## Notice
-> We are currently working on version 11, which uses Harmony library. If you had any existing pull requests, or repository forks, they will need rebasing to the heavily modified `master` branch. If you need any help, please contact us using the links above.
+> ## Notices
+> Users:
+> * Having problems with traffic despawning after updating roads or rails? Try [Broken Node Detector](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777173984) which helps detect a game bug. Colossal Order are aware of the issue.
+> * We are currently alpha-testing TM:PE Version 11. If you want to help test, please see [TM:PE V11 alpha test](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1806963141) in the Steam Workshop.
+> Developers:
+> * We are currently working on version 11, which uses Harmony library. If you had any existing pull requests, or repository forks, they will need rebasing to the heavily modified `master` branch. If you need any help, please contact us using the links above.
## Current release
-> Having problems with traffic despawning after updating roads or rails? Try [Broken Node Detector](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777173984) which helps detect a game bug. Collossal Order are aware of the issue.
### TM:PE [10.21.1 hotfix](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/compare/10.21...10.21.1), 06/07/2019
- Fixed: Speed panel tanks fps if train tracks on screen (thanks rlas & DaEgi01!) (#411, #413)
-- Meta: Main changelog refactored (#412)
+- Meta: Main changelog refactored (#412)
### TM:PE [10.21](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/compare/10.20...10.21), 02/07/2019
@@ -75,4 +77,4 @@ We will not provide support if:
- You are using an older version of the mod.
- You are using an older version of Cities: Skylines.
-TM:PE is only tested on and updated for the latest version of Cities: Skylines.
\ No newline at end of file
+TM:PE is only tested on and updated for the latest version of Cities: Skylines.
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-# Attaching Debugger to Cities.exe
-Use this guide to attach a debugger to Cities: Skylines.
-> **Notes:**
-> * Attaching a debugger can significantly reduce frame rate and cause lots of lag.
-> * This has only been tested on Windows.
-### Setup
-> You only need to follow these steps once to set up your debug environment.
-First, let's backup your current ```mono.dll```:
-* Navigate to ```<%STEAM%>\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Mono\```
-* Make a backup of ```mono.dll``` (you could just rename it ```mono-backup.dll```)
-> The location of ```<%STEAM%>``` is usually ```C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam```
-Next, download the following files from [```https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases```](https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases):
-* ```dnSpy-net472.zip```
-* ```Unity-debugging-5.x.zip```
-Now we apply a new ```mono.dll``` and test the game is working:
-* Make sure the game is **not** running
-* Open ```Unity-debugging-5.x.zip```:
- * Navigate to ```Unity-debugging\unity-5.6.6\win64\``` (note: **```unity-5.6.6```**)
- * Copy ```mono.dll``` to ```<%STEAM%>\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Mono\```
-* Run the game to check if it's working:
- * If not, delete the downloaded ```mono.dll``` then restore the original version
- * You'll have to scour the internet to work out what went wrong, sorry.
-* Close the game
-Next, add two environment variables:
-* Press **Win+R** (_Run dialog appears_):
- * Enter ```sysdm.cpl```
- * Choose **OK**
-* On the **Advanced** tab, choose **Environment Variables...**
-* The variables to add are shown below:
-1. > **key:** ```DNSPY_UNITY_DBG```
- > **value:** ```--debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=,defer=y,no-hide-debugger```
-2. > **key:** ```DNSPY_UNITY_DBG2```
- > **value:** ```--debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=,suspend=n,no-hide-debugger```
-Finally, unarchive **dnSpy**:
-* Extract the downloaded ```dnSpy-net472.zip``` to a folder
- * It can be anywhere, eg. ```dnSpy/``` on your desktop
-### Debugging
-> Do this each time you want to debug the game.
-First, launch **dnSpy**:
-* Run ```dnSpy.exe```
-* On the left, in **Assembly Explorer**, remove any ```.dll``` files that are listed
- * Tip: Select one, press **Ctrl+A** then **Delete**
-Now run the game and attach **dnSpy**:
-* Start ```Cities.exe```
-* **Alt+Tab** to **dnSpy** app
-* Press **F5** (or choose **Start**) and select:
- * **Debug Engine:** ```Unity (Connect)```
- * **Port:** ```55555```
-* Click **OK**:
- * You should see an **orange status bar** at the bottom of application with text: ```Running...```
-* From the **Debug** menu, choose **Windows -> Modules** _(Ctrl+Shift+A)_
-* You should see lots of ```.dll``` files and some ```data-00...``` entries
-* **Right-click** on any of them, select **Open All Modules**, then * Click **OK**
- * The game may hang for few seconds
-* On the left, in **Assembly Explorer**, you should see all ```.dll``` files loaded in-game
- * There will be some duplicates
-* **Right-click** on any of them, then **Sort Assemblies** to make the list easier to work with
-That's it, you are debugging. Now your mods are sure to be bugless :P
-### Reverting
-If you want to return the game back to normal:
-* Exit the game
-* Replace the downloaded ```mono.dll`` with your backup of the original ```mono.dll```
-* Start the game
-I'm sure you can work out how to simplify or automate toggling between the two ```mono.dll``` files :)
-### Tips
-* Use **Search** tab _(Ctrl+Shift+K)_ for to find class, property, field, method, etc...
-* You can right-click a method definition then select **Analyze** to see where it's used
-### Notes
-* I have no idea why there are duplicated libraries (some sort of protection?)
-* Only one copy of each library will have working breakpoints
- * After sorting assemblies, it's usually the first instance of a listed file
- * Once you know which one it is, you can safely remove the other from Assembly Explorer
-* Don't rebuild your mod library with game running, otherwise you'll have to clear Assembly Explorer and open the modules again, which means the duplicates come back
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-# Project building instructions
-#### Prerequisites:
-* [Git for Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) / [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com/)
-* one prefered __IDE__ _(Integrated Development Environment)_ to build project:
- * Visual Studio 2017 Community (free)
- * JetBrains Rider (paid)
- * or other similar...
-* sources of this repository:
- * Git for Windows console:
- * use ```git clone https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition``` to download sources of this repository
- * after successful cloning type ```cd Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition```
- * then ```git submodule update --init --recursive``` to fetch dependencies
- * Github desktop:
- * clone repository using this link ```https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition.git```
- * dependencies should be installed automatically
-## To build project follow actions:
-Open __TMPL.sln__ located at ``` \TLM\``` using preferred __IDE__.
-##### Visual Studio:
- * use dropdown from __actions bar__ _(dropdown located under Team menu)_ to select _desired_ solution configuration
- * fix missing libraries locations - inside __Solution Explorer__ right click on every project and select __Properties__
- then __Reference Paths__ and add __Managed__ folder from game directory located under ```\Cities_Data\Managed```
- * to build project with selected configuration choose one of actions:
- * right click on __TLM__ project from __Solution Explorer__
- * use _Build_ menu -> _Build Solution_ __F6__
-##### JetBrains Rider:
- * currently there is no GUI for adding Reference Paths so you have to create config for every project inside from scratch:
- 1. Create file with extension ```*.csproj.user```named as project name e.g. ```TLM.csproj.user```
- 2. Paste below code inside newly created file and replace `````` with correct path
- ```
- \Cities_Data\Managed\
- ```
- * select configuration using dropdown located on _actions bar_
- * use __Ctrl+F9__ to build solution, or __right click__ on solution inside __File Explorer (Alt+1)__
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-## Pull Request Review
-### Clone PR as new branch inside repository folder:
-#### Github Desktop(Atom-version):
-* the PR can be selected from the 'Current Branch' drop-down.
-#### Git for windows console
-* get __PR__ index - this number with __#__ after __PR__ name
-* inside project folder ``` \\TLM\ ```
- * type ```git fetch origin pull//head:``` _(skip <>)_ e.g. ```git fetch origin pull/123/head:PR_123```
-* to switch to newly created branch:
- * type ```git checkout ``` _(skip <>)_ e.g. ```git checkout PR_123```
- * or use branch switch menu _(usually bottom right corner of preferred __IDE__)_
- If you don't see new branch to select try to refresh available branches:
- * __VS 2017:__ _TeamExplorer -> Refresh_
- * __JB Rider:__ _VCS -> Git -> Fetch_
-### Now newly created branch should be accessible from branch switch menu
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+# Attaching Debugger to Cities.exe
+This guide explains how to attach a debugger to Cities: Skylines.
+> **Note:**
+> * Attaching a debugger can significantly reduce frame rate and cause lots of lag.
+> * This has only works on MS Windows. If you're on a Mac, set up a Boot Camp partition and use that.
+## Setup
+> You only need to follow these steps once
+#### Download the files
+Get these files from [`https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases`](https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases):
+* `dnSpy-net472.zip` (or later)
+* `Unity-debugging-5.x.zip`
+#### Backup `mono.dll`:
+* Navigate to `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Mono\`
+ * Change the folder if you installed game somewhere else
+* Make a backup of `mono.dll` (you could just rename it `mono-backup.dll`)
+#### Apply debug `mono.dll`:
+* Make sure the game is **not** running
+* Open `Unity-debugging-5.x.zip`:
+ * Navigate to `Unity-debugging\unity-5.6.7\win64\`
+ * You should check which version of Unity is being used - see first line of your `output_log.txt`
+ * Copy `mono.dll` to `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Mono\`
+* Run the game to check if it's working:
+ * If not, delete the downloaded `mono.dll` then restore the original version
+ * You'll have to scour the internet to work out what went wrong, sorry.
+* Close the game
+#### Add environment variables:
+* Press **Win+R** (_Run dialog appears_):
+ * Enter `sysdm.cpl`
+ * Choose **OK**
+* On the **Advanced** tab, choose **Environment Variables...**
+* The variables to add are shown below:
+1. > **key:** `DNSPY_UNITY_DBG`
+ > **value:** `--debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=,defer=y,no-hide-debugger`
+2. > **key:** `DNSPY_UNITY_DBG2`
+ > **value:** `--debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=,suspend=n,no-hide-debugger`
+#### Unarchive `dnSpy`:
+* Extract the downloaded `dnSpy-net472.zip` to a folder
+ * It can be anywhere, eg. `dnSpy/` on your desktop
+## Debugging
+> Do this each time you want to debug the game.
+#### Launch `dnSpy`:
+* Run `dnSpy.exe`
+* On the left, in **Assembly Explorer**, remove any `.dll` files that are listed
+ * Tip: Select one, press **Ctrl+A** then **Delete**
+#### Attach `dnSpy` to game:
+* Start `Cities.exe`
+* **Alt+Tab** to **dnSpy** app
+* Press **F5** (or choose **Start**) and select:
+ * **Debug Engine:** `Unity (Connect)`
+ * **Port:** `55555`
+* Click **OK**:
+ * You should see an **orange status bar** at the bottom of application with text: `Running...`
+* From the **Debug** menu, choose **Windows -> Modules** _(Ctrl+Shift+A)_
+* You should see lots of `.dll` files and some `data-00...` entries
+* **Right-click** on any of them, select **Open All Modules**, then * Click **OK**
+ * The game may hang for few seconds
+* On the left, in **Assembly Explorer**, you should see all `.dll` files loaded in-game
+ * There will be some duplicates
+* **Right-click** on any of them, then **Sort Assemblies** to make the list easier to work with
+That's it, you are debugging. Now your mods are sure to be bugless :P
+## Reverting
+If you want to return the game back to normal (and greatly improve in-game performance):
+* Exit the game
+* Replace the downloaded `mono.dll` with your backup of the original `mono.dll`
+* Start the game
+I'm sure you can work out how to simplify or automate toggling between the two `mono.dll` files :)
+## Tips
+* Use **Search** tab _(Ctrl+Shift+K)_ for to find class, property, field, method, etc...
+* You can right-click a method definition then select **Analyze** to see where it's used
+## Notes
+* I have no idea why there are duplicated libraries (some sort of protection?)
+* Only one copy of each library will have working breakpoints
+ * After sorting assemblies, it's usually the first instance of a listed file
+ * Once you know which one it is, you can safely remove the other from Assembly Explorer
+* Don't rebuild your mod library with game running, otherwise you'll have to clear Assembly Explorer and open the modules again, which means the duplicates come back
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+# Solution building instructions
+This guide explains how to:
+* Install required software
+* Clone the repository (source code) to your local computer
+* Build (compile) the source code to DLL files
+* Test in-game
+We strongly recommend doing development work on Windows as there's much more tooling available. If you're using a Mac, set up a Boot Camp partition for Windows and use that. If you're using Linux, consult the internets.
+## Install
+> You only need to do these steps once
+The following software is required...
+* IDE (Integrated Development Environment), either:
+ * [Visual Studio Community](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/) (free)
+ * Important: [2019 version](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2019/release-notes) (or later) must be used ([why?](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/pull/463))
+ * [JetBrains Rider](https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/) (paid)
+* GitHub client, either:
+ * [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com/) (recommended if you are not used to working with GitHub)
+ * [Git for Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/)
+If desired, there are some [additional tools listed in the wiki](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/wiki/Dev-Tools).
+## Clone
+> You only need to do these steps once
+This will clone the source code to your local machine...
+#### GitHub Desktop:
+* Go to [the online repository](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition)
+* Click the green **Clone or Download** button and choose **Open in Desktop**
+* Follow on-screen instructions (dependencies will be handled automatically)
+#### Git for Windows:
+* Open the inbuilt console
+* Use `git clone https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition` clone repository locally
+* Then `cd Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition`
+* Then `git submodule update --init --recursive` to fetch dependencies
+## Environment
+> You only need to do these steps once
+#### Dependencies
+TM:PE relies on several `.dll` files bundled with the game. They can be found in the following folder (may be different folder depending on where game is installed):
+> `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed\`
+You'll have to link the dependencies using _only one_ of the following methods:
+* Create a `\TLM\dependencies` folder and copy in the `.dll` files
+* Create a `\TLM\dependencies` symlink to the `...\Managed` folder shown above
+* Manually add reference paths to each project in the solution.
+If you choose the latter option, the procedure depends on your IDE.
+In Visual Studio:
+* Open `\TLM\TMPL.sln` in your IDE, then...
+* For each project listed in the **Solution Explorer** (right sidebar):
+ 1. Right-click the project, then choose **Properties**
+ 2. Select **Reference Paths** on the left
+ 3. Add folder: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed\` (may be different folder depending on where game is installed)
+In JetBrains Rider:
+* At time of writing, there is no GUI for adding Reference Paths so you have to do it manually:
+ * For each project, create a `.csproj.user` file (in the folder of that project)
+ * For example, the `TLM` project needs a `TLM.csproj.user` file (in the `\TLM` folder)
+ * Paste in the following code, editing the path if necessary:
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed\
+#### Enable Roslyn Analyzers
+This is only required for the JetBrains Rider IDE:
+* [Activate Roslyn Analyzers](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Settings_Roslyn_Analyzers.html) ([why?](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/pull/463))
+## Build
+This will compile the source code to DLL files...
+#### Configurations:
+There are several build configurations, but we mostly use just three:
+* `DEBUG` - this build enables all kinds of debug features, including the in-game debug menu, debug overlays and debug logging
+ * Mod display name will include `DEBUG`
+* `RELEASE` - this build is for public releases of the `STABLE` edition of TM:PE
+ * Mod display name will include `STABLE`
+* `RELEASE LABS` - this build is for the public releases of the `LABS` edition of TM:PE
+ * Mod display name will include `LABS`
+#### In Visual Studio:
+* Choose desired build configuration
+ * Use the drop-down on the toolbar (it's adjacent to `Any CPU`)
+* Then build the project:
+ * Right-click **TLM** project in **Solution Explorer** and choose **Build**
+ * Or, **Build > Build Solution** (shortcut: `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `B`)
+#### In JetBrains Rider:
+* Choose desired build configuration
+ * Use the dropdown on the actions bar (under Team menu)
+* Then build the project:
+ * Right-click **TLM** project in **Solution Explorer** and choose **Build**
+ * Or, **Build > Build Solution** (shortcut: `F6`)
+#### Testing:
+The built DLL files are automatically copied over to the local mods folder of the game if the build is successful. If not, check the post-build events for the `TLM` project.
+Once built, you should be able to test the mod in-game. Remember to enable it in **Content Manager > Mods**.
+If you have any problems, let us know!
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+# Logging in TM:PE
+This guide explains:
+* Why we use `TMPE.log`
+* How to enable predefined debug logging
+* Log methods and when to use them
+> TM:PE logging is not as simple as one would expect, [because reasons](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/issues/349#issuecomment-512650775).
+## Why `TMPE.log`?
+The game log (either `output_log.txt` on Windows, or `Player.log` on Mac/Linux) is generally huge and difficult to browse, so we use a dedicated `TMPE.log` to make life a bit easier for ourselves.
+The log file location depends on operating system:
+* Windows: Same folder as your `output_log.txt`
+* Mac: See [Issue #379](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/issues/379)
+* Linux: Probably in `~/.config/unity3d/Colossal Order/Cities: Skylines/TMPE.log`
+More importantly, TM:PE has lots of ready made logging that can be turned on or off as required...
+## Log switches
+Log switches determine which sets of existing log messages are output to the `TMPE.log`.
+### Toggling existing switches
+Build the solution in `DEBUG` mode, then launch Cities: Skylines, then open mod settings to ensure the global config is updated.
+This will add a `` section to the `TMPE_GlobalConfig.xml` file, which can be found in the following folder (may be different depending on where you installed the game):
+> `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines`
+The relevant section looks like this:
+ false
+ false
+ ...
+ None
+ None
+The boolean values correlate to the `Switches[]` array in `TLM/State/ConfigData/DebugSettings.cs`.
+To enable a logging for a switch, change it's value from `false` to `true` and save the changes.
+The `TMPE_GlobalConfig.xml` will then need to be reloaded:
+* In TM:PE mod options, select the **Maintenance** tab
+* Click the **Reload global configuration** button
+Logging associated with that switch will now be output to the `TMPE.log` file.
+### Extended options
+Some of the existing logging can be filtered to specific vehicle types or path modes. You can define those in the `TMPE_GlobalConfig.xml` via the following elements (`None` means "don't filter"):
+### Adding new switches
+In `TLM/State/ConfigData/DebugSettings.cs`:
+* Add a new `DebugSwitch` enum value
+* Add the default value to the `Switches` array
+> If your `TMPE_GlobalConfig.xml` already contains the `` section, remember to add a new `` element _before_ launching the game.
+Once the switch is defined, you can then use it with applicable logging methods listed below.
+## Logging methods
+We use our own logging class that provides some features tailored to the specific needs of TM:PE.
+The `static` logging class can be found in [`CSUtil.Commons/Log.cs`.](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/blob/master/TLM/CSUtil.Commons/Log.cs)
+### Performance considerations
+Large swathes of TM:PE code is called every frame. Logging needs to be performance tuned.
+> Note: We could probably, at some point, make the log writer run in its own thread, but haven't got round to that yet.
+#### Log.Info, Log.Warning, Log.Error, Log.\_Debug, Log.\_Trace:
+* String is formatted at call site
+* ⚠ Expensive if multiple `$"string {interpolations}"` are used
+* ✔ Cheap if wrapped in an `if (booleanValue) { ... }`
+* ✔ Cheap if there is a const string or a very simple format call with a few args
+* `Log._Debug()` and `Log._Trace()` calls are removed by compiler in all `RELEASE` builds
+#### Log.InfoFormat, Log.\_DebugFormat, etc.:
+* Message formatted at callee site, during logging
+* ⚠ Expensive if not wrapped in a `if (boolValue) { ... }` condition
+* ✔ Good for very long format strings with multiple complex arguments
+* ✔ As they use format string literal, it can be split multiple lines without performance penalty
+* ✔ Prevents multiple calls to `string.Format()` unlike multiline `$"string {interpolations}"`
+* 💲 The cost incurred: building args array (with pointers)
+* `Log._DebugFormat()` calls are removed by compiler in all `RELEASE` builds
+#### Log.WarningIf, Log.\_DebugIf, etc:
+* If the condition is `true`, invoke the lambda and log the string it returns
+* ⚠ Cannot capture `out` and `ref` values
+* ✔ Lambda building is just as cheap as format args building
+* ✔ Actual string is formatted ONLY if the condition holds true
+* 💲 The cost incurred: Each captured variable is copied into lambda function
+* `Log.DebugIf()` calls are removed by compiler in all `RELEASE` builds
+#### Log.NotImpl:
+* Use to log an error if an unimplemented method is called
+* `Log.NotImpl()` calls are removed by compiler in all `RELEASE` builds
+### All builds
+These methods are available in all builds, including `RELEASE`.
+> :warning: Use sparingly and avoid in-game usage as they will [completely tank frame rate](https://github.com/krzychu124/Cities-Skylines-Traffic-Manager-President-Edition/issues/411).
+#### `Log.Info(str)`
+Writes a simple string to the log file.
+Log.Info("Hello world!");
+Avoid concatenating multiple `$"string {interpolations}"` as it's very expensive; use `Log.InfoFormat()` instead.
+#### `Log.InfoFormat(format, args)`
+Log.InfoFormat("Some {0} {1} {3}", "string", "with", "args");
+#### `Log.Warning(str)`
+Like `Log.Info()` but at warning level. Also outputs a stack trace.
+#### `Log.WarningFormat(format, args)`
+Like `Log.InfoFormat()` but at warning level. Also outputs a stack trace.
+#### `Log.WarningIf(switch, func)`
+Similar to `Log.Warning()` but the string is generated by a lambda function (`func` param).
+The function is only called, while logging, if `switch` evaluates to `true`.
+Log.WarningIf(DebugSwitch.LaneConnections.Get(), () => $"string {interpolation}");
+#### `Log.Error(str)`
+Like `Log.Info()` but at error level. Also outputs a stack trace.
+#### `Log.ErrorFormat(format, args)`
+Like `Log.InfoFormat()` but at error level. Also outputs a stack trace.
+#### `Log.ErrorIf(switch, func)`
+Like `Log.WarningIf()` but at error level. Also outputs a stack trace.
+### Debug builds only
+Methods prefixed with `_`, and also the `NotImpl()` method, are only available in `DEBUG` build configurations.
+#### `Log._Debug(str)`
+Like `Log.Info()` but at `Debug` level.
+#### `Log._DebugFormat(format, args)`
+Like `Log.InfoFormat()` but at `Debug` level.
+#### `Log._DebugIf(switch, func)`
+Like `Log.WarningIf()` but at `Debug` level (no stack trace).
+#### `Log._DebugOnlyWarning(str)`
+Like `Log.Warning()`.
+#### `Log._DebugOnlyWarningIf(switch, func)`
+Like `Log.WarningIf()`.
+#### `Log._DebugOnlyError(str)`
+Like `Log.Error()`.
+#### `Log._Trace(str)`
+Like `Log.Info()` but at `Trace` level.
+Requires both the `DEBUG` and `TRACE` defines.
+#### `Log.NotImpl(str)`
+Like `Log.DebugOnlyError()` but prefixes the string with `Not implemented:`.
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+# Reviewing a Pull Request (PR)
+In addition to code review (via online diffs), you'll also need to build the PR locally to test it in-game.
+## Before you start
+If you haven't already done so, work through the [BUILDING_INSTRUCTIONS](./BUILDING_INSTRUCTIONS.md) guide to ensure your environment is set up, configured and building properly.
+## Cloning the PR
+#### GitHub Desktop:
+* Choose the PR from the **Current Branch** drop-down
+* If prompted, choose **Switch Branch** (don't change anything on the dialog)
+* If the panel at the top shows an option to `Pull`, click it to pull any recent commits
+#### Git for windows:
+* You'll need the PR number (shown at end of URL in the PR online)
+* Open the inbuilt console
+* Inside project folder `\\TLM\`:
+ * `git fetch origin pull//head:`
+ * For example: `git fetch origin pull/123/head:PR_123` for PR #123
+* Switch to new branch:
+ * `git checkout `
+ * For example: `git checkout PR_123`
+#### In the IDE:
+* You can also clone a PR directly within the IDE
+* Use branch switch menu - it's usually in the bottom-right corner
+* If you don't see the PR branch, refresh branches:
+ * Visual Studio:
+ * Open **Team Explorer** (tab on the bottom of Solution Explorer panel in the sidebar)
+ * Click the blue **Refresh** icon (next to the green plug icon under the Team Explorer panel title bar)
+ * JetBrains Rider:
+ * Choose **VCS** -> **Git** -> **Fetch**
+## Building the PR
+See the **Build** section in [BUILDING_INSTRUCTIONS](./BUILDING_INSTRUCTIONS.md) guide
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