diff --git a/.buildkite/pipeline.yml b/.buildkite/pipeline.yml index c29c1a0b7..c61d02151 100644 --- a/.buildkite/pipeline.yml +++ b/.buildkite/pipeline.yml @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ steps: export PYTHONHOME="$$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/conda/3/bin" export CONDA_JL_HOME="$$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/conda/3" - mkdir examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/depot - export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="$$(pwd)/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/depot:$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH" + mkdir examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/depot + export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="$$(pwd)/examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/depot:$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH" julia --color=yes --project -e ' println("--- Instantiating Project") @@ -61,12 +61,10 @@ steps: Pkg.instantiate() Pkg.activate("examples/GaussianProcessEmulator") Pkg.instantiate() - println("+++ Running Learn Noise") - include("examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/learn_noise.jl") println("+++ Running PlotGP") - include("examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/plot_GP.jl")' + include("examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/plot_GP.jl")' artifact_paths: - - "examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/output/*.png" + - "examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/output/*.png" env: PYTHON: "$$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/conda/3/bin/python" PYTHONHOME: "$$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/conda/3/bin" diff --git a/.github/workflows/Docs.yml b/.github/workflows/Docs.yml index 4b7afa04f..794b7cdd9 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/Docs.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/Docs.yml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ jobs: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1 with: - version: 1.5.4 + version: 1.6 - name: Cache artifacts uses: actions/cache@v1 env: diff --git a/.github/workflows/Tests.yml b/.github/workflows/Tests.yml index 9939624e2..e2abf00d2 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/Tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/Tests.yml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Julia uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1 with: - version: 1.5.4 + version: 1.6 - name: Install Julia Project Packages # we add this ENV varaible to force PyCall to download and use Conda rather than @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Julia uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1 with: - version: 1.5.4 + version: 1.6 - name: Install Julia Project Packages env: @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Julia uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1 with: - version: 1.5.4 + version: 1.6 - name: Install Julia Project Packages env: diff --git a/Manifest.toml b/Manifest.toml index 0ed911242..c78a0570d 100644 --- a/Manifest.toml +++ b/Manifest.toml @@ -1,55 +1,78 @@ # This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised -[[AbstractFFTs]] -deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "051c95d6836228d120f5f4b984dd5aba1624f716" -uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c" -version = "0.5.0" +[[AMD]] +deps = ["Libdl", "LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays", "Test"] +git-tree-sha1 = "fc66ffc5cff568936649445f58a55b81eaf9592c" +uuid = "14f7f29c-3bd6-536c-9a0b-7339e30b5a3e" +version = "0.4.0" + +[[AbstractTrees]] +git-tree-sha1 = "03e0550477d86222521d254b741d470ba17ea0b5" +uuid = 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"dfaa095f-4041-5dcd-9319-2fabd8486b76" +version = "3.5.0+0" + +[[xkbcommon_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg", "Wayland_jll", "Wayland_protocols_jll", "Xorg_libxcb_jll", "Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll"] +git-tree-sha1 = "ece2350174195bb31de1a63bea3a41ae1aa593b6" +uuid = "d8fb68d0-12a3-5cfd-a85a-d49703b185fd" +version = "0.9.1+5" diff --git a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/Project.toml b/examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/Project.toml similarity index 76% rename from examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/Project.toml rename to examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/Project.toml index 00a75c4d8..4bb6a44ed 100644 --- a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/Project.toml +++ b/examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/Project.toml @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ [deps] +CalibrateEmulateSample = "95e48a1f-0bec-4818-9538-3db4340308e3" Conda = "8f4d0f93-b110-5947-807f-2305c1781a2d" Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f" LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80" PyPlot = "d330b81b-6aea-500a-939a-2ce795aea3ee" Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c" +Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe" Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2" diff --git a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/plot_GP.jl b/examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/plot_GP.jl similarity index 65% rename from examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/plot_GP.jl rename to examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/plot_GP.jl index 9955e3346..b9eafb466 100644 --- a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/plot_GP.jl +++ b/examples/Emulator/GaussianProcess/plot_GP.jl @@ -7,11 +7,19 @@ using Random using Distributions using Statistics using LinearAlgebra -using CalibrateEmulateSample.GaussianProcessEmulator +using CalibrateEmulateSample.Emulators using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage -using Plots; pyplot(size=(1500, 700)) -Plots.scalefontsizes(1.3) +plot_flag = true +if plot_flag + using Plots + gr(size=(1500, 700)) + Plots.scalefontsizes(1.3) + font = Plots.font("Helvetica", 18) + fontdict = Dict(:guidefont=>font, :xtickfont=>font, :ytickfont=>font, + :legendfont=>font) + +end ############################################################################### # # @@ -61,8 +69,10 @@ if !isdir(output_directory) mkdir(output_directory) end +#create the machine learning tools: Gaussian Process gppackage = GPJL() pred_type = YType() +gaussian_process = GaussianProcess(gppackage,noise_learn=true) # Generate training data (x-y pairs, where x ∈ ℝ ᵖ, y ∈ ℝ ᵈ) # x = [x1, x2]: inputs/predictors/features/parameters @@ -70,7 +80,7 @@ pred_type = YType() # The observables y are related to the parameters x by: # y = G(x1, x2) + η, # where G(x1, x2) := [sin(x1) + cos(x2), sin(x1) - cos(x2)], and η ~ N(0, Σ) -n = 50 # number of training points +n = 100 # number of training points p = 2 # input dim d = 2 # output dim @@ -81,7 +91,7 @@ g2x = sin.(X[1, :]) .- cos.(X[2, :]) gx = zeros(2,n) gx[1,:] = g1x gx[2,:] = g2x - + # Add noise η μ = zeros(d) Σ = 0.1 * [[0.8, 0.0] [0.0, 0.5]] # d x d @@ -89,70 +99,80 @@ noise_samples = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), n) # y = G(x) + η Y = gx .+ noise_samples + #plot training data with and without noise -p1 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], g1x, st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, +if plot_flag + p1 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], g1x, st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zguidefontrotation=90) -figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y1nonoise.png") -savefig(figpath) -linkfig(figpath) - -p2 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], g2x, st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, + + figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y1nonoise.png") + savefig(figpath) + + p2 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], g2x, st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zguidefontrotation=90) -figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y2nonoise.png") -savefig(figpath) -linkfig(figpath) - -p1 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], Y[1,:], st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, + figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y2nonoise.png") + savefig(figpath) + + p1 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], Y[1,:], st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zguidefontrotation=90) -figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y1.png") -savefig(figpath) -linkfig(figpath) - -p2 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], Y[2,:], st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, + figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y1.png") + savefig(figpath) + + p2 = plot(X[1,:], X[2,:], Y[2,:], st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zguidefontrotation=90) -figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y2.png") -savefig(figpath) -linkfig(figpath) + figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_observed_y2.png") + savefig(figpath) + +end iopairs = PairedDataContainer(X,Y,data_are_columns=true) @assert get_inputs(iopairs) == X @assert get_outputs(iopairs) == Y -# Fit 2D Gaussian Process regression model +# Create the emulator class, and build the 2D Gaussian Process regression model # (To be precise: We fit two models, one that predicts y1 from x1 and x2, # and one that predicts y2 from x1 and x2) # Setting GPkernel=nothing leads to the creation of a default squared # exponential kernel. # Setting noise_learn=true leads to the addition of white noise to the # kernel -gpobj = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, - normalized=true, noise_learn=true, prediction_type=pred_type) +emulator = Emulator( + gaussian_process, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=false) +println("build GP with ", n, " training points") + +#optimize the hyperparameters to best fit the GP. +optimize_hyperparameters!(emulator) +println("GP trained") + +#gpobj = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, +# normalized=true, noise_learn=true, prediction_type=pred_type) # Plot mean and variance of the predicted observables y1 and y2 # For this, we generate test points on a x1-x2 grid. -n_pts = 100 +n_pts = 50 x1 = range(0.0, stop=2*π, length=n_pts) x2 = range(0.0, stop=2*π, length=n_pts) X1, X2 = meshgrid(x1, x2) # Input for predict has to be of size N_samples x input_dim inputs = permutedims(hcat(X1[:], X2[:]),(2,1)) -font = Plots.font("Helvetica", 18) -fontdict = Dict(:guidefont=>font, :xtickfont=>font, :ytickfont=>font, - :legendfont=>font) +#gp_mean, gp_cov = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gpobj, +# inputs, +# transform_to_real=true) # Predict on the grid points (note that `predict` returns the full # covariance matrices, not just the variance -- gp_cov is a vector # of covariance matrices) -gp_mean, gp_cov = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gpobj, - inputs, - transform_to_real=true) + +gp_mean, gp_cov = predict(emulator, inputs, transform_to_real=true) println("end predictions at ", n_pts*n_pts, " points") -println("start plotting...") #plot predictions for y_i in 1:d @@ -161,42 +181,44 @@ for y_i in 1:d gp_var = permutedims(vcat([x' for x in gp_var_temp]...),(2,1)) # 2 x 40000 mean_grid = reshape(gp_mean[y_i, :], n_pts, n_pts) # 2 x 40000 - p1 = plot(x1, x2, mean_grid, st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, - xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="mean of y"*string(y_i), - zguidefontrotation=90) - + if plot_flag + p1 = plot(x1, x2, mean_grid, st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, + xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="mean of y"*string(y_i), + zguidefontrotation=90) + end var_grid = reshape(gp_var[y_i, :], n_pts, n_pts) - p2 = plot(x1, x2, var_grid, st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, - xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="var of y"*string(y_i), - zguidefontrotation=90) + if plot_flag + p2 = plot(x1, x2, var_grid, st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, + xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="var of y"*string(y_i), + zguidefontrotation=90) - plot(p1, p2, layout=(1, 2), legend=false) + plot(p1, p2, layout=(1, 2), legend=false) - figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_y"*string(y_i)*"_predictions.png") - savefig(figpath) - linkfig(figpath) + savefig(joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_y"*string(y_i)*"_predictions.png")) + end end # Plot the true components of G(x1, x2) g1_true = sin.(inputs[1,:]) .+ cos.(inputs[2, :]) g1_true_grid = reshape(g1_true, n_pts, n_pts) -p3 = plot(x1, x2, g1_true_grid, st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, - xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="sin(x1) + cos(x2)", - zguidefontrotation=90) -figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_true_g1.png") -savefig(figpath) -linkfig(figpath) +if plot_flag + p3 = plot(x1, x2, g1_true_grid, st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, + xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="sin(x1) + cos(x2)", + zguidefontrotation=90) + savefig(joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_true_g1.png")) +end g2_true = sin.(inputs[1, :]) .- cos.(inputs[2, :]) g2_true_grid = reshape(g2_true, n_pts, n_pts) -p4 = plot(x1, x2, g2_true_grid, st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:cividis, - xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="sin(x1) - cos(x2)", - zguidefontrotation=90) -g_true_grids = [g1_true_grid, g2_true_grid] -figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_true_g2.png") -savefig(figpath) -linkfig(figpath) +if plot_flag + p4 = plot(x1, x2, g2_true_grid, st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:cividis, + xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", zlabel="sin(x1) - cos(x2)", + zguidefontrotation=90) + g_true_grids = [g1_true_grid, g2_true_grid] + + savefig(joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_true_g2.png")) +end # Plot the difference between the truth and the mean of the predictions for y_i in 1:d @@ -208,15 +230,17 @@ for y_i in 1:d mean_grid = reshape(gp_mean[y_i,:], n_pts, n_pts) var_grid = reshape(gp_var[y_i, :], n_pts, n_pts) # Compute and plot 1/variance * (truth - prediction)^2 - zlabel = "1/var * (true_y"*string(y_i)*" - predicted_y"*string(y_i)*")^2" - p5 = plot(x1, x2, 1.0 ./ var_grid .* (g_true_grids[y_i] .- mean_grid).^2, - st=:surface, camera=(-30, 30), c=:magma, zlabel=zlabel, - xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", - zguidefontrotation=90) - figpath = joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_y"*string(y_i)*"_difference_truth_prediction.png") - savefig(figpath) - linkfig(figpath) + if plot_flag + zlabel = "1/var * (true_y"*string(y_i)*" - predicted_y"*string(y_i)*")^2" + + p5 = plot(x1, x2, sqrt.(1.0 ./ var_grid .* (g_true_grids[y_i] .- mean_grid).^2), + st=:surface, camera=(30, 60), c=:magma, zlabel=zlabel, + xlabel="x1", ylabel="x2", + zguidefontrotation=90) + + savefig(joinpath(output_directory, "GP_test_y"*string(y_i)*"_difference_truth_prediction.png")) + end end -Plots.scalefontsizes(1/1.3) +#Plots.scalefontsizes(1/1.3) diff --git a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/Manifest.toml b/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/Manifest.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 126c9113f..000000000 --- a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/Manifest.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,836 +0,0 @@ -# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised - -[[Adapt]] -deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "ffcfa2d345aaee0ef3d8346a073d5dd03c983ebe" -uuid = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e" -version = "3.2.0" - -[[Artifacts]] -deps = ["Pkg"] -git-tree-sha1 = "c30985d8821e0cd73870b17b0ed0ce6dc44cb744" -uuid = "56f22d72-fd6d-98f1-02f0-08ddc0907c33" -version = "1.3.0" - -[[Base64]] -uuid = "2a0f44e3-6c83-55bd-87e4-b1978d98bd5f" - -[[Bzip2_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] -git-tree-sha1 = "c3598e525718abcc440f69cc6d5f60dda0a1b61e" -uuid = "6e34b625-4abd-537c-b88f-471c36dfa7a0" -version = "1.0.6+5" - -[[Cairo_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Bzip2_jll", "Fontconfig_jll", "FreeType2_jll", "Glib_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LZO_jll", "Libdl", "Pixman_jll", "Pkg", "Xorg_libXext_jll", "Xorg_libXrender_jll", "Zlib_jll", "libpng_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "e2f47f6d8337369411569fd45ae5753ca10394c6" -uuid = "83423d85-b0ee-5818-9007-b63ccbeb887a" -version = "1.16.0+6" - -[[ChainRulesCore]] -deps = ["Compat", "LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"] -git-tree-sha1 = "de4f08843c332d355852721adb1592bce7924da3" -uuid = 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-[[x265_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] -git-tree-sha1 = "487da2f8f2f0c8ee0e83f39d13037d6bbf0a45ab" -uuid = "dfaa095f-4041-5dcd-9319-2fabd8486b76" -version = "3.0.0+3" - -[[xkbcommon_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg", "Wayland_jll", "Wayland_protocols_jll", "Xorg_libxcb_jll", "Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "ece2350174195bb31de1a63bea3a41ae1aa593b6" -uuid = "d8fb68d0-12a3-5cfd-a85a-d49703b185fd" -version = "0.9.1+5" diff --git a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/learn_noise.jl b/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/learn_noise.jl deleted file mode 100644 index a5fbaf2e4..000000000 --- a/examples/GaussianProcessEmulator/learn_noise.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -# Reference the in-tree version of CalibrateEmulateSample on Julias load path -prepend!(LOAD_PATH, [joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..")]) - -# Import modules -using Random -using Distributions -using Statistics -using LinearAlgebra -using CalibrateEmulateSample.GaussianProcessEmulator -using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage - -############################################################################### -# # -# This examples shows how to fit a Gaussian Process (GP) regression model # -# using GaussianProcessEmulator and demonstrates how the GaussianProcess's built-in Singular # -# Value Decomposition (SVD) decorrelates the training data and maps into # -# a space where the covariance of the observational noise is the identity. # -# # -# When training a GP, the hyperparameters of its kernel (or covariance # -# function) are optimized with respect to the given input-output pairs. # -# When training a separate GP for each output component (as is usually # -# done for multidimensional output, rather than fitting one multi-output # -# model), one assumes that their covariance functions are independent. # -# The SVD transformation ensures that this is a valid assumption. # -# # -# The decorrelation by the SVD is done automatically when instantiating # -# a `GaussianProcess`, but the user can choose to have the `predict` function # -# return its predictions in the original space (by setting # -# transform_to_real=true) # -# # -# Training points: {(x_i, y_i)} (i=1,...,n), where x_i ∈ ℝ ² and y_i ∈ ℝ ² # -# The y_i are assumed to be related to the x_i by: # -# y_i = G(x_i) + η, where G is a map from ℝ ² to ℝ ², and η is noise drawn # -# from a 2D normal distribution with known mean μ and covariance Σ # -# Two Gaussian Process models are fit, one that predicts y_i[1] from x_i # -# and one that predicts y_i[2] from x_i. # -# # -# The GaussianProcessEmulator module can be used as a standalone module to fit # -# Gaussian Process regression models, but it was originally designed as # -# the "Emulate" step of the "Calibrate-Emulate-Sample" framework # -# developed at CliMA. # -# Further reading on Calibrate-Emulate-Sample: # -# Cleary et al., 2020 # -# https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.03689 # -# # -############################################################################### - -rng_seed = 41 -Random.seed!(rng_seed) - -gppackage = GPJL() -pred_type = YType() - -# Generate training data (x-y pairs, where x ∈ ℝ ᵖ, y ∈ ℝ ᵈ) -# x = [x1, x2]: inputs/predictors/features/parameters -# y = [y1, y2]: outputs/predictands/targets/observables -# The observables y are related to the parameters x by: -# y = G(x1, x2) + η, -# where G(x1, x2) := [sin(x1) + cos(x2), sin(x1) - cos(x2)], and η ~ N(0, Σ) -n = 200 # number of training points -p = 2 # input dim -d = 2 # output dim - -X = 2.0 * π * rand(p, n) - -# G(x1, x2) -g1x = sin.(X[1, :]) .+ cos.(X[2, :]) -g2x = sin.(X[1, :]) .- cos.(X[2, :]) -gx = zeros(2,n) -gx[1,:] = g1x -gx[2,:] = g2x -# Add noise η -μ = zeros(d) -Σ = 0.1 * [[0.8, 0.2] [0.2, 0.5]] # d x d -noise_samples = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), n) - -# y = G(x) + η -Y = gx .+ noise_samples - -# Fit 2D Gaussian Process regression model -# (To be precise: We fit two models, one that predicts y1 from x1 and x2, and -# one that predicts y2 from x1 and x2) -# Setting GPkernel=nothing leads to the creation of a default squared -# exponential kernel. -# Setting noise_learn=true leads to the addition of white noise to the kernel, -# whose hyperparameter -- the signal variance, or "noise" -- will be learned -# in the training phase via an optimization procedure. -# Because of the SVD transformation applied to the output, we expect the -# learned noise to be close to 1. -iopairs = PairedDataContainer(X,Y,data_are_columns=true) -@assert get_inputs(iopairs) == X -@assert get_outputs(iopairs) == Y - -gpobj1 = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, - normalized=true, noise_learn=true, prediction_type=pred_type) - -println("\n-----------") -println("Results of training Gaussian Process models with noise_learn=true") -println("-----------") - -println("\nKernel of the GP trained to predict y1 from x=(x1, x2):") -println(gpobj1.models[1].kernel) -println("Learned noise parameter, σ_1:") -learned_σ_1 = sqrt(gpobj1.models[1].kernel.kright.σ2) -println("σ_1 = $learned_σ_1") -# Check if the learned noise is approximately 1 -@assert(isapprox(learned_σ_1, 1.0; atol=0.1)) - -println("\nKernel of the GP trained to predict y2 from x=(x1, x2):") -println(gpobj1.models[2].kernel) -println("Learned noise parameter, σ_2:") -learned_σ_2 = sqrt(gpobj1.models[2].kernel.kright.σ2) -println("σ_2 = $learned_σ_2") -# Check if the learned noise is approximately 1 -@assert(isapprox(learned_σ_2, 1.0; atol=0.1)) -println("------------------------------------------------------------------\n") - -# For comparison: When noise_learn is set to false, the observational noise -# is set to 1.0 and is not learned/optimized during the training. But thanks -# to the SVD, 1.0 is the correct value to use. -gpobj2 = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, - normalized=true, noise_learn=false, prediction_type=pred_type) - -println("\n-----------") -println("Results of training Gaussian Process models with noise_learn=false") -println("-----------") - -println("\nKernel of the GP trained to predict y1 from x=(x1, x2):") -# Note: In contrast to the kernels of the gpobj1 models, these ones do not -# have a white noise ("Noise") kernel component -println(gpobj2.models[1].kernel) -# logNoise is given as log(sqrt(noise)) -obs_noise_1 = exp(gpobj2.models[1].logNoise.value^2) -println("Observational noise: $obs_noise_1") - -println("\nKernel of the GP trained to predict y1 from x=(x1, x2):") -println(gpobj2.models[2].kernel) -# logNoise is given as log(sqrt(noise)) -obs_noise_2 = exp(gpobj2.models[2].logNoise.value^2) -println("Observational noise: $obs_noise_2") -println("------------------------------------------------------------------") diff --git a/src/CalibrateEmulateSample.jl b/src/CalibrateEmulateSample.jl index dd7e014dc..3bda3f7c1 100644 --- a/src/CalibrateEmulateSample.jl +++ b/src/CalibrateEmulateSample.jl @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ export EnsembleKalmanProcessModule, DataStorage # No internal deps, heavy external deps -include("GaussianProcessEmulator.jl") +#include("GaussianProcessEmulator.jl") +include("Emulator.jl") # Internal deps, light external deps include("Utilities.jl") diff --git a/src/Emulator.jl b/src/Emulator.jl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd82462b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Emulator.jl @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +module Emulators + +using ..DataStorage +using Statistics +using Distributions +using LinearAlgebra +using DocStringExtensions + +export Emulator +export Decomposition + +export optimize_hyperparameters! +export predict + +# SVD decomposition structure +""" + Decomposition{<:AbstractFloat, <:Int} + +Struct of SVD decomposition, containing (V,S,Vt), and the size of S, N. +""" +struct Decomposition{FT<:AbstractFloat, IT<:Int} + V::Array{FT,2} + Vt::Array{FT,2} + S::Array{FT} + N::IT +end + +# SVD decomposition constructor +function Decomposition(svd::SVD) + # svd.V is of type adjoint, transformed to Array with [:,:] + return Decomposition(svd.V[:,:], svd.Vt, svd.S, size(svd.S)[1]) +end + +""" + MachineLearningTool + +Type to dispatch different emulators: + + - GaussianProcess <: MachineLearningTool +""" +abstract type MachineLearningTool end +# defaults in error, all MachineLearningTools require these functions. +function throw_define_mlt() + throw(ErrorException("Unknown MachineLearningTool defined, please use a known implementation")) +end +function build_models!(mlt,iopairs) throw_define_mlt() end +function optimize_hyperparameters!(mlt) throw_define_mlt() end +function predict(mlt,new_inputs) throw_define_mlt() end + +# include the different <: ML models +include("GaussianProcess.jl") #for GaussianProcess +# include("RandomFeature.jl") +# include("NeuralNetwork.jl") +# etc. + + +# We will define the different emulator types after the general statements + +""" + Emulator + +Structure used to represent a general emulator: +""" +struct Emulator{FT} + "Machine learning tool, defined as a struct of type MachineLearningTool" + machine_learning_tool::MachineLearningTool + "normalized, standardized, transformed pairs given the Boolean's normalize_inputs, standardize_outputs, truncate_svd " + training_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT} + "mean of input; 1 × input_dim" + input_mean::Array{FT} + "square root of the inverse of the input covariance matrix; input_dim × input_dim" + normalize_inputs::Bool + "whether to fit models on normalized outputs outputs / standardize_outputs_factor" + sqrt_inv_input_cov::Union{Nothing, Array{FT, 2}} + " if normalizing: whether to fit models on normalized inputs ((inputs - input_mean) * sqrt_inv_input_cov)" + standardize_outputs::Bool + "if standardizing: Standardization factors (characteristic values of the problem)" + standardize_outputs_factors + "the singular value decomposition of obs_noise_cov, such that obs_noise_cov = decomposition.U * Diagonal(decomposition.S) * decomposition.Vt. NB: the svd may be reduced in dimensions" + decomposition::Union{Decomposition, Nothing} +end + +# Constructor for the Emulator Object +function Emulator( + machine_learning_tool::MachineLearningTool, + input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}; + obs_noise_cov=nothing, + normalize_inputs::Bool = true, + standardize_outputs::Bool = false, + standardize_outputs_factors::Union{Array{FT,1}, Nothing}=nothing, + truncate_svd::FT=1.0 + ) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} + + # For Consistency checks + input_dim, output_dim = size(input_output_pairs, 1) + if obs_noise_cov != nothing + err2 = "obs_noise_cov must be of size ($output_dim, $output_dim), got $(size(obs_noise_cov))" + size(obs_noise_cov) == (output_dim, output_dim) || throw(ArgumentError(err2)) + end + + + # [1.] Normalize the inputs? + input_mean = reshape(mean(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), dims=2), :, 1) #column vector + sqrt_inv_input_cov = nothing + if normalize_inputs + # Normalize (NB the inputs have to be of) size [input_dim × N_samples] to pass to GPE()) + sqrt_inv_input_cov = sqrt(inv(Symmetric(cov(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), dims=2)))) + training_inputs = normalize( + get_inputs(input_output_pairs), + input_mean, + sqrt_inv_input_cov + ) + else + training_inputs = get_inputs(input_output_pairs) + end + + # [2.] Standardize the outputs? + if standardize_outputs + training_outputs, obs_noise_cov = standardize( + get_outputs(input_output_pairs), + obs_noise_cov, + standardize_outputs_factors + ) + else + training_outputs = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) + end + + # [3.] Decorrelating the outputs [always performed] + + #Transform data if obs_noise_cov available + # (if obs_noise_cov==nothing, transformed_data is equal to data) + decorrelated_training_outputs, decomposition = svd_transform(training_outputs, obs_noise_cov, truncate_svd=truncate_svd) + + # write new pairs structure + if truncate_svd<1.0 + #note this changes the dimension of the outputs + training_pairs = PairedDataContainer(training_inputs, decorrelated_training_outputs) + input_dim, output_dim = size(training_pairs, 1) + else + training_pairs = PairedDataContainer(training_inputs, decorrelated_training_outputs) + end + + # [4.] build an emulator + build_models!(machine_learning_tool,training_pairs) + + return Emulator{FT}(machine_learning_tool, + training_pairs, + input_mean, + normalize_inputs, + sqrt_inv_input_cov, + standardize_outputs, + standardize_outputs_factors, + decomposition) +end + +""" + function optimize_hyperparameters!(emulator::Emulator) + +optimize the hyperparameters in the machine learning tool +""" +function optimize_hyperparameters!(emulator::Emulator{FT}) where {FT} + optimize_hyperparameters!(emulator.machine_learning_tool) +end + + +""" + function predict(emulator::Emulator, new_inputs; transform_to_real=false) + +makes a prediction using the emulator on new inputs (each new inputs given as data columns), default is to predict in the decorrelated space +""" +function predict(emulator::Emulator{FT}, new_inputs; transform_to_real=false) where {FT} + + # Check if the size of new_inputs is consistent with the GP model's input + # dimension. + input_dim, output_dim = size(emulator.training_pairs, 1) + + N_samples = size(new_inputs, 2) + size(new_inputs, 1) == input_dim || throw(ArgumentError("GP object and input observations do not have consistent dimensions")) + + # [1.] normalize + normalized_new_inputs = normalize(emulator,new_inputs) + + # [2.] predict. Note: ds = decorrelated, standard + ds_outputs, ds_output_var = predict(emulator.machine_learning_tool, normalized_new_inputs) + + # [3.] transform back to real coordinates or remain in decorrelated coordinates + if transform_to_real && emulator.decomposition == nothing + throw(ArgumentError("""Need SVD decomposition to transform back to original space, + but GaussianProcess.decomposition == nothing. + Try setting transform_to_real=false""")) + elseif transform_to_real && emulator.decomposition != nothing + #transform back to real coords - cov becomes dense + s_outputs, s_output_cov = svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov( + ds_outputs, ds_output_var, emulator.decomposition) + + if output_dim == 1 + s_output_cov = [s_output_cov[i][1] for i in 1:N_samples] + end + # [4.] unstandardize + return reverse_standardize(emulator, s_outputs, s_output_cov) + + else + # remain in decorrelated, standardized coordinates (cov remains diagonal) + # Convert to vector of matrices to match the format + # when transform_to_real=true + ds_output_diagvar = vec([Diagonal(ds_output_var[:, j]) for j in 1:N_samples]) + if output_dim == 1 + ds_output_diagvar = [ds_output_diagvar[i][1] for i in 1:N_samples] + end + + return ds_outputs, ds_output_diagvar + + end + +end + + + + +# Normalization, Standardization, and Decorrelation +""" + function normalize(emulator::Emulator, inputs) + +normalize the input data, with a normalizing function +""" +function normalize(emulator::Emulator{FT}, inputs) where {FT} + if emulator.normalize_inputs + return normalize(inputs, emulator.input_mean, emulator.sqrt_inv_input_cov) + else + return inputs + end +end + +""" + function normalize(inputs, input_mean, sqrt_inv_input_cov) + +normalize with the empirical Gaussian distribution of points +""" +function normalize(inputs, input_mean, sqrt_inv_input_cov) + training_inputs = sqrt_inv_input_cov * (inputs .- input_mean) + return training_inputs +end + +""" + function standardize(outputs, output_cov, factors) + +standardize with a vector of factors (size equal to output dimension) +""" +function standardize(outputs, output_cov, factors) + standardized_outputs = outputs ./ factors + standardized_cov = output_cov ./ (factors .* factors') + return standardized_outputs, standardized_cov +end + +""" + function reverse_standardize(emulator::Emulator, outputs, output_cov) + +reverse a previous standardization with the stored vector of factors (size equal to output dimension) +""" +function reverse_standardize(emulator::Emulator{FT}, outputs, output_cov) where {FT} + if emulator.standardize_outputs + return standardize(outputs, output_cov, 1. / emulator.standardize_output_factors) + else + return outputs, output_cov + end +end + + + +""" +svd_transform(data::Array{FT, 2}, obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}) where {FT} + +Apply a singular value decomposition (SVD) to the data + - `data` - GP training data/targets; output_dim × N_samples + - `obs_noise_cov` - covariance of observational noise + +Returns the transformed data and the decomposition, which is a matrix +factorization of type LinearAlgebra.SVD. + +Note: If F::SVD is the factorization object, U, S, V and Vt can be obtained via +F.U, F.S, F.V and F.Vt, such that A = U * Diagonal(S) * Vt. The singular values +in S are sorted in descending order. +""" +function svd_transform( + data::Array{FT, 2}, + obs_noise_cov; + truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} + + if obs_noise_cov != nothing + @assert ndims(obs_noise_cov) == 2 + end + if obs_noise_cov != nothing + # Truncate the SVD as a form of regularization + if truncate_svd<1.0 # this variable needs to be provided to this function + # Perform SVD + decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) + # Find cutoff + σ = decomposition.S + σ_cumsum = cumsum(σ) / sum(σ); + P_cutoff = truncate_svd; + ind = findall(x->x>P_cutoff, σ_cumsum); k = ind[1] + println("SVD truncated at k:") + println(k) + # Apply truncated SVD + n = size(obs_noise_cov)[1] + sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) + transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv[1:k,1:k] * decomposition.Vt[1:k,:] * data + transformed_data = transformed_data; + decomposition = Decomposition(decomposition.V[:,1:k], decomposition.Vt[1:k,:], + decomposition.S[1:k], n) + else + decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) + sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) + transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv * decomposition.Vt * data + decomposition = Decomposition(svd(obs_noise_cov)) + end + else + decomposition = nothing + transformed_data = data + end + + return transformed_data, decomposition +end + + +""" +function svd_transform( + data::Vector{FT}, + obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}; + truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} + +""" +function svd_transform( + data::Vector{FT}, + obs_noise_cov; + truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} + + + if obs_noise_cov != nothing + @assert ndims(obs_noise_cov) == 2 + end + if obs_noise_cov != nothing + # Truncate the SVD as a form of regularization + if truncate_svd<1.0 # this variable needs to be provided to this function + # Perform SVD + decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) + # Find cutoff + σ = decomposition.S + σ_cumsum = cumsum(σ) / sum(σ); + P_cutoff = truncate_svd; + ind = findall(x->x>P_cutoff, σ_cumsum); k = ind[1] + println("SVD truncated at k:") + println(k) + # Apply truncated SVD + n = size(obs_noise_cov)[1] + sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) + transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv[1:k,1:k] * decomposition.Vt[1:k,:] * data + transformed_data = transformed_data; + decomposition = Decomposition(decomposition.V[:,1:k], decomposition.Vt[1:k,:], + decomposition.S[1:k], n) + else + decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) + sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) + transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv * decomposition.Vt * data + decomposition = Decomposition(svd(obs_noise_cov)) + end + else + decomposition = nothing + transformed_data = data + end + + return transformed_data, decomposition +end + +""" +svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ::Array{FT, 2}, σ2::{Array{FT, 2}, decomposition::SVD) where {FT} + +Transform the mean and covariance back to the original (correlated) coordinate system + - `μ` - predicted mean; output_dim × N_predicted_points + - `σ2` - predicted variance; output_dim × N_predicted_points + +Returns the transformed mean (output_dim × N_predicted_points) and variance. +Note that transforming the variance back to the original coordinate system +results in non-zero off-diagonal elements, so instead of just returning the +elements on the main diagonal (i.e., the variances), we return the full +covariance at each point, as a vector of length N_predicted_points, where +each element is a matrix of size output_dim × output_dim +""" +function svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ, σ2, + decomposition::Union{SVD, Decomposition}; + truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} + @assert ndims(μ) == 2 + @assert ndims(σ2) == 2 + + output_dim, N_predicted_points = size(σ2) + # We created meanvGP = D_inv * Vt * mean_v so meanv = V * D * meanvGP + sqrt_singular_values= Diagonal(sqrt.(decomposition.S)) + transformed_μ = decomposition.V * sqrt_singular_values * μ + + transformed_σ2 = [zeros(output_dim, output_dim) for i in 1:N_predicted_points] + # Back transformation + + for j in 1:N_predicted_points + σ2_j = decomposition.V * sqrt_singular_values * Diagonal(σ2[:,j]) * sqrt_singular_values * decomposition.Vt + transformed_σ2[j] = σ2_j + end + + return transformed_μ, transformed_σ2 +end + + + +end diff --git a/src/GaussianProcess.jl b/src/GaussianProcess.jl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f5d7cdce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/GaussianProcess.jl @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ + +using GaussianProcesses + +using PyCall +using ScikitLearn +const pykernels = PyNULL() +const pyGP = PyNULL() +function __init__() + copy!(pykernels, pyimport("sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels")) + copy!(pyGP, pyimport("sklearn.gaussian_process")) +end + +#exports (from Emulator) +export GaussianProcess + +export GPJL, SKLJL +export YType, FType + +""" + GaussianProcessesPackage + +Type to dispatch which GP package to use + + - `GPJL` for GaussianProcesses.jl, + - `SKLJL` for the ScikitLearn GaussianProcessRegressor +""" +abstract type GaussianProcessesPackage end +struct GPJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end +struct SKLJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end + +""" + PredictionType + +Predict type for `GPJL` in GaussianProcesses.jl + - `YType` + - `FType` latent function +""" +abstract type PredictionType end +struct YType <: PredictionType end +struct FType <: PredictionType end + +""" + GaussianProcess{FT<:AbstractFloat} <: MachineLearningTool + + Structure holding training input and the fitted Gaussian Process Regression +models. + +# Fields +$(DocStringExtensions.FIELDS) + +""" +struct GaussianProcess{GPPackage} <: MachineLearningTool + "the Gaussian Process (GP) Regression model(s) that are fitted to the given input-data pairs" + models::Vector + "Kernel object" + kernel + "learn the noise with the White Noise kernel explicitly?" + noise_learn + "prediction type (`y` to predict the data, `f` to predict the latent function)" + prediction_type::Union{Nothing, PredictionType} +end + + +""" + function GaussianProcess( + package; + kernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}=nothing, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type::PredictionType=YType(), + ) where {K<:Kernel, KPy<:PyObject} + + - `package` - GaussianProcessPackage object + - `kernel` - GaussianProcesses kernel object. default is a Squared Exponential kernel. + - `noise_learn` - boolean to additionally learn white noise in decorrelated space. default is true. + - `prediction_type` - PredictionType object. default predicts data, not latent function (FType()). +""" +function GaussianProcess( + package; + kernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}=nothing, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type::PredictionType=YType(), + ) where {K<:Kernel, KPy<:PyObject} + + # Initialize vector for GP models + models = Any[] + + return GaussianProcess{typeof(package)}(models, kernel, noise_learn, prediction_type) + +end + +# First we create the GPJL implementation +""" + function build_models!( + gp::GaussianProcess{package}, + input_output_pairs) + +method to build gaussian process models based on the package +""" +function build_models!( + gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, + input_output_pairs) + + # get inputs and outputs + input_values = get_inputs(input_output_pairs) + output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) + + # Number of models (We are fitting one model per output dimension, as data is decorrelated) + models = gp.models + N_models = size(output_values,1); #size(transformed_data)[1] + + + # Use a default kernel unless a kernel was supplied to GaussianProcess + if gp.kernel==nothing + println("Using default squared exponential kernel, learning length scale and variance parameters") + # Construct kernel: + # Note that the kernels take the signal standard deviations on a + # log scale as input. + rbf_len = log.(ones(size(input_values, 1))) + rbf_logstd = log(1.0) + rbf = SEArd(rbf_len, rbf_logstd) + kern = rbf + println("Using default squared exponential kernel: ", kern) + else + kern = deepcopy(gp.kernel) + println("Using user-defined kernel", kern) + end + + if gp.noise_learn + # Add white noise to kernel + white_logstd = log(1.0) + white = Noise(white_logstd) + kern = kern + white + println("Learning additive white noise") + + # Make the regularization small. We actually learn + # total_noise = white_logstd + logstd_regularization_noise + magic_number = 1e-3 # magic_number << 1 + logstd_regularization_noise = log(sqrt(magic_number)) + + else + # When not learning noise, our SVD transformation implies the + # observational noise is the identity. + logstd_regularization_noise = log(sqrt(1.0)) + end + + for i in 1:N_models + # Make a copy of the kernel (because it gets altered in every + # iteration) + kernel_i = deepcopy(kern) + println("kernel in GaussianProcess:") + println(kernel_i) + data_i = output_values[i,:] + # GPE() arguments: + # input_values: (input_dim × N_samples) + # GPdata_i: (N_samples,) + + # Zero mean function + kmean = MeanZero() + + # Instantiate GP model + m = GPE(input_values, + output_values[i,:], + kmean, + kernel_i, + logstd_regularization_noise) + + println("created GP: ", i) + push!(models, m) + + end + +end + +""" + function optimize_hyperparameters!(gp::GaussianProcess{package}) + +optimize Gaussian Process hyperparameters using in-build package method +""" +function optimize_hyperparameters!(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}) + N_models = length(gp.models) + for i = 1:N_models + #noise_learn == true means we do it explicitly (thus don't need it here) + optimize!(gp.models[i], noise=!gp.noise_learn) + println("optimized hyperparameters of GP: ", i) + println(gp.models[i].kernel) + end +end + +""" + function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{package}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}) + +predict means and covariances in decorrelated output space using gaussian process models +""" +predict(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}) where {FT} = predict(gp, new_inputs, gp.prediction_type) + +function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}, ::YType) where {FT} + + + M = length(gp.models) + N_samples = size(new_inputs,2) + # Predicts columns of inputs: input_dim × N_samples + μ = zeros(M, N_samples) + σ2 = zeros(M, N_samples) + for i in 1:M + μ[i,:],σ2[i,:] = predict_y(gp.models[i], new_inputs) + end + + return μ, σ2 +end + + + +function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}, ::FType) where {FT} + + M = length(gp.models) + N_samples = size(new_inputs,2) + # Predicts columns of inputs: input_dim × N_samples + μ = zeros(M, N_samples) + σ2 = zeros(M, N_samples) + for i in 1:M + μ[i,:],σ2[i,:] = predict_f(gp.models[i], new_inputs) + end + + return μ, σ2 +end + + + + +#now we build the SKLJL implementation +function build_models!( + gp::GaussianProcess{SKLJL}, + input_output_pairs) + + # get inputs and outputs + input_values = permutedims(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), (2,1)) + output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) + + # Number of models (We are fitting one model per output dimension, as data is decorrelated) + models = gp.models + N_models = size(output_values,1); #size(transformed_data)[1] + + if gp.kernel==nothing + println("Using default squared exponential kernel, learning length scale and variance parameters") + # Create default squared exponential kernel + const_value = 1.0 + var_kern = pykernels.ConstantKernel(constant_value=const_value, + constant_value_bounds=(1e-5, 1e4)) + rbf_len = ones(size(input_values, 2)) + rbf = pykernels.RBF(length_scale=rbf_len, + length_scale_bounds=(1e-5, 1e4)) + kern = var_kern * rbf + println("Using default squared exponential kernel:", kern) + else + kern = deepcopy(gp.kernel) + println("Using user-defined kernel", kern) + end + + if gp.noise_learn + # Add white noise to kernel + white_noise_level = 1.0 + white = pykernels.WhiteKernel(noise_level=white_noise_level, + noise_level_bounds=(1e-05, 10.0)) + kern = kern + white + println("Learning additive white noise") + + # Make the regularization small. We actually learn + # total_noise = white_noise_level + regularization_noise + magic_number = 1e-3 # magic_number << 1 + regularization_noise = 1e-3 + else + # When not learning noise, our SVD transformation implies the + # observational noise is the identity. + regularization_noise = 1.0 + end + + for i in 1:N_models + kernel_i = deepcopy(kern) + data_i = output_values[i, :] + m = pyGP.GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel_i, + n_restarts_optimizer=10, + alpha=regularization_noise) + + # ScikitLearn.fit! arguments: + # input_values: (N_samples × input_dim) + # data_i: (N_samples,) + ScikitLearn.fit!(m, input_values, data_i) + if i==1 + println(m.kernel.hyperparameters) + print("Completed training of: ") + end + println(i, ", ") + push!(models, m) + println(m.kernel) + end +end + + +function optimize_hyperparameters!(gp::GaussianProcess{SKLJL}) + println("SKlearn, already trained. continuing...") +end + + +function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{SKLJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}) where {FT} + + M = length(gp.models) + N_samples = size(new_inputs,2) + + # SKJL based on rows not columns; need to transpose inputs + μ = zeros(M, N_samples) + σ = zeros(M, N_samples) + for i in 1:M + μ[i,:],σ[i,:] = gp.models[i].predict(new_inputs', return_std=true) + end + σ2 = σ .* σ + + return μ, σ2 +end + diff --git a/src/GaussianProcessEmulator.jl b/src/GaussianProcessEmulator.jl deleted file mode 100644 index ab567b1b9..000000000 --- a/src/GaussianProcessEmulator.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,622 +0,0 @@ -module GaussianProcessEmulator - -using Statistics -using Distributions -using LinearAlgebra -using GaussianProcesses -using DocStringExtensions -using ..DataStorage - -using PyCall -using ScikitLearn -const pykernels = PyNULL() -const pyGP = PyNULL() -function __init__() - copy!(pykernels, pyimport("sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels")) - copy!(pyGP, pyimport("sklearn.gaussian_process")) -end - -export GaussianProcess -export predict - -export GPJL, SKLJL -export YType, FType -export svd_transform, svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov -export decomp_struct - -""" - GaussianProcessesPackage - -Type to dispatch which GP package to use - - - `GPJL` for GaussianProcesses.jl, - - `SKLJL` for the ScikitLearn GaussianProcessRegressor -""" -abstract type GaussianProcessesPackage end -struct GPJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end -struct SKLJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end - -""" - PredictionType - -Predict type for `GPJL` in GaussianProcesses.jl - - `YType` - - `FType` latent function -""" -abstract type PredictionType end -struct YType <: PredictionType end -struct FType <: PredictionType end - - -# SVD decomposition structure -struct decomp_struct{FT<:AbstractFloat, IT<:Int} - V::Array{FT,2} - Vt::Array{FT,2} - S::Array{FT} - N::IT -end -# SVD decomposition constructor -function decomp_struct(svd::SVD) - # svd.V is of type adjoint, transformed to Array with [:,:] - return decomp_struct(svd.V[:,:], svd.Vt, svd.S, size(svd.S)[1]) -end - -""" - GaussianProcess{FT<:AbstractFloat} - - Structure holding training input and the fitted Gaussian Process Regression -models. - -# Fields -$(DocStringExtensions.FIELDS) - -""" -struct GaussianProcess{FT<:AbstractFloat, GPM} - "training inputs and outputs, data stored in columns" - input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT} - "mean of input; 1 × input_dim" - input_mean::Array{FT} - "square root of the inverse of the input covariance matrix; input_dim × input_dim" - sqrt_inv_input_cov::Union{Nothing, Array{FT, 2}} - "the Gaussian Process (GP) Regression model(s) that are fitted to the given input-data pairs" - models::Vector - "the singular value decomposition of obs_noise_cov, such that obs_noise_cov = decomposition.U * Diagonal(decomposition.S) * decomposition.Vt." - decomposition::Union{decomp_struct, Nothing} - "whether to fit GP models on normalized inputs ((inputs - input_mean) * sqrt_inv_input_cov)" - normalized::Bool - "prediction type (`y` to predict the data, `f` to predict the latent function)" - prediction_type::Union{Nothing, PredictionType} - "Standardization factors (characteristic values of the problem)" - norm_factors::Union{Array{FT}, Nothing} -end - - -""" - GaussianProcess(input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}, package::GPJL; GPkernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}=nothing, obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, normalized::Bool=true, noise_learn::Bool=true, prediction_type::PredictionType=YType()) where {K<:Kernel, KPy<:PyObject} - -Input-output pairs in paired data storage, storing in/out_dim × N_samples - - - `GPkernel` - GaussianProcesses kernel object. If not supplied, a default Squared Exponential kernel is used. -""" - -function GaussianProcess( - input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}, - package::GPJL; - GPkernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}=nothing, - obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, - normalized::Bool=true, - noise_learn::Bool=true, - truncate_svd::FT=1.0, - standardize::Bool=false, - prediction_type::PredictionType=YType(), - norm_factor::Union{Array{FT,1}, Nothing}=nothing) where {FT<:AbstractFloat, K<:Kernel, KPy<:PyObject} - - # Consistency checks - input_dim, output_dim = size(input_output_pairs, 1) - - if obs_noise_cov != nothing - err2 = "obs_noise_cov must be of size ($output_dim, $output_dim), got $(size(obs_noise_cov))" - size(obs_noise_cov) == (output_dim, output_dim) || throw(ArgumentError(err2)) - end - - # Initialize vector of GP models - models = Any[] - - - # Can use the full time median or some user define function - if standardize - output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) ./ norm_factor - obs_noise_cov = obs_noise_cov ./ (norm_factor .* norm_factor') - else - output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) - end - - # Normalize the inputs if normalized==true - input_mean = reshape(mean(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), dims=2), :, 1) #column vector - sqrt_inv_input_cov = nothing - if normalized - # Normalize (NB the inputs have to be of) size [input_dim × N_samples] to pass to GPE()) - sqrt_inv_input_cov = sqrt(inv(Symmetric(cov(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), dims=2)))) - GPinputs = sqrt_inv_input_cov * (get_inputs(input_output_pairs).-input_mean) - else - GPinputs = get_inputs(input_output_pairs) - end - - - # Transform data if obs_noise_cov available - # (if obs_noise_cov==nothing, transformed_data is equal to data) - transformed_data, decomposition = svd_transform(output_values, - obs_noise_cov, truncate_svd=truncate_svd) - - # Overwrite the input-output pairs because of the size discrepency - if truncate_svd<1.0 - # Overwrite the input_output_pairs structure - input_output_pairs_old = deepcopy(input_output_pairs) - input_output_pairs = PairedDataContainer(get_inputs(input_output_pairs_old), - transformed_data, data_are_columns=true) - input_dim, output_dim = size(input_output_pairs, 1) - end - - # Number of models (We are fitting one model per output dimension) - N_models = output_dim; #size(transformed_data)[1] - - # Use a default kernel unless a kernel was supplied to GaussianProcess - if GPkernel==nothing - println("Using default squared exponential kernel, learning length scale and variance parameters") - # Construct kernel: - # Note that the kernels take the signal standard deviations on a - # log scale as input. - rbf_len = log.(ones(size(GPinputs, 1))) - rbf_logstd = log(1.0) - rbf = SEArd(rbf_len, rbf_logstd) - kern = rbf - println("Using default squared exponential kernel: ", kern) - else - kern = deepcopy(GPkernel) - println("Using user-defined kernel", kern) - end - - if noise_learn - # Add white noise to kernel - white_logstd = log(1.0) - white = Noise(white_logstd) - kern = kern + white - println("Learning additive white noise") - - # Make the regularization small. We actually learn - # total_noise = white_logstd + logstd_regularization_noise - magic_number = 1e-3 # magic_number << 1 - logstd_regularization_noise = log(sqrt(magic_number)) - - else - # When not learning noise, our SVD transformation implies the - # observational noise is the identity. - logstd_regularization_noise = log(sqrt(1.0)) - end - - for i in 1:N_models - # Make a copy of the kernel (because it gets altered in every - # iteration) - println("kernel in GaussianProcess") - GPkernel_i = deepcopy(kern) - println(GPkernel_i) - GPdata_i = transformed_data[i,:] - # GPE() arguments: - # GPinputs: (input_dim × N_samples) - # GPdata_i: (N_samples,) - - # Zero mean function - kmean = MeanZero() - - # Instantiate GP model - m = GPE(GPinputs, - GPdata_i, - kmean, - GPkernel_i, - logstd_regularization_noise) - - # We choose above to explicitly learn the WhiteKernel as opposed to - # using the in built noise=true functionality. - println("created GP", i) - optimize!(m, noise=false) - println("optimized GP", i) - push!(models, m) - println(m.kernel) - end - - return GaussianProcess{FT,typeof(package)}(input_output_pairs, - input_mean, - sqrt_inv_input_cov, - models, - decomposition, - normalized, - prediction_type, - norm_factor) -end - - -""" - GaussianProcess(input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer, package::SKLJL; GPkernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}=nothing, obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, normalized::Bool=true, noise_learn::Bool=true, prediction_type::PredictionType=YType()) where {K<:Kernel, KPy<:PyObject} - -Input-output pairs in paired data storage, storing in/out_dim × N_samples - - - `GPkernel` - ScikitLearn kernel object. If not supplied, a default Squared Exponential kernel is used. -""" -function GaussianProcess( - input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}, - package::SKLJL; - GPkernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}=nothing, - obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, - normalized::Bool=true, - noise_learn::Bool=true, - truncate_svd::FT=1.0, - standardize::Bool=false, - prediction_type::PredictionType=YType(), - norm_factor::Union{Array{FT,1}, Nothing}=nothing) where {FT<:AbstractFloat, K<:Kernel, KPy<:PyObject} - - # Consistency checks - input_dim, output_dim = size(input_output_pairs, 1) - - if obs_noise_cov != nothing - err2 = "obs_noise_cov must be of size ($output_dim, $output_dim), got $(size(obs_noise_cov))" - size(obs_noise_cov) == (output_dim, output_dim) || throw(ArgumentError(err2)) - end - - # Initialize vector of GP models - models = Any[] - # Number of models (We are fitting one model per output dimension) - N_models = output_dim - - # Can use the full time median or some user define function - if standardize - #norm_factors = get_standarizing_factors() - output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) ./ norm_factor - obs_noise_cov = obs_noise_cov ./ (norm_factor .* norm_factor') - else - output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) - end - - - # Normalize the inputs if normalized==true - # Note that contrary to the GaussianProcesses.jl (GPJL) GPE, the - # ScikitLearn (SKLJL) GaussianProcessRegressor requires inputs to be of - # size N_samples × input_dim, so one needs to transpose - input_mean = reshape(mean(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), dims=2), :, 1) - sqrt_inv_input_cov = nothing - if normalized - sqrt_inv_input_cov = sqrt(inv(Symmetric(cov(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), dims=2)))) - GPinputs = permutedims(sqrt_inv_input_cov*(get_inputs(input_output_pairs) .- input_mean), (2,1)) - else - GPinputs = permutedims(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), (2,1)) - end - - # Transform data if obs_noise_cov available (if obs_noise_cov==nothing, - # transformed_data is equal to data) - transformed_data, decomposition = svd_transform(output_values, - obs_noise_cov, truncate_svd=truncate_svd) - - if GPkernel==nothing - println("Using default squared exponential kernel, learning length scale and variance parameters") - # Create default squared exponential kernel - const_value = 1.0 - var_kern = pykernels.ConstantKernel(constant_value=const_value, - constant_value_bounds=(1e-5, 1e4)) - rbf_len = ones(size(GPinputs, 2)) - rbf = pykernels.RBF(length_scale=rbf_len, - length_scale_bounds=(1e-5, 1e4)) - kern = var_kern * rbf - println("Using default squared exponential kernel:", kern) - else - kern = deepcopy(GPkernel) - println("Using user-defined kernel", kern) - end - - if noise_learn - # Add white noise to kernel - white_noise_level = 1.0 - white = pykernels.WhiteKernel(noise_level=white_noise_level, - noise_level_bounds=(1e-05, 10.0)) - kern = kern + white - println("Learning additive white noise") - - # Make the regularization small. We actually learn - # total_noise = white_noise_level + regularization_noise - magic_number = 1e-3 # magic_number << 1 - regularization_noise = 1e-3 - else - # When not learning noise, our SVD transformation implies the - # observational noise is the identity. - regularization_noise = 1.0 - end - - for i in 1:N_models - GPkernel_i = deepcopy(kern) - GPdata_i = transformed_data[i, :] - m = pyGP.GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=GPkernel_i, - n_restarts_optimizer=10, - alpha=regularization_noise) - - # ScikitLearn.fit! arguments: - # GPinputs: (N_samples × input_dim) - # GPdata_i: (N_samples,) - ScikitLearn.fit!(m, GPinputs, GPdata_i) - if i==1 - println(m.kernel.hyperparameters) - print("Completed training of: ") - end - println(i, ", ") - push!(models, m) - println(m.kernel) - end - return GaussianProcess{FT, typeof(package)}(input_output_pairs, - input_mean, - sqrt_inv_input_cov, - models, - decomposition, - normalized, - YType(), - norm_factor) -end - - -""" - predict(gp::GaussianProcess{FT, GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}, transform_to_real::Bool=false) where {FT} = predict(gp, new_inputs, gp.prediction_type) - -Evaluate the GP model(s) at new inputs. - - `gp` - a GaussianProcess - - `new_inputs` - inputs for which GP model(s) is/are evaluated; input_dim × N_samples - -Returns the predicted mean(s) and covariance(s) at the input points. -Means: matrix of size output_dim × N_samples -Covariances: vector of length N_samples, each element is a matrix of size output_dim × output_dim. If the output is 1-dimensional, a 1 × N_samples array of scalar variances is returned rather than a vector of 1x1 matrices. - -Note: If gp.normalized == true, the new inputs are normalized prior to the prediction -""" -predict(gp::GaussianProcess{FT, GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}; transform_to_real::Bool=false) where {FT} = predict(gp, new_inputs, transform_to_real, gp.prediction_type) - -function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{FT, GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}, transform_to_real, ::FType) where {FT} - - # Check if the size of new_inputs is consistent with the GP model's input - # dimension. - input_dim, output_dim = size(gp.input_output_pairs, 1) - N_samples = size(new_inputs, 2) - size(new_inputs, 1) == input_dim || throw(ArgumentError("GP object and input observations do not have consistent dimensions")) - - if gp.normalized - new_inputs = gp.sqrt_inv_input_cov * (new_inputs .- gp.input_mean) - end - - M = length(gp.models) - # Predicts columns of inputs: input_dim × N_samples - μ = zeros(output_dim,N_samples) - σ2 = zeros(output_dim,N_samples) - for i in 1:M - μ[i,:],σ2[i,:] = predict_f(gp.models[i], new_inputs) - end - - if transform_to_real && gp.decomposition != nothing - μ_pred, σ2_pred = svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ, σ2, - gp.decomposition) - elseif transform_to_real && gp.decomposition == nothing - throw(ArgumentError("""Need SVD decomposition to transform back to original space, - but GaussianProcess.decomposition == nothing. - Try setting transform_to_real=false""")) - else - μ_pred = μ - # Convert to vector of (diagonal) matrices to match the format of - # σ2_pred when transform_to_real=true - σ2_pred = vec([Diagonal(σ2[:, j]) for j in 1:N_samples]) - end - - if output_dim == 1 - σ2_pred = [σ2_pred[i][1] for i in 1:N_samples] - end - - return μ_pred, σ2_pred -end - -function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{FT, GPJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}, transform_to_real, ::YType) where {FT} - - # Check if the size of new_inputs is consistent with the GP model's input - # dimension. - input_dim, output_dim = size(gp.input_output_pairs, 1) - - N_samples = size(new_inputs, 2) - size(new_inputs, 1) == input_dim || throw(ArgumentError("GP object and input observations do not have consistent dimensions")) - - if gp.normalized - new_inputs = gp.sqrt_inv_input_cov * (new_inputs .- gp.input_mean) - end - - M = length(gp.models) - # Predicts columns of inputs: input_dim × N_samples - μ = zeros(output_dim,N_samples) - σ2 = zeros(output_dim,N_samples) - for i in 1:M - μ[i,:],σ2[i,:] = predict_f(gp.models[i], new_inputs) - end - if transform_to_real && gp.decomposition != nothing - μ_pred, σ2_pred = svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ, σ2, - gp.decomposition) - elseif transform_to_real && gp.decomposition == nothing - throw(ArgumentError("""Need SVD decomposition to transform back to original space, - but GaussianProcess.decomposition == nothing. - Try setting transform_to_real=false""")) - else - μ_pred = μ - # Convert to vector of (diagonal) matrices to match the format of - # σ2_pred when transform_to_real=true - σ2_pred = vec([Diagonal(σ2[:, j]) for j in 1:N_samples]) - end - - if output_dim == 1 - σ2_pred = [σ2_pred[i][1] for i in 1:N_samples] - end - - return μ_pred, σ2_pred -end - -function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{FT, SKLJL}, new_inputs::Array{FT, 2}, transform_to_real::Bool=false) where {FT} - - # Check if the size of new_inputs is consistent with the GP model's input - # dimension. - input_dim, output_dim = size(gp.input_output_pairs, 1) - - N_samples = size(new_inputs, 2) - size(new_inputs, 1) == input_dim || throw(ArgumentError("GP object and input observations do not have consistent dimensions")) - - if gp.normalized - new_inputs = gp.sqrt_inv_input_cov * (new_inputs .- gp.input_mean) - end - - M = length(gp.models) - - # SKJL based on rows not columns; need to transpose inputs - μ = zeros(output_dim,N_samples) - σ = zeros(output_dim,N_samples) - for i in 1:M - μ[i,:],σ[i,:] = gp.models[i].predict(new_inputs', return_std=true) - end - σ2 = σ .* σ - - if transform_to_real && gp.decomposition != nothing - μ_pred, σ2_pred = svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ, σ2, - gp.decomposition) - elseif transform_to_real && gp.decomposition == nothing - throw(ArgumentError("""Need SVD decomposition to transform back to original space, - but GaussianProcess.decomposition == nothing. - Try setting transform_to_real=false""")) - else - μ_pred = μ - # Convert to vector of (diagonal) matrices to match the format of - # σ2_pred when transform_to_real=true - σ2_pred = vec([Diagonal(σ2[:, j]) for j in 1:N_samples]) - end - - if output_dim == 1 - σ2_pred = reshape([σ2_pred[i][1] for i in 1:N_samples], 1,N_samples) - end - - return μ_pred, σ2_pred -end - -""" -svd_transform(data::Array{FT, 2}, obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}) where {FT} - -Apply a singular value decomposition (SVD) to the data - - `data` - GP training data/targets; output_dim × N_samples - - `obs_noise_cov` - covariance of observational noise - -Returns the transformed data and the decomposition, which is a matrix -factorization of type LinearAlgebra.SVD. - -Note: If F::SVD is the factorization object, U, S, V and Vt can be obtained via -F.U, F.S, F.V and F.Vt, such that A = U * Diagonal(S) * Vt. The singular values -in S are sorted in descending order. -""" -function svd_transform(data::Array{FT, 2}, obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}; - truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} - if obs_noise_cov != nothing - # Truncate the SVD as a form of regularization - if truncate_svd<1.0 # this variable needs to be provided to this function - # Perform SVD - decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) - # Find cutoff - σ = decomposition.S - σ_cumsum = cumsum(σ) / sum(σ); - P_cutoff = truncate_svd; - ind = findall(x->x>P_cutoff, σ_cumsum); k = ind[1] - println("SVD truncated at k:") - println(k) - # Apply truncated SVD - n = size(obs_noise_cov)[1] - sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) - transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv[1:k,1:k] * decomposition.Vt[1:k,:] * data - transformed_data = transformed_data; - decomposition = decomp_struct(decomposition.V[:,1:k], decomposition.Vt[1:k,:], - decomposition.S[1:k], n) - else - decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) - sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) - transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv * decomposition.Vt * data - decomposition = decomp_struct(svd(obs_noise_cov)) - end - else - decomposition = nothing - transformed_data = data - end - - return transformed_data, decomposition -end - -function svd_transform(data::Vector{FT}, - obs_noise_cov::Union{Array{FT, 2}, Nothing}; - truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} - if obs_noise_cov != nothing - # Truncate the SVD as a form of regularization - if truncate_svd<1.0 # this variable needs to be provided to this function - # Perform SVD - decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) - # Find cutoff - σ = decomposition.S - σ_cumsum = cumsum(σ) / sum(σ); - P_cutoff = truncate_svd; - ind = findall(x->x>P_cutoff, σ_cumsum); k = ind[1] - println("SVD truncated at k:") - println(k) - # Apply truncated SVD - n = size(obs_noise_cov)[1] - sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) - transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv[1:k,1:k] * decomposition.Vt[1:k,:] * data - transformed_data = transformed_data; - decomposition = decomp_struct(decomposition.V[:,1:k], decomposition.Vt[1:k,:], - decomposition.S[1:k], n) - else - decomposition = svd(obs_noise_cov) - sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(decomposition.S)) - transformed_data = sqrt_singular_values_inv * decomposition.Vt * data - decomposition = decomp_struct(svd(obs_noise_cov)) - end - else - decomposition = nothing - transformed_data = data - end - - return transformed_data, decomposition -end - -""" -svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ::Array{FT, 2}, σ2::{Array{FT, 2}, decomposition::SVD) where {FT} - -Transform the mean and covariance back to the original (correlated) coordinate system - - `μ` - predicted mean; output_dim × N_predicted_points - - `σ2` - predicted variance; output_dim × N_predicted_points - -Returns the transformed mean (output_dim × N_predicted_points) and variance. -Note that transforming the variance back to the original coordinate system -results in non-zero off-diagonal elements, so instead of just returning the -elements on the main diagonal (i.e., the variances), we return the full -covariance at each point, as a vector of length N_predicted_points, where -each element is a matrix of size output_dim × output_dim -""" -function svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(μ::Array{FT, 2}, σ2::Array{FT, 2}, - decomposition::Union{SVD, decomp_struct}; - truncate_svd::FT=1.0) where {FT} - output_dim, N_predicted_points = size(σ2) - # We created meanvGP = D_inv * Vt * mean_v so meanv = V * D * meanvGP - sqrt_singular_values= Diagonal(sqrt.(decomposition.S)) - transformed_μ = decomposition.V * sqrt_singular_values * μ - - transformed_σ2 = [zeros(output_dim, output_dim) for i in 1:N_predicted_points] - # Back transformation - - for j in 1:N_predicted_points - σ2_j = decomposition.V * sqrt_singular_values * Diagonal(σ2[:,j]) * sqrt_singular_values * decomposition.Vt - transformed_σ2[j] = σ2_j - end - - return transformed_μ, transformed_σ2 -end - - -end diff --git a/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl b/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl index 64c54f7d1..6996a36f3 100644 --- a/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl +++ b/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ module MarkovChainMonteCarlo -using ..GaussianProcessEmulator +using ..Emulators using ..ParameterDistributionStorage using Statistics @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function MCMC( # We need to transform obs_sample into the correct space if svdflag println("Applying SVD to decorrelating outputs, if not required set svdflag=false") - obs_sample, unused = svd_transform(obs_sample, obs_noise_cov; truncate_svd=truncate_svd) + obs_sample, unused = Emulators.svd_transform(obs_sample, obs_noise_cov; truncate_svd=truncate_svd) else println("Assuming independent outputs.") end @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ function log_likelihood(mcmc::MCMC{FT}, #full_cov = Diagonal(gvar) eigs = eigvals(gcov) log_gpfidelity = -FT(0.5) * sum(log.(eigs)) - # Combine got log_rho + # Combine got log_rho diff = g - mcmc.obs_sample log_rho[1] = -FT(0.5) * diff' * (gcov \ diff) + log_gpfidelity #end @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ function proposal(mcmc::MCMC) end -function find_mcmc_step!(mcmc_test::MCMC{FT}, gp::GaussianProcess{FT}; max_iter=2000) where {FT} +function find_mcmc_step!(mcmc_test::MCMC{FT}, em::Emulator{FT}; max_iter=2000) where {FT} step = mcmc_test.step[1] mcmc_accept = false doubled = false @@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ function find_mcmc_step!(mcmc_test::MCMC{FT}, gp::GaussianProcess{FT}; max_iter= while mcmc_accept == false param = reshape(mcmc_test.param, :, 1) - gp_pred, gp_predvar = predict(gp, param ) - if ndims(gp_predvar[1]) != 0 - mcmc_sample!(mcmc_test, vec(gp_pred), diag(gp_predvar[1])) + em_pred, em_predvar = predict(em, param ) + if ndims(em_predvar[1]) != 0 + mcmc_sample!(mcmc_test, vec(em_pred), diag(em_predvar[1])) else - mcmc_sample!(mcmc_test, vec(gp_pred), vec(gp_predvar)) + mcmc_sample!(mcmc_test, vec(em_pred), vec(em_predvar)) end it += 1 if it % max_iter == 0 @@ -289,18 +289,18 @@ end function sample_posterior!(mcmc::MCMC{FT,IT}, - gp::GaussianProcess{FT}, + em::Emulator{FT}, max_iter::IT) where {FT,IT<:Int} for mcmcit in 1:max_iter param = reshape(mcmc.param, :, 1) # test predictions (param is 1 x N_parameters) - gp_pred, gp_predvar = predict(gp, param) + em_pred, em_predvar = predict(em, param) - if ndims(gp_predvar[1]) != 0 - mcmc_sample!(mcmc, vec(gp_pred), diag(gp_predvar[1])) + if ndims(em_predvar[1]) != 0 + mcmc_sample!(mcmc, vec(em_pred), diag(em_predvar[1])) else - mcmc_sample!(mcmc, vec(gp_pred), vec(gp_predvar)) + mcmc_sample!(mcmc, vec(em_pred), vec(em_predvar)) end end diff --git a/test/Emulator/runtests.jl b/test/Emulator/runtests.jl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d754cb73 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Emulator/runtests.jl @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# Import modules +using Random +using Test +using Statistics +using Distributions +using LinearAlgebra + +using CalibrateEmulateSample.Emulators +using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage + +@testset "Emulators" begin + + + #build some quick data + noise + m=50 + d=6 + x = rand(3, m) #R^3 + y = rand(d, m) #R^5 + + # "noise" + μ = zeros(d) + Σ = rand(d,d) + Σ = Σ'*Σ + noise_samples = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), m) + y += noise_samples + + iopairs = PairedDataContainer(x,y,data_are_columns=true) + @test get_inputs(iopairs) == x + @test get_outputs(iopairs) == y + + + + # [1.] test SVD (2D y version) + test_SVD = svd(Σ) + transformed_y, decomposition = Emulators.svd_transform(y, Σ, truncate_svd=1.0) + @test_throws AssertionError Emulators.svd_transform(y, Σ[:,1], truncate_svd=1.0) + @test test_SVD.V[:,:] == decomposition.V #(use [:,:] to make it an array) + @test test_SVD.Vt == decomposition.Vt + @test test_SVD.S == decomposition.S + @test size(test_SVD.S)[1] == decomposition.N + @test size(transformed_y) == size(y) + + # 1D y version + transformed_y, decomposition2 = Emulators.svd_transform(y[:, 1], Σ, truncate_svd=1.0) + @test_throws AssertionError Emulators.svd_transform(y[:,1], Σ[:,1], truncate_svd=1.0) + @test size(transformed_y) == size(y[:, 1]) + + # Reverse SVD + y_new, y_cov_new = Emulators.svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(reshape(transformed_y,(d,1)),ones(d,1),decomposition2, truncate_svd=1.0) + @test_throws AssertionError Emulators.svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(transformed_y,ones(d,1),decomposition2, truncate_svd=1.0) + @test_throws AssertionError Emulators.svd_reverse_transform_mean_cov(reshape(transformed_y,(d,1)),ones(d),decomposition2, truncate_svd=1.0) + @test size(y_new)[1] == size(y[:, 1])[1] + @test y_new ≈ y[:,1] + @test y_cov_new[1] ≈ Σ + + # Truncation + transformed_y, trunc_decomposition = Emulators.svd_transform(y[:, 1], Σ, truncate_svd=0.95) + trunc_size = size(trunc_decomposition.S)[1] + @test test_SVD.S[1:trunc_size] == trunc_decomposition.S + @test size(transformed_y)[1] == trunc_size + + # [2.] test Normalization + input_mean = reshape(mean(get_inputs(iopairs), dims=2), :, 1) #column vector + sqrt_inv_input_cov = sqrt(inv(Symmetric(cov(get_inputs(iopairs), dims=2)))) + + norm_inputs = Emulators.normalize(get_inputs(iopairs),input_mean,sqrt_inv_input_cov) + @test norm_inputs == sqrt_inv_input_cov * (get_inputs(iopairs) .- input_mean) + + # [3.] test Standardization + norm_factors = 10.0 + norm_factors = fill(norm_factors, size(y[:,1])) # must be size of output dim + + s_y, s_y_cov = Emulators.standardize(get_outputs(iopairs),Σ,norm_factors) + @test s_y == get_outputs(iopairs)./norm_factors + @test s_y_cov == Σ ./ (norm_factors.*norm_factors') + + + + # [4.] test emulator preserves the structures + + #build an unknown type + struct MLTester <: Emulators.MachineLearningTool end + + mlt = MLTester() + + @test_throws ErrorException emulator = Emulator( + mlt, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=true, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + #build a known type, with defaults + gp = GaussianProcess(GPJL()) + + emulator = Emulator( + gp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + # compare SVD/norm/stand with stored emulator version + test_decomp = emulator.decomposition + @test test_decomp.V == decomposition.V #(use [:,:] to make it an array) + @test test_decomp.Vt == decomposition.Vt + @test test_decomp.S == decomposition.S + @test test_decomp.N == decomposition.N + + emulator2 = Emulator( + gp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=true, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + train_inputs = get_inputs(emulator2.training_pairs) + @test norm_inputs == train_inputs + + train_inputs2 = Emulators.normalize(emulator2,get_inputs(iopairs)) + @test norm_inputs == train_inputs + + # reverse standardise + + emulator3 = Emulator( + gp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=true, + standardize_outputs_factors=norm_factors, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + #standardized and decorrelated (sd) data + sd_train_outputs = get_outputs(emulator3.training_pairs) + sqrt_singular_values_inv = Diagonal(1.0 ./ sqrt.(emulator3.decomposition.S)) + decorrelated_s_y = sqrt_singular_values_inv * emulator3.decomposition.Vt * s_y + @test decorrelated_s_y == sd_train_outputs + + + # truncation + emulator4 = Emulator( + gp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=0.9) + trunc_size = size(emulator4.decomposition.S)[1] + @test test_SVD.S[1:trunc_size] == emulator4.decomposition.S + + + +end diff --git a/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl b/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5db2c1ab8 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +# Import modules +using Random +using Test +using GaussianProcesses +using Statistics +using Distributions +using ScikitLearn +using LinearAlgebra +@sk_import gaussian_process : GaussianProcessRegressor +@sk_import gaussian_process.kernels : (RBF, WhiteKernel, ConstantKernel) + +using CalibrateEmulateSample.Emulators +using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage + +@testset "GaussianProcess" begin + + # Seed for pseudo-random number generator + rng_seed = 41 + Random.seed!(rng_seed) + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Test case 1: 1D input, 1D output + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + # Training data + n = 20 # number of training points + x = reshape(2.0 * π * rand(n), 1, n) # predictors/features: 1 x n + y = reshape(sin.(x) + 0.05 * randn(n)', 1, n) # predictands/targets: 1 x n + + iopairs = PairedDataContainer(x,y,data_are_columns=true) + # Construct kernel: + # Squared exponential kernel (note that hyperparameters are on log scale) + # with observational noise + GPkernel = SE(log(1.0), log(1.0)) + + # These will be the test inputs at which predictions are made + new_inputs = reshape([0.0, π/2, π, 3*π/2, 2*π], 1, 5) + + # Fit Gaussian Process Regression models. + # GaussianProcesses.jl (GPJL) provides two predict functions, predict_y + # (which predicts the random variable y(θ)) and predict_y (which predicts + # the latent random variable f(θ)). + # ScikitLearn's Gaussian process regression (SKLJL) only offers one + # predict function, which predicts y. + + ## GaussianProcess 1: GPJL, predict_y unnormalized + gppackage = GPJL() + pred_type = YType() + + gp1 = GaussianProcess( + gppackage; + kernel=GPkernel, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type=pred_type) + + @test gp1.kernel == GPkernel + @test gp1.noise_learn == true + @test gp1.prediction_type == pred_type + + em1 = Emulator( + gp1, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=nothing, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em1) + + μ1, σ1² = Emulators.predict(em1, new_inputs) + + @test vec(μ1) ≈ [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0] atol=0.3 + @test size(μ1)==(1,5) + @test vec(σ1²) ≈ [0.017, 0.003, 0.004, 0.004, 0.009] atol=1e-2 + + # GaussianProcess 2: GPJL, predict_f + pred_type = FType() + + gp2 = GaussianProcess( + gppackage; + kernel=GPkernel, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type=pred_type) + + em2 = Emulator( + gp2, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=nothing, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em2) + + μ2, σ2² = Emulators.predict(em2, new_inputs) + # predict_y and predict_f should give the same mean + @test μ2 ≈ μ1 atol=1e-6 + + + # GaussianProcess 3: SKLJL + + gppackage = SKLJL() + pred_type = YType() + var = ConstantKernel(constant_value=1.0) + se = RBF(1.0) + GPkernel = var * se + + + gp3 = GaussianProcess( + gppackage; + kernel=GPkernel, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type=pred_type) + + em3 = Emulator( + gp3, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=nothing, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em3) + + + #gp3 = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, obs_noise_cov=nothing, + # normalized=false, noise_learn=true, + # truncate_svd=1.0, standardize=false, + # prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=nothing) + + μ3, σ3² = Emulators.predict(em3, new_inputs) + @test vec(μ3) ≈ [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0] atol=0.3 + @test vec(σ3²) ≈ [0.016, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.003] atol=1e-2 + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Test case 2: 2D input, 2D output + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + gppackage = GPJL() + pred_type = YType() + + # Generate training data + m = 80 # number of training points + + p = 2 # input dim + d = 2 # output dim + X = 2.0 * π * rand(p, m) + + # G(x1, x2) + g1x = sin.(X[1, :]) .+ cos.(X[2, :]) + g2x = sin.(X[1, :]) .- cos.(X[2, :]) + gx = zeros(2,m) + gx[1,:] = g1x + gx[2,:] = g2x + + # Add noise η + μ = zeros(d) + Σ = 0.1 * [[0.8, 0.2] [0.2, 0.5]] # d x d + noise_samples = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), m) + + # y = G(x) + η + Y = gx .+ noise_samples + + iopairs2 = PairedDataContainer(X,Y,data_are_columns=true) + @test get_inputs(iopairs2) == X + @test get_outputs(iopairs2) == Y + + gp4 = GaussianProcess( + gppackage; + kernel=nothing, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type=pred_type) + + em4 = Emulator( + gp4, + iopairs2, + obs_noise_cov=Σ, + normalize_inputs=true, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) + + Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em4) + + new_inputs = zeros(2, 4) + new_inputs[:, 2] = [π/2, π] + new_inputs[:, 3] = [π, π/2] + new_inputs[:, 4] = [3*π/2, 2*π] + + μ4, σ4² = Emulators.predict(em4, new_inputs, transform_to_real=true) + + @test μ4[:, 1] ≈ [1.0, -1.0] atol=0.25 + @test μ4[:, 2] ≈ [0.0, 2.0] atol=0.25 + @test μ4[:, 3] ≈ [0.0, 0.0] atol=0.25 + @test μ4[:, 4] ≈ [0.0, -2.0] atol=0.25 + @test length(σ4²) == size(new_inputs,2) + @test size(σ4²[1]) == (d, d) + +end diff --git a/test/GaussianProcessEmulator/runtests.jl b/test/GaussianProcessEmulator/runtests.jl deleted file mode 100644 index 9b2bf4390..000000000 --- a/test/GaussianProcessEmulator/runtests.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -# Import modules -using Random -using Test -using GaussianProcesses -using Statistics -using Distributions -using ScikitLearn -using LinearAlgebra -@sk_import gaussian_process : GaussianProcessRegressor -@sk_import gaussian_process.kernels : (RBF, WhiteKernel, ConstantKernel) - -using CalibrateEmulateSample.GaussianProcessEmulator -using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage - -@testset "GaussianProcessEmulator" begin - - # Seed for pseudo-random number generator - rng_seed = 41 - Random.seed!(rng_seed) - - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - # Test case 1: 1D input, 1D output - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - # Training data - n = 20 # number of training points - x = reshape(2.0 * π * rand(n), 1, n) # predictors/features: 1 x n - y = reshape(sin.(x) + 0.05 * randn(n)', 1, n) # predictands/targets: 1 x n - - iopairs = PairedDataContainer(x,y,data_are_columns=true) - # Construct kernel: - # Squared exponential kernel (note that hyperparameters are on log scale) - # with observational noise - GPkernel = SE(log(1.0), log(1.0)) - - # These will be the test inputs at which predictions are made - new_inputs = reshape([0.0, π/2, π, 3*π/2, 2*π], 1, 5) - - # Fit Gaussian Process Regression models. - # GaussianProcesses.jl (GPJL) provides two predict functions, predict_y - # (which predicts the random variable y(θ)) and predict_y (which predicts - # the latent random variable f(θ)). - # ScikitLearn's Gaussian process regression (SKLJL) only offers one - # predict function, which predicts y. - - # GaussianProcess 1: GPJL, predict_y - gppackage = GPJL() - pred_type = YType() - - - gp1 = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, obs_noise_cov=nothing, - normalized=false, noise_learn=true, - truncate_svd=1.0, standardize=false, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=nothing) - μ1, σ1² = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gp1, new_inputs) - - @test gp1.input_output_pairs == iopairs - @test gp1.input_mean[1] ≈ mean(x) atol=1e-2 - @test gp1.sqrt_inv_input_cov == nothing - @test gp1.prediction_type == pred_type - @test vec(μ1) ≈ [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0] atol=0.3 - @test size(μ1)==(1,5) - @test vec(σ1²) ≈ [0.017, 0.003, 0.004, 0.004, 0.009] atol=1e-2 - - # Check if normalization works - gp1_norm = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, - obs_noise_cov=nothing, normalized=true, - noise_learn=true, truncate_svd=1.0, - standardize=false, prediction_type=pred_type, - norm_factor=nothing) - @test gp1_norm.sqrt_inv_input_cov ≈ [sqrt(1.0 / Statistics.var(x))] atol=1e-4 - - - - - # GaussianProcess 2: GPJL, predict_f - pred_type = FType() - gp2 = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, obs_noise_cov=nothing, - normalized=false, noise_learn=true, - truncate_svd=1.0, standardize=false, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=nothing) - μ2, σ2² = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gp2, new_inputs) - # predict_y and predict_f should give the same mean - @test μ2 ≈ μ1 atol=1e-6 - - - # GaussianProcess 3: SKLJL - - gppackage = SKLJL() - pred_type = YType() - var = ConstantKernel(constant_value=1.0) - se = RBF(1.0) - GPkernel = var * se - - gp3 = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, obs_noise_cov=nothing, - normalized=false, noise_learn=true, - truncate_svd=1.0, standardize=false, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=nothing) - - μ3, σ3² = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gp3, new_inputs) - @test vec(μ3) ≈ [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0] atol=0.3 - @test vec(σ3²) ≈ [0.016, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.003] atol=1e-2 - - - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - # Test case 2: 2D input, 2D output - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - gppackage = GPJL() - pred_type = YType() - - # Generate training data - m = 80 # number of training points - - p = 2 # input dim - d = 2 # output dim - X = 2.0 * π * rand(p, m) - - # G(x1, x2) - g1x = sin.(X[1, :]) .+ cos.(X[2, :]) - g2x = sin.(X[1, :]) .- cos.(X[2, :]) - gx = zeros(2,m) - gx[1,:] = g1x - gx[2,:] = g2x - - # Add noise η - μ = zeros(d) - Σ = 0.1 * [[0.8, 0.2] [0.2, 0.5]] # d x d - noise_samples = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), m) - - # y = G(x) + η - Y = gx .+ noise_samples - - iopairs2 = PairedDataContainer(X,Y,data_are_columns=true) - @test get_inputs(iopairs2) == X - @test get_outputs(iopairs2) == Y - - transformed_Y, decomposition = svd_transform(Y, Σ, truncate_svd=1.0) - @test size(transformed_Y) == size(Y) - transformed_Y, decomposition = svd_transform(Y[:, 1], Σ, truncate_svd=1.0) - @test size(transformed_Y) == size(Y[:, 1]) - - - gp4 = GaussianProcess(iopairs2, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, - normalized=true, noise_learn=true, - truncate_svd=1.0, standardize=false, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=nothing) - - new_inputs = zeros(2, 4) - new_inputs[:, 2] = [π/2, π] - new_inputs[:, 3] = [π, π/2] - new_inputs[:, 4] = [3*π/2, 2*π] - - μ4, σ4² = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gp4, new_inputs, transform_to_real=true) - - @test μ4[:, 1] ≈ [1.0, -1.0] atol=0.25 - @test μ4[:, 2] ≈ [0.0, 2.0] atol=0.25 - @test μ4[:, 3] ≈ [0.0, 0.0] atol=0.25 - @test μ4[:, 4] ≈ [0.0, -2.0] atol=0.25 - @test length(σ4²) == size(new_inputs,2) - @test size(σ4²[1]) == (d, d) - - # Check if standardization works - norm_factor = 10.0 - norm_factor = fill(norm_factor, size(Y[:,1])) # must be size of output dim - println(norm_factor) - gp4_standardized = GaussianProcess(iopairs2, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, - normalized=true, noise_learn=true, - truncate_svd=1.0, standardize=true, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=norm_factor) - cov_est = gp4_standardized.decomposition.V * diagm(gp4_standardized.decomposition.S) * - gp4_standardized.decomposition.Vt - @test cov_est ≈ Σ ./ (norm_factor .* norm_factor') atol=1e-2 - @test cov_est ≈ Σ ./ 100.0 atol=1e-2 - - # Check if truncation works - norm_factor = 10.0 - norm_factor = fill(norm_factor, size(Y[:,1])) # must be size of output dim - println(norm_factor) - gp4_trunc = GaussianProcess(iopairs2, gppackage, GPkernel=nothing, obs_noise_cov=Σ, - normalized=true, noise_learn=true, - truncate_svd=0.1, standardize=true, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=norm_factor) - μ4_trunc, σ4_trunc = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gp4_trunc, new_inputs, transform_to_real=false) - μ4_trunc_real, σ4_trunc_real = GaussianProcessEmulator.predict(gp4_trunc, new_inputs, transform_to_real=true) - @test size(μ4_trunc,1) == 1 - @test size(μ4_trunc_real,1) == 2 - - -end diff --git a/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl b/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl index dbd0e8b67..cfbfd1700 100644 --- a/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl +++ b/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using Test using CalibrateEmulateSample.MarkovChainMonteCarlo using CalibrateEmulateSample.ParameterDistributionStorage -using CalibrateEmulateSample.GaussianProcessEmulator +using CalibrateEmulateSample.Emulators using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage @testset "MarkovChainMonteCarlo" begin @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage # We need a GaussianProcess to run MarkovChainMonteCarlo, so let's reconstruct the one that's tested # in test/GaussianProcesses/runtests.jl - n = 20 # number of training points + n = 40 # number of training points x = reshape(2.0 * π * rand(n), 1, n) # predictors/features: 1 × n σ2_y = reshape([0.05],1,1) y = sin.(x) + rand(Normal(0, σ2_y[1]), (1, n)) # predictands/targets: 1 × n @@ -34,10 +34,21 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage # Squared exponential kernel (note that hyperparameters are on log scale) # with observational noise GPkernel = SE(log(1.0), log(1.0)) + gp = GaussianProcess( + gppackage; + kernel=GPkernel, + noise_learn=true, + prediction_type=pred_type) + + em = Emulator( + gp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov=σ2_y, + normalize_inputs=false, + standardize_outputs=false, + truncate_svd=1.0) - gp = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, obs_noise_cov=σ2_y, - normalized=false, noise_learn=true, - prediction_type=pred_type) + Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em) ### Define prior umin = -1.0 @@ -62,7 +73,7 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage mcmc_test = MCMC(obs_sample, σ2_y, prior, step, param_init, max_iter, mcmc_alg, burnin; svdflag=true, standardize=false, truncate_svd=1.0, norm_factor=norm_factors) - new_step = find_mcmc_step!(mcmc_test, gp) + new_step = find_mcmc_step!(mcmc_test, em) # reset parameters burnin = 1000 @@ -72,7 +83,7 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage mcmc = MCMC(obs_sample, σ2_y, prior, step, param_init, max_iter, mcmc_alg, burnin; svdflag=true, standardize=false, truncate_svd=1.0, norm_factor=norm_factors) - sample_posterior!(mcmc, gp, max_iter) + sample_posterior!(mcmc, em, max_iter) posterior_distribution = get_posterior(mcmc) #post_mean = mean(posterior, dims=1)[1] posterior_mean = get_mean(posterior_distribution) @@ -89,24 +100,4 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataStorage max_iter, "gibbs", burnin) @test isapprox(posterior_mean[1] - π/2, 0.0; atol=4e-1) - # Standardization and truncation - norm_factor = 10.0 - norm_factor = fill(norm_factor, size(y[:,1])) # must be size of output dim - gp = GaussianProcess(iopairs, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel, obs_noise_cov=σ2_y, - normalized=false, noise_learn=true, standardize=true, truncate_svd=0.9, - prediction_type=pred_type, norm_factor=norm_factor) - mcmc_test = MCMC(obs_sample, σ2_y, prior, step, param_init, max_iter, - mcmc_alg, burnin; - svdflag=true, standardize=true, norm_factor=norm_factor, truncate_svd=0.9) - - # Now begin the actual MCMC - mcmc = MCMC(obs_sample, σ2_y, prior, step, param_init, max_iter, - mcmc_alg, burnin; svdflag=true, standardize=false, - truncate_svd=1.0, norm_factor=norm_factor) - sample_posterior!(mcmc, gp, max_iter) - posterior_distribution = get_posterior(mcmc) - #post_mean = mean(posterior, dims=1)[1] - posterior_mean2 = get_mean(posterior_distribution) - @test posterior_mean2 ≈ posterior_mean atol=0.1 - end diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index b1cd0e225..17dae84ab 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ end end end - for submodule in ["GaussianProcessEmulator", + for submodule in ["Emulator", + "GaussianProcess", "MarkovChainMonteCarlo", "Utilities"]