diff --git a/presto/README.md b/presto/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f93ae0c12 --- /dev/null +++ b/presto/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Presto + +Presto is a distributed SQL query engine for big data. +- [Github](https://github.com/prestodb/presto) +- [Homepage](https://prestodb.io) + +The benchmarks are based on Presto version `0.287`. + +We assume that a Presto cluster is already running. For more information, visit [Getting Started](https://prestodb.io/getting-started/). + +---------- +## Steps + +1. Access the parquet file through this path: s3://clickhouse-public-datasets/hits_compatible/hits.parquet or just download the parquet file and upload it to an S3 Bucket yourself ex. s3://your-bucket/clickbench-parquet/hits/hits.parquet. +2. Create a new schema named `clickbench_parquet` in the Hive metastore (Hive catalog) and create the hits table in the new schema using the create.sql file. Modify the end of the table creation statement to use the parquet file on S3. +``` +WITH ( + format = 'PARQUET', + external_location = 's3a://your-bucket/clickbench-parquet/hits/' +); +``` +3. Connect to the Presto coordinator and run these commands: +``` +git clone https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickBench +cd ClickBench/presto +chmod +x run.sh +./run.sh +``` diff --git a/presto/create.sql b/presto/create.sql new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b392ef71b --- /dev/null +++ b/presto/create.sql @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hits ( + "watchid" bigint, + "javaenable" smallint, + "title" varchar(65535), + "goodevent" smallint, + "eventtime" timestamp, + "eventdate" date, + "counterid" int, + "clientip" int, + "regionid" int, + "userid" bigint, + "counterclass" smallint, + "os" smallint, + "useragent" smallint, + "url" varchar(65535), + "referer" varchar(65535), + "isrefresh" smallint, + "referercategoryid" smallint, + "refererregionid" int, + "urlcategoryid" smallint, + "urlregionid" int, + "resolutionwidth" smallint, + "resolutionheight" smallint, + "resolutiondepth" smallint, + "flashmajor" smallint, + "flashminor" smallint, + "flashminor2" varchar(65535), + "netmajor" smallint, + "netminor" smallint, + "useragentmajor" smallint, + "useragentminor" varchar(65535), + "cookieenable" smallint, + "javascriptenable" smallint, + "ismobile" smallint, + "mobilephone" smallint, + "mobilephonemodel" varchar(65535), + "params" varchar(65535), + "ipnetworkid" int, + "traficsourceid" smallint, + "searchengineid" smallint, + "searchphrase" varchar(65535), + "advengineid" smallint, + "isartifical" smallint, + "windowclientwidth" smallint, + "windowclientheight" smallint, + "clienttimezone" smallint, + "clienteventtime" timestamp, + "silverlightversion1" smallint, + "silverlightversion2" smallint, + "silverlightversion3" int, + "silverlightversion4" smallint, + "pagecharset" varchar(65535), + "codeversion" int, + "islink" smallint, + "isdownload" smallint, + "isnotbounce" smallint, + "funiqid" bigint, + "originalurl" varchar(65535), + "hid" int, + "isoldcounter" smallint, + "isevent" smallint, + "isparameter" smallint, + "dontcounthits" smallint, + "withhash" smallint, + "hitcolor" varchar(65535), + "localeventtime" timestamp, + "age" smallint, + "sex" smallint, + "income" smallint, + "interests" smallint, + "robotness" smallint, + "remoteip" int, + "windowname" int, + "openername" int, + "historylength" smallint, + "browserlanguage" varchar(65535), + "browsercountry" varchar(65535), + "socialnetwork" varchar(65535), + "socialaction" varchar(65535), + "httperror" smallint, + "sendtiming" int, + "dnstiming" int, + "connecttiming" int, + "responsestarttiming" int, + "responseendtiming" int, + "fetchtiming" int, + "socialsourcenetworkid" smallint, + "socialsourcepage" varchar(65535), + "paramprice" bigint, + "paramorderid" varchar(65535), + "paramcurrency" varchar(65535), + "paramcurrencyid" smallint, + "openstatservicename" varchar(65535), + "openstatcampaignid" varchar(65535), + "openstatadid" varchar(65535), + "openstatsourceid" varchar(65535), + "utmsource" varchar(65535), + "utmmedium" varchar(65535), + "utmcampaign" varchar(65535), + "utmcontent" varchar(65535), + "utmterm" varchar(65535), + "fromtag" varchar(65535), + "hasgclid" smallint, + "refererhash" bigint, + "urlhash" bigint, + "clid" int +) +WITH ( + format = 'PARQUET', + external_location = 's3a://your-bucket/clickbench-parquet/hits/' +); diff --git a/presto/queries.sql b/presto/queries.sql new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43c1a7910 --- /dev/null +++ b/presto/queries.sql @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hits; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hits WHERE AdvEngineID <> 0; +SELECT SUM(AdvEngineID), COUNT(*), AVG(ResolutionWidth) FROM hits; +SELECT AVG(UserID) FROM hits; +SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) FROM hits; +SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SearchPhrase) FROM hits; +SELECT MIN(EventDate), MAX(EventDate) FROM hits; +SELECT AdvEngineID, COUNT(*) FROM hits WHERE AdvEngineID <> 0 GROUP BY AdvEngineID ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC; +SELECT RegionID, COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) AS u FROM hits GROUP BY RegionID ORDER BY u DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT RegionID, SUM(AdvEngineID), COUNT(*) AS c, AVG(ResolutionWidth), COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) FROM hits GROUP BY RegionID ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT MobilePhoneModel, COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) AS u FROM hits WHERE MobilePhoneModel <> '' GROUP BY MobilePhoneModel ORDER BY u DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT MobilePhone, MobilePhoneModel, COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) AS u FROM hits WHERE MobilePhoneModel <> '' GROUP BY MobilePhone, MobilePhoneModel ORDER BY u DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchPhrase, COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY SearchPhrase ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchPhrase, COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) AS u FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY SearchPhrase ORDER BY u DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchEngineID, SearchPhrase, COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY SearchEngineID, SearchPhrase ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT UserID, COUNT(*) FROM hits GROUP BY UserID ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT UserID, SearchPhrase, COUNT(*) FROM hits GROUP BY UserID, SearchPhrase ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT UserID, SearchPhrase, COUNT(*) FROM hits GROUP BY UserID, SearchPhrase LIMIT 10; +SELECT UserID, extract(minute FROM EventTime), SearchPhrase, COUNT(*) FROM hits GROUP BY UserID, extract(minute FROM EventTime), SearchPhrase ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT UserID FROM hits WHERE UserID = 435090932899640449; +SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hits WHERE URL LIKE '%google%'; +SELECT SearchPhrase, MIN(URL), COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits WHERE URL LIKE '%google%' AND SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY SearchPhrase ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchPhrase, MIN(URL), MIN(Title), COUNT(*) AS c, COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) FROM hits WHERE Title LIKE '%Google%' AND URL NOT LIKE '%.google.%' AND SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY SearchPhrase ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT * FROM hits WHERE URL LIKE '%google%' ORDER BY EventTime LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchPhrase FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' ORDER BY EventTime LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchPhrase FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' ORDER BY SearchPhrase LIMIT 10; +SELECT SearchPhrase FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' ORDER BY EventTime, SearchPhrase LIMIT 10; +SELECT CounterID, AVG(length(URL)) AS l, COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits WHERE URL <> '' GROUP BY CounterID HAVING COUNT(*) > 100000 ORDER BY l DESC LIMIT 25; +SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(Referer, '^https?://(?:www\.)?([^/]+)/.*$', '\\1') AS k, AVG(length(Referer)) AS l, COUNT(*) AS c, MIN(Referer) FROM hits WHERE Referer <> '' GROUP BY REGEXP_REPLACE(Referer, '^https?://(?:www\.)?([^/]+)/.*$', '\\1') HAVING COUNT(*) > 100000 ORDER BY l DESC LIMIT 25; +SELECT SUM(ResolutionWidth), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 1), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 2), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 3), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 4), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 5), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 6), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 7), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 8), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 9), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 10), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 11), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 12), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 13), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 14), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 15), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 16), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 17), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 18), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 19), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 20), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 21), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 22), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 23), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 24), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 25), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 26), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 27), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 28), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 29), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 30), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 31), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 32), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 33), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 34), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 35), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 36), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 37), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 38), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 39), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 40), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 41), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 42), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 43), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 44), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 45), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 46), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 47), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 48), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 49), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 50), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 51), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 52), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 53), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 54), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 55), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 56), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 57), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 58), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 59), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 60), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 61), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 62), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 63), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 64), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 65), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 66), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 67), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 68), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 69), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 70), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 71), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 72), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 73), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 74), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 75), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 76), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 77), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 78), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 79), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 80), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 81), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 82), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 83), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 84), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 85), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 86), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 87), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 88), SUM(ResolutionWidth + 89) FROM hits; +SELECT SearchEngineID, ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(IsRefresh), AVG(ResolutionWidth) FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY SearchEngineID, ClientIP ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT WatchID, ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(IsRefresh), AVG(ResolutionWidth) FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> '' GROUP BY WatchID, ClientIP ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT WatchID, ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(IsRefresh), AVG(ResolutionWidth) FROM hits GROUP BY WatchID, ClientIP ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT URL, COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits GROUP BY URL ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT 1, URL, COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits GROUP BY 1, URL ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT ClientIP, ClientIP - 1, ClientIP - 2, ClientIP - 3, COUNT(*) AS c FROM hits GROUP BY ClientIP, ClientIP - 1, ClientIP - 2, ClientIP - 3 ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT URL, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-01') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-31') AND DontCountHits = 0 AND IsRefresh = 0 AND URL <> '' GROUP BY URL ORDER BY PageViews DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT Title, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-01') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-31') AND DontCountHits = 0 AND IsRefresh = 0 AND Title <> '' GROUP BY Title ORDER BY PageViews DESC LIMIT 10; +SELECT URL, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-01') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-31') AND IsRefresh = 0 AND IsLink <> 0 AND IsDownload = 0 GROUP BY URL ORDER BY PageViews DESC OFFSET 1000 LIMIT 10; +SELECT TraficSourceID, SearchEngineID, AdvEngineID, CASE WHEN (SearchEngineID = 0 AND AdvEngineID = 0) THEN Referer ELSE '' END AS Src, URL AS Dst, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-01') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-31') AND IsRefresh = 0 GROUP BY TraficSourceID, SearchEngineID, AdvEngineID, CASE WHEN (SearchEngineID = 0 AND AdvEngineID = 0) THEN Referer ELSE '' END, URL ORDER BY PageViews DESC OFFSET 1000 LIMIT 10; +SELECT URLHash, EventDate, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-01') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-31') AND IsRefresh = 0 AND TraficSourceID IN (-1, 6) AND RefererHash = 3594120000172545465 GROUP BY URLHash, EventDate ORDER BY PageViews DESC OFFSET 100 LIMIT 10; +SELECT WindowClientWidth, WindowClientHeight, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-01') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-31') AND IsRefresh = 0 AND DontCountHits = 0 AND URLHash = 2868770270353813622 GROUP BY WindowClientWidth, WindowClientHeight ORDER BY PageViews DESC OFFSET 10000 LIMIT 10; +SELECT DATE_FORMAT(EventTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') AS M, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= DATE('2013-07-14') AND EventDate <= DATE('2013-07-15') AND IsRefresh = 0 AND DontCountHits = 0 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(EventTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(EventTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') OFFSET 1000 LIMIT 10; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/presto/results/r5.4xlarge.json b/presto/results/r5.4xlarge.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b35ccd7c --- /dev/null +++ b/presto/results/r5.4xlarge.json @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{ + "system": "Presto", + "date": "2024-05-29", + "machine": "r5.4xlarge", + "cluster_size": 8, + "tags": ["Java", "column-oriented", "analytical", "aws"], + "load_time": 0, + "data_size": 14779976446, + "result": [ + [0.402341,0.14951,0.107155], + [0.865487,0.485257,0.449763], + [1.08203,0.582326,0.578284], + [0.903962,0.639918,0.323288], + [1.038797,0.583585,0.545404], + [1.743717,1.229381,0.83916], + [0.435739,0.369782,0.218763], + [0.465126,0.721039,0.462598], + [1.656187,1.494111,1.15386], + [2.26484,2.182731,2.15843], + [1.613815,0.862942,0.742684], + [0.86709,0.883782,0.927072], + [1.16082,0.895078,0.941215], + [1.598979,1.759072,1.707651], + [0.995013,1.041356,1.022605], + [1.006878,0.546081,0.547675], + [1.697766,1.561924,1.643762], + [1.584176,1.468025,1.542148], + [2.549345,1.837268,1.792735], + [1.145295,0.724914,0.772503], + [4.041169,2.178436,1.944694], + [1.914926,1.840498,1.810634], + [3.332607,2.360467,2.354433], + [16.975438,14.76662,14.693455], + [0.86101,0.872084,0.925221], + [0.724581,1.692928,2.356877], + [0.944508,0.901719,0.911748], + [2.019593,2.060255,1.918732], + [6.497533,5.79828,5.426521], + [4.74789,4.869418,5.262414], + [1.453415,1.323398,1.381095], + [2.206553,1.681973,1.482222], + [3.807869,3.670072,3.547302], + [3.077398,2.848014,2.775159], + [2.998571,2.806663,3.031418], + [1.175695,1.365279,1.179885], + [1.436026,1.408173,1.412845], + [0.988737,1.093128,0.917244], + [1.279827,1.210123,1.225414], + [2.491988,2.587187,2.417893], + [1.147617,0.949788,0.825057], + [0.941498,0.845771,0.796313], + [0.935166,0.912135,0.964027] + ] +} diff --git a/presto/results/r5.8xlarge.json b/presto/results/r5.8xlarge.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9db2df7f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/presto/results/r5.8xlarge.json @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{ + "system": "Presto", + "date": "2024-05-28", + "machine": "r5.8xlarge", + "cluster_size": 16, + "tags": ["Java", "column-oriented", "analytical", "aws"], + "load_time": 0, + "data_size": 14779976446, + "result": [ + [0.272035,0.099357,0.095395], + [1.030367,0.42591,0.317257], + [0.984987,0.566008,0.600528], + [1.101233,0.493982,0.310671], + [0.836894,0.551534,0.374873], + [1.122529,0.687931,0.677321], + [0.517202,0.221515,0.203558], + [0.337413,0.410747,0.432223], + [1.014921,0.906677,0.973607], + [1.676214,1.227126,1.282348], + [0.691311,0.586472,0.607044], + [0.758122,0.744563,0.756044], + [0.82537,0.782558,0.725295], + [1.132906,1.090836,1.231984], + [0.774198,0.757493,0.926341], + [0.750924,0.919412,0.425668], + [1.042794,1.081188,1.121617], + [0.977894,1.103013,1.936754], + [2.003017,1.40578,1.46733], + [0.966183,0.618001,0.622388], + [4.699365,1.885068,1.878264], + [1.699708,1.7211,1.782673], + [3.645092,2.153739,2.197017], + [18.776412,14.377456,13.632139], + [0.901729,0.722576,0.776895], + [0.673601,0.528899,0.592662], + [0.706932,1.111863,0.887926], + [1.864925,1.843051,2.01332], + [5.212292,4.749804,4.849626], + [4.017339,3.97698,3.797817], + [1.574938,1.249199,1.113597], + [2.108874,1.30992,1.301631], + [2.507421,2.557384,2.607363], + [2.783502,2.155876,2.391084], + [2.150036,2.168119,2.484738], + [0.91182,0.944813,0.840529], + [1.84562,1.463736,1.434443], + [0.940396,1.105479,0.981559], + [1.292506,1.326009,1.438981], + [2.678968,2.712577,2.823577], + [1.243846,0.958157,0.872599], + [0.834459,0.95686,0.886505], + [1.043745,0.970481,1.01311] + ] +} diff --git a/presto/run.sh b/presto/run.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..897808dc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/presto/run.sh @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +TRIES=3 + +queryNum=1 +cat queries.sql | while read query; do + for i in $(seq 1 $TRIES); do + echo "Running query $queryNum: $query" + /opt/presto-cli --server --user clickbench_runner --catalog "hive" --schema "clickbench_parquet" --session offset_clause_enabled=true --execute "${query}" + execution_time=$(/opt/presto-cli --server --user clickbench_manager --execute "SELECT date_diff('millisecond',started,\"end\") FROM system.runtime.queries WHERE user='clickbench_runner' ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1" | tr -d '"') && echo "Execution time: ${execution_time}ms" + done + ((queryNum++)) +done