From 0420e45a6fb8380a27fbd11ec907ab9a137a5282 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Wall <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 14:34:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Removed most of the _docker module and related tests.

 flocker/node/                |  906 +---------------
 flocker/node/functional/ | 1328 ------------------------
 flocker/node/test/       |  500 ---------
 flocker/node/              |  164 +--
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2894 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 flocker/node/functional/
 delete mode 100644 flocker/node/test/

diff --git a/flocker/node/ b/flocker/node/
index 98bb14bea3..e05b7eefbd 100644
--- a/flocker/node/
+++ b/flocker/node/
@@ -7,379 +7,22 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-from datetime import timedelta
 from errno import ECONNREFUSED
 from socket import error as socket_error
 from functools import partial
-from itertools import repeat
-from time import sleep
-from zope.interface import Interface, implementer
 from docker import Client
-from docker.errors import APIError, NotFound
-from eliot import Message, MessageType, Field, start_action
-from repoze.lru import LRUCache
+from docker.errors import APIError
-from pyrsistent import field, PClass, pset
-from requests import Response
 from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
 from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError
-from characteristic import with_cmp
-from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.internet.defer import succeed, fail
-from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
-from twisted.web.http import NOT_FOUND, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+from twisted.web.http import INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
 from ..common import (
-    poll_until,
     retry_if, decorate_methods, with_retry, get_default_retry_steps,
-from ..control._model import (
-    RestartNever, RestartAlways, RestartOnFailure, pset_field, pvector_field)
-LOG_CACHED_IMAGE = MessageType(
-    u"flocker:node:docker:image_from_cache",
-    [Field.for_types(u"image", [unicode], "The image ID.")],
-    "An image was retrieved from the cache."
-class AlreadyExists(Exception):
-    """A unit with the given name already exists."""
-@with_cmp(["address", "apierror"])
-class AddressInUse(Exception):
-    """
-    The listen address for an exposed port was in use and could not be bound.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, address, apierror):
-        """
-        :param tuple address: The conventional Python representation of the
-            address which could not be bound (eg, an (ipv4 address, port
-            number) pair for IPv4 addresses).
-        :param APIError apierror: The original Docker API error indicating this
-            problem.  Or ``None`` if the error was not derived from the result
-            of a Docker API call.
-        """
-        Exception.__init__(self, address, apierror)
-        self.address = address
-        self.apierror = apierror
-class Environment(PClass):
-    """
-    A collection of environment variables.
-    :ivar frozenset variables: A ``frozenset`` of tuples containing
-        key and value pairs representing the environment variables.
-    """
-    variables = field(mandatory=True)
-    def to_dict(self):
-        """
-        Convert to a dictionary suitable for serialising to JSON and then on to
-        the Docker API.
-        :return: ``dict`` mapping keys to values.
-        """
-        return dict(self.variables)
-class Volume(PClass):
-    """
-    A Docker volume.
-    :ivar FilePath node_path: The volume's path on the node's
-    filesystem.
-    :ivar FilePath container_path: The volume's path within the
-    container.
-    """
-    node_path = field(mandatory=True, type=FilePath)
-    container_path = field(mandatory=True, type=FilePath)
-class PortMap(PClass):
-    """
-    A record representing the mapping between a port exposed internally by a
-    docker container and the corresponding external port on the host.
-    :ivar int internal_port: The port number exposed by the container.
-    :ivar int external_port: The port number exposed by the host.
-    """
-    internal_port = field(mandatory=True, type=int)
-    external_port = field(mandatory=True, type=int)
-class ImageDataCache(PClass):
-    """
-    A record representing cached image data. The cache only stores
-    the data we care about from an inspected image.
-    :ivar list command: The image command.
-    :ivar list environment: A list of unicode strings representing
-        the image's environment variables.
-    """
-    command = field(mandatory=True, type=(list, type(None)))
-    environment = field(mandatory=True, type=(list, type(None)))
-class Unit(PClass):
-    """
-    Information about a unit managed by Docker.
-    XXX "Unit" is geard terminology, and should be renamed. See
-    :ivar unicode name: The name of the unit, which may not be the same as
-        the container name.
-    :ivar unicode container_name: The name of the container where the
-        application is running.
-    :ivar unicode activation_state: The state of the
-        container. ``u"active"`` indicates it is running, ``u"inactive"``
-        indicates it is not running. See
- about using
-        constants instead of strings and other improvements.
-    :ivar unicode container_image: The docker image name associated with this
-        container.
-    :ivar PSet ports: The ``PortMap`` instances which define how
-        connections to ports on the host are routed to ports exposed in
-        the container.
-    :ivar Environment environment: An ``Environment`` whose variables
-        will be supplied to the Docker container or ``None`` if there are no
-        environment variables for this container.
-    :ivar PSet volumes: ``Volume`` instances, the container's volumes.
-    :ivar int mem_limit: The number of bytes to which to limit the in-core
-        memory allocations of this unit.  Or ``None`` to apply no limits.  The
-        behavior when the limit is encountered depends on the container
-        execution driver but the likely behavior is for the container process
-        to be killed (and therefore the container to exit).  Docker most likely
-        maps this value onto the cgroups ``memory.limit_in_bytes`` value.
-    :ivar int cpu_shares: The number of CPU shares to allocate to this unit.
-        Or ``None`` to let it have the default number of shares.  Docker maps
-        this value onto the cgroups ``cpu.shares`` value (the default of which
-        is probably 1024).
-    :ivar IRestartPolicy restart_policy: The restart policy of the container.
-    :ivar command_line: Custom command to run using the image, a ``PVector``
-        of ``unicode``. ``None`` means use default.
-    :ivar swappiness: Tunable swappiness of the container.
-        Default of 0 disables swap.
-    """
-    name = field(mandatory=True)
-    container_name = field(mandatory=True)
-    activation_state = field(mandatory=True)
-    container_image = field(mandatory=True, initial=None)
-    ports = pset_field(PortMap)
-    environment = field(mandatory=True, initial=None)
-    volumes = pset_field(Volume)
-    mem_limit = field(mandatory=True, initial=None)
-    cpu_shares = field(mandatory=True, initial=None)
-    restart_policy = field(mandatory=True, initial=RestartNever())
-    command_line = pvector_field(unicode, optional=True, initial=None)
-    swappiness = field(mandatory=False, initial=0, type=int)
-class IDockerClient(Interface):
-    """
-    A client for the Docker HTTP API.
-    Note the difference in semantics between the results of ``add()``
-    (firing does not indicate application started successfully)
-    vs. ``remove()`` (firing indicates application has finished shutting
-    down).
-    """
-    def add(unit_name, image_name, ports=None, environment=None, volumes=(),
-            mem_limit=None, cpu_shares=None, restart_policy=RestartNever(),
-            command_line=None, swappiness=0):
-        """
-        Install and start a new unit.
-        Note that callers should not assume success indicates the unit has
-        finished starting up.  In addition to asynchronous nature of Docker,
-        even if container is up and running the application within it might
-        still be starting up, e.g. it may not have bound the external ports
-        yet.  As a result the final success of application startup is out of
-        scope for this method.
-        :param unicode unit_name: The name of the unit to create.
-        :param unicode image_name: The Docker image to use for the unit.
-        :param list ports: A list of ``PortMap``\ s mapping ports exposed in
-            the container to ports exposed on the host.  Default ``None`` means
-            that no port mappings will be configured for this unit.  If a
-            ``PortMap`` instance's ``external_port`` is set to ``0`` a free
-            port will automatically be assigned.  The assigned port will be
-            reported for the container in the result of ``IDockerClient.list``.
-        :param Environment environment: Environment variables for the
-            container.  Default ``None`` means that no environment variables
-            will be supplied to the unit.
-        :param volumes: A sequence of ``Volume`` instances to mount.
-        :param int mem_limit: The number of bytes to which to limit the in-core
-            memory allocations of the new unit.  Or ``None`` to apply no
-            limits.
-        :param int cpu_shares: The number of CPU shares to allocate to the new
-            unit.  Or ``None`` to let it have the default number of shares.
-            Docker maps this value onto the cgroups ``cpu.shares`` value (the
-            default of which is probably 1024).
-        :param IRestartPolicy restart_policy: The restart policy of the
-            container.
-        :param command_line: Custom command to run using the image, a sequence
-            of ``unicode``, or ``None`` to use default image command line.
-        :param swappiness: Tune container's memory swappiness.
-            Default of 0 disables swap.
-        :return: ``Deferred`` that fires on success, or errbacks with
-            :class:`AlreadyExists` if a unit by that name already exists.
-        """
-    def exists(unit_name):
-        """
-        Check whether the unit exists.
-        :param unicode unit_name: The name of the unit whose existence
-            we're checking.
-        :return: ``Deferred`` that fires with ``True`` if unit exists,
-            otherwise ``False``.
-        """
-    def remove(unit_name):
-        """
-        Stop and delete the given unit.
-        This can be done multiple times in a row for the same unit.
-        :param unicode unit_name: The name of the unit to stop.
-        :return: ``Deferred`` that fires once the unit has been stopped
-            and removed.
-        """
-    def list():
-        """
-        List all known units.
-        :return: ``Deferred`` firing with ``set`` of :class:`Unit`.
-        """
-def make_response(code, message):
-    """
-    Create a ``requests.Response`` with the given response code and message.
-    :param int code: The HTTP response code to include in the fake response.
-    :param unicode message: The HTTP response message to include in the fake
-        response.  The message will be encoded using ASCII.
-    """
-    response = Response()
-    response.status_code = code
-    response.reason = message
-    return response
-class FakeDockerClient(object):
-    """
-    In-memory fake that simulates talking to a docker daemon.
-    The state the the simulated units is stored in memory.
-    :ivar dict _units: See ``units`` of ``__init__``\ .
-    :ivar pset _used_ports: A set of integers giving the port numbers which
-        will be considered in use.  Attempts to add containers which use these
-        ports will fail.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, units=None):
-        """
-        :param dict units: A dictionary of canned ``Unit``\ s which will be
-        manipulated and returned by the methods of this
-        ``FakeDockerClient``.
-        :type units: ``dict`` mapping `unit_name` to ``Unit``\ .
-        """
-        if units is None:
-            units = {}
-        self._units = units
-        self._used_ports = pset()
-    def add(self, unit_name, image_name, ports=frozenset(), environment=None,
-            volumes=frozenset(), mem_limit=None, cpu_shares=None,
-            restart_policy=RestartNever(), command_line=None, swappiness=0):
-        if unit_name in self._units:
-            return fail(AlreadyExists(unit_name))
-        for port in ports:
-            if port.external_port in self._used_ports:
-                raise AddressInUse(
-                    address=(b"", port.external_port),
-                    apierror=APIError(
-                        'fake api response from server',
-                        response=make_response(500, 'fake response')),
-                )
-        all_ports = set(range(2 ** 15, 2 ** 16))
-        assigned_ports = []
-        for port in ports:
-            if port.external_port == 0:
-                available_ports = pset(all_ports) - self._used_ports
-                assigned = next(iter(available_ports))
-                port = port.set(external_port=assigned)
-            assigned_ports.append(port)
-            self._used_ports = self._used_ports.add(port.external_port)
-        self._units[unit_name] = Unit(
-            name=unit_name,
-            container_name=unit_name,
-            container_image=image_name,
-            ports=frozenset(assigned_ports),
-            environment=environment,
-            volumes=frozenset(volumes),
-            activation_state=u'active',
-            mem_limit=mem_limit,
-            cpu_shares=cpu_shares,
-            restart_policy=restart_policy,
-            command_line=command_line,
-            swappiness=swappiness
-        )
-        return succeed(None)
-    def exists(self, unit_name):
-        return succeed(unit_name in self._units)
-    def remove(self, unit_name):
-        if unit_name in self._units:
-            del self._units[unit_name]
-        return succeed(None)
-    def list(self):
-        units = set(self._units.values())
-        return succeed(units)
-# Basic namespace for Flocker containers:
-BASE_NAMESPACE = u"flocker--"
 class TimeoutClient(Client):
@@ -472,548 +115,3 @@ def dockerpy_client(**kwargs):
-class DockerClient(object):
-    """
-    Talk to the real Docker server directly.
-    Some operations can take a while (e.g. stopping a container), so we
-    use a thread pool. See
-    for using a custom thread pool.
-    :ivar unicode namespace: A namespace prefix to add to container names
-        so we don't clobber other applications interacting with Docker.
-    :ivar str base_url: URL for connection to the Docker server.
-    :ivar int long_timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for
-        long-running operations, particularly pulling an image.
-    :ivar LRUCache _image_cache: Mapped cache of image IDs to their data.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-            self, namespace=BASE_NAMESPACE, base_url=None,
-            long_timeout=600):
-        self.namespace = namespace
-        self._client = dockerpy_client(
-            version="1.15", base_url=base_url,
-            long_timeout=timedelta(seconds=long_timeout),
-        )
-        self._image_cache = LRUCache(100)
-    def _to_container_name(self, unit_name):
-        """
-        Add the namespace to the container name.
-        :param unicode unit_name: The unit's name.
-        :return unicode: The container's name.
-        """
-        return self.namespace + unit_name
-    def _parse_container_ports(self, data):
-        """
-        Parse the ports from a data structure representing the Ports
-        configuration of a Docker container in the format returned by
-        ``self._client.inspect_container`` and return a list containing
-        ``PortMap`` instances mapped to the container and host exposed ports.
-        :param dict data: The data structure for the representation of
-            container and host port mappings in a single container.
-            This takes the form of the ``NetworkSettings.Ports`` portion
-            of a container's state and configuration as returned by inspecting
-            the container. This is a dictionary mapping container ports to a
-            list of host bindings, e.g.
-            "3306/tcp": [{"HostIp": "","HostPort": "53306"},
-                         {"HostIp": "","HostPort": "53307"}]
-        :return list: A list that is either empty or contains ``PortMap``
-            instances.
-        """
-        ports = []
-        for internal, hostmap in data.items():
-            internal_map = internal.split(u'/')
-            internal_port = internal_map[0]
-            internal_port = int(internal_port)
-            if hostmap:
-                for host in hostmap:
-                    external_port = host[u"HostPort"]
-                    external_port = int(external_port)
-                    portmap = PortMap(internal_port=internal_port,
-                                      external_port=external_port)
-                    ports.append(portmap)
-        return ports
-    def _parse_restart_policy(self, data):
-        """
-        Parse the restart policy from the configuration of a Docker container
-        in the format returned by ``self._client.inspect_container`` and return
-        an ``IRestartPolicy``.
-        :param dict data: The data structure representing the restart policy of
-            a container, e.g.
-            {"Name": "policy-name", "MaximumRetryCount": 0}
-        :return IRestartPolicy: The model of the restart policy.
-        :raises ValueError: if an unknown policy is passed.
-        """
-        POLICIES = {
-            u"": lambda data:
-                RestartNever(),
-            u"always": lambda data:
-                RestartAlways(),
-            u"on-failure": lambda data:
-                RestartOnFailure(
-                    maximum_retry_count=data[u"MaximumRetryCount"] or None)
-        }
-        try:
-            # docker will treat an unknown plolicy as "never".
-            # We error out here, in case new policies are added.
-            return POLICIES[data[u"Name"]](data)
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown restart policy: %r" % (data[u"Name"],))
-    def _serialize_restart_policy(self, restart_policy):
-        """
-        Serialize the restart policy from an ``IRestartPolicy`` to the format
-        expected by the docker API.
-        :param IRestartPolicy restart_policy: The model of the restart policy.
-        :returns: A dictionary suitable to pass to docker
-        :raises ValueError: if an unknown policy is passed.
-        """
-        SERIALIZERS = {
-            RestartNever: lambda policy:
-                {u"Name": u""},
-            RestartAlways: lambda policy:
-                {u"Name": u"always"},
-            RestartOnFailure: lambda policy:
-                {u"Name": u"on-failure",
-                 u"MaximumRetryCount": policy.maximum_retry_count or 0},
-        }
-        try:
-            return SERIALIZERS[restart_policy.__class__](restart_policy)
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown restart policy: %r" % (restart_policy,))
-    def _image_not_found(self, apierror):
-        """
-        Inspect a ``docker.errors.APIError`` to determine if it represents a
-        failure to start a container because the container's image wasn't
-        found.
-        :return: ``True`` if this is the case, ``False`` if the error has
-            another cause.
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        return apierror.response.status_code == NOT_FOUND
-    def _address_in_use(self, apierror):
-        """
-        Inspect a ``docker.errors.APIError`` to determine if it represents a
-        failure to start a container because the container is configured to use
-        ports that are already in use on the system.
-        :return: If this is the reason, an exception to raise describing the
-            problem.  Otherwise, ``None``.
-        """
-        # Recognize an error (without newline) like:
-        #
-        # Cannot start container <name>: Error starting userland proxy:
-        # listen tcp <ip>:<port>: bind: address already in use
-        #
-        # Or (without newline) like:
-        #
-        # Cannot start container <name>: Bind for <ip>:<port> failed:
-        # port is already allocated
-        #
-        # because Docker can't make up its mind about which format to use.
-        parts = apierror.explanation.split(b": ")
-        if parts[-1] == b"address already in use":
-            ip, port = parts[-3].split()[-1].split(b":")
-        elif parts[-1] == b"port is already allocated":
-            ip, port = parts[-2].split()[2].split(b":")
-        else:
-            return None
-        return AddressInUse(address=(ip, int(port)), apierror=apierror)
-    def _image_data(self, image):
-        """
-        Supply data about an image, by either inspecting it or returning
-        cached data if available.
-        :param unicode image: The ID of the image.
-        :return: ``dict`` representing data about the image properties.
-        """
-        cached_image = self._image_cache.get(image)
-        if cached_image is not None:
-            LOG_CACHED_IMAGE(image=image).write()
-            return cached_image
-        try:
-            image_data = self._client.inspect_image(image)
-                message_type="flocker:node:docker:image_inspected",
-                image=image
-            ).write()
-        except APIError as e:
-            if e.response.status_code == NOT_FOUND:
-                # Image has been deleted, so just fill in some
-                # stub data so we can return *something*. This
-                # should happen only for stopped containers so
-                # some inaccuracy is acceptable.
-                # We won't cache stub data though.
-                    message_type="flocker:node:docker:image_not_found",
-                    image=image
-                ).write()
-                image_data = {u"Config": {u"Env": [], u"Cmd": []}}
-            else:
-                raise
-        cached_data = ImageDataCache(
-            command=image_data[u"Config"][u"Cmd"],
-            environment=image_data[u"Config"][u"Env"]
-        )
-        self._image_cache.put(image, cached_data)
-            message_type="flocker:node:docker:image_data_cached",
-            image=image
-        ).write()
-        return cached_data
-    def add(self, unit_name, image_name, ports=None, environment=None,
-            volumes=(), mem_limit=None, cpu_shares=None,
-            restart_policy=RestartNever(), command_line=None,
-            swappiness=0):
-        container_name = self._to_container_name(unit_name)
-        if environment is not None:
-            environment = environment.to_dict()
-        if ports is None:
-            ports = []
-        restart_policy_dict = self._serialize_restart_policy(restart_policy)
-        def _create():
-            binds = list(
-                # The "Z" mode tells Docker to "relabel file objects" on the
-                # volume.  This makes things work when SELinux is enabled, at
-                # least in the default configuration on CentOS 7.  See
-                # <>, in the
-                # `--volumes-from` section (or just search for SELinux).
-                u"{}:{}:Z".format(
-                    volume.node_path.path, volume.container_path.path
-                )
-                for volume in volumes
-            )
-            port_bindings = {
-                p.internal_port: p.external_port
-                for p in ports
-            }
-            host_config = self._client.create_host_config(
-                binds=binds,
-                port_bindings=port_bindings,
-                restart_policy=restart_policy_dict,
-            )
-            # We're likely to get e.g. pvector, so make sure we're passing
-            # in something JSON serializable:
-            command_line_values = command_line
-            if command_line_values is not None:
-                command_line_values = list(command_line_values)
-            memswap_limit = -1
-            if swappiness != 0:
-                memswap_limit = mem_limit + mem_limit * swappiness
-            self._client.create_container(
-                name=container_name,
-                image=image_name,
-                command=command_line_values,
-                environment=environment,
-                ports=[p.internal_port for p in ports],
-                mem_limit=mem_limit,
-                cpu_shares=cpu_shares,
-                host_config=host_config,
-                memswap_limit=memswap_limit,
-            )
-        def _add():
-            try:
-                _create()
-            except APIError as e:
-                if self._image_not_found(e):
-                    # Pull it and try again
-                    self._client.pull(image_name)
-                    _create()
-                else:
-                    # Unrecognized, just raise it.
-                    raise
-            # Just because we got a response doesn't mean Docker has
-            # actually updated any internal state yet! So if e.g. we did a
-            # start on this container Docker might well complain it knows
-            # not the container of which we speak. To prevent this we poll
-            # until it does exist.
-            while True:
-                try:
-                    self._client.start(container_name)
-                except NotFound:
-                    sleep(0.01)
-                else:
-                    break
-        d = deferToThread(_add)
-        def _extract_error(failure):
-            failure.trap(APIError)
-            code = failure.value.response.status_code
-            if code == 409:
-                raise AlreadyExists(unit_name)
-            in_use = self._address_in_use(failure.value)
-            if in_use is not None:
-                # We likely can't start the container because its
-                # configuration conflicts with something else happening on
-                # the system.  Reflect this failure condition in a more
-                # easily recognized way.
-                raise in_use
-            return failure
-        d.addErrback(_extract_error)
-        return d
-    def _blocking_exists(self, container_name):
-        """
-        Blocking API to check if container exists.
-        :param unicode container_name: The name of the container whose
-            existence we're checking.
-        :return: ``True`` if unit exists, otherwise ``False``.
-        """
-        try:
-            self._client.inspect_container(container_name)
-            return True
-        except APIError:
-            return False
-    def exists(self, unit_name):
-        container_name = self._to_container_name(unit_name)
-        return deferToThread(self._blocking_exists, container_name)
-    def _stop_container(self, container_name):
-        """Attempt to stop the given container.
-        There is a race condition between a process dying and
-        Docker noticing that fact:
-        If we get an error indicating that this race condition happened,
-        return False. This means the caller should try again. If we *do*
-        successfully stop the container, return True.
-        :raise APIError: If the container failed to stop for some unknown
-            reason.
-        :return: True if we stopped the container, False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            with start_action(
-                action_type='flocker:docker:container_stop',
-                container=container_name
-            ):
-                self._client.stop(container_name)
-        except APIError as e:
-            if e.response.status_code == NOT_FOUND:
-                # If the container doesn't exist, we swallow the error,
-                # since this method is supposed to be idempotent.
-                return True
-            elif e.response.status_code == INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
-                # Docker returns this if the process had died, but
-                # hasn't noticed it yet.
-                return False
-            else:
-                raise
-        return True
-    def _remove_container(self, container_name):
-        """
-        Attempt to remove a container.
-        Assumes the given container has already been stopped.
-        :param unicode container_name: The fully-namespaced name of the
-            container.
-        :return: True if we removed the container, False otherwise.
-        """
-        try:
-            # The ``docker.Client.stop`` method sometimes returns a
-            # 404 error, even though the container exists.
-            # See
-            # Wait until the container has actually stopped running
-            # before attempting to remove it.  Otherwise we are
-            # likely to see: 'docker.errors.APIError: 409 Client
-            # Error: Conflict ("Conflict, You cannot remove a
-            # running container. Stop the container before
-            # attempting removal or use -f")'
-            # This code should probably be removed once the above
-            # issue has been resolved. See [FLOC-1850]
-            self._client.wait(container_name)
-            with start_action(
-                action_type='flocker:docker:container_remove',
-                container=container_name
-            ):
-                self._client.remove_container(container_name)
-        except APIError as e:
-            if e.response.status_code == NOT_FOUND:
-                # If the container doesn't exist, we swallow the error,
-                # since this method is supposed to be idempotent.
-                return True
-            elif e.response.status_code == INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
-                # Failure to remove container - see FLOC-3262 for an example.
-                return False
-            else:
-                raise
-        return True
-    def remove(self, unit_name):
-        container_name = self._to_container_name(unit_name)
-        def _remove():
-            # Previously, this looped forever and didn't pause between loops.
-            # We've arbitrarily chosen a wait interval of 0.001 seconds and
-            # 1000 retries (i.e. a second of polling). These values may need
-            # tuning.
-            poll_until(
-                partial(self._stop_container, container_name),
-                repeat(0.001, 1000))
-            # Previously, the container remove was only tried once. Again,
-            # these parameters may need tuning.
-            poll_until(
-                partial(self._remove_container, container_name),
-                repeat(0.001, 1000))
-        d = deferToThread(_remove)
-        return d
-    def list(self):
-        def _list():
-            result = set()
-            ids = [d[u"Id"] for d in
-                   self._client.containers(quiet=True, all=True)]
-            for i in ids:
-                try:
-                    data = self._client.inspect_container(i)
-                except APIError as e:
-                    # The container ID returned by the list API call above, may
-                    # have been removed in another thread.
-                    if e.response.status_code == NOT_FOUND:
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        raise
-                state = (u"active" if data[u"State"][u"Running"]
-                         else u"inactive")
-                name = data[u"Name"]
-                # Since tags (e.g. "busybox") aren't stable, ensure we're
-                # looking at the actual image by using the hash:
-                image = data[u"Image"]
-                image_tag = data[u"Config"][u"Image"]
-                command = data[u"Config"][u"Cmd"]
-                with start_action(
-                    action_type=u"flocker:node:docker:inspect_image",
-                    container=i,
-                    running=data[u"State"][u"Running"]
-                ):
-                    image_data = self._image_data(image)
-                if image_data.command == command:
-                    command = None
-                port_bindings = data[u"NetworkSettings"][u"Ports"]
-                if port_bindings is not None:
-                    ports = self._parse_container_ports(port_bindings)
-                else:
-                    ports = list()
-                volumes = []
-                binds = data[u"HostConfig"]['Binds']
-                if binds is not None:
-                    for bind_config in binds:
-                        parts = bind_config.split(':', 2)
-                        node_path, container_path = parts[:2]
-                        volumes.append(
-                            Volume(container_path=FilePath(container_path),
-                                   node_path=FilePath(node_path))
-                        )
-                if name.startswith(u"/" + self.namespace):
-                    name = name[1 + len(self.namespace):]
-                else:
-                    continue
-                # Retrieve environment variables for this container,
-                # disregarding any environment variables that are part
-                # of the image, rather than supplied in the configuration.
-                unit_environment = []
-                container_environment = data[u"Config"][u"Env"]
-                if image_data.environment is None:
-                    image_environment = []
-                else:
-                    image_environment = image_data.environment
-                if container_environment is not None:
-                    for environment in container_environment:
-                        if environment not in image_environment:
-                            env_key, env_value = environment.split('=', 1)
-                            unit_environment.append((env_key, env_value))
-                unit_environment = (
-                    Environment(variables=frozenset(unit_environment))
-                    if unit_environment else None
-                )
-                # Our Unit model counts None as the value for cpu_shares and
-                # mem_limit in containers without specified limits, however
-                # Docker returns the values in these cases as zero, so we
-                # manually convert.
-                cpu_shares = data[u"Config"][u"CpuShares"]
-                cpu_shares = None if cpu_shares == 0 else cpu_shares
-                mem_limit = data[u"Config"][u"Memory"]
-                mem_limit = None if mem_limit == 0 else mem_limit
-                restart_policy = self._parse_restart_policy(
-                    data[U"HostConfig"][u"RestartPolicy"])
-                result.add(Unit(
-                    name=name,
-                    container_name=self._to_container_name(name),
-                    activation_state=state,
-                    container_image=image_tag,
-                    ports=frozenset(ports),
-                    volumes=frozenset(volumes),
-                    environment=unit_environment,
-                    mem_limit=mem_limit,
-                    cpu_shares=cpu_shares,
-                    restart_policy=restart_policy,
-                    command_line=command)
-                )
-            return result
-        return deferToThread(_list)
-class NamespacedDockerClient(proxyForInterface(IDockerClient, "_client")):
-    """
-    A Docker client that only shows and creates containers in a given
-    namespace.
-    Unlike ``DockerClient``, whose namespace is there to prevent conflicts
-    with other Docker users, this class deals with Flocker's internal
-    concept of namespaces. I.e. if hypothetically Docker container names
-    supported path-based namespaces then ``DockerClient`` would look at
-    containers in ``/flocker/`` and this class would look at containers in
-    in ``/flocker/<namespace>/``.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, namespace, base_url=None):
-        """
-        :param unicode namespace: Namespace to restrict containers to.
-        """
-        self._client = DockerClient(
-            namespace=BASE_NAMESPACE + namespace + u"--")
diff --git a/flocker/node/functional/ b/flocker/node/functional/
deleted file mode 100644
index 96398a90ed..0000000000
--- a/flocker/node/functional/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1328 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright ClusterHQ Inc.  See LICENSE file for details.
-Functional tests for :module:`flocker.node._docker`.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from datetime import timedelta
-from functools import partial
-import time
-import socket
-from eliot.testing import capture_logging, assertHasMessage
-from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout
-from docker.errors import APIError
-from twisted.python.monkey import MonkeyPatcher
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.defer import succeed, gatherResults
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionRefusedError
-from twisted.web.client import ResponseNeverReceived
-from treq import request, content
-from pyrsistent import PClass, pvector, field
-from ...common import loop_until
-from ...testtools import (
-    find_free_port, flaky, DockerImageBuilder, assertContainsAll,
-    random_name,
-    async_runner, TestCase, AsyncTestCase,
-from ..test.test_docker import ANY_IMAGE, make_idockerclient_tests
-from .._docker import (
-    DockerClient, PortMap, Environment, NamespacedDockerClient,
-    BASE_NAMESPACE, Volume, AddressInUse, make_response,
-    LOG_CACHED_IMAGE, dockerpy_client,
-from ...control import (
-    RestartNever, RestartAlways, RestartOnFailure, DockerImage
-from ..testtools import (
-    if_docker_configured, wait_for_unit_state, require_docker_version,
-    add_with_port_collision_retry,
-def namespace_for_test(test_case):
-    return u"ns-" + random_name(test_case)
-class IDockerClientTests(make_idockerclient_tests(
-        lambda test_case: DockerClient(
-            namespace=namespace_for_test(test_case)
-        ),
-    """
-    ``IDockerClient`` tests for ``DockerClient``.
-    """
-    @if_docker_configured
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(IDockerClientTests, self).setUp()
-class IDockerClientNamespacedTests(make_idockerclient_tests(
-        lambda test_case: NamespacedDockerClient(
-            namespace=namespace_for_test(test_case)
-        )
-    """
-    ``IDockerClient`` tests for ``NamespacedDockerClient``.
-    """
-    @if_docker_configured
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(IDockerClientNamespacedTests, self).setUp()
-    @flaky([u'FLOC-2628', u'FLOC-2874'])
-    def test_added_is_listed(self):
-        return super(IDockerClientNamespacedTests, self).test_added_is_listed()
-class Registry(PClass):
-    """
-    Describe a Docker image registry.
-    :ivar host: The IP address on which the registry is listening.
-    :ivar port: The port number on which the registry is listening.
-    :ivar name: The name of the container in which the registry is running.
-    """
-    host = field(mandatory=True, type=bytes, initial=b"")
-    port = field(mandatory=True, type=int)
-    name = field(mandatory=True, type=unicode)
-    @property
-    def repository(self):
-        """
-        The string to use as an image name prefix to direct Docker to find that
-        image in this registry instead of the default.
-        """
-        return "{host}:{port}".format(, port=self.port)
-class GenericDockerClientTests(AsyncTestCase):
-    """
-    Functional tests for ``DockerClient`` and other clients that talk to
-    real Docker.
-    """
-    clientException = APIError
-    # FLOC-3935: These tests (and the ones in NamespacedDockerClientTests) are
-    # often timing out, sometimes in weird ways that cause interference with
-    # other tests. Until we can identify the cause, effectively disable
-    # timeouts on these tests and rely on the Jenkins timeout (or the limited
-    # patience of developers) to ensure they halt.
-    run_tests_with = async_runner(timeout=timedelta(hours=1))
-    @if_docker_configured
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(GenericDockerClientTests, self).setUp()
-        self.namespacing_prefix = namespace_for_test(self)
-    def make_client(self):
-        return DockerClient(namespace=self.namespacing_prefix)
-    def create_container(self, client, name, image):
-        """
-        Create (but don't start) a container via the supplied client.
-        :param DockerClient client: The Docker API client.
-        :param unicode name: The container name.
-        :param unicode image: The image name.
-        """
-        container_name = client._to_container_name(name)
-        client._client.create_container(
-            name=container_name, image=image)
-    def start_container(self, unit_name,
-                        image_name=u"openshift/busybox-http-app:latest",
-                        ports=None, expected_states=(u'active',),
-                        environment=None, volumes=(),
-                        mem_limit=None, cpu_shares=None,
-                        restart_policy=RestartNever(),
-                        command_line=None,
-                        retry_on_port_collision=False):
-        """
-        Start a unit and wait until it reaches the `active` state or the
-        supplied `expected_state`.
-        :param unicode unit_name: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param unicode image_name: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param list ports: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param expected_states: A sequence of activation states to wait for.
-        :param environment: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param volumes: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param mem_limit: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param cpu_shares: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param restart_policy: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :param command_line: See ``IDockerClient.add``.
-        :return: ``Deferred`` that fires with the ``DockerClient`` when
-            the unit reaches the expected state.
-        """
-        client = self.make_client()
-        if retry_on_port_collision:
-            add = partial(add_with_port_collision_retry, client)
-        else:
-            add = client.add
-        d = add(
-            unit_name=unit_name,
-            image_name=image_name,
-            ports=ports,
-            environment=environment,
-            volumes=volumes,
-            mem_limit=mem_limit,
-            cpu_shares=cpu_shares,
-            restart_policy=restart_policy,
-            command_line=command_line,
-        )
-        self.addCleanup(client.remove, unit_name)
-        d.addCallback(lambda _: wait_for_unit_state(reactor, client, unit_name,
-                                                    expected_states))
-        d.addCallback(lambda _: client)
-        return d
-    def test_custom_base_url_tcp_http(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient`` instantiated with a custom base URL for a TCP
-        connection has a client HTTP url after the connection is made.
-        """
-        client = DockerClient(base_url=b"tcp://")
-        self.assertEqual(client._client.base_url, b"")
-    def test_add_starts_container(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` starts the container.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        return self.start_container(name)
-    def test_correct_image_used(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` creates a container with the specified image.
-        """
-        image_name = u"openshift/busybox-http-app:latest"
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(name, image_name=image_name)
-        def started(_):
-            docker = dockerpy_client()
-            data = docker.inspect_container(self.namespacing_prefix + name)
-            self.assertEqual(
-                image_name,
-                data[u"Config"][u"Image"],
-            )
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    @capture_logging(assertHasMessage, LOG_CACHED_IMAGE)
-    def test_list_image_data_cached(self, logger):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.list`` will only an inspect an image ID once, caching
-        the resulting data.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(name, image_name=ANY_IMAGE)
-        def started(client):
-            listing = client.list()
-            def listed(_):
-                class FakeAPIError(Exception):
-                    pass
-                def fake_inspect_image(image):
-                    raise FakeAPIError(
-                        "Tried to inspect image {} twice.".format(image))
-                # This is kind of nasty, but NamespacedDockerClient represents
-                # its client via a proxying attribute.
-                if isinstance(client, NamespacedDockerClient):
-                    docker_client = client._client._client
-                else:
-                    docker_client = client._client
-                self.patch(docker_client, "inspect_image", fake_inspect_image)
-                # If image is not retrieved from the cache, list() here will
-                # attempt to call inspect_image again, resulting in a call to
-                # the fake_inspect_image function that will raise an exception.
-                cached_listing = client.list()
-                cached_listing.addCallback(lambda _: None)
-                return cached_listing
-            listing.addCallback(listed)
-            return listing
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    @require_docker_version(
-        '1.6.0',
-        'This test uses the registry:2 image '
-        'which requires Docker-1.6.0 or newer. '
-        'See for details.'
-    )
-    def test_private_registry_image(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` can start containers based on an image from a
-        private registry.
-        A private registry is started in a container according to the
-        instructions at:
-         *
-        An image is pushed to that private registry and then a Flocker
-        application is started that uses that private repository image name.
-        Docker can pull from a private registry without any TLS configuration
-        as long as it's running on the local host.
-        """
-        registry_listening = self.run_registry()
-        def tag_and_push_image(registry):
-            client = dockerpy_client()
-            image_name = ANY_IMAGE
-            # The image will normally have been pre-pulled on build slaves, but
-            # may not already be available when running tests locally.
-            client.pull(image_name)
-            registry_image = self.push_to_registry(image_name, registry)
-            # And the image will (hopefully) have been downloaded again from
-            # the private registry in the next step, so cleanup that local
-            # image once the test finishes.
-            self.addCleanup(
-                client.remove_image,
-                image=registry_image.full_name
-            )
-            return registry_image
-        pushing_image = registry_listening.addCallback(tag_and_push_image)
-        def start_registry_image(registry_image):
-            return self.start_container(
-                unit_name=random_name(self),
-                image_name=registry_image.full_name,
-            )
-        starting_registry_image = pushing_image.addCallback(
-            start_registry_image
-        )
-        return starting_registry_image
-    def test_add_error(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` returns a ``Deferred`` that errbacks with
-        ``APIError`` if response code is not a success response code.
-        """
-        client = self.make_client()
-        # add() calls exists(), and we don't want exists() to be the one
-        # failing since that's not the code path we're testing, so bypass
-        # it:
-        client.exists = lambda _: succeed(False)
-        # Illegal container name should make Docker complain when we try to
-        # install the container:
-        d = client.add(u"!!!###!!!", u"busybox:latest")
-        return self.assertFailure(d, self.clientException)
-    def test_dead_is_listed(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.list()`` includes dead units.
-        We use a `busybox` image here, because it will exit immediately and
-        reach an `inactive` substate of `dead`.
-        There are no assertions in this test, because it will fail with a
-        timeout if the unit with that expected state is never listed or if that
-        unit never reaches that state.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(unit_name=name, image_name="busybox:latest",
-                                 expected_states=(u'inactive',))
-        return d
-    def test_list_with_missing_image(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.list()`` can list containers whose image is missing.
-        The resulting output may be inaccurate, but that's OK: this only
-        happens for non-running containers, who at worst we're going to
-        restart anyway.
-        """
-        path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        path.makedirs()
-        path.child(b"").setContent(
-            b"FROM busybox\nCMD /bin/true\n")
-        builder = DockerImageBuilder(test=self, source_dir=path, cleanup=False)
-        d =
-        def image_built(image_name):
-            name = random_name(self)
-            d = self.start_container(
-                unit_name=name, image_name=image_name,
-                expected_states=(u'inactive',))
-            return d.addCallback(lambda ignored: (name, image_name))
-        d.addCallback(image_built)
-        def stopped_container_exists((name, image_name)):
-            # Remove the image:
-            docker_client = dockerpy_client()
-            docker_client.remove_image(image_name, force=True)
-            # Should be able to still list the container:
-            client = self.make_client()
-            listed = client.list()
-            listed.addCallback(lambda results: self.assertIn(
-                (name, "inactive"),
-                [(, unit.activation_state) for unit in results]))
-            return listed
-        d.addCallback(stopped_container_exists)
-        return d
-    def test_dead_is_removed(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.remove()`` removes dead units without error.
-        We use a `busybox` image here, because it will exit immediately and
-        reach an `inactive` substate of `dead`.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(unit_name=name, image_name="busybox:latest",
-                                 expected_states=(u'inactive',))
-        def remove_container(client):
-            client.remove(name)
-        d.addCallback(remove_container)
-        return d
-    def request_until_response(self, port):
-        """
-        Resend a test HTTP request until a response is received.
-        The container may have started, but the webserver inside may take a
-        little while to start serving requests.
-        :param int port: The localhost port to which an HTTP request will be
-            sent.
-        :return: A ``Deferred`` which fires with the result of the first
-            successful HTTP request.
-        """
-        def send_request():
-            """
-            Send an HTTP request in a loop until the request is answered.
-            """
-            response = request(
-                b"GET", b"" % (port,),
-                persistent=False)
-            def check_error(failure):
-                """
-                Catch ConnectionRefused errors and response timeouts and return
-                False so that loop_until repeats the request.
-                Other error conditions will be passed down the errback chain.
-                """
-                failure.trap(ConnectionRefusedError, ResponseNeverReceived)
-                return False
-            response.addErrback(check_error)
-            return response
-        return loop_until(reactor, send_request)
-    def test_non_docker_port_collision(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` returns a ``Deferred`` that fails with
-        ``AddressInUse`` if the external port of one of the ``PortMap``
-        instances passed for ``ports`` is already in use on the system by
-        something other than a Docker container.
-        """
-        address_user = socket.socket()
-        self.addCleanup(address_user.close)
-        address_user.bind(('', 0))
-        used_address = address_user.getsockname()
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(
-            name, ports=[
-                PortMap(internal_port=10000, external_port=used_address[1]),
-            ],
-        )
-        return self.assertFailure(d, AddressInUse)
-    def test_add_with_port(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` accepts a ports argument which is passed to
-        Docker to expose those ports on the unit.
-        Assert that the busybox-http-app returns the expected "Hello world!"
-        response.
-        XXX: We should use a stable internal container instead. See
-        XXX: The busybox-http-app returns headers in the body of its response,
-        hence this over complicated custom assertion. See
-        """
-        expected_response = b'Hello world!\n'
-        external_port = find_free_port()[1]
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(
-            name, ports=[PortMap(internal_port=8080,
-                                 external_port=external_port)],
-            retry_on_port_collision=True,
-        )
-        d.addCallback(
-            lambda ignored: self.request_until_response(external_port))
-        def started(response):
-            d = content(response)
-            d.addCallback(lambda body: self.assertIn(expected_response, body))
-            return d
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    def test_add_with_environment(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` accepts an environment object whose ID and
-        variables are used when starting a docker image.
-        """
-        docker_dir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        docker_dir.makedirs()
-        docker_dir.child(b"Dockerfile").setContent(
-            b'FROM busybox\n'
-            b'CMD ["/bin/sh",  "-c", '
-            b'"while true; do env && echo WOOT && sleep 1; done"]'
-        )
-        expected_variables = frozenset({
-            'key1': 'value1',
-            'key2': 'value2',
-        }.items())
-        unit_name = random_name(self)
-        image = DockerImageBuilder(test=self, source_dir=docker_dir)
-        d =
-        def image_built(image_name):
-            return self.start_container(
-                unit_name=unit_name,
-                image_name=image_name,
-                environment=Environment(variables=expected_variables),
-            )
-        d.addCallback(image_built)
-        def started(_):
-            output = ""
-            client = dockerpy_client()
-            while True:
-                output += client.logs(self.namespacing_prefix + unit_name)
-                if "WOOT" in output:
-                    break
-            assertContainsAll(
-                output, test_case=self,
-                needles=['{}={}\n'.format(k, v)
-                         for k, v in expected_variables],
-            )
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    @flaky(u"FLOC-3875")
-    def test_pull_image_if_necessary(self):
-        """
-        The Docker image is pulled if it is unavailable locally.
-        """
-        client = dockerpy_client()
-        path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        path.makedirs()
-        path.child(b"").setContent(
-            b"FROM busybox\n"
-            b"CMD /bin/true\n"
-        )
-        builder = DockerImageBuilder(
-            test=self, source_dir=path,
-            # We're going to manipulate the various tags on the image ourselves
-            # in this test.  We'll do (the slightly more complicated) cleanup
-            # so the builder shouldn't (and will encounter errors if we let
-            # it).
-            cleanup=False,
-        )
-        building =
-        registry_listening = self.run_registry()
-        def create_container((image_name, registry)):
-            registry_image = self.push_to_registry(image_name, registry)
-            # And the image will (hopefully) have been downloaded again from
-            # the private registry in the next step, so cleanup that local
-            # image once the test finishes.
-            self.addCleanup(
-                client.remove_image,
-                image=registry_image.full_name
-            )
-            name = random_name(self)
-            docker_client = self.make_client()
-            self.addCleanup(docker_client.remove, name)
-            d = docker_client.add(name, registry_image.full_name)
-            d.addCallback(
-                lambda _: self.assertTrue(
-                    client.inspect_image(registry_image.full_name)
-                )
-            )
-            return d
-        d = gatherResults((building, registry_listening))
-        d.addCallback(create_container)
-        return d
-    def push_to_registry(self, image_name, registry):
-        """
-        Push an image identified by a local tag to the given registry.
-        :param unicode image_name: The local tag which identifies the image to
-            push.
-        :param Registry registry: The registry to which to push the image.
-        :return: A ``DockerImage`` describing the image in the registry.  Note
-            in particular the tag of the image in the registry will differ from
-            the local tag of the image.
-        """
-        registry_name = random_name(self).lower()
-        registry_image = DockerImage(
-            # XXX: See FLOC-246 for followup improvements to
-            # ``flocker.control.DockerImage`` to allow parsing of alternative
-            # registry hostnames and ports.
-            repository=registry.repository + '/' + registry_name,
-            tag='latest',
-        )
-        client = dockerpy_client()
-        # Tag an image with a repository name matching the given registry.
-        client.tag(
-            image=image_name, repository=registry_image.repository,
-            tag=registry_image.tag,
-        )
-        try:
-            client.push(
-                repository=registry_image.repository,
-                tag=registry_image.tag,
-            )
-        finally:
-            # Remove the tag created above to make it possible to do the push.
-            client.remove_image(image=registry_image.full_name)
-        return registry_image
-    def run_registry(self):
-        """
-        Start a registry in a container.
-        The registry will be stopped and destroyed when the currently running
-        test finishes.
-        :return: A ``Registry`` describing the registry which was started.
-        """
-        registry_name = random_name(self)
-        registry_starting = self.start_container(
-            unit_name=registry_name,
-            image_name='registry:2',
-            ports=[
-                PortMap(
-                    internal_port=5000,
-                    # Doesn't matter what port we expose this on.  We'll
-                    # discover what was assigned later.
-                    external_port=0,
-                ),
-            ],
-            retry_on_port_collision=True,
-        )
-        def extract_listening_port(client):
-            listing = client.list()
-            def listed(apps):
-                [app] = [app for app in apps if == registry_name]
-                return next(iter(app.ports)).external_port
-            listing.addCallback(listed)
-            return listing
-        registry_starting.addCallback(extract_listening_port)
-        def wait_for_listening(external_port):
-            registry = Registry(
-                name=registry_name, port=external_port,
-            )
-            registry_listening = self.request_until_response(registry.port)
-            registry_listening.addCallback(lambda ignored: registry)
-            return registry_listening
-        registry_starting.addCallback(wait_for_listening)
-        return registry_starting
-    def _pull_timeout(self):
-        """
-        Attempt to start an application using an image which must be pulled
-        from a registry but don't give the pull operation enough time to
-        complete.  Assert that the result is a timeout error of some kind.
-        :return: A ``Deferred`` firing with a two-tuple of a ``DockerImage``
-            and a ``Registry``.  The former represents the image we attempted
-            to use, the latter represents the registry we should have tried to
-            pull it from.
-        """
-        client = dockerpy_client()
-        # Run a local registry
-        running = self.run_registry()
-        # Build a stub image
-        def build_dummy_image(registry):
-            path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-            path.makedirs()
-            path.child(b"").setContent(
-                b"FROM busybox\n"
-                b"CMD /bin/true\n"
-            )
-            builder = DockerImageBuilder(
-                test=self, source_dir=path,
-                # We're going to manipulate the various tags on the image
-                # ourselves in this test.  We'll do (the slightly more
-                # complicated) cleanup so the builder shouldn't (and will
-                # encounter errors if we let it).
-                cleanup=False,
-            )
-            building =
-            building.addCallback(lambda image_name: (image_name, registry))
-            return building
-        running.addCallback(build_dummy_image)
-        def cleanup_image(image_name):
-            for image in client.images():
-                if image_name in image["RepoTags"]:
-                    client.remove_image(image_name, force=True)
-                    return
-        def cleanup_registry(registry):
-            try:
-                client.unpause(self.namespacing_prefix +
-            except APIError:
-                # Already unpaused
-                pass
-        def setup_image((image_name, registry)):
-            registry_image = self.push_to_registry(image_name, registry)
-            # The image shouldn't be downloaded during the run of this test.
-            # In case something goes wrong and it is downloaded, though, clean
-            # it up.
-            self.addCleanup(cleanup_image, image_name)
-            # Pause the registry
-            client.pause(self.namespacing_prefix +
-            # Cannot stop paused containers to make sure it gets unpaused.
-            self.addCleanup(cleanup_registry, registry)
-            # Create a DockerClient with a very short timeout
-            docker_client = DockerClient(
-                namespace=self.namespacing_prefix, long_timeout=1,
-            )
-            # Add an application using the DockerClient, using the tag from the
-            # local registry
-            app_name = random_name(self)
-            d = docker_client.add(app_name, registry_image.full_name)
-            # Assert that the timeout triggers.
-            #
-            # requests has a TimeoutError but timeout raises a ConnectionError.
-            #
-            #
-            # XXX DockerClient.add is our API.  We could make it fail with a
-            # more coherent exception type if we wanted.
-            self.assertFailure(d, ReadTimeout)
-            d.addCallback(lambda ignored: (registry_image, registry))
-            return d
-        running.addCallback(setup_image)
-        return running
-    def test_pull_timeout(self):
-        """
-        Pulling an image times-out if it takes longer than a provided timeout.
-        """
-        return self._pull_timeout()
-    def test_pull_timeout_pull(self):
-        """
-        Image pull timeout does not affect subsequent pulls.
-        """
-        # Note, this is the same image as test_pull_image_if_necessary, but
-        # they run at different times.  Probably room for some refactoring to
-        # remove the duplication between them.
-        # Run all of the code from test_pull_timeout
-        timing_out = self._pull_timeout()
-        def pull_successfully((registry_image, registry)):
-            client = dockerpy_client()
-            # Resume the registry
-            client.unpause(self.namespacing_prefix +
-            # Create a DockerClient with the default timeout
-            docker_client = DockerClient(namespace=self.namespacing_prefix)
-            # Add an application using the Client, using the tag from the local
-            # registry
-            app_name = random_name(self)
-            adding = docker_client.add(app_name, registry_image.full_name)
-            # Assert that the application runs
-            return adding
-        timing_out.addCallback(pull_successfully)
-        return timing_out
-    def test_namespacing(self):
-        """
-        Containers are created with a namespace prefixed to their container
-        name.
-        """
-        docker = dockerpy_client()
-        name = random_name(self)
-        client = self.make_client()
-        self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-        d = client.add(name, u"busybox:latest")
-        def added(_):
-            self.assertTrue(
-                docker.inspect_container(self.namespacing_prefix + name))
-        d.addCallback(added)
-        return d
-    def test_null_environment(self):
-        """
-        A container that does not include any environment variables contains
-        an empty ``environment`` in the return ``Unit``.
-        """
-        docker_dir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        docker_dir.makedirs()
-        docker_dir.child(b"Dockerfile").setContent(
-            b'FROM scratch\n'
-            b'MAINTAINER\n'
-            b'CMD ["/bin/doesnotexist"]'
-        )
-        name = random_name(self)
-        image = DockerImageBuilder(test=self, source_dir=docker_dir)
-        d =
-        def image_built(image_name):
-            client = self.make_client()
-            self.create_container(client, name, image_name)
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            return client.list()
-        d.addCallback(image_built)
-        def got_list(units):
-            unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-            self.assertIsNone(unit.environment)
-        d.addCallback(got_list)
-        return d
-    def test_container_name(self):
-        """
-        The container name stored on returned ``Unit`` instances matches the
-        expected container name.
-        """
-        client = self.make_client()
-        name = random_name(self)
-        self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-        d = client.add(name, u"busybox:latest")
-        d.addCallback(lambda _: client.list())
-        def got_list(units):
-            unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-            self.assertEqual(unit.container_name,
-                             self.namespacing_prefix + name)
-        d.addCallback(got_list)
-        return d
-    def test_empty_environment(self):
-        """
-        When a container with no custom environment variables is launched via
-        ``DockerClient.add`` the environment in the resulting ``Unit`` returned
-        from ``DockerClient.list`` will ignore the default HOME and PATH
-        environment variables, leaving the ``Unit`` with an Environment of
-        None.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(name)
-        def started(client):
-            deferred_units = client.list()
-            def check_units(units):
-                unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-                self.assertIsNone(unit.environment)
-            deferred_units.addCallback(check_units)
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    def test_list_only_custom_environment(self):
-        """
-        When a container containing custom environment variables is launched
-        and the image used also injects environment variables, only the custom
-        variables we injected are returned by ``DockerClient.list``, whereas
-        variables set by the image are discarded.
-        All Docker containers have a PATH environment variable. In addition,
-        the openshift/busybox-http-app image contains an STI_SCRIPTS_URL
-        environment variable. These are therefore disregarded the variables
-        disregarded in this test, whereas our custom environment is listed in
-        the returned Units.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        environment = {
-            'my_variable': 'some value',
-            'another_variable': '12345'
-        }
-        environment = frozenset(environment.items())
-        d = self.start_container(
-            name,
-            environment=Environment(variables=environment)
-        )
-        def started(client):
-            deferred_units = client.list()
-            def check_units(units):
-                unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-                expected = Environment(variables=environment)
-                self.assertEqual(unit.environment, expected)
-            deferred_units.addCallback(check_units)
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    def test_add_with_volumes(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` accepts a list of ``Volume`` instances which are
-        mounted within the container.
-        """
-        docker_dir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        docker_dir.makedirs()
-        docker_dir.child(b"Dockerfile").setContent(
-            b'FROM busybox\n'
-            b'CMD ["/bin/sh",  "-c", '
-            b'"touch /mnt1/a; touch /mnt2/b"]'
-        )
-        image = DockerImageBuilder(test=self, source_dir=docker_dir)
-        d =
-        def image_built(image_name):
-            unit_name = random_name(self)
-            path1 = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-            path1.makedirs()
-            path2 = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-            path2.makedirs()
-            d = self.start_container(
-                unit_name=unit_name,
-                image_name=image_name,
-                volumes=[
-                    Volume(node_path=path1, container_path=FilePath(b"/mnt1")),
-                    Volume(
-                        node_path=path2, container_path=FilePath(b"/mnt2"))],
-                expected_states=(u'inactive',),
-            )
-            return d.addCallback(lambda _: (path1, path2))
-        d.addCallback(image_built)
-        def started((path1, path2)):
-            expected1 = path1.child(b"a")
-            expected2 = path2.child(b"b")
-            for _ in range(100):
-                if expected1.exists() and expected2.exists():
-                    return
-                else:
-                    time.sleep(0.1)
-  "Files never created.")
-        return d.addCallback(started)
-    def test_add_with_memory_limit(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` accepts an integer mem_limit parameter which is
-        passed to Docker when creating a container as the maximum amount of RAM
-        available to that container.
-        """
-        MEMORY_100MB = 100000000
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(name, mem_limit=MEMORY_100MB)
-        def started(_):
-            docker = dockerpy_client()
-            data = docker.inspect_container(self.namespacing_prefix + name)
-            self.assertEqual(data[u"Config"][u"Memory"],
-                             MEMORY_100MB)
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    def test_add_with_cpu_shares(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` accepts an integer cpu_shares parameter which is
-        passed to Docker when creating a container as the CPU shares weight
-        for that container. This is a relative weight for CPU time versus other
-        containers and does not directly constrain CPU usage, i.e. a CPU share
-        constrained container can still use 100% CPU if other containers are
-        idle. Default shares when unspecified is 1024.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(name, cpu_shares=512)
-        def started(_):
-            docker = dockerpy_client()
-            data = docker.inspect_container(self.namespacing_prefix + name)
-            self.assertEqual(data[u"Config"][u"CpuShares"], 512)
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    def test_add_without_cpu_or_mem_limits(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.add`` when creating a container with no mem_limit or
-        cpu_shares specified will create a container without these resource
-        limits, returning integer 0 as the values for Memory and CpuShares from
-        its API when inspecting such a container.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(name)
-        def started(_):
-            docker = dockerpy_client()
-            data = docker.inspect_container(self.namespacing_prefix + name)
-            self.assertEqual(data[u"Config"][u"Memory"], 0)
-            self.assertEqual(data[u"Config"][u"CpuShares"], 0)
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-    def start_restart_policy_container(self, mode, restart_policy):
-        """
-        Start a container for testing restart policies.
-        :param unicode mode: Mode of container. One of
-            - ``"failure"``: The container will always exit with a failure.
-            - ``"success-then-sleep"``: The container will exit with success
-              once, then sleep forever.
-            - ``"failure-then-sucess"``: The container will exit with failure
-              once, then with failure.
-        :param IRestartPolicy restart_policy: The restart policy to use for
-            the container.
-        :returns Deferred: A deferred that fires with the number of times the
-            container was started.
-        """
-        docker_dir = FilePath(__file__).sibling('retry-docker')
-        name = random_name(self)
-        data = FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        data.makedirs()
-        count = data.child('count')
-        count.setContent("0")
-        marker = data.child('marker')
-        image = DockerImageBuilder(test=self, source_dir=docker_dir)
-        d =
-        def image_built(image_name):
-            if mode == u"success-then-sleep":
-                expected_states = (u'active',)
-            else:
-                expected_states = (u'inactive',)
-            return self.start_container(
-                name, image_name=image_name,
-                restart_policy=restart_policy,
-                environment=Environment(variables={u'mode': mode}),
-                volumes=[
-                    Volume(node_path=data, container_path=FilePath(b"/data"))],
-                expected_states=expected_states)
-        d.addCallback(image_built)
-        if mode == u"success-then-sleep":
-            # TODO: if the `run` script fails for any reason,
-            # then this will loop forever.
-            d.addCallback(lambda ignored: loop_until(reactor, marker.exists))
-        d.addCallback(lambda ignored: count.getContent())
-        return d
-    def test_restart_policy_never(self):
-        """
-        An container with a restart policy of never isn't restarted
-        after it exits.
-        """
-        d = self.start_restart_policy_container(
-            mode=u"failure", restart_policy=RestartNever())
-        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "1")
-        return d
-    @flaky(u'FLOC-2840')
-    def test_restart_policy_always(self):
-        """
-        An container with a restart policy of always is restarted
-        after it exits.
-        """
-        d = self.start_restart_policy_container(
-            mode=u"success-then-sleep", restart_policy=RestartAlways())
-        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "2")
-        return d
-    @flaky([u'FLOC-3742', u'FLOC-3746'])
-    def test_restart_policy_on_failure(self):
-        """
-        An container with a restart policy of on-failure is restarted
-        after it exits with a non-zero result.
-        """
-        d = self.start_restart_policy_container(
-            mode=u"failure-then-success", restart_policy=RestartOnFailure())
-        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "2")
-        return d
-    @flaky([u'FLOC-3742', u'FLOC-3746'])
-    def test_restart_policy_on_failure_maximum_count(self):
-        """
-        A container with a restart policy of on-failure and a maximum
-        retry count is not restarted if it fails as many times than the
-        specified maximum.
-        """
-        d = self.start_restart_policy_container(
-            mode=u"failure",
-            restart_policy=RestartOnFailure(maximum_retry_count=5))
-        # A Docker change e721ed9b5319e8e7c1daf87c34690f8a4e62c9e3 means that
-        # this value depends on the version of Docker.
-        d.addCallback(self.assertIn, ("5", "6"))
-        return d
-    def test_command_line(self):
-        """
-        A container with custom command line is run with those arguments.
-        """
-        external_port = find_free_port()[1]
-        name = random_name(self)
-        d = self.start_container(
-            name, image_name=u"busybox",
-            # Pass in pvector since this likely to be what caller actually
-            # passes in:
-            command_line=pvector([u"sh", u"-c", u"""\
-echo -n '#!/bin/sh
-echo -n "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nhi"
-' > /tmp/;
-chmod +x /tmp/;
-nc -ll -p 8080 -e /tmp/
-            ports=[PortMap(internal_port=8080,
-                           external_port=external_port)])
-        d.addCallback(
-            lambda ignored: self.request_until_response(external_port))
-        def started(response):
-            d = content(response)
-            d.addCallback(lambda body: self.assertEqual(b"hi", body))
-            return d
-        d.addCallback(started)
-        return d
-class MakeResponseTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for ``make_response``.
-    """
-    def test_str(self):
-        """
-        ``str(make_response(...))`` returns a string giving the response code.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            str(make_response(123, "Something")),
-            "<Response [123]>",
-        )
-    def test_apierror_str(self):
-        """
-        A string representation can be constructed of an ``APIError``
-        constructed with the response returned by ``make_response``.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            str(APIError("", make_response(500, "Simulated server error"))),
-            "500 Server Error: Simulated server error",
-        )
-class DockerClientTests(AsyncTestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for ``DockerClient`` specifically.
-    """
-    @if_docker_configured
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(DockerClientTests, self).setUp()
-    def test_default_namespace(self):
-        """
-        The default namespace is `u"flocker--"`.
-        """
-        docker = dockerpy_client()
-        name = random_name(self)
-        client = DockerClient()
-        self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-        d = client.add(name, u"busybox:latest")
-        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertTrue(
-            docker.inspect_container(u"flocker--" + name)))
-        return d
-    def test_list_removed_containers(self):
-        """
-        ``DockerClient.list`` does not list containers which are removed,
-        during its operation, from another thread.
-        """
-        patcher = MonkeyPatcher()
-        namespace = namespace_for_test(self)
-        flocker_docker_client = DockerClient(namespace=namespace)
-        name1 = random_name(self)
-        adding_unit1 = flocker_docker_client.add(name1, ANY_IMAGE)
-        self.addCleanup(flocker_docker_client.remove, name1)
-        name2 = random_name(self)
-        adding_unit2 = flocker_docker_client.add(name2, ANY_IMAGE)
-        self.addCleanup(flocker_docker_client.remove, name2)
-        docker_client = flocker_docker_client._client
-        docker_client_containers = docker_client.containers
-        def simulate_missing_containers(*args, **kwargs):
-            """
-            Remove a container before returning the original list.
-            """
-            containers = docker_client_containers(*args, **kwargs)
-            container_name1 = flocker_docker_client._to_container_name(name1)
-            docker_client.remove_container(
-                container=container_name1, force=True)
-            return containers
-        adding_units = gatherResults([adding_unit1, adding_unit2])
-        def get_list(ignored):
-            patcher.addPatch(
-                docker_client,
-                'containers',
-                simulate_missing_containers
-            )
-            patcher.patch()
-            return flocker_docker_client.list()
-        listing_units = adding_units.addCallback(get_list)
-        def check_list(units):
-            patcher.restore()
-            self.assertEqual(
-                [name2], sorted([ for unit in units])
-            )
-        running_assertions = listing_units.addCallback(check_list)
-        return running_assertions
-    def error_passthrough_test(self, method_name):
-        """
-        If the given method name on the underyling ``Docker`` client has a
-        non-404 error, that gets passed through to ``Docker.list()``.
-        :param str method_name: Method of a docker ``Client``.
-        :return: ``Deferred`` firing on test success.
-        """
-        name = random_name(self)
-        client = DockerClient()
-        self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-        d = client.add(name, u"busybox:latest")
-        response = make_response(500, "Simulated error")
-        def error(name):
-            raise APIError("", response)
-        def added(_):
-            # Monekypatch cause triggering non-404 errors from
-            # inspect_container is hard.
-            self.patch(client._client, method_name, error)
-            return client.list()
-        d.addCallback(added)
-        return self.assertFailure(d, APIError)
-    def test_list_error_inspecting_container(self):
-        """
-        If an error occurs inspecting a container it is passed through.
-        """
-        return self.error_passthrough_test("inspect_container")
-    def test_list_error_inspecting_image(self):
-        """
-        If an error occurs inspecting an image it is passed through.
-        """
-        return self.error_passthrough_test("inspect_image")
-class NamespacedDockerClientTests(GenericDockerClientTests):
-    """
-    Functional tests for ``NamespacedDockerClient``.
-    """
-    @if_docker_configured
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(NamespacedDockerClientTests, self).setUp()
-        self.namespace = namespace_for_test(self)
-        self.namespacing_prefix = BASE_NAMESPACE + self.namespace + u"--"
-    def make_client(self):
-        return NamespacedDockerClient(self.namespace)
-    def create_container(self, client, name, image):
-        """
-        Create (but don't start) a container via the supplied client.
-        :param DockerClient client: The Docker API client.
-        :param unicode name: The container name.
-        :param unicode image: The image name.
-        """
-        container_name = client._client._to_container_name(name)
-        client._client._client.create_container(
-            name=container_name, image=image)
-    def test_isolated_namespaces(self):
-        """
-        Containers in one namespace are not visible in another namespace.
-        """
-        client = NamespacedDockerClient(namespace=namespace_for_test(self))
-        client2 = NamespacedDockerClient(namespace=namespace_for_test(self))
-        name = random_name(self)
-        self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-        d = client.add(name, u"busybox:latest")
-        d.addCallback(lambda _: client2.list())
-        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, set())
-        return d
diff --git a/flocker/node/test/ b/flocker/node/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee7aebe1e4..0000000000
--- a/flocker/node/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright ClusterHQ Inc.  See LICENSE file for details.
-Tests for :module:`flocker.node._docker`.
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from pyrsistent import pset, pvector
-from docker.errors import APIError
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from ...testtools import (
-    AsyncTestCase, TestCase, random_name, make_with_init_tests,
-from ..testtools import add_with_port_collision_retry
-from .._docker import (
-    IDockerClient, FakeDockerClient, AddressInUse, AlreadyExists, PortMap,
-    Unit, Environment, Volume,
-from ...control._model import RestartAlways, RestartNever, RestartOnFailure
-# Just some image we can use to start a container.  No particularly behavior
-# should be expected from this image except that it exists.
-# Note we explicitly select the "latest" tag to avoid tripping over a Docker
-# 1.8.1 / Docker hub interaction that results in pulls failing. See
-ANY_IMAGE = u"openshift/busybox-http-app:latest"
-def make_idockerclient_tests(fixture):
-    """
-    Create a TestCase for IDockerClient.
-    :param fixture: A fixture that returns a :class:`IDockerClient`
-        provider.
-    """
-    class IDockerClientTests(AsyncTestCase):
-        """
-        Tests for :class:`IDockerClientTests`.
-        These are functional tests if run against a real Docker daemon.
-        """
-        def test_interface(self):
-            """The tested object provides :class:`IDockerClient`."""
-            client = fixture(self)
-            self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IDockerClient, client))
-        def test_add_and_remove(self):
-            """
-            An added container can be removed without an error.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox")
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.remove(name))
-            return d
-        def test_no_double_add(self):
-            """
-            Adding a container with name that already exists results in error.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox")
-            def added(_):
-                return client.add(name, u"busybox")
-            d.addCallback(added)
-            d = self.assertFailure(d, AlreadyExists)
-            d.addCallback(lambda exc: self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], name))
-            return d
-        def test_remove_nonexistent_is_ok(self):
-            """
-            Removing a non-existent container does not result in a error.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            return client.remove(name)
-        def test_double_remove_is_ok(self):
-            """
-            Removing a container twice in a row does not result in error.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox")
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.remove(name))
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.remove(name))
-            return d
-        def test_unknown_does_not_exist(self):
-            """
-            A container that was never added does not exist.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            d = client.exists(name)
-            d.addCallback(self.assertFalse)
-            return d
-        def test_added_exists(self):
-            """
-            An added container exists.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox")
-            def added(_):
-                return client.exists(name)
-            d.addCallback(added)
-            d.addCallback(self.assertTrue)
-            return d
-        def test_removed_does_not_exist(self):
-            """
-            A removed container does not exist.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            d = client.add(name, ANY_IMAGE)
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.remove(name))
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.exists(name))
-            d.addCallback(self.assertFalse)
-            return d
-        def test_zero_port_randomly_assigned(self):
-            """
-            If an external port number is given as 0, a random available port
-            number is used.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            portmap = PortMap(
-                internal_port=1234, external_port=0,
-            )
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = client.add(name, ANY_IMAGE, ports=(portmap,))
-            d.addCallback(lambda ignored: client.list())
-            def check_port(units):
-                portmap = list(list(units)[0].ports)[0]
-                self.assertTrue(
-                    0 < portmap.external_port < 2 ** 16,
-                    "Unexpected automatic port assignment: {}".format(
-                        portmap.external_port
-                    ),
-                )
-            d.addCallback(check_port)
-            return d
-        def test_port_collision_raises_addressinuse(self):
-            """
-            If the container is configured with an external port number which
-            is already in use, ``AddressInUse`` is raised.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            portmap = PortMap(
-                internal_port=12345, external_port=0,
-            )
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = client.add(name, ANY_IMAGE, ports=(portmap,))
-            d.addCallback(lambda ignored: client.list())
-            def extract_port(units):
-                return list(list(units)[0].ports)[0].external_port
-            d.addCallback(extract_port)
-            def collide(external_port):
-                self.external_port = external_port
-                portmap = PortMap(
-                    internal_port=54321, external_port=external_port,
-                )
-                name = random_name(self)
-                self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-                return client.add(name, ANY_IMAGE, ports=(portmap,))
-            d.addCallback(collide)
-            d = self.assertFailure(d, AddressInUse)
-            def failed(exception):
-                self.assertEqual(
-                    exception.address, (b"", self.external_port)
-                )
-                self.assertIsInstance(exception.apierror, APIError)
-            d.addCallback(failed)
-            return d
-        def test_added_is_listed(self):
-            """
-            An added container is included in the output of ``list()``.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            image = ANY_IMAGE
-            portmaps = [
-                PortMap(internal_port=80, external_port=0),
-                PortMap(internal_port=5432, external_port=0),
-            ]
-            volumes = (
-                Volume(node_path=FilePath(self.mktemp()),
-                       container_path=FilePath(b'/var/lib/data')),
-            )
-            environment = (
-                (u'CUSTOM_ENV_A', u'a value'),
-                (u'CUSTOM_ENV_B', u'another value'),
-            )
-            environment = Environment(variables=frozenset(environment))
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = add_with_port_collision_retry(
-                client,
-                name,
-                image_name=image,
-                ports=portmaps,
-                volumes=volumes,
-                environment=environment,
-                mem_limit=100000000,
-                cpu_shares=512,
-                restart_policy=RestartAlways(),
-            )
-            def added((app, portmaps)):
-                d = client.list()
-                d.addCallback(lambda units: (units, portmaps))
-                return d
-            d.addCallback(added)
-            def got_list((units, portmaps)):
-                result = units.pop()
-                expected = Unit(
-                    name=name, container_name=name, activation_state=u"active",
-                    container_image=image, ports=frozenset(portmaps),
-                    environment=environment, volumes=frozenset(volumes),
-                    mem_limit=100000000, cpu_shares=512,
-                    restart_policy=RestartAlways(),
-                )
-                # This test is not concerned with a returned ``Unit``'s
-                # ``container_name`` and unlike other properties of the
-                # result, does not expect ``container_name`` to be any
-                # particular value. Manually setting it below to a fixed
-                # known value simply allows us to compare an entire Unit
-                # object instead of individual properties and is therefore
-                # a convenience measure.
-                result = result.set("container_name", name)
-                self.assertEqual(result, expected)
-            d.addCallback(got_list)
-            return d
-        def test_removed_is_not_listed(self):
-            """
-            A removed container is not included in the output of ``list()``.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            d = client.add(name, ANY_IMAGE)
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.remove(name))
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.list())
-            def got_list(units):
-                self.assertNotIn(name, [ for unit in units])
-            d.addCallback(got_list)
-            return d
-        def test_container_name(self):
-            """
-            Each container also records the container name twice.
-            """
-            # This is silly behavior.  Get rid of it when fixing
-            # <>.
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox")
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.list())
-            def got_list(units):
-                unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-                self.assertIsInstance(unit.container_name, unicode)
-            d.addCallback(got_list)
-            return d
-        def test_command_line(self):
-            """
-            Containers created with a command-line have a command-line included
-            when listed.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            command_line = [u"nc", u"-l", u"-p", u"1234"]
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox", command_line=command_line)
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.list())
-            def got_list(units):
-                unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-                self.assertEqual(unit.command_line, pvector(command_line))
-            d.addCallback(got_list)
-            return d
-        def assert_restart_policy_round_trips(self, restart_policy):
-            """
-            Creating a container with the given restart policy creates a
-            container that reports that same policy.
-            :param IRestartPolicy restart_policy: The restart policy to test.
-            """
-            client = fixture(self)
-            name = random_name(self)
-            self.addCleanup(client.remove, name)
-            d = client.add(name, u"busybox", restart_policy=restart_policy)
-            d.addCallback(lambda _: client.list())
-            def got_list(units):
-                unit = [unit for unit in units if == name][0]
-                self.assertEqual(unit.restart_policy, restart_policy)
-            d.addCallback(got_list)
-            return d
-        def test_add_with_restart_never(self):
-            """
-            ``DockerClient.add`` when creating a container with a restart
-            policy, of never will create a container with this policy.
-            """
-            return self.assert_restart_policy_round_trips(RestartNever())
-        def test_add_with_restart_always(self):
-            """
-            ``DockerClient.add`` when creating a container with a restart
-            policy, of always will create a container with this policy.
-            """
-            return self.assert_restart_policy_round_trips(RestartAlways())
-        def test_add_with_restart_on_failure(self):
-            """
-            ``DockerClient.add`` when creating a container with a restart
-            policy, of on failure will create a container with this policy.
-            """
-            return self.assert_restart_policy_round_trips(RestartOnFailure())
-        def test_add_with_restart_on_failure_with_maximum_retry(self):
-            """
-            ``DockerClient.add`` when creating a container with a restart
-            policy, of on failure with a retry count will create a container
-            with this policy.
-            """
-            return self.assert_restart_policy_round_trips(
-                RestartOnFailure(maximum_retry_count=5))
-    return IDockerClientTests
-class FakeIDockerClientTests(
-        make_idockerclient_tests(
-            fixture=lambda test_case: FakeDockerClient(),
-        )
-    """
-    ``IDockerClient`` tests for ``FakeDockerClient``.
-    """
-class FakeDockerClientImplementationTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for implementation details of ``FakeDockerClient``.
-    """
-    def test_units_default(self):
-        """
-        ``FakeDockerClient._units`` is an empty dict by default.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual({}, FakeDockerClient()._units)
-    def test_units_override(self):
-        """
-        ``FakeDockerClient._units`` can be supplied in the constructor.
-        """
-        units = {u'foo': Unit(name=u'foo', container_name=u'foo',
-                              activation_state=u'active',
-                              container_image=u'flocker/flocker:v1.0.0')}
-        self.assertEqual(units, FakeDockerClient(units=units)._units)
-class PortMapInitTests(
-        make_with_init_tests(
-            record_type=PortMap,
-            kwargs=dict(
-                internal_port=5678,
-                external_port=910,
-            )
-        )
-    """
-    Tests for ``PortMap.__init__``.
-    """
-class PortMapTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for ``PortMap``.
-    XXX: The equality tests in this case are incomplete. See
- for a proposed solution to
-    this.
-    """
-    def test_equal(self):
-        """
-        ``PortMap`` instances with the same internal and external ports compare
-        equal.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            PortMap(internal_port=5678, external_port=910),
-            PortMap(internal_port=5678, external_port=910),
-        )
-    def test_not_equal(self):
-        """
-        ``PortMap`` instances with the different internal and external ports do
-        not compare equal.
-        """
-        self.assertNotEqual(
-            PortMap(internal_port=5678, external_port=910),
-            PortMap(internal_port=1516, external_port=1718)
-        )
-class UnitInitTests(
-        make_with_init_tests(
-            record_type=Unit,
-            kwargs=dict(
-                name=u'',
-                container_name=u'',
-                activation_state=u'active',
-                container_image=u'flocker/flocker:v1.0.0',
-                ports=pset((PortMap(internal_port=80, external_port=8080),)),
-                environment=Environment(variables={u'foo': u'bar'}),
-                restart_policy=RestartAlways(),
-            ),
-            expected_defaults=dict(
-                ports=pset(), container_image=None, environment=None,
-                restart_policy=RestartNever())
-        )
-    """
-    Tests for ``Unit.__init__``.
-    """
-class EnvironmentInitTests(
-        make_with_init_tests(
-            record_type=Environment,
-            kwargs=dict(
-                variables=dict(foo="bar"),
-            ),
-        )
-    """
-    Tests for ``Environment.__init__``.
-    """
-class EnvironmentTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for ``Environment``.
-    """
-    def test_to_dict(self):
-        """
-        ``Environment.to_dict`` returns a dictionary containing the
-        the environment variables as key/value entries.
-        """
-        variables = {'baz': 'qux', 'foo': 'bar'}
-        environment = Environment(variables=frozenset(variables.items()))
-        self.assertEqual(environment.to_dict(), variables)
-class VolumeInitTests(
-        make_with_init_tests(
-            record_type=Volume,
-            kwargs=dict(
-                node_path=FilePath(b"/tmp"),
-                container_path=FilePath(b"/blah"),
-            ),
-        )
-    """
-    Tests for ``Volume.__init__``.
-    """
diff --git a/flocker/node/ b/flocker/node/
index ed9534425a..11fbbd3938 100644
--- a/flocker/node/
+++ b/flocker/node/
@@ -4,14 +4,7 @@
 Testing utilities for ``flocker.node``.
-from functools import wraps
-import os
-import pwd
-from unittest import skipIf, SkipTest
 from uuid import uuid4
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion  # pylint: disable=import-error
-import psutil
 from zope.interface import implementer
@@ -21,80 +14,18 @@
 from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from eliot import Logger, ActionType, MessageType, fields
+from eliot import Logger, ActionType
 from . import (
     ILocalState, IDeployer, NodeLocalState, IStateChange, sequentially
 from ..common import loop_until
-from ..testtools import AsyncTestCase, find_free_port
+from ..testtools import AsyncTestCase
 from ..control import (
     IClusterStateChange, Node, NodeState, Deployment, DeploymentState,
 from ..control._model import ip_to_uuid, Leases
-from ._docker import AddressInUse, DockerClient
-def docker_accessible():
-    """
-    Attempt to connect to the Docker control socket.
-    :return: A ``bytes`` string describing the reason Docker is not
-        accessible or ``None`` if it appears to be accessible.
-    """
-    try:
-        client = DockerClient()
-    except Exception as e:
-        return str(e)
-    return None
-_docker_reason = docker_accessible()
-if_docker_configured = skipIf(
-    _docker_reason,
-    "User {!r} cannot access Docker: {}".format(
-        pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name,
-        _docker_reason,
-    ))
-def require_docker_version(minimum_docker_version, message):
-    """
-    Skip the wrapped test if the actual Docker version is less than
-    ``minimum_docker_version``.
-    :param str minimum_docker_version: The minimum version required by the
-        test.
-    :param str message: An explanatory message which will be printed when
-        skipping the test.
-    """
-    minimum_docker_version = LooseVersion(
-        minimum_docker_version
-    )
-    # XXX: Can we change this to use skipIf?
-    def decorator(wrapped):
-        @wraps(wrapped)
-        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-            client = DockerClient()
-            docker_version = LooseVersion(
-                client._client.version()['Version']
-            )
-            if docker_version < minimum_docker_version:
-                raise SkipTest(
-                    'Minimum required Docker version: {}. '
-                    'Actual Docker version: {}. '
-                    'Details: {}'.format(
-                        minimum_docker_version,
-                        docker_version,
-                        message,
-                    )
-                )
-            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
 def wait_for_unit_state(reactor, docker_client, unit_name,
@@ -402,94 +333,3 @@ def assert_calculated_changes_for_deployer(
         cluster_configuration, cluster_state, local_state
     case.assertEqual(expected_changes, changes)
-ADDRESS_IN_USE = MessageType(
-    u"flocker:test:address_in_use",
-    fields(ip=unicode, port=int, name=bytes),
-def _find_process_name(port_number):
-    """
-    Get the name of the process using the given port number.
-    """
-    for connection in psutil.net_connections():
-        if connection.laddr[1] == port_number:
-            return psutil.Process(
-    return None
-def _retry_on_port_collision(reason, add, cleanup):
-    """
-    Cleanup and re-add a container if it failed to start because of a port
-    collision.
-    :param reason: The exception describing the container startup failure.
-    :param add: A no-argument callable that can be used to try adding and
-        starting the container again.
-    :param cleanup: A no-argument callable that can be used to remove the
-        container.
-    """
-    # We select a random, available port number on each attempt.  If it was in
-    # use it's because the "available" part of that port number selection logic
-    # is fairly shaky.  It should be good enough that trying again works fairly
-    # well, though.  So do that.
-    reason.trap(AddressInUse)
-    ip, port = reason.value.address
-    used_by = _find_process_name(port)
-    ADDRESS_IN_USE(ip=ip, port=port, name=used_by).write()
-    d = cleanup()
-    d.addCallback(lambda ignored: add())
-    return d
-def add_with_port_collision_retry(client, unit_name, **kw):
-    """
-    Add a container.  Try adding it repeatedly if it has ports defined and
-    container startup fails with ``AddressInUse``.
-    If ports in the container are defined with an external port number of ``0``
-    a locally free port number will be assigned.  On each re-try attempt, these
-    will be re-assigned to try to avoid the port collision.
-    :param DockerClient client: The ``IDockerClient`` to use to try to add the
-        container.
-    :param unicode unit_name: The name of the container to add.  See the
-        ``unit_name`` parameter of ``IDockerClient.add``.
-    :param kw: Additional keyword arguments to pass on to
-        ``IDockerClient.add``.
-    :return: A ``Deferred`` which fires with a two-tuple.  The first element
-        represents the container which has been added and started.  The second
-        element is a ``list`` of ``PortMap`` instances describing the ports
-        which were ultimately requested.
-    """
-    ultimate_ports = []
-    def add():
-        # Generate a replacement for any auto-assigned ports
-        ultimate_ports[:] = tentative_ports = list(
-            port.set(
-                external_port=find_free_port()[1]
-            )
-            if port.external_port == 0
-            else port
-            for port in kw["ports"]
-        )
-        tentative_kw = kw.copy()
-        tentative_kw["ports"] = tentative_ports
-        return client.add(unit_name, **tentative_kw)
-    def cleanup():
-        return client.remove(unit_name)
-    if "ports" in kw:
-        trying = add()
-        trying.addErrback(_retry_on_port_collision, add, cleanup)
-        result = trying
-    else:
-        result = client.add(unit_name, **kw)
-    result.addCallback(lambda app: (app, ultimate_ports))
-    return result

From 220181e4713f474ef6bafcb257b98286b71e137a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Wall <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 14:36:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Remove the jenkins jobs for the deleted tests

 build.yaml | 45 ---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build.yaml b/build.yaml
index 2e1d7f2814..a3738db134 100644
--- a/build.yaml
+++ b/build.yaml
@@ -869,51 +869,6 @@ job_type:
       timeout: 30
       directories_to_delete: *run_trial_directories_to_delete
-    run_trial_on_AWS_CentOS_7_flocker.node.functional.test_docker:
-      # FLOC-3903: docker on centos use loop-devmapper
-      # by default. That makes it much slower than Ubuntu
-      # with aufs. It leads to timeouts, but seems to do
-      # a bit better on the medium instance
-      on_nodes_with_labels: 'aws-centos-7-SELinux-T2Medium'
-      module: flocker.node.functional.test_docker
-      with_steps:
-        - { type: 'shell', cli: *run_trial_cli }
-      archive_artifacts: *flocker_artifacts
-      publish_test_results: true
-      coverage_report: true
-      clean_repo: true
-      # Increase the timeout due to FLOC-3903
-      timeout: 45
-      directories_to_delete: *run_trial_directories_to_delete
-    # Split out just to do the CentOS version above,
-    # for the reasons outlined in that section
-    run_trial_on_AWS_Ubuntu_Trusty_flocker.node.functional.test_docker:
-      on_nodes_with_labels: 'aws-ubuntu-trusty-T2Medium'
-      module: flocker.node.functional.test_docker
-      with_steps:
-        - { type: 'shell', cli: *run_trial_cli }
-      archive_artifacts: *flocker_artifacts
-      publish_test_results: true
-      coverage_report: true
-      clean_repo: true
-      timeout: 30
-      directories_to_delete: *run_trial_directories_to_delete
-    # Split out just to do the CentOS version above,
-    # for the reasons outlined in that section
-    run_trial_on_AWS_Ubuntu_Xenial_flocker.node.functional.test_docker:
-      on_nodes_with_labels: 'aws-ubuntu-xenial-T2Medium'
-      module: flocker.node.functional.test_docker
-      with_steps:
-        - { type: 'shell', cli: *run_trial_cli }
-      archive_artifacts: *flocker_artifacts
-      publish_test_results: true
-      coverage_report: true
-      clean_repo: true
-      timeout: 30
-      directories_to_delete: *run_trial_directories_to_delete
       on_nodes_with_labels: 'aws-centos-7-SELinux-T2Medium'