My favorite sport, in my favorite places.
- General info
- Demo
- Technologies
- Setup
- Features
- Inspiration
- Contact
Golf Journal is a simple app I made to get some practice in with React props, as well as help keep track of some of my bucket list courses.
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- React - version 18.2
- React-Dom - version 18.2
- React-Scripts - version 5.0.1
To try this project out yourself:
- Clone this repository to your computer
- In the command line, navigate to the root directory and type: $ npm install
- Then type: $ npm start
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser
const Card = (props) => {
return (
<section className = "card">
<div className = "card__left">
<img className = "card__img" src={props.course.imageUrl} alt="golf course"/>
<div className = "card__right">
<p className="card__location"> <img id = "map__icon" src = {map_icon} alt = "map"/>{props.course.location} <span>|</span> <a href={props.course.googleMapsUrl} className="card__mapsUrl" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">View on Google Maps</a></p>
<h1 className="card__title">{props.course.title}</h1>
{/*Only displays if isPlayed == true in data.js*/}
{props.course.isPlayed && <p className="card__played">Played <img src = {checkmark} alt = "checkmark" id="checkmark"/></p> }
<p className="card__description">{props.course.description}</p>
Project is: finished, but will likely be built out to include full CRUD functionality and backend database connection.
This project was inspired by the combination of my two favorite things to do in my free time; travel the world, and play golf. I seldom travel to a new place without my golf clubs, and this app will help me keep track of the places I've played and have yet to play.
Created by Cole Robinson ( Let me know what you think! All feedback welcome.