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paths: [{ - name: '@vueuse/core', - importNames: ['useClipboard'], - message: 'Please use local useCopy from src/composable/copy.ts instead of useClipboard.', - }], - }], - }, -}; diff --git a/.github/logo-dark.png b/.github/logo-dark.png deleted file mode 100644 index 9bee8a9cc..000000000 Binary files a/.github/logo-dark.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.github/logo-white.png b/.github/logo-white.png deleted file mode 100644 index 560a135b6..000000000 Binary files a/.github/logo-white.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.github/stale.yml b/.github/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index dc90e5a1c..000000000 --- a/.github/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale -daysUntilStale: 60 -# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed -daysUntilClose: 7 -# Issues with these labels will never be considered stale -exemptLabels: - - pinned - - security -# Label to use when marking an issue as stale -staleLabel: wontfix -# Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable -markComment: > - This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had - recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you - for your contributions. -# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable -closeComment: false diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 4dd9ffb7c..52b7a9f33 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - run: corepack enable - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: - node-version: 20 + node-version: 22 cache: 'pnpm' - name: Install dependencies diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker-nightly-release.yml b/.github/workflows/docker-nightly-release.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 41dbb155e..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/docker-nightly-release.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -name: Docker nightly release - -on: - workflow_dispatch: - schedule: - - cron: '0 0 * * *' - -jobs: - check_date: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - name: Check latest commit - outputs: - should_run: ${{ steps.should_run.outputs.should_run }} - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 - - name: print latest_commit - run: echo ${{ github.sha }} - - - id: should_run - continue-on-error: true - name: check latest commit is less than a day - if: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' }} - run: test -z $(git rev-list --after="24 hours" ${{ github.sha }}) && echo "::set-output name=should_run::false" - - ci: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - needs: check_date - if: ${{ needs.check_date.outputs.should_run != 'false' }} - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 - - run: corepack enable - - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - with: - node-version: 20 - cache: 'pnpm' - - - name: Install dependencies - run: pnpm i - - - name: Run linters - run: pnpm lint - - - name: Run unit test - run: pnpm test - - - name: Build the app - run: pnpm build - - build: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - needs: - - ci - - steps: - - name: Checkout - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 - - - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry - uses: docker/login-action@v3 - with: - registry: ghcr.io - username: ${{ github.repository_owner }} - password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - - - name: Login to Docker Hub - uses: docker/login-action@v3 - with: - username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} - password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - - - name: Set up QEMU - uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3 - - - name: Set up Docker Buildx - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 - - - name: Build and push - uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 - with: - context: . - file: ./Dockerfile - platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 - push: true - tags: | - corentinth/it-tools:nightly - ghcr.io/corentinth/it-tools:nightly diff --git a/.github/workflows/e2e-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/e2e-tests.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 13b787ef4..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/e2e-tests.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -name: E2E tests -on: - pull_request: - push: - branches: - - main -jobs: - test: - timeout-minutes: 10 - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - strategy: - matrix: - shard: [1/3, 2/3, 3/3] - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 - - - run: corepack enable - - - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - with: - node-version: 20 - cache: 'pnpm' - - - name: Get Playwright version - id: playwright-version - run: echo "PLAYWRIGHT_VERSION=$(jq -r .dependencies.playwright package.json)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - - - name: Install dependencies - run: pnpm install - - - name: Build app - run: pnpm build - - - name: Restore Playwright browsers from cache - uses: actions/cache@v3 - with: - path: ~/.cache/ms-playwright - key: ${{ runner.os }}-playwright-${{ steps.playwright-version.outputs.PLAYWRIGHT_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/playwright.config.ts') }} - restore-keys: | - ${{ runner.os }}-playwright-${{ steps.playwright-version.outputs.PLAYWRIGHT_VERSION }}- - ${{ runner.os }}-playwright- - - - name: Install Playwright Browsers - run: pnpm exec playwright install --with-deps - - - name: Run Playwright tests - run: pnpm run test:e2e --shard=${{ matrix.shard }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/releases.yml b/.github/workflows/releases.yml deleted file mode 100644 index d0d3febd7..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/releases.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -name: Release new versions - -on: - push: - tags: - - 'v*.*.*' - -jobs: - docker-release: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - name: Get release version - run: echo "RELEASE_VERSION=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/v}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - - - name: Checkout - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 - - - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry - uses: docker/login-action@v3 - with: - registry: ghcr.io - username: ${{ github.repository_owner }} - password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - - - name: Login to Docker Hub - uses: docker/login-action@v3 - with: - username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} - password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - - - name: Set up QEMU - uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3 - - - name: Set up Docker Buildx - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 - - - name: Build and push - uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 - with: - context: . - file: ./Dockerfile - platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 - push: true - tags: | - corentinth/it-tools:latest - corentinth/it-tools:${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }} - ghcr.io/corentinth/it-tools:latest - ghcr.io/corentinth/it-tools:${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION}} - - github-release: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - needs: docker-release - steps: - - name: Get release version - run: echo "RELEASE_VERSION=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/v}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - - - name: Checkout - uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac # v4 - - - run: corepack enable - - - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - with: - node-version: 20 - cache: 'pnpm' - - - name: Install dependencies - run: pnpm i - - - name: Build the app - run: pnpm build - - - name: Zip the app - run: zip -r it-tools-${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }}.zip dist/* - - - name: Get changelog - id: changelog - run: | - EOF=$(openssl rand -hex 8) - echo "changelog<<$EOF" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - node ./scripts/getLatestChangelog.mjs >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - echo "$EOF" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - - - name: Create Release - uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 - with: - token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - files: it-tools-${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }}.zip - tag_name: v${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }} - draft: true - prerelease: false - body: | - ## Docker images - - - Docker Hub - - `corentinth/it-tools:latest` - - `corentinth/it-tools:${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }}` - - GitHub Container Registry - - `ghcr.io/corentinth/it-tools:latest` - - `ghcr.io/corentinth/it-tools:${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION}}` - - ## Changelog - - ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.changelog }} diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a3bbd9438..ed3cd98b0 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,35 +1,32 @@ +# Nuxt dev/build outputs +.output +.data +.nuxt +.nitro +.cache +dist +dist-app +dist-node +dist-cloudflare + +# Node dependencies +node_modules + # Logs logs *.log -npm-debug.log* -yarn-debug.log* -yarn-error.log* -pnpm-debug.log* -lerna-debug.log* -node_modules +# Misc .DS_Store -dist -dist-ssr -coverage -*.local - -/cypress/videos/ -/cypress/screenshots/ - -# Editor directories and files -.vscode/* -!.vscode/extensions.json +.fleet .idea -*.suo -*.ntvs* -*.njsproj -*.sln -*.sw? +# Local env files .env -/test-results/ -/playwright-report/ -/playwright/.cache/ -# Webkit with playwright creates a salt file -salt \ No newline at end of file +.env.* +!.env.example + +.wrangler +coverage +cache +.zed diff --git a/.nvmrc b/.nvmrc index 87ec8842b..53d1c14db 100644 --- a/.nvmrc +++ b/.nvmrc @@ -1 +1 @@ -18.18.2 +v22 diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc deleted file mode 100644 index 13799bc99..000000000 --- a/.prettierrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "singleQuote": true, - "semi": true, - "tabWidth": 2, - "trailingComma": "all", - "printWidth": 120 -} diff --git a/.versionrc b/.versionrc deleted file mode 100644 index 061a83fe1..000000000 --- a/.versionrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{ - "types": [ - {"type": "feat", "section": "Features"}, - {"type": "fix", "section": "Bug Fixes"}, - {"type": "docs", "section": "Documentation"}, - {"type": "style", "section": "Styling"}, - {"type": "refactor", "section": "Refactors"}, - {"type": "perf", "section": "Performance"}, - {"type": "test", "section": "Tests"}, - {"type": "build", "section": "Build System"}, - {"type": "ci", "section": "CI"}, - {"type": "revert", "section": "Reverts"} - ] -} diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json deleted file mode 100644 index 35488bcdd..000000000 --- a/.vscode/extensions.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -{ - "recommendations": ["Vue.volar", "Vue.vscode-typescript-vue-plugin", "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", "lokalise.i18n-ally"] -} diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 984fa58e8..000000000 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,398 +0,0 @@ -# Changelog - -All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines. - -## Version 2024.05.13-a0bc346 - -### Features -- **i18n**: added German translation (#1038) (2c2fb21) -- **new tool**: Outlook Safelink Decoder (#911) (d3b32cc) -- **new tool**: ascii art generator (#886) (fe349ad) -- **i18n**: get locales on build (#880) (dc04615) -- **i18n**: added vi tools translations (#876) (079aa21) -- **i18n**: added zh tools translations (#874) (9c6b122) -- **i18n**: added missing locale files in tools (#863) (7f5fa00) -- **i18n**: added vietnamese language (#859) (1334bff) -- **i18n**: added spanish language (#854) (85b50bb) -- **i18n**: added portuguese language (#813) (c65ffb6) -- **i18n**: added ukrainian language (#827) (693f362) -- **new-tool**: yaml formater (#779) (fc06f01) -- **new-tool**: added unicode conversion utilities (#858) (c46207f) - -### Bug fixes -- **language**: English language cleanup (#1036) (221ddfa) -- **url-encoder, validation**: typo in validation of url-encoder.vue #1024 (cb5b462) -- **integer base converter**: support bigint (#872) (9eac9cb) -- **bcrypt tool**: allow salt rounds up to 100 (#987) (23f82d9) - -### Refactoring -- **lint**: removed extra semi (33e5294) -- **auto-imports**: regen auto imports (1242842) -- **home**: lightened tool cards (#882) (a07806c) -- **home**: removed n-grid to prevent layout shift (#881) (10e56b3) -- **i18n**: added locales per tool (#861) (95698cb) - -### Chores -- **issues**: prevent empty issues (#1078) (a0bc346) -- **issues**: removed old issue templates (#1077) (5a7b0f9) -- **node**: upgraded node version in CI workflows (b59942a) -- **version**: release 2024.05.10-33e5294 (38d5687) -- **issues**: improved issues template (2852c30) -- **issues**: improved bug issue template (#1046) (a799234) - -### Documentation -- **changelog**: update changelog for 2024.05.10-33e5294 (9dfd347) - -## Version 2023.12.21-5ed3693 - -### Features - -- **i18n**: improve chinese i18n (#757) (2e56641) -- **i18n**: add tooltip and favoriteButton i18n (#756) (a1037cf) -- **i18n**: add Chinese translation base (#718) (8f99eb6) -- **new tool**: pdf signature checker (#745) (4781920) -- **new tool**: numeronym generator (#729) (e07e2ae) - -### Bug fixes - -- **jwt-parser**: jwt claim array support (#799) (5ed3693) -- **camera-recorder**: stop camera on navigation (#782) (80e46c9) -- **doc**: updated create new tool command in readme (#762) (7a70dbb) -- **base64-file-converter**: fix downloading of index.html content without data preambula (#750) (043e4f0) -- **docker**: rollback armv7 in docker releases (#741) (205e360) -- **eta**: corrected example (#737) (821cbea) - -### Refactoring - -- **about, i18n**: improved i18n dx with markdown (#753) (bd3edcb) -- **token, i18n**: complete fr translation (#752) (de1ee69) -- **uuid generator**: uuid version picker (#751) (38586ca) -- **case converter**: no split on lowercase, uppercase and mocking case (#748) (ca43a25) -- **ui**: replaced legacy n-upload with c-file-upload (#747) (7fe47b3) -- **token**: added password in token generator keywords (#746) (16ffe6b) -- **bcrypt**: fix input label align (#721) (093ff31) - -### Chores - -- **deps**: switched from oui to oui-data for mac address lookup (#693) (0fe9a20) -- **deps**: update unocss monorepo to ^0.57.0 (#638) (2e396d8) -- **docker**: added armv7 plateform for docker releases (#722) (fe1de8c) - -## Version 2023.11.02-7d94e11 - -### Features - -- **i18n**: language selector (#710) (e86fd96) - -### Bug fixes - -- **dockerfile**: revert replacement of nginx image with non-privileged one (#716) (7d94e11) -- **encryption**: alert on decryption error (#711) (02b0d0d) - -### Refactoring - -- **math-evaluator**: improved description (e87f4b1) -- **math-evaluator**: improved search and UX (#713) (58de897) - -## Version 2023.11.01-e164afb - -### Features - -- **command-palette**: clear prompt on palette close (#708) (d013696) -- **command-palette**: added about page in command palette (99b1eb9) -- **new tool**: random MAC address generator (#657) (cc3425d) -- **case-converter**: added mocking case (#705) (681f7bf) -- **date-converter**: added excel date time format (#704) (f5eb7a8) -- **i18n**: token generator (#688) (02e68d3) -- **i18n**: home page (#687) (00562ed) -- **i18n**: support for i18n in .ts files (#683) (ebb4ec4) -- **i18n**: tool card (#682) (84a4a64) -- **i18n**: about page (#680) (a2b53c2) -- **i18n**: 404 page (#679) (35563b8) -- **new tool**: text to ascii converter (#669) (b2ad4f7) -- **new tool**: ULID generator (#623) (5c4d775) -- **new tool**: add wifi qr code generator (#599) (0eedce6) -- **new tool**: iban validation and parser (#591) (3a63837) -- **new tool**: text diff and comparator (#588) (81bfe57) - -### Bug fixes - -- **deps**: fix issue on slugify (#593) (#673) (720201a) -- **deps**: update dependency monaco-editor to ^0.43.0 (#620) (e371ef7) -- **deps**: update dependency sql-formatter to v13 (#606) (c7d4562) - -### Refactoring - -- **ui**: better ui demo preview menu (#664) (015c673) -- **color-converter**: improved color-converter UX (#701) (abb8335) -- **docker**: improved docker config (#700) (020e9cb) -- **c-table**: added description on c-table for accessibility (b408df8) -- **ci**: reduced timeout in e2e (#666) (88b8818) -- **ui**: new c-table ui component (#665) (ee4c853) -- **ui**: removed n-page-header component in user-agent parser (#663) (cbf58fd) -- **ui**: removed n-p components in about page (#662) (a757a51) -- **ui**: switched naive tooltip components to custom ones (#661) (025f556) -- **spelling**: minor corrections to phrasing/spelling (#596) (8a30b6b) -- **i18n**: merge tools scoped locales with global ones (#612) (233d556) -- **c-key-value-list**: got rid of table for layout (#611) (7ab9204) -- **CI**: run e2e against built app and no longer vercel (#610) (18dd140) -- **bcrypt**: fix typo (#604) (e18bae1) - -### Chores - -- **deps**: clean unused dependencies (#709) (e164afb) -- **deps**: update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 (#627) (4365226) -- **deps**: update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 (#626) (57ecda1) -- **deps**: update docker/login-action action to v3 (#625) (d8d7a3b) -- **deps**: update docker/build-push-action action to v5 (#624) (d36b18f) -- **deps**: update dependency node to v18.18.2 (#674) (eea9f91) -- **deps**: update dependency node to v18.18.0 (#636) (2d2dffb) -- **deps**: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#613) (4972159) -- **deps**: update dependency unplugin-icons to ^0.17.0 (#609) (f035f48) -- **deps**: update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to ^0.13.0 (#597) (d1dff42) -- **deps**: update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.41.0 (#585) (a9cd91c) -- **deps**: update dependency typescript to ~5.2.0 (#587) (f3e14fc) - -### Doc - -- **readme**: added contributors list (#622) (557b304) -- **hosting**: added cloudron in the other hosting solutions section (#589) (06c3547) - -## Version 2023.08.21-6f93cba - -### Features - -- **copy**: support legacy copy to clipboard for older browser (#581) (6f93cba) -- **new tool**: string obfuscator (#575) (c58d6e3) - -### Bug fixes - -- **deps**: update dependency sql-formatter to v12 (#520) (2bcb77a) - -### Chores - -- **deps**: switched to fucking typescript v5 (#501) (76b2761) -- **deps**: update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.40.0 (#552) (6ff9a01) -- **deps**: update dependency prettier to v3 (#564) (a2b9b15) -- **deps**: removed @typescript-eslint/parser (#563) (144f86e) -- **deps**: removed ts-pattern (#565) (0f1f659) - -## Version 2023.08.16-9bd4ad4 - -### Features - -- **Case Converter**: Add lowercase and uppercase (#534) (7b6232a) -- **new tool**: emoji picker (#551) (93f7cf0) -- **ui**: added c-select in the ui lib (#550) (dfa1ba8) -- **new-tool**: password strength analyzer (#502) (a9c7b89) -- **new-tool**: yaml to toml (e29b258) -- **new-tool**: json to toml (ea50a3f) -- **new-tool**: toml to yaml (746e5bd) -- **new-tool**: toml to json (c7d4f11) -- **command-palette**: random tool action (ec4c533) -- **config**: allow app to run in a subfolder via BASE_URL (#461) (6304595) -- **new-tool**: percentage calculator (#456) (b9406a4) -- **new-tool**: json to csv converter (69f0bd0) -- **new tool**: xml formatter (#457) (a6bbeae) -- **chmod-calculator**: added symbolic representation (#455) (f771e7a) -- **enhancement**: use system dark mode (#458) (cf7b1f0) -- **phone-parser**: searchable country code select (d2956b6) -- **new tool**: camera screenshot and recorder (34d8e5c) -- **base64-string-converter**: switch to encode and decode url safe base64 strings (#392) (0b20f1c) - -### Bug fixes - -- **deps**: update dependency uuid to v9 (#566) (5e12991) -- **deps**: update dependency mathjs to v11 (#519) (7924456) -- **deps**: update dependency @vueuse/router to v10 (#516) (ea0f27c) -- **copy**: prevent shorthand copy if source is present in useCopy (#559) (86e964a) -- **c-lib**: hide component library shortcut link in non-dev (#557) (56d74d0) -- **emoji picker**: fix copy button (#556) (e5d0ba7) -- **deps**: update dependency @vueuse/head to v1 (#515) (d12dd40) -- **deps**: update dependency country-code-lookup to ^0.1.0 (#493) (8c72e69) -- **deps**: update dependency @vueuse/head to ^0.9.0 (#492) (cec9dea) -- **i18n**: fallback for demo i18n (12d9e5d) -- **typos**: fixed more typos & uppercase JSON (#475) (9526ed8) -- **about**: typos and wording (#474) (7068610) -- **mime-types**: typos (#470) (c4cec9e) -- **sonar**: took down minor sonar warning (4cbd7ac) -- **readme**: typo (105b21b) -- **ipv4-range-expander**: calculate correct for ip addresses where the first octet is lower than 128 (#405) (8c92d56) -- **ipv4-converter**: removed readonly on input (7aed9c5) - -### Refactoring - -- **navbar**: consistent spacing in navbar buttons (#507) (30f88fc) -- **ui**: remove n-text (#506) (72c98a3) -- **ui**: replaced some n-input to c-input (#505) (05ea545) -- **json-viewer**: input monospace font (#485) (9125dcf) -- **search**: command palette design (#463) (bcb98b3) -- **c-input-text**: force usage of props with default (1e2a35b) -- **naming**: prevent auto import conflicts for git memo (45c2474) -- **imports**: removed unnecessary imports to vue (fe61f0f) -- **ui**: removed all n-space (4d2b037) -- **ui**: replaced some n-input with c-input-text (f7fc779) - -### Chores - -- **deps**: update dependency vitest to ^0.34.0 (#562) (9bd4ad4) -- **deps**: update dependency node to v18.17.1 (#560) (65a9474) -- **deps**: update dependency unocss to ^0.55.0 (#561) (85cc7a8) -- **deps**: update dependency @unocss/eslint-config to ^0.55.0 (#553) (4268e25) -- **deps**: update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to ^0.12.0 (#526) (d1c8880) -- **deps**: update docker/login-action action to v2 (#512) (99bc84c) -- **deps**: update dependency jsdom to v22 (#499) (cd5a503) -- **deps**: update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx to v3 (#497) (1a60236) -- **deps**: update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v4 (#496) (a249421) -- **deps**: update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to ^0.16.0 (#488) (6498c9b) -- **deps**: update dependency vite to v4 (#503) (f40d7ec) -- **ci**: e2e against vercel deployement (#518) (2e28c50) -- **e2e**: execute e2e against built app (#511) (cf382b5) -- **deps**: update github/codeql-action action to v2 (#513) (0152583) -- **deps**: update node.js to v18 (#514) (38cb61d) -- **deps**: switched from vite-plugin-md to vite-plugin-vue-markdown (#510) (354aed6) -- **deps**: update dependency workbox-window to v7 (#509) (6b8682f) -- **deps**: update dependency vite-svg-loader to v4 (#508) (9e8349d) -- **deps**: update dependency typescript to ~4.9.0 (#481) (f440507) -- **deps**: update dependency vue-tsc to ^0.40.0 (#490) (b0d9a3e) -- **deps**: updated unplugin-auto-import (#504) (5c3bebf) -- **deps**: removed start-server-and-test dependency (8df7cd0) -- **deps**: update dependency c8 to v8 (#498) (6bda2ca) -- **deps**: update dependency @types/jsdom to v21 (#495) (994a1c3) -- **deps**: update node.js to v16.20.1 (#491) (05edaf4) -- **deps**: update dependency vitest to ^0.32.0 (#489) (49eacea) -- **deps**: update actions/checkout action to v3 (#494) (3f7d469) -- **deps**: update dependency unplugin-vue-components to ^0.25.0 (#484) (5f21908) -- **deps**: update dependency unplugin-auto-import to ^0.16.0 (#483) (6cb0845) -- **deps**: update dependency unocss to ^0.53.0 (#482) (38710dc) -- **deps**: update dependency @unocss/eslint-config to ^0.53.0 (#478) (282cfc4) -- **deps**: added renovate.json (#477) (363c2e4) -- **i18n**: tool scoped locales (#471) (1b038c7) -- **wysiwyg-editor**: update tiptap dependencies (732da08) -- **i18n**: setup i18n plugin config (ebfb872) -- **config**: netlify deployment support (#443) (93799af) -- **ci**: shard e2e tests (962a6d6) -- **lint**: switched to a better lint config (33c9b66) - -### Refacor - -- **transformers**: use monospace font for JSON and SQL text areas (#476) (ba4876d) - -### Documentation - -- **ide**: updated vscode extensions settings (#472) (847323c) - -### Chors - -- **deps**: updated vueuse dependency version (8515c24) - -## Version 2023.05.14-77f2efc - -### Features - -- **list-converter**: a small converter who deals with column based data and do some stuff with it (#387) (83a7b3b) -- **new tool**: phone parser and normalizer (ce3150c) - -### Bug fixes - -- **phone-parser**: use default country code (a43c546) -- **home**: prevent weird blue border on card (3f6c8f0) - -### Refactoring - -- **ui**: replaced some n-input with c-input-text (77f2efc) - -### Chores - -- **issues**: updated new tool request issue template (edae4c6) - -### Ui-lib - -- **new-component**: added text input component in the c-lib (aad8d84) -- **button**: size variants (401f13f) - -## Version 2023.04.23-92bd835 - -### Features - -- **ui-lib**: demo pages for c-lib components (92bd835) -- **new-tool**: diff of two json objects (362f2fa) -- **ipv4-range-expander**: expands a given IPv4 start and end address to a valid IPv4 subnet (#366) (df989e2) -- **date converter**: auto focus main input (6d22025) - -### Bug fixes - -- **ts**: cleaned legacy typechecking warning (e88c1d5) -- **mac-address-lookup**: added copy handler on button click (c311e38) - -### Refactoring - -- **ui-lib**: prevent c-button to shrink (61ece23) -- **ui**: replaced naive ui cards with custom ones (f080933) -- **clean**: removed unused lodash import (bb32513) -- **clean**: removed useless br tags (74073f5) -- **ui**: getting ride of naive ui buttons (c45bce3) - -## Version 2023.04.14-dbad773 - -### Features - -- **new-tool**: http status codes (8355bd2) - -### Refactoring - -- **uuid-generator**: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994) - -### Chores - -- **release**: create a github release on new version (dbad773) -- **version**: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff) - -## Version 2023.04.14-f9b77b7 - -### Features - -- **new-tool**: http status codes (8355bd2) - -### Refactoring - -- **uuid-generator**: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994) - -### Chores - -- **release**: create a github release on new version (f9b77b7) -- **version**: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff) - -## Version 2023.04.14-2f0d239 - -### Features - -- **new-tool**: http status codes (8355bd2) - -### Refactoring - -- **uuid-generator**: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994) - -### Chores - -- **release**: create a github release on new version (2f0d239) -- **version**: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff) - -## Version 2023.04.14-474cae4 - -### Features - -- **new-tool**: http status codes (8355bd2) - -### Refactoring - -- **uuid-generator**: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994) - -### Chores - -- **release**: create a github release on new version (474cae4) -- **version**: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff) - -## Version v2023.4.13-dce9ff9 - -_Diff not available_ diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile deleted file mode 100644 index 734bd73d3..000000000 --- a/Dockerfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -# build stage -FROM node:lts-alpine AS build-stage -# Set environment variables for non-interactive npm installs -ENV NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL warn -ENV CI true -WORKDIR /app -COPY package.json pnpm-lock.yaml ./ -RUN npm install -g pnpm && pnpm i --frozen-lockfile -COPY . . -RUN pnpm build - -# production stage -FROM nginx:stable-alpine AS production-stage -COPY --from=build-stage /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html -COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf -EXPOSE 80 -CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"] diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index e72bfddab..000000000 --- a/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,674 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 3, 29 June 2007 - - Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for -software and other kinds of works. - - The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed -to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, -the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to -share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free -software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the -GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to -any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you -want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new -free programs, and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you -these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have -certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if -you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same -freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive -or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they -know their rights. - - Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: -(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License -giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. - - For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains -that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and -authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as -changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to -authors of previous versions. - - Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run -modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer -can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of -protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic -pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to -use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we -have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those -products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we -stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions -of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. - - Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. -States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of -software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to -avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could -make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that -patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - 0. Definitions. - - "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. - - "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of -works, such as semiconductor masks. - - "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this -License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and -"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. - - To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work -in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an -exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the -earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. - - A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based -on the Program. - - To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without -permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for -infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a -computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, -distribution (with or without modification), making available to the -public, and in some countries other activities as well. - - To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other -parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through -a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. - - An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" -to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible -feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) -tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the -extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the -work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If -the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a -menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. - - 1. Source Code. - - The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work -for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source -form of a work. - - A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official -standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of -interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that -is widely used among developers working in that language. - - The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other -than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of -packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major -Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that -Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an -implementation is available to the public in source code form. A -"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component -(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system -(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to -produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. - - The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all -the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable -work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to -control those activities. However, it does not include the work's -System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free -programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but -which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source -includes interface definition files associated with source files for -the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically -linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, -such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those -subprograms and other parts of the work. - - The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users -can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding -Source. - - The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that -same work. - - 2. Basic Permissions. - - All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of -copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated -conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited -permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a -covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its -content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your -rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. - - You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not -convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains -in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose -of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you -with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with -the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do -not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works -for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction -and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of -your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. - - Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under -the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 -makes it unnecessary. - - 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. - - No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological -measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article -11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or -similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such -measures. - - When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid -circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention -is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to -the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or -modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's -users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of -technological measures. - - 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. - - You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you -receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and -appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; -keep intact all notices stating that this License and any -non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; -keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all -recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. - - You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, -and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. - - 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. - - You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to -produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the -terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified - it, and giving a relevant date. - - b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is - released under this License and any conditions added under section - 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to - "keep intact all notices". - - c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this - License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This - License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 - additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, - regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no - permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not - invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. - - d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display - Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive - interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your - work need not make them do so. - - A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent -works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, -and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, -in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an -"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not -used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users -beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work -in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other -parts of the aggregate. - - 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. - - You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms -of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the -machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, -in one of these ways: - - a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product - (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the - Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium - customarily used for software interchange. - - b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product - (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a - written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as - long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product - model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a - copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the - product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical - medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no - more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this - conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the - Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. - - c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the - written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This - alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and - only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord - with subsection 6b. - - d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated - place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the - Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no - further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the - Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to - copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source - may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) - that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain - clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the - Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the - Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is - available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. - - e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided - you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding - Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no - charge under subsection 6d. - - A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded -from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be -included in conveying the object code work. - - A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any -tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, -or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation -into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, -doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular -product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a -typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status -of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user -actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product -is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial -commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent -the only significant mode of use of the product. - - "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, -procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install -and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from -a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must -suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object -code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because -modification has been made. - - If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or -specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as -part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the -User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a -fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the -Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied -by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply -if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install -modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has -been installed in ROM). - - The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a -requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates -for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for -the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a -network may be denied when the modification itself materially and -adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and -protocols for communication across the network. - - Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, -in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly -documented (and with an implementation available to the public in -source code form), and must require no special password or key for -unpacking, reading or copying. - - 7. Additional Terms. - - "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this -License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. -Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall -be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent -that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions -apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately -under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by -this License without regard to the additional permissions. - - When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option -remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of -it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own -removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place -additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, -for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. - - Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you -add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of -that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: - - a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the - terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or - - b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or - author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal - Notices displayed by works containing it; or - - c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or - requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in - reasonable ways as different from the original version; or - - d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or - authors of the material; or - - e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some - trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or - - f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that - material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of - it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for - any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on - those licensors and authors. - - All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further -restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you -received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is -governed by this License along with a term that is a further -restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains -a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this -License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms -of that license document, provided that the further restriction does -not survive such relicensing or conveying. - - If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you -must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the -additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating -where to find the applicable terms. - - Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the -form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; -the above requirements apply either way. - - 8. Termination. - - You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly -provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or -modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under -this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third -paragraph of section 11). - - However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your -license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) -provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and -finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright -holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means -prior to 60 days after the cessation. - - Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is -reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the -violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have -received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that -copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after -your receipt of the notice. - - Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the -licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under -this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently -reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same -material under section 10. - - 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. - - You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or -run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work -occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission -to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, -nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or -modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do -not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a -covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. - - 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. - - Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically -receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and -propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible -for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. - - An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an -organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an -organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered -work results from an entity transaction, each party to that -transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever -licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could -give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the -Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if -the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. - - You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the -rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may -not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of -rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation -(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that -any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for -sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. - - 11. Patents. - - A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this -License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The -work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". - - A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims -owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or -hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted -by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, -but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a -consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For -purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant -patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of -this License. - - Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free -patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to -make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and -propagate the contents of its contributor version. - - In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express -agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent -(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to -sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a -party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a -patent against the party. - - If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, -and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone -to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a -publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, -then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so -available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the -patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner -consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent -license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have -actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the -covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work -in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that -country that you have reason to believe are valid. - - If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or -arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a -covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties -receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify -or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license -you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered -work and works based on it. - - A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within -the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is -conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are -specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered -work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is -in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment -to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying -the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the -parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory -patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work -conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily -for and in connection with specific products or compilations that -contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, -or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. - - Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting -any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may -otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. - - 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. - - If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a -covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may -not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you -to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey -the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this -License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. - - 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. - - Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have -permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed -under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single -combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this -License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, -but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, -section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the -combination as such. - - 14. Revised Versions of this License. - - The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of -the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - - Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the -Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General -Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the -option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered -version or of any later version published by the Free Software -Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the -GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published -by the Free Software Foundation. - - If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future -versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's -public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you -to choose that version for the Program. - - Later license versions may give you additional or different -permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any -author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a -later version. - - 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. - - THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY -APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT -HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY -OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM -IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF -ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 16. Limitation of Liability. - - IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS -THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY -GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE -USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF -DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD -PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), -EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -SUCH DAMAGES. - - 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. - - If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided -above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, -reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates -an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the -Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a -copy of the Program in return for a fee. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program. If not, see . - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - - If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short -notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Copyright (C) - This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands -might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". - - You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, -if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. -For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see -. - - The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program -into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you -may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with -the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. But first, please read -. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 93c7aa735..000000000 --- a/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ - - - - logo - - -Useful tools for developer and people working in IT. [Have a look !](https://it-tools.tech). - -## Functionalities and roadmap - -Please check the [issues](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues) to see if some feature listed to be implemented. - -You have an idea of a tool? Submit a [feature request](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose)! - -## Self host - -Self host solutions for your homelab - -**From docker hub:** - -```sh -docker run -d --name it-tools --restart unless-stopped -p 8080:80 corentinth/it-tools:latest -``` - -**From github packages:** - -```sh -docker run -d --name it-tools --restart unless-stopped -p 8080:80 ghcr.io/corentinth/it-tools:latest -``` - -**Other solutions:** - -- [Cloudron](https://www.cloudron.io/store/tech.ittools.cloudron.html) -- [Tipi](https://www.runtipi.io/docs/apps-available) -- [Unraid](https://unraid.net/community/apps?q=it-tools) - -## Contribute - -### Recommended IDE Setup - -[VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) with the following extensions: - -- [Volar](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.volar) (and disable Vetur) -- [TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.vscode-typescript-vue-plugin). -- [ESLint](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) -- [i18n Ally](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=lokalise.i18n-ally) - -with the following settings: - -```json -{ - "editor.formatOnSave": false, - "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { - "source.fixAll.eslint": true - }, - "i18n-ally.localesPaths": ["locales", "src/tools/*/locales"], - "i18n-ally.keystyle": "nested" -} -``` - -### Type Support for `.vue` Imports in TS - -TypeScript cannot handle type information for `.vue` imports by default, so we replace the `tsc` CLI with `vue-tsc` for type checking. In editors, we need [TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.vscode-typescript-vue-plugin) to make the TypeScript language service aware of `.vue` types. - -If the standalone TypeScript plugin doesn't feel fast enough to you, Volar has also implemented a [Take Over Mode](https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/discussions/471#discussioncomment-1361669) that is more performant. You can enable it by the following steps: - -1. Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension - 1. Run `Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions` from VSCode's command palette - 2. Find `TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features`, right click and select `Disable (Workspace)` -2. Reload the VSCode window by running `Developer: Reload Window` from the command palette. - -### Project Setup - -```sh -pnpm install -``` - -### Compile and Hot-Reload for Development - -```sh -pnpm dev -``` - -### Type-Check, Compile and Minify for Production - -```sh -pnpm build -``` - -### Run Unit Tests with [Vitest](https://vitest.dev/) - -```sh -pnpm test -``` - -### Lint with [ESLint](https://eslint.org/) - -```sh -pnpm lint -``` - -### Create a new tool - -To create a new tool, there is a script that generate the boilerplate of the new tool, simply run: - -```sh -pnpm run script:create:tool my-tool-name -``` - -It will create a directory in `src/tools` with the correct files, and a the import in `src/tools/index.ts`. You will just need to add the imported tool in the proper category and develop the tool. - -## Contributors - -Big thanks to all the people who have already contributed! - -[![contributors](https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=corentinth/it-tools)](https://github.com/corentinth/it-tools/graphs/contributors) - -## Credits - -Coded with ❤️ by [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=readme). - -This project is continuously deployed using [vercel.com](https://vercel.com). - -Contributor graph is generated using [contrib.rocks](https://contrib.rocks/preview?repo=corentinth/it-tools). - -IT Tools - Collection of handy online tools for devs, with great UX | Product Hunt -IT Tools - Collection of handy online tools for devs, with great UX | Product Hunt - -## License - -This project is under the [GNU GPLv3](LICENSE). diff --git a/_templates/generator/ui-component/component.demo.ejs.t b/_templates/generator/ui-component/component.demo.ejs.t deleted file mode 100644 index 7f9b473f3..000000000 --- a/_templates/generator/ui-component/component.demo.ejs.t +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -to: src/ui/<%= h.changeCase.param(name) %>/<%= h.changeCase.param(name) %>.demo.vue ---- - diff --git a/_templates/generator/ui-component/component.ejs.t b/_templates/generator/ui-component/component.ejs.t deleted file mode 100644 index 43acd4d14..000000000 --- a/_templates/generator/ui-component/component.ejs.t +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -to: src/ui/<%= h.changeCase.param(name) %>/<%= h.changeCase.param(name) %>.vue ---- - - - diff --git a/auto-imports.d.ts b/auto-imports.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 186963f1d..000000000 --- a/auto-imports.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,862 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint-disable */ -/* prettier-ignore */ -// @ts-nocheck -// Generated by unplugin-auto-import -export {} -declare global { - const EffectScope: typeof import('vue')['EffectScope'] - const asyncComputed: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['asyncComputed'] - const autoResetRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['autoResetRef'] - const computed: typeof import('vue')['computed'] - const computedAsync: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['computedAsync'] - const computedEager: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['computedEager'] - const computedInject: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['computedInject'] - const computedWithControl: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['computedWithControl'] - const controlledComputed: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['controlledComputed'] - const controlledRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['controlledRef'] - const createApp: typeof import('vue')['createApp'] - const createEventHook: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createEventHook'] - const createGlobalState: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createGlobalState'] - const createInjectionState: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createInjectionState'] - const createReactiveFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createReactiveFn'] - const createReusableTemplate: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createReusableTemplate'] - const createSharedComposable: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createSharedComposable'] - const createTemplatePromise: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createTemplatePromise'] - const createUnrefFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['createUnrefFn'] - const customRef: typeof import('vue')['customRef'] - const debouncedRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['debouncedRef'] - const debouncedWatch: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['debouncedWatch'] - const defineAsyncComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineAsyncComponent'] - const defineComponent: typeof import('vue')['defineComponent'] - const eagerComputed: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['eagerComputed'] - const effectScope: typeof import('vue')['effectScope'] - const extendRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['extendRef'] - const getCurrentInstance: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentInstance'] - const getCurrentScope: typeof import('vue')['getCurrentScope'] - const h: typeof import('vue')['h'] - const ignorableWatch: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['ignorableWatch'] - const inject: typeof import('vue')['inject'] - const isDefined: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['isDefined'] - const isProxy: typeof import('vue')['isProxy'] - const isReactive: typeof import('vue')['isReactive'] - const isReadonly: typeof import('vue')['isReadonly'] - const isRef: typeof import('vue')['isRef'] - const makeDestructurable: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['makeDestructurable'] - const markRaw: typeof import('vue')['markRaw'] - const nextTick: typeof import('vue')['nextTick'] - const onActivated: typeof import('vue')['onActivated'] - const onBeforeMount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeMount'] - const onBeforeRouteLeave: typeof import('vue-router')['onBeforeRouteLeave'] - const onBeforeRouteUpdate: typeof import('vue-router')['onBeforeRouteUpdate'] - const onBeforeUnmount: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUnmount'] - const onBeforeUpdate: typeof import('vue')['onBeforeUpdate'] - const onClickOutside: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['onClickOutside'] - const onDeactivated: typeof import('vue')['onDeactivated'] - const onErrorCaptured: typeof import('vue')['onErrorCaptured'] - const onKeyStroke: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['onKeyStroke'] - const onLongPress: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['onLongPress'] - const onMounted: typeof import('vue')['onMounted'] - const onRenderTracked: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTracked'] - const onRenderTriggered: typeof import('vue')['onRenderTriggered'] - const onScopeDispose: typeof import('vue')['onScopeDispose'] - const onServerPrefetch: typeof import('vue')['onServerPrefetch'] - const onStartTyping: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['onStartTyping'] - const onUnmounted: typeof import('vue')['onUnmounted'] - const onUpdated: typeof import('vue')['onUpdated'] - const pausableWatch: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['pausableWatch'] - const provide: typeof import('vue')['provide'] - const reactify: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['reactify'] - const reactifyObject: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['reactifyObject'] - const reactive: typeof import('vue')['reactive'] - const reactiveComputed: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['reactiveComputed'] - const reactiveOmit: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['reactiveOmit'] - const reactivePick: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['reactivePick'] - const readonly: typeof import('vue')['readonly'] - const ref: typeof import('vue')['ref'] - const refAutoReset: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['refAutoReset'] - const refDebounced: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['refDebounced'] - const refDefault: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['refDefault'] - const refThrottled: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['refThrottled'] - const refWithControl: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['refWithControl'] - const resolveComponent: typeof import('vue')['resolveComponent'] - const resolveRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['resolveRef'] - const resolveUnref: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['resolveUnref'] - const shallowReactive: typeof import('vue')['shallowReactive'] - const shallowReadonly: typeof import('vue')['shallowReadonly'] - const shallowRef: typeof import('vue')['shallowRef'] - const syncRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['syncRef'] - const syncRefs: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['syncRefs'] - const templateRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['templateRef'] - const throttledRef: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['throttledRef'] - const throttledWatch: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['throttledWatch'] - const toRaw: typeof import('vue')['toRaw'] - const toReactive: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['toReactive'] - const toRef: typeof import('vue')['toRef'] - const toRefs: typeof import('vue')['toRefs'] - const toValue: typeof import('vue')['toValue'] - const triggerRef: typeof import('vue')['triggerRef'] - const tryOnBeforeMount: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['tryOnBeforeMount'] - const tryOnBeforeUnmount: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['tryOnBeforeUnmount'] - const tryOnMounted: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['tryOnMounted'] - const tryOnScopeDispose: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['tryOnScopeDispose'] - const tryOnUnmounted: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['tryOnUnmounted'] - const unref: typeof import('vue')['unref'] - const unrefElement: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['unrefElement'] - const until: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['until'] - const useActiveElement: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useActiveElement'] - const useAnimate: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useAnimate'] - const useArrayDifference: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayDifference'] - const useArrayEvery: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayEvery'] - const useArrayFilter: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayFilter'] - const useArrayFind: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayFind'] - const useArrayFindIndex: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayFindIndex'] - const useArrayFindLast: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayFindLast'] - const useArrayIncludes: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayIncludes'] - const useArrayJoin: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayJoin'] - const useArrayMap: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayMap'] - const useArrayReduce: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayReduce'] - const useArraySome: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArraySome'] - const useArrayUnique: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useArrayUnique'] - const useAsyncQueue: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useAsyncQueue'] - const useAsyncState: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useAsyncState'] - const useAttrs: typeof import('vue')['useAttrs'] - const useBase64: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useBase64'] - const useBattery: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useBattery'] - const useBluetooth: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useBluetooth'] - const useBreakpoints: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useBreakpoints'] - const useBroadcastChannel: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useBroadcastChannel'] - const useBrowserLocation: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useBrowserLocation'] - const useCached: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useCached'] - const useClipboard: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useClipboard'] - const useCloned: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useCloned'] - const useColorMode: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useColorMode'] - const useConfirmDialog: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useConfirmDialog'] - const useCounter: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useCounter'] - const useCssModule: typeof import('vue')['useCssModule'] - const useCssVar: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useCssVar'] - const useCssVars: typeof import('vue')['useCssVars'] - const useCurrentElement: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useCurrentElement'] - const useCycleList: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useCycleList'] - const useDark: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDark'] - const useDateFormat: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDateFormat'] - const useDebounce: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDebounce'] - const useDebounceFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDebounceFn'] - const useDebouncedRefHistory: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDebouncedRefHistory'] - const useDeviceMotion: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDeviceMotion'] - const useDeviceOrientation: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDeviceOrientation'] - const useDevicePixelRatio: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDevicePixelRatio'] - const useDevicesList: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDevicesList'] - const useDialog: typeof import('naive-ui')['useDialog'] - const useDisplayMedia: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDisplayMedia'] - const useDocumentVisibility: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDocumentVisibility'] - const useDraggable: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDraggable'] - const useDropZone: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useDropZone'] - const useElementBounding: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useElementBounding'] - const useElementByPoint: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useElementByPoint'] - const useElementHover: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useElementHover'] - const useElementSize: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useElementSize'] - const useElementVisibility: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useElementVisibility'] - const useEventBus: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useEventBus'] - const useEventListener: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useEventListener'] - const useEventSource: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useEventSource'] - const useEyeDropper: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useEyeDropper'] - const useFavicon: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFavicon'] - const useFetch: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFetch'] - const useFileDialog: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFileDialog'] - const useFileSystemAccess: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFileSystemAccess'] - const useFocus: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFocus'] - const useFocusWithin: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFocusWithin'] - const useFps: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFps'] - const useFullscreen: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useFullscreen'] - const useGamepad: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useGamepad'] - const useGeolocation: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useGeolocation'] - const useI18n: typeof import('vue-i18n')['useI18n'] - const useIdle: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useIdle'] - const useImage: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useImage'] - const useInfiniteScroll: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useInfiniteScroll'] - const useIntersectionObserver: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useIntersectionObserver'] - const useInterval: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useInterval'] - const useIntervalFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useIntervalFn'] - const useKeyModifier: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useKeyModifier'] - const useLastChanged: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useLastChanged'] - const useLink: typeof import('vue-router')['useLink'] - const useLoadingBar: typeof import('naive-ui')['useLoadingBar'] - const useLocalStorage: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useLocalStorage'] - const useMagicKeys: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMagicKeys'] - const useManualRefHistory: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useManualRefHistory'] - const useMediaControls: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMediaControls'] - const useMediaQuery: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMediaQuery'] - const useMemoize: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMemoize'] - const useMemory: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMemory'] - const useMessage: typeof import('naive-ui')['useMessage'] - const useMounted: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMounted'] - const useMouse: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMouse'] - const useMouseInElement: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMouseInElement'] - const useMousePressed: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMousePressed'] - const useMutationObserver: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useMutationObserver'] - const useNavigatorLanguage: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useNavigatorLanguage'] - const useNetwork: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useNetwork'] - const useNotification: typeof import('naive-ui')['useNotification'] - const useNow: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useNow'] - const useObjectUrl: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useObjectUrl'] - const useOffsetPagination: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useOffsetPagination'] - const useOnline: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useOnline'] - const usePageLeave: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePageLeave'] - const useParallax: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useParallax'] - const useParentElement: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useParentElement'] - const usePerformanceObserver: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePerformanceObserver'] - const usePermission: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePermission'] - const usePointer: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePointer'] - const usePointerLock: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePointerLock'] - const usePointerSwipe: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePointerSwipe'] - const usePreferredColorScheme: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePreferredColorScheme'] - const usePreferredContrast: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePreferredContrast'] - const usePreferredDark: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePreferredDark'] - const usePreferredLanguages: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePreferredLanguages'] - const usePreferredReducedMotion: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePreferredReducedMotion'] - const usePrevious: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['usePrevious'] - const useRafFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useRafFn'] - const useRefHistory: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useRefHistory'] - const useResizeObserver: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useResizeObserver'] - const useRoute: typeof import('vue-router')['useRoute'] - const useRouter: typeof import('vue-router')['useRouter'] - const useScreenOrientation: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useScreenOrientation'] - const useScreenSafeArea: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useScreenSafeArea'] - const useScriptTag: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useScriptTag'] - const useScroll: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useScroll'] - const useScrollLock: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useScrollLock'] - const useSessionStorage: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useSessionStorage'] - const useShare: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useShare'] - const useSlots: typeof import('vue')['useSlots'] - const useSorted: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useSorted'] - const useSpeechRecognition: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useSpeechRecognition'] - const useSpeechSynthesis: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useSpeechSynthesis'] - const useStepper: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useStepper'] - const useStorage: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useStorage'] - const useStorageAsync: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useStorageAsync'] - const useStyleTag: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useStyleTag'] - const useSupported: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useSupported'] - const useSwipe: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useSwipe'] - const useTemplateRefsList: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTemplateRefsList'] - const useTextDirection: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTextDirection'] - const useTextSelection: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTextSelection'] - const useTextareaAutosize: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTextareaAutosize'] - const useThrottle: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useThrottle'] - const useThrottleFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useThrottleFn'] - const useThrottledRefHistory: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useThrottledRefHistory'] - const useTimeAgo: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTimeAgo'] - const useTimeout: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTimeout'] - const useTimeoutFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTimeoutFn'] - const useTimeoutPoll: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTimeoutPoll'] - const useTimestamp: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTimestamp'] - const useTitle: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTitle'] - const useToNumber: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useToNumber'] - const useToString: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useToString'] - const useToggle: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useToggle'] - const useTransition: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useTransition'] - const useUrlSearchParams: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useUrlSearchParams'] - const useUserMedia: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useUserMedia'] - const useVModel: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useVModel'] - const useVModels: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useVModels'] - const useVibrate: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useVibrate'] - const useVirtualList: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useVirtualList'] - const useWakeLock: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWakeLock'] - const useWebNotification: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWebNotification'] - const useWebSocket: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWebSocket'] - const useWebWorker: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWebWorker'] - const useWebWorkerFn: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWebWorkerFn'] - const useWindowFocus: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWindowFocus'] - const useWindowScroll: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWindowScroll'] - const useWindowSize: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['useWindowSize'] - const watch: typeof import('vue')['watch'] - const watchArray: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchArray'] - const watchAtMost: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchAtMost'] - const watchDebounced: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchDebounced'] - const watchDeep: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchDeep'] - const watchEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchEffect'] - const watchIgnorable: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchIgnorable'] - const watchImmediate: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchImmediate'] - const watchOnce: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchOnce'] - const watchPausable: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchPausable'] - const watchPostEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchPostEffect'] - const watchSyncEffect: typeof import('vue')['watchSyncEffect'] - const watchThrottled: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchThrottled'] - const watchTriggerable: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchTriggerable'] - const watchWithFilter: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['watchWithFilter'] - const whenever: typeof import('@vueuse/core')['whenever'] -} -// for type re-export -declare global { - // @ts-ignore - export type { Component, ComponentPublicInstance, ComputedRef, InjectionKey, PropType, Ref, VNode } from 'vue' -} -// for vue template auto import -import { UnwrapRef } from 'vue' -declare module 'vue' { - interface ComponentCustomProperties { - readonly EffectScope: UnwrapRef - readonly asyncComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly autoResetRef: UnwrapRef - readonly computed: UnwrapRef - readonly computedAsync: UnwrapRef - readonly computedEager: UnwrapRef - readonly computedInject: UnwrapRef - readonly computedWithControl: UnwrapRef - readonly controlledComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly controlledRef: UnwrapRef - readonly createApp: UnwrapRef - readonly createEventHook: UnwrapRef - readonly createGlobalState: UnwrapRef - readonly createInjectionState: UnwrapRef - readonly createReactiveFn: UnwrapRef - readonly createReusableTemplate: UnwrapRef - readonly createSharedComposable: UnwrapRef - readonly createTemplatePromise: UnwrapRef - readonly createUnrefFn: UnwrapRef - readonly customRef: UnwrapRef - readonly debouncedRef: UnwrapRef - readonly debouncedWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly defineAsyncComponent: UnwrapRef - readonly defineComponent: UnwrapRef - readonly eagerComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly effectScope: UnwrapRef - readonly extendRef: UnwrapRef - readonly getCurrentInstance: UnwrapRef - readonly getCurrentScope: UnwrapRef - readonly h: UnwrapRef - readonly ignorableWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly inject: UnwrapRef - readonly isDefined: UnwrapRef - readonly isProxy: UnwrapRef - readonly isReactive: UnwrapRef - readonly isReadonly: UnwrapRef - readonly isRef: UnwrapRef - readonly makeDestructurable: UnwrapRef - readonly markRaw: UnwrapRef - readonly nextTick: UnwrapRef - readonly onActivated: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeMount: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeRouteLeave: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeRouteUpdate: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeUnmount: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeUpdate: UnwrapRef - readonly onClickOutside: UnwrapRef - readonly onDeactivated: UnwrapRef - readonly onErrorCaptured: UnwrapRef - readonly onKeyStroke: UnwrapRef - readonly onLongPress: UnwrapRef - readonly onMounted: UnwrapRef - readonly onRenderTracked: UnwrapRef - readonly onRenderTriggered: UnwrapRef - readonly onScopeDispose: UnwrapRef - readonly onServerPrefetch: UnwrapRef - readonly onStartTyping: UnwrapRef - readonly onUnmounted: UnwrapRef - readonly onUpdated: UnwrapRef - readonly pausableWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly provide: UnwrapRef - readonly reactify: UnwrapRef - readonly reactifyObject: UnwrapRef - readonly reactive: UnwrapRef - readonly reactiveComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly reactiveOmit: UnwrapRef - readonly reactivePick: UnwrapRef - readonly readonly: UnwrapRef - readonly ref: UnwrapRef - readonly refAutoReset: UnwrapRef - readonly refDebounced: UnwrapRef - readonly refDefault: UnwrapRef - readonly refThrottled: UnwrapRef - readonly refWithControl: UnwrapRef - readonly resolveComponent: UnwrapRef - readonly resolveRef: UnwrapRef - readonly resolveUnref: UnwrapRef - readonly shallowReactive: UnwrapRef - readonly shallowReadonly: UnwrapRef - readonly shallowRef: UnwrapRef - readonly syncRef: UnwrapRef - readonly syncRefs: UnwrapRef - readonly templateRef: UnwrapRef - readonly throttledRef: UnwrapRef - readonly throttledWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly toRaw: UnwrapRef - readonly toReactive: UnwrapRef - readonly toRef: UnwrapRef - readonly toRefs: UnwrapRef - readonly toValue: UnwrapRef - readonly triggerRef: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnBeforeMount: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnBeforeUnmount: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnMounted: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnScopeDispose: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnUnmounted: UnwrapRef - readonly unref: UnwrapRef - readonly unrefElement: UnwrapRef - readonly until: UnwrapRef - readonly useActiveElement: UnwrapRef - readonly useAnimate: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayDifference: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayEvery: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFilter: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFind: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFindIndex: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFindLast: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayIncludes: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayJoin: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayMap: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayReduce: UnwrapRef - readonly useArraySome: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayUnique: UnwrapRef - readonly useAsyncQueue: UnwrapRef - readonly useAsyncState: UnwrapRef - readonly useAttrs: UnwrapRef - readonly useBase64: UnwrapRef - readonly useBattery: UnwrapRef - readonly useBluetooth: UnwrapRef - readonly useBreakpoints: UnwrapRef - readonly useBroadcastChannel: UnwrapRef - readonly useBrowserLocation: UnwrapRef - readonly useCached: UnwrapRef - readonly useClipboard: UnwrapRef - readonly useCloned: UnwrapRef - readonly useColorMode: UnwrapRef - readonly useConfirmDialog: UnwrapRef - readonly useCounter: UnwrapRef - readonly useCssModule: UnwrapRef - readonly useCssVar: UnwrapRef - readonly useCssVars: UnwrapRef - readonly useCurrentElement: UnwrapRef - readonly useCycleList: UnwrapRef - readonly useDark: UnwrapRef - readonly useDateFormat: UnwrapRef - readonly useDebounce: UnwrapRef - readonly useDebounceFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useDebouncedRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useDeviceMotion: UnwrapRef - readonly useDeviceOrientation: UnwrapRef - readonly useDevicePixelRatio: UnwrapRef - readonly useDevicesList: UnwrapRef - readonly useDialog: UnwrapRef - readonly useDisplayMedia: UnwrapRef - readonly useDocumentVisibility: UnwrapRef - readonly useDraggable: UnwrapRef - readonly useDropZone: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementBounding: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementByPoint: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementHover: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementSize: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementVisibility: UnwrapRef - readonly useEventBus: UnwrapRef - readonly useEventListener: UnwrapRef - readonly useEventSource: UnwrapRef - readonly useEyeDropper: UnwrapRef - readonly useFavicon: UnwrapRef - readonly useFetch: UnwrapRef - readonly useFileDialog: UnwrapRef - readonly useFileSystemAccess: UnwrapRef - readonly useFocus: UnwrapRef - readonly useFocusWithin: UnwrapRef - readonly useFps: UnwrapRef - readonly useFullscreen: UnwrapRef - readonly useGamepad: UnwrapRef - readonly useGeolocation: UnwrapRef - readonly useI18n: UnwrapRef - readonly useIdle: UnwrapRef - readonly useImage: UnwrapRef - readonly useInfiniteScroll: UnwrapRef - readonly useIntersectionObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly useInterval: UnwrapRef - readonly useIntervalFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useKeyModifier: UnwrapRef - readonly useLastChanged: UnwrapRef - readonly useLink: UnwrapRef - readonly useLoadingBar: UnwrapRef - readonly useLocalStorage: UnwrapRef - readonly useMagicKeys: UnwrapRef - readonly useManualRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useMediaControls: UnwrapRef - readonly useMediaQuery: UnwrapRef - readonly useMemoize: UnwrapRef - readonly useMemory: UnwrapRef - readonly useMessage: UnwrapRef - readonly useMounted: UnwrapRef - readonly useMouse: UnwrapRef - readonly useMouseInElement: UnwrapRef - readonly useMousePressed: UnwrapRef - readonly useMutationObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly useNavigatorLanguage: UnwrapRef - readonly useNetwork: UnwrapRef - readonly useNotification: UnwrapRef - readonly useNow: UnwrapRef - readonly useObjectUrl: UnwrapRef - readonly useOffsetPagination: UnwrapRef - readonly useOnline: UnwrapRef - readonly usePageLeave: UnwrapRef - readonly useParallax: UnwrapRef - readonly useParentElement: UnwrapRef - readonly usePerformanceObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly usePermission: UnwrapRef - readonly usePointer: UnwrapRef - readonly usePointerLock: UnwrapRef - readonly usePointerSwipe: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredColorScheme: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredContrast: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredDark: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredLanguages: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredReducedMotion: UnwrapRef - readonly usePrevious: UnwrapRef - readonly useRafFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useResizeObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly useRoute: UnwrapRef - readonly useRouter: UnwrapRef - readonly useScreenOrientation: UnwrapRef - readonly useScreenSafeArea: UnwrapRef - readonly useScriptTag: UnwrapRef - readonly useScroll: UnwrapRef - readonly useScrollLock: UnwrapRef - readonly useSessionStorage: UnwrapRef - readonly useShare: UnwrapRef - readonly useSlots: UnwrapRef - readonly useSorted: UnwrapRef - readonly useSpeechRecognition: UnwrapRef - readonly useSpeechSynthesis: UnwrapRef - readonly useStepper: UnwrapRef - readonly useStorage: UnwrapRef - readonly useStorageAsync: UnwrapRef - readonly useStyleTag: UnwrapRef - readonly useSupported: UnwrapRef - readonly useSwipe: UnwrapRef - readonly useTemplateRefsList: UnwrapRef - readonly useTextDirection: UnwrapRef - readonly useTextSelection: UnwrapRef - readonly useTextareaAutosize: UnwrapRef - readonly useThrottle: UnwrapRef - readonly useThrottleFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useThrottledRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeAgo: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeout: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeoutFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeoutPoll: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimestamp: UnwrapRef - readonly useTitle: UnwrapRef - readonly useToNumber: UnwrapRef - readonly useToString: UnwrapRef - readonly useToggle: UnwrapRef - readonly useTransition: UnwrapRef - readonly useUrlSearchParams: UnwrapRef - readonly useUserMedia: UnwrapRef - readonly useVModel: UnwrapRef - readonly useVModels: UnwrapRef - readonly useVibrate: UnwrapRef - readonly useVirtualList: UnwrapRef - readonly useWakeLock: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebNotification: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebSocket: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebWorker: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebWorkerFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useWindowFocus: UnwrapRef - readonly useWindowScroll: UnwrapRef - readonly useWindowSize: UnwrapRef - readonly watch: UnwrapRef - readonly watchArray: UnwrapRef - readonly watchAtMost: UnwrapRef - readonly watchDebounced: UnwrapRef - readonly watchDeep: UnwrapRef - readonly watchEffect: UnwrapRef - readonly watchIgnorable: UnwrapRef - readonly watchImmediate: UnwrapRef - readonly watchOnce: UnwrapRef - readonly watchPausable: UnwrapRef - readonly watchPostEffect: UnwrapRef - readonly watchSyncEffect: UnwrapRef - readonly watchThrottled: UnwrapRef - readonly watchTriggerable: UnwrapRef - readonly watchWithFilter: UnwrapRef - readonly whenever: UnwrapRef - } -} -declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { - interface ComponentCustomProperties { - readonly EffectScope: UnwrapRef - readonly asyncComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly autoResetRef: UnwrapRef - readonly computed: UnwrapRef - readonly computedAsync: UnwrapRef - readonly computedEager: UnwrapRef - readonly computedInject: UnwrapRef - readonly computedWithControl: UnwrapRef - readonly controlledComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly controlledRef: UnwrapRef - readonly createApp: UnwrapRef - readonly createEventHook: UnwrapRef - readonly createGlobalState: UnwrapRef - readonly createInjectionState: UnwrapRef - readonly createReactiveFn: UnwrapRef - readonly createReusableTemplate: UnwrapRef - readonly createSharedComposable: UnwrapRef - readonly createTemplatePromise: UnwrapRef - readonly createUnrefFn: UnwrapRef - readonly customRef: UnwrapRef - readonly debouncedRef: UnwrapRef - readonly debouncedWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly defineAsyncComponent: UnwrapRef - readonly defineComponent: UnwrapRef - readonly eagerComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly effectScope: UnwrapRef - readonly extendRef: UnwrapRef - readonly getCurrentInstance: UnwrapRef - readonly getCurrentScope: UnwrapRef - readonly h: UnwrapRef - readonly ignorableWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly inject: UnwrapRef - readonly isDefined: UnwrapRef - readonly isProxy: UnwrapRef - readonly isReactive: UnwrapRef - readonly isReadonly: UnwrapRef - readonly isRef: UnwrapRef - readonly makeDestructurable: UnwrapRef - readonly markRaw: UnwrapRef - readonly nextTick: UnwrapRef - readonly onActivated: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeMount: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeRouteLeave: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeRouteUpdate: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeUnmount: UnwrapRef - readonly onBeforeUpdate: UnwrapRef - readonly onClickOutside: UnwrapRef - readonly onDeactivated: UnwrapRef - readonly onErrorCaptured: UnwrapRef - readonly onKeyStroke: UnwrapRef - readonly onLongPress: UnwrapRef - readonly onMounted: UnwrapRef - readonly onRenderTracked: UnwrapRef - readonly onRenderTriggered: UnwrapRef - readonly onScopeDispose: UnwrapRef - readonly onServerPrefetch: UnwrapRef - readonly onStartTyping: UnwrapRef - readonly onUnmounted: UnwrapRef - readonly onUpdated: UnwrapRef - readonly pausableWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly provide: UnwrapRef - readonly reactify: UnwrapRef - readonly reactifyObject: UnwrapRef - readonly reactive: UnwrapRef - readonly reactiveComputed: UnwrapRef - readonly reactiveOmit: UnwrapRef - readonly reactivePick: UnwrapRef - readonly readonly: UnwrapRef - readonly ref: UnwrapRef - readonly refAutoReset: UnwrapRef - readonly refDebounced: UnwrapRef - readonly refDefault: UnwrapRef - readonly refThrottled: UnwrapRef - readonly refWithControl: UnwrapRef - readonly resolveComponent: UnwrapRef - readonly resolveRef: UnwrapRef - readonly resolveUnref: UnwrapRef - readonly shallowReactive: UnwrapRef - readonly shallowReadonly: UnwrapRef - readonly shallowRef: UnwrapRef - readonly syncRef: UnwrapRef - readonly syncRefs: UnwrapRef - readonly templateRef: UnwrapRef - readonly throttledRef: UnwrapRef - readonly throttledWatch: UnwrapRef - readonly toRaw: UnwrapRef - readonly toReactive: UnwrapRef - readonly toRef: UnwrapRef - readonly toRefs: UnwrapRef - readonly toValue: UnwrapRef - readonly triggerRef: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnBeforeMount: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnBeforeUnmount: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnMounted: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnScopeDispose: UnwrapRef - readonly tryOnUnmounted: UnwrapRef - readonly unref: UnwrapRef - readonly unrefElement: UnwrapRef - readonly until: UnwrapRef - readonly useActiveElement: UnwrapRef - readonly useAnimate: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayDifference: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayEvery: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFilter: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFind: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFindIndex: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayFindLast: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayIncludes: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayJoin: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayMap: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayReduce: UnwrapRef - readonly useArraySome: UnwrapRef - readonly useArrayUnique: UnwrapRef - readonly useAsyncQueue: UnwrapRef - readonly useAsyncState: UnwrapRef - readonly useAttrs: UnwrapRef - readonly useBase64: UnwrapRef - readonly useBattery: UnwrapRef - readonly useBluetooth: UnwrapRef - readonly useBreakpoints: UnwrapRef - readonly useBroadcastChannel: UnwrapRef - readonly useBrowserLocation: UnwrapRef - readonly useCached: UnwrapRef - readonly useClipboard: UnwrapRef - readonly useCloned: UnwrapRef - readonly useColorMode: UnwrapRef - readonly useConfirmDialog: UnwrapRef - readonly useCounter: UnwrapRef - readonly useCssModule: UnwrapRef - readonly useCssVar: UnwrapRef - readonly useCssVars: UnwrapRef - readonly useCurrentElement: UnwrapRef - readonly useCycleList: UnwrapRef - readonly useDark: UnwrapRef - readonly useDateFormat: UnwrapRef - readonly useDebounce: UnwrapRef - readonly useDebounceFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useDebouncedRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useDeviceMotion: UnwrapRef - readonly useDeviceOrientation: UnwrapRef - readonly useDevicePixelRatio: UnwrapRef - readonly useDevicesList: UnwrapRef - readonly useDialog: UnwrapRef - readonly useDisplayMedia: UnwrapRef - readonly useDocumentVisibility: UnwrapRef - readonly useDraggable: UnwrapRef - readonly useDropZone: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementBounding: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementByPoint: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementHover: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementSize: UnwrapRef - readonly useElementVisibility: UnwrapRef - readonly useEventBus: UnwrapRef - readonly useEventListener: UnwrapRef - readonly useEventSource: UnwrapRef - readonly useEyeDropper: UnwrapRef - readonly useFavicon: UnwrapRef - readonly useFetch: UnwrapRef - readonly useFileDialog: UnwrapRef - readonly useFileSystemAccess: UnwrapRef - readonly useFocus: UnwrapRef - readonly useFocusWithin: UnwrapRef - readonly useFps: UnwrapRef - readonly useFullscreen: UnwrapRef - readonly useGamepad: UnwrapRef - readonly useGeolocation: UnwrapRef - readonly useI18n: UnwrapRef - readonly useIdle: UnwrapRef - readonly useImage: UnwrapRef - readonly useInfiniteScroll: UnwrapRef - readonly useIntersectionObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly useInterval: UnwrapRef - readonly useIntervalFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useKeyModifier: UnwrapRef - readonly useLastChanged: UnwrapRef - readonly useLink: UnwrapRef - readonly useLoadingBar: UnwrapRef - readonly useLocalStorage: UnwrapRef - readonly useMagicKeys: UnwrapRef - readonly useManualRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useMediaControls: UnwrapRef - readonly useMediaQuery: UnwrapRef - readonly useMemoize: UnwrapRef - readonly useMemory: UnwrapRef - readonly useMessage: UnwrapRef - readonly useMounted: UnwrapRef - readonly useMouse: UnwrapRef - readonly useMouseInElement: UnwrapRef - readonly useMousePressed: UnwrapRef - readonly useMutationObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly useNavigatorLanguage: UnwrapRef - readonly useNetwork: UnwrapRef - readonly useNotification: UnwrapRef - readonly useNow: UnwrapRef - readonly useObjectUrl: UnwrapRef - readonly useOffsetPagination: UnwrapRef - readonly useOnline: UnwrapRef - readonly usePageLeave: UnwrapRef - readonly useParallax: UnwrapRef - readonly useParentElement: UnwrapRef - readonly usePerformanceObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly usePermission: UnwrapRef - readonly usePointer: UnwrapRef - readonly usePointerLock: UnwrapRef - readonly usePointerSwipe: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredColorScheme: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredContrast: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredDark: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredLanguages: UnwrapRef - readonly usePreferredReducedMotion: UnwrapRef - readonly usePrevious: UnwrapRef - readonly useRafFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useResizeObserver: UnwrapRef - readonly useRoute: UnwrapRef - readonly useRouter: UnwrapRef - readonly useScreenOrientation: UnwrapRef - readonly useScreenSafeArea: UnwrapRef - readonly useScriptTag: UnwrapRef - readonly useScroll: UnwrapRef - readonly useScrollLock: UnwrapRef - readonly useSessionStorage: UnwrapRef - readonly useShare: UnwrapRef - readonly useSlots: UnwrapRef - readonly useSorted: UnwrapRef - readonly useSpeechRecognition: UnwrapRef - readonly useSpeechSynthesis: UnwrapRef - readonly useStepper: UnwrapRef - readonly useStorage: UnwrapRef - readonly useStorageAsync: UnwrapRef - readonly useStyleTag: UnwrapRef - readonly useSupported: UnwrapRef - readonly useSwipe: UnwrapRef - readonly useTemplateRefsList: UnwrapRef - readonly useTextDirection: UnwrapRef - readonly useTextSelection: UnwrapRef - readonly useTextareaAutosize: UnwrapRef - readonly useThrottle: UnwrapRef - readonly useThrottleFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useThrottledRefHistory: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeAgo: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeout: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeoutFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimeoutPoll: UnwrapRef - readonly useTimestamp: UnwrapRef - readonly useTitle: UnwrapRef - readonly useToNumber: UnwrapRef - readonly useToString: UnwrapRef - readonly useToggle: UnwrapRef - readonly useTransition: UnwrapRef - readonly useUrlSearchParams: UnwrapRef - readonly useUserMedia: UnwrapRef - readonly useVModel: UnwrapRef - readonly useVModels: UnwrapRef - readonly useVibrate: UnwrapRef - readonly useVirtualList: UnwrapRef - readonly useWakeLock: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebNotification: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebSocket: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebWorker: UnwrapRef - readonly useWebWorkerFn: UnwrapRef - readonly useWindowFocus: UnwrapRef - readonly useWindowScroll: UnwrapRef - readonly useWindowSize: UnwrapRef - readonly watch: UnwrapRef - readonly watchArray: UnwrapRef - readonly watchAtMost: UnwrapRef - readonly watchDebounced: UnwrapRef - readonly watchDeep: UnwrapRef - readonly watchEffect: UnwrapRef - readonly watchIgnorable: UnwrapRef - readonly watchImmediate: UnwrapRef - readonly watchOnce: UnwrapRef - readonly watchPausable: UnwrapRef - readonly watchPostEffect: UnwrapRef - readonly watchSyncEffect: UnwrapRef - readonly watchThrottled: UnwrapRef - readonly watchTriggerable: UnwrapRef - readonly watchWithFilter: UnwrapRef - readonly whenever: UnwrapRef - } -} diff --git a/components.d.ts b/components.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3e65c3cc5..000000000 --- a/components.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint-disable */ -/* prettier-ignore */ -// @ts-nocheck -// Generated by unplugin-vue-components -// Read more: https://github.com/vuejs/core/pull/3399 -import '@vue/runtime-core' - -export {} - -declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { - export interface GlobalComponents { - '404.page': typeof import('./src/pages/404.page.vue')['default'] - About: typeof import('./src/pages/About.vue')['default'] - App: typeof import('./src/App.vue')['default'] - AsciiTextDrawer: typeof import('./src/tools/ascii-text-drawer/ascii-text-drawer.vue')['default'] - 'Base.layout': typeof import('./src/layouts/base.layout.vue')['default'] - 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CButtonsSelect: typeof import('./src/ui/c-buttons-select/c-buttons-select.vue')['default'] - 'CButtonsSelect.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-buttons-select/c-buttons-select.demo.vue')['default'] - CCard: typeof import('./src/ui/c-card/c-card.vue')['default'] - 'CCard.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-card/c-card.demo.vue')['default'] - CCollapse: typeof import('./src/ui/c-collapse/c-collapse.vue')['default'] - 'CCollapse.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-collapse/c-collapse.demo.vue')['default'] - CDiffEditor: typeof import('./src/ui/c-diff-editor/c-diff-editor.vue')['default'] - CFileUpload: typeof import('./src/ui/c-file-upload/c-file-upload.vue')['default'] - 'CFileUpload.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-file-upload/c-file-upload.demo.vue')['default'] - ChmodCalculator: typeof import('./src/tools/chmod-calculator/chmod-calculator.vue')['default'] - Chronometer: typeof import('./src/tools/chronometer/chronometer.vue')['default'] - CInputText: typeof import('./src/ui/c-input-text/c-input-text.vue')['default'] - 'CInputText.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-input-text/c-input-text.demo.vue')['default'] - CKeyValueList: typeof import('./src/ui/c-key-value-list/c-key-value-list.vue')['default'] - CKeyValueListItem: typeof import('./src/ui/c-key-value-list/c-key-value-list-item.vue')['default'] - CLabel: typeof import('./src/ui/c-label/c-label.vue')['default'] - CLink: typeof import('./src/ui/c-link/c-link.vue')['default'] - 'CLink.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-link/c-link.demo.vue')['default'] - CMarkdown: typeof import('./src/ui/c-markdown/c-markdown.vue')['default'] - 'CMarkdown.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-markdown/c-markdown.demo.vue')['default'] - CModal: typeof import('./src/ui/c-modal/c-modal.vue')['default'] - 'CModal.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-modal/c-modal.demo.vue')['default'] - CModalValue: typeof import('./src/ui/c-modal-value/c-modal-value.vue')['default'] - 'CModalValue.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-modal-value/c-modal-value.demo.vue')['default'] - CollapsibleToolMenu: typeof import('./src/components/CollapsibleToolMenu.vue')['default'] - ColorConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/color-converter/color-converter.vue')['default'] - ColoredCard: typeof import('./src/components/ColoredCard.vue')['default'] - CommandPalette: typeof import('./src/modules/command-palette/command-palette.vue')['default'] - CommandPaletteOption: typeof import('./src/modules/command-palette/components/command-palette-option.vue')['default'] - CrontabGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/crontab-generator/crontab-generator.vue')['default'] - CSelect: typeof import('./src/ui/c-select/c-select.vue')['default'] - 'CSelect.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-select/c-select.demo.vue')['default'] - CTable: typeof import('./src/ui/c-table/c-table.vue')['default'] - 'CTable.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-table/c-table.demo.vue')['default'] - CTextCopyable: typeof import('./src/ui/c-text-copyable/c-text-copyable.vue')['default'] - 'CTextCopyable.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-text-copyable/c-text-copyable.demo.vue')['default'] - CTooltip: typeof import('./src/ui/c-tooltip/c-tooltip.vue')['default'] - 'CTooltip.demo': typeof import('./src/ui/c-tooltip/c-tooltip.demo.vue')['default'] - DateTimeConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/date-time-converter/date-time-converter.vue')['default'] - 'DemoHome.page': typeof import('./src/ui/demo/demo-home.page.vue')['default'] - DemoWrapper: typeof import('./src/ui/demo/demo-wrapper.vue')['default'] - DeviceInformation: typeof import('./src/tools/device-information/device-information.vue')['default'] - DiffViewer: typeof import('./src/tools/json-diff/diff-viewer/diff-viewer.vue')['default'] - DockerRunToDockerComposeConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter/docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter.vue')['default'] - DynamicValues: typeof import('./src/tools/benchmark-builder/dynamic-values.vue')['default'] - Editor: typeof import('./src/tools/html-wysiwyg-editor/editor/editor.vue')['default'] - EmailNormalizer: typeof import('./src/tools/email-normalizer/email-normalizer.vue')['default'] - EmojiCard: typeof import('./src/tools/emoji-picker/emoji-card.vue')['default'] - EmojiGrid: typeof import('./src/tools/emoji-picker/emoji-grid.vue')['default'] - EmojiPicker: typeof import('./src/tools/emoji-picker/emoji-picker.vue')['default'] - Encryption: typeof import('./src/tools/encryption/encryption.vue')['default'] - EtaCalculator: typeof import('./src/tools/eta-calculator/eta-calculator.vue')['default'] - FavoriteButton: typeof import('./src/components/FavoriteButton.vue')['default'] - FormatTransformer: typeof import('./src/components/FormatTransformer.vue')['default'] - GitMemo: typeof import('./src/tools/git-memo/git-memo.vue')['default'] - 'GitMemo.content': typeof import('./src/tools/git-memo/git-memo.content.md')['default'] - HashText: typeof import('./src/tools/hash-text/hash-text.vue')['default'] - HmacGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/hmac-generator/hmac-generator.vue')['default'] - 'Home.page': typeof import('./src/pages/Home.page.vue')['default'] - HtmlEntities: typeof import('./src/tools/html-entities/html-entities.vue')['default'] - HtmlWysiwygEditor: typeof import('./src/tools/html-wysiwyg-editor/html-wysiwyg-editor.vue')['default'] - HttpStatusCodes: typeof import('./src/tools/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.vue')['default'] - IbanValidatorAndParser: typeof import('./src/tools/iban-validator-and-parser/iban-validator-and-parser.vue')['default'] - 'IconMdi:brushVariant': typeof import('~icons/mdi/brush-variant')['default'] - 'IconMdi:kettleSteamOutline': typeof import('~icons/mdi/kettle-steam-outline')['default'] - IconMdiChevronDown: typeof import('~icons/mdi/chevron-down')['default'] - IconMdiChevronRight: typeof import('~icons/mdi/chevron-right')['default'] - IconMdiClose: typeof import('~icons/mdi/close')['default'] - IconMdiContentCopy: typeof import('~icons/mdi/content-copy')['default'] - IconMdiEye: typeof import('~icons/mdi/eye')['default'] - IconMdiEyeOff: typeof import('~icons/mdi/eye-off')['default'] - IconMdiHeart: typeof import('~icons/mdi/heart')['default'] - IconMdiSearch: typeof import('~icons/mdi/search')['default'] - IconMdiTranslate: typeof import('~icons/mdi/translate')['default'] - IconMdiTriangleDown: typeof import('~icons/mdi/triangle-down')['default'] - InputCopyable: typeof import('./src/components/InputCopyable.vue')['default'] - IntegerBaseConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/integer-base-converter/integer-base-converter.vue')['default'] - Ipv4AddressConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/ipv4-address-converter/ipv4-address-converter.vue')['default'] - Ipv4RangeExpander: typeof import('./src/tools/ipv4-range-expander/ipv4-range-expander.vue')['default'] - Ipv4SubnetCalculator: typeof import('./src/tools/ipv4-subnet-calculator/ipv4-subnet-calculator.vue')['default'] - Ipv6UlaGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/ipv6-ula-generator/ipv6-ula-generator.vue')['default'] - JsonDiff: typeof import('./src/tools/json-diff/json-diff.vue')['default'] - JsonMinify: typeof import('./src/tools/json-minify/json-minify.vue')['default'] - JsonToCsv: typeof import('./src/tools/json-to-csv/json-to-csv.vue')['default'] - JsonToToml: typeof import('./src/tools/json-to-toml/json-to-toml.vue')['default'] - JsonToXml: typeof import('./src/tools/json-to-xml/json-to-xml.vue')['default'] - JsonToYaml: typeof import('./src/tools/json-to-yaml-converter/json-to-yaml.vue')['default'] - JsonViewer: typeof import('./src/tools/json-viewer/json-viewer.vue')['default'] - JwtParser: typeof import('./src/tools/jwt-parser/jwt-parser.vue')['default'] - KeycodeInfo: typeof import('./src/tools/keycode-info/keycode-info.vue')['default'] - ListConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/list-converter/list-converter.vue')['default'] - LocaleSelector: typeof import('./src/modules/i18n/components/locale-selector.vue')['default'] - LoremIpsumGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/lorem-ipsum-generator/lorem-ipsum-generator.vue')['default'] - MacAddressGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/mac-address-generator/mac-address-generator.vue')['default'] - MacAddressLookup: typeof import('./src/tools/mac-address-lookup/mac-address-lookup.vue')['default'] - MarkdownToHtml: typeof import('./src/tools/markdown-to-html/markdown-to-html.vue')['default'] - MathEvaluator: typeof import('./src/tools/math-evaluator/math-evaluator.vue')['default'] - MenuBar: typeof import('./src/tools/html-wysiwyg-editor/editor/menu-bar.vue')['default'] - MenuBarItem: typeof import('./src/tools/html-wysiwyg-editor/editor/menu-bar-item.vue')['default'] - MenuIconItem: typeof import('./src/components/MenuIconItem.vue')['default'] - MenuLayout: typeof import('./src/components/MenuLayout.vue')['default'] - MetaTagGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/meta-tag-generator/meta-tag-generator.vue')['default'] - MimeTypes: typeof import('./src/tools/mime-types/mime-types.vue')['default'] - NavbarButtons: typeof import('./src/components/NavbarButtons.vue')['default'] - NCheckbox: typeof import('naive-ui')['NCheckbox'] - NCollapseTransition: typeof import('naive-ui')['NCollapseTransition'] - NConfigProvider: typeof import('naive-ui')['NConfigProvider'] - NDivider: typeof import('naive-ui')['NDivider'] - NEllipsis: typeof import('naive-ui')['NEllipsis'] - NH1: typeof import('naive-ui')['NH1'] - NH3: typeof import('naive-ui')['NH3'] - NIcon: typeof import('naive-ui')['NIcon'] - NLayout: typeof import('naive-ui')['NLayout'] - NLayoutSider: typeof import('naive-ui')['NLayoutSider'] - NMenu: typeof import('naive-ui')['NMenu'] - NSpace: typeof import('naive-ui')['NSpace'] - NTable: typeof import('naive-ui')['NTable'] - NumeronymGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/numeronym-generator/numeronym-generator.vue')['default'] - OtpCodeGeneratorAndValidator: typeof import('./src/tools/otp-code-generator-and-validator/otp-code-generator-and-validator.vue')['default'] - PasswordStrengthAnalyser: typeof import('./src/tools/password-strength-analyser/password-strength-analyser.vue')['default'] - PdfSignatureChecker: typeof import('./src/tools/pdf-signature-checker/pdf-signature-checker.vue')['default'] - PdfSignatureDetails: typeof import('./src/tools/pdf-signature-checker/components/pdf-signature-details.vue')['default'] - PercentageCalculator: typeof import('./src/tools/percentage-calculator/percentage-calculator.vue')['default'] - PhoneParserAndFormatter: typeof import('./src/tools/phone-parser-and-formatter/phone-parser-and-formatter.vue')['default'] - QrCodeGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/qr-code-generator/qr-code-generator.vue')['default'] - RandomPortGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/random-port-generator/random-port-generator.vue')['default'] - RegexMemo: typeof import('./src/tools/regex-memo/regex-memo.vue')['default'] - 'RegexMemo.content': typeof import('./src/tools/regex-memo/regex-memo.content.md')['default'] - RegexTester: typeof import('./src/tools/regex-tester/regex-tester.vue')['default'] - ResultRow: typeof import('./src/tools/ipv4-range-expander/result-row.vue')['default'] - RomanNumeralConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/roman-numeral-converter/roman-numeral-converter.vue')['default'] - RouterLink: typeof import('vue-router')['RouterLink'] - RouterView: typeof import('vue-router')['RouterView'] - RsaKeyPairGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/rsa-key-pair-generator/rsa-key-pair-generator.vue')['default'] - SafelinkDecoder: typeof import('./src/tools/safelink-decoder/safelink-decoder.vue')['default'] - SlugifyString: typeof import('./src/tools/slugify-string/slugify-string.vue')['default'] - SpanCopyable: typeof import('./src/components/SpanCopyable.vue')['default'] - SqlPrettify: typeof import('./src/tools/sql-prettify/sql-prettify.vue')['default'] - StringObfuscator: typeof import('./src/tools/string-obfuscator/string-obfuscator.vue')['default'] - SvgPlaceholderGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/svg-placeholder-generator/svg-placeholder-generator.vue')['default'] - TemperatureConverter: typeof import('./src/tools/temperature-converter/temperature-converter.vue')['default'] - TextareaCopyable: typeof import('./src/components/TextareaCopyable.vue')['default'] - TextDiff: typeof import('./src/tools/text-diff/text-diff.vue')['default'] - TextStatistics: typeof import('./src/tools/text-statistics/text-statistics.vue')['default'] - TextToBinary: typeof import('./src/tools/text-to-binary/text-to-binary.vue')['default'] - TextToNatoAlphabet: typeof import('./src/tools/text-to-nato-alphabet/text-to-nato-alphabet.vue')['default'] - TextToUnicode: typeof import('./src/tools/text-to-unicode/text-to-unicode.vue')['default'] - TokenDisplay: typeof import('./src/tools/otp-code-generator-and-validator/token-display.vue')['default'] - 'TokenGenerator.tool': typeof import('./src/tools/token-generator/token-generator.tool.vue')['default'] - TomlToJson: typeof import('./src/tools/toml-to-json/toml-to-json.vue')['default'] - TomlToYaml: typeof import('./src/tools/toml-to-yaml/toml-to-yaml.vue')['default'] - 'Tool.layout': typeof import('./src/layouts/tool.layout.vue')['default'] - ToolCard: typeof import('./src/components/ToolCard.vue')['default'] - UlidGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/ulid-generator/ulid-generator.vue')['default'] - UrlEncoder: typeof import('./src/tools/url-encoder/url-encoder.vue')['default'] - UrlParser: typeof import('./src/tools/url-parser/url-parser.vue')['default'] - UserAgentParser: typeof import('./src/tools/user-agent-parser/user-agent-parser.vue')['default'] - UserAgentResultCards: typeof import('./src/tools/user-agent-parser/user-agent-result-cards.vue')['default'] - UuidGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/uuid-generator/uuid-generator.vue')['default'] - WifiQrCodeGenerator: typeof import('./src/tools/wifi-qr-code-generator/wifi-qr-code-generator.vue')['default'] - XmlFormatter: typeof import('./src/tools/xml-formatter/xml-formatter.vue')['default'] - XmlToJson: typeof import('./src/tools/xml-to-json/xml-to-json.vue')['default'] - YamlToJson: typeof import('./src/tools/yaml-to-json-converter/yaml-to-json.vue')['default'] - YamlToToml: typeof import('./src/tools/yaml-to-toml/yaml-to-toml.vue')['default'] - YamlViewer: typeof import('./src/tools/yaml-viewer/yaml-viewer.vue')['default'] - } -} diff --git a/env.d.ts b/env.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 18bdc8fe6..000000000 --- a/env.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -/// -/// - -interface ImportMetaEnv { - VITE_PLAUSIBLE_API_HOST: string; - VITE_PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN: string; - PACKAGE_VERSION: string; - GIT_SHORT_SHA: string; - PROD: boolean; -} - -interface ImportMeta { - readonly env: ImportMetaEnv; -} diff --git a/index.html b/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index e8b8a60ea..000000000 --- a/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ - 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- - - diff --git a/locales/de.yml b/locales/de.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e59ca1144..000000000 --- a/locales/de.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,455 +0,0 @@ -'404': - notFound: 404 Nicht gefunden - sorry: Entschuldigung, diese Seite scheint nicht zu existieren - maybe: >- - Vielleicht macht der Cache etwas Seltsames. Mit einem erzwungenen Neuladen - versuchen? - backHome: Zurück zur Startseite -home: - categories: - newestTools: Neueste Tools - favoriteTools: Deine Lieblingstools - allTools: Alle Tools - subtitle: Praktische Tools für Entwickler - toggleMenu: Menü umschalten - home: Startseite - uiLib: UI-Bibliothek - support: Unterstütze die Entwicklung von IT-Tools - buyMeACoffee: Kauf mir einen Kaffee - follow: - title: Magst du IT-Tools? - p1: Gib uns einen Stern auf - githubRepository: IT-Tools GitHub-Repository - p2: oder folge uns auf - twitterAccount: IT-Tools Twitter-Konto - thankYou: Vielen Dank! - nav: - github: GitHub-Repository - githubRepository: IT-Tools GitHub-Repository - twitter: Twitter-Konto - twitterAccount: IT-Tools Twitter-Konto - about: Über IT-Tools - aboutLabel: Über - darkMode: Dunkelmodus - lightMode: Hellmodus - mode: Wechseln zwischen dunklem/hellem Modus -about: - content: > - # Über IT-Tools - - Diese wunderbare Website, erstellt mit ❤ von [Corentin - Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about), sammelt nützliche Tools für - Entwickler und Menschen, die in der IT arbeiten. Wenn du sie nützlich - findest, teile sie gerne mit Personen, von denen du denkst, dass sie sie - ebenfalls nützlich finden könnten, und vergiss nicht, sie in deiner - Lesezeichenleiste zu speichern! - - IT-Tools ist Open Source (unter der MIT-Lizenz) und kostenlos und wird es - immer sein, aber es kostet mich Geld, die Website zu hosten und den - Domainnamen zu erneuern. Wenn du meine Arbeit unterstützen möchtest und mich - ermutigen möchtest, mehr Tools hinzuzufügen, überlege bitte, mich durch - [Sponsoring](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst) zu unterstützen. - - ## Technologien - - IT-Tools wurde mit Vue.js (Vue 3) und der Naive UI-Komponentenbibliothek - erstellt und wird von Vercel gehostet und kontinuierlich bereitgestellt. In - einigen Tools werden Drittanbieter-Open-Source-Bibliotheken verwendet. Du - findest die vollständige Liste in der - [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json)-Datei - des Repositorys. - - ## Einen Fehler gefunden? Ein Tool fehlt? - - Wenn du ein Tool benötigst, das hier noch nicht vorhanden ist, und du - denkst, dass es nützlich sein könnte, bist du herzlich eingeladen, einen - Feature-Request im - [Issues-Bereich](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) - im GitHub-Repository einzureichen. - - Und wenn du einen Fehler gefunden hast oder etwas nicht wie erwartet - funktioniert, melde bitte einen Fehler im - [Issues-Bereich](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) - im GitHub-Repository. -favoriteButton: - remove: Aus Favoriten entfernen - add: Zu Favoriten hinzufügen -toolCard: - new: Neu -search: - label: Suche -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: Deine Lieblingstools - crypto: Krypto - converter: Konverter - web: Web - images and videos: Bilder & Videos - development: Entwicklung - network: Netzwerk - math: Mathematik - measurement: Messung - text: Text - data: Daten - password-strength-analyser: - title: Passwortstärken-Analysator - description: >- - Ermittle die Stärke deines Passworts mit diesem Client-seitigen - Passwortstärken-Analysator und Tool zur Schätzung der Knackzeit. - chronometer: - title: Chronometer - description: >- - Überwache die Dauer einer Sache. Im Grunde ein Chronometer mit einfachen - Chronometerfunktionen. - token-generator: - title: Token-Generator - description: >- - Generiere eine zufällige Zeichenfolge mit den von dir gewünschten Zeichen, - Groß- oder Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen und/oder Symbolen. - uppercase: Großbuchstaben (ABC...) - lowercase: Kleinbuchstaben (abc...) - numbers: Zahlen (123...) - symbols: Symbole (!-;...) - length: Länge - tokenPlaceholder: Der Token ... - copied: Token in die Zwischenablage kopiert - button: - copy: Kopieren - refresh: Aktualisieren - percentage-calculator: - title: Prozentrechner - description: >- - Berechne einfach Prozentsätze von einem Wert zu einem anderen Wert oder - von einem Prozentsatz zu einem Wert. - svg-placeholder-generator: - title: SVG-Platzhalter-Generator - description: >- - Generiere SVG-Bilder, die als Platzhalter in deinen Anwendungen verwendet - werden können. - json-to-csv: - title: JSON zu CSV - description: Konvertiere JSON mit automatischer Headererkennung in CSV. - camera-recorder: - title: Kamera-Rekorder - description: Mache ein Foto oder nimm ein Video von deiner Webcam oder Kamera auf. - keycode-info: - title: Keycode-Info - description: >- - Finde den JavaScript-Keycode, den Code, den Standort und die Modifikatoren - einer beliebigen gedrückten Taste. - emoji-picker: - title: Emoji-Picker - description: >- - Einfaches Kopieren und Einfügen von Emojis. Erhalte außerdem den Unicode- - und Codepunkt-Wert jedes Emojis. - color-converter: - title: Farbkonverter - description: >- - Konvertiere Farben zwischen den verschiedenen Formaten (Hex, RGB, HSL und - CSS-Name). - bcrypt: - title: Bcrypt - description: >- - Hashen und Vergleichen von Strings mit bcrypt. Bcrypt ist eine auf der - Blowfish-Chiffre basierende Hash-Funktion. - crontab-generator: - title: Crontab-Generator - description: >- - Überprüfe und generiere Crontab und erhalte die menschenlesbare - Beschreibung des Cron-Zeitplans. - http-status-codes: - title: HTTP-Statuscodes - description: Liste aller HTTP-Statuscodes, ihrer Namen und ihrer Bedeutung. - sql-prettify: - title: SQL verschönern und formatieren - description: >- - Formatiere und verschönere deine SQL-Abfragen online (unterstützt - verschiedene SQL-Dialekte). - benchmark-builder: - title: Benchmark-Builder - description: >- - Vergleiche ganz einfach die Ausführungszeit von Aufgaben mit diesem sehr - einfachen Online-Benchmark-Builder. - git-memo: - title: Git-Spickzettel - description: >- - Git ist eine dezentrale Versionsverwaltungssoftware. Mit diesem - Spickzettel hast du schnellen Zugriff auf die gängigsten Git-Befehle. - slugify-string: - title: Slugify String - description: Mache einen String URL-, Dateinamen- und ID-sicher. - encryption: - title: Text verschlüsseln / entschlüsseln - description: >- - Verschlüssele und entschlüssele Klartext mithilfe von Kryptoalgorithmen - wie AES, TripleDES, Rabbit oder RC4. - random-port-generator: - title: Zufälliger Port-Generator - description: >- - Generiere zufällige Portnummern außerhalb des Bereichs der "bekannten" - Ports (0-1023). - yaml-prettify: - title: YAML verschönern und formatieren - description: Verschönere deinen YAML-String in ein menschenlesbares Format. - eta-calculator: - title: ETA-Rechner - description: >- - Ein ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)-Rechner, um die ungefähre Endzeit - einer Aufgabe zu erfahren, z. B. den Zeitpunkt des Endes eines Downloads. - roman-numeral-converter: - title: Römische Zahlen Konverter - description: >- - Konvertiere römische Zahlen in Dezimalzahlen und Dezimalzahlen in römische - Zahlen. - hmac-generator: - title: HMAC-Generator - description: >- - Berechnet einen hashbasierten Nachrichtenauthentifizierungscode (HMAC) - unter Verwendung eines geheimen Schlüssels und deiner bevorzugten - Hash-Funktion. - bip39-generator: - title: BIP39-Passphrasengenerator - description: >- - Generiere BIP39-Passphrasen aus vorhandener oder zufälliger Mnemonik oder - erhalte die Mnemonik aus der Passphrase. - base64-file-converter: - title: Base64-Dateikonverter - description: Konvertiere Strings, Dateien oder Bilder in ihre Base64-Repräsentation. - list-converter: - title: Listenkonverter - description: >- - Dieses Tool kann spaltenbasierte Daten verarbeiten und verschiedene - Änderungen (transponieren, Präfix und Suffix hinzufügen, Liste umkehren, - Liste sortieren, Werte in Kleinbuchstaben umwandeln, Werte abschneiden) - auf jede Zeile anwenden. - base64-string-converter: - title: Base64-String-Encoder/Decoder - description: Codiere und decodiere Strings einfach in ihre Base64-Repräsentation. - toml-to-yaml: - title: TOML zu YAML - description: Parse und konvertiere TOML zu YAML. - math-evaluator: - title: Mathematischer Auswerter - description: >- - Ein Taschenrechner zum Auswerten mathematischer Ausdrücke. Du kannst - Funktionen wie sqrt, cos, sin, abs usw. verwenden. - json-to-yaml-converter: - title: JSON zu YAML - description: Konvertiere JSON einfach in YAML mit diesem Live-Online-Konverter. - url-parser: - title: URL-Parser - description: >- - Parse eine URL-Zeichenfolge, um alle verschiedenen Teile (Protokoll, - Ursprung, Parameter, Port, Benutzername-Passwort usw.) zu erhalten. - iban-validator-and-parser: - title: IBAN-Validator und -Parser - description: >- - Validiere und parse IBAN-Nummern. Überprüfe, ob die IBAN gültig ist, und - erhalte das Land, BBAN, ob es sich um eine QR-IBAN handelt und das - IBAN-freundliche Format. - user-agent-parser: - title: User-Agent-Parser - description: >- - Erkenne und parse Browser, Engine, Betriebssystem, CPU und - Gerätetyp/-modell aus einer User-Agent-Zeichenfolge. - numeronym-generator: - title: Numeronym-Generator - description: >- - Ein Numeronym ist ein Wort, bei dem eine Zahl verwendet wird, um eine - Abkürzung zu bilden. Zum Beispiel ist "i18n" ein Numeronym für - "internationalization", wobei 18 für die Anzahl der Buchstaben zwischen - dem ersten "i" und dem letzten "n" im Wort steht. - case-converter: - title: Fall-Konverter - description: >- - Ändere den Fall eines Strings und wähle zwischen verschiedenen Formaten - aus. - html-entities: - title: HTML-Entity-Escape - description: >- - Escape oder unescape HTML-Entitäten (ersetze <, >, &, " und ' durch ihre - HTML-Version). - json-prettify: - title: JSON verschönern und formatieren - description: Verschönere deinen JSON-String in ein menschenlesbares Format. - docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter: - title: Docker run zu Docker compose Konverter - description: Wandle docker run-Befehle in docker-compose-Dateien um! - mac-address-lookup: - title: MAC-Adressensuche - description: Finde den Anbieter und Hersteller eines Geräts anhand seiner MAC-Adresse. - mime-types: - title: MIME-Typen - description: Konvertiere MIME-Typen in Erweiterungen und umgekehrt. - toml-to-json: - title: TOML zu JSON - description: Parse und konvertiere TOML zu JSON. - lorem-ipsum-generator: - title: Lorem Ipsum Generator - description: >- - Lorem Ipsum ist ein Platzhaltertext, der häufig verwendet wird, um die - visuelle Form eines Dokuments oder einer Schriftart ohne Verwendung von - bedeutendem Inhalt zu demonstrieren. - qrcode-generator: - title: QR-Code-Generator - description: >- - Generiere und downloade QR-Codes für eine URL oder einfach einen Text und - passe die Hintergrund- und Vordergrundfarben an. - wifi-qrcode-generator: - title: WLAN-QR-Code-Generator - description: >- - Generiere und lade QR-Codes für schnelle Verbindungen zu WLAN-Netzwerken - herunter. - xml-formatter: - title: XML-Formatter - description: Verschönere deinen XML-String in ein menschenlesbares Format. - temperature-converter: - title: Temperaturkonverter - description: >- - Temperaturgradumrechnungen für Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, - Delisle, Newton, Réaumur und Rømer. - chmod-calculator: - title: Chmod-Rechner - description: >- - Berechne deine Chmod-Berechtigungen und -Befehle mit diesem - Online-Chmod-Rechner. - rsa-key-pair-generator: - title: RSA-Schlüsselpaar-Generator - description: Generiere neue zufällige RSA-Private- und Public-Key-PEM-Zertifikate. - html-wysiwyg-editor: - title: HTML-WYSIWYG-Editor - description: >- - Online-HTML-Editor mit funktionsreichem WYSIWYG-Editor, erhalte sofort den - Quellcode des Inhalts. - yaml-to-toml: - title: YAML zu TOML - description: Parse und konvertiere YAML zu TOML. - mac-address-generator: - title: MAC-Adressen-Generator - description: >- - Gebe die Menge und das Präfix ein. MAC-Adressen werden in deiner gewählten - Schreibweise (Groß- oder Kleinbuchstaben) generiert. - json-diff: - title: JSON-Unterschied - description: Vergleiche zwei JSON-Objekte und erhalte die Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. - jwt-parser: - title: JWT-Parser - description: >- - Parse und decodiere deinen JSON-Web-Token (JWT) und zeige dessen Inhalt - an. - date-converter: - title: Datum-Uhrzeit-Konverter - description: Konvertiere Datum und Uhrzeit in verschiedene Formate. - phone-parser-and-formatter: - title: Telefonnummer-Parser und -Formatter - description: >- - Parse, validiere und formatiere Telefonnummern. Erhalte Informationen zur - Telefonnummer, wie z. B. die Landesvorwahl, den Typ usw. - ipv4-subnet-calculator: - title: IPv4-Subnetzrechner - description: >- - Parse deine IPv4-CIDR-Blöcke und erhalte alle Informationen, die du über - dein Subnetz benötigst. - og-meta-generator: - title: Open Graph Meta-Generator - description: Generiere Open Graph- und Social-HTML-Metatags für deine Website. - ipv6-ula-generator: - title: IPv6-ULA-Generator - description: >- - Generiere deine eigenen lokalen, nicht routbaren IP-Adressen in deinem - Netzwerk gemäß RFC4193. - hash-text: - title: Text hashen - description: >- - Hashe einen Text-String mit der von dir benötigten Funktion: MD5, SHA1, - SHA256, SHA224, SHA512, SHA384, SHA3 oder RIPEMD160 - json-to-toml: - title: JSON zu TOML - description: Parse und konvertiere JSON zu TOML. - device-information: - title: Geräteinformationen - description: >- - Informationen zu deinem aktuellen Gerät (Bildschirmgröße, Pixelverhältnis, - Benutzeragent, ...) erhalten. - pdf-signature-checker: - title: PDF-Signaturprüfer - description: >- - Überprüfe die Signaturen einer PDF-Datei. Eine signierte PDF-Datei enthält - eine oder mehrere Signaturen, die verwendet werden können, um - festzustellen, ob der Inhalt der Datei seit dem Zeitpunkt der Signierung - geändert wurde. - json-minify: - title: JSON minifizieren - description: >- - Minifiziere und komprimiere dein JSON, indem unnötige Leerzeichen entfernt - werden. - ulid-generator: - title: ULID-Generator - description: >- - Generiere zufällige Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable - Identifier (ULID). - string-obfuscator: - title: String-Verschleierer - description: >- - Verschleiere einen String (wie ein Secret, eine IBAN oder ein Token), um - ihn weitergeben zu können und identifizierbar zu machen, ohne seinen - Inhalt preiszugeben. - base-converter: - title: Ganzzahl-Basiskonverter - description: >- - Konvertiere Zahlen zwischen verschiedenen Basen (Dezimal, Hexadezimal, - Binär, Oktal, Base64, ...). - yaml-to-json-converter: - title: YAML zu JSON - description: Konvertiere YAML einfach in JSON mit diesem Live-Online-Konverter. - uuid-generator: - title: UUID-Generator - description: >- - Ein Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) ist eine 128-Bit-Nummer, die zur - Identifizierung von Informationen in Computersystemen verwendet wird. Die - Anzahl der möglichen UUIDs beträgt 16^32, was 2^128 oder etwa 3,4x10^38 - entspricht (was ziemlich viel ist!). - ipv4-address-converter: - title: IPv4-Adresskonverter - description: >- - Konvertiere eine IP-Adresse in Dezimal, Binär, Hexadezimal oder sogar in - IPv6. - text-statistics: - title: Textstatistiken - description: >- - Informationen zu einem Text erhalten, wie die Anzahl der Zeichen, die - Anzahl der Wörter, die Größe usw. - text-to-nato-alphabet: - title: Text zu NATO-Alphabet - description: >- - Wandle Text in das NATO-Phonetik-Alphabet für die mündliche Übermittlung - um. - basic-auth-generator: - title: Basic-Auth-Generator - description: >- - Generiere einen Base64-Basic-Auth-Header aus einem Benutzernamen und einem - Passwort. - text-to-unicode: - title: Text zu Unicode - description: Parse und konvertiere Text in Unicode und umgekehrt. - ipv4-range-expander: - title: IPv4-Bereichserweiterer - description: >- - Bei Angabe einer Start- und End-IPv4-Adresse berechnet dieses Tool ein - gültiges IPv4-Netzwerk mit seiner CIDR-Notation. - text-diff: - title: Textunterschied - description: Vergleiche zwei Texte und sieh die Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. - otp-generator: - title: OTP-Code-Generator - description: >- - Generiere und validiere zeitbasierte OTPs (Einmalpasswörter) für - Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung. - url-encoder: - title: Kodieren/Decodieren von URL-formatierten Zeichenfolgen - description: >- - Kodiere zum URL-kodierten Format (auch als "prozentkodiert" bekannt) oder - decodiere es. - text-to-binary: - title: Text zu ASCII-Binär - description: Konvertiere Text in seine ASCII-Binärrepräsentation und umgekehrt. diff --git a/locales/en.yml b/locales/en.yml deleted file mode 100644 index d1cd21c47..000000000 --- a/locales/en.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,393 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: Newest tools - favoriteTools: 'Your favorite tools' - allTools: 'All the tools' - subtitle: 'Handy tools for developers' - toggleMenu: 'Toggle menu' - home: Home - uiLib: 'UI Lib' - support: 'Support IT-Tools development' - buyMeACoffee: 'Buy me a coffee' - follow: - title: 'You like it-tools?' - p1: 'Give us a star on' - githubRepository: 'IT-Tools GitHub repository' - p2: 'or follow us on' - twitterAccount: 'IT-Tools Twitter account' - thankYou: 'Thank you!' - nav: - github: 'GitHub repository' - githubRepository: 'IT-Tools GitHub repository' - twitter: 'Twitter account' - twitterAccount: 'IT Tools Twitter account' - about: 'About IT-Tools' - aboutLabel: 'About' - darkMode: 'Dark mode' - lightMode: 'Light mode' - mode: 'Toggle dark/light mode' -about: - content: > - # About IT-Tools - - This wonderful website, made with ❤ by [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about) , aggregates useful tools for developer and people working in IT. If you find it useful, please feel free to share it to people you think may find it useful too and don't forget to bookmark it in your shortcut bar! - - IT Tools is open-source (under the MIT license) and free, and will always be, but it costs me money to host and renew the domain name. If you want to support my work, and encourage me to add more tools, please consider supporting by [sponsoring me](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst). - - ## Technologies - - IT Tools is made in Vue.js (Vue 3) with the the Naive UI component library and is hosted and continuously deployed by Vercel. Third-party open-source libraries are used in some tools, you may find the complete list in the [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) file of the repository. - - ## Found a bug? A tool is missing? - - If you need a tool that is currently not present here, and you think can be useful, you are welcome to submit a feature request in the [issues section](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) in the GitHub repository. - - And if you found a bug, or something doesn't work as expected, please file a bug report in the [issues section](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) in the GitHub repository. - -404: - notFound: '404 Not Found' - sorry: 'Sorry, this page does not seem to exist' - maybe: 'Maybe the cache is doing tricky things, try force-refreshing?' - backHome: 'Back home' -favoriteButton: - remove: 'Remove from favorites' - add: 'Add to favorites' -toolCard: - new: New -search: - label: Search -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: 'Your favorite tools' - crypto: Crypto - converter: Converter - web: Web - images and videos: 'Images & Videos' - development: Development - network: Network - math: Math - measurement: Measurement - text: Text - data: Data - - password-strength-analyser: - title: Password strength analyser - description: Discover the strength of your password with this client-side-only password strength analyser and crack time estimation tool. - - chronometer: - title: Chronometer - description: Monitor the duration of a thing. Basically a chronometer with simple chronometer features. - - token-generator: - title: Token generator - description: Generate random string with the chars you want, uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers and/or symbols. - - uppercase: Uppercase (ABC...) - lowercase: Lowercase (abc...) - numbers: Numbers (123...) - symbols: Symbols (!-;...) - length: Length - tokenPlaceholder: 'The token...' - copied: Token copied to the clipboard - button: - copy: Copy - refresh: Refresh - percentage-calculator: - title: Percentage calculator - description: Easily calculate percentages from a value to another value, or from a percentage to a value. - - svg-placeholder-generator: - title: SVG placeholder generator - description: Generate svg images to use as a placeholder in your applications. - - json-to-csv: - title: JSON to CSV - description: Convert JSON to CSV with automatic header detection. - - camera-recorder: - title: Camera recorder - description: Take a picture or record a video from your webcam or camera. - - keycode-info: - title: Keycode info - description: Find the javascript keycode, code, location and modifiers of any pressed key. - - emoji-picker: - title: Emoji picker - description: Copy and paste emojis easily and get the unicode and code points value of each emoji. - - color-converter: - title: Color converter - description: Convert color between the different formats (hex, rgb, hsl and css name) - - bcrypt: - title: Bcrypt - description: Hash and compare text string using bcrypt. Bcrypt is a password-hashing function based on the Blowfish cipher. - - crontab-generator: - title: Crontab generator - description: Validate and generate crontab and get the human-readable description of the cron schedule. - - http-status-codes: - title: HTTP status codes - description: The list of all HTTP status codes, their name, and their meaning. - - sql-prettify: - title: SQL prettify and format - description: Format and prettify your SQL queries online (it supports various SQL dialects). - - benchmark-builder: - title: Benchmark builder - description: Easily compare execution time of tasks with this very simple online benchmark builder. - - git-memo: - title: Git cheatsheet - description: Git is a decentralized version management software. With this cheatsheet, you will have quick access to the most common git commands. - - slugify-string: - title: Slugify string - description: Make a string url, filename and id safe. - - encryption: - title: Encrypt / decrypt text - description: Encrypt clear text and decrypt ciphertext using crypto algorithms like AES, TripleDES, Rabbit or RC4. - - random-port-generator: - title: Random port generator - description: Generate random port numbers outside of the range of "known" ports (0-1023). - - yaml-prettify: - title: YAML prettify and format - description: Prettify your YAML string into a friendly, human-readable format. - - eta-calculator: - title: ETA calculator - description: An ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) calculator to determine the approximate end time of a task, for example, the end time and duration of a file download. - - roman-numeral-converter: - title: Roman numeral converter - description: Convert Roman numerals to numbers and convert numbers to Roman numerals. - - hmac-generator: - title: Hmac generator - description: Computes a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) using a secret key and your favorite hashing function. - - bip39-generator: - title: BIP39 passphrase generator - description: Generate a BIP39 passphrase from an existing or random mnemonic, or get the mnemonic from the passphrase. - - base64-file-converter: - title: Base64 file converter - description: Convert a string, file, or image into its base64 representation. - - list-converter: - title: List converter - description: This tool can process column-based data and apply various changes (transpose, add prefix and suffix, reverse list, sort list, lowercase values, truncate values) to each row. - - base64-string-converter: - title: Base64 string encoder/decoder - description: Simply encode and decode strings into their base64 representation. - - toml-to-yaml: - title: TOML to YAML - description: Parse and convert TOML to YAML. - - math-evaluator: - title: Math evaluator - description: A calculator for evaluating mathematical expressions. You can use functions like sqrt, cos, sin, abs, etc. - - json-to-yaml-converter: - title: JSON to YAML converter - description: Simply convert JSON to YAML with this online live converter. - - url-parser: - title: URL parser - description: Parse a URL into its separate constituent parts (protocol, origin, params, port, username-password, ...) - - iban-validator-and-parser: - title: IBAN validator and parser - description: Validate and parse IBAN numbers. Check if an IBAN is valid and get the country, BBAN, if it is a QR-IBAN and the IBAN friendly format. - - user-agent-parser: - title: User-agent parser - description: Detect and parse Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from an user-agent string. - - numeronym-generator: - title: Numeronym generator - description: A numeronym is a word where a number is used to form an abbreviation. For example, "i18n" is a numeronym of "internationalization" where 18 stands for the number of letters between the first i and the last n in the word. - - case-converter: - title: Case converter - description: Transform the case of a string and choose between different formats - - html-entities: - title: Escape HTML entities - description: Escape or unescape HTML entities (replace characters like <,>, &, " and \' with their HTML version) - - json-prettify: - title: JSON prettify and format - description: Prettify your JSON string into a friendly, human-readable format. - - docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter: - title: Docker run to Docker compose converter - description: Transforms "docker run" commands into docker-compose files! - - mac-address-lookup: - title: MAC address lookup - description: Find the vendor and manufacturer of a device by its MAC address. - - mime-types: - title: MIME types - description: Convert MIME types to file extensions and vice-versa. - - toml-to-json: - title: TOML to JSON - description: Parse and convert TOML to JSON. - - lorem-ipsum-generator: - title: Lorem ipsum generator - description: Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content - - qrcode-generator: - title: QR Code generator - description: Generate and download a QR code for a URL (or just plain text), and customize the background and foreground colors. - - wifi-qrcode-generator: - title: WiFi QR Code generator - description: Generate and download QR codes for quick connections to WiFi networks. - - xml-formatter: - title: XML formatter - description: Prettify your XML string into a friendly, human-readable format. - - temperature-converter: - title: Temperature converter - description: Degrees temperature conversions for Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, Delisle, Newton, Réaumur, and Rømer. - - chmod-calculator: - title: Chmod calculator - description: Compute your chmod permissions and commands with this online chmod calculator. - - rsa-key-pair-generator: - title: RSA key pair generator - description: Generate a new random RSA private and public pem certificate key pair. - - html-wysiwyg-editor: - title: HTML WYSIWYG editor - description: Online, feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor which generates the source code of the content immediately. - - yaml-to-toml: - title: YAML to TOML - description: Parse and convert YAML to TOML. - - mac-address-generator: - title: MAC address generator - description: Enter the quantity and prefix. MAC addresses will be generated in your chosen case (uppercase or lowercase) - - json-diff: - title: JSON diff - description: Compare two JSON objects and get the differences between them. - - jwt-parser: - title: JWT parser - description: Parse and decode your JSON Web Token (jwt) and display its content. - - date-converter: - title: Date-time converter - description: Convert date and time into the various different formats - - phone-parser-and-formatter: - title: Phone parser and formatter - description: Parse, validate and format phone numbers. Get information about the phone number, like the country code, type, etc. - - ipv4-subnet-calculator: - title: IPv4 subnet calculator - description: Parse your IPv4 CIDR blocks and get all the info you need about your subnet. - - og-meta-generator: - title: Open graph meta generator - description: Generate open-graph and socials HTML meta tags for your website. - - ipv6-ula-generator: - title: IPv6 ULA generator - description: Generate your own local, non-routable IP addresses for your network according to RFC4193. - - hash-text: - title: Hash text - description: 'Hash a text string using the function you need : MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA224, SHA512, SHA384, SHA3 or RIPEMD160' - - json-to-toml: - title: JSON to TOML - description: Parse and convert JSON to TOML. - - device-information: - title: Device information - description: Get information about your current device (screen size, pixel-ratio, user agent, ...) - - pdf-signature-checker: - title: PDF signature checker - description: Verify the signatures of a PDF file. A signed PDF file contains one or more signatures that may be used to determine whether the contents of the file have been altered since the file was signed. - - json-minify: - title: JSON minify - description: Minify and compress your JSON by removing unnecessary whitespace. - - ulid-generator: - title: ULID generator - description: Generate random Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID). - - string-obfuscator: - title: String obfuscator - description: Obfuscate a string (like a secret, an IBAN, or a token) to make it shareable and identifiable without revealing its content. - - base-converter: - title: Integer base converter - description: Convert a number between different bases (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal, base64, ...) - - yaml-to-json-converter: - title: YAML to JSON converter - description: Simply convert YAML to JSON with this online live converter. - - uuid-generator: - title: UUIDs generator - description: A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems. The number of possible UUIDs is 16^32, which is 2^128 or about 3.4x10^38 (which is a lot!). - - ipv4-address-converter: - title: IPv4 address converter - description: Convert an IP address into decimal, binary, hexadecimal, or even an IPv6 representation of it. - - text-statistics: - title: Text statistics - description: Get information about a text, the number of characters, the number of words, its size in bytes, ... - - text-to-nato-alphabet: - title: Text to NATO alphabet - description: Transform text into the NATO phonetic alphabet for oral transmission. - - basic-auth-generator: - title: Basic auth generator - description: Generate a base64 basic auth header from a username and password. - - text-to-unicode: - title: Text to Unicode - description: Parse and convert text to unicode and vice-versa - - ipv4-range-expander: - title: IPv4 range expander - description: Given a start and an end IPv4 address, this tool calculates a valid IPv4 subnet along with its CIDR notation. - - text-diff: - title: Text diff - description: Compare two texts and see the differences between them. - - otp-generator: - title: OTP code generator - description: Generate and validate time-based OTP (one time password) for multi-factor authentication. - - url-encoder: - title: Encode/decode URL-formatted strings - description: Encode text to URL-encoded format (also known as "percent-encoded"), or decode from it. - - text-to-binary: - title: Text to ASCII binary - description: Convert text to its ASCII binary representation and vice-versa. diff --git a/locales/es.yml b/locales/es.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2d8b2515a..000000000 --- a/locales/es.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: Nuevas herramientas - favoriteTools: 'Tus herramientas favoritas' - allTools: 'Todas las herramientas' - subtitle: 'Herramientas practicas para desarrolladores' - toggleMenu: 'Toggle menu' - home: Home - uiLib: 'UI Lib' - support: 'Apoyar el desarrollo de IT-Tools' - buyMeACoffee: 'Buy me a coffee' - follow: - title: 'Te gustan las it-tools?' - p1: 'Danos una estrella en' - githubRepository: 'Repositorio de IT-Tools en GitHub' - p2: 'o síguenos en' - twitterAccount: 'Cuenta de twitter de IT-Tools' - thankYou: 'Muchas gracias!' - nav: - github: 'Repositorio en github' - githubRepository: 'IT-Tools GitHub repository' - twitter: 'Cuenta de Twitter' - twitterAccount: 'Cuenta de twitter de IT Tools' - about: 'Sobre IT-Tools' - aboutLabel: 'Sobre' - darkMode: 'Modo obscuro' - lightMode: 'Modo claro' - mode: 'Alternar modo oscuro/claro' -about: - content: > - # Sobre IT-Tools - - Este maravilloso sitio web, hecho con ❤ por [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about) , agrega herramientas útiles para desarrolladores y personas que trabajan en IT. Si lo encuentra útil, no dude en compartirlo con las personas que crea que también pueden encontrarlo útil y ¡no olvide marcarlo como favorito en su barra de accesos directos! - - IT Tools es de código abierto (under the MIT license) y gratis, y siempre lo será, pero me cuesta dinero alojar y renovar el nombre de dominio. Si desea apoyar mi trabajo y animarme a agregar más herramientas, considere apoyarme a través de[sponsoring me](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst). - - ## Tecnologías - - IT Tools está creado en Vue.js (Vue 3) con la biblioteca de componentes Naive UI y Vercel lo aloja y lo implementa continuamente. En algunas herramientas se utilizan bibliotecas de código abierto de terceros; puede encontrar la lista completa en [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) archivo del repositorio. - - ## ¿Encontraste un error? ¿Falta una herramienta? - - Si necesita una herramienta que actualmente no está presente aquí y cree que puede ser útil, puede enviar una solicitud de función en el [issues section](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) en el repositorio de GitHub. - - Y si encontró un error o algo no funciona como se esperaba, presente un reporte de error en el [issues section](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) en el repositorio de GitHub. - -404: - notFound: '404 Not Found' - sorry: 'Lo sentimos, esta página no parece existir' - maybe: 'Tal vez el caché esté haciendo cosas raras, ¿probamos a refrescar forzosamente?' - backHome: 'Back home' -favoriteButton: - remove: 'Quitar de favoritos' - add: 'Añadir a favoritos' -toolCard: - new: Nuevo -search: - label: Buscar -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: 'Tus herramientas favoritas' - crypto: Crypto - converter: Converter - web: Web - images and videos: 'Images & Videos' - development: Development - network: Network - math: Math - measurement: Measurement - text: Text - data: Data diff --git a/locales/fr.yml b/locales/fr.yml deleted file mode 100644 index cd5cc0e8a..000000000 --- a/locales/fr.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: 'Les nouveaux outils' - favoriteTools: 'Vos outils favoris' - allTools: 'Tous les outils' - subtitle: 'Outils pour les développeurs' - toggleMenu: 'Menu' - home: Accueil - uiLib: 'UI Lib' - buyMeACoffee: 'Soutenez IT-Tools' - follow: - title: 'Vous aimez it-tools ?' - p1: 'Soutenez-nous avec une star sur' - githubRepository: "le dépôt GitHub d'IT-Tools" - p2: 'ou suivez-nous sur' - twitterAccount: "le compte Twitter d'IT-Tools" - thankYou: 'Merci !' - nav: - github: 'Dépôt GitHub' - githubRepository: "Dépôt GitHub d'IT-Tools" - twitter: 'Compte Twitter' - twitterAccount: "Compte Twitter d'IT-Tools" - about: "À propos d'IT-Tools" - aboutLabel: 'À propos' - darkMode: 'Mode sombre' - lightMode: 'Mode clair' - mode: 'Basculer le mode sombre/clair' -about: - content: > - # À propos de IT-Tools - - Ce merveilleux site, fait avec ❤ par [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about), regroupe des outils utiles pour les développeurs et les personnes travaillant dans l'informatique. Si vous le trouvez utile, n'hésitez pas à le partager et n'oubliez pas de le mettre dans vos favoris ! - - IT Tools est open-source (sous licence MIT) et gratuit, et le restera toujours, mais cela me coûte de l'argent pour l'héberger et renouveler le nom de domaine. Si vous voulez soutenir mon travail, et m'encourager à ajouter plus d'outils, n'hésitez pas à me [soutenir](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst). - - ## Technologies - - IT Tools est fait en Vue.js (Vue 3) avec la bibliothèque de composants Naive UI et est hébergé et déployé en continu par Vercel. Des bibliothèques open-source tierces sont utilisées dans certains outils, vous pouvez trouver la liste complète dans le fichier [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) du dépôt. - - ## Vous avez trouvé un bug ? Un outil manque ? - - Si vous avez besoin d'un outil qui n'est pas encore présent ici, et que vous pensez qu'il peut être utile, vous êtes invité à soumettre une demande de fonctionnalité dans la [section issue](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) du dépôt GitHub. - -404: - notFound: '404 Not Found' - sorry: "Désolé, cette page n'existe pas" - maybe: 'Peut-être que le cache fait des siennes, essayez de forcer le rafraîchissement ?' - backHome: "Retour à l'accueil" -toolCard: - new: Nouveau -search: - label: Rechercher -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: 'Vos outils favoris' - crypto: Cryptographie - converter: Convertisseur - web: Web - images and videos: 'Images & Vidéos' - development: Développement - network: Réseau - math: Math - measurement: Mesure - text: Texte - data: Données - - token-generator: - title: Générateur de token - description: >- - Génère une chaîne aléatoire avec les caractères que vous voulez, lettres - majuscules ou minuscules, chiffres et/ou symboles. - uppercase: Majuscules (ABC...) - lowercase: Minuscules (abc...) - numbers: Chiffres (123...) - symbols: Symboles (!-;...) - button: - copy: Copier - refresh: Rafraichir - copied: Le token a été copié - length: Longueur - tokenPlaceholder: Le token... diff --git a/locales/pt.yml b/locales/pt.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 822bea8ae..000000000 --- a/locales/pt.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: 'Novas ferramentas' - favoriteTools: 'Suas ferramentas favoritas' - allTools: 'Todas as ferramentas' - subtitle: 'Ferraentas úteis para desenvolvedores' - toggleMenu: 'Menu' - home: 'Início' - uiLib: 'Biblioteca de UI' - support: 'Apoie o desenvolvimento do IT Tools' - buyMeACoffee: 'Pague-me um café' - follow: - title: 'Gostou do it-tools?' - p1: 'Dê uma estrela no' - githubRepository: 'repositório do IT-Tools no GitHub' - p2: 'ou siga nossa' - twitterAccount: 'conta IT-Tools no Twitter' - thankYou: 'Obrigado !' - nav: - github: 'Repositório no GitHub' - githubRepository: 'repositório do IT-Tools no GitHub' - twitter: 'Conta no Twitter' - twitterAccount: 'conta do IT Tools no Twitter' - about: 'Sobre o IT-Tools' - aboutLabel: 'Sobre' - darkMode: 'Modo Escuro' - lightMode: 'Modo Claro' - mode: 'Trocar modo escuro/claro' -about: - content: > - # Sobre o IT-Tools - - Este site maravilhoso, feito com ❤ por [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about), junta ferramentas úteis para desenvolvedores e outras pessoas que trabalham com TI. Se você achar o site útil, fique à vontade para compartilhar com quem também possa gostar e não esqueça de salvar o bookmark na sua barra de atalhos! - - O IT Tools é código aberto (sob a licença MIT), é gratuito, e sempre será, mas custa dinheiro para hospedar e renovar o domínio. Se quiser apoiar meu trabalho e me encorajar a adicionar mais ferramentas, por favor considere [ser patrocinador](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst). - - ## Tecnologias - - O IT Tools é feito em Vue.js (Vue 3) com a biblioteca de componentes Naive UI e é hospedado pela Vercel. Bibliotecas de código aberto de terceiros são usadas em algumas ferramentas e você pode encontrar a lista completa no arquivo [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) do repositório. - - ## Achou um bug? Está faltando uma ferramenta? - - Se você precisa de uma ferramenta que ainda não existe aqui e acha que pode ser útil, seu pedido será bem vindo na [seção de issues](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) no repositório do GitHub. - - E se você encontrar um bug ou se algo não funcionar como esperado, por favor registre um relato de bug na [seção de issues](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) no GitHub. - -404: - notFound: '404 Não Encontrado' - sorry: 'Desculpe, parece que essa página não existe' - maybe: 'Talvez o cache esteja fazendo bobagem, que tal tentar forçar a atualização?' - backHome: 'Voltar para o início' -favoriteButton: - remove: 'Remover dos favoritos' - add: 'Adicionar aos favoritos' -toolCard: - new: 'Novo' -search: - label: 'Pesquisar' -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: 'Suas ferramentas favoritas' - crypto: 'Cripto' - converter: 'Conversores' - web: 'Web' - images and videos: 'Imagens & Vídeos' - development: 'Desenvolvimento' - network: 'Rede' - math: 'Matemática' - measurement: 'Medidas' - text: 'Texto' - data: 'Dados' diff --git a/locales/uk.yml b/locales/uk.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ad455a7d5..000000000 --- a/locales/uk.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: Найновіші інструменти - favoriteTools: 'Ваші улюблені інструменти' - allTools: 'Усі інструменти' - subtitle: 'Зручні інструменти для розробників' - toggleMenu: 'Перемикання меню' - home: Головна - uiLib: 'UI Бібліотека' - support: 'Підтримка розробки IT Tools' - buyMeACoffee: 'Купи мені каву' - follow: - title: 'Вам подобаються інструменти IT?' - p1: 'Додайте нам зірку на' - githubRepository: 'GitHub-репозиторій IT-Tools' - p2: 'або слідкуйте за нами на' - twitterAccount: 'Твіттер-акаунт IT-Tools' - thankYou: 'Дякуємо!' - nav: - github: 'GitHub-репозиторій' - githubRepository: 'GitHub-репозиторій IT-Tools' - twitter: 'Твіттер' - twitterAccount: 'Твіттер-акаунт IT-Tools' - about: 'Про IT-Tools' - aboutLabel: 'Про нас' - darkMode: 'Темний режим' - lightMode: 'Світлий режим' - mode: 'Перемикання темного/світлого режиму' -about: - content: > - # Про IT-Tools - - Цей чудовий вебсайт, створений з ❤ [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about), агрегує корисні інструменти для розробників і людей, які працюють в сфері IT. Якщо вам це корисно, будь ласка, поділіться цим з людьми, які, на вашу думку, також можуть знайти його корисним, і не забудьте додати його до закладок у вашій панелі швидкого доступу! - - IT Tools є відкритим програмним забезпеченням (під ліцензією MIT) і безкоштовним, і завжди буде таким, але мені коштує гроші для хостингу і продовження доменного імені. Якщо ви хочете підтримати мою роботу і підтримати мене у додаванні нових інструментів, розгляньте можливість підтримки, [спонсоруючи мене](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst). - - ## Технології - - IT Tools виконаний на Vue.js (Vue 3) з використанням бібліотеки компонентів Naive UI і розгортаний за допомогою Vercel. У деяких інструментах використовуються сторонні відкриті бібліотеки, повний список яких ви можете знайти в файлі [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) репозиторію. - - ## Знайшли баг? Відсутній інструмент? - - Якщо вам потрібен інструмент, якого наразі немає тут, і ви вважаєте, що він може бути корисним, ви можете подати запит на додавання функції в [розділі проблем](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) у репозиторії GitHub. - - А якщо ви знайшли баг або щось не працює, як очікувалося, будь ласка, подайте звіт про баг в [розділі проблем](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) у репозиторії GitHub. - -404: - notFound: '404 Сторінка не знайдена' - sorry: 'Вибачте, ця сторінка, схоже, не існує' - maybe: 'Можливо, кеш робить хитрощі, спробуйте примусово оновити сторінку?' - backHome: 'Повернутися на головну' -favoriteButton: - remove: 'Вилучити з обраних' - add: 'Додати до обраних' -toolCard: - new: Новий -search: - label: Пошук -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: 'Ваші улюблені інструменти' - crypto: Крипта - converter: Конвертер - web: Веб - images and videos: 'Зображення та відео' - development: Розробка - network: Мережа - math: Математика - measurement: Вимірювання - text: Текст - data: Дані diff --git a/locales/vi.yml b/locales/vi.yml deleted file mode 100644 index de574a6cf..000000000 --- a/locales/vi.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,382 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: Công cụ mới nhất - favoriteTools: 'Công cụ yêu thích của bạn' - allTools: 'Tất cả công cụ' - subtitle: 'Công cụ cho nhà phát triển.' - toggleMenu: 'Chuyển đổi menu' - home: Trang chủ - uiLib: 'Thư viện UI' - support: 'Hỗ trợ phát triển IT Tools' - buyMeACoffee: 'Ủng hộ tác giả' - follow: - title: 'Bạn thích IT-tools?' - p1: 'Hãy cho chúng tôi một ngôi sao trên' - githubRepository: 'Kho GitHub IT-Tools' - p2: 'hoặc theo dõi chúng tôi trên' - twitterAccount: 'Tài khoản Twitter IT-Tools' - thankYou: 'Cảm ơn bạn!' - nav: - github: 'Kho GitHub' - githubRepository: 'Kho GitHub IT-Tools' - twitter: 'Tài khoản Twitter' - twitterAccount: 'Tài khoản Twitter IT Tools' - about: 'Về IT-Tools' - aboutLabel: 'Giới thiệu' - darkMode: 'Chế độ tối' - lightMode: 'Chế độ sáng' - mode: 'Chuyển đổi chế độ tối/sáng' -about: - content: > - # Về IT-Tools - - Website tuyệt vời này, được tạo ra bằng ❤ bởi [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about), tổng hợp các công cụ hữu ích cho nhà phát triển và những người làm việc trong lĩnh vực IT. Nếu bạn thấy nó hữu ích, xin đừng ngần ngại chia sẻ cho những người mà bạn nghĩ sẽ thấy nó hữu ích và đừng quên đánh dấu nó trong thanh lối tắt của bạn! - - IT Tools là mã nguồn mở (dưới giấy phép MIT) và miễn phí, và sẽ luôn như vậy, nhưng tôi phải trả tiền để lưu trữ và gia hạn tên miền. Nếu bạn muốn hỗ trợ công việc của tôi, và khích lệ tôi thêm nhiều công cụ hơn, hãy xem xét hỗ trợ bằng cách [tài trợ cho tôi](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst). - - ## Công nghệ - - IT Tools được tạo ra bằng Vue.js (Vue 3) với thư viện thành phần Naive UI và được lưu trữ và triển khai liên tục bởi Vercel. Các thư viện mã nguồn mở của bên thứ ba được sử dụng trong một số công cụ, bạn có thể tìm danh sách đầy đủ trong file [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) của kho lưu trữ. - - ## Phát hiện lỗi? Một công cụ bị thiếu? - - Nếu bạn cần một công cụ hiện không có ở đây, và bạn nghĩ rằng nó có thể hữu ích, bạn được chào đón để gửi một yêu cầu tính năng trong [phần vấn đề](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) trong kho GitHub. - - Và nếu bạn phát hiện ra một lỗi, hoặc điều gì đó không hoạt động như mong đợi, xin vui lòng gửi báo cáo lỗi trong [phần vấn đề](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) trong kho GitHub. - -404: - notFound: '404 Không Tìm Thấy' - sorry: 'Xin lỗi, trang này dường như không tồn tại' - maybe: 'Lỗi xảy ra có thể do bộ nhớ đệm, hãy (CTRL + F5) để tải lại trang?' - backHome: 'Quay về trang chủ' -favoriteButton: - remove: 'Xóa khỏi mục yêu thích' - add: 'Thêm vào mục yêu thích' -toolCard: - new: Mới -search: - label: Tìm kiếm -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: 'Công cụ yêu thích của bạn' - crypto: Mã hóa - converter: Chuyển đổi - web: Web - images and videos: 'Hình ảnh & Video' - development: Phát triển - network: Mạng - math: Toán học - measurement: Đo lường - text: Văn bản - data: Dữ liệu - - password-strength-analyser: - title: Bộ phân tích độ mạnh mật khẩu - description: Khám phá độ mạnh của mật khẩu của bạn với công cụ phân tích độ mạnh mật khẩu chỉ chạy trên phía máy khách và ước tính thời gian phá mật khẩu. - - chronometer: - title: Đồng hồ bấm giờ - description: Giám sát thời gian của một sự việc. Cơ bản là một đồng hồ bấm giờ với các tính năng đơn giản. - - token-generator: - title: Trình tạo mã thông báo - description: Tạo chuỗi ngẫu nhiên với các ký tự bạn muốn, chữ hoa hoặc chữ thường, số và/hoặc ký tự đặc biệt. - - uppercase: Chữ hoa (ABC...) - lowercase: Chữ thường (abc...) - numbers: Số (123...) - symbols: Ký tự đặc biệt (!-;...) - length: Độ dài - tokenPlaceholder: 'Mã thông báo...' - copied: Mã thông báo đã được sao chép vào clipboard - button: - copy: Sao chép - refresh: Làm mới - - percentage-calculator: - title: Máy tính phần trăm - description: Dễ dàng tính toán phần trăm từ một giá trị đến giá trị khác, hoặc từ một phần trăm đến một giá trị. - - svg-placeholder-generator: - title: Trình tạo hình ảnh SVG giả định - description: Tạo hình ảnh svg để sử dụng làm giả định trong ứng dụng của bạn. - - json-to-csv: - title: Chuyển đổi JSON thành CSV - description: Chuyển đổi JSON thành CSV với việc tự động phát hiện tiêu đề. - - camera-recorder: - title: Ghi lại camera - description: Chụp ảnh hoặc quay video từ webcam hoặc máy ảnh của bạn. - keycode-info: - title: Thông tin Keycode - description: Tìm mã keycode, mã, vị trí và các phím điều khiển của bất kỳ phím nào được nhấn. - - emoji-picker: - title: Bộ chọn biểu tượng cảm xúc - description: Sao chép và dán biểu tượng cảm xúc một cách dễ dàng và nhận giá trị unicode và mã điểm của mỗi biểu tượng cảm xúc. - - color-converter: - title: Trình chuyển đổi màu - description: Chuyển đổi màu giữa các định dạng khác nhau (hex, rgb, hsl và tên css) - - bcrypt: - title: Bcrypt - description: Mã hóa và so sánh chuỗi văn bản sử dụng bcrypt. Bcrypt là một hàm mã hóa mật khẩu dựa trên thuật toán Blowfish. - crontab-generator: - title: Trình tạo Crontab - description: Xác thực và tạo crontab và lấy mô tả đọc được của lịch trình cron. - http-status-codes: - title: Mã trạng thái HTTP - description: Danh sách tất cả các mã trạng thái HTTP, tên và ý nghĩa của chúng. - - sql-prettify: - title: Định dạng và làm đẹp SQL - description: Định dạng và làm đẹp các truy vấn SQL của bạn trực tuyến (hỗ trợ nhiều ngôn ngữ SQL khác nhau). - - benchmark-builder: - title: Trình tạo bảng đánh giá - description: Dễ dàng so sánh thời gian thực thi của các nhiệm vụ với trình tạo bảng đánh giá trực tuyến đơn giản này. - git-memo: - title: Lệnh Git - description: Git là một phần mềm quản lý phiên bản phân tán. Với bảng ghi chú này, bạn sẽ có thể truy cập nhanh vào các lệnh Git phổ biến nhất. - - slugify-string: - title: Chuyển đổi chuỗi thành slug - description: Biến đổi chuỗi thành dạng an toàn để sử dụng trong URL, tên file và ID. - - encryption: - title: Mã hóa / giải mã văn bản - description: Mã hóa và giải mã văn bản rõ bằng cách sử dụng thuật toán mã hóa như AES, TripleDES, Rabbit hoặc RC4. - - random-port-generator: - title: Trình tạo số cổng ngẫu nhiên - description: Tạo số cổng ngẫu nhiên nằm ngoài phạm vi của các cổng "biết được" (0-1023). - - yaml-prettify: - title: Định dạng và làm đẹp YAML - description: Định dạng chuỗi YAML của bạn thành một định dạng dễ đọc và thân thiện với con người. - - eta-calculator: - title: Máy tính ETA - description: Một máy tính ETA (Thời gian dự kiến đến) để biết thời gian kết thúc xấp xỉ của một nhiệm vụ, ví dụ như thời điểm kết thúc của một quá trình tải xuống. - - roman-numeral-converter: - title: Bộ chuyển đổi số La Mã - description: Chuyển đổi số La Mã thành số và chuyển đổi số thành số La Mã. - - hmac-generator: - title: Máy tạo HMAC - description: Tính toán mã xác thực thông điệp dựa trên hash (HMAC) sử dụng một khóa bí mật và hàm băm yêu thích của bạn. - - bip39-generator: - title: Trình tạo BIP39 passphrase - description: Tạo BIP39 passphrase từ mnemonic hiện có hoặc ngẫu nhiên, hoặc lấy mnemonic từ passphrase. - base64-file-converter: - title: Trình chuyển đổi tệp Base64 - description: Chuyển đổi chuỗi, tệp hoặc hình ảnh thành mã Base64. - list-converter: - title: Trình chuyển đổi danh sách - description: Công cụ này có thể xử lý dữ liệu dựa trên cột và áp dụng các thay đổi khác nhau (đảo ngược, thêm tiền tố và hậu tố, đảo danh sách, sắp xếp danh sách, giảm giá trị thành chữ thường, cắt giá trị) cho mỗi hàng. - - base64-string-converter: - title: Trình mã hóa/giải mã chuỗi Base64 - description: Đơn giản mã hóa và giải mã chuỗi thành mã Base64. - toml-to-yaml: - title: Chuyển đổi TOML thành YAML - description: Phân tích và chuyển đổi TOML thành YAML. - - math-evaluator: - title: Trình đánh giá toán học - description: Một máy tính để tính toán biểu thức toán học. Bạn có thể sử dụng các hàm như sqrt, cos, sin, abs, v.v. - - json-to-yaml-converter: - title: Chuyển đổi JSON sang YAML - description: Chuyển đổi đơn giản JSON sang YAML với công cụ chuyển đổi trực tuyến này. - - url-parser: - title: Trình phân tích URL - description: Phân tích một chuỗi URL để lấy tất cả các phần khác nhau (giao thức, nguồn gốc, tham số, cổng, tên người dùng-mật khẩu, ...) - - iban-validator-and-parser: - title: Kiểm tra và phân tích số IBAN - description: Xác thực và phân tích số IBAN. Kiểm tra tính hợp lệ của IBAN và lấy thông tin về quốc gia, BBAN, xem có phải là QR-IBAN và định dạng thân thiện của IBAN. - - user-agent-parser: - title: Trình phân tích User-agent - description: Phát hiện và phân tích trình duyệt, engine, hệ điều hành, CPU và kiểu/mô hình thiết bị từ chuỗi user-agent. - - numeronym-generator: - title: Trình tạo Numeronym - description: Numeronym là một từ mà một số được sử dụng để tạo thành một từ viết tắt. Ví dụ, "i18n" là một numeronym của "internationalization" trong đó số 18 đại diện cho số chữ cái giữa chữ i đầu tiên và chữ n cuối cùng trong từ. - - case-converter: - title: Chuyển đổi chữ hoa/chữ thường - description: Thay đổi kiểu chữ của một chuỗi và chọn giữa các định dạng khác nhau - html-entities: - title: Thay thế các ký tự HTML - description: Thay thế hoặc bỏ thẻ các ký tự HTML (thay thế <,>, &, " và \' thành phiên bản HTML tương ứng) - - json-prettify: - title: Định dạng và làm đẹp JSON - description: Định dạng chuỗi JSON của bạn thành một định dạng dễ đọc và thân thiện với con người. - - docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter: - title: Chuyển đổi lệnh docker run thành tệp docker-compose - description: Chuyển đổi các lệnh docker run thành tệp docker-compose! - - mac-address-lookup: - title: Tra cứu địa chỉ MAC - description: Tìm nhà sản xuất và nhà cung cấp của thiết bị dựa trên địa chỉ MAC. - - mime-types: - title: Loại Mime - description: Chuyển đổi loại mime thành phần mở rộng và ngược lại. - - toml-to-json: - title: Chuyển đổi TOML thành JSON - description: Phân tích và chuyển đổi TOML thành JSON. - - lorem-ipsum-generator: - title: Máy tạo văn bản Lorem ipsum - description: Lorem ipsum là một đoạn văn bản giả được sử dụng phổ biến để thể hiện hình thức của một tài liệu hoặc một kiểu chữ mà không cần dựa vào nội dung có ý nghĩa - - qrcode-generator: - title: Tạo mã QR - description: Tạo và tải xuống mã QR cho một URL hoặc chỉ một đoạn văn bản và tùy chỉnh màu nền và màu chữ. - - wifi-qrcode-generator: - title: Tạo mã QR WiFi - description: Tạo và tải xuống mã QR để kết nối nhanh đến mạng WiFi. - - xml-formatter: - title: Định dạng XML - description: Định dạng chuỗi XML của bạn thành một định dạng dễ đọc và thân thiện với con người. - - temperature-converter: - title: Bộ chuyển đổi nhiệt độ - description: Chuyển đổi độ nhiệt độ cho Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, Delisle, Newton, Réaumur và Rømer. - - chmod-calculator: - title: Máy tính Chmod - description: Tính toán quyền và lệnh chmod của bạn với máy tính Chmod trực tuyến này. - rsa-key-pair-generator: - title: Trình tạo cặp khóa RSA - description: Tạo các chứng chỉ pem khóa riêng tư và khóa công khai RSA ngẫu nhiên mới. - - html-wysiwyg-editor: - title: Trình soạn thảo HTML WYSIWYG - description: Trình soạn thảo HTML trực tuyến với trình soạn thảo WYSIWYG đa chức năng, lấy mã nguồn của nội dung ngay lập tức. - - yaml-to-toml: - title: YAML sang TOML - description: Phân tích và chuyển đổi YAML sang TOML. - - mac-address-generator: - title: Trình tạo địa chỉ MAC - description: Nhập số lượng và tiền tố. Địa chỉ MAC sẽ được tạo ra theo kiểu chữ hoa hoặc chữ thường theo lựa chọn của bạn - - json-diff: - title: So sánh JSON - description: So sánh hai đối tượng JSON và lấy ra sự khác biệt giữa chúng. - - jwt-parser: - title: Giải mã JWT - description: Giải mã và hiển thị nội dung của JSON Web Token (jwt). - - date-converter: - title: Chuyển đổi ngày-tháng - description: Chuyển đổi ngày và thời gian sang các định dạng khác nhau - - phone-parser-and-formatter: - title: Trình phân tích và định dạng số điện thoại - description: Phân tích, xác thực và định dạng số điện thoại. Lấy thông tin về số điện thoại, như mã quốc gia, loại, v.v. - - ipv4-subnet-calculator: - title: Máy tính mạng con IPv4 - description: Phân tích các khối CIDR IPv4 của bạn và nhận thông tin về mạng con của bạn. - - og-meta-generator: - title: Trình tạo meta Open Graph - description: Tạo các thẻ meta HTML Open Graph và mạng xã hội cho trang web của bạn. - - ipv6-ula-generator: - title: Trình tạo địa chỉ IPv6 ULA - description: Tạo địa chỉ IP cục bộ, không thể định tuyến trên mạng của bạn theo RFC4193. - - hash-text: - title: Mã hóa văn bản - description: 'Mã hóa một chuỗi văn bản bằng cách sử dụng các hàm bạn cần: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA224, SHA512, SHA384, SHA3 hoặc RIPEMD160' - json-to-toml: - title: Chuyển đổi JSON sang TOML - description: Phân tích và chuyển đổi JSON sang TOML. - - device-information: - title: Thông tin thiết bị - description: Lấy thông tin về thiết bị hiện tại của bạn (kích thước màn hình, tỷ lệ pixel, user agent, ...) - - pdf-signature-checker: - title: Kiểm tra chữ ký PDF - description: Xác minh chữ ký của một tệp PDF. Một tệp PDF đã được ký có chứa một hoặc nhiều chữ ký có thể được sử dụng để xác định xem nội dung của tệp đã được thay đổi kể từ khi tệp được ký. - - json-minify: - title: Giảm kích thước JSON - description: Giảm kích thước và nén JSON của bạn bằng cách loại bỏ khoảng trắng không cần thiết. - - ulid-generator: - title: Tạo ULID - description: Tạo ngẫu nhiên mã định danh duy nhất có thể sắp xếp theo thứ tự từ điển (ULID). - string-obfuscator: - title: Mã hóa chuỗi - description: Mã hóa một chuỗi (như một bí mật, một IBAN hoặc một mã thông báo) để có thể chia sẻ và nhận dạng mà không tiết lộ nội dung. - - base-converter: - title: Chuyển đổi cơ số số nguyên - description: Chuyển đổi số giữa các cơ số khác nhau (thập phân, thập lục phân, nhị phân, bát phân, base64, ...) - - yaml-to-json-converter: - title: Trình chuyển đổi YAML sang JSON - description: Chuyển đổi YAML sang JSON một cách đơn giản với công cụ chuyển đổi trực tuyến này. - - uuid-generator: - title: Trình tạo UUID - description: Một UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) là một số 128 bit được sử dụng để xác định thông tin trong hệ thống máy tính. Số lượng UUID có thể có là 16^32, tương đương với 2^128 hoặc khoảng 3.4x10^38 (rất lớn!). - - ipv4-address-converter: - title: Chuyển đổi địa chỉ Ipv4 - description: Chuyển đổi địa chỉ ip thành số thập phân, nhị phân, thập lục phân hoặc thậm chí thành ipv6 - - text-statistics: - title: Thống kê văn bản - description: Lấy thông tin về một văn bản, số ký tự, số từ, kích thước của nó, ... - - text-to-nato-alphabet: - title: Chuyển đổi văn bản thành bảng chữ cái NATO - description: Chuyển đổi văn bản thành bảng chữ cái phiên âm NATO để truyền tải bằng miệng. - - basic-auth-generator: - title: Tạo mã xác thực cơ bản - description: Tạo một tiêu đề xác thực cơ bản base64 từ tên người dùng và mật khẩu. - text-to-unicode: - title: Chuyển đổi văn bản thành Unicode - description: Phân tích và chuyển đổi văn bản thành Unicode và ngược lại - - ipv4-range-expander: - title: Mở rộng dải IPv4 - description: Cho một địa chỉ IPv4 bắt đầu và kết thúc, công cụ này tính toán một mạng IPv4 hợp lệ với ký hiệu CIDR của nó. - - text-diff: - title: So sánh văn bản - description: So sánh hai văn bản và xem sự khác biệt giữa chúng. - - otp-generator: - title: Tạo mã OTP - description: Tạo và xác thực mã OTP (mật khẩu một lần) dựa trên thời gian cho xác thực đa yếu tố. - - url-encoder: - title: Mã hóa/giải mã chuỗi định dạng URL - description: Mã hóa thành định dạng URL (còn được gọi là "percent-encoded") hoặc giải mã từ đó. - - text-to-binary: - title: Chuyển đổi văn bản thành nhị phân ASCII - description: Chuyển đổi văn bản thành biểu diễn nhị phân ASCII của nó và ngược lại. diff --git a/locales/zh.yml b/locales/zh.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 9b065682c..000000000 --- a/locales/zh.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ -home: - categories: - newestTools: '最新工具' - favoriteTools: '我的收藏' - allTools: '全部工具' - subtitle: '助力开发人员和 IT 工作者' - toggleMenu: '切换菜单' - home: '主页' - uiLib: 'UI 库' - support: '支持 IT 工具开发' - buyMeACoffee: '赞助' - follow: - title: '关注我们' - p1: '给我们 Star' - githubRepository: 'GitHub 仓库' - p2: '关注我们的' - twitterAccount: 'Twitter' - thankYou: '感谢您的支持!' - nav: - github: 'GitHub 仓库' - githubRepository: 'GitHub 仓库' - twitter: 'Twitter 账号' - twitterAccount: 'Twitter 账号' - about: '关于 IT-Tools' - aboutLabel: '关于' - darkMode: '深色模式' - lightMode: '浅色模式' - mode: '颜色模式' -about: - content: > - # 关于 IT-Tools - - IT-Tools 由 [Corentin Thomasset](https://corentin.tech?utm_source=it-tools&utm_medium=about) 用 ❤ 开发,汇集了对开发人员和 IT 从业者有用的工具。如果对您有帮助,请将其分享给您的朋友,并且添加到收藏夹中! - - IT-Tools 永久免费且开源(MIT 许可证),但需要资金用于托管和续订域名。如果您想支持我的工作,并鼓励我添加更多工具,请考虑通过 [赞助我](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cthmsst) 进行支持。 - - ## 技术 - - IT-Tools 采用 Vue.js(Vue 3)和 Naive UI 组件库开发,并由 Vercel 托管和持续部署。某些工具使用了第三方开源库,您可以在仓库的 [package.json](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/blob/main/package.json) 文件中找到完整的列表。 - - ## 发现了 Bug?缺少工具? - - 如果目前这里没有您需要的工具,并且您认为它可能有用,欢迎在 GitHub 仓库的 [issues](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) 中提交新增功能的请求。 - - 如果您发现了 Bug,或者某些功能未能按预期工作,请在 GitHub 仓库的 [issues](https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/issues/new/choose) 中提交错误报告。 - -404: - notFound: '404 页面不存在' - sorry: '抱歉,该页面似乎不存在' - maybe: '也许缓存出现了一些问题,试试强制刷新页面?' - backHome: '返回主页' -favoriteButton: - remove: '取消收藏' - add: '加入收藏' -toolCard: - new: '新' -search: - label: '搜索' -tools: - categories: - favorite-tools: '我的收藏' - crypto: '加密' - converter: '转换器' - web: Web - images and videos: '图片和视频' - development: '开发' - network: '网络' - math: '数学' - measurement: '测量' - text: '文本' - data: '数据' - - password-strength-analyser: - title: 密码强度分析仪 - description: 使用此密码强度分析器和破解时间估计工具来发现密码的强度。 - - chronometer: - title: 计时器 - description: 监控事物的持续时间。基本上是一种具有简单计时器功能的计时器。 - token-generator: - title: Token 生成器 - description: 使用您想要的字符、大写或小写字母、数字和/或符号生成随机字符串。 - - uppercase: '大写 (ABC...)' - lowercase: '小写 (abc...)' - numbers: '数字 (123...)' - symbols: '符号 (!-;...)' - length: '长度' - tokenPlaceholder: '令牌...' - copied: 复制到剪贴板 - button: - copy: 复制 - refresh: 刷新 - percentage-calculator: - title: 百分比计算器 - description: 轻松计算从一个值到另一个值的百分比,或从百分比到值的百分比。 - - svg-placeholder-generator: - title: SVG 占位符生成器 - description: 生成 svg 图像以用作应用程序中的占位符。 - - json-to-csv: - title: JSON 转 CSV - description: 使用自动标头检测将JSON转换为CSV。 - - camera-recorder: - title: 摄像机记录器 - description: 从网络摄像头或照相机拍摄照片或录制视频。 - - keycode-info: - title: Keycode 信息 - description: 查找任何按下的键的javascript键代码、代码、位置和修饰符。 - - emoji-picker: - title: Emoji 选择器 - description: 轻松复制和粘贴Emoji表情符号,并获得每个表情符号的unicode和code points值. - - color-converter: - title: Color 选择器 - description: 在不同格式(十六进制、rgb、hsl和css名称)之间转换颜色 - bcrypt: - title: 加密 - description: 使用bcrypt对文本字符串进行哈希和比较。Bcrypt是一个基于Blowfish密码的密码哈希函数。 - - crontab-generator: - title: Crontab 表达式生成 - description: 验证并生成crontab,并获取cron调度的可读描述。 - - http-status-codes: - title: HTTP 状态码 - description: 所有HTTP状态的列表对其名称和含义解释。 - - sql-prettify: - title: SQL 美化和格式化 - description: 在线格式化和美化您的 SQL 查询(它支持各种 SQL 方言)。 - - benchmark-builder: - title: 基准生成器 - description: 简单的在线基准构建器可以轻松比较任务的执行时间。 - - git-memo: - title: Git 备忘录 - description: Git是一种去中心化的版本管理软件。使用此备忘单,您可以快速访问最常见的git命令. - - slugify-string: - title: 打乱字符串 - description: 确保字符串 url、文件名和 id 安全。 - - encryption: - title: 加密/解密文本 - description: 使用加密算法(如AES、TripleDES、Rabbit或RC4)加密和解密文本明文。 - - random-port-generator: - title: 随机端口生成 - description: 生成“已知”端口范围(0-1023)之外的随机端口号。 - - yaml-prettify: - title: YAML美化和格式化 - description: 将YAML字符串修饰为友好的可读格式。 - - eta-calculator: - title: ETA 计算器 - description: ETA(估计到达时间)计算器,用于知道任务的近似结束时间,例如下载的结束时刻。 - - roman-numeral-converter: - title: 罗马数字转换器 - description: 将罗马数字转换为数字,并将数字转换为罗马数字。 - - hmac-generator: - title: Hmac 生成器 - description: 使用密钥和您喜欢的哈希函数计算基于哈希的消息身份验证代码(HMAC)。 - - bip39-generator: - title: BIP39密码生成器 - description: 从现有或随机助记符生成BIP39密码短语,或从密码短语获取助记符。 - - base64-file-converter: - title: Base64 文件转换器 - description: 将字符串、文件或图像转换为其 Base64 表示形式。 - list-converter: - title: List 转换器 - description: 该工具可以处理基于数组的数据,并将各种更改(转置、添加前缀和后缀、反向列表、排序列表、小写值、截断值)应用于每一行。 - - base64-string-converter: - title: Base64 字符串编码/解码 - description: 将字符串编码和解码为其 Base64 格式表示形式即可。 - - toml-to-yaml: - title: TOML 到 YAML - description: Parse and convert TOML to YAML. - - math-evaluator: - title: 数学计算器 - description: 计算数学表达式的计算器。您可以使用sqrt、cos、sin、abs等函数。 - - json-to-yaml-converter: - title: JSON到YAML转换器 - description: 在线转换将JSON转换为YAML。 - - url-parser: - title: Url分析器 - description: 解析url字符串以获取所有不同的部分(协议、来源、参数、端口、用户名密码…) - - iban-validator-and-parser: - title: IBAN验证器和解析器 - description: 验证和分析IBAN编号。检查IBAN是否有效,并获取国家BBAN,如果它是QR-IBAN和IBAN友好格式。 - - user-agent-parser: - title: 用户代理分析器 - description: 从用户代理字符串中检测和分析浏览器、引擎、操作系统、CPU和设备类型/型号。 - - numeronym-generator: - title: 数字名称生成器 - description: 数字名是一个用数字构成缩写的词。例如,“i18n”是“国际化”的名词,其中18表示单词中第一个i和最后一个n之间的字母数。 - - case-converter: - title: 大小写转换 - description: 更改字符串的大小写并在不同格式之间进行选择 - - html-entities: - title: 转义html实体 - description: 转义或unescape html实体(将<、>、&、“和\'替换为其html版本) - - json-prettify: - title: JSON美化和格式化 - description: 将JSON字符串修饰为友好的可读格式。 - - docker-run-to-docker-compose-converter: - title: Docker Run 到 docker-compose 转换器 - description: 将 docker run 命令行转换为 docker-compose 文件! - - mac-address-lookup: - title: MAC地址查找 - description: 通过设备的MAC地址查找设备的供应商和制造商。 - - mime-types: - title: mime类型 - description: 将mime类型转换为扩展,反之亦然。 - - toml-to-json: - title: TOML 到 JSON - description: 解析TOML并将其转换为JSON。 - - lorem-ipsum-generator: - title: Lorem ipsum生成器 - description: Lorem ipsum是一种占位符文本,通常用于演示文档或字体的视觉形式,而不依赖于有意义的内容 - - qrcode-generator: - title: 二维码生成器 - description: 生成并下载url或文本的QR代码,并自定义背景和前景颜色。 - - wifi-qrcode-generator: - title: WiFi 二维码生成器 - description: 生成和下载QR码以快速连接到WiFi网络。 - - xml-formatter: - title: XML 格式化 - description: 将XML字符串修饰为友好的可读格式。 - - temperature-converter: - title: 温度转换器 - description: 开尔文、摄氏度、华氏度、兰金、德莱尔、牛顿、雷奥穆尔和罗默温度度数转换。 - - chmod-calculator: - title: Chmod 计算器 - description: 使用此在线的chmod计算器计算chmod权限和命令。 - - rsa-key-pair-generator: - title: RSA密钥对生成器 - description: 生成新的随机RSA私钥和公钥pem证书。 - - html-wysiwyg-editor: - title: HTML所见即所得编辑器 - description: 在线HTML编辑器具有功能丰富的所见即所得编辑器,立即获得内容的源代码。 - - yaml-to-toml: - title: YAML 到 TOML - description: 解析YAML并将其转换为TOML。 - - mac-address-generator: - title: MAC 地址生成器 - description: 输入数量和前缀。MAC地址将以您选择的大小写(大写或小写)生成 - - json-diff: - title: JSON 差异比较 - description: 比较两个JSON对象并获得它们之间的差异。 - jwt-parser: - title: JWT 解析器 - description: 解析和解码JSON Web Token(jwt)并显示其内容。 - - date-converter: - title: 日期时间转换器 - description: 将日期和时间转换为各种不同的格式 - - phone-parser-and-formatter: - title: 电话分析器和格式化程序 - description: 解析、验证和格式化电话号码。获取有关电话号码的信息,如国家/地区代码、类型等。 - - ipv4-subnet-calculator: - title: IPv4子网计算器 - description: 解析IPv4 CIDR块,并获取有关子网络的所有所需信息。 - - og-meta-generator: - title: 开放式图形元生成器 - description: 为您的网站生成开放式图形和社交html元标记。 - - ipv6-ula-generator: - title: IPv6 ULA生成器 - description: 根据RFC4193在网络上生成您自己的本地不可路由IP地址。 - - hash-text: - title: Hash 文本 - description: '使用所需的函数哈希文本字符串:MD5、SHA1、SHA256、SHA224、SHA512、SHA384、SHA3或RIPEMD160' - - json-to-toml: - title: JSON 转 TOML - description: 解析JSON并将其转换为TOML。 - - device-information: - title: 设备信息 - description: 获取有关当前设备的信息(屏幕大小、像素比率、用户代理…) - - pdf-signature-checker: - title: PDF签名检查器 - description: '验证PDF文件的签名。签名的PDF文件包含一个或多个签名,可用于确定文件的内容在签名后是否已被更改。' - - json-minify: - title: JSON 压缩 - description: 通过删除不必要的空白来缩小和压缩JSON。 - - ulid-generator: - title: ULID 生成器 - description: 生成随机的通用唯一词典可排序标识符(ULID)。 - - string-obfuscator: - title: 字符串混淆器 - description: 混淆字符串(如秘密、IBAN 或令牌),使其可共享和可识别,而不泄露其内容。 - - base-converter: - title: 整数基转换器 - description: 在不同的基数(十进制、十六进制、二进制、八进制、base64…)之间转换数字 - - yaml-to-json-converter: - title: YAML到JSON转换器 - description: 使用此在线转换器将YAML转换为JSON。 - - uuid-generator: - title: UUIDs 生成器 - description: 通用唯一标识符(UUID)是一个128位数字,用于标识计算机系统中的信息。可能的UUID数量为16^32,即2^128或约3.4x10^38(这是一个很大的数字!)。 - - ipv4-address-converter: - title: Ipv4地址转换器 - description: 在ipv6中,将ip地址转换为十进制、二进制、十六进制或事件 - - text-statistics: - title: 文本统计 - description: 获取有关文本、字符数、字数、大小等的信息 - - text-to-nato-alphabet: - title: 文本转北约字母表 - description: 将文本转换为北约拼音字母以进行口头传播。 - - basic-auth-generator: - title: 基本身份验证生成器 - description: 从用户名和密码生成 base64 基本身份验证标头。 - - text-to-unicode: - title: 文本转 Unicode - description: 解析文本并将其转换为 unicode,反之亦然 - - ipv4-range-expander: - title: IPv4范围扩展器 - description: 给定起始和结束IPv4地址,此工具使用其CIDR表示法计算有效的IPv4网络。 - - text-diff: - title: 文本比较 - description: 比较两个文本并查看它们之间的差异。 - - otp-generator: - title: OTP代码生成器 - description: 为多因素身份验证生成和验证基于时间的OTP(一次性密码)。 - - url-encoder: - title: 编码/解码url格式的字符串 - description: 编码为url编码格式(也称为“百分比编码”)或从中解码。 - - text-to-binary: - title: 文本到 ASCII 二进制 - description: 将文本转换为其 ASCII 二进制表示形式,反之亦然。 diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml deleted file mode 100644 index b87b8d3dd..000000000 --- a/netlify.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -[[redirects]] - from = "/*" - to = "/index.html" - status = 200 diff --git a/nginx.conf b/nginx.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 1a30e15e4..000000000 --- a/nginx.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -server { - listen 80; - server_name localhost; - root /usr/share/nginx/html; - index index.html; - - location / { - try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 8a1c069f1..18c8509e0 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,150 +1,15 @@ { - "name": "it-tools", - "version": "2024.5.13-a0bc346", - "packageManager": "pnpm@8.15.3", - "description": "Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX. ", - "author": "Corentin Th (https://corentin.tech)", - "license": "GNU GPLv3", + "name": "@it-tools/root", + "version": "0.0.0", + "description": "IT Tools monorepo root", + "scripts": { + "dev": "pnpm -F @it-tools/app dev" + }, + "keywords": [], + "author": "Corentin Thomasset (https://corentin.tech)", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools" }, - "keywords": [ - "productivity", - "converter", - "website", - "vuejs", - "tools", - "frontend", - "tool", - "developer-tools", - "developer-productivity" - ], - "scripts": { - "dev": "vite", - "build": "vue-tsc --noEmit && NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 vite build", - "preview": "vite preview --port 5050", - "test": "npm run test:unit", - "test:unit": "vitest --environment jsdom", - "test:e2e": "playwright test", - "test:e2e:dev": "BASE_URL=http://localhost:5173 NO_WEB_SERVER=true playwright test", - "coverage": "vitest run --coverage", - "typecheck": "vue-tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.vitest.json --composite false", - 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14.9%; + --input: 0 0% 14.9%; + --ring: 0 0% 83.1%; + } + + + * { + @apply border-border; + } + body { + @apply bg-background text-foreground; + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/app/src/client-routes.tsx b/packages/app/src/client-routes.tsx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b17ec2f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/client-routes.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import type { LocaleKey } from './modules/i18n/i18n.types'; +import { A, Navigate, type RouteDefinition, useParams } from '@solidjs/router'; +import { map } from 'lodash-es'; +import { localeKeys, locales } from './modules/i18n/i18n.constants'; +import { getBrowserLocale, useI18n } from './modules/i18n/i18n.provider'; +import { HomePage } from './modules/pages/home.page'; +import { ToolPage } from './modules/tools/pages/tool.page'; +import { toolSlugs } from './modules/tools/tools.registry'; +import { Button } from './modules/ui/components/button'; +import { AppLayout } from './modules/ui/layouts/app.layout'; + +export const routes: RouteDefinition[] = [ + { + path: '/', + component: () => { + const { getLocale } = useI18n(); + + return ; + }, + }, + { + path: '/', + component: AppLayout, + children: [ + { + path: '/:localeKey', + matchFilters: { + localeKey: localeKeys, + }, + component: (props) => { + const params = useParams(); + const { setLocale } = useI18n(); + + setLocale(params.localeKey as LocaleKey); + + return props.children; + }, + children: [ + { + path: '/', + component: HomePage, + }, + { + path: '/:toolSlug', + matchFilters: { + toolSlug: toolSlugs, + }, + component: ToolPage, + }, + ], + }, + { + path: '*404', + component: () => ( +

Page Not Found


The page you are looking for does not exist.


Please check the URL and try again.

+ +
+ ), + }, + ], + }, + +]; diff --git a/packages/app/src/client.tsx b/packages/app/src/client.tsx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e30c95142 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/client.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* @refresh reload */ + +import { ColorModeProvider, ColorModeScript, createLocalStorageManager } from '@kobalte/core/color-mode'; +import { Router } from '@solidjs/router'; +import { render, Suspense } from 'solid-js/web'; +import { routes } from './client-routes'; +import { RootI18nProvider } from './modules/i18n/i18n.provider'; +import '@unocss/reset/tailwind.css'; +import 'virtual:uno.css'; +import './app.css'; + +render( + () => { + const initialColorMode = 'system'; + const colorModeStorageKey = 'it_tools_color_mode'; + const localStorageManager = createLocalStorageManager(colorModeStorageKey); + + return ( + ( + + + + +
+ )} + /> + ); + }, + document.getElementById('root')!, +); diff --git a/packages/app/src/locales/en.json b/packages/app/src/locales/en.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae75d14be --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/locales/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{ + "app": { + "title": "IT-Tools", + "description": "The open-source collection of handy online tools to help developers in their daily life." + }, + "navbar": { + "theme": { + "theme": "Theme", + "light-mode": "Light mode", + "dark-mode": "Dark mode", + "system-mode": "System" + }, + "language": "Language", + "contribute-to-i18n": "Contribute to i18n", + "github": "GitHub", + "support": "Support IT-Tools", + "report-bug": "Report a bug" + }, + "home": { + "all-tools": "All the tools", + "open-source": "Open Source", + "free": "Free", + "self-hostable": "Self-hostable" + }, + "tools": { + "token-generator": { + "name": "Token Generator", + "description": "Generate random string with the characters you want, uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and/or symbols." + } + } +} diff --git a/packages/app/src/locales/fr.json b/packages/app/src/locales/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1bd1b8ce --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/locales/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "app": { + "title": "IT-Tools", + "description": "La collection open-source d'outils en ligne pour aider les devs dans leur vie quotidienne." + } +} diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.constants.ts b/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.constants.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0c46e53e --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.constants.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { map } from 'lodash-es'; + +export const locales = [ + { + key: 'en', + file: 'en', + name: 'English', + }, + { + key: 'fr', + file: 'fr', + name: 'Français', + }, +] as const; + +export const localeKeys = map(locales, 'key'); diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.provider.tsx b/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.provider.tsx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..325c005a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.provider.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +import type { ParentComponent } from 'solid-js'; +import type { LocaleKey } from './i18n.types'; +import * as i18n from '@solid-primitives/i18n'; +import { makePersisted } from '@solid-primitives/storage'; +import { merge } from 'lodash-es'; +import { createContext, createResource, createSignal, Show, useContext } from 'solid-js'; +import defaultDict from '../../locales/en.json'; +import { locales } from './i18n.constants'; + +export { + useI18n, +}; + +type RawDictionary = typeof defaultDict; +type Dictionary = i18n.Flatten; + +const RootI18nContext = createContext<{ + t: i18n.Translator; + getLocale: () => LocaleKey; + setLocale: (locale: LocaleKey) => void; + locales: typeof locales; +} | undefined>(undefined); + +function useI18n() { + const context = useContext(RootI18nContext); + + if (!context) { + throw new Error('I18n context not found'); + } + + const { t, getLocale, setLocale, locales } = context; + + return { + t, + getLocale, + setLocale, + locales, + }; +} + +async function fetchDictionary(locale: LocaleKey): Promise { + const dict: RawDictionary = (await import(`../../locales/${locale}.json`)); + const mergedDict = merge({}, defaultDict, dict); + const flattened = i18n.flatten(mergedDict); + + return flattened; +} + +export function getBrowserLocale(): LocaleKey { + const browserLocale = navigator.language?.split('-')[0]; + + if (!browserLocale) { + return 'en'; + } + + return locales.find(locale => locale.key === browserLocale)?.key ?? 'en'; +} + +export const RootI18nProvider: ParentComponent = (props) => { + const browserLocale = getBrowserLocale(); + const [getLocale, setLocale] = makePersisted(createSignal(browserLocale), { name: 'it_tools_locale', storage: localStorage }); + + const [dict] = createResource(getLocale, fetchDictionary); + + return ( + + {dict => ( + + {props.children} + + )} + + ); +}; diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.types.ts b/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.types.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4f46d070 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/i18n/i18n.types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import type { locales } from './i18n.constants'; + +export type LocaleKey = typeof locales[number]['key']; + + diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/pages/home.page.tsx b/packages/app/src/modules/pages/home.page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..725e20037 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/pages/home.page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +import type { Component } from 'solid-js'; +import { A } from '@solidjs/router'; +import { useI18n } from '../i18n/i18n.provider'; +import { useToolsStore } from '../tools/tools.store'; +import { Badge } from '../ui/components/badge'; +import { Button } from '../ui/components/button'; +import { Card, CardContent, CardDescription, CardHeader, CardTitle } from '../ui/components/card'; +import { cn } from '../ui/utils/cn'; + +export const HomePage: Component = () => { + const { t } = useI18n(); + const { tools } = useToolsStore(); + + return ( +
+ +
+ + {t('home.open-source')} + + + + {t('home.free')} + + + + {t('home.self-hostable')} + +

+ IT + TOOLS +

+ +

+ {t('app.description')} +

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + ); +}; diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/locales/en.json b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/locales/en.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a19810e44 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/locales/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "uppercase": "Uppercase letters (A-Z)", + "lowercase": "Lowercase letters (a-z)", + "numbers": "Numbers (0-9)", + "symbols": "Special characters (!@#...)", + "length": "Length", + "result-placeholder": "Your token will appear here" +} diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/locales/fr.json b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/locales/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf68c7518 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/locales/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "uppercase": "Lettres majuscules (A-Z)", + "lowercase": "Lettres minuscules (a-z)", + "numbers": "Chiffres (0-9)", + "symbols": "Caractères spéciaux (!@#...)", + "length": "Longueur", + "result-placeholder": "Le token apparaîtra ici" +} diff --git a/src/tools/token-generator/token-generator.service.ts b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/token-generator.models.ts similarity index 56% rename from src/tools/token-generator/token-generator.service.ts rename to packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/token-generator.models.ts index f928a4156..a33e0993b 100644 --- a/src/tools/token-generator/token-generator.service.ts +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/token-generator.models.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { shuffleString } from '@/utils/random'; +import { sample as sampleImpl, times } from 'lodash-es'; export function createToken({ withUppercase = true, @@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ export function createToken({ withSymbols = false, length = 64, alphabet, + sample = sampleImpl, }: { - withUppercase?: boolean - withLowercase?: boolean - withNumbers?: boolean - withSymbols?: boolean - length?: number - alphabet?: string + withUppercase?: boolean; + withLowercase?: boolean; + withNumbers?: boolean; + withSymbols?: boolean; + length?: number; + alphabet?: string; + sample?: (str: string) => string; }) { const allAlphabet = alphabet ?? [ withUppercase ? 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ' : '', @@ -22,5 +24,5 @@ export function createToken({ withSymbols ? '.,;:!?./-"\'#{([-|\\@)]=}*+' : '', ].join(''); - return shuffleString(allAlphabet.repeat(length)).substring(0, length); + return times(length, () => sample(allAlphabet)).join(''); } diff --git a/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/token-generator.page.tsx b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/token-generator.page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa896e2d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/app/src/modules/tools/definitions/token-generator/token-generator.page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import { Switch, SwitchControl, SwitchLabel, SwitchThumb } from '@/modules/ui/components/switch'; +import { TextArea } from '@/modules/ui/components/textarea'; +import { TextFieldRoot } from '@/modules/ui/components/textfield'; +import { type Component, createSignal } from 'solid-js'; +import { useCurrentTool } from '../../tools.provider'; +import defaultDictionary from './locales/en.json'; +import { createToken } from './token-generator.models'; + +const TokenGeneratorTool: Component = () => { + const [getUseUpperCase, setUseUpperCase] = createSignal(true); + const [getUseLowerCase, setUseLowerCase] = createSignal(true); + const [getUseNumbers, setUseNumbers] = createSignal(true); + const [getUseSpecialCharacters, setUseSpecialCharacters] = createSignal(false); + const [getLength] = createSignal(64); + + const { t } = useCurrentTool({ defaultDictionary }); + + const getToken = () => createToken({ + withUppercase: getUseUpperCase(), + withLowercase: getUseLowerCase(), + withNumbers: getUseNumbers(), + withSymbols: getUseSpecialCharacters(), + length: getLength(), + }); + + return ( +
+ + + + + + {t('uppercase')} + + + + + + + + + {t('lowercase')} + + + + + + + + + {t('numbers')} + + + + + + + + + {t('symbols')} + + + + +