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59 lines (50 loc) · 4.79 KB


[2.0.0] - 2023-02-04

Here we write upgrading notes for brands. It's a team effort to make them as straightforward as possible.

New Features

  • Function application_local_state to read the local state of an account relating to a deployed application
  • Function group_transaction to send group transactions
  • Removed ProgramStore class and replaced it with deploy_smart_contract which the user would call directly in a user-defined fixture to retrieve the smart contract app ID for testing
  • Implemented support for group transactions to hold both Transaction and LogicSigTransaction
  • Support ASA operations with the following transaction operations create_asset, destroy_asset, update_asset, freeze_asset, transfer_asset, opt_in_asset and close_out_asset.
  • Implemented asset related utility functions asset_balance and asset_info.
  • Support multi-signature transaction with the multisig_transaction transaction operation.
  • Implemented a SmartContractAccount entity to hold the address of a smart contract as an AlgoUser.
  • Utilize the KMD to access account private keys of the sandbox.
  • AlgoPytest user entities implement a name field for a more human-friendly debugging and logging experience
  • Implemented a TxnElemsContext context manager which alters all transaction operations to return an unsent transaction object rather than send the transaction.
  • Implemented a TxnIDContext context manager which alters all transaction operations to return the txn_id associated with the sent transaction.
  • Functions create_app and create_compiled_app are int sub-classed context managers that may be used in a with clause or cleaned up manually with delete_app.
  • Function create_asset returns an int sub-classed context manager that can handle clean up within a with clause.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed typing subscripts to be compatible with Python 3.8
  • The application_local_state no longer fails when attempting to read a deleted local field.

Other Changes

  • Inputs which accept PyTEAL directly take the pyteal.Expr and not a function which generates a pyteal.Expr
  • Renamed the group_elem function to a more generic txn_name since this function applies also to smart signatures and multi-signature transactions, not solely group transactions.
  • All transaction operations take all possible parameters, even the less commonly used ones.
  • The AlgoPytest API accepts AlgoUser as a user input anywhere whenever an address is requested.
  • Sped up the AlgoPytest test suite runtime by caching the _initial_funds_account.
  • Altered arguments of smart_signature_transaction to accept transaction tuple
  • Replaced simply print with a proper logging.logger in the transaction_boilerplate decorator.
  • Migrated code to support py-algorand-sdk v2.0.0

Documentation Changes

  • Completed the docstrings for every exported function and class.
  • Introduced the type alias SignerTxnPairT to make the output of transaction operations less confusing.
  • Divided the API documentation into subsections for easier referencing.
  • Expanded list of demo projects in the demos.rst documentation page.
  • Replaced mdash html code in with UTF8 mdash so that sphinx displays it correctly
  • Organize subsection in documentation linking to key Pytest topics essential to AlgoPytest.
  • Removed non-working search and index links at the bottom of the sphinx index page.

[1.0.0] - 2022-02-09

The first release of AlgoPytest. Includes many functions to write usable tests as well as a good foundation to expand this library

New Features

  • File includes functions which facilitate the creation, funding and defunding of an Algorand User within this framework
  • File includes all sorts of functions which ultimately interact with either algod or the indexer. Functions include sending transaction, reading the applications' global state, compiling PyTEAL source, etc.
  • File holds a class _ConfigParams for reading environment variables to configure AlgoPytest
  • File holds a class AlgoUser defining an Algorand User within this framework
  • File defines a few fixtures which automatically are available in a Pytest test suite when AlgoPytest is installed. They mainly focus on creating test users and a fresh smart contract
  • File holds a class _ProgramStore which stores all of the necessary details required to deploy the smart contract to be tested
  • File includes functions which help send various transaction types such as Application call to Payment transaction into the network.
  • File holds any custom types used in type annotating AlgoPytest