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Darku edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 7 revisions

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Is SAC free to use?

A: Yes, SAC is completely free to use in meaning of both freedom and price, as long as you do not violate the terms of the Gnu General Public License.

Q: Is SAC compatible with pocketmine's native AntiCheat?

A: Yes, absolutely.

Q: Is SAC compatible with forks of PMMP?

A: Its possible to install SAC on forks of PMMP, however in this case there is no guarantee for SAC to work correctly.

Q: Is SAC perfocmance friendly and able to run on huge servers?

A: SAC's development is not priorized on performance but on functionallity. It should run well on small servers but on huge ones it can generate high CPU/Memory usage, therefor requires a strong server hardware.

Q: Why does SAC protect me from cheats PMMP already covered?

A: SAC's alternate Speed/Fly/NoClip checks are ment to be able to both supplement and replace pocketmine's native checks. It can harden you server against bypasses or replace PMMP's AntiCheat if it's Glitchy for you. Additionally, it is not possible to make a proper AntiClimb and AntiGlide without having an own, independent fly check.

Q: Why is the KillAura check so complicated?

A: Modern KillAuras don't fall for simple Angle or FakeEntity checks any more. Therefor advanced Heuristics are needed in order to detect them.

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